I: Poge 2 The Daily Nebraskan Friday, Fphruory H, 1953 i Si c j li M C ! i i Editorial Comment HI 1 1 t Nebraska Youngster Notes 89th Birthday This Saturday '"THE PENGUIN 15 A BSD POSSESSING ,6$AT CURlOSiTV. "I consider a human soul without educa tion like marble ia the quarry, which shows none of Its inherent beauties till the skill of the polisher fetches out the colors, makes the surface shine, and discovers every orna mental cloud, spot and vein that runs through the body ol it." Joseph Addison Eighty-nine years far exceeds the normal span of human life but may be only a period of childhood for a public institution. In the case of tha University of Nebraska this "childhood" has been spent constructively. The school is better prepared now than ever before to provide the young adults of Nebraska with the educational training necessary as a prelude to real adult analysis and understand ing. H b significant that tha Saturday meeting of Nebraska instructors aad alumni la Lincoln will be only the first of anmeroas celebrations of the University's 89th birhday. Oher alumni observances are planned In Seatle, San Diego, Los Angeles, Saa Francisco, Milwaukee, Chi cago and Indianapolis. This means that numerous Nebraska alumni are living and working in these areas, and contributing to the improvement of these com munities. The honor roll of University graduates itself shows that Nebraska alumni have excelled in nearly every field of life from literature to industry to government. There will be much "looking back" at these alumni meetings, but there will also be an equi valent amount of looking forward. The1 hope for the successful future of the University is a result of the realization of what the school has already done for its alumni and what it can and will do for us, the present students, and other students to come. The staff of the Daily Nebraskan would like to share in this forward look and echo the students' faith in the University. And we would like to tell all eagle-eyed critics of the Univer sity that we are here for more than parties, for more than Independent versus Greek rivalries, and for more than four years of irresponsible leisure. We thank our predecessors who have made our University strong. We assure them that we will also help to improve its academic strength, and keep the vigor of growing youth as the spirit of the University so that another 89 years from now the school will still be young and growing. Happy birthday, Universitas Nebraskensis. "HE (OILLMAKU DIRECTLY UP TO A MAN. AND STAND AND STACE RIGHT AT HIM. Congas VaWNaC. ALL RIGHT. STOP IT" T J I j II' I r II .. I I fiTiWtnBOHOuA I I TALK YAK TALK TALK... J I TALK TALK TALK TALK I I SOME CAVS SHE SOUNDS AS IF JTHAT6IRLJ y j , SnE U?E RECORDED AT '33' j ' Cg j AND ED AT TS'.' No Man Is Aii Island This is the first in a series of weekly articles by cam pus ministers and other religious leaders. Today's article was written by the Rev. Darrell Patton, director of the Methodist Student Center, the Wesley Foundation. One irrefutable fact of human experience is the involvement of the self. No man is an island unto himself, he is inescapably involved in the great drama of life. To talk of "objectiveity" and "de- Man And The Universe Religious Emphasis Week has had its once a year recognition on the University campus. Religion, however, will continue to play an Important part in students lives throughout the rest of the year. The numerous religious leaders who coop erated to make Religions Emphasis Week a success are to be complimented. The same tribute b due to those students who took an active part ia the promotion) of the event. The fact that faculty members and students as well as religious leaders will take time out from an already overly burdened schedule to review and strengthen the foundation stones of their faith is a direct refutation 'o the cry that the present generation is godless. It is heartening to note that so many stu dents have taken advantage of the opportuni ties offered to them during Religious Emphasis Week. This shows that in spite of the encountering of innumerable new philosophical ideals and great wails of cynicism many University goers refuse to cast aside Christianity and its brother religions until they find greater strength in the new philosophies. They reason, and perhaps cor rectly, as Edmund Burke who contended that the wisdom and institutions of countless gener ations are not to be cast aside suddenly and violently for a new and untested ory. Faith is ultimately a personal acceptance or rejection of a specific creed, doctrine, or phi losophy of life. Many University students are still uncertain in their faith and still searching for a personal religion. With this thought in mind the Daily Nebras kan, with the cooperation of the Campus Reli gious Council pastors, has begun a weekly series of religions articles. These articles will be printed especially for those students who desire to take a closer look at the why's and what's and wherefore's of religion. They will be written by the student religious leaders themselves in order that the student may follow up with discussion any topic be finds of extraordinary interest. The articles will not be hen-fire warnings cast at the agnostic students, and will not be printed fat aa effort to scare everyone or anyone into a specific belief. Rev. Journal and Sur Patton From the Editor private opinion dick shugrue tached observation'' in relation to human behavior is completely meaningless. The cult of objectivity fostered by the advent of the scientific method has produced a consid erable number of "wise fools." These persons carry with them atmosphere of amused tolerance toward anyone who relates himself to anything which calls for "com mitment." The present generation is some times called the "uncommitted gen eration." Perhaps the reason for this is the feeling that to be com mitted to any cause is not intel- Ft V A x In this day and age of recruiting charges and counter charges stuffing the minds of the big wig athletic directors and coaches and fans, yea might take a breather and think about a real sport. Boxing, track, golf, teams o the whose they're all participator sports. They dost bring in much loot for the athletic office, but that fact shouldn't frighten any future Paacho Gonzales from taking a whack at a tennis balL The University Athletic Department seems willing to support these minor sports, despite the fact that they; aren't overloaded with play- j ers. But when it comes to fencing? Hands off! say the I boys in the Coliseum. Something sounds fishy in their reasoning. They reason that because faculty mem bers ( and graduate sta rfe&U compete, the fencers dart deserve financial remuneration, that In terest is Jot, etc. We3, I'd like to see what wk$ happen if there weren't grant in aid for IrasthaZers, if there were no plane rides to tad frza games for the gridiron beys and the jress cmpt, etc. Jm mJur words, feew maay men woahj Ve Hn to take aa faterest m a sport if they h4 to pay theft wa way almoft entirely? Tils prafclem Is stated more elaB-jent'y by Xtesiel Berod, an tostroctor in the English De partment who wrt a letter to Defender of the Purse firings D:ck (I kwe a fght) Becker. Says Bensd ia cart: 3t!r,. Orwig has refused financial support of the feocicg team oa the grounds that there is aot tomgh interest in the 1,-wrt, in the face of tie fact that the fencers have done well cnxtgh on their own to arrange a match witb tha University of Iowa and to pot up a stiff battle against a team that is supported band vimt'.j by its athletic department. Kr. Orwig didst eves see fit to give the fencers enough Booey to travel to Iowa City, but they were interested enough to pay their own way. So much for the claims of 'lack of interest.' "Becker's phony jokes (in bis Sunday column) about faculty participation add up to a smear against Paul Armato, an already over-worked English instructor who gives a great deal of time without pay to coach the Nebraska fencers. Armato competes only because the churlish attitude of the Athletic Department denies the Fencing Cub the means to expand and to increase interest. If fencing, a sport that calls .for a great deal of physical and mental exer cise, were supported as it should be, Armato would not find it necessary to compete. The contrast between the support given the specta tor sport of football and the participant sport of fencing is marked indeed. Football is sup posed to support the minor sports, but obvi ously it doesn't. Pay raises for football coaches are more important than the physical welfare of the students. I have never beea a fan of fencing. However, I have been a fan of fair treatment for a long time. When I see a legit'mate recraest sqoeicbed for good reason I so a slow barn. So, I srispect, do a great many other persons. The Shadow is back! The. mysterious individ ual writes (types! mean letters and sends them through the mails. He doesn't like the news paper, but he's afraid to admit it. And because we don't print bis poison pen notes, he writes more charging us with being cowards. What diies be fear? The Mafia? They don't work for Shis sheet. Come owt, com owt, wherever yaw are, little friend. Let's see if yea look as yellow as the paper year fetters are typed on. o Note to wife: True, there are many married students who not only have high averages but .also are members of honor aries in their own colleges. Certainly these persons should be oeserving of consideration for membership in such organizations as the Innocents. Perhaps a new honor society would be a break from tradition, too. And that does seem to be the trend. However, I don't think your ideas are foolish any more than I am a hater of inde pendents. Perhaps we should hear more on this subject. Way ward Wanderings Ron Mohl By I'm glad to hear that there's at least some talk of revision.; in the Junior Division, but revisions should extend farther than fresh man orientation. Our present Jr. Division euid- doesn't exact- ' ly dislocate its shoulder ex- extending its he.? l n g hand to con fused fresh men (I was one of them). From my own experf- i Ron Mohl iTXTT-SETE3f TEARS OLD Member: Associates' CoHeiUto Press IntereoDeslatff Press Ur8sBUtive: K attonaf Avertisiaf Service laeerBsrsied PabUshew sfe Room 24, Sta&est Unies Llocoin, Nefcrasks lit fmrt f an mmthtr m thm tmimtt Am rl-mu. TW 'nil f Ik SeMMkaa uff mn f rmntlr n umluM far ktl . Ilwr Mr, m Sa or immf m k Slwnil met RJ4 per nonlir or S4 lur Yut s&'kflfy W4Wff4Afl ftf njfcSwSssf 9fMw)4Br'r Or. tu ! m4 ttxtmt tuthti iw okiMt far, rwwr pmtlftoMt ww 1m, nmt mu M tkr C imt tn SMOmiM Mr MUMtiMHi M Urn mu Aw wwt AttMtr mm wwwhn M mm tvotulim JJ-t-iM rMVsnmM hMI trm trim t4nnm' mmwtai mm w tmn W tM iliii 1 Mini r m um tMW ft n utmf 0mt mmtUf mt b twrt ffl In Ltamrta, XtTSks. mn Ik act t 4, mt. tnm ...VUrM Wwt i m Vttfttl ttwr ... ........ .... ....'' fcn4 Hw M m Mt .................... Mac I 4itmn r.4nr ....................... Simla r.-fnwr ........................... fre-txt Nfr Uw t4ttm frmrr tuttt't. IMaaa MarwHI. rat T' '!. twrti Lhat. VtcM m OiMor 6arr BaSatn nwrrw winrr Swal nM w Wnaccri. . ,1mm Urtl, Mm Kahaaa, dfvalalfao Maaaoar 0.M.-..-.'StvFr Trwaa ence, and from comments I have extracted from others. It seems that the goal of most Jr. Division counselors is to get the student ia and out of their office ia the short est time pouible. This fc by no means the roonelors fault, bat the fa a St of the rottom as n whole. I was interested to note in the bulletin of George Washington Uni versity some of their ideas on student counseling. At G. W. U., the standa."J frwr-year program in the hberal arts and sciences is di vided into tw- purts: The Junior College, and The Columbian Col lege. In reference to Junior College students ( freshmen and sopho mores) the bulletin has this to say: "In order that students may have opportunities for assistance in planning tieir courses and also for obtaining personal, educational, and vocational advice in every phase of their academic work dur ing the first two years, a number of members of the faculty serve as advwors to Junior College stu dents." It goes on to s,-y that these advisors are selected for their knowledge of Junior College re quirements and student programs. This is one of the major failings of tmr Jr. Dfvisloa. I know of at least one Jr. Division counselor who was assigned to eonssel stu dents laM year, and who couldn't have had but a skeleton idea of University policies and re qairertest since it was bis first year on the campus! At G.W.U., a student is not com pelled to declare a major until he is ready to enter the Columbian College. Even at this point, it is not mandatory that be declara the sk irMaa specific course of study we know of as a major. Within the Colum bian College, the student may take what is called a "Field-of-Study Major." The entire program of the Colum bian O.Lege is designed, ia their words, "to enable the student to develop harmoniously both his par ticular abilities and his general awareness as a human being." The Field-of-S 1 n d y Major re quires no specific number of se mester hoars and no specific pro gram of coarse and Involves a thorough program of counseling on n personnl basis. Thie rogram places special emphasis on the "intellectual development of the Student." According to the bulletin, "Pro grams in the same major may vary, depending upon the individual students background, previous study, reading habits, and apti tudes. The student is expected to consult his advisor frequently . . . a close student-adviser relation ship is essential for the stijdent's success under this plan." Now this system (in prim at least) has the earmarks of a good student counseling service. Natur sl!y, no system is perfect, but we might do well to pattern a system along similar lines here at old MJ. Incidentally, while I'm compar ing N'U and GWU, I would like to quote the following paragraph from the GWU Bulletin: "Any student whose English in any coarse whatever is deemed unsatisfactory may be reported by Mie Instructor lo the Dean aad to the Committee on the Use of Cor rect English. The Chairma of the Committee may a s s I g a supple mentary work, without academic credit, varying in amount with the needs of the student. The granting of a degree may be delayed by failure to make any such defi ciency in English to the satisfac tion of the Ommiitee and the Dean." Need I say more? CCUVtiTiO JLf him&i KM. tt'l VJi Letterip lectually respectable. ? The real "joker" In the whole procedure is the failure to recog nize the fact that they are com mitted if to nothing more than a kind of enlightened selfishness. The fact remains that man re lates himself to the world around him through pre-suppositions which be holds. These pre-suppositions may be modified by the "facts" uncovered by "objective science" but are never based upon such "facts." We reason irom pre-supposition to assumption. We always act up on the basis of what we assume to be true never certain that what we assume to be true really is. In other words man lives by faith. Faith requires committment. We ran never assume something to be true unless we art as if It were true. Otherwise our actions invalidate our assumption. Reli gion is the understanding and or ganization of faith responses. The understanding which we hold is determined by the faith com munity of which we are a part. We are involved in a community of faith whether we want to be or not. We do not have the choice of examining all religious faiths and choosing the one which hap pens to appeal to us. Nor can we select the best from all the great faiths as from a great religious smorgasbord. We are involved in a life which requires of us some basic orienta tion. Let us recognize our start ing point, understand our own faith community and commit our selves to the orientation it provides. Tomahawks Reply To the Editor: I find it interesting indeed to hear the reaction to our present plans of forming a local chapter of the national sophomore inde pendent honorary known as Tom ahawk. However, this reaction is some what opposite from opinions voiced to me during the second semester of last year by several fraternity men. One or two of these men happened to be presidents of their respective houses, and felt that the formation of an all independent or ganization of this nature would do a great deal to unify the independ ents. Apparently, were are very divided opinions smong the per sons who know about our planned organization. This interest shown by outside persons after a period, during which there was no mention of Tomahawk, made me more inter ested to delve a little deeper into the matter and find out the whole story, or at least as much as pos sible. Now we are sharing this in formation with other people on campus who are interested in forming an active chapter. These people are not people chosen by two Individuals, but rather people who have shown an interest and expressed a desire to know more about it and offered a helping hand. How else does a new organization begin but from a nu cleus of Interested, capable and . devoted persons? At this point, I wish to clarify the fact that the administration has had no active part in creating this interest among the independents. A member of the administration merely pointed out alternative methods which could be used in forming the initial group of mem bers, upon our request for advice, and the administration has not been brought into the matter be yond that point. Probably the only point at which the administration or faculty will be brought in in the future will be the obtaining of a faculty advisor. The next point to be made clear is that both men and women are eligible for membership in Toma hawk, and they will be represen tatives of nil Independent organi sations now existing. The nucleus group will not emanate from just the men's and women's residence halls. If no project of a service na ture or any other nature exists which has not been tackled before by an honorary, then we must assume that the campus has no unsolved problems. If a society has some degree of organization, it tends to receive more and better participation by its members depending on the de gree of organization and integra tion. And don't tell me that this campus and its multi organizations is reaping the fullest benefits of its potential. If so, then why do so many campus activities continual ly cry for more workers from any and all sources? It will be the primary purpose of Tomahawk to recognize thoso independents who have contribu ted significantly to their respective organizations and activities and through this recognition, promote more participation by independ ents In any campus a c t i vity. Through this participation we can not assume that any fight or sep aration will occur between Greeks and Independents. LYLE HANSEN it r Look Up Folks To the Editor; Why don't the people in the History Department raise their heads from their musty books for a moment, and catch up with the times? Isn't it customary for most of the departments of this Uni versity to list labs, quiz suctions and recitation sections in the Se mester Schedule? Then'why can't the History Department do it? They are the cause of much anxiety, hird feelings and dis rupted schedules among the stu dents at this Institution. They anger students and cause them to change sections, and to add and drop courses (Fee $2.50). I feel that the quiz sections are unnecessary. Other departments seem to be able to accomplish their aims with only three lecture sections a week. Why can't the History Department? If they are of the opinion that their quiz sections are necessary, why can't they at least list them in the class schedule? Other de partments are able to list labs, quiz sections and recitation sec tions. I believe the History De partment could do so too. ANGRY it Nickle A Cup What happened to the nickle a cup coffee? Did it break the Student Union and the Crib during vacation when it let students buy coffee for only five cents during exams? I have been to a lot of other campuses and all they charge is a nickle a cup. These places, likt South Dakota, aren't any better or worse off than the University of Nebraska when it comes to finances. Also, everyone who breaks down and pays a dime for coffee at the Teepee room and other similar places usually gets a free refill. Now if the Crib directors argue that coffee is being sold for 10 cents in order to discourage some one from occupying a booth for balf a day without paying a de cent cost, they are arguing rather superficially. Those 10 centers are doing a good enough job right new. If these directors do want to scare off Crib hounds charge two bits per cup. If not, make it a nickle. CONFUSED. Grnold . I COFFEE 1 l S)m. Tmmxm A P y A corf t l - 'jC- n v wjfSiAfT CFiiWp RJg HEALTH m 8 mx. m rm TOUR ctw-Nevai sw IE TV TW0 faux. la. 4T&WC 1 U - ... ,rVWV V f ,t---i--rw.-- 9.t -,- jlws