The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 18, 1957, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, December 18, 1957
The Doily Nebroskon
Pogg 3
Madrigal Concert
Madrigals To
Tenth Song Concert
T Madrigal Singers present
their annual concert Thursday
igtit nnder the direction of John
Moraa. David Fold directed the
gronp last year as they pre
rate the traditional program.
Madrigal means accompanied
singing, according to Moran, al
thongh the University group may
deviate Thursday from this pat-term.
Crowd Goes Wild:
Ovations, Cheering Feature Coliseum Spirit Revive!
Staff Writer
Tfce Nebraska Cornhuskers
t game Monday night and
Nebraska fans von a moral
ws r.M done a good job and According to Rusker coach, point for enthusiasm,
widespread applause for a good Jerry Bush, the revival began Another contributing factor to
P1aT- with the final game of last year's the improved spirit has been the
Also included was a general stu- season. "I think it all happened i band, according to Bush. Las; sea-
joent participation in the organized , the last game last year when we son. the band began to play cur
I cheering. Yefl King, Bill McQuis- beat Iowa State," Bush said. The rent iuma time a v
Staff Reporter
Thii year marks the tenth full
season for the Madrigal Singers,
as they plan the highlight of their
Christmas season, their annual
concert to be held Thursday at
7:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom.
Madrigal singing means unac
companied and recreational sing
ing, according to John Moran, the
director of the concert, although,
he added that on Thursday night
the singers would be accompanied
duri2 some of the carols,
Ttie Madrigal Singers of the
present carry on that 16th and
17th highly developed art of sing
ing, Moran said. They have re
vived the old idea of music Into
style which has become quite
popular all over the country.
Moran explained that in the 16th
and 17th century, the people would
gather at the home of one per
son, eat, sit at the tables and
sing. The programs today are
presented while the singers are
seated around a table, covered
with white cloths and set with
candles, goblets and a punch bowl
in traditional 16th century Madri
gal style.
It was considered a social grace
in those times to be able to fting
the light, delicate, precise style,
and if a person could play his
part well in the Madrigal, be was
considered desirable.
The listeners are meant to think
of the performance as a gathering
of good friends to enjoy good mu
sic, conversation, refreshments
and the evening together.
The subject matter of madrigals
ranges through every conceivable
facet of life religion, politics,
dancing, drinking, card-playing,
conversation, nature, death and all
other phases of human thought
and experience.
The twenty-one members of the
select group at the University in
clude outstanding sophomores and
freshmen, who dont necessarily
have to be music majors.
This year's Madrigal concert is
being sponsored by the University
music Department and the Union
Music Committee.
IFC To Hold
Party Tonight
Seventy-five children from C
dars Home, Whitehall and Tabitha
Home will be the honored guests
at the IFC Orphans Christmas
Party to be held Wednesday from
7-8:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom,
according to Jim Whitaker, o
Entertainment will be provided
by Dave Meisenholder at the or
gan, Jim Peterson playing his ban
jo and the Lincoln High Girl's
Octet. Santa Gaus will then dis
tribute gifts to each of th or
phans and refreshments will bo
The Junior IFC and three mem
bers from each fraternity will at
tend the party.
"We are asking the co-operation
of all the fraternities to make this
The committee, headed by Kar- ! Prty successful as possible, be-
cause this may be the only touch
with Christmas these children will
have this year," commented Dick
Arneson, IFC president.
The moral victory was the lm-; tan remarked about the cheering, ' win over Iowa State closed Bush's
provement of Husker spirit. It was j "I think it's tremendous. It's great j most successful season to dato.
teen in the wild cheering of the , to know that the crowd is yelling and since it was an upset victory
tens every time Nebraska got the j with vou and they're all behind the ever a nationally ranked team, it
ball, standing ovations for plave-s team." j provided fans with a real focal
okl spirit boosting standbys. This
year, director Donald Lent has
added a few new touches includ
ing the playing of the school song,
"There Is No Place Like Nebras
ka" after the national anthem mvi
while the players are lining up on
the floor.
Here again the crowd has shown
its enthusiasm by rising and join
ing in with the words. Monday,
most of them sang with gusto and
those who didn't know the words
were humming the melody.
Still another place where spirit
begins cannot be overlooked. The
Nebraska bench often inspired the
crowd to further cheering by ris- j
ing from their seats to applaud a j
great play by their mates on the
floor. Bush said of his team, "All
the teams IVe had down here
have had good' spirit All the boys
get up around the huddle this year ,
and they all yell."
Bush's club has also pleased the :
crowd with the fancy passing and
shooting drills they go through be-1
fore the game. "The main thing on
the warmups," according to Bush,
"is to get the boys loosened up."
However, the warmup also loos
ens up the crowd. Fans sitting be
hind the scorers desk Monday re
marked that they came early to
watch Nebraska warm up.
Given To NU
For Research
The University has received $20.
0C0 from the Nebraska Heart Asso
ciation for a professorship in heart
Receiving, a like appropriation
was Creighton University in Oma
ha. The money will spport the
work of Dr. Denham Harman and
will also cover research assistants,
equipment and supplies.
Dr. Harman has been investigat
ing the process of aging and
atherosclerosis (thickening and
hardening of artery walls) which
leads to heart disease.
Both medical schools have al
ready received $9,000 each for oth
er heart research and $10,000 is
being put into a heart research
reserve to guarantee support for
the newly created professa-ships
for one year past any possible ex
piration of heart association support.
en Peterson, is carrying out an
Old English theme for the decora
tions. Selections for the concert, direct
ed by John Moran are a group
of the traditional carols, including:
"O Come AH Ye Faithful" "Away
in a Manger," "God Rest Ye
Merry Gentlemen, "It Came Up
on A MMnight Clear," "Hark the
Herald Angels Sing." "O Litte
Town of Bethlehem' and "Silent
Other selections chat will
presented are:
Before Christmas" and "Jingle! Agricultural enginereing acuity
Bells," "Song of Christmas with ! members who will attend the meet
Carol Ashbury and Rodney Walk- j ing include: Department Chairman
er as narrators; "Deck the HaHs," j L. W. Hurlbut, H. D. Wittmuss, G.
"Lullaby on Christmas Eve" fea- j W. Steingruegge, L. F. Larsen, P.
turing Gale Miller as Soloist, E. Fishbach, M. L. Mumgaard ani
"Patapan." E. A. Olson.
Faculty Members
To Attend Meeting
Eight University faculty mem
bers will participate in the 50th
anniversary winter meeting of the
American Society of Agricultural
Engineers (ASAE), this week ia
"TV as the Night Chicago.
We Wish
FratOTBity. Sorority & Organisa
tion Letterheads ... Lofton . .
News Bulletin . . . BooMota
. Proarams
312 North 12th. Pk. 2-2857
Game Spirit
Hundreds of Vnh'ersity
tfrnts watca the basketball game
between Nebraska and Dearer
monday night. The enthusiasm
for the games is high, and many
thousands tars out each game.
New Initiates
Alpha Phi Omega, national serv
ice fraternity, initiated eight new
members Monday.
Those initiates were Larry Fritz,
Stan Fonken, Bill Johnson, Larry
Lassek, Hans Leuschner, Bill
Meier, Eddie Negley and Ken Tempera.
Army Films
World War II army films of ac
tual battles will be shown in Room
307 of Military and Nava! Science
building Wednesday from 3 p.m.
o S p.m.
Titles of the films are "Capture
of Sipan," "Cleanup of Petetivo
and Attape" and "Operations in
the Philippine Islands."
There will be two continuous
showings and anyone may attend.
Christmas Party
Town Club and Delta Sigma Pi
will hold a Christmas Party
Wednesday for the children of the
Orthepedic Hospital, according to
Dan Martin, publicity chairman.
A Santa Claus wiD distribute gifts
and refreshments will be served.
Want Ads
An Kxelwv Gift ???...
CHff nmnttm Shop Un4U HoieL
13th St M.
WaVTED A Dd to St. Pol, Vltmo
mpo)l on Df. 20 or 21. Willi h
npwioi 0a S-K1S0 rter TStOpra.
tOPT JrwUml 8A15 Tn Jiwrflwd L.J B.
Lambs Pi 141. Rwni. Phone -4'Mtu.
V'?fTE Kit to Ohio or TMnlty t-
nu. Dalljr Hebrufcu ettim.
5UXJT Hi chool clan rtnt, elafii of
ML Initials C.B.W. Hewu4. Phone
! m funer LteMr"- Cliff Bmofc
Shop, Unotil Hotel. Uth a M.
!Ag YM-YW Slate
(Two Meditations
The Ag YMCA-YWCA will em
! tinue their Christmas Meditations
the remainder of this week, ac
cording to Stan Hargleroad, Ag
YMCA president.
Speakers and their topics for the
last two mornings will be Dick
Turner, student from Wesley an on
Obedience; and Reverend Ahon
Peterson, pastor of the Lutheran
Student Association on Sharing.
Theto Nu
Theta Nu. pre-roedica fraternity
! will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in
Bessey Hall. The members will
i tour the Lincoln Clinic after the
(meeting, according to Norman
jGosoh, vwe president.
Cosmopolitan Club
Cosmopolitan Club will meet
j Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Room 315
! of the Union, according to Valida
jjansons, publicity chairman,
j Business to discuss is the Smor
gus Board which will be held In
I February, and the election of a
! new president.
i, -
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