The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 19, 1958, Image 1

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    the j-
See Page 3
rtd 19 i93&irl7e
Page 2
Vol. 32. No. 3-
Lincoln, Nebraska
Wednesday, February 19, 1958
it n)fi) A Pf A TVf
Book Exchange Takes
$45 Loss Iii Operations
Alpha Phi Omega Memlers
Hope Xext Year More Successful
The Erst asaual! CtttTerstty Kv& ss aco"3 to a twis cost by th
xchar. bas suffered a ksss ot sivx, the exchange added ccuj
aowevhs to Jack Kisg, pre- t$ cents, wtka catered wsss
siest cf Alpha Ftti 03si. sjva-
avT f tr. eperas.
Wth high bet so EVC"T
hailir,g the sa.
Bayers tweght bocks at a fcwr
cost than at book stores, since the
tr Alpha Fia OnaefAs hair a' profit to the exchange was not
ready begtsa coessierass.'o cf saexs'las great as that of cvrreial
jrir 5 exchange losses ertacisSastoi.
suffered. Kifcg ssased. I it. Dm Martia. spemsor cf
TV AFQ- wit Scssieat,, the twuk pocf, sail Tuesday that
Cx3x psnaasaoo V reassysa ' sit thttdes th project is a Try
tvsjcosalbiy fcc Si 14 fall wa- gvvd iita.
tare, SLssg caaasecaed, J -I beieve that Ext year if we
TV yeara exciiasg haadjedl 3W are f.m a besser kvatwn Joe lis
Rvks wash a fetal Talse f STS tVvifc sjtie. shall have a nsxi
lr $. wvctia f sMvJvaii$, better pvartxspasisa. TVs skjAkss
lrt iud. I: whs dhi sell ttStir bxis there tht$
rw mv sCja both brae.:"" SmuoI that they were sb
News Editor
A4iratis fr Daily Nearss
kaa its editor May a
tatse at Dr. Kakert CraatiNws
Rkf, Bsrsett 31.
tatrfTtrvs will a WW la ta
I'aiMi at 1 pjm. Frtdajr, Dr.
Craafr stat4.
The aws edir racaarr was
rrratrd aM Bk trvlaad was
U l annfrsily DinsNa af Stadel
Five Nebraska Typicals
Picked For Coed Follies
Misses Lichtenberger, Chapman, Beechner
McDonald, Humphrey Chosen By Judges
if Cae-se,
II Aiary jicam, jjasor in Arts
iOi$ Scawsofs, Jls ba siaaai ts
wyiac Bcb lr-
Womans Confab
rs asii c'rs sr t pevflt fcvra fit iiwr jetot Shis
.. , sSjiS fcat B&ary bmst jts5wwini . .
- " j, jt. .lui i;rpi-
-" - Sew to S.V sea-
T 1 a PaJMUt ft. asi awe ssaienfis Bil E:aJ s
Ilia: jCaas Ian bwn anaoe. t;a
j:& t4 aai i3 S a sanress bhs" A2au$ -
Vat Sar siKs jrTs es-';8 stsrT 886
CanSc!at v3 Swi al tj aowrcio: wisi c! awsMsu CskcksI ejaaa IUsa Xtiy fee
SKar' . tea. Si Wa v2 Si ta t- txs as
Seai5 OEcwway C c s gsaiiiirf rtort is ti s3iia frwJ to IR ar Inciaai; 2,t for
wfOBieft fciaai aX nftKaant ft tajjy. jjTorai X2, pewssat CouaciS awsaa.
r a3 fiaer Xirsia cnltepes j JCioi Ttespere, mtaiiwr ff AFO, 55 fcr Stra Jtes, fwsssat
fcai iartti a axsena 1 1 ' ft ex.-iicf. Jits y4cr. Be : CcaadS acir: 38 Sar FVi
retail nu-fi 3 rrf39iJ fcr cvtmuniesa ';BatOKr. i tx Eja S&ks. tt ;
Dt" Ijwi IncsiM :nis1ru W V .i-r. XfeTLT StcItlW 55 .-! Svi''ni Jl
Hirikii mil Sue
Five girls were selected as finalists for Ideal Ne
braska Coed Tuesday evening.
They are Jan iicfctenberger, Judy Chapman. Sharon
McDonald. Dorothy Beechner and Georgann Hamphrev.
The Ideal Nebraska Coed will be announced at "the
pneseotataca of Ccc F&I&s March
! w.
Miss Iic!sctrjifr ttaa a TJi t
erae. ts a BsrEbr of Afca
Laatbdi DSta, Pi Lazrbda Tita.
aod CNeUsa Fta AIp6a. She is sec-mary-rasiarr
of t Iatsr. Jia
is pas; TlIce-pressicI aai pieige
trajcier of Deka Ifla Deia socw
icy, on XTCWA 5or cbairosaa
r , " f k ibda xbr
Tickets On Sale
Tktets ttr Cte4 Fatlws ar
fr ptretm. TWy gm m sal
ia ta Vaia twday. SaVrt arc
prUy SiS m ia ta r
Caao4 ass. Dwvatowa sales
i9 a at GU"s . efartnteat
Star aai win start Moaday.
Kuember cf Prescy Sous, aod a
past Ivy Day ?.
Mis Ctipma has a T.t aver
age, is tretsurr B&Mk&, sec-
Tbeta Saaa Pti, mettcbw ci tb
Spetcit aai Heamt? dais, sad! ac-
Judy Ciwpman and Sandra Shoe?,
Alpha Phi.
Pby'JLss Williamsca sad Sharon
itcDottald. Kapipa Kappa Gamma;
Ami Kkkstermaa aad Reba Kirm
Chi Omega; Ardyce Haricg aad
Elizabeth Smith, Zeta Tan Alpha;
SaiwJra KoIIy and Carol Frank.
Sigma Delta Taa; Socdra Lee aad
Marciia Bodec, Alpha X: Delta;
Dorothy Beechaer and Lois LaRue
Alpha Chi Omesra; Paula Roehr
tass and Kay itari Smarts. Sig
ma Kappa; Karea Kraejer aisd
Pttyt Socaer, Alpha Oraea Pi;
Jan Sarecer, Lor ileiaorial KaX
Judges wrc: DocaJd OIiscc, de
hate coach: Hiss ilary Jean Mul
Taaey, AWS Adriscf; Mass Els
Girarria jcrcnty.
Stadeal t'mttM
ILss BehDef has a
i . ore .J 9
fcTtty chairxaa ci Kapa Kappa : " ItTr MVa
Sara Hoasa. president of AITS:
1 Karen Drydea, Tsc-presidnt of
mary of pa st" . sh i. p treasurer of Cd p
secretary ef A3pha Pht sorcrrT, ssudent raxts. secooi Txe-presi- J sets be pre
BQ3DNer of FS Laa'ia Theca h:st-' Wai of AiAa Chi Orne-ra s3corijT i 1 Fo&es "A Veil
ecry aad aa Itj Cuy aaneadaaa. . memfcer cf the Scriv? Dar Ceo-'!T Pnatd! by th Alpha
. a mEiber ef the Spring But Ceo-:
Miss McDccaji ts& a 1.3 aer- sral Csni3Jt:e aad aa Itj Day'
. S5Se w a CfeikQ ivaai Ccrs-' Ccirt sceaafier. I
fcsutow E.Ki.tjTrig i:cr. mecaher Miss Haaaphrer hx$ a S-.9 xr-
I erae. St as ac Red Crws board. I
6 presaiecE ef Tasseis. on S p r i m g
I Day Cectral CoE2jt:, asemher j
j ef Aiisa Laxbit Deia, presideatl!
cf Kappa Deia sororjty atl as
Itt Day Court tBeraber.
String Quartet
Goes Deutsch
FhikS, has as sts maim tbet th
tsnTeiiiag of the Moslena vwnem.
Three reporters Spam th Ctsted!
Ssates enewxai this actisai- Skat
nsastef is Joan Rha.
The Tri Deks will present "Hark
Hark th Ark or Forty Damp
Days," which ieals with Noah, his
wife, and the n?m.H, Mrs. Noah
does not waat to leave her bridg
ehth and get oq the ark and finally
they all reach the promised land.
Skitmaster is Gieoda Klioe.
"Paaic ia th PSasa is th Del
ta Gamma's skit, ft is s satire
of EJaise aad her encounters with
RuDcan Dines, who come to rats
the pkza. R-jth Adaros is siutmas
ter. There are four TraTeiers Aas
in the Coed Follies.
The Kappa .Uphs Theta Quartet
will preseet -Blues Medley. Ths
opartet cooststs of Helot Hocks
bout. Dully Swift. Prodi Mor
row aad Gayle Peidie.
It Kappa Alpha Tbeta Duet of
Prudie Morrow and Edie Morrov
will do a s;rg and dance routine
called Xwiph Appeal.
Town Quo w-Jl present a skit,
"Kaggedy Ann and Andy. Skit
master is Pat Beckmaa. The set
wO consist of about ) girls doing
s socg and dance skat.
"Mesne Fun than s will be
the Alpha Omicroa Pi skit, direct
ed by Marge Rohwer. ft will be
The Gaaima Phi Betaa wi3 pre-! ? 03 nsKre 11111 laa
sect -Xauiiacal V3rd" th sr:v-r TS-
Cf spetsa. itisereac vJS b r
?c4es ley Bi:9" PrjeS,jj xus weisrls ejrftiki was 5-;,f3T Mijj-a Eiiif-ierrT, asai St &sr
irswisirr f She tJaJsoS SfciL AS-lraad in R.aana X Chub. ijSriiara Laa MjEaSSe.
s ihto will be Sine erjs cf
pajKiis iof inparttnte to woaiesc
elua wacta as snake us ff Sibear
ttoUfpt edtira.uoiL. The names f
tJ panels ace -Bam, Cfirew.
Crtanaanitj' Csa Ta HcnrTje Al
Itor -TCThia is Tot Sjfl is
Concert Thursday
f a giii wisa does nut Hike
AZ fine Ecaists are jucaors.
Caoiidates were Ber TrT,:. tajaacy BeHsrfaer.
Ssh. but weatuaZr tv xji aaa hdto pre sro-
f-.v- -r TS pcs rer a sens sna erst am
Aiinarimr to Caaat3l rsifs sop-
I sfittt is oregTRiioftil 117 si jtcaa-::
ir f vice rsaewl ia Si jxw-
oKts Catonii! eltfiRxmu
Thu C2iBiirii Wur1?" sad "'D
Yaur tocribicww EgaiJ Tit
The eamffffieao wvX bftra wii
SoImik Talks
Erst ao a sunt ff iaSa
meaniiitl jcscrxsis sa:isa;ri !w rj. Jf Ca
raska Ch tS sihe -,''
Med Application
souad foimrSsr?
JttTs :
wiiirft si tana "Vibasiier uKaue-
secocii in travelinr act comoeo-
f Gasrraam Hjpiey. Kappa Deis; I -Jansbifdirr' is she tatl ef the ' r.-. ,-,f Tt r.w t--k
f a ma wjuicu t4imajuc aajowiog
Si Xi
AmeriratB Assacifiliati if Cttrej- : j ; rts. aSr r
! scy Praffissars was Ibtaa rfsre1-' eiiu ae tuk si Mdtaal CoS
Ifiiy eveninf in 51 Exam. ijif Aasmsswa Tes jeatmrej f
fejcraaaa n si aam S"3'" Cnn?cwllf-r. was She SeBtswS a appBcacwn fjnas be-
w JIuaB " r-' , ii Ja- the April 3i ai3ime, sjc
cder f tie cay w be- ; Soma: araaaa ihe pohcH. 'j ar. Bi-ame BrlE, jresxteiiraw
U Ja- AAares tT aUlepeiaiinns and f nals cf Si Cump- j sSrisar.
PrteH,, iCQfe-" OSice. .j ApplitBuaE Sanns, sa-rrqw ae-
1 it rang writ f i0 ' CongodBera Office nnsy he I liiiarmKaac wLjdi cris dwauk
Karea Petersen sal Barb Messcx j Alph Xi Dela"$ It is s saaire
IK- TZf VN..-. IT.W ..t TU2. mi . .
ias Lje rwi . , . . , . t - . , . .
w "wa utsi VewaEjr. Gax-raa Pht Beta; The ssjry cf Poodso th hsccit ' T-velT e2ah harf-?. w-Tl .
ktestfBas-As-j 1 SKKf-raasi aad th Bay- a is " tteUMVel4s Coed win b.
ff 55 da FZ aid Dorothy based on si dec- ad 2 ad crcwtSLSl
, - .: . j J- JMW
kit nrf-t ta Kaat aatasac "
ox ts s rxs" cr jirji.T-iSg. So:h; 1 fII 1 " T TT77 .
tod tt si ha Miller s trorKUii Whitman
"jTk.tslt ja Eortx. .he saaJ sat
Launched Literary Career
pas. Thirs put-
suss as si aliicT ff si idiisj- 1 As a rssui Or. JOc,
urt She EscaJ tmerBtinns id the ! ttlet be oitaiMifl irans T nTi ii Eifias to sx shesawCnes 39 ai hs cKrtr as a wraer. 2js fss;
if pus-1 sumnuc vp s aauprnx: 10 yfr-;ar-tn inri ana admhuscratiaii
cf she 3CCCHS w9 the ssasae wss
pSayed oe&ersziaei sic sx cf st
S- i "ifr farst jriiaaj co-arse arw stciciyafs as a Its: wiia
Fur anssriarwgia, she irss aid hreuixiE aa ceesc ia WHr-t;- p;KS teniftl to be y4.-rr:j:t
seoaai TOins, she vjcit ao si that wasilt exsly iirsiei. so-i -1 waris-J as y h:i far aer
c3a, ar nw;g,Ty Si hss Jar szus Dr. Jaa E. MUkr. ef e-j; years, -.----r -iTScif is jej
i. am a so frap ca ta- SJsr cirrtfci. cere. sr rsri:f sa si "-i-i-.-
..a-.-i . . - .
ears jh TLi
was Tt -r-ra
ists incluae Mrs. Gears AheL sraimik
llrs. Eex Kiuw'teK, S2. 5- speech.
Cnrwrsiry in saict mfamer as to ! SKaaenss whtae nhcJExm Mwrit-
suppen acod strsnpheu she scafl-: r scnepnnd wiH iwnesee a tkfas 1 GcKSkarj&iLy she gwics iLiy as- she Csltwiset cf Chjrifi, wsuere
emit rese-erei) and scri'ir jrra-admittaaBe mtAnr thpaj i-'! r-i-tnf a pmzn ar ham r batHttat. he i:A h Pa. D. ctfre.
fraais preaeicjy cnaaataed and -j-b so sake she MCA Tsl 'i Oajy rarejy as a wocaia ?nrVtri , Z5r. VTr Jidtjd ip ha Mr:
The Sassi wH he crnem MiT 3 in : an she errmprrftitf This itausaal ; ciurae
'3 fbf Urir
wa$ fcp
The Wnnnufs Canferenr Panel- xzifensikttC rmnr3
m tne crmfuufiinn cs lus : the Ananajij- Siiaifimg At ctamhiaiaaaa f a wjcaisa amd a
i Campus, atnnauaaea Bfinry Cot, &- ssrxag xtEraes wi2 he preasEitd
Si pxrsin in she Viaon 3alr,:a.
x-.htinr he gx, to his re-il
31s Ttenemeyer, Mrs. Jaim soa, , jgj. jrop-imj wj ittcauat da- i reraar if she hareac T iaisracEjafia;
Belt Sana, Eiizd S:hUB, Or. cuseinn audeetiaE aneShads and i neseih.
Gran Lweiaaa, Hrs. Fesrn Huh- prihcieB.. puhhc ydittiaas jrtiiilems
hard Drra Mrs. Boscne Sill ohK retirKBent anfl iasur
auid Mrs. 1 M. KtiliTi, aJl ttf Ljo- , jwynmt and jeiisuni jr-
Outers avre Mrs. 'W'm. Easehroock
cf Vesi Paan. Seaatar slaititeeij
FatBt j AneH Mis. Bpstj Sharp
of Saaraska. Cirv, Mrs. Arda
Marvel af Sastmps, aad Mrs. Carl
G. SWraason Jr. af Omnha
The cost -of liepstratioa aafl the
BaagiiK is S2M but the jc-ice for
repsxrauoa aad the sessions aaj
is fiML
The csnneot ff the Seas iariaafs
f fajfiral grthrr.nqu- aalicT. aa sb
oerssaadinc ctf modem saciKj aad
Trouls Continue
For "The Larif
Tryojss itT the Uaiwersity
Theater praductioa if Jean Aao
milh'i ples- "The Lark,-" ctainaue
tudey aacl TSmrsdi., accorduig to
Xalias Williams. dL-ecwir af the
Schaduled in Tempie 3U1. the
tryauia will he held froni 3-i aad
5.0-10 pJa W'ilaams aidicated.
Crew calle Jar the story af Joan
ef Arc's trial are also heajg held,
Williams said. Cliarks Lowa is the
technical director if the play.
There are pans lor seven wo
man aad 22 men in the show.
Weather (But Cold!)
To Strike In Nebraska
2a She 2E&& f2Barr. she cacmrs
stas has ayrflHRtd She rtyaZ tocitb
hat dhaiaher oocsaaitt sd
dsiUpht isaunersL.
Ts iasore 3&asi jgawtmrs that
chamher w watJd caasauia- is
he analiahie ts aadjeases. she
Frjisads of Caamhsr Masic was ir-f-Frrnwd
M y-ears afa. Th srg aa-
t-htihu, 3 ccild has hh Juand. As . she i wanh win he arssraaed m
Jar soalii as aarthera Fiarsda, jtOD-! the CaiaL BaH-iKiin TiuMaarr at
peraBires haw hesen htGiw ireaa
ing. 3iew Tark ew s E-Tar-diid
record swept Sroin the houts as
a uriCiaus sn&Kssarm dumped 17
inches cf she white jkuS as she
f poa.
The ?.TnctflT iroup. f.-7K;g.i---g
3asessd tcmTisiwwfije, nif ht
catted the fearing ff she fraap
an Omaha at sue Ja&lyi! Musemx
an Omiia where she interest at
Ton cant wxn Jar losing. The
weatherman reports that it win he
warmer in Uao-
versiry land to- 1
aty aiKi tuiuur
ww, with the
mercury climb
ing as hiirh as
3(t degrees.
But. aleag
with the gener
al warming
tread, will
come prscipita-
. - - - - : u. : , pa-rr yrihar ax 7.Ji s m.
Tin r i-mez- a into TBI)idr fV ri . .. . S J
ing drmk predicted lor t a- , 5.tra degree xury sarmal lor a j flTfc-e daacmg
with heavier saor autfflat. Sto j aeasoa, 41.222, Ttsnmnsg fl to Vl(,I1
n.;ti v. D.rn"-t,l1r f'lfiuSv wfci low. 3er cent, have suneadr . , ' , , .
- I
t j -l 1 1
graJed scaSexs. azfetTggr ei-jf-ixjs.
cr zty fj&2y as hart. .
I hai sa Sara she tt. cui a i
great bft SLghrs." ht "Us ,
icy hxi wen: Shrsugi
rersians iodi same if lae
J was left col"
The tugrea priCusaa ia wrjipg
hcnk is stJf
Xew Ja4ges
Miss Gape-land also said that &
nal it3terrjews toe she i Ideal
Coed finalists vU be held Tces-
:dxy. Sit ocesmeosed that s aev
; board cf Judges wzZ make the -zsal
dectsaas tm th wxxaer.
This year a Coed Foues w22 be
She first presented is the new
Persisg Macjcipal AiyVww.
Miss Crpelaad aucL She anncoincedi
thst AS'S wI tEoertake a special
capit iar araeaoacce is tie
carr. wiads has act been posstaue
an. the past because of Sataed
soac st si Xehrasks Theaser.
Press Lunch
Features Dean
A. C EjKkLrage. Vsrersiij
ZZZT- tr f fasibes. w 5irtsa the
stare 15s at yan is disasarj-ig. ii p.-
M.jsm a.j,jl.fni,L.1t jsw iic2j yafl gs
aa iasiratiaE. srere ore haras
jjics the raaa arc tttsre gtes si
!: aa if shaaghs.
Dr. MZisr cxises ins aiirewj-eir-cueai
f his Ikses h:ci br
"siyjag: -Alsruarh I mast creda
' :catr$ wii She Trraes f this ha:.
Siar is Saahs I taa hilara a
Day Xerrastaa Press Clab
hxrcias Friday icixis is Ui tea
'iar Z. aaaarding se Dick
Sagrae, d-
Dr. VlfT. whtae haak whlri
was i afiC WTai B:-jr2Li3i Awari
x 3Kw m xae prrofiss r wrssag
an aa
nf I MMMrfA. SItJ
B r e e kxs
nige wt3 .
etas She Ca
ter far r.-i-r.-w
&qg Ed3K.aoo3
wtrci has re
cercr bssa d
sated as the
V e i trerar7
pficr.g t a e
Caunt! liir-tm sue
tonight in the ueigahDrhoud if 15-
20 degrees.
Meaawaik, IMtvviIti heat-iTig svm
paues estimaied that IS' lias
been 100 per cent aaider tijan the
same period -of HEJ. AH ewer she
Beoord snt-ialk hrwe ailso mt J chamher muaic m Xearasia arig
ather parts aff the oeumry aad 1M i imaled.
deaths have heen attrihmed t the '
sold and satirms. Degree d a y s, CottnO Club Party
days when aohcial heat as re-1 rnmw.i rih -LTl .
omred Jo keep huildings aht a iusa, -mng- Jhliowed ;came when he introduced a em
, c,. riiit; era-jt , parrT jyiET aa ;3 xm. aar sn as e 4.a:irxy
ITaJl Mhitmaa.
"At that lime I started m my
iiajk."" A crrxal Giiiae I Leare
Of Grafis". 1l my iruruaa. Tfar.
Whirman is the heat paet Ameri"J
has prarlurd she rreines: inaa-
a- iued.
Event Schedule
The third program cf the Camnamiry Cnncert Series, Tarselet
and Bailey, ies Chanteurs ves Pa'-ia, a Tariery act, headlines the
calendar ol events far the second half nf Fehraary.
Tlie act, an its second tour of the United States, caasiios af a
group af 15 comedy, singing and dancing stars in s aight cmb type
show. Tiie show will he held Munday in Pershing Municipal Auditorium
Other events in ti next two weeks include: P(A KfHlfmon
February 1 Wednesdey, Bpm. Film Saciery, Ordet, Sehrasta Theaire Heads Ilottl m akers
Union Will Show
3Iiter Roberts'
Mister Bahens 3s she cfiering s
fi Sunday 3E!ite Mori this week,
at 7 ;3D in the Ttoinn BalirosmL
SiWTXDg Jack Tmvir.w James
Cagney, Berry Fonda, "WHliEm
At lie last meetaig af She chih.
Eeantiii AckhariB iram Trinidad
was elscKd jresiaent atf the cluh-jTaier m literature- Be iatrsiacsd ' Pot, and J. D. SahrgET.
an n ?aak whci is cirw--anm(teimiraaLrig ef a
appear aa life, aeaiaes ttsj Breeswrafige W:Vtr!rrrtg fattd.
3s aliss working cm a htci m. i FiOrwzig Si Sai. Brtikinrjdpe
MthriHt. wiici he tarperts la he ' win aaswer caeshars on She tsc&c.
pthlahed ia sereril years. t! Smxrae aatad.
ATixirffc I ezjty wnrrrg -rarj Tie "Star cf she Week'" award
much. I saiaax fird time wra a at oatstaDfeg Vx-vtrLij ash
is dahes si rarming a depart leie w3 he pneaercad at t k e
merh, is wrhe mare than a few ilHrcheaa by Spars Edix- Gearge
auars a diry." he said. M:yer Sash Gircter. see
Ur. V "jers" pualahed w-arks iSshe Srari sriaad.
daae -The Fitrharial Teihaigae Cf The Da2y Ssartatas lirrVnffs
Saan FitEgsnii,' arid artocjes at j are cpea ss she ptihac
s aamher cf Americaii amhars." EeBerraioLS saast he ztade wii
mr-l'.idrrig Efiwiharae, MelrHie. Bio relaad, news efiar, i7 S pja.
stdiy. Titias3 are SX3.
Powell and Batfy Palmer, it is the
story of life ahaard the USS e
liirtraTiS AdmissiiiD Iz tree a Thijversiry
Students and iasalry with iaaatifi-catiaa.
Lounge Studiers Rebel At Coming Eviction
Daily 'ebrakan Survey Shows S4 Disapproval To Library Change
2t Thursday, 4 p Jn. Taks and Topics, Uiiian
Zit Thursday, E pm. CLamher Music Cancer!, Union
2J-22 Friday and Saturday, University Debate and Discus
sion Conierenc
2S Saturday, 1 pjn. lmeraollegiate Bridge Tourney prehmi
nary, Union
22 Sata-oay, -05 p.m. Basketball, Kansas University
23 Sunday, p Jn Collegiate Band Concert, Union
24 Monday, B:15 p.m. Community Concert Series, Persliing
Municipal Auditorium
2feWedriesdBy. prehminary election lor May Jueen
2i Friday, J JO pm. Tripk Burrur Show, Union
Patsy 'CHirfmaa has heea ejected
president of ti Taessiansl Bame
mairing Hducatian Assaciarian.
Other officers rsoentry Aasen
were: Joyce Evans., -rice presiaent;
Buse Joyce, secretary; larraine
Haggart, treESurer; Mary Ander
son, program ihairman and Saar
an Stemar, publicity xhairman.
Ciaas repreBeitatrves elected
are: Daris Boherts, senior; Jan
Beeder, junior and Becy Ttgrnm
J sajiiiuma-e.
library aaers. soon ts he
evicted iroan the preaeat first
Hour study lmmge, indicated
their diSBparpval by aa ver
whehxing Jtt per cent icijariry
in a DaDy 55ehraskaa survey.
These students r-'snrm the ai
temate farilrties Mahout half the
sae if the present lounge) will
he inadetjuaie.
Tr saimile ihui tm the ff
ptmei change ia the Iwiage a a
sdt!nce reading rwm. fiie Day
Veltraskaa cunoaetei 3iC fttimmis
in tbe dmnatairs stnfy iminge.
Said cme student, Tae presem
study lounge is al ways crowded.
"WhHt would a fi-rnniifT st a t y
lounge he like?"
"I oenamly regret the neces
sity af this action. It Tn tikes aa
ideal plan 3nr students like my
self who drive to schauL" com
meated another.
Three Btur
A total af 1C hours s day w as
laced by the 3W persons eat
lacsed as lane spnt in tie
lounge.. Eaci student was ascei
hpw much frrif he spent during
an average day in she loange-Tweary-iaur
pe-toit listed
ihree hours as their anrmal
r-rw spens is the louaae. Faur
persass who were iound ia the
luunge, said they speal asi tint
taere. Dne person lianed a higr.
of fiogiit hours a day in lie
Fifry-uiiie tf the students aar
tartad said thai iher- tone in
She lounge is spent in a ctna
hmarian if study and enrrersa
tiaa. Tiurry-sai said thai all if.
thtur jnu there is eagEgei sa
study. Only one said saat sume
ia tne laung is used iar aoa
Ttraatian aiune. Four were un
able to sty ht'w they used the
Is an ul her fsesUMB. ssuoeiiis
were aukd i Otej tsuitfiiftered U
tl nR7ms&afiry f s library
M fnrnwii s say anea vmi ats
the snrtiraa Tunatge tvr n&uit."
T Oat. HZ anH-weevi yes. fTS
tees said sw. and tw aJdtfjrf
shear answer.
perisiibje in prtTifing aa arts
where sradsnts can slady
together, smace ard cafree and
relas herweeB cjasses,'" etira
meiced stuaenL
tnxrif-r ouaLried his aarrer
by sariag ""It realry jsa',t She
iihraryls rtsparauhl-sy. bat as
long as there is as where else
far the students is ga. I thtti
preseat facilities sbotid he
"Aihatigh x! is probably ia
the heat interests af progress Jcr
an yrjifrmian of the library ca
pacity, it must alsB he resrem
hered ihat she library 2s her
iar the ase ii She stadtrxs.'" wai
staasner reacaoEL
ia a d-fneat vein, ere per
san rertarked, "1 dut.1 Sidsk x
is iint-fssa ly ti llarary s dary
is furztsst the aaaage. bat it is
she tTa-versiry's. . . atrtd pkaae
dart rtake as go 30 the oalaa
puiiing Uiaaa."
ftraarig She cosmests cf those
whs said x was lot the ihrarr"
respaasillxry tj iar-ata sacb s
study jouage was She ressark.
The res?ar2hty rests whfr
the Uriversirj s'frrrnB'Kla'Ta.
ztat the library.
"The liar-ary djesat tare te
pronde a snhasture surr2tarkct
aad gtarp lounge Si-s azze far
staaetcs." csarameHled aaother &
the liLitiariry.
1 cbEt liari it as she iirary's
respanslblliy t frunash a stardj
rea, bu! there should be see
sum r? la: at the Ctrrerriry."
was the cpiruaa cf one ar yterit