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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1958)
UNIVERSITY Op NEBR. I ' " ' ' ' u x ' ' 1 " ; I ' ? ' ' I 'A "k 1 ' " ' I J :j '':, s I" ' I - ; ' ( ' I i I , ' . 4 - y ' J n ? ' r- ( i ' -- , j Vol. 32, No. 64 Lincoln, Nebraska Wednesday, February 12, 1958 Corn Cobs Vote To SC Constitution Rejection Com Cobs, University student male pep organization, has voted to, appeal its constitutional provi sion for election of officers to the faculty sub-committee on student org amzations according to Gordon Warn er, president. Warner stat ed Tuesday that members of Corn Cobs voted whether to revise their officer selec tion method or to support the present meth- Warner od in an appeal to the faculty com mittee. Council Rejection Student Council had voted 21 to 8 on January 15 to reject the Corn Cobs Constitution because of "an undemocratic method of selection of officers. The Corn Cob officers are pres ently selected by the outgoing of ficers with no provisions for nom inations from the floor. "AH The Way" "We'll take this thing all the way to the student affairs committee if we have to," Warner commented. "We don't feel we're doing any thing against University policy we're not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes," he added. Stan Widman, junior member of Corn Cobs, and self-expressed op- English Movie Runs Tonight "Doctor in the House," an Eng lish comedy, will be presented as the first selection of the Film Society at 8 p.m. tonight in the Nebraska Theatre, according to John West, chairman of the Film Committee. All of this year's memberships were fold with 750 bought by stu dents, 175 by the faculty, 154 by local patrons and 25 individual passes. Tickets to single programs are not available. Membership includes admissjon to the eight features, selected from the film capitals of the world, by the past Film Society and the Un ion Film Committee. The eight features and dates in elude: "Doctor i n the House" (English), Feb. 12; "Ordet" (Swed ish) Feb. 19; "The Magnificent Seven" (Japanese) March 5; "Dia bolique" (French) March 19; "The Last Ten Days" (German) March 2G; "A Girl in Black" (Greek) April 9; "Wages of F e a r" (French), April 23; "Anim Farm" (English) April 30. Union Will Shoic The Rack1 Sunday The Sunday Nite Movie this week will be "The Rack," starring Paul Newman, Wendell Corey and Anne Francis, Katherine Doyle, a mem ber of the film committee said. Time is set for 7:30 p.m. in the Union Ball Room. Admission is free to University Students and faculty with identification. Miss Doyle aLso mentioned that Gerald McBoing-Boing cartoon will be shown. pern jbrf - I " ,,'', ' '' , 1 i t'' -y ' ' - , ' ' r 4 L- '':Jl . 1 1 i l 1 ' .... ; I Ji . i. i ... ... :& I .... , The Student Tribunal Charter, which was ap proved on a student ballot last month, is now ready to be acted upon by the Committee on Stu dent Affairs. Pictured from left: Dean Colbert, Dean of Stu dent Affairs, receives the charter from" Helen Gourlay, president of the Student Council, and Dave Keene, chairman of the Tribunal Commit tee. Dean Colbert said that no definite date has been set for the committee meeting, but he ex pects it to be sometime next week. ponent of the present officer selec tion method stated Tuesday that although the voice vote taken on the question of revise or appeal was all ayes and no nays some members did not vote at all. January Support At a January meeting before the Student Council condemnation Corn Cobs voted 10 to 7 to support the present method of officer selection. Widman stated that the same num ber of Corn Cobs were in opposi tion to the current selection scheme as the January vote indicated. Widman stated that while opposi tion was expressed to the present method at the Tuesday meeting no one voted against sending the con Alumni Club Will Celebrate University s 89th Birthday The University Alumni Club in conjunction with the University Club will celebrate the Univer sity's 89th birthday Saturday eve ning with a banquet, style show and talks by University coaches. Across the nation 37 Alumni As sociation Clubs will also hold charter-day programs during Feb ruary, March and April. The Lincoln celebration will be gin at 6 p.m. at the University Club with a social hour followed by a banquet. A style show will be presented featuring past May Queens and Honorary Colonels dressed in the respective costumes of their day. Athletic Director Bill . Orwig, football coach Bill Jennings, bas ketball coach Jerry Bush and track coach Jerry Sevigne will par ticipate in a play concerned with "The Athletic Future of the Uni versity." Each coach will be dressed in the uniform of his re spective sport. The script will be written by Dr. Charles S. Miller, professor of business organization. Also on the program will be the University Men's Glee Club con ducted by Dale B. Ganz, assistant professor of music. Dr. Miller will be master of ceremonies. Co-hostesses are Mrs. Helen Russell, president of t h e Lincoln Alumni Club, and Mrs. Alice Rosewell, program chairman of the University Club. Tickets are available to all alum ni of the University, members of the University Club and their guests. They are $2.75 per person and may be secured by writing or calling the University Club. Chancellor Clifford Hardin and Perry Branch,' director-secretary of the University Foundation, will help four West Coast Alumni Clubs celebrate the occasion. Their schedule includes Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and Seattle. Arnold Magnuson, Alumni execu tive secretary, will be the sneaker at alumni meetings in Milwaukee, Chicago and Indiana polis. Other February Charter Day meetings will be held in Alliance with A. T. Anderson, associate professor of history, speaking and Holdrege with Dr. A. C. Brekcen ridge, dean of faculties, and Colbert Receives Charter sMismmmiwi&'i' stitution to the faculty committee on student organizations. The Student Council rejected the Corn Cob Constitution on the same grounds on Oct. 11. The Council judiciary committee had previously examined the Cob Constitution and recommended its rejection at the October meeting. Whitaker Opposed Bill Spilker, vice-president of Corn Cobs, stated at the January Student Council meeting that "from the voting in favor of the present constitution it can be seen that the Corn Cobs have expressed their desire to continue selection of officers in this way." Jim Whitaker, Corn Cob junior George Round, director of public relations, speaking. Celebrations will also be held m New York City, Ames, Washing ton D.C., Houston, Kansas City and Philadelphia. Tassels Elect Three Officers Three junior officers were elected Monday night at a meet ing of Tassels. Nancy Spilker, treasurer, Jane Savener, publicity chairman, and Alma Heuermann, notifications chairman, will serve year-long terms through this semester and the fall semester next year. The officers were announced after a general election by the group. Miss Spilker, a sophomore in arts and sciences, is a member of AUF board, YWCA cabinet and Chi Omega. Student Council, Ag Exec board, YWCA secretary are the activities listed by Miss Savener, a sopho more in agriculture, member of Love Memorial Hall. Miss Heurermann, also a sopho more in agriculture, spends her extra time as a member of YWCA cabinet, BABW board and social chairman of Home Economics club, She is a member of Love Memorial Hall. BABW Filing Begins Today Unaffiliated junior, sophomore and fresimen women may pick up applications for Barb Activities Board for Women today. Filings for board positions will be open until Feb. 20, said Sue Hinkle, president. Interviews are scheduled for Feb. 22. A 5.5. average is required, Miss Hinkle said. Nine candidates will be chosen from freshman women filing; nine will be chosen from sophomores and at least three will be named from juniors who apply. Elections will be held March 5 in the All Women's Spring Elec tions. Six freshman, six soph omores, and two juniors will be elected then for the Board, Miss Hinkle said. Application blanks will be placed outside room 309 Union, and may be picked up at any time. The Student Affairs Committee may accept, reject or send the charter back to the Student Council for revision. Once the Committee has approved the charter, it then goes to the Faculty Senate and finally to the Board of Regents. Dean Colbert stated that a number of other schools have tried such a system and that in the majority of cases it has proven quite successful. "I am in favor of such a Tribunal, as part of gtudent self government, but the student who sits in on such a Tribunal must realize the importance of such a position," be said. Appeal member, stated he was "actually against" the present selection method and that if the vote to ap peal had failed then the Constitu tion would have been amended. Bertram Contrasts Faith, Hope Theologian Speaks At REW Seminar JThe truth of a man's faith de pends on his ability to make fine theological distinction, Dr. Rob ert Bertram, chairman of the Val paraiso University philosophy de partment, stated Tuesday in a Re ligious Empha ? - sis Week semi nar. A man must be able to make distinc tions between wh&l is Chris tian faith and what is wish f u 1 thinking, between what is pleasing to Bertram God and what is merely pleasing to man, Ber tram told an audience of 22 stu dents and faculty members. "It takes strenuous adult effort to retain the faith of a child, even when everything within you cries out that the faith is wrong," Ber tram stressed. This is why some kind of theological training is nec essary and why the Christian church as always stresses educa tion, he added. Struggle in the world is inescap able, Bertram observed. It is a wonderful tiling for a Christian to know that he has a way to meet that struggle, that the issue of the struggle has already been estab lished. Bertram spoke at the second of four seminars planned for the Uni versity Religious Emphasis Week, now going on on both City and Ag campuses. Eight speakers repre senting eight faiths and fields of endeavor, presents the seminars. RE Week WEDNESDAY 9:30-11:30 a.m. Orientation and coffee hour, Lutheran Student House 12 noon Faculty Christian Fel lowship, Lutheran Student House 4 p.m. Student Council, Bert ram speaking Rosa B o u to n Hall, Mrs. Kripke 5 p.m. Seminar, Ag Agronomy Hall 306, Bertram speaking 5:30 p.m. Sclleck Quad, Tyler 6 p.m. Phi Delta Theta, Meyers Alpha Omicron Pi, Bertram Farm House, Crockett Sigma Chi, Kaye Lutheran Student House, Ot terncss Delta Sigma Phi, MacEachin Alpha Gamma Sigma, Davis Sigma Delta Tau, Krysker 7 p.m. Vespers, Wesley house, Kaye (Vespers, Presby House, Tyler) Vespers, Hillcl, Kryske 7:15 love ' Library, MacEachin 9 p.m. S e 1 1 e c k Quad, Mac Eachin 10:30 p.m. Fcdde Hall, Tyler Kappa Delta, Meyers Alpha Xi Delta, Crockett Kappa Alpha Theta, Mac Eachin THURSDAY 9:30-11:30 a.m. Orientation and coffee hour 4 p.m. Seminar, Room 315 Un ion, Davidson and Crockett 5 p.m. YWCA, Rosa Bouton, Meyers Home Ec Bldg, Kryske 6:45 p.m. Zeta Beta Tan, Mac Eachin 7:15 p.m. Love Library, Mac Eachin 9 p.m. Sclleck, Kryske 9:15 p.m. Piper Hall, Kaye Heppner, MacEachin 9:30 p.m. Love Hall, Tyler Raymond Hall, Crockett 10:30 p.m. Alpha Chi Omega, Tyler Phi Kappa Psl, Meyers Delta Delta Delta, Kryske Card Sharks Finesse Feb. 22 Playoffs in the preliminary inter collegiate bridge tournament are scheduled for Feb. 22 at 1 p.m., Judy Zikmund, bridge committee member, said. The winning teams will repre- sent the University in the Inter- Collegiate Bridge Tournament, March 1. Feb. 19 has been set as dead line for signing up tor tne Dnage tournament, Miss Zikmund said. erf xi 4 .4. Vf 1 Union workers are busily making ments for "Cupid's Capers" the first Valentine Dance to be slated by the Union. Shown, from ndenendent Students X Plan Activities Honorary Senate Discusses Routine Business Routine business was the order of the day at the Faculty Senate meeting Tuesday afternoon. Prac tically no dissenting votes were cast for the agenda of business. The Senate passed upon the fol lowing: approval of the minutes otha Jan. 14 meeting, approval of il semi-annual report of the Liaison Committee and approval of the report and recommenda tions of the Committee on Com mittees on proposed revisions oi Senate committees. Dr. Harry Weaver, chairman of the Liaison Committee, said that the report which he presented to the Senate was only routine. It was, he said, simply the report of the business which that com mittee had performed since its last regular report in May. Dr. Niles Barnard, chairman of the Committee on Committees, too, said that the report and recom mendations which he submitted were "routine" business. Included were a number of revisions of Senate committees. Chancellor Clifford Hardin com mented that the meeting was un usual in that the business was merely routine and discussion of the various items proceeded rapid ly. Counselor Filings Close Friday Filings for Coed Counselor board positions close Friday, according to Joanne Bauman, president. Girls may sign up in Rosa Bouton Hall on City Campus. Ag Girls may file at the booth in the Ag Activities Building. Sophomore, junior and senior women must meet the following eligibility requirements: 1) partic ipation in activities as set up by the University; 2) must have a 5.7 average. No prevous Coed Coun selor experience is necessary. Board members witl be chosen following the interviews on Feb 22 at Union 313. Coed Counselor board has six sophomores, eight juniors and two senior members. Interstate Excavation Archeology Can Win Nebraska will become the site of a meeting between the past and the future when the Historical So ciety begins excavations along the route of the proposed interstate highway. Although the highway construe tion will destroy some material of historic Interest, W. D. Aesh bachew, Society director, be lieves Uiat the road building could speed up excavation by 25 years. "No doubt there will be consid erable destruction," Aeshbachew said, "but, on the other hand, that is going to happen no m a t te r what." Pessimistic View Marvin Kivett, Historical Society Cupid's I.elpcrs Decorate final an ange- 'eft, are: Judy Lang, Gary Lorentzen, Judy Tracy, Carol Yerk and Ron Smith. The dance will be held from 9 to 12 p.m. Friday. JVeio Tomahawk Chapter Soon May Function - A national activities honorary for independents wi soon take root on the campus. Although a charter member of Tomahawk, the Uni versity has no local chapter now, said Lyle Hansen, one of the organizers of the local group. Tomahawk's birth on the cam pus was three years ago when Lowell Vestal, then vice president of RAM began corresponding with national headquarters of t h e or ganization, Hansen said. Largely through Vestal's efforts, a constitution was written for a local chapter of the honorary. The group was then chartered by the Student Council. Within two weeks, Hansen said a nucleus group will meet to name an adviser for a local chapter. This will be the first step in ac tual organization of a campus chapter. Earlier this year Hansen and Pete Christensen, activities direc tor of RAM, attended the national Tomahawk convention to learn how other chapters function. Nucleus At the suggestion of Frank Hall gren, associate dean of Student Affairs, Hansen and Christensen will choose the nucleus organiza tional group. According to Hansen, this group will be kept small enough to make sure that those chosen are people who have shown "very obviously" that they have done "outstanding work" on cam pus. The nucleus group will be equally divided between men and women and will consist mainly of upperclassmcn, Hansen said. About six or eight people will con stitute this organizational group. The University charter states that members of the honorary will be active during their sophomore, junior and senior years. At some schools having chapters, members become alumni in their senior year. Members will be taken into Tomahawk in their sophomore year once the organization has been founded, Christensen said. "We need upperclassmen for archeologist, took a more pessi mistic view on the effect of the interstate highway construction in relation to preservation of histori cal material. In this month's issue of the His torical Society newsletter Kivett stated that "here in Nebraska we shall be faced with a major sal vage project if we are to ade quately investigate our sites." Many states have been able to do nothing about the material destroyed by construction, he said. According to Aeshbachew, there is a provision in the Interstate Highway act dealing with archeo logical discoveries. stability now, however," Hansen said. Once the nucleus group has chosen an adviser, it will begin work on electing first-year mem bers. During this first year, ttie chapter will be kept fairly small, Hansen said. Most chapters have about 35 members. "Tomahawk will perform a serv ice lunction at tne university, Hansen said. On other campuses Tomahawk chapters usher at pro grams, conduct spirit campaigns or undertake other projects of a service nature. "One of the first jobs of the group will be to determine what service function the University chapter can perform," Christen sen said. One of the organization's major goals Is encouraging independents to participate in activities, Hansen said. Why "Tomahawk" The name, Tomahawk, originat ed at Indiana University. Indiana had an independent activities hon orary of that name. The Indiana group found that Illinois had a similar organization. These two local organizations exchanged ideas a nd eventually decided to form a joint group. Perdue University joined them in forming a national organization, Since then, Monmouth College, Iowa State College and Nebraska have joined the national organiza tion. Iowa University, Iowa State Teachers College and Drake Uni versity are now "interested" ta joining, Hansen said. Charity Polls Open Students may vote this week for charities for next year's AUF drive. The polls are located in the Union. Five charities will be chosen by the poll. Or Lose Aeschbachew sees no reason to expect friction between construc tion and archeology unless some large field Is discovered. In that case, the archeologist would want to stop there while the engineers would want to continue. The chances of such a large fine1 are slight. The archeologist can And something almost any where, bu something of extreme value Is seldom found. The last large finding in pre construction excavation was mad in 1950 when "considerable infor mation about the lives of tht indarns was discovered during th construction of the Swanson reseir voir near Trenton," Aeschbachew recalled.