The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 17, 1958, Image 3
Huslcers Host Cyclones o In Saturday Contest By BOB MARTEL Sports Edtlo' Jerry Bush's Cornhuiker basket ball squad will attempt to send University students into finals feeling cheerful as they take on the Iowa State Cyclones in the Coliseum Saturday night. The Huskers fresh from a 57-54 win over Oklahoma will be looking for their second Big Eight victory of the season. The Cyclones hold one decision ever Nebraska this season. That was at the Big Eight Tourney in Kansas City when Iowa State won by a 61-51 margin. Bush will probably go with his regular starting five of Lyle Nan re, Gary Reimers, Willie Fitzpat rick, Herschell Turner and Don Courtney Quips by DEL Intramural standings. . . Proving my worth as being the exact opposite of what a sports writer should not be, I am willing to stretch my neck out and give my opinions on who the top ten teams are in the Class A compe tition in the University's intra mural basketball sports. In accordance with the true form of most sports writers I witnessed the playing of most teams at least twice before I even attempted this cagy little sport and something in the back of my mind tells me I 6hould not even attempt this even after seeing these teams play twice or more. But, here they are as I see them. 1. Phi Delta Theta 2. Sigma Nu 3. Alpha Tau Omega 4. Benton (Selleck) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Delta Tau Delta Canfield (Selleck) Beta Theta Pi Sigma Chi Delta Sigma Pi Gus I (Selleck) Several new stars have been! emerging on the I-M basketball! scene coming mostly from the prep ranks from around the state.! Two basketball ers have especially impressed me. The first is Dick Place from the Beta Theta Pi team. Although the Betas have lost on a few oc- casions I still placed them in the' rankings. Almost everyone of the' games they lost have been within the margin of one point. Dick,: a freshman footballer also, has' added tremendously to t h e j strength of the Beta's. His quick ness and scoring eye has kept the' team in every game. j The second person that is doing very well for a freshman is Ron' We Give Green Stam V Ml Sport Kraft combine the above fashion features to bring you a blouse as new and exciting as the coming season. Wear it now and later . . . choose it in white, shrimp, black, blue or lemon. Sizes 32 to 42. COLD'S Budget SporUwear . Street Floor in U games. Gary Reimers is second with 171 points. Iowa State has its two top point manufacturers back in Lyle Frahm and John Crawford. Both have been hampered by injuries but should see action Saturday. Smidt. Fitzpatrick is currently leading the Husker scorers with 174 points Crawford is the highest scoring forward in Cyclone history. A na tive of New York, Crawford was named that state's top high school basketball player in 1954. Frahm will earn his third "C" in basketball this season. He is a good defensive player with great talent for stealing the ball. Both clubs will meet again on the Cyclone court on Feb. 1. RASMUSSEX Seymour, ex-Grand Island prep ster. Ron recently came out of bed with an operation over the Christmas holidays but the few days in bed certainly did not hurt his shooting eye. Seymour scored 18 points for Sigma Nu last Mon day night to push the Tau's out of first and down into second place. The ATO's who were all Fraternity champs last year played very well getting help from their Hastings men in the clutches, Bob Brandes and the Kleibers but Seymour couldn't miss to set the 16th street men in the league lead. Fou Are Invited To Worship At ST. PAUL METHODIST CHURCH 12th at OUR ONE HUNDREDTH Frank A. Court Minister Darrell Patton. Wesley Foundation Director STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO SING IN OUR CHURCH CHOIR, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ASSISTANT PRO FESSOR DALE GANZ, OF THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC! REHEARSAL EACH WEDNESDAY. 7:30 P.M. A New Fashion Note f , ; - - - if ft, I Pearce To Husker Grid Staff Iowa State kept their Head Coach Jim Myers when he turned down a Texas A. and M. head coaching position in favor of the Ames, Iowa school but they lost their assistant head coach to the University of Nebraska. LeRoy Pearce, former assistant coach to Jim Myers of last year's ISC grid club announced that he would leave for Nebraska as soon as possible after talking to Myers and Athletic Director of Iowa State, Louie Menze Monday. Pearce came to Myers' staff last August from Tennessee and was receiving $8,000 per year on the Cyclone staff. LeRoy had been considered for the head coaching position at Iowa State had Myers left for Texas in favor of the job offered him there but when he de cided in favor of Iowa State, Pearce's name was dropped from contention and a $2,000 raise was being considered for Myers. Pearce said: "I don't know ex actly why I'm switching. Money enters into these things somewhat. But in my opinion, it's a better opportunity for me." The Husker coaching staff under Bill Jennings has been searching for two assistants, that of assist ant varsity coach and -a freshman coach. The reason for the move from six coaches to seven was to leave one scout for the Huskers' games and one freshman coach whereas before the duties were combined. M Street ANNIVERSARY YEAR Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. "An Ancient Psalmist Speaks to Our Day" College Church School Class 9:45 A.M in Chapel THE RIVIERA BLOUSE by Sport Kraft 298 Roll-up Sleeves Italian Wing Collar Smart Criss cross Front Crease Resist ant Cotton The Daily Nebrcskan Husker Squads Bus A full schedule of sports events are listed for Saturday at the Uni versity of Nebraska. Topping the Saturday slate will be the Iowa State-Nebraska basket ball game at 8:05 p.m. The Cy clones are 1-0 in conference com petition and the Cornhuskers 1-2. Kansas State's swimming team will meet the Husker mermen in a dual at the Coliseum pool at 2 p.m. IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD YOU WILL! That Regents Bookstore will give you the best deals on your used textbooks. Come in and compare prices with us. Also for your convenience the bason,ent of the FOOD Campus. REGENTS BOOKSTORE The growth of the company has been spectacular since its inception in 1914. This has been espe cially true in recent years, as business, industry, science and government have turned increasingly to-automation through electronic computers. Such growth naturally provides many oppor tunities for advancement to well-qualified college graduates. IBM company policies and practices lay a firm groundwork for rewarding, enjoyable and secure careers. At IBM, for example, individual merit is quickly recognized by increased responsibility and remuneration. Through "small-team" proj H you cannot otitnd interview, write or call the manager of the neareit IBM office: IBM Corp. 601 So. 12th Street Lincoln 8, Nebr. A triangular gymnastics meet with Colorado State (Fort Collins), Kansas State and Nebr"'--a com peting will be held at the Physical Education building starting at 2 p.m. Colorado State's wrestling team meets the Husker grapplers at J the Coliseum at 2 p.m. i No admission will be charged; for the swimming, gymnastics or you may sell your books In and NUTRITION Bidg., Ag. i FIND OUT what It's 1 campus interviews for 1958 graduates with B.A., B.S., M.A., M.S., Ph.D. DEGREES FEBRUARY 7, 10 your interest 1$ In: Safes..;.:.:.; Engineering Karch and Development Manufacturing Applied Science Contact your college placement office for an appointment today SOME FACTS CXrVTfl- i INTERNATIONAL 1 D III . J E I BUSINESS MACHINES T " J Y O I CORPORATION I THE TOWN- J ' 1 THE PEOPLE- I . I -vf ABOUT! . I ' A -U y'iJ' y'SJp JERRY WALD'S" H4 ili IMS Priert For Thu Engagement Only MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 90c Till 6 P.M. EVENINGS $1.25 (incl. tax) TALL 1-3091 FOR FEATVRK TIMES AND INFORMATION like to be with IBM LiVL and degree or major liberal Art Bvsinesi Acsowriing Engineering Mathematics Physic Mechaoicd Becrico4 Engineering Engineering Physics Mathematics Industrial Electrical Mechanical Physics Mathematics Phytic Mathematics Eiiaineering ABOUT IBM ect systems . . . cordial employee-management relations . . . excellent financial rewards . . . out standing company-paid benefits ... the potential exists for well-established careers. IBM-sponsored educational and training programs are among the most advanced in the American business world today. IBM laboratories and manufacturing facilities are located in Endicott, Kingston, Owego, Pough keepsie, Yorktown, N. Y.; San Jose, Calif.; Lexington, Ky.; and Rochester, Minn. Sales and service offices in 198 principal cities throughout the United States. Friday, Jonuory-17, 1958 Want Ads FOR SALE. 1954 Buick Special. Two door. Gray. Ernest Feder, 3-4S32 Nile, Ex. 7167 Daytime. Nolle. Alpha chapter of XI XI XI will holrt a fpecial meeting at the regular meeting place and regular time next week. B.Y.O.L. LOST: Irreplaceable "Joe College" are wool cap In room 223. Burnett Hall lait week. Finder pleaae call 2-l04 and aak for Charlea. Reward. Thank you. - STARRING Lana TURNER Hope LANG Lee PHILIPS Lloyd NOLAN Diane VARSI Arthur KENNEDY Russ TAMBLYN Terry MOORE BETTY FIELDS LEON AMES DAVID NELSON let 0T NOCtSSINS mane Trrtwincw IIUTMV noMcn man NcmaMiis pwoucts surma Twt loutmciir ?. 4' t