The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 04, 1958, Image 1

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Social Column
See Page f
Vol. 32, No. 60
Lincoln, Nebraska
Tuesday, February 4, 195?
Vote Small, Majority
111 k Mmp$
ManMrdiiitiiwiifrfr r-f'-"iHin-'fl"rrrvYKifiini)ri tin frmin hkihi, mm'iMmumiMmhWmttMimMmMV tmmt'wu rVr irrtv'f r
out. From left they
Dick Shugrue, editor; Bob Ireland,
emtonal editor, not pictured.
Pub Board Announces
Nebraskan Personnel
Dick Shugrue, junior in Arts and replace Carole Frank who resigned
Sciences, took over Monday as j her copy editor position.
second semester editor of th-i S,hugrue h" befn faff . wrUf'
i ar.d copy editor for the Lincoln
Daily Nebraskan. ; Journali copy editor and ed.
Other staff members appointed ; itorial page editor for the Ne
by the faculty Senate Subcommit- braskan and is a member of Sig
tee on Student Publications in-jma Delta Chi, professional jour
clude: Ernie Hines. junior in ; nalism fraternity.
Teachers, editorial page editor;
Mack Lundstrom, senior in Ar'a
and Sciences, managing editor;
Bob Ireland, junior in Arts and
Sciences, news editor.
Copy editors are Pat Flannigan,
sophomore in Arts and Sciences;
Emmie Limpo, sophomore in Arts
and Sciences; Diana Maxwell, !
sophomore in Arts and Sciences;
and Gary Rodgers, sophomore p.'e
law. student. .- -
Business Staff
Jerry Sellentin, junior in Teach'
ers. is Nebraskan business man
Business assistants are Tom,
Neff, junior, in Arts and Sciences;
Bob Smklt, junior in Agriculture;
and Stan Kaiman, sophomore in
Jerry Trupp. sophomore in Busi
ness Administration, is circulation
Roger Wehrbein, sophomore
the College cl Agriculture is a g
Lundstrom was named to sue-
ceed Bob Martel who resigned ail-1
er being appointed managing edi-
tor. Miss Maxwell was named t i
Howell Opera
'Maid & Thie f Shoiv
Opens Wednesday
An old maid who isn't a maid,
a young maid who is a maid, a
thief who isn't a thief and a thief
who is a thief.
Mixed up? So are the characters,
twr sets of them, in the comedy
opera "The Old Maid and the
Thief," being presented jointly by
the Department of Music and the
University Theatre, Wednesday
through Saturday.
As the scene opens in the home
of Miss Todd an elderly spinster,
played by Carol Asbury, Laetltia,
her maid portrayed by Norma Bos
sard and Lois Pipe announces the
arrival of a beggar with "gentle
manly qualities."
Bob, the beggar, played by Nor
man Riccins. and Rodney Walk-
er is invited to remain in the Todd :
household as a guest with both ,
Miss Todd and Laetitia making; The poll said: "Charles Stark
plans for matrimonial pursuit. i weather, 19-year-old Lincolnite, has
But shortly after Bob becomes j reportedly confessed to 11 killings,
a household word, an anounce-1 The 10 Lancaster County murders
ment that a thief and murderer: and one Wyoming murder have
has escaped the city jail is made. created wide controversy as to the
Of course, Miss Todd immediately i form of punisnment a convicted
susoects she is housihg a thief murderer should receive."
and murderer.
Rather than leave the household
without a man, the decision to har
bor this supposed murderer and
risk death is made by the two.
In the meantime, Bob must be
entertained. Miss .Todd, a treasurer
of the Women's Club, is persuaded
by Laetitia to "borrow" money
from the treasury and Bob lives
comfortably through Miss T o d d's
newly-acquired profession of rob
bery. In her excitement, Miss Todd
announces her secret love for Bob
and proposes they flee the town
together; Bob refuses.
This infuriates Miss Todd so she
plots immediately to call the po
lice and falsely accuse Bob of be
ing the missing thief.
As she leaves the scene, Laetitia
Dow finds her chance to propos6
members of the second semester Daily Nebraskan discuss first day's lay
are: Mack Lundstrom, managing editor: George Moyer, sports editor;
news editor and Jerry
Hines was sports editor and bus
iness manager for the Doane Owl
for a semester, worked as a re
porter for the Grand Island Daily
Independent and the Lincoln Jour
nal, and was copy editor for the
Rag for a semester.
Lundstrom worked as reporter
photographer for the Fremont
Guide Tribune, was editorial page
editor for the Nebraskan last year
and Ms been student reporter and
feature writer for University pub
lie relations.
Ireland has been copy editor,
CI W euuor, auuiaie ,s
editor ana news editor tor tne ne
braskan. Copy Editors
Miss Flannigan served as a cor
respondent for the Omaha World
Herald and has been a staff writer
and reporter for the Rag.
Editor of the Y-Wire, publication
of the YWCA, Miss Limpo has
been a reporter and staff writer
for the Nebraskan and also wrote
a girls' sports column,
Miss Maxwell was a Nebraskan
reporter last year and wrote a
girls' sports column.
flight with Bob, and convinces him
of this wisdom.
Miss Todd, in a forgiving mood
returns to the scene and . . .
Stage director of the two-act op
era is Leon Lishner, technical di
rector is Roy Willis and the musical
director is Earl Jenkins. The opera
was written by Gian-Carlo Menotti.
Capital Punishment Approval Runs High
Exclusive Nebraskan Poll Samples Campus Conviction
Seventy-six of 100 University stu-
I dents polled by Daily Nebraskan
staff members Monday indicated
they believe in capital punishment
for a person convicted of murder.
The following questions were
asked :
"Do you believe a convicted
murderer should receive capital
"Do you believe capital punish
ment is more effective than life
imprisonment in reducing the
number of murders that are com
mitted?" "If you believe a convicted
murderer should receive capital
punlxhment, do you think there
should be a minimum age for
a person who receives capital
The results were:
Should receive capital punish
ment 76 yes; 24 no.
Capital punishment is most ef
fective 76 yes; 24 no.
Minimum age for capital punish
ment 56 yes.
business manager. Ernie Hines,
Rag Wants
Opportunities are open for
students Interested in news and
sports reporting for the Daily
Nebraskan, according to Bob
Ireland, news editor.
Ireland emphasized that no
previous journalistic experience
is required. Interested students
should contact the Daily Ne
braskan, Room 20, Union.
Retires Feb. 1 j
I)r, Skirimore Leaves i
37-Year Position
A man who never intended to
instruct retired Feb. 1 after 37 j
years as a teacher at the Univer- j
sity. ur. Louis BKiumuie, associ-1
ate proiessor 01 animai painty
and hygiene said that he came to
the University planning to s t a y
only one year.
After receiving his doctor's de
gree at Kansas State University,
Dr. Skidmore said he took a short
Urip to Texas to rest and think
things over.
"I never expected to be a teach
er. I had always planned to be
come a farm manager," Dr. Skid
more commented.
When he decided to come to the
University, it was only to learn
a little more, he added.
"I must have enjoyed teaching
for I've been here 37 years
Dr. Skidmore.
Dr. Skidmore was instrumental
in developing a museum in the
Department of Animal Pathology
Animal skeletons, diseased organs
and parasites for teaching demon
stration, are now included in it.
Tryouts Planned
For Lah Play
Final tryouts for "The Chalk
Garden," a play by Enid Bagnold,
will be held today from 3 to 5
p.m. in room 303, Temple Building,
according to Betty Lester, direc
tor. Miss Lester urged all interested
students to attend. Special arrange
ments can be made for those un
able to meet the tryout times, she
"The Chalk Garden," a former
Broadway success, will be pre
sented March 14 and 15 at the Uni
versity's Arena Theater.
The students taking the poll in-
eluded 50 coeds and 50 male stu
Eignteen was listed most as a
minimum age for a person sen
tenced to receive capital punish
ment. Fifteen students selected this
Twelve students said 16 should
be the minimum age, and nine said
21 should be the age at which
a person may be given the death
The ldwest age cited was 12. This
was listed by one student.
Qualifications Listed
Numerous students polled quali
fied their answers with comments.
Most students who answered
"yes" to the question of whether
a convicted murderer should re
ceive capital punishment said that
it normally depended on the "de
gree" of the murder.
Among their comments were:
"I think Charles Starkweather
should receive capital punishment
purely because it is not safe for
society to give him life imprison
ment. He could escape or perhaps
get out on good behavior, leaving
him free to go on another spree."
"The Starkweather case presents
a problem because of his being
19 years old and a confessed mass
slayer. But because of the bru-
University students have ap
proved by a vote of 1,428 to 417
the charter of a student tribunal,
according to Helen Gourlay, Stu
dent Council president.
At an election held during spring
semester registration, the students
gave their approval of the charter
and set in motion the process for
its final adoption.
The proposed charter will now
go to Dean. J. P. Colbert as
chairman of the Faculty commit
tee on Student Affairs. It must
then be passed by the Faculty
Senate and Board of Regents.
Council President
Student Council President, Helen
To Faculty
Ex Morse Aide
New Law Prof
Merton Bernstein, former legis
lative assistant to Sen. Wayne
Morse of Oregon, has been ap
pointed associate professor of law
at the University by the Board
of Regents.
His appointment will go into ef-
Bernstein is now serving as spe-l
cial counsel to the subcommittee
on railroad retirement of the Sen
ate Cummittee on Labor and Tub
lie Welfare. .
Bernstein acted as Morse's leg
islative assistant in the offshore
oil bill (1953), Bricker amendment
debates, Taft-Hartley discussion
(19-4)) oppOSjtjon to authorization
; o tapping (1954 and lf)5fi) and
the Hells Canyon dam controversy.
Other appointments by the Re
gents included Dean Affleck, as
sistant professor of medical psy-
chnlogy, effective April, 1; Herbert : council Chairman, Jan Lichten
Humphreys, associate professor of j berger; Finance Chairman, Soma
medical psychobgy and' clinical ! Seivers.
psychologist, and Norma Johnson,
from associate in nursing to as
sistant professor of nursing.
In the Ag College, Donald Clan
ton was named assistant professor
of animal husbandry, effective Feb.
Frederick Nicolai was appointed
deputy registrar to assist Registrar
! Floyd Hoover. The appointment
will go into eltect June. 1.
Johnson Gets
Top Award
Dnvid Johnson received the
highest scholastic honor of the Uni
versity, a Bachelor of Science de
gree in business administration
with high distinction, at mid-year
graduation ceremonies.
.Tudire Robert Van Pelt
of Lincoln delivered the com-;
mencement address to 34: mem-1
bers of the graduating class.
The judge commented that "until
individuals recognize their moral j
responsibility in matters dealing!
with human destruction, a lasting
peace will not be found." I
In conclusion, he reminded the
graduating class of this Biblical
passage: "To whom much is given,
from him much is also required."
talily exercised in the slaying I
would feel that he should receive
the chair."
"Capital punishment is easier
than life imprisonment . . ."
"In a case such as this, I be
lieve capital punishment is a must.
Why let 'something' like this crim
inal live off our tax money?"
"If it were not so easy to ob-
Courtmy Lincoln Star
. "verdict" is in
; V,..
If 1
tudent Tribunal Ballot
Courlay, commented that the low
vote cast in the election was "dis
appointing" and added she thought
Courtesy Sunday
Journal and star
Miss Gourlay
this was because the students
''hadn't informed themselves."
"Some students," Miss Gourlay j
said, "apparently didn't realize
they were voting for the tribunal
charter instead of the tribunal it
self." Miss Gourlay praised the Coun
cil Tribunal Committee for their
work with the proposed charter.
She empha-'ized the advant
ages of a tribunal and added that
Nebraska is the only school in the
Big Eight which doesn't have such
a body.
Keene "Disappointed"'
Dave Keene, chairman of the
: Student Council Tribunal Commit-i near two to one majority in the
YWCA 2nd Semester Posts
TVof--pT TtT lVfP ( Mil 111 1 f t Of
Second semester officers, coun
cil and cabinet members of the
City Campus YWCA have been an
nounced by the 1958-59 executive
New officers include: Council po
sitions: Membership Chairman,
Sandi Shoop; Personal Allairs, Son
die Lee; Religion, Marcia Boden;
Public Relations, Judy Doughs;
Public Affairs, Pat Flannigan; Art
Chairman, Polly Doering; Com
munity Service, Liz Smith; Hons;
Cabinet positions; Assistant j lines. Members may also join the
treasurer Carol Tripplet; May j Community Service group.
Morning Breakfast Chairman, Sue ' New officers were initiated and
Rhodes, Assistant Pat Teasar; ! installed Monday at the Lutheran
Filling Station Project Janet ! Student House. New Executive of
Hansen; Animal Frolic Chairman ' ficers were also installed at 4
Gette James; Y-Wire Editor ; o'clock Monday.' The Executive
Emmie Limpo; Lay Out Editor officers include Tery Mitchem,
Nila Cummings; Staff Reporters
Janet Rhoda, Marg Schroeder, Pol
ly Moller, Ann Maclntire, Jo Rog
ers and Judy Moomau; Historian
Nancy Spilker.
Lincoln Membership Sharon
Boughman; Assistant House Coun
cil chairman Betty Thompson;
AWOL (A Woman's Opportunity to
Learn) Leader Shirley Gibb;
Contemporary Trends in Your
Home Leader Lou Harrison;
Noon Discussion Leader Dianne
Geese; Faith, Love and Marriage
Leader Margaret Swentker;
Protestant Beliefs leader Pat
Salsberrv: Religions of the World
, i TriWn Santin- Rclirrinn
through the Arts Leader Carole
Yerk. Human Relations Leader
I Y I, A livnaezrons
Sch edit I ed Thn rsday
YWCA will hold a Rendezvous
from 7-8 Thursday night at the
Lutheran Student House.
At this meeting, Y members will
be able to sign up for groups and
tain paroles the existence of cap-
ital punisnment wouict not oe nec-
essary. However, the fact that so
many are paroled from a life term
means that such a term does not
mean much."
"I feel that a convicted mur
derer should receive capital Tin
ishment only in the case of willful
and premeditated murder and then
only if he is over 21."
Other Comments
r....jt. ...u t
t. IIT. uv
tUa miuct inn 'Tin von hel pve a
.it. , -
ennvirtpd murderer should receive
naniial mmkhmpnt7" made the fol -
lowing comments:
"I think life imprisonment should
be made to conform to what the;1"""""'' ' "' ' "7" ' " T'
" . .. Tf ,.f . , unions on both city and ag cam
term implies. If life imprisonment J
were made to be life imprison
ment with absolutely no chance of
parole or time off for good be
havior there would be no need for
capital punishment, and I think it
would then be just as effective as
capital punishment in reducing the
number of murders committed."
"There is no inherent right given
with a judge's rob to take a life.
But more practical, the advances ni
psychiatric sciences should make
their murders sources of further
research, and perhaps even pro
vide chances of rehabilitation."
tee, said he was "a bit disappoint
ed" in the size of the vote.
He stated that he thought "such
an issue affecting the whole stu
dent body would have brought out
a greater vote." He commented,
though, that he thought the vote
to be fairly significant and noted
the "resounding majority" in fav
of the tribunal charter.
Tribunal Organization
If approved by the Board of Re
gents, the Council will then select
seven student judges and the ad
ministration will select two fac
ulty judges as is set forth in the
Tribunal Charter.
The Tribunal itself will then set
forth its order of procedure.
If however, the charter should
fail to be accepted it would ne
cessitate re-examination by the
Tribunal Committee and again it
would have to be approved by the
Council and student body.
The charter in its present form
is the result of many months ac
cumulative work of the Council
Tribunal Committee.
The committee has taken time
this fall to examine charters of
other universities so that this char
ter in its final form would obtain
ultimate approval, Keene said.
The proposed charter of the Stu
dent Tribunal was passed by a
Pat Flannigan; Headlines
Leader Kathy Roach; Assistant
Assistant Community Service Chair
Gwen Scrivner.
YWCA members may sign up
for groups at a special meeting
being held Thursday at the Luth
eran Student House. The discus
sion groups include: AWOL
(A Woman's Opportunity to Learn),
an upperclass group; Contempor-
ay Trends in Your Home; Faith
Love and Marriage; Noon Discu -
sion: Relieions of the World Pro -
tcstant Beliefs; Religion through
the Arts; Human Relations; Head-
President; Jan Lichtenberger
Vice-President; Phyl Bonner, Sec
retary; Bcv Ellis-District Repre
sentative; and Sonia Seivers
IS etc Tares' Party
Coed Counselors will hold a sec
ond semester party, "New Faces,"
for transfer students and new
women students tonight at 7:30 in
room 313 of the Union, according
to chairman Reba Kinne. Her as
sistants are Jan Lichtenberg, name
tags; Kay Swarts, games; Doro
thy Beechner, food; Mary Ram
age, invitations; and Karen Schus-
ter publicity.
VISITORS "The Four Delts," a group of Kansas State student
will be participate in the Big Eight Talent Show to be held hert
on February 15. Pictured from left are: George Rood, Larry
Foulke, Lowell Novy and Max Bishop.
University Will Host Talent
From Big Eight Colleges
The University will host the first
Big Eight Intercollegiate Talent
Show here on Saturday, Feb. 15.
featuring vaieni iium mui m
Big Eight colleges, the show will
b "
j be held in the Union Ballroom at
! " V m
i Tickets for the show, priced a.
75 cents each, were placed on sale
Bob Handy, Union activities di
rector, said that tickets will also
be sold through house representa
tives. These representatives will
receive one free ticket for each
15 they sell. Handy said.
University Talent
Three acts will represent Uni
versity talent. They are Cliff
Soubier, folk singer; The Silhou
ettes, male quartet; and Barb and
Duke Coonrad, vocal and instru
mental duet.
, Soubier, who placed first in the
Student Council elections, May 6,
The idea of forming a Student
Tribunal was first presented to the
students in 1956 Student Council
The Tribunal would still be con
trolled by the Division of Student
Affairs which would have the final
say on action taken and punish
ments levied, Keene said. The Tri
bunal would only recommend a
decision to that body and would al
so only act on matters that tha
Division of Student Affairs refer
to it.
AWS Slates
Skit Tryouts
Ads Compete
Today In Union
Traveler Act tryouts for AW3
Coed Follies will be held in the
Union Ballroom today starting at
7, according to Jacque Miller,
tryouts chairman.
The following skits and their
times include:
7 p.m. "A Person Could De
velop a Cold" by Ina Margolin;
7:10 a blues medley by Gayle
Peddie, Dolly Swift, Prudie Mor
row and Helen Hockabout; 7:20
"Marry the Man Today" by Ina
Margolin and Bonnie Spiegel; 7:30
"Oomph Appeal" by Prudy and
Edythe Morrow; 7:40 duet by
Zeta Tau Alpha; 7:50 "Caravan"
by Rosanne Rodgers;
Also trying out: 8 p.m. "Doo
cl Town Races" by Diane Rainey
and Jackie Koepplin; 8:10
"Goofus" with Jean Curnes, skit
master; 8:20 a mock bullfight
with Bev Beck, skitmaster and at
8:30 "More Fun Than A" with
Margee Rohwer as skitmaster.
"Skits-O-Frantic" the theme of
the 1953 Coed Follies production
will be presented March 10 at
Pershing Municipal Auditorium, ac-
! cording to Nancy Copeland, AWS
! Coed Follies chairman.
Film Society
Tickets Gone
Members in the 1958 Film So
ciety have been sold out, accord
ing to John West, chairman of the
Film Committee.
West said this year's member
ships were sold with 750 being
bought by the students, 175 by the
faculty, 154 by local patrons and
twenty-five issued to indi
viduals. Free memberships for selling
more than ten memberships went
to: Sherry Turner, Ronald Wacht
er, Donna Phillips, Alvin Ross,
Sheldon Cohen, Grover Kautz, Rod
Clifton, Cedric McCurley, John
Schenck, Bob Krumme, Janna
Kruska, Roger Wichman and
Pete Laughlin, said Bob Handy.
"Doctor in the House", an Eng
lish comedy will be the first pre
sentation by the Film Society, Feb.
local University talent show, is k
graduate student in speech ter
apy. He is from Omaha.
The group is composed of
Mich Adams, freshman in Engi
neering from Omaha; Clay White,
freshman in Teachers from
Toledo, Ohio; Dick Lennington,
freshman in Music from Chad
ron; and Kent Murray, freshman
in Music from Arcadia. Accom
panied by Gary Koopman, t h t
quartet placed second in Univer
sity show.
Brother-Sister Act
The Coonrads, a brother and
sister act from Lincoln, placed
third in the University talent
show. Barb is a senior til English
and member of Kappa Delta so
rority and Duke is a sophomore
in Business Administration and a
member of Sigma Chi fraternity.
The Big Eight Intercollegiate
Talent Show will also be given at
Kansas on Feb. 13 and at Kansas
University on Feb. 14.
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