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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1958)
Tuesday, February 4, 1958 The Daily Nebroskon Nebraska Wins First Indoor Meet, Slams Cats, I-State Page 3 Nebraska's track team got a flying start on the 1958 indoor season with an ovei whelming tri angular victory over Kansas State and Iowa State at the Husker East otanium Plant Saturday. A crowd of 1,500 cheered as the Husk ers won 68 points to near ly double Kan sas ft t a t e'a S5Vi and com pletely out class Iowa State's 25. With four r. t ? Gardner Courtesy Lincoln Star 'ins from last years team, which won third In the Big Eight Indoor for Coach Frank Seveigne, this marked the fifth straight Memori al Stadium win for the Huskers. Keith Gardner, who has never been beaten on the home track, scored his fifth consecutive slam of the hurdles and 60 yard dash competition in the East Stadium. Gardner's triple victory led the Nebraska parade of seven first places, first and second In four events and the first three places in another. Three meet and two stadium records were rewritten, while Gardner's :07.4 in the high hurdles equaled his meet and stadium mark. In the shot put Phil Delevan of Iowa State beat his own meet and stadium mark with a heave of 53-10. His last toss went for 55 104 but he scratched. In the mile relay Kansas States' team of Larry French, Jim Vad er, Gene O'Conner and DeLoss Dodds knocked two tenths of a second off their meet mark and one tenth of a second off the old Stadium record set by Oklahoma. Duane Holman, Kansas State I sophomore, completed the list of! record holders with a -9:39.5, bet-1 tering Bob Elwood's 1957 record of 9:44.2. Joe Mullins, sophomore mile star, might have clipped another record from the books, this one Wes Santee's mile mark of 4:17.6, had it not been for an official's error. K 4 Starter Ed H i g g e n botham neg lected to fire the gun signi fying the start of the final lap of the seven lap race. When Mullins came around to the finish, he apparency Mullins thought the Courtesy Lincoln Journal final gun was the signal for the last lap. After wing from the side lines, he cruised the approximate ly 250 yard course for the eighth time. When everyone finally stopped running, the officials guessed Joe's time at 4:20.7, but unofficial sideline observers placed the mark much closer to 4:13. Higgenbotham said after the race, "I really goofed." In spite of the extraneous final lap, Mullins bested bis nearest competitor, Ron Sanson of Iowa State, by 20 yards. He got good help from sophomore colleague Mike Flemming who finished third. With the showings of Mullins and Flemming, Nebraska showed encouraging power in the distance jaunts. Knolly Barnes whipped out a win in the 880 followed by an other Husker, Ken Ash. It might have been different far the Huskers however, if Tom Roda, Kansas State mile star, could have attended. Roda fell to the' flu bug and was unable to make the trip. How They Scored TRACK EVENTS Mil. SO-yard aaih , 44A-yard rum ........ Hit hardies Twa-mlle 8H0-yard ma Low hurdles Milr relay Totals 4 "1ELD EVENTS Pole vault I Shot ut t Hit Jum v Broad Jump S Totals 2' SUMMARY Track totals 41 Tl Field totals Z014 114 KS 10 1 1 I J7 t 1 S S't S 1 I t1 15 Ineligibility Claims Two Husker Aces Dale Knotek and Lyle Nannen, a pair of stellar senior performers, have been declared ineligible for further athletic competition at Ne braska. Nannen, 6'3" guard who had piled up a total of 49 points in the first 15 basketball games this sea son, failed to clear the semester exam hurdle, according to Colise um sources. Knotek, who has cleared 6'4" in the high jump, has used up his varsity cdmpetition, according to Athletic publicity director, John Bently. In checking records, it was dis covered that Knotek had competed in two varsity meets the first se mester of 1954-55 before becoming ineligible for the remainder of the season. He thus completed the al lowable three years of varsity competition. Fencers Defeated At Hands of SUI The University Fencing Club bowed 16-11 to the Iowa U. varsity in the Field House at Iowa City last Saturday. The Nebraska fenc ers won the foils division 5-4, but lost the epee 2-7 and the abre 4-5 In the foil competition Armato and Trued won 2-1, and Daily lost 1-2. In the epee event Miller and Trued lost 1-2 and Soubier lost 0-3. Armato won 'lis sabre match 3-0, but Buehrer lost 0-3 and Tirro lost 1-2. 3 i Want Ads qssia pjnSI qnjtfM uiSia pik : jenf SALES RENTALS SERVICE BLOOM TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 323 N. 13th 2-5258 MY CLOSEST SHAVE 1956 Indnnjpolit Speed my WiMMf "My closest shave was at Indianapolis in 1953," sayV Pat Flaherty, 1956 Indianapolis winner. "The track temperature that day hit 125 and the exhaust fume, hung right down on the speedway. I was going into the) north turn at 130 mph when the fumes got m. I blacked out, hit the outside concrete fence, and skidded along for 120 feet. The car was demolished, my helmet was torn off, my safety belt broke but man t creak a single Done i 'or YOUR Clot Shav.-with a razor, not a racing car try new Colgate Instant Shave. What a way to shave ! It's the quickest, easiest way ever, no matter what razor you use. Smooth, too ! Shaves your whiskers, save your skin. A great shave buy for the tough-beard guy ! Colgate Instant Shave COlGATt DL Wanted: Student agent for greeting cards' sell to store Commission. Write: Hand Print Cards 133 W. 19 BU N.T.C. 11 Qntehvisjuo SSitrueti 'fftQ destgn, echM LOOK FORWARD TV A CHAT WITH YOU! GET YOUR BOORS AN D SUPP1IES AT EGENTS BOOK STOR a!Ud has a complete stock of all required text books. has a large assortment of high quality sup plies at low prices. is the only OFFICIAL Bookstore of the University of Nebraska. is conveniently located on the Mall north. of Love Library. win . 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