The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 15, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    The Doily Nebroskon
Wednesdoy, Jonuory 15, 1953
fffi L ? fns fin ? n n
Hnnf? aim aural Tir&di fein?
Poge 4
By DEL KA.SMlSEN ug the Phi Delta by 5 6 of a yard low hurdles (fourth, high J
Editioa Sports Editor j point. The Phi Delta rallied to jump (second and ran a leg of
Bob Knaub stole the show last i Wf W s. the winning four 'o team.
In the Fraternity roundup the; r,su'(c. !
Phi Delt's ran away with the; mWkiu
I competitor, the Phi Psi's bv 35j ! J
man display of talent sweeping points. Tne men or the P!u Delta . Bui
the total number of point; for Theta fraternity scored five firsts. J; jj; ,,
! six seconds, three thirds and one
night at the annual Intramural
Track and Field events held in
the Stadium as he put on a one
his organization and smgle-hand-
edly captured second place for j f'f:h- The only event in which they
fai.ed to score points in was the
po;e vault.
Gus I of Selieck.
Knaub scored 84 points, snaring
three firsts, one second and two
thirds. Bob might have scored
more points but the lis of events
ran out to stop the ex-Scottsbluff
Two all-University records and
three Independent marks fell as
the thinclads from all over the
campus congregated for the an
nual meet.
Larry Fisher, fold medal win
ner in last spring s running me winning team in the 60-vard dash
state track mm, smashed the all- ,tmrd- hih hurdles (sec
University record in his specialty. on!,( brMd jump Seeond, W
ihe sbotput. Larry threw the,
weight a distance of 592' to set
new independent record as well
as rewrite the all-University mark.
The other new mark was set by
another gold medal winner in last
year's high school track meet-Joe
American Horse who mutilated the
old mark and hung up his best
time of 4 S5.5. in the mile.
7. B.MHhf
0s II
10. M.n4-oan
11. .Va-rv
am.- u: . .v. nk: t-1. -
iiie Dig sun i or ine rni lens irnmim.
I was Xels Kjeldson who grabbed i J; ft;
a f.rst in tne w-vard hieh hurdles. " tv p.
a third in the 60-yard low hurdles,
: a tie with teammate Ron Callan
in the high jump and ran a leg
of the winning one mile re
lay team.
For Canfield. who completely
' ran a ay with the Independents.
' scoring the big gun w as Bob Lam
. mel. Bob produced points for the
! 4. IVlla Taa IVIta . ,
S. S.smi Alpha Kpsitoa
I . s em On
; 7. hiwff (
. S:jm Phi KpsiKm
smirk WINNVS
On Milf Jo Amervsn H. SmIph 1:
Harv MoMiHan. l'ni?rtt 4 S
e rotrd Ali-t'mvrrsiiyi i
4-ard rrt KlmfT Rarws. rVwv; B,
Knub. ls I: IV- Uflinw). Can- ,
firld: Y'.f-Xl H.i:ta, Canfi! 5 i
Mi-yard Hit1i-M.!t H:.1l. Wly: Bj
l aimi). Oanik); FJdoa Haida.
Cant :!d -t i
Or Lr- R Knsiio. G:5 1: 1-arry Wrt. j
Can:!. Bmi Mms, BarnK I
Rrvo Halh5- ? 0
Sh Larry Fi'm-. Sr!a I:
Nebraska Preps Conger,
Purcell To Attend UN
Football Coach Bill Jennings was i graduating class at Benson.
Rurfrk. Sft. It: Marlm Hildim
CuitlHd: ron rvis. Al-; Jrr-r-
lw!fr, Buriwlii Al Ohlm.
j Brotd Jump Roil Knaub. Cit I; Beb
J I ammri. Camwld: Jem Hamt.;
S Vaci-ean; Jim Krafi. Bourw. !
r'"' Bill iim. H!t.-hc.-i Roa
J" 1 KrwW, Spaton II a; W"
iu i ('-'r S-J American Hnnw, Satoii
i 1 I: J. D. Shat. Canfirtd; Bernard ,
' f Krllr. ;n II: RmM Hk.
j Canfield J.OS i
! SO-yard loavj-Ron IXil. Valnn n: 1
j MM Hard!. Wratey: B, Knaub.
.n I; Hob Ummf!. Cataftrld,
I Bill rr. Bou,-ti 7 S
, Var Run J. D Shalw. CaniiM: Jo
Americai Morse. Ston I; MiH
Hatdt. Larry Vtnrl. C
' fVId SS
J Hutb Jumo Boh Knaab. Gus I: Bob Lam-
mel. lanftWd: Kldn Hrtdem, tn
fteld and Gnaa atoms, Burneue
PoJ Vault Jun Kraft. Bww: Bon
fli-kl II: K m m K
Gl I t.-V." )
Four Lan Can! .rid K!dra Rridmi, J. I.
Sliafw, Uarrjr Wrnll. B. Lammell
On :! Caniieid Vrtin Bna. Tlk
Knctvrt. Bruo Nuchi, Harwy
VoVllart Burneri
Ob M: KiaB rb.vwn!e.-n. Sn A!pba -
srlon: J-v Vurlluupt, Phi IVIia
-ar4 rh Bob rih. Phi Kanpa Pi:
J Ma.4. P IVH; rvk Plo.
Beta: virrr Hoaiomro. Pioneer Co
op, rnot Kl!y. Phi Pelt 4 7
-yard Hurti ls kjMvi. Phi iVh:
Tom sewVvi, lVha T PMa;
Ijirry Bartl. Phi Kapiya Pi;
lowrfl s.uinaii. Sirma On; Karl
ra!!. rvn
Or Lap Ru B Vth. Phi P:
Vw. P rKt, ro Liturott. Phi
ixt :
li-Sb. Soi Pat To N)m. Phi IVH:
TVaa Jenk-v. IVH; Jo.Ha GH!.
Phi Ps: B Dsrlt. Pelt: Rea
Brhenws S?r I. HrKlenKn!,
Karwi St-MI"
Bread Jlttip BraJev. p?i ri'tt:
.. -
17 H
Bush Happy Over First Husker
Big Eight Conference Victory
Sports Staff Writer
"The outcome of the Iowa State,
game could hinge upon whether
Lyle Frahm plays or not.
These were the words of Head"
Basketball Coach Jerry Bush con
cerning the Husker hoopster's next
encounter with the Iowa State Cy
clones on Saturday next, after he
had considerably lowered his voice
after articulating on the Huskers"
victory over Oklahoma last Mon-ji f.
day iught. j y
"Good afternoon, people of the
Daily Nebraskan, said Jerry aft
er pronouncing my identity over
the phone.
The new Independent record given good news Monday when
The other prep gridder is Jack
rame ia the vault of Jim Kraft l was announced that two stellar . Conger, an all-state back from Aj-
w ho sailed over the bar of 12 2 V. P-'ep performers from two differ-, rora w ho will begin at the i n:er-
On the overall scene the men ent Nebraska high schools would
of Canfield swept The meet by snend the University this fall.
Rallying a score of points, edg-
IM Leagues
Set For f
B-Ball Finals t
With the Christm as vac a lion
ever, the University Intramural
j sny h:s Jail alter nigft sciw.
long Into th final stages just
prior to the tournament time. ;:;
The conference leads of the V
various leagues have been nar-
rowed dowa until the best of each .
league will represent that loop in
the playoffs of the finals.
These play-off or the last five Purcell
games of the p;ayons are pisyea
on the Coliseum court.
The finals of the I-M basketball
league are played fis the prelim
inary game to the State hiirh
fchool basketbr-2 finals. This
serves a threefold purpose accord
ing to Ed Hifginzo-ham. Director
of Intramural!! ot the University.
The first of these reasons are to He is 8 etcher in the diamond
teen the crowd, comin? earlv to sPort and P;ans to pa.-tinpate m
set seats, off the basketball court.
Bush was ready f.v the first
co-o; Td tv-v. Bt; t m i ieenngs oi .Monoays mcnt s per
formance he went on with his usu
al amount of cheerfulness in his
voice. "It the game was cer
tainly the top efforts of the team
for the season, and it most as
suredly was a team victory."
When I asked Mr. Bush why
he was not keepir.s with his noted
repjtation of the Coliseum Bear"
and being rather quiet Monday
night, he convincingly returned.
"Q.iiet! Well, maybe I was ju:et
on the outside." . . .
And on the conversation went
W(i.yaM Run Carry tjirsrn. Bia: Rne
Ca'laa, ltii rvit; Jerrv Varrf.
Hrlji, T1i'titv.-ti. Sn Alpo; t-
Vrstr, Ph. P! S
, t'-ar! Ixt Lm!l Sin.Tiati. S-. Oij:
V!, IV!:: KlMo. Pki Dolt,
Bart:v Phi Psa- t S
fi-var3 Ron Var-Ws. Pms: Lltttl;
Brta ; UT!ron.. Va tVtl ;
Hi.fil Jump--K.vJflv. Phi TV!: Ror. C3.
I ln. Ph: JVh: Rij Tomr.o. Sic
I )ja: mil throf l-Ml Jn- f'rar.
I piao-: Tallrr. TV : Jfcn TVwnr-
i m. Si lt; Tnk. IVIt
Pol mil SMimin, S.(t Chi; RpSmowJ.
rs-h-i '.'.'
FOT La Rlj--Ptii Psi BarTli. S'ao'.
Oatitl. F'-S-; Phi IV'l; IVh;
rV-'.i !
On M.! R!a Ptii TV':? 'ljnv.-oTl.
Kioldson. K::oha. Callaai. Pai
P. B; J M "
a most happy manner. The Big
reason for the congeniality of th
round-ball mentor was. of course,
the Nebraska cagers' break into
the Ri Eight conference win col
umn. Twice the Huskers have been
leveled in their attempts to earn
a Big Eight victory, but against
the highly touted Ok'.ahcma Soon,
ers the Bushmen got the oppor
tunity they so richly deserved.
They snubbed the top flight Socn
ers for their first "big" win of
the season.
As the conversation rolled on,
the next scheduled game came
into the spotlight of discussion, and
for this Jerry Bush had to say,
"Certainly Iowa State felt the loss
of Gary .Thompson but they hav
a taller squad this year and with
cirsy Uacota Star each game they play they get
. happy much better."
OcwiTnfy Lincoln
. grid istar
The first of the two was Dnn
Purcell, all-state end from Omaha
Purcell is 6-1 and weighs lill
pounds. Dor. is 17 years old.
A leader in school activities.
Purcell has playpd baseball and
basketball in addition to football.
aptain Nailed,
regains ror i ivo
Accidents will happen! And even cidents had brought the crowd to
in the reportec.y smooth sailing their feet and many seemed de-:
sport of basketball a slipup oc- termined to enter the fray-with or
casionally occurs and someone is without the required equipment,
doorred for the hardcourt on a As the came entered inta the final
j-ine sBfcy jw,a sur point landing. minutes Gary retrieved a Ixwe
nper .... n . happened last Mon- hll and two Oklahoma players
Conger is 6-0 and weighs 185. He day night when the Husker caeers converged at the same poia!
is also 37 years oid. j faced the rough Oklahoma Soon- the game captain stood. One
Jack lettered three years ir. ers, and surprisingly enough, no ?la' luneed for the ball bit
football, four years in basketball fte football team, although one unfortunately Reiroers had nwevi
and three vears in track. He was member of the Husker squad may e in order to avert OUV
the state high school low hurdle think so.
champxia last sprir.g running the
Hi itm BUJtMl W W VfffI7J
R R I LIT '1 IF W T1 Tl H T'l
f1Jm--- ask
uievM OH A M6i "
Many people ccme very early in
order that they might get seats
lor the perennial spectacle. In the
past, these earlycomers would
throw things on the flaor or some
towns would present their band in
the center of the floor before the
game started. These things and
many others left the playing court ;
in bad shape even before the fea-:
ture attraction took place. Since
the finals of the University's bas- j
ketball are now played there it !
serves as a means for keeping the
spectators off the court.
The second purpose this prelim-
faery game is to entertain these
people coming from all over the !
state to witness the prspsters i
from s.Tl over perform their tal-;
ents. When these people arrive j
and come early to get good seats '
they previously had nothing to do
until game time but this game ,
offers a special feature attraction !
for the fans as well as to keep
them entertained before the main
show. ;
The third reason for the plas'ing I
f the tmals of the University
Intramural basketball in the Coli
seum is to offer parents of the
players a chance to see their sons
in action and to offer to the people
around the state chance to wit
ness a function of the University's
ejrtraeurricular activities in the
Gets Card
barriers in .20.5.
Jack plans to compete in foot
ball and track a; Nebraska.
bo.h football and baseball at Xe- Conger ranks in the top one-third
braska. of his class scbolastically.
Purcell is in the top half of his ball and track at Nebraska.
Scarlet captain and rlavmak?r
Gary Seimers, now serving with
the cage crew was surprised to
find himself on the floor after
some rough playing at the hands
of two Oklahoma players.
The situation had occurred after
Sooner Thinclads Face Examinations
stealing the basketball. When the
player missed the ball he hao
pened not to miss Gary and th
crook of his elbow struck him .-:
the neck. The other player con
verging on ie two was enough
to set the Millard star on hs back.
The Joul. of course, was inten-:
tional and after being revived
II -11
NORMAN. 01:1a. Final exami
nations are the next opponent for
the Oklahoma indoor track squad
that opens with powerful Kansas
February 1 at Lawrence. i
Gail Hodgson, promising sopho
more miler from South Africa, '
has begun grass running after
undergoing an operation during
the holidays for groin varicose
much leading no to. The tense
and exciting moments of the game Gary was entitled to two free
had been building up with every throws which be promptly potted
vein but can not begin working second ticking off the clock. The t0 d" Nebraska the needed mar
hard for several days. fans, more boisterous than any S"1 to nestle their lead.
Dee Givens. Lawton sophomore P"0UP ' Nebraska spectators have When Gary was contacted he h3
sprinter who led Dave Sime, Duke fceen or me time nad keen nothing to say of the incident ex
star, at the halfway mark "of the screaming at the top of their cept the fact that be thought it
Sugar Bowl I0 although Sime 5uns at the referees, players of was accidental although the crowd
beat him. made Oklahoma's best Nebraska and Oklahoma. Many in- did not share the same feelings.
showing at New Orleans. The
Sooner 440 relsvists. with Givens
anchoring, placed third despite
tliree bad touchoffs.
"'intern' fL
vli I
1 ! ni-ni- MiiaiiiiTii.i.1 1 iiinniiii i n n i mMnmnn ,n mJ
I ao-Maoaox
I Lf '1
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Second Semester Schedule
seamiest stockings
Former University of Nebraska
grid see and later, assistant coach
for the Huskers, P-ay Prochaska,
has accepted a job as assistant
coach to Frank Ivy, recently
named head coach of the Chicago
Prochaska, a native of Ulysses.
Nebraska, was Ivy's top assistant
the past three seasons when ivy
was wrinning league championships
anS Grey Cups for the Edmonton
Eskimos of the Canadian League.
Kay played football for Nebraska
in the late 30s and also participat
ed in the 1W0 Rose Bowl game
where he played end for the Husk
ers. Be played professional foot
ball witb Cleveland in 1M1 and
started coaching as a Nebraska
assistant in 1947.
The 38-year-old ex-Nebraskan
Tiad reportedly also been offered
the head coaching job at Edmonton
and at Begina in the Canadian
Ivy was named head coach last i
week replacing Ray Richards, also
S former Nebraska gridder, who
!ii:iiiT rmt: ttr txTKtTit
ill Iratnmrtil Hie and i.itrmturr a -Ml "M 'H.F. I nrrr"
2 Old Tmlamem 1.I1 and l.ltmlurv S ffU-num
n littrndnrfliHi 1. the tirlttii l avltti f a .iia T. Ta. rrrr'
T3 l.n.wHi nf ttu- 4-tiurrh j :MI MM. 4t-vnn
"'. tni. ami .!) t ll:(H) W.. Wb-VMK
1S Ttw Blhlf and the lirtvd Hua ir-lt t "3 am. rtrm
lid Th Bllile nd thr Jlnid KrnilH, I l-ne Wh fnuia
1SS I.lff nd TMUihlnwi f 4n t H)-.m T. Th. tirnnrln '
3(l HlMlr hrlt1M Belief j --m n nu-rrm
14 Bxlr 4tirttnn Efhlr i- Tax. 41Wrh'kt
1 Mnrk f ttif Wlnl1r I 1 M MM. wm
JT mrrlmn 'hrttla.iitt- f mwi T. Th. Hariinr '
1KB Thr "World Krllclnm f s -m T. Th. lrtnD
2U Tar Mnaw t ttir lrapht t TW. 7tnwiti
The FACULTY for Second Semester
oil sheer sandalf ocf
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-trig $165 1AS, 3prt.3.90
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service sheer-
-reS MSI $IJ5, pn 30
Verlyn I- Barker,
work, Yale.
Gustave A. Ferre",
wver Newton:
A.B Doane; B.D., Yale; Graduate
A.B. BoMton I'nH'erslty ; B.D., And
I'b.D., Vanderbilt; Graduate study.
Gerliard Gieschen, A.BM Northwestern; Evangelical
ILutheran Theological Seminary; aGraduate Ktudy,
Tnlon Theological Seminary, Wayne State Teach
ers College.
Rex. H. Knowle. A.B., Wesley an, tonri.; SJt, 11a )
M.A Vnh'erslty of Nebr.; D.B Hastinpg. Ail
eoume -work completed for Th. D- TJniversity of
iJarrell 1, Patton. Ai, Baker; B.B, Soufbem Metho
dtot; Graduate work, Texas Christian.
Raleigh 3. feterson. Jr, A.B Phillips; B.IJ, PhlilipK;
Graduate work, I'nlverslty of Nebraska, I'nh'er
sity of Denver. All eourse work eompletej for
Th. D Illff School f Tbeolopy.
T. R. Stevens, A.B., Cotner; B.D., Drake; A.M- I'nh'er
ity of Nebr, I'nfversity f Chicago, University
f Colorado.
short, medium and long
fovorite Hones Fcshion Shades
annual s
AH courses ere cccredited cs elective credit ith University
monday. jjanuory 13 thru Saturday,
January 18
yi W aa, W
" Lincoln