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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1958)
Pace 2 The Daily Nebroskan Wednesday, February 12, 1958 Editorial Comment Tomahaivks Scalp Honor; May Ignite III Will t might b better if the Tomahawks organ - ixationai group did not meet in a couple of weeks. The meeting, which is supposed to be the . first step toward actual organization of the group on the campus, would ignite ill will, The Daily Nebraskan believes, and tend to detract from service organizations now in existence on the campus. As we understand the situation, the University has a charter In the national independents hon orary but no local chapter at the present time. : The nucleus of the organization will be select ed by two individuals on the campus who have taken a deep interest in the establishment of an active chapter 'at the University. Here are our reasons for objecting to the establishment of the Tomahawks on the campus: I) At the present time there are two all-Uni-Tersity honoraries for activities, the Innocents Society and the Mortar Boards. As has been proved in past yeara neither are exclusively independent or Greek. Both have attempted to select the very best students from the Univer sity. And although their functions as service or ganizations have been dubious in the past, they do serve the purpose of awarding recognition to outstanding students. t) We object, secondly, that the Dean of Men has suggested that two men select the nucleus group. Ia the first place we believe that If this is truly a student organization Its operation should stay in the hands of students. In the second place, with all due respect to the students involved, if the organization is to me9n anything independents outside of the dorms should be allowed in the organization. We question whether two students could be un biased in their selection of a truly representa tive nucleus group even though it is a small group. S) If the organization were to be active (in the sense that it would usher and undertake projects of a service nature) there would undoubtedly be some dissension as to when the Tomahawks would usher and when the Innocents would usher. Squabbles Inevitably arise between acti vities honoraries when there is a question of which group will "serve." That's result of human nature. 4) In a day and age when the University com munity is trying to knit itself into a relatively strong cooperative unit this split by the inde pendents might be construed as in bad faith. It is probably not considered such by its expo nents, but it will be construed as such by many of the Greeks on the campus. When it comes to activities the proof is in the pudding. If, as has been demonstrated by the present activities honoraries, independents and Greeks can not only work together but be recognized together on May Day, then there is no reason for the Independents to cut themselves off from the rich flow of inter-organizational lifeblood which tends to vivify the University's extra-curricular activities. r For these basic reasons, the Dally Nebraskan opposes the formation of a new activities organ ization exclusively for Independents. Greeks' Brains Showing; Support High Scholarship Every year when a number of fraternity pledges fail to earn a high enough grade aver age to be initiated some Greeks ask, Are pres ent grade average requirements too high?" The Inter-fraternity Council has established 5.0 as the minimum semester overall a student may receive and be eligible for initiation. A recent check with University fraternities by a Nebraskan reporter showed that most fraternity leaders are happy with the present grade requirements. Sixteen said that they were not in favor of lowering the 5.0 requirement to 4.5 while only six houses expressed approval of such a move. This nearly three to one opposition against reducing scholarship requirements was a happy pat on the back for the University fraternity system. It showed that the fraternities have not forgotten that most of their groups were origi nally established to emphasize mental endeavors. It would have been a sad state of affairs If the fraternity leaders had expressed an opposite majority opinion. The 5.0 average Is even now below the all-men's average and it would be rather shameful for fraternities to admit that they could not keep pace with other campus groups. The IFC also served notice last week that University Greeks are seeking to become more than boarding houses for fellow party attenders. Their commendable action was establishment of a special public relations committee to en deavor to promote the University fraternity system through civic projects. The Greeks should be urged, however, to make the plan more than a mere promotion angle. They should rather take constructive ac tion to volunteer to take part in civic projects for "service." From the Editor private opinion dick shugrue A master of cliche, is Governor Vic. At McCook Monday evening he charged that too little emphasis is placed on public partici pation in representative government. Here's what he said, "A program which will encourage every citizen to make the business of government his own business must be adopted at the grass roots level whereby men of integ rity will become interested in politics." Nebraska's boss man was speaking before the annual Lincoln Day dinner before an undisclosed number of McCookers. He accused the Democrat of leading the nation through a -revolution in political think- j lng to the thought "that po litical leadership has failed us." v Now the last part 'of the news dispatch is unclear. It would appear that Vic Is referring to the present ad ministration. But no! That couldn't be I He's referring to the Democrats! Buch an idea that the Democratic leadership has failed us in light of the fact that business is way off, that the people are clamoring for a tax cut, that a crisis is facing the -ebools of our land. Those facts are clearly the result of Republican administrators (who, I am led to believe, have some control of the present admin istration.) Well, Vic is right about one thing. The public should take an active part in government. A man should have the right to criticize his elected officials and their appointed bureaucrats. If government in any way suppresses this right of free criticism and free investigation then the administration itself is responsible and not the poor grass roots farmer who doesn't understand Sherman Adams. Is there evidence of such suppression In the present administration? Let's look at the facts before us. The Lincoln Star headlined the firing of a chief counsel to a subcommittee who, according to the Star, "Charges House Unit Wanted to Whitewash In vestigation Involving Ike's Aide." Pity, Pity. More examples. The current issue of Editor & Publisher, "bible" of the newspaper profes sion, states that the chairman of Sigma Delta Chi's Freedom of Information Committee blames a barricade of aides at the White House for keeping the President in the dark about questions of freedom of information. "Writing In Look magazine," E&P continues, "Mr. Newton describes negotiations for a com mittee of editors to meet with Mr. Elsenhower and ley before him 'at least 93 documented cases' of unnecessary government secrecy." It's been a popular belief that public opinion influences the policies of the government. This ia substantiated by John Commons, late profes sor of economics at Wisconsin University and John Andrews, secretary of the American Asso ciation for Labor Legislation who wrote in 1916, "The enlargement of the definition of pub lic benefit may be changed or enlarged as time goes on . . . Behind the changes in the court's opinion Is the change in conditions and the change in public opinion." This would undoubtedly hold true In the cre ation of legislation as well as In the reflection of it. So if the public doesn't know what's going on in the nation's capital it can't very well form an opinion on it. So, it seems evident that even if the New Deal has led the nation to the thought that political leadership has failed us, the GOP running to the government today is a willing successor to these policies, if not the creator of them. fQl-EBRflSKAn SIXTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD Member: Associated Collar la to Fresa 1 IntereoIIeflate Press Representative: National Advertising Service Incorporated Published at: Room 20, Student Union Lincoln, Nebraska 14th A R Th Pallr jrebrailian li puhllahad Monday, TuraSay, Vt'arinrad&y ana Friday during tha irhool yrar, rrr,-tt during vantilnna ana nam iwrlndi. and mm la aiibllkhrd durlntf Autit, by atuitrnta of th t'nlvrrplty f Mrhraatta tinder the aq'Hnrliatlna nf tha fnmmlttaa on Mndfnt Affitlra aa an rnrrnlnn of atudrnt opinion. INthlli-ntlnn onrtrr the Jurldi-tln ' the Snhcommltlra on Mnd-nt I'lihllralltina ihall frm from editorial cenaoratalu oa tha pan of tha Subcommlttea or on Um part of any tnrmbar t tha faculty of the TJnlwalry. Tna Diambara of tha Nahratkan ataff art partonally re apn!hla for what thpy aay. ar ar ranae la ba printed, Fabraary S, IMS, guhacrlptlna ratea ar. fl.SO par aeowttaf ar 14 for tha aadrmia yaar. Entered aa arrnnd rlaea mattor at tha Boat afflaa In Ltarnla, Kebrailta. under tha met of Aofnat 4, 1911. EDITOMA1, STAFF Editor pirk Hborraa Editorial Editor Ernrat Hlnaa Manaflna Editor Maek l.nnditrom Nawa Editor Boh Ireland porta Editor nnrta Mover Copy Edltora Qry Rodfrra, Plana Maxwell, pat Elannlran, Emmie l.tmpo. MlKht Mewa Editor Diana Maxwell Bl'SIJTESS STAFF Rnalnaaa Manarar Jerry Xlantln Aaalatant Bualnaaa Manafera. . .Tom Naff, Stan Kilman, Rob Nmldt Clrmilatkm Manacer ....Jerry Trap HOD COME van DOM Ukt AiE. SCHROEDcU? BECAUSE WBE A FUSS3cD66r! YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN A FUSSBUDcET AND VOUU AUiA5 BE A FUSS9L)DGr! la l 0U aan .M( Car."' fc tMd W...- tm ' SHOULD THINW Y0U'D ADM! EE A G'Cl WHO'S SO CONSISTENT,, V A Few Words Of A Kind by e. e. hincs v(et m 4 E. E. There is at least one great dis appointment in moving farther and farther away from elementary school days , . . Valentine's Day slowly begins to lose its magic. It used t o be s u c h a great occasion I i( when I a t - if tended grade school sporting a striped polo shirt and wearing neat brown t r o u sers that stayed up with the a i d of s ih o u 1 d e r straps that criss-crossed in the back (I could never keep them straight in back and the button always came loose in front). Back In that era Valentine's Day probably had almost as much magic as Christmas. It was the time when you would wrangle a quarter out of your parents and bounce down town lo the depart ment store and Its valentine coun ter. What a mixture of fantasy. There were countless assortments of cards the fancy nickle and dime ones, the lace trimmed ones, the paste your own kind, and tihe ten for a nickle style. These were my favorites. I would spend nearly an hour fingering thuugh the cards lock ing for 25 or 30 different kinds one for each classmate. And, of course, the card had to say what you really felt. If you didn't like the guy you were going to give the card to you would find one that had a skunk on it and said something like, "You're a stinker, Mr. Fin kle, but who cares on Valentine's Day?" Then even though you were only a fourth or fifth grader and your elders thought that all you cared about was collecting dirt on your clothes and playing softball you had to carefully search for a card for that special little girl who sat one row over and three seats up from you. She came to school every morn ing with a handkerchief pinned on her blouse and was about the only girl in the whole school who never failed to smile when I looked at her So for her it was a special nickle card. It had some romantic pic ture ot two young violin armed gypsies smiling at each ether .vith the boy saying words like, "You make my heart go fiddle-faddle, Valentine." Tihere has probably never been a more devoted announcement of love. She was the first real Valentine and durin? recess you sneaked the carefully hidden heart candy out of your pocket and offered her some. You know the type It's covered with "Dreamer," "Sweeties," and a thousand similar affectionate , words. Naturally, (here wore also those big page vilrntines that had some poem about teachers, and you felt tempted to buy one and toss It on the teacher's desk. You never did tboiigfe because "you might get caug'it." What has happened to Valen tine's Day since grade 'school days? Well, you and your classmates have given up exchanging the things, and the two for a penny type have been long absent from the department counter display. What's it like today? Instead of thinking of spending a nickel in honor of your valentine you ponder over whetfier to buy the three or five dollar box of chocolates in the heart shaped box. In place of the old style valen tine you look over modern art cards that cost a dollar and In sult your true love to high heaven and back. When you walk through the dime stores you never stop to buy the iheart shaped hard candy (Got to see the dentist next week). And, finally, you've lost a little faith in declaring that any woman will always make your heart go "fiddle-faddle." This is probably a result of the fact that you saw that old time Valentine walking down the street the other day when you visited the old home town. You were going to cross the street and say hello, but just then she screamed, "Hurry up," and a weary looking fellow stumbled out of a car dragging two well bun dled youngsters. Valentines can be so forgetful. Lelterip To the Editor: This is supposed to be Religious Emphasis Week on the campus ac cording to all of the publicity I hear, but I would have a hard time telling it by the way things are going on campus. It seems that the administration would take a little time out from the school work and let students out for a mass religion emphasis convocation or something similar to this. This certainly would be as worth while as cancelling classes in order to listen to a speech from the Chancellor as the administration did the iirst semester. The thing is that if everyone is for RE week they ought to be do ing something about it. Sure there are preachers who say some words a each dorm and each house, and there are special programs given at each religious house but this isn't much more emphasis than religion receives during the other SI weeks of the year. If Ws U true which it certainly is I fail to see how anybody can have the nerve to call it Religious Emphasis Weeek. I realize this isn't a church affili ated college and that church and state are traditionally separated but surely the a d m i n i s t ra tion doesn't fear it will be censored for allowing students to pause and reflect for a few minutes or hours about what they believe and how they can relate these beliefs to life. Maybe I come from too small of a town or something. But I know that the same thing that is hurting Religious Emphasis Week hurts other things on our campus. Take school spirit, for example. How can you expect a school body to have any spirit when the only time you can hold a rally is at the late hours of night? Then when you do have a rally and some fraU fight over a banner the Rag comes out and blasts the kids for getting too spirited. The school better wake up. If the administration wants the students to cooperate with one another they better get them chances to do something together. Tom Boerjrhilngcr . a. a... . a, . . . .Xj m jj . ,fAAAAi 2V ' I x the one yon ore... Would love a floral trib ute from you. We have all her favorites . . . fresh, lovely flowers for heart-winning bou quets. Make this Valentine's day one to be remembered. Choose now from a great variety of flowers. Daniclson Floral Co. 1306 N St. 2-7602 'We Wire Flower" ifnUiiiifffi TP 1 idings Rodgers A thesis on the politician his wiles, his ways and his wander ings: A politician is a fellow who gives you the key to the city after he's taken every thing worth having. I am t o 1 d that when Mrs. Richard Nixon begins making per sonal appear ances, both on a local and na tional level, that, according to the Washing. ton, D.C. grapevine, is when the vice president has decided to run for the Presidency. a In a recent trip to D. C. one of the things that startled me most was the marked dissimilarity be tween statues of politicians and their human counterparts. I'm told that the reason for the statues' un naturabess is that statutes keep their mouths shut. In W?3t Virginia, .the Republican state administration is cleaning out the Democrats 'from the statehouse. Starting at the top, only recently has it reached the basement. By accident the officials reportedly stumbled upon cozy living quar ters there. The accommodations were those of a former custodian By Doc Rodgers under the Democrats. He was or dered to pack up his belongings, but still has his present Job with riie Democratic state treasurer. It must be lots of fun to win po litical victory so you can investi gate where the other side got its campaign fund. It appears that in a certain Nebraska congressional district which had a close contest that one contender was closely tied into unions. This is, I believe, only a preview of what is to come. Watch for union bosses to increase consider ably in political significance. So much for now. The ladies are definitely to pla a larger and more impor:ant part in the government of our nation. Party national committees now have an equal representation of the sexes. In the 1956 convention three sec onding speeches for President Ei senhower were made by women. More recently, Mrs. Clayton Adee of Kearney becam the fourth in a series of appointments to be n:ade to cover seven Republican Women's Divisions in Nebraska. Dedicated to the proposition cheaper the politician the more lie costs the country. Tune in next time for "Tidings" about the participation of $400 million-strong AFL-CIO in what it terms "Political Education." with Js. (By (he Author of "Rally Round ih Flag, Boyt!" and "Barefoot Boy wtth i.heek. ) BE IT EVER SO HUMBLE Today let us apply the hot white light of ustained thinking to the greatest single problem besetting American colleges. I refer, of course, to homesickness. It is enough to rend the heart, walking along a campus at night ird listening to entire dormitories sobbing themselves to leep. And in the morning when the poor, lorn students rise from their tear-stained pallets and, refuxe their breakfasts and shamble off to class, their lips trembling, their eyelids gritty, it is enough to turn the bones to aspic. What can be done to overcome hompnicknesi? Well sir, the obvious solution is for the student to put his home on rollers and bring it to college with him. This, however, prints three eerious problems: 1) It is likely to play hob with your wine cellar; many wines, as we all know, will not travel. . .A title mtUfOftettittf y&tftimhfaiiiifrfktiet 2) There is the matter of getting your house through the Holland Tunnel, which has a clearance of only 14 feet, S inches. This, of course, is ample for ranch houses, but quite impossible, for Cape Cods, Georgians, and Saltboxes, and I, for one, think it would be a flagrant injustice to deny higher education to students from Cape Cod, Georgia, and Saltbox. 3) There is the question of public utilities. Your house and, of course, all the other houses in your town has wires leading to the municipal power plant, pipes leading to the mu nicipal water supply and gas main. So you will find when you start tolling your house to college that you are, willy-nilly, dragging all the other houses in town with ynu. This will result in gross population shifts and will make the Bureau of ths Census cross as bears. No, I'm afraid that taking your house to college is not feasi ble. The thing to do, then, is to make your campus lodgings aa close a replica of, your home aa possible. Adorn your quarters with familiar obje.-ts, things that will constantly remind you of home. Your brother Sam, for instance. Or your citizenship papers. Or a carton of Marlboros. There is nothing like Marlboros, dear friends, to make you feel completely at home. They're so easy, so friendly, so wel come, so likable. The filter Is great. The flavor is nwvelous. Th Flip-Top Box is wonderful. The tattoo is optional. Decorating your diggings with familiar objects is an excellent remedy for homesickness, but it is not without its hazards. Take, for instance, the case of Tignor Signfoos and Estabrook Ratinch who were assigned to share a room last fall in tha freshman dorm. Tignor, an ice-skating addict from Minnesota, brought with him 44 barrels over which he had jumped the previous winter to win the Minnesota Jumping-Over-Barrels Championship. Estabrook, a history major from Massachusetts, brought Plymouth Rock. Well sir, there was simply not enough room for 44 barrels and Plymouth Rock too. Tignor and Estabrook fell into such a vio lent quarrel that the entire dorm was kept awake for twelve days and twelve nights. Finally the Dean of Men was called in to adjudicate the dispute. He listened carefully to both sides of the argument, then took Tignor and Estabrook and pierced their ears and sold them to gypsies. e ,,M hulBM And now alt quiet In the dorm. nrf everyone nitt In peace, and ttnokea hl Marlboro, u hnne maker bring you thl$ column throughout the echool year.