The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 16, 1958, Image 1

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    Financial Flop Means
IFC Balls Finished
Some Alternative Plans Offered
By John Hoerner -
mere will never be an-
ouier ire can as we Know
it" IPP crwial airman Trt
Knoll said Fridav night. J-member and then the IFC us
"We planned the ball in , ing this budget to hold & big
February because it was a event to which all fraternity
dead month last year. This i members would be invited.
year it was practically the
height of the social season,'
Knoll said.
Formals Held
Kappa Alpha Theta. Kap-
pa Sigma and Sigma Nu held
their Jormals Friday at the
same time as the IFC Ball.
In addition to competin
formals three fraternities. Phi
Delta Theta, Delta Tau Delta,
and Sigma Phi Epsilon were
holding Hell Week.
The IFC lost more than
$300 on the ball this year with
around 200 couples attending,
Knoll said. I The spirit of the Air Force officers was cited as a true
Ball or Work ' sign of democracy by Ali Ghandour, the only foreign student
IFC treasurer Tom Ncff, ! in ROTC.
agreed with Knoll Friday, j "During my first semester in the program, I was my
"'We'll never have an other j class leader," Ghandour said. ""As far as I'm concerned this
one like this!" is democracy."
"I'd like to see a big dance The 24 year old Jordanian student had to obtain per
early in the year when spirit mission from the Jordan government to participate in the
is high" Knoll said. If it was j ROTC program.
supported by fraternities as
a whole rather than individu
al members we could bring in
most any band in the coun
try." The plan which Knoll pro-
To Honor
Mortar Boards will honor
University women for superior
scholarship at a Scholarship
Luncheon Saturday.
Guests will be the three
top-ranking sophomore, junior
and senior women and the
highest ranking senior women
in the Colleges of Business
Administration, Agriculture,
Arts and Science and Teach
ers. "Women students who lead
the University in scholarship
certainly deserve some spe
cial recognition," Doris Eby,
luncheon chairman, said.
The luncheon, which will be
held tt the University Club,
will replace the Mortar Board
Scholarship Tea given in past
Betty Holcomb, Mortar
Board alum and law student,
will address the luncheon
group on the significance of
good scholarship.
In addition to the luncheon,
the Mortar Board will also
send congratulatory notes to
all women students maintain
ing a 6.5 average or above.
YW Directors
Slate Campus
Visit Tuesday
Two representatives of the
YWCA will be on the campus
Tuesday End Wednesday to
discuss professional oppor
tunities with women students.
Miss Betty Wilson, execu
tive director of the Univer
sity YWCA, will interview in
terested students Tuesday in
the second floor lounge of the
Home Economics Building on
ag campus. Appointments,
between the hours of 1:30
p.m. and 5:00 p.m., should be
made in advance in Km. 116,
Home Ec Building.
Miss Sally Beck, Young
Adult program director at the
VUTJ ii. ill l,i in T?m 1
.Jnnri flnnV of RnH, Bouton !
Hall, from 1:30 to 5 p.m. 1 Twenty-six months ago
Wednesday Elizabeth Remenyi walked
The YWCA needs 1,000 new :or U hours over the snow
workers in the next three i covered plains of Hungary
vears for placement in the i into Austria and a new life.
U.S. and Hawaii. Jobs open I Now she is a librarian in
for inexperienced graduates J the Social Studies Room of
are health and physical eiu-
cation directors or Young
Adult and Teen-Age program
Hurlbut to Talk
On Russian Visit
A recent visitor to Russia
USSR Wednesday.
Prof. L. W. Hurlbut, head
pf the agricultural engineer
ing department, wiU lecture
and show slides on Russia at
7 p.m. in Love Library audi
torium. The talk is sponsored by the
American Society of Agricul
tural Engineers.
iibJer to Speak
At Dairy Meet
C. W. Nibler, University
College of Agriculture exten
sion dairyman, will speak lit
the annual meeting of the
Cornhusker Dairy Herd Im
provement Assn.
The meeting will be hold at
1 :30 Monday in the County Ex
tension Office al the Lincoln
Post Office.
posed would involve each fra-1
ternity putting up
a certain
j amount, say $1 or $2 per
With almost 1400 fraternity
members such a budget could
conceivably range op to
000 or $4,000.
The budget was set at $960
for Friday night's IFC Ball,
Foreign Student Likes
ni ROTC Program
Jordanian Impressed by 'Democracy"
By Sondra
"They were agreeable to me doing this because there
is a mutual defense arrangement between Jordan and the
United States," he said.
He explained that he would not be eligible to apply for
a commission in the Air Force. "It was agreed to train me
and that's all," he said.
Ghandour comes from Jerusalem originally where he
has eleven brothers and sisters. He is the oldest of the fam
ily. Roundabout Journey
"It has always been my dream to come to America,"
he said. "A lady I met in Jerusalem recommended this
He left Jerusalem in 1954 for Jordan.
"I was jailed for 3 months after I crossed the border,11
he explained. "Finally I received special permission from
the King to stay in the country. I slept on the streets for
one month before I got a job in an office.
Six months later he left for Iraq, remained there six
months and then left for an accountant's job with an oil
company at "a very good salary."
Three years later he resigned his job, sold his personal
possessions and after visits to Egypt, Italy, France, Syria
and Lebanon, arrived in the United States.
Well Treated
"I have nothing to comment about the treatment of for
eign students here," he said. "I've always been well treated
and receive many invitations from people I dont even
Ghandour lives with an American family who he claims
has helped him with his English a great deal. Ice skating
is one of his favorite pastimes although he said that learn
ing was rather hard at first.
A further step toward Americanizing is his crew cut,
which he got just a few days ago.
"I didnt really want it this short, he explained, rub
bing his shorn head. "I surrendered my head to the barber
and this is the result."
KNUS Starts
With Revised
KNUS, campus radio sta
tion, starts second semester
with a completely different
format featuring special
shows along with the Top
Thirty Tunes.
At 10 a.m. Thursday, Pro
Sherman will "Meet the Ent
ertainers." Sherman will in
terview famous jazz artists
and play some of their music.
Shearing Quintet
This week the artist is
George Shearing and Quintet.
John West will review mus-, later on in the semester in
sic from famous movie pro-1 elude "Teardrops with Dixie,"
ductions at 30 a.m. Wednes- Dixie Helms with records and
day. chatter, and hour shows of
A classical hour wiU be pre- 'progressive jazz.
11 -Hour Trek Wins Liberty
Librarian Recalls Sudden Emotions of Revolution
I! Jan-Hwa Chang
Love Library.
Vivid Memory
And although it has been
more than two years since
fr .iJHJ1 mHHsM ..WBI "''J IQ&Wt IjWfcft'S
a. v . :
TWO YEARS after the Hungarian Revolution, Elizabeth
Remenyi sits behind a desk in tne Social Studies Reading
Room of Love Library, far remvd from te day when
she made an 11-h'tur hike larough ie snow toward freedom.
the third held since the 1955
i iwo-year layuu.
i rr
55 Successful
The 1955 Ball, also held in
Turnpike Ballroom, featured
Louis Armstrong and accord
ing to attendance records was
a huge success.
Student Affairs took a dim"!
view of the drinking, however,
$3,-land the Ball was
ued until 1957.
Last year the Ball cost the
IFC around $900.
r.ented on Monday, Wednes
day and Friday from 6 to 7
Campus Interviews
Campus personalities will
be interviewed about Univers
ity problems at 7:30 p.m. on
Tuesday. Beth Toomey and
Mary McKnight are hostesses
for the program.
Bob Wirz will interview
sports personalities at 7:30
p.m. Friday.
Other shows that win start
Mrs. Remenyi left her na-1
tive land, she remembers the
Hungarian revolution scene
""It started out as a dem
onstration for the Polish
"Nobody knew that it would
become a revolution. I look
part in the demonstration.
As we were marching and
singing the national anthem,
3 flWiP
jF i if
-. J L
Ujwrsity Faculty Salaries
Many Degrees
In 90 Years
Sunday marked the 90th
birthday of the University.
In those years since NU
first opened its doors to a
handful of students, 60,147
degrees have been con
ferred and almost 100.000
students have been enrolled.
NY Opera
Lishner To Sing
In Spring Concert
Two nationally f a m o u s
opera singers will parti"' " n?
in the University's annual
spring concert. Prof. Eman
uel Wishnow, chairman of the
music department, an
Joining Leon Lishner, as
sociate profeseor of music,
as featured soloists are Sarah
Fleming of the New York
Opera Co. and John Alexan
der of the NBC-TV Opera Co.
and the New York Opera Co.
Prof Lirhner has performed
with the New York Opera Co
the Chicaeo Opera Co. and
the NBC-TV Opera Co.
Performing with the 500
voices of the University chor
al froup and the symphony
orchestra, Alexander win sing
"Sound an Alarm11 by Han
del. Lishner win do the bari
tone solo in "By the Bivou
ac's Fitful Flame.'" AH three
soloists win combine for
Haydn's "'The Seasons w
The concert, sponsored by
the University Convocation
Committee and Department
of Music, is tentatively
planned for May 10.
Collegiale Band
Will Present
Winter Concert
The University Collegiate
Band, directed by Prof. Jack
Snidsr, will present its an
nual winter concert Feb. 22,
at 4 p.m. in the Union ban
room. Featuring brass choirs, the
band wifl play "Jubilee," by
Kenny; the "Beautiful Gala
tea," by von Suppe; ""Music
for a Carnival," by Grund
man and the "Original Suite,1'
by Jacob. The trumpet en
semble win play "The Magic
Carpet" "by Burket.
Admission to this concert
is free.
emotions be-
came out of control.
Shouting, Too,
""I am a very quiet person,
but 1 was shouting like the
1 remained there until the
soldiers started to pass out
guns to everybody. I could
not fire a gun to kill people.
Although I hated the Russian
government and commu
nism, I could not make my
self hate the individual per
sons and I could not kill.
"So I went home in the con
fusion. 1 did not want to
leave Hungary, but 1 had no
choice. During the days of
the revolution, 1 argued sev
eral times with my super
visor in the( Hungarian Na
tional Library in Budapest)
who was a Communist Par
ty member.
XT A tpn Tnnnnn
Communism. So when the
Russians came back, 1 knew
I had to escape," she re-
C Via mnrcur1 -rhJ A ft.
strian border Dec. 28, 1956.
After staving in Austria
5 months, she went to New
York where she worked in
the New York I'uhlie Li-
brarv. She took the Love U-
jbrury position in July, 1958.
I Mm RpmpTivi had received
'a diploma in Librarv Science 1 relatives that it is impossible i ceived the American Chem- staff members mere
!: -m the Academy of Educa-for the government to exe-1 ical Society Award in 1945 for J are only 22W spaces avail
i lion in Budapest in 1953. cute all the people." I pure chemistry. able wound the campus.
The Doily
Comparatively Low
Studies Show Present Pay Scales
Is Far Below the National Average
By Carroll Kraus
Two studies of staff salaries
of American universities show
! that the University may have
ja strong basis for requesting
faculty salary boosts in the
1959-61 biennium. .
Studies by the Oregon State
System of Higher Education
and the U.S. Office of Educa
tion indicate the University's
comparative standings in sal
arieschief item in the Uni
versity's proposed continua
tion budget relatively low.
Printed Studies
The "Nebraska Alumnus,"
in printing the studies re-
See Page 4
6 Alumnus9
Students Have
Seven Articles
Seven University journal
ism hopefuls wfll see the re
sults of their creative work in
print this month.
The journalism students are
the authors of an the featured
articles in the February issue
of the "Nebraska Alumnus,""
the University's Alumni As
sociation magazine.
The student writers, Diana
Maxwell, Del Hood, Ann Hale,
Anne Pickett, Emmie Limpo,
Elizabeth Smith and Pat Flan
nigan, were members of a
Journalism 151 (magazine
article) class.
Writing the magazine art
icles is one project of the
class. The February "Alum
nu.'1 i: tne third annual all
stuuent issue.
Articles by the other 11
members of the class wffl be
published in forthcoming is
sues of the ""Alumnus."
Math Colloquium
Planned Tuesday
A mathematics colloquium
win be held Tuesday at 2 p.m.
in Room 209, Burnett HaU.
Dr. Donald MUler, assistant
professor of mathematics, win
discuss "On the Imbedding of
Nets in Affine Planes."
Upon her graduation, she
worked for the Hunpian
iauuaai ijiuiaij' uuui mc
"Wonderful Place"
Mrs. Remenyi says she
thinks ""the United States is
a wonderful place for one to
start a new life," but stin
hopes to go back to Hungary
some day.
"But 1 realize the chance
it rery slim because I know
-very well the Russian sys
tem,1" she said.
The thing I like best about
America is the freedom to
express one's opinion. You
do not have to be afraid that
you might be put in jail. Yau
can even critize the govern
ment. 'This Is Freedom'
"I think this is the com-
Mrs. Remenyi
vorced in 1952 and has no
children, but three sisters
and a brother remain in
! "They live very quietly and
, earn barely enough to eat,
she said,
"My letters have not
"brought them trouble be-
: cause there are so many
families who have escaped
seph Soshnik in the Governor's
hearing on the NU budget,
shows that the University staff
salaries are well under these
of many other state colleges
and universities.
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
said at the hearing that the
proposed continuation budget,
w-'ch asked an increase of
more than $4 million in state
tax funds over the last beinni
nm, was a '"realistic, yet for
ward looking" one.
And although budget re
quests by the University
would place salaries in the
In Recital
Selections from Mozart,
Schumann and Debussy will
be presented Thursday in a
piano recital by Jack Crossan,
assistant professor of music
The program, to be given
at 7:30 p.m. in the Union, is
open to the public It win in
clude Schumann's ""Fantasia
in C Major" and Debussy's
"Preludes,"" Volume L
Prof. Crossan las appeared
with soprano Dorothy Waren
skjold in concerts and has
made a record album with
Miss W7arenskjold. He also
has been accompanied on
tours for John Charles Thom
as and Igor Gorin.
Bucks 4Goingf:
J. College
Better get your use from
those white bucks and that
"Joe College is rapidly dis
appearing,'" according to
Registrar Floyd Hoover, as
he spoke on the University's
90th birthday Sunday.
"About 18 per cent of the
nrpRPTit onrnliment oi
K,2M I
are married; about one of
everv lour male sxuaenis
have completed a tour ol
duty with the armed forces;
and, despite the fact that age
18-21 is usually considered
the college age more than
45 per cent of the present
student body is over age 2V
he said.
Band Fraternity
Names Pledges
Seven University students
have been named as pledges
of Gamma Lambda, national
professional band fraternity.
New pledges are Ken Bar
jenbruch, Larry Briggs, Paul
Huebner, Doug Kent, Bob
Peterson, Lynn Roberts and
Bob Colwen and Jim Mo
hatt, graduate students, -were
selected as associate mem
bers. Water Institute
Slates Gustavson
A former University chan
cellor will address the Na
tional Water Resources Insti
tute in Lincoln March 18 and
Dr. R. G. Gustavson will
speak on ""New Dimensions
for Conservation" at the sec
ond annual meeting.
Dr. Gustafson is now presi
dent and executive director
of Resources for the Future,
Inc., a branch of the Ford
Chemical Group
To Hear Wall
Dr. Frederick Wan wfll be
the speaker at the Thursday faculty members decided lo
meeting of the American arjve their cars the same day.
Chemical Society in Km. 32814,300 of them would still be
A very Laboratory at 7 : 30 p.m. driving around looking for
Dr. Wall is now at the Uni-! parking places.
versitv of Illinois where he re-
Monday, February 16, 1959
midpoint of these 1958-59 stu
dies, the Chancellor said b
did not know how much the
University would fall behind
in the coming biennium.
Near Lowest
the Oregon State study of
23 state universities and col
leges for 1958-59, as reported
by the institutions, shows
that NU is 21st from the top
in salaries for professors and
associate professors.
The study also shows that
the University ranked last ia
payments for assistant pro
fessors and 19th for instruc
tors. The NU averages were:
professor, $8,073; associate
professors, $5,687; assistant
professors, $5,482; and instruc
tors, $4,619.
Comparative Salaries
Top salaries in the study,
which was made chiefly of
Mountain, Midwest and Pa
cific Coast universities,
ranged to nearly $12,500 for
professors at one Pacific
Coast state university; about
$8,500 for associate professor
close to $6,500 at more than
a half dozen of the colleges
for assistant professor salar
ies; and salaries Bearing $5,
500 for instructors.
The IIS. Office of Educa
tion study of 46 institutions
showed a mean salary of $9,
489 for professors, $7,260 for
associate professors; $6,03
for assistant professors and
$4,900 for instructors.
Maximum and minimum
means ranged from $12,350
to $6,550 professors with simi
lar fluctuations among other
staff salaries.
Request Increases
The University requested
increases would raise profes
sors'' salaries aa average of
about $L500 a year icr 1959-60,
Similar per cent increases
were . asked for other staff
,(The above figures apply to
undergraduate college facul
ties for academic year ap
pointments only.)
Gov. Ralph Brooks recom
mended trimming $S.f million
off the entire $5.9 requested
University increase irich in
cluded about a $L mffljoa
increase in the expansion
Hardin had tola KrooKs ana
i former Governor Victor An-
i aerson, ai
the Governor's
Hearing, that increased sal
aries were necessary ""to com
pete in the market place for
replacements for the normal
turnover in the faculty, and
we must offer our faculty ad
ditional incentive to remain
at Nebraska.""
Red Cross:
Mass Meet
The University Red Cross
unit wiU hold its semi-annual
mass meeting Thursday at 7
p.m. in Union 313.
The meeting is arranged lo
enable students who wish lo
work on Red Cross lo sip up
for a committee. All Red
Cross volunteer workers,
committee and board mem
bers are lo attend.
Mrs. Grace Darby, recrea
tional director at the Vet
eran's Hospital will speak.
Refreshments wfll be served.
Workers are needed for
these committees:
State Hospital, entertain
ment Water Safety, Adult
Activities, Orphanages, Pub
licity, Junior Red Cross,
Transportation, Handicrafts,
Vet's Hospital, Specif pro
ject, .Orthopedic, Leadership,
and First Aid.
KU Parking
Shoics Situation
Could Be Worse
Think the parking situation
is bad here?
The Daily Kansan reports
that if all KU students and
Student cars total 5,9Uu ana