The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1958, Image 1

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Opens Tonight
1 VT
Vol. 32, No. 60
Lincoln, Nebraska
Wednesday, February 5, 1958
.. n,iMn,l -unriii mi i.i.i - i-ir-i- - jt ' V
Two Cast Opera
Two casts will prese-nt "The Old Maid and the Stage director of the two-act opera is Leon Lish-
Thief tonight. The thieves find the 'maids' on the ,. .
r..f( vif,,! j .v v u. v i j ner. Musical director is Earl Jenkins.
J?ft helpful and the ones on the right shocked.
Casts include (from left, top) Lois Ripa, Norman Committee chairman of the play are: Roger
Eiggins, Carol Asbury and Myrna Mills and (from Schmidt, property; Len Schroper, scenery; Gary
left, bottom) Norma Bossard, Rod Walker. Miss Miller, light, Sally Wengert, costumes and Steph-
Asbury and Paula Roehrkasse. any Sherdeman and Roy Willey, make-up.
Foui Traveler Acts
Added To Follies Bill
Thetm Win Ttco Positions,
Toicne Club, AOPi Selected
Four traveler acts have been chosen for the annual
Coed Follies set for March 10 in Pershing Auditorium.
They are: Towne Club, "Raggady Ann and Andy," skit
master Pat Beckman; Kappa Alpha Theta, "Blues Mel
ody, featuring a quartet consist-'
lng of Helen Hockabout, Sally
Twist, Prudy Morrow and Gail
Teddie; Kappa Alpha Theta,
"Oomph Appeal," a duet song and
dance by Prudy and Edie Marrow, ;
end Alpha Omicorn Pi, "More
Fun Than A . . ,." skitmaster
Margy Rohwer.
Kancy Copeland, Follies rfiair
maa, siid that the travelers acts
would "co-ordinate well with the
skits into a good show." Skits al
ready chosen for the show are:
Alpha Phi, "A Veil Tale;" Chi
Omega, "Tamale and the Bandit;"
Delia Delta Delta. '-Hark, Hark
the Ark of Forty Damp Days;"
Delta Gamrr.a. "Panic in the
Plaza;" and Gamma Phi Beta,;
"Nautical Neurosis."
The theme of ttiis year's show L :
"Skits O Frantic."
Tickets for the production will
go on sale in sorority houses nezt
Monday, Feb. 10 while the ducats
will be available to men's bouses '
the following Monday, Feb. 17. ;
Once again, tickets will sell for
according to Miss Copeland. j
Also part cf the Follies produc-;
tion is the presentation of the 12
finalists for Cornhusker Beauty
Queen and Most Eligible Bachelor, ,
end the presentation of the Ideal ,
Kebraska Coed. Interviews for
Ideal Nebraska Coed candidates
-ill be held Tuesday, Feb. 18, Miss
Copeland said. Five finalists will
be selected and a winner will be!
selected in another interview about
a week later, according to M i s s
17? Meet Planned
The University Young Republi-'
rans will meet Thursday evening i
at 7:30 p.m. in Union room 313. j
A program on organizing cam- j
paigns will be given and members
ettendinj the leadership school in '
"Washington, D. C. will report on j
their trip. i
Pay Yours Yet?
Tuition Plays Vital Financial Role
Contrary to the opinions of many
disgruntled University studen's
who have recently paid second
semester fees, tuition income plays
a vital role in the maintenance
of the University.
Generally fifty to sixty per cent
of the student's tuition dollar goes
into instructional expenses accord
ing to Soshnik. Tuition money,
pooled with state public appropri
ations, goes into four major in
stltutions; administration, li
braries, plant operation and in
struction. "We cannot make a definite
breakdown due to the many dif
ferent types of expenses," Soshnik
elated in an interview Tuesday.
Million Collected
In 1956, tuition income came to
a little over one million three hun
dred thousand dollars. This is ap
proximately one eighteenth of the
total income of the University and
one tenth of the general and in
structional income.
A good deal of the total income
goes into auxiliary institutions
such as the University hospital
and research.
Red Cross
New Heads
New Red Cross committee chair
men have been announced by the
executive committee, according to
Carolyn Novotny, president.
Committee chairmen and their
assistants include:
Special Project Committee chair
man, Darrel Bjettow, assistants.
Pat Kershaw and Marty Hansen;
Entertainment Committee, chair
man, Hal Hoff. assistant Linda
Rohwedder; Adult Activities, chair
man, Bev.Heyne, assistant, Jean
Odum; Vets' Hospital Committee,
Chairman, Malou Parrott, assist
ants, Carolyn Whitney, Deloris Ful
ton and Judy Mueller; Junior
Red Cross Committee, chairman,
Sharon Janike, assistant. Sue Ham
mond. Handicrafts Committee, chair
man, Georgann Humphrey, assist
ant. Sherry Darling; Transporta
tions Committee, chairman, Carol
Vermoss, assistant, Betsy Antes;
Orthopedic Committee, chairman,
Sharon Vahle, assistant, Joan
Reeves; LARC, chairman, Nancy
Morris, assistant, Martha Crock
er; State Hospital Committee, chair
man, Liz Smith, assistant. Sherry
Dreio; Publicity Committee, chair
man, Sandra Whalen. assistants,
Kay Racke and Gretcheti Sides Or
pranazes Committee, chairman
Kay McCrory, assistants. Nancy
Preston and Mary Ann Mead;
Leadership Committee, chair
man, Rychie Van Ornam, assist
ant, Sharon Heinrichs; Blind School
Committee, chairman, Eileen San
tin, assistant. Skip Harris; Water
Safety Committee, chairman Don-j
nie Keys assostant. Sue Hubka. i
Cmmemr LmcoIb bur
The $100,000 spent by the Uni
versity on research in W56 was sup
plied by the United States Govern
ment and certain special funds of
the state government. A little un
der $6,000,000 went through auxil
iary enterprises such as the Un
fti. "
' ML... tit
vi- i" C
Counev Sunday Jounui and Sur
Union Breakfast
Hosts Presidents
Presidents of all 80 University
organized houses and campus ac
tivities have been invited to a
"Presidents' Breakfast." to be held
Saturday, at 9:00 a.m. in Par
lors X and Y of the Union, accord
ing to Duane Lake, Union director.
The purpose of the Breakfast is
to acquaint organization presidents
with the facilities to be available
in the new Union.
Lake will explain the blueprints
oi the new Union and the new ster
eophonic sound for the music room
will be demonstrated.
All presidents are urged to at
tend or to send someone in their
places. The meeting is an oppor
tunity to get to know the University
better, Lake said.
Patrick Heads
KNUS Staff
KNt'S. the University radio sta
tion, has announced staff heads
for the second semester.
They are: Chuck Patrick. Gen
era Manager; Pete Laughlin, Pro
gram Director; Steve Brown,
Chief Announcer; Steve Hansen,
Business Manager; Dei Rasmus
sen. Sales Director; Dixie Helms,
Traffic Director; Phyl Bonner;
Continuity Director, Bob W i r z;
Sports Director and Steve Brown,
News Director.
"Never before has the KNUS
staff been so enthused about the
success of the station, nor has the
KNUS Staff been so excellently or
ganized," said Patrick.
Orchestra Needs
String Players
Former high school hand mem
bers are being sought by Emanuel
Wishnow, conductor of the Univer-sit-
Symphony Orchestra.
The Symphony Orchestra needs
more players in the string sec
tion, said Wishnow. He said he
hopes to locate students who are
interested in music, but who have
not tried out for the symphony
The string section includes vi
olin, cello, viola and bass players.
The need is especially great for
violin and viola players, according
to Wishnow.
Those interested are to see Wish
now in Room 212, Music Building.
ion, the dorms and book stores.
All this money, Soshnik stated, i
independent of the direct instruc
tional expense, but it is still a
part of the total income. "
Teachers Salaries
Commenting on the fact that
only SO of the tuition dollar went
into teachers salaries, Soshnik
stated that "I thought it was too
little myself not too long ago. But
you have to consider the overhead:
the plant operation expense and
Hie cost of registering the iu
Soshnik and Glen Sloan, Univer
. y autiiicr, are now working on
the 1957 Financial Report.
"We are trying, this year, to
present figures that can be taken
for their iace values. If we suc
ceed, perhaps we can say more
I definitely where the tuition dollar
' goes," Sloan said.
! "The figures can make the Uni
versity look extremely poor or ex
! treniely n-h, depending on h o w
! they are presented," Sloan added.
iTins sar the financial report will
lhave a slightly different form.
At Howell
Reservations for "The 014
Maid and the Thief" may be
made at the Howell Theatre
Box Offic fat the Temple build
ing. The opera opens this eve
ning and run through Saturday.
Georgann Humphrey, junior in
arts and sciences, has been elect
ed president of Tassels.
Vice-president is Judy Douthit, a
junior in teachers, and Billie
Prest, a junior in arts and sci
ences, was chosen secretary.
Miss Humphrey is president
of Kappa Delta, a Red Cross
Board member and a member of
Spring Day committee.
Miss Douthit is a member of
Union Board and social chairman
of Delta Delta Delta.
Miss Prest is a member of WAA
Board and social chairman of Kap
pa Kappa Gamma.
Treasurer, publication chairman
and rally chairman will be elected
at the Feb. 10 meeting.
Last year's officers were: presi
dent, Jan Shrader Mossman; vice
president. Donna Sawvell and sec
retary, Marilyn Waechter.
hs i
"White space! Wtiite space!"
! the editor yelled.
j The Daily Nebraskan needed
something to make its appear
ance fresher, its effect on the
reader more pleasing.
So the senior staff of the paper
decided to change the lace of
the type used in the produc
tion of the paper from Tempo
and Spartan to Bodoni.
Th text books say, "Bodoni is
a vigorous, clean, dignified, con
servative, businesslike face."
And that, according to the Rag
editors, is the major recommen
dation for a change of face. More
over ,rtiey explain, the use of
Bodoni type with while space is
juite effective.
Another change is in the offing
for the Daily Nebraskan, too.
The type which is now eight
point on a nine point slug (ail
very mystic journalistic terms!
will soon become nine point on
a nine-and-a-half point base.
Since, in effect, this means the
type will be larger it should be
easier to read.
Better use of pictures and an
attempt to cover more accurately
and more fully the events of the
campus and the vicinity pertain
ing to the University family are
also some of the aims of the
Daily Nebraskan during the com
ing semester.
And, needless to say, the Rag
will welcome any suggestions
from its readers.
Giraudeaiix Play
Cast Announced
The cast for the University The
atre's production of Jean Girau-
ideaux's play, "Ondine," has been
announced by Margaret Servine,
The cast, which will begin re
hearsals this evening in Temple
201, includes John HaU, Barbara
Lantz, Rip Peyroux, Marijane
Craig, Edythe Morrow, Diane
Rainey, Sally Downs, Steve
Schultz, Lynn Van Winkle, Gerry
Miller, Sally Wengert, Tony Melia.
James Baker, Ted Kethmeyer,
Brad Bigelow, Phil Nelson, Bill
Larsen, Bemie Skalka, Zella Long
and Wayne Lange also have parts
hi the production, according to
Miss Servine.
Hie crews for the play, under
the supervision of Dr. Charles
Lown Jr., technical director of the
show, are headed by Ted Ruthmei
er, Lyle Wohtier, Sally Wengert,
Judy De Vilbiss and Barbara
Ag Union Baby'
Contest Opens
Two photographs each of a
group of Ag students, one taken
in infancy and the other a recent
one, are now on display in the Ag
Union. A prize will be awarded
to the person correctly matching
the most pictures.
Any University student is eligible
to compete and voting will close
Friday at 3:00 p.m.
Only the baby photos will be
displayed at the Sno-Ball Dance
Friday in the College Activities
Building where the "cutest baby"
will be selected.
Music will be furnished by Bud
Holioway's orchestra.
Tickets are on sale in the Ag
Union booth and organized bouses.
fatsy Kaufman, junior from
Love Hail, was chosen cutest baby
in the 1957 contest.
Book Exchange Loss
Anticipated M artin
The University book exchange in
its first year of operation will
suffer losses of approximately $30
according to Mrs. Don Martin, su
pervisor. Mrs. Martin stated Tuesday that
approximately 141 books have
been sold by the exchange.
The book exchange, which is run
by Alpha Phi Omega, service fra
ternity, will end operations today
at S p.m.
Book Shortage
According to Mrs. Martin the
exchange needed to sell approx
imately 600 books to break even
on expenses, whic'a amounted to
around $100. The exchange levies
Cooks in the Union kitchen will
turn over their pots and utensils
Sunday to international students at
the University. The third annual
University Cosmopolitan Club
Smorgasbord will feature over 20
different types of dishes.
Groups from Latvia, Latin Amer
ica, Turkey, India, Korea, Hun
gary, Greece, Afghanistan, Iran
Germany and the United States
will begin seving at 5 p.m. in the
Union Ballroom.
Cosmopolitan Club will hare a
mass meeting today at 7:30 p.m.
in room 315 of the Union. A new
president will be elected.
A discussion of the smorgas
bord will follow the election.
Each group will prepare a famous
dish from its own country. The
menu includes: empanades. chick
en curry, sbish-ka-bob, apple-str-del,
cherry pie and Turkish coffee.
Entertainment by the interna
ional students and hostesses in
their national costumes will fol
low the Smorgasbord.
Tickets are available for adults
at $1.50; students at $1.25; and
children under 12 years of age a.
$.75. Tickets are on sale at th2
Union Ticket Office. Peden's Book
Store, First National Bank and Mil
ler and Paine 's.
Card Players
To Compete
National Tourney,
Slated Here
The 1958 National Intercollegiate
Bridge Tournament will be held
Feb. 22 at 1 p.m. in Rooms 315
316 of the Union.
Anyone who is interested may
participate in the preliminary
tournament, according to Bob
Krumme, Union Recreation Com
mittee chairman. Winners will
play in the final tournament March
W'inning hands will be submit
ted to the Committee headquarters
in Texas where they will be scored
by Geoffrey Mott-Smith, author
and contract bridge authority.
Prizes will include trophies
for the college and also individual
tups. The individual cups are per
manent, while the college cups
will be traveling awards in order
to promote more interest in the
In addition to the tournament,
the National Intercollegiate Bridge
Tournament committee plans to
supplement the collegiate social
program by holding Sunday after
noon bridge playing at 1 p.m. in
Room 316, Union. Any student or
faculty member may participate.
Those interested in the national
tournament may sign up in the
Union Activities Office before Feb.
19, provided they are in good
standing and not in graduate col
lege. wJt;
Campus Newcomer
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority have moved mother.
into their new house.
The first floor of the house has not been com
pleted, but the upper floor is now completely furn
ished and decorated. Furniture will be new.
Mrs. Olive Williams of Lincoln is the nw house-
a 15c handling charge for each
book sold. .
Mrs. Martin stated that the pri
mary reason for the exchange's
loss is lack of books to seU. Mary
more students wished to buy books
than sell them, Mrs. Martin said.
"Those students who were for
tunate enough to buy and sell
books here saved a great deal of
money," Mrs. Martin commented.
'"Everybody has commented ' on
the coilosal savings," she added.
Job WeU Done
"Alpha Phi Omega did a very
excellent job in setting up the ex
change," Mrs. Martin stated. In
years to come the exchange will
more than pay for itself time is
needed for the organization's pro
gram to catch on, she emphasized.
Ken Tempero, member of Alpha
Phi Omega and manager of the
exchange, commented on the en
thusiastic response of those stu
dents who did utilize the exchange.
Tempero recommended that a
bigger room, located on the first
floor of the Union, would solve
some of the exchange's problems.
Delta Sigma Rho To Hold
Extemporaneous Contest
Current national and internation
al events will be subjects used for
the annual intramural Extempor
aneous Speaking Contest from
Feb. 11-18, according to Donald
I Olson, sponsor of Delta Sigma Rho.
j The contest, under the spon
sorship of Delta Sigma Rho, na
tional honorary forensic fraternity,
is open to both men and women
who are full-time students.
; Each organized house, affiliated
or unaffiliated, may enter two
speakers. Individuals who do not
I belong to organized social groups
may participate for individual hon-
i ors.
Deadline for entries is Feb. 8.
J Each organized bouse entering the
i contest is to be represented by two
people. The top ranking organiza
tion will receive a cup with its
name engraved on it.
"Some of the winners in previ
ous j'ears have gone on to inter
collegiate competition." Olson, who
is also Director of University De
bating. It is not necessary to be a mem
ber of any speech organizations,
added Olson.
"Sometimes people who have
never done any previous public
speaking have found they were
quite capable at it," he comment
ed. Last year Sigma Alpha Mu won
the organization cup. Individual
honors went to Ernie Hines.
Speeches at the time of delivery
are to be five to seven minutes
in length. Approximately 24 hours
before each round of the contest.
Seven Receive
VTA Scholarships
Seven University students were
awarded tuition scholarships last
week to Teachers College by the
Nebraska Congress of Parents and !
Scholarship winners are: Wayne !
Beckman, Marcia Boden, Carol
Pohlman, Shelia Ann Scott, Wanda
Teten, John Valder and Don Voils.
Qualifications for scholarships
include character, aptitude for
teaching, scholarship and finan
cial need.
The Nebraska PTA has so far
this year awarded 40 scholarships!
to the University, Omaha Univer
sity, and teachers colleges zi
Chadron, Kearney, Peru and
, ' - a h A U
- ' rV,; CVW , 'Iter iA . '
a p t t
The exchange is presently located
in Room 313 of the Union.
Another Try
Helen Gourlay, president of the
Student Council, sponsor of the ex
change, stated that she was def
initely in favor of "giving th
project another try."
Chairman of the Student Council
Book Exchange Committee, Tom
Neff, stated that the results of
the current exchange show that
"there is a large group of stu
dent's who like to sit back and
complain about high book prices
but who are too lazy to take any
initiative and do something about
"The Alpha Phi Omegas should
not be expected to support finan
cially such an exchange along with
their service, Neff said.
The Student Council last semes
ter, on a recommendation from a
special committee, voted to turn
the exchange over to Alpha Phi
Omega. Under Council stipulations
the fraternity will give a report
concerning results of the ventur
sometime in the near future.
participants will draw two speak
ing subjects on the general sub
jects and will choose one on which
to speak.
All contestants will participate in
Round One. It will be held Feb.
Entries must be filed in Tempi
202 by 5 p.m. Feb. 8.
GOPs Hold
Schultz, Rodgers
Attend Session
Two University students were
j among a group of over 200 Young
Republicans from all the country
attending a leadership training
j school in Washington, D. C.
! Louis Schultz, senior in elec
trical engineering, and Gary Rod
! gers, sophomore in pre-iaw, at
j tended the conference school.
Schultz is chairman of the Ne
braska College Young Republicans
and Rodgers is an executive board
member of the University Young
' GOP organization.
'. Teachers at this unique school
j included Secretary of the Interior
I Fred Sea ton. Secretary of Agricul
ture Ezra Benson, Secretary of
Labor James Mitchell; Secre-
tary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks,
' Senators Capehart, Goldwater,
Morton and Mundt. Republican
National Chairman Meade Alcorn
and many ether prominent Wash
ington figures.
Among the highlights of the
school were a visit to the Whit
House where the Young Republi
cans were received by Mrs. Eisen
hower and heard a keynote speech
by Vice President Richard Nixon.
The Nebraska Young Republi
cans met with the Nebraska Con
gressmen at a breakfast and be
tween sessions were able to visit
sessions of Congress and tour the
governmental buildings.
Movie Cancelled
The Sunday Night Movie has be ?n
cancelled this week, according to
Jean Sell, film committee assistant
Miss Sell said the cancellation
was because of the Cosmopolitan
Club smorgasbord to be he id that
The next film will be presented
Feb. 16.
St ! , f -i f
The girls are particularly proud of the terrace
dining room on the first floor and the spacious two
and four-bed rooms. The living room, when com
pleted, will be done in blue and grey, the sorority'
colors, and will boast a 40 by 22 foot sofa.