THe Doily Nebroskon Friday, December 20, 1 957 Editorial Comment A Few A Christmas Wish"-"" Words SNIFF? (0 Poge 2 ; Peace! The perfect spirit for Christmas. The perfect token for man to carry to his fellow human be ings throughout his life. Once a year when children anxiously await tJie falling of a gentle and purse snow and par ents quietly wrap packages there is a feeling that after the last Christmas eve bus plods past your borne all will be calm and bright. Christmas. The gentle season when men try to forget their troubles and think of the great sacrifice of " Christ. ' Some suggest that our world has speeded up to such a frantic pace that we cant stop to consider the wonderful gifts of creation both by God and by the hands of man which sur round us, which make our lives fine and long. This can't h true. For even in the hec tic days which come before Christmas and drag into the hours before we go to our families we are thinking of the time for joy and peace. The Christmas message for youngsters come from Santa, the spirit of giving which they cannot understand, which they need not com prehend. The Christmas message for adults comes from the sweat it takes to satisfy the youngsters. And the Christmas message for S. Claus the world over comes from the Christ who was born for us in Bethlehem two thousand yeara ago. Man, who has become ever so selfish and ever so rushed, would want to forget the spirit of giving, we suspect. He would want to remem ber himself but he cannot. Even in the hustle and hurry of the cash register's testy rush to collect money man is reminded that here, too, is the spirit cf giving. Here may be the black ened shadow of greed for the machine, but surely that is based on the love of man for man, the Christ-born love which transcends all mun dane motives. Little more can be said of Christmas, for it is 'a spirit. And to describe a spirit is beyond our range. Perhaps if man will halt for a moment on these clear nights and look to the West he wll see that gloriously bright star which has mystified our inexperienced minds. But it is there and it grows brighter each night, each hour. This speck of a reminder of. the spirit of Christmas, this fleck of creation must remain not in the sky for centuries to come, but in the hearts of those men who look at it and know that it was created by the hand of God. Alone it shines upon our lives, our hearts. May our Christmas prayer, that every man find this same small and brilliant star within his heart, linger there, through the months and years to come. The Tribunal Changes TVi student Council was handed a line Christmas present Wednesday when Dave Keene and his Tribunal committee presented the proposed changes in the charter of the judiciary group. Keene, who has been working diligently on the charter since September says that he hopes the council will act on the changes im mediately after vacation and that the students will be given a chance to vote on the changes t a general election sometime in January. The tone of the changes suggested and the work which has gone into the time-consuming project are both of superior quality. Whether all students agree with the changes as proposed is another matter which they will be given an opportunity to settle at the election. But it is encouraging to note that the council has taken an active and a rapid step toward improving the student-administration and the intra-student relations. This tribunal committee deserves the congratulations of students who respect hard work and conscientious effort. As for the changes proposed, they seem enough organized and written so that every student can read and understand them. Now it will be up to the council and eventually the students to make a sincere effort to handle these issues wisely. changes in the charter it might be noted. Un .. This newspaper has some objections to the the Qualifications for senior members are out- der Article IV and Section two of the charter lined. We are led to believe that junior mem bers will be made candidates for the senior positions. But we are not told whether new candidates for the senior positions will be con sidered. This would seem to exclude those seniors who may not have been qualified in the past but who would make fine judges dur ing their senior year. Council members them selves are included in that important category. However, like all legal documents, we pre sume that Keene and crew has written the char ter revisions with the idea in mind that in terpretation can be made in accordance with the demands of the times. The qualifications for the judges are much clearer under the new proposed charter than they had been before. The Daily Nebraskans is happy to see that the changes eliminate some of our major objections to the original charter which the student body voted on last May. In conclusion may we say that the job of the charter tribunal committee is most pleasing to this newspaper which has been one of the great antagonists of the charter for the period of the present semester. It is a credit to stu dent ingenuity that these changes have been made. We hope the charter will be appreciated by. students who merely skim over this fine work. . rom the editor First Things First. . . by Jack Pollock The University gets a double-barreled Christ mas package this year, a new Tribunal set-up and a new Union. At the orphans party given by the Interfra ternity Council Wednesday evening, Santa said that because of lack of snow he had to arrive by Sputnik. I understand the next U.S. Sputnik though they don't know how far it will go will be equipped with curb feelers. Coed comments overheard on campus: "This Is the time for mistletoe and missiles, for St. Nick and Sputnik." Then there was the one who was worried bout her weekend activity. Seems her op erators license is expiring. The new Union plans to a great extent follow requests on the campus-wide "Needs Survey taken by Union consultant Porter Butts of the Uninversity of Wisconsin two years go. The survey showed that the Ballroom and small party room received their strongest sup port from Greek houses and dormitories by a wide margin, despite prediction by most Union chairmen (students) that bouses would continue to hold their parties off campus regardless of improved Union facilities. Bated low on the survey were all fun and fames except bowling, which ranked sixth in "essential" category. Expansion of the fountain lounge (Corn Crib) and a book store were the top two items in demand, in that order. A small auditorium ranked fourth and barber shop tigh2u K Ranking first in the write-in category in the survey was a beer or bar service (estimated at over 300 votes). This service was supported by eight per cent of the 3,686 who completed the questionnaires. The Union consultant said this compared to comments of four per cent to five per cent of students in other Union surveys. Commented Butts, "It is assumed however, that Nebraska and University policy would not per mit bar facilities in the Union." On the other hand, the second most fre with 29 write-ins, representing an 0.8 per cent in terest. Butt's report to the Union stated this was "extremely low" with some Union surveys giving that facility write-in votes up to nine per cent. According to t he survey, interest in the bar ber shop was "overwhelming" compared to other campus surveys. Forty per cent of the men regarded it as essential and 23 per cent ranked it desirable. Ranking eighth in the Ne braska survey, Butts said this figure was "un- precedented in other surveys." Two-thirds of the existing Unions include bar ber shops but rarely has a question or complaint been raised concerning competition, according to Butts' report, since one of the existing shop operators ordinarily moves into the Union on a lease basis. Thus, there is no additional .com petition, but rather a change of location of an existing shop to a point more convenient to students. There is no element of the University in competition with business, because the Uni versity does not operate the shop. Negative thinking was at a minimum in the survey. Only 15 comments or .4 per cent of those completing the forms, expressed negative atti tudes toward the new Union. This compares to other Union surveys as high as three per cent or almost ten times greater. Seven students said the University should "build other facilities first," five said "provide better Union facilities for Ag campus," one said the present Union is adequate, another said a better looking present building would be sufficent and another wanted to "spend more money on faculty salaries." Daily Nebraskan TOTT'SEC TEARS OLD Mw aeaSemie wr. "--- ..ui..j v- ll. .... d "' eoceni elaei "Hit at a 9 v,.. umn, Nebraeka. aader taw aet of Aacaat 4. UU. Intercollegiate Press editorial staff EsfrftUUv; National Advertising Service, riluw , tmrk rtMaek laeornorated vmotm Editor in unim Manailnr, toiler . - Km W.rholo.kl Published at: Room 2t. Student L'nloa New witor -. sara mm Liaooln, Nebraska wiht Km Editor s. ciau . j. a. a -py Editors Bob Ireland lewirf 1SB mt Carole Frank. Geoir Mayer. C.r Rndcm. Kmle Hloei - - - , . , .. ut.fc.o- Miaou ------- Snort Writ l ... D Raemqwea, Boa ftiako TZ5'J?7t? ZrZFJZZ.ZZi Writ "".men. f Swn raHoee mm tua panotf. aad) ooo teaa M naemScsn, Emmy Ltwr-'J. Herb frebaeea. W'raa Seaitb- IMM'InlH Aeireet, b? etveVntt of tae batverart berrer, Martaret VYrrtmaa. nl fceanieka aaaer tea aatlwrtaaM of (ho Committee Report i .... Jo Ate. )n AnSen , Oerl Hatha- aa fcwrtrat Affaire aa ea expmeloa of toaM aptakm. war, Kara Rerrer, Roberta Knanp, Marnle Kono. fiar- hMlnnm aaeer the JojtoeieMea of too Sob mnlttee rr iMpmi. Jail no Mehrtn;, ' Suaeae . Rrlebataat, mm SBMIeal rN itt a afcall bo free fi i editorial Raetoal lb iiwoa. Nod Totmaa , boa rVBlow, Leo ao annua mm too port of too Sab noam or too Tailor. Ban of any nawl of tae faealrr of laa Larnlty. or Bt&l.NKSS STAr't mm ti part of ear woa the tlafeanlty. The - aiiajhi of tae Rebreeaea etaft are aein allp re- "" '''7. '"'"4 ae oMe for what lb- oar. or So or caooo la be Aaeietaat Buelaesa Haaafera. . .Ton heff. Stan Kalmaa . .... u ,21 tTLi Of a Kind . e e. hiiies The following is an answer that might have been written to a little girl who wrote a newspaper for an answer to a typical childhood problem. Dear Editor: I am eight years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Scrooge. Pierre. tell me the truth, is there a Scrooge? Marilyn O'Lofton Dear Marilyn, Your little playmates are wrong. They have been fooled by the bright smiles and last minute heart openings of this season. As sure as parking tickets are given in snowstorms there is a Scrooge. Your little friends think that the tinsel on Christmas packages and -the smiles beneath Christmas trees are signs of the disappearance of all Scrooges. But they forget the eleven other months of the year when most men forget how to "keep Christmas"; the days In which the motto "Peace on earth" takes second or third place be hind "get ahead at any price" and "anything for a buck." Yes, Marilyn, there is a Scrooge. He exists as certainly as petty hates and lies and Russian dic tators exist. And how dreary life would be without Scrooges! We would never get to gossip behind our" friends' backs, we would have to think of people less fortunate than us, we wouldn't need to test atomic bombs or superjets, we would have to know the meaning of brotherhood. It would be a dreary world indeed. Not believe in Scrooge ! You might as well not believe in drunken drivers! You might as well try to keep little dogs from wagging their tails. The most real things in the world are those which are often the best disguised. That's why sometimes people forget that there are Scrooges. Ah, Marilyn, in all this world there is nothing else real and ever- . lasting. No Scrooges. Thank the Devil! They live and live forever. A thousand years from now . . . yes, ten thousand years from now Scrooges will continue to make sad the heart of childhood and all mankind. The end of Scrooges will come, Marilyn, only when all men "keep Christmas twelve months a year" and remember what the Child of Christmas said: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with 11 thy soul, and with all thy mind. "This is the first and great com mandment. "And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt' love thy neighbor as thyself." Letterip Emphatic 'No' To the Editor: Such sententious hogwash! Such ! ! That editorial saying "There is a Santa Claus" is a flagrant ex ample of an assault on clear think ing. Little Virginia O'Hanlon wanted to know whether or not Santa Ciaus existed a real flesh and blood Santa Claus such as children think of. The editorial letter to Virginia answered with doubletalk, on one plane insisting that Santa Claus existed (an ob vious lie within the sense of Vir ginia's question) and on another plane began to redefine Santa Claus! It is as if I had asked "are flying saucers real," and the answer came back," Yes, they're real. You can't see them or touch them, etc., and your small mind just can't understand them, but flying saucers are more real than anything else; they make life worth living." The whole answer to Virginia is based upon the idea that mankind must place its faith in unproven myths and subordinate thinking to emotional wishes. These courses of action can only lead to slavery and disaster. An unscientific faith in Santa Claus shares the same general grounds as faith in Com munism neither have proven themselves. No, Virginia, there is no Santa ' Claus. . Melvyn (Buck) Eikleberry To the Editor: It was interesting to note the strong stand taken by the editorial page editor of the Daily Nebraskan in opposition to the placing of a Kosmet Klub representative on Student Council. ' The contention that because Kos met Klub is a special interest group and therefore should have no voice in formulating student policy is falacious, and if it were true, it would apply to organiza tions that are at present repre sented on the Council. Corn Cobs and Tassles are groups of the same nature as Kosmet Klub with limited membership and not rep resenting any large body of stu dents. The naive idea that organ izations on Student Coucnil should represent a large number of stu dents is ridiculous. I would be very disallusioned to find that the YVCA and the YMCA organiza tion on the Council is not a service group and that it represents a segment of the student body. KEN FREED Christmas Poem By Eddie Once again Christmas has come With brisk days and pie of plum. And so kind greetings are in order And we give them out because we oughter. Here's to Chancellor Cliff our pal We hope his Christmas will be swell. I A greeting to Pitt and Breck May Santa bring a scarf for the neck. A smile for the Red Lion and Casey's too In the next few weeks we'll drop in on you. V; ccvldn't f?r:t our good friend Frank Or Police Chief Joe who runs the tank. And to the regents we'll tip our nog Looking at their projects all agog. Here's to the queens galore this year From Ruthie to Kay Nielson dear, From Jones Sara and Hawkins Sadie To the Howell Theatre's Astor Lady. We'll sing a carol to Phi Beta Buck We hope her brain won't run amuck. To Jerry who hands out the cash And Stephany who plans the Union hash. To handy Bob and Mr. Lake Let's toast them with a L.te of cake. To Elliott Pete and Glassford Bill While you lasted your job was swell. But to Coach Jennings may we say For many years may you stay. Here's to Jerry and his Bushmen Let's make mincemeat of the Big Ten. We've left out Vic, that affable guy 4 And Mr. Kendall that Captain Bligh We've forgotten to menton Morgan Holmes And haven't mentioned Oley's helper Jones Jensen Sam who still hangs around And that nice guy who runs lost and found Doc Ellitt and Carpenter Terry All deserve a Christmas Merry. To Dave Keene and Remington Rand- To Helen Gourlay too, we think you're grand. To Mister Claus and our man Cranston May everyone cheer you from the grandstand. The journalist's friend Etaoin Shrdlu We think should get a card, don't you? So now we'll close this Christmas hail Wishing one and all a bundle of mail We'll hope you remember our Xmas cheer For Christmas comes but once a year. Traditional Christmas i S Tale Once Again Told I By Ellie Elliott Deeply inspired by your re- printing of "Yes Virginia" the 8 other day, I scrambled through g my archives for the following, w which is in its own way another S of our heritage stories: 2 "In the days of Anderson, the Governor of Nebraska: 5 "And it came to pass in those JS days, that there went out a de- 6 cree from Mayor Martin, that all the, town should be decorated, g "And all went to shop, every & one into his own store. g "And Joseph also went up, to K- shop with Mary his espoused S wife, being great with child. And so it was that, while they were there, the days were accom g plished that she should be de g livered. w "And she brought forth her 5 first-born son, and wrapped him in disposable diapers, and laid him in a parking lot; because there was no room for him at S the Cornhusker. 8 "And there were in the same town policemen abiding on their g corners, keeping watch over the g traffic by night. And lo, the w angel of Walt Disney came upon 5 them, and the glory of Walt Dis 8 ney shone round about them, and they were sore afraid. "And the angel said unto g them; Fear not, for behold, I S bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of Lincoln a Savior, jj which is the son of Donald jf Duck. And this shall be a signv unto you: Ye shall find the babeS wrapped in diapers, lying under a neon sign. . S "And, suddenly, there was with J , the angel a multitude of thett mercenary host praising Walt Disney and saying, "Glory to Walt Disney in Hol-g leywood, and in Lincoln com-lj merce, good sales for business- g men. m "And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them con- cerning these apparitions. And) all they that heard it wondered g at those things which were toldij them by the policemen. "And when there were onlyg eight shopping days left, theg child's name was called Davya Crockett, which was so named" of the Chamber of Commerces when he was conceived in their S skulls. 2 "And when Davy was born g in Lincoln of Nebraska in the days of Anderson the Governor, w behold, there came farmers from ij the west to Omaha, saying, jj Where is he that is born Kingg of the Wild Frontier? For weg have seen his neon signs, andS we are come to purchase him."S Merry Chri$tma$. Jj The Gadfly Sara Jones A very merry Christmas to you all and God bless us every one. It's really an excellent time to start a new year. All the old worn out issues have gone by the way and the University faces a year which may be one of the best in its history. I'd like to give some special Christmas presents and best wishes to people who really deserve them. To Dave Keene, for one, and his new Tribunal. The Student Council committee has come up with a charter which ought to be acceptable to almost everyone, if we can set it up for next year. Both students, who ought to be able to run as much of their own affairs as possible, and the ad ministration, who will be relieved of a lot of the nasty jobs that create often-undeserved ill will, will benefit. A special round of ap plause to Dave, who took much needed time from his law studies to work. To Duane Lake, whose new Union is finally being built. Rumor has it that the much-joked about de lay was due to Mr. Lake's in sistance that the new Union be one the University can really be proud of. So, though the Gadfly may feel that barber shops and ' bowling alleys are not- awfully es sential to a college education, I will probably enjoy the Union as much as the much confirmed Crib jock. To the members of the Faculty Senate, whose return of- the stu dent vote on faculty committees went unnoticed in the general con fusion over Mitchell. Thanks! To the University administration, with whom 1 disagree about every thing it's possible to disagree about, but whose job I wouldn't have for the world. . To all my instructors, to whom I owe term papers and whose classes I do not attend, and a special Merry Christmas to in structors whose classes are so in teresting I only cut them once a week. , - To Dr. Robert Cranford, who, far from fulfilling my worst ex pectations about faculty advisors, has become one of the nicest things to happen to the Rag in some time. Greetings also to his cohort, Dr. Hall. L. 'f WELL MOW WAS THE 8 1! Rhoades IjltO Tlw Limelight Dave Rhoades Recently eleven professors in the Arts and Sciences College request ed that the authority for certifi cation of teachers be transferred from Teachers College to the Of fice of Regis tration and Records which would r e c ommend s t u dents who have been ap proved by the pertinent sub ject m a t ter d e partments. This change would a 1 1 ow c e r tification of teachers who are not now ma triculated in TC or have not com pleted the required number of pro fessional courses in education. Before any more student groups rush to one side or the other in the controversy, perhaps a review should be made of some of the assumptions it is possible to draw from a knowledge of the A & S proposals and see if they are valid. Perhaps the most basic Idea which the proposal assumes is that to allow certain students to re ceive teacher certification without taking the required number of pro fessional courses will automatical ly guarantee more teachers frja. the "fundamental courses". ThT professors said in their proposal that "the able students in the fields of the sciences, mathematics, lan guage, and even history and Eng lish have frequently been unwilling to submit to the certification pro cedures imposed upon the prospec tive teachers." Yet can one imag ine an "able" student turning down a salary three times larger than Nebraska's starting salary of $3,400 just to emphasize the "fun damentals" in a high school? As Dean Breckenridge comrrented in the Daily Nebraskan when the pro posal was first made, "Lack of desire stems from lack of incen tive." Another claim which the pro posal makes is the assumption drawn from the request that teach er certification be made by tire subject matter departments that because an individual has success fully completed a course of study in a "basic subject", this person is qualified to teach that subject. Passing by the obvious question A- .L:-t L 1 I ii J as 10 wincii suujt-ci mauer de partment would do the recommend, ing, a more important question may be raised. Can one assume that educated students simply be cause they have learned certain materials are competent to teach that subject? Most educators win tell you and surveys reveal that teachers who fail In the field do so not because of a lack of knowl edge of the subject matter but because they lack the ability to put the material across to hlgb school students and because they lack the necessary human rela tions skills to encourage motfva tion and Incentive. The statement by the eleven Arts and Science professors em phasizes a continuing need to eval uate all programs from year to year as new developments occur in this case, a need to seek an swers to the teaching shortage and the lack of emphasis on the "fu, damentals" In high school. Nev ertheless, the proposal, based on several erroneous assumptions, is hardly a practical answer to tfie problems involved.