Th Daily Nebrcskon Tuesdov. February IS 1953 r, ft si Outside World IMtermf Couxrx 12 Deaths k rpn 6Ia3ni bas claimed at 142 l-v a a "xV are I the E-tera United SHares. Offial reports ftvwa the Neither Bar shoaol JiuJe reljei snw-cvamoed states ranoins from JCissassift ta Maine. The ortbess is evrs."ed bt tvj.'wi la bitter eold throats Wed:AiT -hi Xetr York City nar be stvw-boutxS anrfl Friday, TVJinsylrania leads the state fatality lists wftk 1 deaths fit o atom oemditions to date, Beatrice Makes Bid The Beatrk XV-veJoprnent CorjvcatKW bs made strong bid M obtain fi Cushmkn Mnw Worts pita fcc Beatriot. X ehoioe of either of nw W-aore sites b bwa offered to be Lineol firm by officials of ETC Sua Wait, chairman of the site and building ocromittee of the F.DC announced that his orjranizatjoa is oreoared o srend p to lNi, (W to develop either of the sites. Court Change Soitzht v v Jrtfm McArthur, jwwJy appointed attorney far Caril Fufrste. bas ited that charge of first depree murder apainsit the l-year old iri be transferred from county to jwenie court. Caril is "NJefinitely a juvenile and should be in Juvenile Court," JicArthur scared Monday. McArihu'a request a-iH be made before County Judge Herbert Jtnniu as soon as possible. ' Wesleyan Hikes Tuition Xebraska Wesleyan next year win join the ranks o! eoilefrns nd Universities that are hitinf tuition, X tuition boost of SI a credit hour has been announced by the Wesleyan Board of Trustees, thus raisins the cost per hour to 5iS. An inrrease in the charpe for board and room was also apprewd Hi . " I l i St 2 ..' I f 4 cVv? cn CupUVs Corner liz Hearted A Hirpe o rnxM heodt is beirjp msieJ fcy the IVmald IDefter and JJTr. W. W. HinrfadJt. A3 iasSra rniversjty Coilepe of Medjfjne tur eaolint purposes. ; iren;a3 ia the fJt jotsiea'saihin tf the heart, She Xr. Jiohert Cnssom, Ojatrmaa off the toMma! , ladjes sre 1umMie f Gaanua FHa Be3a Mnarttr, ! Medline IVpartmenl. ts shrTs ex?lininf; the 3rSdel '-Omaha Chajvw. tt observers' nfrom left Mrs. H, S Herold, Mrs. Five rirls wwr nantej queens Jratieraity Rvmals tiw wekeetd. Werner yabeeaoe ai GaJ Fttrs sHanei re jfa as Kro S.? nt SXt-eelVarts at the ' Stari-sM Ea2 at tV Oarsbasier Uwe; Eaily Bressier becaw peeta f the DeSa tcVa OtvkjJ For a, held Sarsrday at She LaooSa HoteJ. f5er aKeodasts ar Fat Piwcfty and Sdr Kaveart Attnvas Satrdtxc to the j tr, Fia Ej.t Flee Sweetheart. Kay iVc.;ir, re J Ti.TOjtsas asi Weiaiy Woi. Crwnei Treara Girt- of the IV3u Srsaa Fhi Srtrxall at the raiversity Ctjh Friday nifht s Wyaa Ssrihberfjer. fiMias Frsl. a Kajoa Kija Gaia Jastk-r ia Twifher fcv-ssa MvSu t Joia M.tww, a Fha Ganma tVlta aaaxaas trtca Kear Dey. Sandra Bryan, a St'gihomx to Arts a Scf wr ftrv-a Swtia to Jaa M.soc, aa Acaota juawr ia Arts and Scsesnoes Swm Grand Is n Fja$a$eett l; CaAerae Gcr ftvva Ceviar KjqSs. Iowa, to BoJ K- Vi, a ; tVSa Cp&ln sci.T Srv Rssiaesa I Lyae;; Kirharis, a Toae Cab 'aJaswrjs fevca LcvvCa. to Larry : VeKJ. a jr.i-c Sa R-jss Ai " Bs4ssstratsaa trxa Beatraoe. fc? the Trustees, Schivartz Testifies Br. Bernard ScHcarta, ousted counsel to the Bouse uKvmmittee on legislative oversipht, revealed MnndKy that presidential assistarit Sherman Adams discussed the status of orth Amerk-an Air Lines shortly before the compary von a evtra five years of orratinp life. However Scha'arte testified that he vasnt supfresunR an.vthing fllepal or even improper with Adams'" talks with top airline officials in M5&. Student Majority Considers Presidency Qnc-Man Job rrotmiitT. Sorority & Orpnniwr Kaa ItirtMada ... eft(m . . Neva Bul)ptin ... feooktott CRAVES fRJKTINS CO. 512 JJorQi 32(k. 1 8-28S7 IVltaTor Compete University junior debaters man aped five wins apainst seven . lasses over the weekend in onm ' petition at Umporia State Teach 'ers CoDepe, aooording 1 de'iwt, Iton Olson, j Both teams were entered in ! junior oompetition. te eeninr de IbBters KiBde the trip. t-y . I fvNJ BOB SAYLESS has relteotei in the mam&ZD torn 920 No. 4Sth now open THE HOLLYWOOD BARBER SHOP BEGINNING MARCH 1 w make apointmemta for vorar haimrt wp until 5:00 O O' CALL 8-3416 O O I Minneapolis .iACPV-Over two thirds f the oo3epe stuaenis in TerTTwed in a reoenl Associated Collepiare Press Poll of Studer Opimon Asapree with ihe j-5 a that the nb -of being presid. m of the United SJ.87es is more than one man is capable of oarinp Jot. Ts determine student opinion on this subject, the ACT asked the followinp -question of a representa tive proup in ooflepes cwss the nation.- "Sime fet?)e liave aaneel fhe theerj- that ftf V t Iwins FresMeM f the l-nlted States is U nac fw ny one nan. Tvt yon pree, or yea -disapriee, with the Wea? Wh" One fifth of the men inter vit'wed agreed with the si-aferoent and over a third of the coeds &preed with it, but the majority ri tram win iiia SEE FOR YOURSELF WHY THEY CALL IT AT The picture that's the talk of the nation brings you memorable scenes of conflict and love! C fili"eMe io toff Europe Orients set 4 if - EH a fcMMi..-i aL lt,t.i Mia. vi a. jof 5oth isRpreea. Only a Sew wore vndocided on the iss-ue. A cnmpWe Inhalation off re sults shows the Sollovinp: I Mea Vnim Total : Arroe .a'' 4 TTk i risaproe . . . "4 $7 j Itndeoidea; j TtraiYKftew $" B Ci A vTayne State University Te- troit, M ci. aophoroore supported . his "agree"" ansier to the jues jtion by sayinp. "'one man cat barely run a large company hitnsell let lone a larpe country, j Eventual, -e will htve more 'than one president." A sopihamore ; ooed t aWshinpton -Collepe ((Ches jtertown, Md. apreed with the ! statemej because the president "has too rouch responsihility nd too much to worry about."" She then adrled. "He's supptised to be oormal, yet be -Bbtwe anrmai" XU Cwmmei At the University of Nebraska, a senior fualifieid hjs "apree' an ftrer by ddunE '"The job has te be beaded by one man, htwever, who weds to act as coordinator fttr his cabinet and spokesman and titular kead of the ltian.,' Typical of several coniments of the same kind was one by a freshman coed at Tusculam Col lege Greenville. Tenn.1 comTnented. "1 feel thdt the vk president should be used to brtp the prefadent,' and a Florida State University sCTaHahassee. Fla.l sophomore agreed that ihe president should have some help, but offered as his solution: "Git routine duties to the cabinet.' Colleges Offer Fellowships '! D TtCvaaan ctf Studerft Aft Airs , has receiwd a number of bulletins j !froia ranous warirsit)es throaph- l ; oat the country eff-ering SeHom-siups : ' and assiStaiKtships Mt -qualified st-a-! 'j omts interested in taking rrdu i work -during the 3iSS scbocil year. , 1 . Asststants&ips are being oSered , in several fields with stipends iranpmc Iroa $75B to SUSm per j year, I St.odems interested are tirped to check the bulletin boarj at the Dcvision ol! Student Affairs, where a lumber of tiiese bullettns are currently on Usplay, XI any of the schools offerinj: iel-lt-ships and asststantships have set appiicatinn -deadlines in XLarch aad AprS of this year. Elliott Will Speak To IVlu Sipn !3e2ta Sigma Fi. jn.teraasii'ms!! it proJessMiiitl basmcss ftraterKRy, ilwiU a snvfcer m twoa Par- lars B and C at 7 ?m Wednesiay. i The frawmiry kas aim plaaaei a cofSee p.m. i-vtay at 32 hoase, J H St. A professional istner has been scheduled Jar Feb, 51 at t .3 p.m. at the Uncfiln Hntel Dr. C-aras TSEiott, proJesstir of economics and insura-nce, will be the speaker. Al Basiness Admmissraiwwi Sto ents may artend acy of these events. I. k.:-i tinmn RuuulH fti a M amii liiwaM, Uudrie wnr hit mai D SnHN 'XU Own " A wu mm . -. nuiniMiicirM e m a m e SMtnvotj mn. smh. HiilMS m StxHI Ihv MMia , . . no "v aMI ta cvm . . . w tmirM m i V tmxm- ikff . , , tiwi MMiwom Euimm cwttaa. DietaaN mem t"iS w 4t man tw m ! tra) i MoitKa Wa, Tea Uiz$i IVihlline Apprrvache For Briile Entrants ! Fltjtiffs in the InterCtillepiate .Bridge Tournament wiE be held I Saturdey in the Union. I Entrants must stpn up for the oumament r 'Wednesday in the i Union Activities Office, said J-udy ,Zikmund, committee member. I The aournarosnt wiD be in Utuon SIS and Si at 3 p.m. w- 1 ? . . r, ; in Person "FATS" D0110 cni His ORCHESTRA liremj el ytw f trvtriti THURS., FEB. 20, 7:30 PERSHING MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM Airanre A 4m. Sl at or J TTiricets a vale at Asiltorsvia Rrv Offtre an4 Goal's ttepvrttat&t Suer c : 3 HSSSB ' f . "-s, f4 v SEE THESE DARING SCENES: A visiting Southern beauty -disrupts a small-town aomanoe Seduction at Paradise Lake The lies that urc a fBan into, marriage Honeymoon at a haunted plantation The dolk on the bridal bed Stranpe con fession of a runaway wife " A young lover tries to forpet fcy going off to battle The golden-haired girl who ntrrrd love you. Tve always loed you. Kendezvout ac the Kahutoc A-&-M PRESENTS MGM CAMERA. C5 MONTGOMERY CUPT ELIZABETH TAYLOR EVA MARIE SAINT In the great tradition vf Civil War Romance - vMfr-'Zi r $ NIGEL PATRICK-LEE MARVIN ROD TJWLDfi AGNES MOOREHEAD Wi.TR ABEL JW?MA iWtS .TOW DRME ROADSHOW ENGAGEMENT UO ISESEPVED SETB JOORE OPEN 12 TJOOW CONTTNUODS FEHFHMAHCES SIABXOiO AT 12:IS t. M. ROMANO'S PIZZA DEIE4!I XS6i.3PUi St. nnwt-IWI Free Zittevy 21 Vcricty Pizza Piet 75c $1.00 $130 $1.00 daily . IMS - StOS :SS ;S t S1.2S Fro t P. M. Chm That's why American Erpress Student Touts are expertJy planned to include a full measure of individual Insure ample free time to discover pour Europeas well as the most comprehensive sight-seeing program available anywhere! Visit England, Scotland, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, The liivieras and France accompanied fcv distinguished tour leaders enjoy superb American Express service throughout. 10 Special Tours ... 48 to 63 days . . .via famous ships: United States, Liberte, Nieuw Amsterdam, Atlantic, Italia, New York. $1,198 trp Other tours available ... from 35 days ... $769 up. You tan alwavi TRAVEL NOW PAY 1ATER when you o American Express! Tar eomplete information, tee your Campus Representative, ioeal Travel Afrent ai V Travel Service. member: Institute of v International Education and Council on Student Travel . . or simply mall the handy coupon. CX ft not American Express Tiiatel Scktxge 65 Broadway, Kew York 6, K. Y. eh tj Saiw Vm Yes! Please do send me ewmplrit information , about 1958 Student Tours of Europe! Kame.. Addrens City . Zone . .State. wmn mm! mum ftmns wrv iwfitio fxwtis wvtuns odtoots pm.t ivctwhsk Touch system or hunt-and-peck Results are perfect with EATON'S CORRASABLE BOND Typewriter Paper TThatpver your Typing talents, you can turn out neat, clean-looking work the first time, with Eaton"' Corclsable Bond Paper. Tlfiasiin why: Corrasable has a special surface '-il erases without a trare. Just the fiick of an ordinary pencfl eraser and Tj-pographical errors disappear. lo smears, no smudges. Saves time, lemoer and monev! GonSaM H auaUaOc In mnal wetgltts -ftom onionckM tc twy,' hand. In ttanoy IDU-efioei tm&mSi and 500-naa nm boxas a Uvm oualtty tor all yaur lypw) awim manti. Ontvatan nuiii wane orniamlH, EATOFS CORRASABLE BOND Berkshira Typewriter Paper For Thesis ox Dissertation ON. THE CAMPUS Tour CcrrssstiSe Bond Store REGENTS' BOOKSTORE For ah Reports and Term Pcpers