The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 20, 1957, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Fridoy, December 20, 1 957
The Daily Nebraskon
Paqe 3
' f I
4 1
Staff Writer
The Student Council Tribunal
Committee submitted 17 proposed
revisions in the Student Tribunal
Charter for the study of the Coun
cil at their regular meeting
The changes proposed by the
committee affect Charter Article IV
on Membership, Article V on
Terms of Office and Article VII
on Amendments. Dave K e e n e,
chairman of the committee re
. ported that, "The rest of the char
ter is all right except for minor
typographical errors."
Under the proposed revisions
these changes would be made m
the present charter;
frnt Charter, h approved by Student
Body la May. 1957. now reads:
Article IV Membership
Wl 1- (Tribunal composition.)
b. One Judge who is a senior in the
bouegg ot Law.
0. S. Student Judges
m. Qualifications
1) Student Judies must have at
least a 5 cumulative average
1) No member of the SttudVnt
Council nor any member of
the paid staff of the Nebras
kan shall be eligible for mem
bership on the Tribunal.
No comparable provision.
b. Selection
1 A committee of the Student
Council shall nomlaate at least
two candidates for every stu
dent position.
I) Junior members of the Tri
buna! shall be automatically
nominated for senior positions.
1) The Faculty Committee of Stu
dent Affairs may also nomin-
, ate students.
4) The Student Council shall In
terview and select the student
See. J. Faculty Judges
The Chancellor may appoint two
faculty judges from the instruction
al staff from nominations made bv
the Faculty Committee on Student
Article V Terms of Office
lee. 1. A teim of office shall consist of one
academic year.
lee. 1 Junior members are eligible for re
election. Sec. J. The faculty members shall serve 4
year terms and may serve no more
than two terms.
Article Vrt Amendments
SeC 1. This charter can he amended only
by tie Board of Regents.
lea. J. The Student
Council may suggest
Committee Members;
Prances Gourlay. Secretary
Ken Freed
Ted Lambert
Steve Leeper
Bob Undetl
Jackie Miller
Don Herman Elected
President Of Builders
Don Herman was elected presi
dent of Builders, service organiza
tion, Wednesday, according to Sal
ly Carter, past president.
Burt Weichenthal, Mary Ann
Thygeson, and
Natalie John
son were elect
ed vice presi
dents. Their duties
are: Weichen
thal, in charge
of agriculture
campus; Miss
Thygeson, in
charge of pub
lications and
Miss Johnson,
Courtesy L'ncoln Star
in charge of public relations.
Sally Flanagan was elected sec
retary while Judy Chapman was
elected treasurer.
Herman, junior in Agriculture,
Is a n umber cf Farmhouse, Union
Board, University Square Dancers,
Agronomy Club, University 4-H
Club and Newman club.
Weichenthal, junior in Agricul
ture, is a member of Farmhouse,
Student Council, Corn Cobs and
the Union Board.
Miss Thygeson, junior in Arts
and Sciences, is a member of
Kappa Kappa Gamma and Theta
Sigma Phi, journalism honorary.
Miss Johnson, junior in Business
Administration, is a member of
Delta Gamma, Cornhusker manag
ing 'editor, and Alpha Lambda
Delta. '
Miss Flanagan, junior in Teach
ers, is a member of Gamma Phi
Beta, Tassels, YWCA secretary,
tab '
Want Ads
LOST High school class ring, class of
8. Initials C.B.W. Reward. Phont
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
1) the requirement of one
judge who is a senior in law
school would be changed to one
judge who has completed one
successful year in law school.
(Article IV, Sec. 1).
2) the requirement of a 6.S
cumulative average for a student
judge would be dropped and a
provision that student judges be
in the top 50 per cent of their
class would be substituted. (Arti
cle IV, Sec. 2).
3) instead of being selected
by a committee of the Student
council, candidates would apply
directly to the Council. (Article
IV, Sec. 2).
4) junior members of the Tri
bunal would automatically be-
Proposed change woujd make section read:
Article IV Membership
Sec. 1. (Tribunal composition.)
b. One Judge from the College of
Ijiw who. at the time of selec
tion, has auccessfully completed
at least one year of law.
Sec. 2. Student Judges
a. Qualifications
1) A Student Judge must have a
grade average which places
him In the upper SO' of his
college class.
2) No student may serve on both
the Student Council and the
Tribunal during the game aca
demic year.
S) No student who seeks member
ship on the Tribunal may par
ticipate in the selection of Tri
bunal Judges,
b. Selection
1) Students may make applica
tion to the Student Council for
membership on the Tribunal.
8) The Faculty Committee on
Student Affairs may name ad
ditional applicants to the Stu
dent Council for membership
on the Tribunal.
J) Junior members of the Tri
bunal shall automatically be
come candidates for Senior po
sitions , ,
4) The f.udent Council shall elect
the Student Judges from
among the aforementioned ap
plicants and candidates by
May 1.
5) A student vacancies on the
Tribunal shall be filled by the
Student Council.
Sec. J. Faculty Judges
The Chancellor snail appoint iwo
Faculty Judges from the instruc
tional staff from nominations made
to him hv the Faculty Committee
on Committees.
Article V Terms of Office
Sec. 1. The term of office for Student
.indiM shall consist of one aca-
demic year beginning with the fall
Sec. 2. The Faculty Judges shall serve
four (4) year terms except
hereinafter provided and may serve
no more than two (Z) terms.
a. The first Faculty Judge shall be
appointed for a term of two (Z)
years and the second Faculty
Judge shall be appointed for a
term of four (4) years.
b. Thereafter, one Faculty Judge
shall be appointed every second
year, for a term of four (4)
e. The term of office for Faculty
' Judges shall begin with the fall
Article VTT Amendments
Sec. 1. This Charter can be amended only
bv the Board of Regents upon
recommendation of the Faculty
Committee on Student Affairs.
Sec. 2. The Student Council, with the ap
proval of the student body, may
suggest amendments to the Faculty
Committee on Student Affairs.
Respectfully submitted.
Dave Keene. Chairman
Tribunal Committee
December 18. 1957
Dean's Advisory Board, Pi Lamb
da Theta, teacher's honorary, and
past treasurer of Alpha Lambda
Delta, freshman scholastic honor
ary. -
Miss Chapman, is a junior in
Teachers, is a member of Alpha
Phi, Tassals, Student Council sec
retary and Coed Counselors.
Red Cross
Unit Picks
4 Officers
Carolyn Novotny has been
named president of the campus
Red Cross Unit Thursday.
Other newly elected officers are
Beverly Ellis, vice-president; Pat
Boyd, secre
tary; and
Gretchen Sae
ger, treasurer.
Miss Novot
ny, a junior in
Teachers Col
lege and a
member of
Gamma Phi
Beta sorority
is junior J ad
visor of Alpha
Lambda Del
ta, a member
of Pi Lambda Theta, rush chair
man of Gamma Phi Beta; rush
chairman of Sigma Alpha Iota,
and a member of University Sing
Miss Ellis, a junior in Business
Administration, is a member. of
Kappa Delta and YWCA Board.
A junior in Teachers College,
Miss Boyd is a member of Alpha
Omicron Pi.
Miss Saeger is a member of
Gamma Phi Beta and is a sopho
more in Arts and Sciences.
if TV ' Haass' asssasMsgawsagMsl "assamf MM ftdl fa ti j- i ni kl sV fe M U t T -
I? i Sjf r "-T. ' " 1 '""ww.iii.ii u.uuiu.i.i.iili..i.u.i......ii y
Miss Novotny I f . W.V.V.V. V.V.Vt II JwXWX-XWXvXv I M f J
come candidates for senior posi
tions instead of nominees pres
ently provided. (Article IV, Sec.
5) the Council will have the
power td fill all student vacan
cies. Under the old charter, no
provision was made for filling
vacancies. (Article IV, Sec. 2).
6) members of the Daily Ne
braskan staff are not excluded
from serving as student judges
as in the old charter. (Article
IV, Sec. 1).
7) faculty judges will be nom
inated by the Faculty Senate
Committee on Committees in
stead of the Faculty Committee
on Student Affairs. (Article V,
Sec. 2).
8) the first faculty judge shall
be appointed for two year terms
instead of the customary four
year terms in order to stagger
the terms of the faculty judges.
(Article V, Sec. 2).
9) the Student Council must
have the approval of the student
body before it can suggest
amendments to the charter to
the Board of Regents. (Article
VII, Sec. 2).
. The rest of the proposed revi
sions deal with the clarification of
working in serval instances.
The proposed revisions will be
voted on at the first meeting of the
Library Poll
In Vacation
In other Student Council busi
ness Wednesday, Dave Rhoades,
chairman of the Library Commit
tee announced that a poll would
be conducted among students us
ing the library over vacation to
determine whether they would like
the practice continued.
Rhoades also reported that sup
port may be found among faculty
members for keeping the library
open during parts of vacation
Connie Hurst, chairman of the
Student Activities Committee, an
nounced that Mary Millenz, form
er Council Advisor would meet
with the Council at its next ses
sion. Miss Milenz was Council
advisor at the time campus organ
izations were given representation
in the Council constitution. She
will explain why representation
was alloted to the various organi
zations. Miss Hurst said.
AWS Coed Follies
Sets Tryout Date
Tryouts for the 1958 AWS Coed
Follies, "Skits-O-Frantic," will be
held Jan. 14, according to Nancy
Copeland, Coed Follies chairman.
Fourteen women's houses have
submitted the names of their skits
and skitmasters, as follows'. Alpha
Chi Omega, "Ye II' Dragon," skit
masters Rae Beerline and Ruthie
Gilbert; Alpha Omnicron Pi,
Mountain Madness," skitmaster
Corky Kolb; Alpha Phi, "A Veil
Tale," skitmaster Joan Riha; Chi
Omega, "Tamale and the Bandit,"
skiUnaster Blanche Miskovsky;
Delta Delta Delta, "Hark, Hark
the Ark of Forty Damp Days,"
skitmaster Glenda Kline; Delta
Gamma, "Panic in the Plaza,"
skitmaster Ruth Adams; Gamma
r-"T' Zsssj'2T , -'--- imm m . "-,$,
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Council after the holidays. Keen
said that this time interval would
give Council members a chance
to consider the" revisions.
Keene also proposed that the all
University election needed to ap
prove the revisions be held during
the time the students pay their
second semester fees, January 24,
27 and 28.
Keene saia, lnere are a num
ber of advantages to voting at
this time. The students will have
plenty of time tq think about the
revisions while the election will oe
early enough that we can pick
judges by May 1. Also we should
get a large vote."
. "We should think of this in terms
of it being ready to go by May
1," .Keene urged.
5 Journalists
Gold Keys
Five students were awarded
journalism gold keys on Thursday
for making the five highest aver
ages during their first year in
Phyl Bonner, a junior in Arts
and Sciences, received an 8.2
average. Her activities include;
continuity director of KNUS, pub-
uc relations director of YWCA,
Panhellenic, Alpha Lambda Delta,
Gamma Alpha Chi, Alpha Epsilon
Rho, Theta Sigma Phi, Phi Sigma
Iota and Alpha Omicron Pi soror
ity. Diana Maxwell, a sophomore in
Arts and Sciences, made a 7.6
average. She is publicity chair
man of BABW, a member of Coed
Counselors and Alpha Lambda
Gretchen Sides, with a 7.6 aver
age in the College of Arts and
Sciences is a member of Red
Cross, Coed Counselors," Young Re
publicans, is an AUF Assistant
and a member of Kappa Alpha
Another sophomore in Arts and
Sciences, Sondra Whalen, had a
6.4 average. She is publicity
chairman of Red Cross, a Tassel,
Builder's Assistant, Coed Counsel
or and a member of Alpha Omi
cron Pi.
Carroll Kraus, sophomore in arts
and science, made a 6.3 average.
He is a member of Newman Club
and a reporter on the Lincoln
Phi Beta, "Nautical Neurosis,"
skitmaster Nancy Belchner; Kappa
Ajlpha Theta, "Trim Inn," skitmas
ter Helen Hockabout; Kappa Del
ta, "Trouble in the USSR-AWS-PJ
Factory," skitmaster Barb Mill
nitz; Kappa Kappa Kappa, "Man
hattan Mania," skitmaster Kati
Dailey; Pi Beta Phi, "And the
Twenties Roared," skitmasters
Martie Jo Martison and Barbara
Meston; Towne Club, "Anxious An
nie," skitmaster Pat Beckman;
Zeta Tau Alpha, "Bums Away,"
skitmaster Sharon Johnson; Alpha
Xi Delta, "Jumblediy," skitmaster
Shelia Scott.
' The show will be presented on
March 10 at Pershing Municipal
Red Cross Entertains
The Red Cross college unit held
their annual Christmas party
Wednesday. Some of . the mem
On The Social Side:
Phnings Highlight Week
Social Editor
Several pinnings, engagements,
and a marriage, omitted by mis
take from the Tuesday social col
umn, were announced this week.
Bobbie Evans, a Kappa Kappa
Gamma sophomore in Teachers
from Grand Island, to David Stitt,
a Phi Kappa Psi sophomore in
Business Administration from Has
tings. Kay Gregory, a Zeta Tau Alpha
junior in Commercial Arts from
Scottsbluff, to Gene Seger, a Pi
Kappa Phi senior in Industrial
Arts from O'Neill.
Barbara Davis, an Alpha Phi
junior in Teachers from Nebraska
City, to Larry Carstenson, a Theta
Xi senior in Teachers from Grand
Linda Barkley, an Alpha Xi Del
ta freshman in Teachers from Be
atrice, to Al Thober, a Delta Tau
Delta alum from Beatrice.-
Karen Banks, an Alpha Xi Delta
senior from Burwell in Teachers
College, to Rich Baker, Tau Kappa
Epsilon senior in Teachers from
Myrna Mills, an Alpha Xi Delta
junior in Teachers College, to
Blaine McClary, a senior in Teach
ers from Winner, Soutli Dakota.
Linda Beal, a Pi Beta Phi senior
in Speech Therapy from Omaha,
to Patrick Mellon, who is attend
ing West Point from St. Paul.
Sondra Sherman, Sigma Delta
Tau senior in Arts and Sciences
to Byron Schwartz, Alpha Epsilon
Pi graduate from Wisconsin Uni
versity. ' - Marriage
Sally Oder, a Gamma Phi Beta
O ISfT, trm 4 W ilMasisM IMacm Cn
I in?
I if A.
'JLT- i
u MnEIl
If 1 1 " "WnwwJi
I I I I OnssmaScopI:
II f f CXH.OSI j om m
f 9 J -7
-..-"w j "ynMMHWl a
bers sang songs and others dec
orated the hospitals. Shown en
tertaining some of the children
junior in Teachers from Lincoln,
to Bob Hackbart, a Beta Theta
Pi sophomore in Business Admin
istration from Seward.
40-Foot Yule Tree
To Adorn Campus
A new Christmas tradition will
begin "growing" at the University
It will be a 40-foot Christmas
tree that is to be planted in front
of the new administration building
at 14th and R streets when the
area is landscaped.
The tree was donated anony
mously by a University alum who
wanted to make sure the Univer
sity would not go without a Christ
mas tree.
And to make sure the University
had such a tree this year the donor
also gave the school a temporary
30-foot Christmas tree covered
with 225 glowing lights. This is
located at the southwest corner
of the Union.
Our warmest wihe$ that
merry and the I'eic Year
Sec you after vacation ! ! !
- st,
4 T ia,M -
g IV;!
are left to right, Judy Llndgrea,
Pat Billings, Sara Chris tenon,
Nancy George, Bobble Butter
field and Gretchen Saeger.
Farmers Fair Club
Names 6 Officers
Six new senior Farmers Fair
Board members have been elected
to replace members who are re
tiring. New members elected Include:
Gary Eerke, Roger Hubbard, Den
nis Sedlak, Carolyn Hall, Ethel
Oeltjen and Merca Dee Bonde.
Retiring board members are
Dick Hagemeier, Mary Dee De
Mars, Willa Waldo, Ann Kloster
man, Paul Yeutter and Otto Schip
poreit. Last year the board was coordi
nated with the Union Birthday
party and Spring Day. The group
sponsored the Rodeo, Barbeque
and the Goddess of Agriculture
Engineering Films
The two films, "Our Mister Sun,"
and "Cosmic Rays" have been
scheduled for a University viewing
on Sunday, Jan. 12 at 2:30 p.m.
The films will be shown in Love
Library and all engineering stu
dents, instructors and their wivee
and girl friends are invited.
your Christmat may be
one of the gayett.
'"Si .