-- ..M ,-.- v.' V v. . - a ft ? Wednesday, February 12, Phi Dells Open Tournament With Victory Over Delts, 53-33 Cottrell, Kjeldsen Pace Winners As Double Eliminations Begin Moving with speed and preci sion, Phi Delta Theta swept past Delta Tau Delta, 53-33, in the first game of the Intramural Double Elimination Tourney Tuesday. Although the game started with the shooting as cold as the weather putside, the Phi Delts with Dick Cottrell leading the attack soon be gan to click. Cottreil was the Kjeldsen Aden main factor In breaking the zone defense of the Delts with his field goals from 30 feet out. He also set up several fast breaks with Lefty Hevner to break the game wide open. It was still close at the end , ' V I $L1LJ& Li Skirts In Sports emmie limpo Congratulations, Alpha Xi Deltas! In the finals of the intramural volley ball tournament, the Alpha Xis defeated the Independents to win the championship game. It seems that all women's con tests are either starting or ending this week, due to the semester break. Co-rec volley ball is drawing to a close with the semi-finals of ; this sinele elimination tournament j were played. The top two teams of each league were scheduled for games as follows: Gamma Phl-Slg Ept vs. Alpha Chi-Farmhouse; Tri Dclt-ATO vs. Chi Omega-Kappa Sigma; Alpha XI Delta-Slgma C,hl vs Newman - Club; Kappa Delta. Theta XI vs. PI Phl-Slgma Nu. The four winners will play in the finals next Tuesday. Bowling is entering the third round and will run for the next two weeks. Finals will be a week from Thursday. Tht double elimination basket ball tournament started Tuesday at Grant Memorial. The fencing club started last Thursday. Persons interested may come any Thursday at 5 p.m. to the Dancing Studio in Grant Me morial. The first session of the Rifle Club began on Saturday morning, 'he two hour meeting included an ex planation of the parts of the rifle, safety rules, shooting positions, target citing and demonstrations. The Club will start shooting practices on Saturday from 1 3:30, each member having signed up for a ' particular time. Any one who would like to Join the the Club can see Miss IWulvaney at Grant Memorial and sign up with her. Captain Berry of the Army De- V i A V A THETA CHI SAMMIES CHI O THETA XI SIGMA KAPPA 1958 of the first quarter with the Phi Delts leading, 9-7. In the second quarter Cottrell and company pulled away from the Delts who could not seem to start rolling. Dwight Siebler sunk a couple field goals for the Delts to keep them in the game but 'the Phi Delts had an 11 point lead at halftime. The play got rather ragged in the third quarter and Ed Higgen botham, Intramural Director, had to caution the Phi Delts on their aggressive play. At the end of the third quarter, the Phi Delts had lengthened their lead to 37-24. Cottrell, Hevner and Kjeldsen all teamed to score 37 of winner's points. In the losing effort Larry Naviaux and Dick Hove tossed in 7 points apiece, while Bob Aden handled the ball well. In rambling to victory the Phi Delta showed a fine tone defense which the Delts could not crack. The Phi Delts also got fine reboun ing from Kjeldsen and Moon Mul- lins. They had a balanced attack and a fast break which kept the Delt's defense loose. In the fourth quarter, the Delts attempted a full partment is assisting with the Rifle Club's program. Personal Opinion Surprisingly enough, I passed bowling! It was a struggle, how ever. The favorite summer sport, golf, has begun rather early for me and the mpmhers of mv P. E. classs this semester. T,ast. Thursday we dressed in our airy regulation j an(j shorts and prepared our-1 CPiVPe rofPiw unlf irwrrnrtinn Next week I will include a de tailed account of the information which our teacher gave us. We even got to handle a golf club! Of course, we didn't get to hit anything . . . except each other. Today, little green rugs have been spread out on the floor of 'the dancing studio. Also little fake putting cups have been placed on the little rugs. All we have to do is putt little golf balls into the little cups . . Should be quite a challenge! Missouri Nebraska will, play Missouri In the Coliseum tonight at 8 p.m. The Huskers lost to the Tigers by one point in the two clubs only previous meeting at Colum bia in the Big Eight Conference opener. Sonny Siebert, junior guard, is expected to lead coach Sparky Stalcup's five. Siebert carried a 17.6 average in the first 13 games this year. VALENTINE FLOWERS KRAMER'S GREENHOUSE 10lh & Van Dorn Phone 3-6444 WE DELIVER court press as a stop gap measure. The Phi Delts merely ran around it most of the time. Second 'Star' Prize Given To Brand For Win Streak By GEORGE MOVER Sports Editor Dan Brand, Scarlet heavyweight wrestler earns the second Daily Nebraskan Star of the Week Award for his weekend victories in the Colorado and Great Lakes w r e s tling meets. Brand wan against Great Lakes last Friday and his coach, Bill Smith, called It the finest match he had ever seen Brand wrestle. Then Satur day, Big Dan Courtesy Lincoln Star Brand 1 n Jack Himt-lwright of Colo- rado and Pinnod nim ,n 6:24- 0f th,s wln' Smi(h commented, "That was one of the best matches a heavy ever wrestled." The two wins gave Brand a sea son's record of five wins and one draw. The big fellow is improving steadily and. Ls expected to make a determined bid for the Big Eight heavyweight title. If "he makes it, he will be the first Husker to hold a Big Eight title since 1955. Brand's h igh school grappling experience is typical of a Nebras ka wrestler. He didn't have any. Only three of Smith's first string ers this year have had any high school wrestling at all. In high school "Dan the Man" as teammates call him, turned his attention to other sports. He grad uated from Bellvue High in 1953, but while he was there he took part in football, basketball and THE HOLLYWOOD BARBER SHOP BEGINNING MARCH 1 you can make appointments for your haircut up until 5:00 O O CALL 8-3416 O t S. L "0 re The Doily Nebroskon Tournament Schedule Thursday Court I I 5 p.m. Sigma Chi B vs. Phi Kappa Psi B 6:38 p.m. Alpha Gamma Rho B vs. Farmhouse B 7:30 p.m. Cornhusker B vs. Alpha Gamma Sigma B 8:30 p.m. Sipma Alpha Epsilon B vs. Alpha Tau Omega B Court II 8 p.m. Pi Kappa Phi A vs Alpha Gamma Sigma A track. In track, he ran the half mile and threw the discuss, which may account for his mat co-ordination and strength. He enrolled at the University five years ago and played freshman basketball but did not become interested in wrestling till he had acquired jun ior standing. Since Brand is a mechanical engineering major, which requires a five year course, re still had three years of eligi bility left. Thus his academic standing is that of a five year man but athletically, he is a sen ior. When I walked into the wres tling quarters in the NU Coliseum, I found Brand and ex-Husker grid star, Ed Husman, pulling and tug ging at each other like a pair of bears. Though they both looked like they could go 15 rounds with Floyd Patterson, they seemed glad of the interruption I made in what appeared to me an attempt at dou ble suicide. Husmann is now a pro with the Chicago Cardinals and he and Brand were keeping in tone by working out on each other. As they 'both rose to their feet, I could see why no one else was willing to go a couple of fast periods with either of them. Brand towered 6'5" and must have weighed in at about 205, while Husman didn't look a pound over 220 and stood about 6'3". Brand is a very good-natured fellow and he thanked me for the award as I handed him his certifi cate. Husman bent over to look at it, and I felt a little like London Bridge was falling on me. He rated his win against Colo- BOB BAYLESS has relocated in the HOLLYWOOD BOWL 920 No. 48th now open Jerry Buih Don Smidt if t ACACIA DELTA UPSILON FARM HOUSE PHI GAMMA DELTA PI KAPPA PHI Plcturm Lincoln Journal and Stnr t:30 p.m. Acacia A vs. rionccj- 7:39 p.m. Sigma Nu A vs. Alpha Tau Omga A 8:30 p.m. Beta Theta Pi A vs. Alpha Gamma Rho A Friday Court I I p.m. Alpha Cow Alpha vs. Alpha Tau Alpha Court II S p.m. Presby vs. Wesley rado as his biggest thrill. 'Those fellows beat me two years In a row. The first time it was Sam Salerno and he was really rough. I brought up the coming Iowa State meet and Dan said they would be rough. "They blanked Mankato, a team that beat us, but if I can beat their heavy, it will get me a long way toward that Big Eight title," he said. Speaking of his success as a wrestler this year while last year, he had only an average season Dan said, "A guy can get by on strength and experience for a while, but it takes technique to be really good. I used to think the big man had a tremendous ad vantage but Smith taught me that wasn't so. I work out with him and he ties me in knots." Operation Palette . . . jj i an exhibit of 122 pointings by i ! ! U. S. NAVY COMBAT ARTISTS, presented ly the V. S. Navy and the ! ll Lincoln Council of the Navy League. il ii February 17 to 22 1? jl AUDITORIUM, FOURTH FLOOR l Me r &a i n e ' ' ' Cold Husker Hoopslcrs Fall To Sooners, 66-39 Chamberlain Held To Six Points As Kansas Defeats Colorado Nebraska's offense stalled the eocond half ajfainst Oklahoma at Norman Monday night and the Sooner waltzed off with a 66-39 win. The victory solidified Okla homa's hold on second place in the Big Eight. Tankers Lose To Colorado The Colorado University swim ming team scored a decisive 63 23 victory over Nebraska Friday afternoon at the Coliseum pool. Colorado won the first event, the 400 yd. Medley relay, and from then on it was evident that the Husker tankmen could not make a contest of it. The results: 400 yd. Medley relay: Won by Colorado (Geo. Ickes, Jim Wise, Jay Mills and Hap Ingham) Time 4.26.5. 22fl Free style: 1. Jim Sheff (O 2. Bill North (N) 8. Cart Boden steiner (N) Time 2.29.6. 59 yd. free style 1. Ron Renfer (N) 2. Aaron Bodin S. John Hole man (N) Time: 24.4. Diving: 1. Paul Anderson (C) 2. Jim Ogilive (C) 8. Doug Scott N. 208 yd. Butterfly: 1. Aaron Bo din (C) 2. Jay Mills (C) 8. Joe Bonnemeier (N) Time: 2.34.6. 100 yd. Free style: 1. Hap Ing ham (C) 2. Ron Renfer (JO 8. Phil Glasgow (C) Time: .55. 200 yd. Back Strokes 1. Geo. Ickes 2. Bruce Allen (O 8. Har vey Fair (N) Time 2.23.4. 440 yd. Free style: 1. Jim Sheff (O 2. Bill North (JO 8. Carl Bo densteiner (N) Time 5.25.4. 200 yd. Breast stroke 1. Jim Wise (C) 2. Ron Bucklin N) 8. Jeff York (C) Time 2.45.2. 409 yd. Free style relay won hy Colorado (Glasgow, Sheff, Bodin, and Mills.) I $ -f V f ALPHA OMICRON PI KAPPA ALPHA THETA ALPHA PHI KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA ZETA TAU ALPHA Pec 3 Nebraska was miserably cold from the field and hit only ten of 54 attempt for a 18. S per cent field goal average. Leading the attack for the Husk ers were Herschell Turner and Willie Fitzpatrick with 18 points apiece. Bill Hammond was top man for the S ooners with 19 points. He scored 17 points in the first half to. give the Sooners a S2-22 hay time advantage. Joe King helped Hammond with 12 points. The Sooners eutrebounded t h Huskers, 51-41. This victory gave Oklahoma a 12-4 season record. The Huskers now have a 14 con ference mark with their 1 n e vic tory coming over Oklahoma, S7-M in the coliseum. la ether action In the Big EtgM, Kansas with only ( points from Wilt Chamberlain slipped fast Colorado, 60-51. Colorado used a sagging zone against Wilt and had 3 men on him most of the time. Ronnie Loneski and Alan Dowi ghue took over the scoring load for Kansas with 14 and IS points apiece. Chamberlain took only five shots in the game, preferring to feed to his teammates. Want Ads Park at "Cromment's Pollsy," north of Sigma Kappa house contact Bill Oram- llch. 2-7S6S. D'Angelo'a Pliza Chlckea Hut JOSS "O" Phone 2-2182 Frw belivery. Lost Billfold, Wh Street lot RewartJ. Call. 2-62SS Murphy. WANTED COOK : STUDENT HEALTH 8:00 In 12:308:00 to :S1 Sundays. $1.00 a hour plus meals. Apply Per sonnel Department Room 13S New Administration Building. 1