The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1958, Image 1

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5cf-poge 3
Vol. 32, No. 65
Lincoln, Nebraska
Friday, February 14, 1958
if nn
Past Commandants
Reveal Early Attire
Golden Twenty Stvles On Charier Dav
By DIANA MAXWELL ipast will liven up the 89tf birth-1 She ware a aniform. both ( the
Opy Editor j day celebration of the University , daace, and later whea she re-
"We wore pants and high leath- Saturday. I viewed the traops vita the col-
er boots, a Sam Brown belt and Cos tames Modeled oaeL
a cadet blue, red-lined satin cap? j Several former Honorary Com-! "It was such a fun thing then,"
ia those years." said the first , maodanls and Honorary Coioceis'said Mrs. Holland. .
popularly elected Honorary Col- j will model the costumes of their j By 1SS2, the Honorary Colonel
oneL jday at a style show as "Parade was wearing white breeches, a
Mrs. Lyle Holland, who in ISM! Through the Years" depicts how red coat aad a Sam Brown belt,
presided over the Mittary Ball, ' campus royalty was attired ia said Mrs. E. J. Faulkner, who
aid that before, the Honorary Col-j days grese by. jj presided over the Ball that year,
one! had always been the cadet The Haoarary Colonel, kirerua-j Moakry-Sait Kora
tv., . k;. j.jt. . iJ
a. w c.c m WH wa, cvja, 14J
ISM, but a short glimpse of the. at the Military Ball then.
Union Show
Michcest Talent Visits
University Saturday
The latereolljegiate Tales show
Will highlight some 13 arts com
prised of students tnxa six of the
big eight spools Saturday.
The show wbxft starts at 8 pm,
will feature a anedley of acas, caa
sisLfflg a variety group, a voral
trio, a jaa group, a Hala Dancer,
a ioisiagw-, aad a onHsber of ia
CraroeTiul dbets.
Dfiaao Lewis, a tap dancer
frca Kansas University, wiU peo
the s2kjw widi several cff his own
steps. Lewis started daaar at
fee age of seven.
The Daa Cccrad Qaiatet, which '
also represents Kansas Caimsity,
u a live jnec jjazi grasp
pesed of Dna Canard cm fee string
bass; Jay Fifeer, piano; Ran A3
ertocm, drxnxs; Hob Thwibw.
ribes sad tramtare; and Gary
Fosw tenar saa. I
Towred Cam
w m w vnral tns'lDjck Leaanjcgtao, Rent Mamiy aai
tuej 3w JiKna. It consists; j
r- njL'n Knraa. first saoraao: i
Betas Ijcrsrm, teoani stvanQ;
Sandra Mrirtasi alte; slid Jaa
Eager. 33l ct as acsoemijasnest.
TEhe groiQ CriwJ tlt Jar T3
Mick's sbrw and wiere sent tn a
4nnr aracT ctlKJS. last TfcST.
CdahoEBa Cchwrsijy w-a be w,19 15
rsen!fl by a esnawJir team,
aia Sato. The tem
nSr in tie Sooner
The Four Dfclls. win rpresem ;
Kansas State. Ma Bisii? as
bae, 11 larttane: Lt,-
r...-n.. r, tJ
"Cite Cap
A moawn wqcbI ensejlile from
SLznsjtt Stale, the Xie Caps iaw
cut several reowds. They are
aumjjospd -nf Janet Bthn, 35oug Es
line, Jem H'eigand, unfl Bdb SanS
effs, piKnifit anfl arrainpw.
Jjq "Kluse, plEj"s the mir
imba, is also a beauty winner. She
was first in the J.K3"Mim Calarado
contest, aiifl a runner-otp to the
Wttt America. In jM3drtkm, 1 hue
pptuarefl 'DB fiweral aiatiunal tele
vision jmigramts.
R'iiLipea BneKhirn, tf Mksouri
UniKWEtty, is B iiirierpretwe Hu
la Dtantr- She aeefl a wcarfi jiiny
tsr io assist lier in ier aaL
Htcliura Craviard., lo feom
Missouri, tings (broaSwuy type
sung .along -ith the ibluet.
Can lUurC
Dipak Shun, irom low Stale, is
M lolk singer.. Eeoently lie rectird
efl a number of lus So'flt sungs
and ibttllads ir a louul ireaardmg
Tie thrw nets irom the niver
3ty uf SJehrzKka e: Cli3
Suiibter., a iok singer., anfl winner
if tlie Annutfl Oniverfiity Talent
3Iedical School
Picks Sw?etlicart i
Dumia Eigg was mamefl aHDE
Sweetiieart af lib" Cniversity
Stihadl nf JBuraing Friasy at ttue
smnual V a 3 e n 1 i a Sweefihearl
Dauue ici Sue SdbuUl inf Sursing.
Ber .awidants were Care Gra
anicik ana Sandra Wells AslelL
Tiie girk wei selBttea in
an iJl-camptm "penriy iialiat'" (elec
tion last week. 'Wot-ere were aneoi
cal students ad Cue Cuueg i
Donna is a juiiitir tnursiug ta
cleitt Irom (Dmalia. Care unfl San
& sire sreBpectrveJy a aofihnmure
iiuS a emur.
Tiw iLanue was i$itiiifiura ly fiie
jwuiaul mf JSursuig's tnuoinare
oiaB. "
JiebraLan Needs j
Student Reporters
Opportunitie art npen 5ar Cni
werstiy students intereatea in 3
portmg Snr Ihe Duiy JSabriuikan,
unnardiag IB Bu Ireland, mews
Irsiaud sftatefl Shut reporting
yiix icurtfiist nf siews si 3 ie.Rtu!
writing unflnr -spurts writing. J5d
prwiuus jounialattic .Htpenenue is
refquirefl, Ireland said.
Interested stufteuts shnuifl Bon
tai 11 airy Uebrakun axEfitie.
as awrc wwj vwu uuuvi c
Sbow; 'Tix SJZbcotces. a
mt 1
! onartet eusmsssssac rf Get wiiute.
mlitriiLT- UJU
s . . ji
imstraciieajul iftiitiL I
ISO Sbow I Dr. Charles S. MZjt. profesoac
Brer Bswra cf 5Laitss ITifwrao-Jcff Basaaess OrgaEiKiitMen, Jls wrat
ity, w3 be tie master ff eere-iiHes rweaad table &szimazm l2sat
monies. Bswa was a snecaea- off wBl Se-alare seroral ooJdaes ''bd
a K. 0. grig wiado was sent
cbe Deoartaoeaai si
case . iiow -
CSO tour a year ap.
Tk'trts to tSae sibw mtf be
isernjfflw or irra.
'-- -5 ,
W fj"""4?
lece unions ann ibe
Sororities Speculate
Reports Show 73,c Imitation Return
An estitnaiafl 22 jaleiges out f
a pussible jilts wil i initaasd into
shea respect-re srnrities 1 3d i s
jemesLer, aocnrding to a 2aily Xe-ic-askjm
iater-sorarity p'JZL.
Thre sanamies irefused t s
lease the saumi:er i Iheja: pieces
lo tie ivctiw!atd.
Th Ir t;v-nune sOeoges Hi
tuike cbt!B' averages mt ad a 5
by PanbtOlMuc cnic talL
Four the saranties me in f
tost iaf riusing the initiaSsfl nw
itge to a S.a, while ihe sneat es
pressefl ajprwal i ithe jciesent SiB
AH of the sunorities wre satis
fied witi tfne jitaentic levtk afir
latned i' liieir Atrtrves-ffitHbe.
Presifleat tf Aipla Chi Omega.
Luis LaE-ue., nUiwcl ttiuct inut lit
jiledreE. 23 macie their jrvernges.
Ereuger., Alpha Oniicron Pi
pi-eEitieii., said 'iier iratemity wiH
initiale 22 out 'Uf a pkdge cias
.uf 27.
Sau&'a Shcup, presjidaal ff Al
pha Piii, indiDa'fl 2 1JI if
their jileapes will Ite jictiritoa.
Alpha Xi eha pvesidesfc. Son
era ILee ropotlea lhat 20 j-leap-H;
rn-il 'le ctwuttfl fram
a pledge
linn, ii)f 2Su
CreUihen Paul, Chi Qaaega jaresi- j
8 si, re'leaKtS lhat -m 20
ptedpes., IB made Sheir awragt. I
. Georgaun Hutnjihry. jiriacent .ctf ,
3Dtppa eUA, ai3 iiiat 37 gir:is
-will iie aatwmtiea .out .of a Hit.all ,
tf 2u. 1
Pirrliis raianiua. Kjtppa Kjip; ,
GanmLB;airmax if gautiiic rda-1
lions, f'-atea aaiat J. .Bin i u
jileagt will 'i anttcated.
Pi Beta Phi. treponea &itt t).r.
rrd: MacPiieraun, j-etu&nit !
Cuftfl MacPiieraua, juwtucknit
28 silete, BJ auaile hir Mer-
ia jresioeat, Mated ttot 25 t
2B jiieoges win ne amuw-eo.
Presitteii tf elta Gwna, Louis
Eiluia, woifld mat Aai 'ifaow amity
jiastigcs anan'; inetr wnz-vzm.
HowrfHT, 20 gtfls were juedge att
the liegniiinig i tie year..
A member s Gamma Piii Se j
inak-.Hied fiial -nut si 22 i)ledg,
IE7 will ibe ctnrald.
Xapjia Alpiia Tiiota jreuiflent,
Bobtue Maare, rejmrtea jibat U .oatt
s a jileage lUiaas i& 1 amaoe tbeir
Sigma e'hB !au prtmistex, Ee
Titar Pafaiiauik., wnulfl ii'.n j-elease
ne number ui pledges 'i
, 'moKiey-siiil, bat I hope I cas
jget out of it, commented Mrs.;
I Faultier. I
Dunng World War n, the Mil
itary Ball was temporarily da
coatinued. Mrs. Reginald Danes, ia IMS
was tf" first Hocaorary Colonel
after war. She was also the
first -oiooel to wear a start. Her
mifonn was a skirt, a jacket aod
a cape.
La$t raiforn
The last Honorary Coxmaadact
who wjre a nsniforai to the Bill
w:ss Mrs. Edwa Perry. Ia 195!
Mrs. Perry's wmifoirrn was a white
tod ssat specially dssigjted far the
occasjcaa. She witsre the saame trpj
of cape aad hat that Haoorary
Xot to aegiect otier run(
aeews, two former May Qareas
aod a Xefcrajta Sweelaearl win
ab Btodel ia
131 supposea to wear
Parade tarowc. tfce;:b eacorarage and sSiawilate warn -
Tears. ji
TJae dress f the first li a t ,i
W-jean, jtrs. ixwus Aaaoersaia. bH;""" vc:
wia c mcotjm as a saaupj m
Che cud clays , awsnanteg to Mrs.
Eiiea Riossea, oiaostess off the
birthday celtfferaiiiaiiu
Mrs. Riabert DrJbsan, a Xe&ris -
ka Swetiberl, w21 represtaat feat 3
SaraacJi cf caaapoas mtyaSy.
The cartMay oeWaraSMBii. to foe a
,hjd at p-sm. aft ifibe Urxwrjcy
1 .
nKw.J '
Cc b Gear
til gear.
Aitufiac Etowc5ar BJS wnrsg.
ijr'TT Tn JTTTZi.
JteTy KaA d M
utads JIrry StTigae wi partaa-
a1n it prl.ifeitr!!. xfea-
a is the rarsMsrsjay Msm"s C3eei
KifSant jir-afsfi.:ir asff music
tioded, but mine ffirls wre p5dgd.
Wj2a 'STalSo. prtfiifleat Signaa
""ppa, STtiased a sy tew mamy
pledges snafle ibeir Terjvges Tai
girts wesre juedgwd an Hi tegreorng
uf Hie year.
Zeita Taa AiLi prfsrirai. Lak
OwerfturlS, swspartefl Sihat 14 out cfl
IB waiika 1 acjiml!ScL
Oa Qe fj-jtwimity 4e. SM anea
wore Wigl swing rA
auil xjqirmamvtieJy 231 wiO he
Xurin; School
Honors 23 Coccls
Tary tficsee r.ucits vt tie
CnrswaxEy SdbscsD .rf Sl.ttrsmg Iiets
iieen mamvi lis tin bonar mH lor
the firat quarter ftie J.K7-.5II
Bcadarrur year.
Honor roll tuderfts ure fihot
wh iatw adtuweiS a graae
ge irf 2 inr a&wwe tilisrxng Jihe
grres fime.
Seninrs ksd She Siomar raiS aire:
Genera Allen, Saidra Bradie. J-
AaB Carr, Anflrey Caasle, Frantiet
Catatihall lea.nue Cssring. Eatto
Ana Henfleraan.. E.adieen ussx.
JItAim Maare, jE.a&rjtB Effl anfi
SbisraB Sw'iJt.
Janet Etoti, JfiSt BtHinffl.
Cimi BjdSle, Juhe Seng. ICry
Dusna J TOtiSnsy are
ciiar bemar raEl aaeirilwr.
splvaenw ihidbfe: MafHya
Eeiei, UUtry Caa-iBteiaien,, Xari-
Verats BcfiatSjer.
garaj EIaat.ii
i WiHSer-
Psr-Mrri Rfln!inri
rm 11 UCldliuus
Seminar Planned
An EtiarTreat Seminar J'JT gra-
i,te jmjaa amBwffiMS im aiaar-
illli1li:ml! jiiflatms iis feeing swt mj
,,bt, j, rrienas Seirrioe
.j; ar.oMttig 4 Geurgt
EojHsnlci. Cto'ariry Fjarsiigx Sts
fletsts aidwau.
The Si-mmar will 1 Sia at
: August aatfl wiQ utreas tx Ibeme
1 ,nj -"Tiis Elftniertt tf Faat4u3
ciyeratiuii ia i Wurlfl if tbrHro-
: jfr,.- 2t,w.erlDd saatlel,
i lalrirPBSefl graausift tuaenH,
g? 21 4s .LIB,, jitatiia ikbU r. Z'js-
-"init ci'.ilwiitupi,'
iui-Jl.ieiiiud sUCed,
at-e arralialile.
Mrs. Priest
Ivy Priest
March 1
MPs Slate
Mrs. Ivy Baker Pries:, treasarer
of the United States will be era
eanapos March 1st to ealigftten the
Caiversity Coeds on the "Things
to Coo for Women."
This is the topic asssed to toe
woman's coherence spared by
o-.-v xt,. rt--v- rJt Vnr.
lir tjoaro, senaor cne!oi s aiv-
! The porpose of the cccfereoee is
jien's leadejsjp tthr?Eigaout the
en s Jeadexsajp tsirxsgSnsat tae
state" accanfing to Bari Sharp.
ijccols im- - -"etep these capacities that are in
v--- ;
siaas asd aa evemiifflg haaipet.
5ar registratiaBi aJsaae
Tfce begets wea oa ale Tawrs-
day. Tfcey are avatsae troni Mr-
tar Bar, i
at 9 hinnh ia the
eek ad or writiag
VTT'ssccEd wwoa1"1112 t
..j - u.
..."TW r bar its ere.
iwcaiBjnHrTpe secni an m m3
. -
t b3Wit at pjm- m tit TaiitanL
Btsoii are ca Sataariay. Marth 1st..! a total najdaCiiyai?ataw of cormiiiiwsmty
Pad ActirBiet jresaans." Aimwcg thi resmsnrei
la ISM, Mrs. Pri!Bt bca3Eie:''are iarifca&d bwmess, the profes
3Wiesk(5S3t t Jjfae Ctaia SUt T3sig sieias. tie spsmxmamU ag3eia
Repdte She iM R.y. prc J wi -:
Weaaena R - giUO -
a! DiirftcJjsir asff aii Ymmsj Ep35i2)
cas X sfcisiosl Fiaras,Ktt acd &nai
to 1W4 iihe was a nsenniSsar of
US Ciai Sxat Eepcislliicaijii GjEu-
Tr.,itfftiWy ji
Sbe was a aaeinniwr c U Ke-
ie acaJ fcai f he Wnew"s Di -
.-.r '"
E-ejiitIk-jai rgaaszjoiM f II a-
era slat.
Her icttereat as ek&Sc serrioe bas
laeeaa snedjeiiel in Ibsr work as puntsi
jSent jrf fee Ua4 Sue Wsamens
Lfgiflatiwie Coaacil,, s vine jesfii
Aent "i tbe ICiath SiJety Cmaacii
amfl iin 44 Genera3 Fkr.iMia asf
Wacneaa's cliuilM aoafl ifibe Amei-itasB
Efl i
Sbe txik foe so winning SJbe
Erffl iminicaffiai wage far wtarJang
wscasa ass Ulai),, ami jpirSiciipaiMd iisa
ibe Tiailikiaeat $& lib Tomilb Gen
ter Sor Bamis Goarfly, OU&.
PiutHls SliCrfw
Alas jieatored am 9ib ucuerDC
will ie siiire jaanels CHiapaael off
If leadnug wccuesi m the sW. Ti
t"Bt pawl, enaijiei ;BMiiie. Cav
swer. CsxmmsottCm Tsa Eaoffle
AH Timeer', will he htM p. 1-.BD
58 in. ""Wfciat Is Toiar tSa to Tiiis
Cbicngjag Woiria?" wM be sneiaat
i ant 2.:4S pan. asod U Tir
Contrikiliiiiis Eguall Tswar Polan
tiaflr wa ht ihs topis Ifibe 4
I& jsiamtL
EiegStArMliiw ivr 1 emiereMie
as Gmnai 9 11 ataa. Aarieg wftikw
txDte a eu53 fcas aSua ke aca4-
Miss Sjitj ij(2 i&e iraciereEicie
as ibeiag jutssihiAkS ss a sfinrke to
fee ttersrasy amrS to tQbte sum Sy
fee Hnrtar 3rf 2iuijfir.
Maj Queen
FiHn Ooc
Fjfcgs tar May ftaetau wH close
today, aitsiarding 1 Slariya B3e.
atntiaj) sHdasirmiea, Aiffl asssiSe
licra; imust lie Mjti m 1 fee
duirn AiiTijes loffii ly 5 p.m.
A primary 3tntiaai w33 l ibeOd
Faisi. 26 to seta tea ffmalaffis. Tbe
Muy Queaa attii tor utteidicit wiQ
he sSxmm at fee AH W&amssi"f Elec
tions Kand) S.
Biz Ad Croup Smoker
JDttta Eigma Pi wlffl ftmOd a smis
r Fsilft. M a J jn.m. ra IDiauB
Parlors B atad C Al toaiaoess shd
iiiiiaiiKiriuSitaj iEHiS ikSiweifced is
jjtutung a jirstfitaiBisiaal firiAeriuly
acre tiurfiitlly apvitefl to strtSKad, a5
irerfiinc t rouHicitr eiiuiinstHJ)
enzlik Foresees
A New York educator warned
Thursday that America "may get
an education which would serve
Russia's pattern of life better than
our own," unless the public is
helped to understand what U.S.
education is attempting to achieve.
Dr. E. O. Meiby, former dean
of the New York University School
of Education outlined this point in
an address to the afternoon ses
sion of the one-day 50th anni
versary celebration of the Uni
versity s Teachers College.
Melby explained that "had we
been able to inform the Americ&n
people better in the last 30 years
about what our education is seek-
:ig to achieve, public education j
would not now be in the hazard-
lious position it now finds itself.
1 If we do not help people under-
stand the situation soon, not only
public education, but our whole
national policy may veer away
from oar traditional outlook, where
we have strength, to the Eosssan
"oaook. where we are in a rel-
aSively weak position."
, ,
Better Tool
1 Ai'Sh Rassa may be pre-
?"- OBOre specialists and keep-
schaol. Dr. Melby adoiitted, he
aafcted feat in Russia the that it rontinues to prepare
i wvi n fi "w nn,ntf tM.r- -. thi- crm n
;: - :M.,,ec. M that v. a L,-,:
fflJ. Raa eiis
Ma seeis to prosoce saertusts
hr American eda-
;wm seeks first to devekro mm
is wsia iffleir lEaaqpc
2t5 Trm;!rpni OTgani2X3IES-
cited the rpaSHy jBcreas-
; IlS exxawmM aeeias m we cwu-
.mat oat Ats edsicaitaaa as fct
we caasaat carry nt w4 wxhusot:;
"iUre aid
Oa3y CtM EaeatiM
Dr. Sltt'Uhrjr saii tihe preaeiS eia-
ciEkiBD 'is by m "Beaas
';by i A-Eerkaa pw9, to amifil-!;
jj "M.:ciiy mstst mctt MDaa is be
- -,"f-i:pr5t
ihe Anerirax fMip ttn titf'J gr-il-
eat swtore,' ibe aidteL
Tfc Pie Goes
With The Girl
Tits Elsdk aofl Eriifl amJ
Hcaae Ej; Oiibs wJB ?XAur a
pje SacM acad Kam IBtteat 4
aiigat ait 7.3S p.m. xn fee Kire
Earm ma Ag Cautopui, aintwdjag
to Tana Kxeger & fee Kiati
asuS Erjffie Cbib.
Bqys acre feriteS t (Dome slag,
wtile fee girfs sSwuili Sbrins pies,
Eraeger sintd.
re- TflA-
Satellites Replace Football
la tUSui era s TaBfeiis'", "Sfc
mis'", ami ICEMs, jsmfclk: astteDfiiaa
Haas ssuMealy baawsae asEtaaed Offl
matisciall swcinrjSy atai tetBsitgaciu
adrnaiBe. KatsMmaiie saiSieEiles tow
alaMaS. rejiaaei Sssifeajl as a fce
mueat Hsoue far Uiilff tjus..""
W fflsay antaawfiit feis aflaniasl
atiii'm,siiil iiatemlt ica tia to
fee jgnfiniiDg amauMusM 4 fee
AjcermsB jatfelic to fee aia
iSfflna.ueiita fel Eieffiocaiy atud
des may tore anpsra feeir tm,
saia Merk aiftsaia, deaao s fee
GsiBege of Eogitieejijag and Ars3-aiseicta:-
Ose fflff today's naoat Tjtsl pctSn-
tar iis fee edataffisni f eaaSaeer
wsakajaippsd to ks jni TJfe
a ri5iy awMsleratir totiausJk'gy
XriifijtiatiJiil assefenf awe fceitsg
nestksasa,, acaS mstsy to? psoia
cj ae;d edLatatisffi! Ikafers ao
al U.S. SitSanoe eitettaBiwa, Buiin-I
asm s.aia,
Tle tWwersajj-, aOwtg wfcb
wnsie cf sjaius's t eeglia
tteg MSits, Is utCy sii-
ait turctr j Md rjir (tStew-
wgl brk&w ka kauk seasaa
50th Anniversary
Features Banquet
The dean of the University's Teachers College looked
into the future Thursday
teacher, one witn professional stature, emerge.
Dr. Frank Henzlik, who will retire as dean of the col
lege this year after 27 years service, was the principal
speaker at tne banquet celebration I
of the College's 50th anniversary.
Speaking oa the topic, "The
Teachers College Looks to the
Fatore," the deaa arged the ae
eessity of extending the present
four -year teaching program to a
five-year plan ' with the goal
"every teacher a superior teach
er." Dr. Heazlik's crystal ball re-
vealed "a pro-
lesstosal pro
grain covering
a span of not
less than two
years or three
years beyond
our present
tour-year pro- V
To accoai- XaA ivJ
plish this pro- Ctontsr Uomta Star
gram, the HemiiA
Nebraska educator listed two oth-
provenneat of the present program
k,, snLd fessiaoal f
eradiate programs that develop'
master teactters.
The present foar-year urogram
fckas served weD," tie dtaa
stated. "Bat we are the the
first to admit that osr oreseat
procram is iaadeaaie to do the
i job ahead. Fnrtaermore, we re-
aUie that it aiU beeome iKcreas
iagty iaadeqmate ia the decades
A vital education is act possi-
S3ca-j:iid a of formal boofcsh
- Pelia:auc
iiwwtiik,. This
lieAsrati can b prwiM
osy ,j
it - jrofesffmal-ceatered teacher i
etfccausB procram" ccmbiaiiog and
j 72L.
lifltegratarg socaa geaerai earaca-
uanra prcceaissasiaii corapKeni-1,
to thto are ' !!
ygarf fesr teac-aers wha wiU fc40 'i
huasme cirae Headers, tomeaiaiers ji
aiad wistrkers with hi:g3i psrsaoial !
! ganrfardit; i-eiaE28 sasbjett-naialt-ij
ji Her prrparaiiaa ftw jjtsqeis who
ar preparxg to teaas aacre oe 1
tasrasarT sctei krei!; gaasra!
IptrepuiraEg to be tencJaers.
PlrspfT reinnatitaiiiieiil. gaadaace
sad selsc&re aniaiiisfsiaiia cf yjiotLg
EEto jCTsgriOBS cf pmies-
3Lf.aua syikJ b based em fee
itiOUtl person amid m& sucA&tioSsc
airai5ic r'; atoa." Dea
Eearlii rieaiiaieiS liis acadieaoe.
Edajcacuaaail mearesa, Wiiat
fee ffcysataH siTcaSisl Sare lana
3sy ?-;cig aod s?littmg
fee aoMa, e&acaaionial tneseardbars
jsit'uflt &s by diiettiaag fee pesriap
tian acd fee Eatare 4 ItaraaiEg
acid 4 8eair!b;roE.
Prwr tota aa4
K-bjp"" ( iMthiers gasg h
(fee Iractbatg 1541. this ws24
rJK abMUIiwine ItaMwBg re
x&utg irwaa l-J(4rt swt krisg
aiMigMw shtis lr wkitfc
bty are rrwfwrly ftaM4.
symUuibA, TMafiMuil atywt. j.
4 ' " V" .
TMs remarfiiDg Boeaaa ti a (teaancne tetsue jesesaoe.
jTeadiw jffi)p6a.aias w3J be piaaed araj Afifflsrdssg tfc Deaa &e
jotaatiSic prxf." w'iacSn fee saw program bas ba oCScaaTy ia
idlest ckb an?5?y to any effigaaterio&'jeaa sace last 3, bat tberw
iir.:uifjQ, jiwere raaay c&aages dsriig fee
lar. H-'is ifleiiaires fess fee jp
feKt fee Ciairerjiiiy caua d tesl
ji i Ht3w ffrndtoesaiau
'W cam t tswaijaf! wafe saiissitry
4 turn,"
' 1 :
night and saw a superior
Student Role
Speaking at the Thursday morn
ing session of the 30th anniversary
celebration of the Teachers Col
lege, Dr. Fred WilheLxs, of San
Francisco State College, described
"the modern student of education"
as wanting "to trade in the ivory
tower for a used arena of life."
Dr. Wilhelms lauded the students
of today saying, "He is not so sure
that the intellectual side of learn
ing is the whole story. He is im
pressed with the role of emotions
and attitudes. He thinks intellec
tual development cannot be de
tached safeiy. He feels an urgency
to educate people to live better
with themselves and others. He
10 B 83 as ne can
a8 tie perstest problems of man-
kiad. bringing problem-solving to
bear upon taem."
Dr. WUhelms urged the educators
not to shut down the study of teach
ing and learning. He said, "When
the Russians sent their dog bayirg
from the moon, and our scientists
found themselves behind, they did
not shut down the physics labs.
They stepped op the wsltage.
"It is time to do the same in
edaratienal research," Dr. W i 1
helms s&id.
Dr. WUheics said he fears that
ma-jisioBal ediacatar has been tempor-
bard for him to go on. The deed
tor research in education is simply
Dr. Wubeta ex-
Also speaibag at the inning sea-
was Dj- Erwna GoIdenisSejn.
Dean Frank Hesalik presided.
Ends ToflflV
Tjcay marks the end of the
itt'WA memhersSaip drire. Men-
bersitps haTe beea on sa al
week by fce Campcs Cautaca of
World Affairs.
XTFCWA icees bo-staoEdiily in etc
Caixt oa Tuesday ewoisgs at 7:39.
Programs vary, said Buff Keyes,
3CDCWA presideait, bat taiw&j ia-
eTKjit, pnxaacal pirabSems, parse!
diimmaaas or 3baies.
Specie COT.ajK.-ses oa KUOTA
are Pitcal ASairs. Special
Erenjds, SSamisersSiBp, Prfdscsy amd
Fareiga SoxSeat Reteaco.
BereseratatiTies as every orgzn
iied basse oa Campos are leLzf
fee 3JCCWA BM-osbersbBps for
Course Adding
Ends Saturday
Sateday sitiaa is fee Sas
f-.r addkg osiorses acordig to
fee VszrenzSj Egisiratrs effice.
Scjrltci muy rso
II toy a.
bcit w can & a btSer fob of
;:I23&7 siSncl teraa.
cssdidaiSe tor a BA an Ecs
rxg Bt3t twr c&azjZete 142 se
jnjsT bomrs as cwn-vared wife fee
fcsrxar rtsyiiareissejat cf 185. Hs
Be mat aim tax on r4(faiil
cxxzrse of adraaestd calnibs asd
Tic adse ILats deleCaj sat
nsesSeacall csmbs ia fawsr or
insisses ca iKirsKscs or ccga
eerzjg saecse.
GrtMer ChaSeag
This tw ecspfeasss oa "pare"
jciesus wj dilicitly crease a
sixJt bcr acadesse eia!g
for fee sta&nt. Ttis cbiogr si
Hearskg to te3t atad steady wSi
Sue sf greai raise to fee esSaeer
as be applies fee basse soeaees.
:iis tosSs, to a prac-
teaa ssSstaii&n, Jfofcrjo remareal.
Deata IbAMM sai Che eaJa
eer tikrt scieac an
ftis he ant ttwmagkJy
batsie ariaeiaks af