The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1957, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Poge 4
The Daily Nebroskon
Monday, December 9, 1957
Nebraska Beaten;
Face Notre Dame
The Nebraska Cornhuskers lost
their first game of the season Sat
urday night as they fell before
the Michigan Wolverines, 81-57.
It was the first win for Michigan
which lost to Pittsburgh in its
opener last Wednesday.
The Bushmen's zone defense i
was shattered in the first half by
the fine outside shooting of M.C.
Burtx and Billy Wright.
Michigan led throughout most
of the contest and piled up a 36-31
intermission edge.
The Huskers went to a man-toman
defense in the second half, but
the Wolverines spread the gap
throuoh some fine driving by Pete
Tillotson and George Lee.
Nebraska pulled within four
points of Michigan shortly after
the half, but Tillotson tossed in 10
quick points to give the Wolver
ines a comfortable edge.
Tillotson led the game scorers
with 23 points while Willie Fitz-
Patrick was tops for Nebraska with
14. Jimmy Kubacki had 13 and
Skirts In Sports
The duckpins tournament is in:
the semi-final stages now and the
contest should be completed this '
week. :
On Tuesday, the Tri Delts. team ;
2. defeated the Thetas. 4; the Aj
O Pis beat the Thotas. 2: the
A!nha Phis downed the Pi Phis:
and the Thetas, team 1, were beat-
en by the Chi Omegas, team 2.
. , . . . .
Tomorrows schedule semi -
A 0 Pis will play the Gamma Phis;
the Tri Delts. team 2. compete
against the winner of the preced
ing game; and the Alpha Phis
meet the Alpha Chis, team 2. If
possible, the finals will be played
on Thursday.
Volleyball in Full Swing
The volleyball tournament, which
is a double-elimination contest, is
Dow in full swing.
Results of last week's games
mere as follows: the A O Pis de
feated the Chi Omegas; the Thetas
beat the Pi Phis: the Gamma Phis.
team 3. were downed by the Inde- evening las Tuesday, p.aying co
pendents; the Delta G a m m a s, ! rec volley ball. The Pi Phis and
team 1. defeated the Alpha Xis, ! the S;gma Nus turned out to be a
1; the Gamma Phis, team I, were 1 winning team (for some strange
v chorions over the Delta Ham
. i
mas team 2" the A O P".s were
beaten by the Voha Xis- Wesley i
Foundation downed the Thetas: the!
dependents defeated the Pi Phis, i
teair 1; and the Tri Delts beat
the Women's residence Halls. 1
Bowling contests are still pro-.
greasing . . .
Co-rec volley bail started on
Thursday night.
Each team had to win two out
of three games in order to win
their set. The Gamma Phis and
the S:g Eps defeated Women's
Residence Halls and Bessey j
House; the Pi Phis and the Sigma 'fa
N-js beat the Chi Omegas andj VV SCOfJSfl
the Kappa S:gs: Newman Club !
downed the A O Pa and the Phi ' The Fighting L-ish crushed a de-
Delts; the Tri Delts and the A T t
C defeated the Alpha Phis and
the Sig Alphs; and the Alpha Xis
end the Sigma Chis beat the Chi
Deadline Set
December 17
The deadline for buying Corn-
iviSKer is uec. 17 and no one
w:ll be able to buy an annual after
this date, according to Larry
jiuidg, Bttirani uuau.cM)
ager of the Comhusker, in charge
of advertising. j
Cornhuskers are on sale in the
Cornhusker office and also may
be purchased from any Tassel or
Com Cob. i
Friday is the deadline for hav-'
Lng Cornhusker pictures taken.)
The pictures must be taken at
the Edholm-Blomgren Studio, 318
S. 12th. Students should call the!
Cornhasker office for their ap-j
pointments. !
So far 2-300 annuals have been'
sold and progress on the book is'
moving along rapidly, comment'
Bchrag. '
Gary Reimers 10.
The Huskers move on to South
Bend. Ind. for tonight's game with
the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame.
The Irish, ranked seventh na
tionally last season, have four of
last season's starting quintet bark.
Tow Hawkins is the man the
Huskers will have to hold down if
they expect to pull a victory out
of the fire. Hawkin's only a junior,
was a sensational scorer for the
Irish last season. He scored 26
points against Wisconsin Saturday
Bush will probably go with the
; same opening five that have start-
i ed thus far. Don Smidt and Willie
Fitzpatrick will be at the forwards.
Bob Mayo at center and Lyle Nan
nen and Gary Reimers at the
The Huskers transfer the cage
wars to the Coliseum Saturday
night when they host the Big Ten
Purdue Boilermakers. Game time
i is 8:0a p.m.
Os, team 2. and the Kappa Sigs.
Games will continue Thursday
night, with all teams competing
agair., since the contests are set
up on the round robin league basis.
Four teams are in each of four
leagues and each team plays every
other team in its own league .(Con-
i fused?) Then the top two teams
1 wery league play off m a
single elimination tournament or.
: eight teains
compete in the finals for the cham
pionship. Strictly Ten Pins
We're using all ten pins in bowl
ing now ! It really makes the game
complete. We do have a good time
in bowling though, it may be a
class, but ... at least you don't
have to take notes.
Ey the way, last time I had
all-red bowling shoes. I think the
"management" heard about my
quality-of-bowling-shoes complaint
and decided to get even. I didn't
mean anything by it . . . honest . .
I had a particularly interesting
reason, considering we ire men
j i:t:.: L l -r.: '
ous auneuc aauum wmcn uie ni -
Phis alwavs seem to displav). I'm ' on home Eames and then he P!aces
&aid I wasn't too much help torero in the players lockers. He
th? team, but I cheered whenever ! Pa them a the players bass on
somebody else got the ball over fs from home. These
the net . . . oh. well, at least i;gs are taken on the plane wuh
tried . . . there's jus: a certain ;
' j limit on the amount to be expected )
trom some o. us less fortunate,"
and less coordinated ones . . ,
Nofre Dame
termined Wisconsin five Saturday
night to grab a 75-53 victory. i
Paced bv their sensational scor-
! ing star Tom Hawkins, the Irish 1
I applied a fast break to wear the !
Badgers down. i
I .e uame appeared to have
the game in the bag at half time !
I a ot-zo ieac, out Wisconsin
I came back strong in the second
j half to edge to within fiv points,
i 50-45 with nine minutes gone,
j Hawkins led all scorers with 26
points, while Bob Litzow was high
man lor Wisconsin with 18
John t
McCarthy added 22 points to the ';
Notre Dame total. i
ft. I -'-.
if -i -
Bob Mayo
Hard Work
For Job
Special Writer
The job of a good equipment
manager is to make the equipment
work for you. according to Ne
braska equipment manager Floyd
Floyd's job includes ordering
and taking care of all football,
baseball and track equipment. He
has to see that all suits are
cleaned and returned to the play
ers. He keeps the suits in the stock
rrvm until hnr!lv hiforp thp ramp
lne Pa-ver u,e lra ruit
ment the' may need for the Sam
Floyd keeps a record of the shoe
sizes of all freshmen and returning
varsity players. He orders these
sizes and the incoming freshmen
are issued the used equipment. All
new equipment is given a perman-
j ent issue number. Floyd says that
j everything ia his stock room can
' be found immediately.
Flovd confers with the coaches
on tne dJferent tvpes of equipment
m n-der He savs that several
ooinions are better than one when
it comes to the protection and
comfort of an athlete.
Floyd 30 new hand at his job
He has been on the Nebraska
bench for every football game for
the past 28 seasons.
77 Straight
When Iowa defeated Arizona 80
63 at Iowa Citv Saturday night, it
bl-ss Inua'i 77th consecutive non-
conference victory at home. Quite
a record for any clu1-
Your Btudrnl Trprrfntniim
of D Mwinr, la.
For tnwm to your life innumnrr
nreAi. commit frllmt Uudentt
Dallas D. Fowler
636 V..
I'hon 7-232S i
ifiw 5 p.m.
Visit our diamond room
and choose one of our
scientifically graded dia
monds for that co-ed.
hirer! Import
from $gQ UP
Conference Cage Teams Swing Into
Action With Six Weekend Victories
The Big Sight basketball clubs
were successful over the week
end winning six out of nine con
tests. The only idle club was Iowa
State who was nipped by Minne
sota on Thursday night.
In Friday night action Missouri
topped Marquette 57-56 while Ok
lahoma downed Southern Cal. 70
66. Both were spine tingling con
tests. On Saturday night, Kansas
downed Northwestern 71-65, Mich
igan defeated Nebraska 81-57, Kan
sas State topped Indiana 66-61, Ok
lahoma State beat Texas Western
65-43, Colorado trimmed Montana
77-60, Purdue ripped Missouri 76
49 and UCLA dumped Oklahoma.
A free throw in the last four
seconds enabled Missouri to pull
a 57-56 victory out of the fire
against the luckless Marquette
Warriors. The Warriors, whose
football team hasn't won a game
in two years, have now lost three
in a row.
Sonny Siebert, who sank the
game winning basket, led the Ti
gers witth 16 points.
Tigers Come From Behind
Missouri was behind 37-27 at
halftime and didn't take the lead
until the 3:20 mark of the final
The Warriors had an opportunity
to go ahead with 11 seconds leit
but Mike Kirksey missed a free
throw and the score remained 56
56. Marquette forward Jim McCoy
was the game's high scorer with
17 points.
In another exciting contest Fn
( day night, the Oklahoma Sooners
i downed Southern California 70-66.
! Don Sch wall's towering jump
! shot from the comer with 16 sec
Missouri's Frank Broyles
Named Arkansas Coach
Alter oniy one year at Missouri,
Frank Broyles has accepted the
head coaching job at Arkansas.
The position, vacated 11 days
ago by Jack Mitchell who moved
to Kansas, has been the cause of
much speculation.
Broyles, former Georgia Tech
aide, had accepted a 3-year con
tract at Missouri last January for
an annual salary of $13,500. His
new contract at Arkansas calls for
five years at $15,000 a year.
Missouri started strong this year 1
gaining a 7-7 tie with Vanderbilt
in a season opener. The team, .
playing a stout defensive game ;
week after week, went into its big i
tilt with Oklahoma Nov. 9 with a j
record of 5-1-1. Highlights were j
victories of SMU and Colorado '
and a loss to Texas AIM. Then
came successive losses to Okla- j
onds remaining proved to be the
winning tally. The Sooners added
two free throws after the gun had
sounded to give ttiem their four
point margin.
It was a tight game all the way
with the Trojans holding the edge
at intermission, 31-30.
King Leads Scorers
Joe King, Oklahoma star, led
the scorers with 20 points, while
Jim Pugh was high for the losers
with 20.
Wilt Chamberlain was the whole
show as the Kansas Jayhawks
tripped Northwestern 71-65 Satur
day night.
Chamberlain dumped in 27
points and knocked down Wildcat
basket attempts to lead his team
mates to their third victory of the
The game was close throughout
the first half with both teams
tallying 30 points in the initial
stanza. But the Jayhawks roared
back to score 11 points in the
first four minutes of the second
period to go out in front for good.
StUt Busy
Northwestern t r i p le -teamed
Chamberlain in the first half andj
held the All-American to ei g h 1 1
points, but the Wildcats couldn't j
contain him in the second half.
Chamberlain batted down atj
least 25 per cent of Northwestern 's '
shot attempts. ,
Joe Ruklick tied Chamberlain j
for game scoring honors with 27 j
points. Ron Loneski added 33 to
the Kansas total. j
Boozer Stars j
Bob Boozer, who was a second j
team All-American choice in Sport;
magazines pre-season selections, I
made a strong effort to prove tnat
homa, Kansas State and Kansas.
Broyles' statement said;
"I consider this appointment a
definite advancement. I am hoping
to have a complete staff formed
in two weeks. We will move to
Arkansas and begin work right
University of Arkansas officials
apparently ignored a strong senti
ment in the state in favor of hiring
an Arkansas native for the job.
Several groups have adopted reso- j
lutions urging that a man with I
strong Arkansas ties be hired. Ar-1
kansas has lost its last two head j
coaches, Mitchell and Bowden Wy-
att in 1955, because they wanted
to return to their native states.
Missouri will start immediately
to lot for a successor to Broyles,
Don Faurot, Athletic Director said,
adding, that it was "too early to
night Saturday)" to talk about it.
he deserved the honor by dropping
in 27 points to lead the powerful
Kansas State Wildcats to a 66-61
victory over the Indiana Hoosiers.
The Hoosiers jumped off to a
quick 20-9 lead and held an edge
until midway in the second canto
Don Matuszak fielder knotted the
count at 40-40 and Boozer's tip in
put the Wildcats in front to stay.
Archie Dees tallied 17 points
far Indiana, while Jack Parr
chipped in with 16 for the Wild
cats. Arlen Clark led the Oklahoma
State Cowboys through a strong
second half and enabled the Cow
boys to pick up their first win of
the season by defeating Texas
Western 65-43.
Clark dropped in 22 points, while
Charlie Brown was tops for the
Miners with 15.
A red hot Colorado ball club hit
from all angles Saturday night to
trorr.p the Montana Grizzlies 77-60.
On their way to victory, the
Buffaloes hit 30 of 52 field goal
attempts and controlled both back
boards. The Buffs led 38-26 at halftime.
On their way to victory, the
Buffaloes hit 30 of 52 field goal
attempts and controlled both back
boards. The Buffs led 38-26 at halftime.
Gerry Schroeder paced Colorado
Want Ads
PWnmnl Room In Alr-Condltian Stont
ruplK Kitchen and TV PriviliftM
For two Gentlemen S-0P96 After 3.
APARTMENT 512 No. ? Oun. ef
ficiency, living rorm. kitchenette, ntu.
Him $32 50 5-6627.
F. fiinnle. Double, Twin BkIm.
Warm. Quiet, Shower. Parking. Gen
tlemen. lxt toadies Whlta Onld ElKln on fnl.
ertty fampua. Inscribed "Maiieth
1SS5 ". Reward. CaU 5i01
Nee5 An Eicluelve Gift'?' . . .Cuffs
Hmnke Shop Lindell Hotel 13th
EVERY year, over 125,000 freight trains hav to
stop en route and drop cars for repairs. All for
the same reason. Hot boxes railroaders' term for
overheated friction bearings.
But the railroads are winning the battle against
this No. 1 cause of freight train delays. They're
going "Roller Freight" mounting freight cars on
Timken tapered roller bearings. "Roller Freight"
speeds trains through terminals, too. You insp-xi
Timken bearings just by touching them save 90
of the time.
That's Better- ness. The result of an American
conviction that "good enough" isn't With "Roller
Freight", America's railroads will save an estimated
$224,000,000 annually. Earn 22 on their "Roller
Freight" investment. "Roller Freight" brings
Better-ness to all America by helping the railroads
speed service.
you looking for a bright future with a big and grow
ing company one that rewards ability and imagi
nation? Then send for our free booklet, "Career
Opportunities at the Timken Company". It tells
all about the fine opportunities we oner college
graduates. The Timken Roller Bearing Company,
Canton 6, Ohio,
- f ' a '
with 19 points. Hal Erickson was
high for the Grizzlies with 17.
Boilermakers Wis
Missouri made it an even split
over the weekend by dropping its
Saturday night tilt with Purdue,
The Boilermakers used 18 play
ers, 14 of whom scored, on their
way to an easy victory.
Missouri's Sonny Siebert was
high scorer with 17 points. Bill
Greve topped the Boilermakers
with 16 points.
KEEP Aim ret A
Done let that "drowsy fed.
ing" cramp your style in class
... or when you're "hitting
the books". Take a NoDo
Awakener! In a few minutes,
you'll be your oormal best . . .
wide awake . . . alert! Youf
doctor will tell fou--NoDc
Awakeners are safe as CO See.
Keep a pack handy!
15 tabbd
This is BETTEE-ness
Quality for Over 50 Yearn
1200 "0" Street
A merica in f(rr
bearing lielp you gol it