The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1958, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, February 7, 1958
Editorial Comment
'Neighborly' Race Relations.
To Receive Emphasis Sunday
Poqe 2
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"A new commandment I give unto yon, that
ye love one another."
John XIII, 34
This Sunday the annual race relations mess-
sage of the Natit al Council of Churches will
be read from thousands of pulpits throughout
the United States.
The message will be delivered as a part of
race relations Sunday and will be addressed to
the 38 million members of the 34 Protestant and
Eastern Orthodox denominations represented by
the council.
We all may find much food for thought in the
message. It declares that "the commandment
to love our neighbor has been honored more In
the breach than In the fulfillment."
"A neighbor Is anyone of any color, in need,
wherever he may be," the message adds. ,
This Sunday might be a good time to stop and
carefully review our own, "neighborliness."
This holds true not only with persons of other
faiths or races, but with our daily associates
as well. The question is, "Are we being good
neighbors to one another?"
"Biased teachings have left some of us with
distorted views of many of our nicghbors. A
difference in customs, a difference in skin color,
a difference in speech dialect . . . these and
many other small factors often divide us.
Last month a Negro family in Lincoln felt the
lack of this neighborliness.
More than 50 persons assembled in one area
of the city to hold a protest meeting in order
to determine the status of the Negro family that
had moved into their once all white neighbor
hood. A lawyer who represented the protesters re
portedly told the press that the meeting was
called because the people "don't want the Negro
family here."
We may be thankful that the campus has
escaped any outward signs of racial prejudice.
But let us not be so smug as to feel that we are
free of many "hidden" prejudices.
These are the prejudices which cause us to
silently disrespect the minority and to belittle
him with unnecessary slanders; to exclude him
from our clubs or activities.
The big factor in racial relations is accepting
each person as a real individual with individual
values and individual flaws.
Let this be our special thought as race rela
tions Sunday is observed this weekend.
'Swashbuckling' Gone
Talk about de-emphasis!
Why the University fencing club has not
only been de-emphasized, but also forgotten!
In an exclusive story, the newspaper dis
covered that the club has tried to gain recogni
tion not only from the University but also from
the Big Eight. The latter? In order that inter
collegiate fencing matches can be held at the
expense of the University not the expense of
each individual member of the squad.
What are the apparent reasons the fencing
outfit has not been recognized by the Univers
ity Department of Athletics?
Doesn't it bring in enough revenue?
Isn't it a healthy sport?
Aren't there any persons interested in the
Is it frowned upon by some persons who
seemingly are more important in revenue than
in honest, challenging and beneficial?
Answers are not at this moment available for
every one of these questions. However it can
be said, and it will be said by such persons as
Paul Armato, University English instructor who
doubles as fencing coach without pay, that
fencing is probably one of the most challenging
physical disciplines known.
"It is a sport as much as football. It doesn't
bring in the revenue as football, does, how
ever," Armato will tell you.
Why is it not recognized as an intercollegiate
Athletic Director Bill Orwig says as far as
he knows no action has been taken to make
fencing a recognized sport.
Armato denies this. Says he, "I asked Orwig
and he told me that it would be senseless to
try, adding that he (Armato) would meet with
The whole business comes down to these con
siderations: 1) There are students at the University who
are interested in fencing as an intercollegiate
sport. They have doled out their own cash to
travel to such places as Iowa University to
2) One University faculty member has made
an effort to get the sport recognized as a varsity
activity, but has met with a block from the
Athletic bigwigs because "it has never been
done before."
3) Other members of the University family,
faculty and undergraduate alike, are disap
pointed with the Athletic Department's policy to
choke the fencing activities on the campus by
forgetting it takes money to have a varsity
4) The Athletic Department owes some ex
planation as to why fencing won't be given a
chance, as to why the University can not join
with schools such as SUI or the Air Force
Academy or the University of Colorado and
inaugurate a program of intercollegiate fencing
Or is there some other consideration for the
criterion of good sport besides the fact that it
is one of the most demanding physical and
mental experiences and exercises?
From the Editor
private opinion
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While dial twistine on my Admiral Sunday
morning, I saw some gentlemen discussing edu
cation. Some of them were on the "right" side; others
took the "left" view on the quality of Nebraska
high schools and high
schools in general. Bill Bo
gar, principal of Lincoln
High School, was all for the
schools and the job they are
doing to prepare the young
er set for the job of keeping
house, painting cars and un
derstanding world problems, j
However, on the other side
of the fence throwing clever '
remarks here and there was
James E. Miller Jr., chairman of the Univer
sity's English Department. Miller said he be
lieved colleges have had to lower their stand
ards because high schools have lowered their
The real academic subjects have been for
gotten in an effort to educate everyone equally,
Miller commented.
Furthermore the Whitman scholar said that
the real task of education is to prepare an indi
vidual to the best of his ability. This might
entail that individual's taking some courses he
doesn't want to take, such as the basic subjects
of English, foreign language, history.
It would be safe for me to say that Miller
believes a thinking man should precede a
skilled man.
And the job of the college education Is to
teach an individual how to think creatively,
Also on the panel, and thinking along the
same lines as Miller was Dr. James C. Olson,
chairman of the History Department.
Olson stated that the . major solution to the
. . . dick shutzrue
problem facing all levels of education will
come when citizens are willing to pay for good
teachers and basic education.
In lieu of these comments, let's take a look
at some figures sent us by Rep. Phil Weaver
showing where Nebraska rates with other states
in the field of education.
34th in the number of persons completing
four years of college with only 5.1 per cent
of its population in that category.
6th in the percentage of the population with
less than five years in school (4.9 per cent).
13th in the average number of school years
completed (10.1).
12th in the percentage of the population
which has completed four years of high school
(38.5 per cent).
10th in the percentage of draftees disquali
fied by the mental test (4.9 per cent).
35th in the percentage of elementary school
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Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Courtesy Lincoln Star
teachers with four years or more of college
(26.6 per cent).
42nd in average annual teacher salaries for
1957 and 1958 ($3,250 compared with California's
29th in the amount spent for education per
pupil per year ($255).
Is it any wonder, then, that teachers are
leaving the schools of Nebraska in flocks?
part of any member of the faculty of the lintvernity. The
members of the Nebraskan staff are personally re
sponsible for what they say, or do or cause to be
printed. February 8t 1965.
Subscription rates are $2. SO per semester or $4 for
the academic year.
Entered as second class matter at the post office In
Lincoln, Nebraska, under the act of August 4, 1912.
Editor Dick ghurroa
Editorial Editor Ernest Hlnes
Managing Editor Mack Lundstrnm
News Editor , Bob Ireland
Sports Editor George Moyer
Copy Editors Gary Rodgers,
Diana Maxwell, Pat Flanntgan, Emmie Llmpo.
Night News Editor George Moyer
Business Manager Jerry ftellentin
Assistant Business Managers. . .Tom Neff, Stan Kaiman,
Bob Kmldt
Circulation Manager , Jerry Tmpe
Member: Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Press
Representative: National Advertising Service
Published at: Room 20, Student Union
Lincoln, Nebraska
14th & R
The Dally Nebraska Is published Monday. Tuesday.
Wednesday and Friday during the school year, except
during vacations and exam periods, and one Issue Is
published daring Aacast, by students of the University
of Nebraska under the authorization of the Committee
on Student Affolrs as an expression of student opinion.
Pub) f rat Ions onder the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee
am Htudent Publications shall he free from editorial
Censorship oa the part the Subcommittee or on the
Papa Image Ike
To the Editor:
Doc Rodger's statement to the
effect that the Truman Administra
tion deserves the blame for our
tardiness in the missile field is
a prime example of the miscon
ceptions people are subject to
when their scientific understand
ing is greatly surpassed by their
political enthusiasm.
The growth of knowledge in a
given technical field (which can
be judged pretty accurately by
the amount of material published
on the subject) Is geometric;
that is, the amount of results in
one year is roughly a multiple of
the amount in the previous year.
Occasionally, when a break
through is achieved there will be
sharp upswing.
U.S. missile expenditures have
shown the same pattern of in
crease; examination of the graph
published in Time, Nov. 4, 1957,
proves this. It is probable that
they have lagged behind technical
feasibility; however there has
been no abrupt increase since 1952
indicative of Republican omnisci
ence. Indeed, the lag has been
largely due to the tightfistedness
so often characteristic of Repub
licans in Nebraska and elsewhere.
Blaming Truman for spending
less than Ike is like blaming Lud
ovico Sforza for not going into
hock to develop Leonardo Da Vin
ci's rudimentary airplane design.
On the other hand, the Eisen
hower Administration and Repub
licans in general, have continually
hampered science, ignored oppor
tunities, and minimised the need
for a stronger initiative. They
produced or tolerated the situation
which led to Gavin's resignation,
Nickerson's court martial, inaction
on the Jupiter-C project which
could have beaten the Reds, and
served Red security by classify
ing Russian scientific papers, kept
American work secret from men
who could have used it to advance
our cause.
Papa-image Ike and his cabinet
never realized the situation until
public opinion rammed it down
their throats.
Theodore G. Roisi
J? J?
Too Many Ads
To the Editor:
You may have a different looking
paper after "powdering your nose"
as you call it, but why the devil
all those ads?
I realize that it takes more than
subscription money to keep a pa
per going, yet surely it doesn't
take more than half sf your pa
per space in ads to supplement
your income.
That's my big complaint about
the Rag, except for the fact that
I never did see a list of second
semester graduates.
And while I'm letting off steam
I'd like to get my word in on this
expanded union project.
I'm not against a bigger and
belter union like a lot of people
seem to be, but you can mark
me down as opposed to an expan
sion of the present "Crib" chow
If they are building a bigger
"crib" only in order to let more
people suffer through their basket
specials I suggest they use the
space for handball courts.
Something like 50 cents is too
much to ask for a hamburger,
coffee and a badly treated stack
of overly greasy potato lumps.
And where did that chef of theirs
come up with your chili recipe?
The stuff is pure, unadulterated
I burp at the table occasionally,
so no one has ever called me a
gourmet. I'm not trying to even
talk like a gourmet. I'm just talk
ing like a guy who can't stand
to eat potato boiled in oil left
over from some vats they didn't
dump over the side of the castle
in medieval days.
Do those folks ever change that
Some places put up signs like,
"Keep clean, don't spread dis
ease." Maybe the "Crib" should
post a sign saying, "Change the
oil and save the stomach pump."
Good luck to you. May you boil
in oil the next time you put out
a campus advertising sheet.
Tom Boerschinger..
Dirty Campus
My Weal Or Woe
By Dick Basoco
To the Editor:
I am one of these people who
gets tired of hearing requests to
keep the highways and streets
and cities clean. But sadly enough
it seems like the people who keep
screaming these things are right.
The campus is littered with pa
pers and beer bottles. Why don't
some of these campus minded fra
ternities and sororities do their bit
to get the junk off their lawns?
Cr it r
The University cleanup crews
might take a look around some of
the campus buildings also. The
Student Union is surrounded by
stacks of paper clustered about
in the bushes and on the grass.
Apathy is about the only word
I can think of to describe the feel
ing of most of the people I know.
You ask them to pick up some
thing they've dropped and they look
at you as though you were a
feeble-minded child who belonged
in a mental institution.
r -ti it
Pride seems to be sadly lacking
around this University. Why don't
the people concerned get on the
stick and at least kept the area
clean? I'm afraid it's too much
for me to do. That is, pick up
after the other 7,000 of you paper
Traffic Congestion
To The Editor:
The campus police should do
something about traffic congestion
at 14th and S during rush hours
(e.g. at 8 a.m. on week days). Both
students and cars do their best to
ignore lights and basic traffic laws
as they madly rush to early
"What is this mish-mosh?"
It's supposed to be stylish to
start out with a quotation so I
thought I might try it.
It is also necessary to identify
the source of a quote, so I must
admit that I am indebted to Bob
bie Holt (you know her that re
nowned Mortar Board freckle
frame) for this interesting if not
too literate expressions.
In this case "mish-mosh" the
meaning of which is somewhat ob
scure and can therefore be readi
ly applied to fit almost any of a
number of circumstances re
fers to some rather disturbing
words that have reached my
ears concerning the recent Rag
staff selections. These words have
carried the
message that
Pub Board
went into the
interviews with
a closed mind
and with the
major po
sitions already
picked. It's
make a per
son wonder.
There are Basoco
probably three factors involved in
the selection of paid Rag staff
members. These would be the in
dividual's past performance, the
recommendations of the retiring
editor, and, finally, the individual
Because of the importance of
their selections, Pub Board mem
bers must necessarily make it
their business to find out how an
individual is doing in the job which
his present position requires. It
would be easy to take somebody
else's word for it, but, from per
sonal experience, I know this isn't
the case.
t0 A'lJl
A Few Words Of A Kind
by c. c. hiiies
For years I have labored under
a false assumption. I have always
considered the word "apathy" as
denoting something vile and sinist
er .. . never to be tinkered with
except on pain of death or severe
social sanction.
This first week of second se
mester has made me change my
Simply because none of my in
structors seem to have it. They
all loom before me like great
monsters of idealism. They all
seem to assume that I have en
rolled in their particular course to
discover the magic formula of suc
cessful living; that it is their duty
to instill in me the true meaning
of birth, death, sex, politics, re
ligion and zoo attendance.
Now, one idealistic instructor is
refreshing, two idealistic instruct
ors are invigorating, but three,
four or five idealistic Instructors
are just plain work.
When that many philosophers
start telling
me that I can
only get out of
their course
what I put into
it, I begin
worrying. The
worrying is
caused by
their com
ments on what
else it takes to
give me the
"real insight" into their subject
matter, which will in turn give
me the "true image" of life, which
will in turn allow me to see the
universe in "proper perspective,"
which will in turn enable me to
get to bed at night properly ex
hausted. On instructor receives a list of
books I ought to read. I innocent
ly start to write down the titles
of the books, but he doesn't stop.
One title leads on to another until
it sounds like he is conducting a
high mass in some mystical lingo
known only to those of the inner
E. E.
Another instructor says we will
have labs in this class, but of
course there is never enough time
in lab to do all of the necessary
things so . . .
By the time I finish a round of
classes I have been intellectually
and spiritually challenged so often
that I am dented worse than an
English Ford after a collision with
a Sherman Tank.
Do not thnk for a moment that
I am condemning these instruct
ors. Rather, let me qualify my
statements by saying that one
great instructor is enough for
any man at any one time (This
either made or destroyed my av
erage). And do not think that I plan
to surrender. Instead, I plan to
take immediate steps to rent a
private area of the library and re
ceive special permission to do
around the clock work there.
Perhaps my fears are only the
result of the nearing shadow of
old age. Some fellows today had
the audacity to tell me I would
be bald in two years.
To be told this is nearly as
frightening as seeing an eye on
the other side of the key hole.
It leaves one with a sort of
mental scar.
The only thing one can do when
he is predicted for baldness is to
pull the prediction maker aside
and carefully explain how no one
has ever been bald in your family
except for a brother, two grand
fathers, seven uncles, eight aunts
and two family cats.
"How then," you reason," "could
it possibly happen to me?"
The prediction maker may then
amble away convinced while you
sit there with a smug look of un
concern pasted on your face. And
the moment he turns a corner
you dash to the nearest mirror
and start examining your head of
hair with the same care a diamond
cutter employs when he inspects a
diamond before cutting it.
I won't tell you the results, but
you know, I can give you the names
of 10 men who were bald and be
came great in spite of It.
Limited Number Available
Not a week goes by without
at least one or two Pub Board
members dropping into the Rag
and Cornhusker offices. They keep
tabs on the staff members.
Therefore, when selection time
rolls around, their opinions con
cerning an individual's worth in
the job he is now filling and his
ability to handle another position
are relatively valid.
To this extent the minds of Pub
Board members are made up:
they know from personal contact
what a person has done and are
able to make a critical judgment
as to what he or she will do in
a higher position.
Editor's recommendations and
personal interviews, however, pro
vide the applicant with an oppor
tunity to rectify himself in the
eyes of PB. Pub Board doesn't
go into these interviews with a
closed mind; it can't afford to.
The student publications just are
not activities and cannot be classed
as such. They are businesses
businesses that deal in the thous
ands of dollars and a Pub
Board member would be cutting
his own throat if he let personal
prejudices get in the way.
Not that it hasn't been done, but
I like to think and I admit
I may be an idealist of sorts
that the selections are comparit
ively non-political.
We, the student body, elect the
members of student council. They
in turn select the members of
Pub Bord. Therefore, we, in a sort
of indirect way, select the mem
bers of PB. So let's have a little
faith in their decisions.
Anyhow, maybe the defeated
ought to swallow their pride and
realize that there is the slight
possibility that there is someone
somewhere on this big, wide cam
pus who may be a little just a
little now better qualified than
they are. It just may be, too,
that these "better qualified" peo
ple I mentioned are the ones tht
did get the positions. And may the
not too mute mouthings of those
who gripe for the lack of any
thing else to do tell upon deaf
Let's stop this silly second guess
ing and let's have no mora of
this "mish-mosh."
Fashion As I See It
The 'nnw aisted' suit Is
this spring's star. The
smartest spring suits hava
this semi-fit look. The
gray, black and white mix
ture of this spring tweed
Is set off by detachable
white pique cuffs and bot
tom. The extra detail at
the hlpline of the jacket
reflects the new chemise
influence for '58! Sizes are
10-16 for only 17.96.
You have to try It on to
see how flattering it is, so
hurry to Gold's second
floor sportswear for your
new treat for spring.