The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 08, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Poge 4
Dr. Surama Dasgupta
Appointed Visiting Prof
Ad Indian woman, Dr. Surama
Dasgupta, will be a visiting pro
fessor at the University during
second semester.
Dr. Dasgupta's visitation will be
sponsored by the Whitney Founda
tion and Fulbright program.
Dr. Charles Patterson, chairman
f the philosophy department, said
the department will offer two new
courses which she will teach. They
are Philosophy 166, a survey of
Oriental religions; and Philosophy
299, Oriental philosophies.
Dr. Dasgupta, who is currently
teaching at the University of New
Mexico, is one of four foreign
lecturers being supported this year
In the U.S. by the Whitney-Ful
bright program.
She is the editor of the fifth
volume of Indian Philosophy by
tier husband, the late Prof. S. N.
Pi Mu Epsilon
To Initiate 24
The University chapter of Pi Mu
Epsilon, honorary mathematics
fraternity will initiate new mem
bers on Tuesday.
To be initiated at that time will
be: undergraduates, Robert Ander
son, Vernon Bolleson, Gary Fren
rel, Burton Greiner, Dean Hohn
stein, Clarence Houser, Marvin
Kesler, Donald McArthur, Dwaine
Rogge, Larry Smalley, Paul Smith,
Gordon Warner, James Williams,
Richard Wooley, James Wees and
graduates, Charles Grimsrud, Mrs.
Mildred Gross, John Herzog, Er
vin Hietbrink, Robert Nelson, Haki
Azbek, Margaret Tevis, Doyce
Wichelt and faculty member, Dr.
Hubert Schneider.
Tradition Prevails
raternities Still Serenade
Staff Writer
Sounds of songs floating on the
warm spring air and chattering
teeth syncopating melodies in the
winter seem to be eternal signs
of youth on the University campus.
These are a few characteristics of
the fine i.t of serenading that
have endured.
Fraternity members stopping at
the individual houses and dorms
along "sorority roV to serenade
are a familiar sound. Undaunted
by snow, tests or late hours, they
have preserved this tradition which
dates back to the early years of
the University.
No one knows the exact date of
its institution. The original mem
bers of serenading groups were
not fraternity men, said a 1910
graduate. They were male stu
dents who met nightly at the pop
ular coffee spots of the time. They
usually ended the evening by sing
ing songs and got the inspiration
to sing songs to the whole camp"s.
The decreased male enrollment
during the years of WW I and
World War II seriously impaired
the volume of serenades. During
these years serenades became
highly anticipated events and were
regarded as an honor to the ser
enaded house.
University songs were sung most
frequently at serenades before
there were many fraternities on
campus- Popular songs of the times
Home Ec Club
Slates Elections
The Home Ec Club will elect of
ficers Wednesday from 10:30 a.m.
to 2 p.m. in the Ag Union, ac
cording to Patsy Kaufman, pub
licity chairman.
All Home Ec Club members are
eligible to vote, Miss Kaufman
Candidates include: Marilyn Jen
sen, Patsy Kaufman, Lois LaRue,
Venna Lou Scheer, president; Jo
laine Loseke, Sharon Sterner, sec
retary; Alma Heuermann, Barb
Lundin, Mary Vrba, social chair
man; Rose Tondl, Doris Eby, Bev
Shepardson, membership chair
man; Phyllis Hansen, Jan Mont
gomery, treasurer; and Sharon
Ramage, Mary Weber, Nina Hern
don, historian.
'Dasgupta. She obtained her Doctor
of Philosophy degrees at Calcutta
University in 194X and Cambridge
University in 1948.
She was professor of Sanskrit
and Indian Philosophy at Asutosh
College in Calcutta from 1933-45.
System Used
In English
A new technique projecting stu
dent theme papers on a screen
before the entire class is being
used successfully in freshman
English courses at the University.
Dr. Dudley Bailey, assistant pro-1
fessor and director of freshman
English, said that students are
more eye-centered than ear-centered;
"that is, they seem to re
tain more through sight than hear
ing. Advantages of using the pro
jector include placing misspellings
before the eyes of the students
and showing them actual manu
script errors, while discussing a
"In the past when told of com
mon errors, students would re
spond, I've never made those mis
takes, giving the impression that
they thought the examples were
fictitious. Now they can see that
students in their own midst do
make such mistakes."
Dr. Bailey also said that a com
mon mistake indenting the first
line of the second page of a manu
scriptwhich took repeated ex
planation to correct is solved now
in five minutes with the projector.
were often heard. Gradually fra
ternity and sorority songs seem
to have become the most popular
selections. Christmas carols have
been the only permanent numbers
n the program.
The "proper etiquette" for these
serenades has undergone gradual
adaptation to the times. In the
early 1900's the girls would flock
to the room with a window closest
to the serenaders. Turning out
the lights they would sit in the
darkness and listen. A brave soul
might open the window a crack
in the winter.
"Pulling up the window shade
was just a little bit too daring,"
said a 1917 graduate. Many an ad
venturous girl peeked around the
sides of the shade until she was
si -d by one of the serenaders,
sh mtinued.
B. the 1920's leaning oirt win
dows was a common practice dur
ing serenades. Six or seven girls
would push and crowd at the nar
row windows, said a 1923 gradu
ate. Finally a system of "taking
turns" had to be devised.
The girls had ventured out or.
upper story balconies and fire es
capes by the 1930's. Girls struggled
for the bottom steps on the fire
escapes. They wore full length
coats or heavy robes over their
night clothes commented a 1936
A new trend in architecture in
the 1940's solved the problem of
adequate space "to stand" the ser
enade audiences. Sun decks were
the solution. Today the girls still
hurry to the sun decks to get in
the front row.
The University tradition of sere
nades remains strong today. Some
where the original practice of ser
enading to arouse school spirit hag
been lost- Serenades are used now
to advertise candidates in current
campus elections. The previously
current rash of Christmas carolers
indicates that the serenading be
fore the holiday aspect that has
changed the least.
Fraternity, Sorority & Organisa
tion Lottarheads . . . Letters . . .
New Bulletins . . . Booklets
... Programs
312 North 12th. Ph. 2-2957
ftfcMt& t tJm
New Administration Building
Stenographers are busily at structed Administration Build
work in one of the modern of- Ing.
fice rooms in the newly con-
Language Courses Offered
By 'Classrooms Abroad'
"About the only way to learn a
language is to go to the country
where it is spoken. No doubt
you've heard those words many
times. Well, this summer a grouo
of American students will do just
that," Gary Rodgers, University
representative of the college pro
gram "Classrooms Abroad," stated
"Classrooms Abroad" is an or
ganization designed to give col
lege men and women the equiva
lent of one year of college German
or French at various levels of pro
ficiency within one summer of
residence and travel in those
countries, Rodgers said.
"Classrooms Abroad" is not pri
marily a pleasure trip. Under the
faculty direction of Dr. Frank D.
Hirschbach, a German professor
at Yale, the program offers a cer
tificate of achievement to each stu
dent who has completed the course
successfully. While the granting of
credit is the sole prerogative of
each educational institution, "Class
rooms Abroad" maintains a high
academic standard, and students
should encounter little difficulty in
obtaining proper credit.
The cost of each participant will
be $980. This includes passage to
and from Europe on the Castel
Felice, a newly-decorated, air con
ditioned student ship and air or
ground travel from Bremerhaven
to Berlin, full room and board in
Berlin, tuition and fees to the Free
University, two visits to theaters,
concerts, or movies per week and
admission fees at lectures and
museums in Berlin, all books and
materials for classes and full
transportation, hotel rooms, and
meals during a two-week tour of
Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
The group will leave New York
on the Castel Felice on June 20.
Classes will be held regularly on
ship and it will arrive in Bremer
haven on June 30th. Classes will
begin in Berlin on July 2, and will
SY0U Can
I k
Over S5.000.000 in Health Building Equipment. Including Steam
Cabinets and Mechanical Massage at NO EXTRA COST!
1338 SOUTH STREET 3-8526
HOURS: 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.
SUNDAY: 10 AJVI. to 6 TM.
m IteiWf Mm I
; Hit - -
The Doily Nebroskon
be in session for six weeks from
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through
Friday. August 11th will mark the
beginning of the two-week tour.
The group will assemble in Brem
erhaven on August 25th, arriving
in New York on Sept. 5th. Ar
rangements for earlier or later de
partures can be made.
Since "Classrooms Abroad' is
strictly limited, students are urged
to fill out applications at the
earliest possible time. Students
wishing to register for this tour or
to obtain additional information,
should write to Classrooms Abroad,
525 George Street, New Haven 11,
Connecticut, Rodgers said.
NU Art Honorary
To Hold Exhibit
Delta Phi Delta, national art
honorary, will open its spring ex
hibit Friday in the Miller and
Paine tea room continuing until
January 25.
The art work of twelve mem
bers of Delta Phi Delta will be
The show consists of oil and
water color paintings, drawing and
graphics. This display was made
possible through the co-operation
and help given by the manage
ment of Miller and Paine, the
staffs of the Nebraska Art Gal
leries and the art department.
ASME Meeting
THE ASME, American Society
of Mechanical Engineers, will meet
Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. in room
206 of Richard Hall.
Speaker at the meeting will be
Dr. Theodore Jorgensen, professor
of physics, who will talk on "New
Engineering Fields Coming From
Fundamental Research in Phys
ics." Refreshments will be served
after the meeting.
Be a flew
Man in 1958!
Take as many treatments
as you like, under the per
sonal supervision of expe
rienced counselors.
per month
For A Ceune
ItmduaUr Daignd
Our Regular Charter Member
ship Cost is $15.00 Per Month.
If we fail to get these results in SO days:
Underweight: Add l'j" to each arm ZW
on chest and shoulders Gain 12 pounds
Overweight: Lose 15 pounds 3'i" oH
hips and waist.
Name Rag
In 1885
Staff Writer
On the University campus the
term "Rag" doesn't stand for dust
cloths and old clothes, but for the
student newspaper, the Daily
Freshmen often wonder what
connection there is between rags
and newspapers and upperclass
men, though familiar with the
term are generally unaware of
its origin.
In 1885 Frank T. "Rag" Riley
was editor of the Nebraskan, a
position which he held for the
record time of three years. Be
cause his influence on the paper
was so great, people soon began
to call the paper "Rag" after his
nickname. The term has been part
of the campus vocabulary ever
But the official name of the
University newspaper has not al
ways been the Daily Nebraskan.
In 1876 the Hisperian was pub
lished by the University Hisperian
In 1891 a rival paper The Lasso
was begun. A year later the name
was changed to The Nebraskan.
In 1889 the two newspapers were
forced by financial difficulties to
merge into the Nebraskan-His-perian.
Two years later the name Daily
Nebraskan was adopted and has
remained until the present time.
Building, Grounds:
Stadium Houses Division
Special Writer
From the time football season
ends until track season begins,
Memorial Stadium is all but for
gotten. However, located under the west
stadium is one of the most import
ant divisions at the University,
the Division of Buildings and
This division not only has charge
of the buildings and grounds on
the city campus of the University;
but on all campuses under the
control of the University Board of
Regents. These include the College
of Agriculture, the Medical School
in Omaha, and the Agriculture
School in Curtis.
Charles Fowler, supervisor of the
Division, said that as of Dec. 1, !
1957, there are 264 employees on:
the two Lincoln campuses, 50 at'
Omaha, and 25 at Curtis. j
"However," said Fowler, "our ,
schedule is flexible enough to al
low shifting personnel from one
campus to another when neces
sary." r
if. iCsgbft III1 i i
"This was the kind of challenge I was looking for"
Here what John A. Reiter, Jr., B.S.
in Electronics, Arizona State Collepe.
'54, says about the higgest project so far
in his Bell System career.
This was the kind of challenge I was
looking for a chance to assist in plan
ning a microwave radio relay system
between Phoenix and Flagstaff, Arizona.
Five intermediate relay stations would he
needed, and I began by planning the
tower locations on 'line of sight' paths
after a study of topographical maps.
Then I made field studies using altimeter
measurements, and conducted path-loss
tests to determine how high each tower
should be. This was the trickiest part of
the job. It called for detecting the pres
ence of reflecting surfaces along the
John Belter is building Is is career witk Mountain Stotes
Telephone and Telegraph Company. Find out about the
canter opportunities for you. Talk with the Bt-U inter
viewer when he visits your campus. And read the Bell
Telephone booklet on file in your Placement Offi, or
wile for a copy of "Challenge and Opportunity'' to:
College Employment Supervisor, American Telephone and
Telegraph Company, 195 Broadway, rew York T, IS. V.
Extra Dividend:
AH Called Good Boss
Staff Writer
One of the advantages in work
ing for a good boss is the special
privileges you receive. The Uni
versity qualifies as a "good em
ployer." All faculty members and full
time employees receive several
types of benefits.
Non-student employees are el
igible for membership in the em
ployee's Credit Union. Members re
ceive benefits such as borrowing
money, insurance coverage and
depositing money in share ac
counts that earn dividends.
Non-Academic Employee Schol
arships are awarded to some em
ployee's. These scholarships are
open to all full time employees.
The person has to pay a one-dollar
charge if he or she has pre
viously attended the University.
If the employee has not attended
the University before, he or she
must pay an additional five-dollar
matriculation fee. The course
the person takes must be of benefit
to his or her work at the Univer
sity. Employees and their wives are
entitled to take an evening course
at the cost of only three dollars
for each credit hour.
Some of the other benefits they
receive are the use of libraries,
campus parking permits, purchas
ir of sports tickets at a reduced
price and an annual employee din
ner. The employees and their wives
One of the biggest responsibili
ties of the Division is the design
ing and supervision of the con
struction of new buildings on the
campuses. The Division works with
the architect when the building is
being designed in order to insure
that it meets the needs of the
department for which it is intend
ed and which has charge of the
inspection of the completed build
ing. The Division of Buildings and
Grounds is also in charge of the
University motor pool and the re
pair section. Fowler said that at
the present time there are ap
proximately 85 passenger vehicles
and 20 trucks assigned to the mo
tor pool.
He added, "This doesn't include
all of the University vehicles as
some departments have their
It is also this division that has
charge of the lawns and grounds
on the campuses and the job of
clearing the snow from sidewalks.
Fowler said, "We have no slack
season, there is always something
to be done."
A Campus-to-Career Case
. 1 1 1 titrtsi T . B
John Reiter (right) discusses the
wave guide through the IF stages
transmission route, and determining
measures necessary to avoid their effects.
'Not the least part of the job was
estimating the cost of each of the five
relay stations. All told, the system will
cost more than $500,000. When con
struction is finished in December of this
year, I'll be responsible for technical
considerations in connecting the radio
relay and telephone carrier equipment
"This assignment is an example of the
challenges a technical man can find in
the telephone company. You take the job
from start to finish from basic field
studies to the final adjustments with
full responsibility. To technical men who
want to get ahead, that's the ultimate
iii responsibility."
Wednesdoy, Jonuory 8, 1953
are entitled to polio inoculations
at the University Health Center at f
a charge of only two dollars a
A monthly magazine called the
Cornhusker Harvest is published
by the personnel department and
sent to all employees.
Continental Oil
To Sponsor Surface
Chemistry Contest
Undergraduate students of chem
istry and chemical engineering ar
eligible to participate in the 1953
contest in colloid and surfac
chemistry sponsored by the Out
tinental Oil Company of Houston,
Texas and Ponca City, Oklahoma.
Requirement for the contest is
a 5000-word report on research
conducted by the contestant in the
fields of colloid or surface chem
istry or an essay on "Radioactive
Isotops in Colloid and Surf act
Prizes include a $500 first prize,
$200 second prize, $100 third prize
and honorable mention prizes of
$50. In addition an excellence prize
of $500 may also be awarded ta
the best entry if it satisfies execp
tionally high standards.
Entry blanks may be obtained
by writing to Prof. K. J. Mysels
at the University of Southern Cali
fornia, Los Angeles 7. Awards will
be announced Sept. 2.
Vaughn Named
To Ag Position
Marven Vaughn has been ap
pointed Extension Poultry hus
bandryman at the Ag College.
Vaughn has joined the state Ex
tension staff to assist in poultry
work and to enroll in graduate col
lege. He plans to major in Agricul
tural Economics and poultry.
A graduate of the University and
a World War II veteran, Vaughn
was county Extension agent in
Nuckolls county from 1941 to 1945.
He also was a county agent in
Sarpy county for eleven years.
mm scon - mmm uuti mu mm
iuwr, rN worn
1 TUJ. 2 I'M 7&e
HlUtllEN 26c
route of signals from the
of a microwave receiver.