The Doily Nebroskon Wednesday, Dece mber 4, 1957 Hayloft Hop Set The second annual Hayloft Hop will be held Friday from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. in the Ag Union Gym. Anyone may attend the event. Tickets are 35 cents a person, ac cording to Angie Holbert, assistant chairman of the Ag Union Dance committee. The Rockenbach Square Dance Orchestra will provide the music. Alpha Zeta To Initiate 14 Members Drill Competition A drill competition will be held at 5 p.m., Wednesday in the Drill Hall of the Military and Naval Sci ence Building. The Fourth Battal ion drill squad has challenged the First Battalion drill squad for this event. Spectators are welcome. Cosmo Club Dr. Robert Sakai will be tho featured speaker at the Cosmo politan club meeting Wednesday. He will discuss the effects of post war developments in the Far East. Alpha Zeta, national agriculture John Weaver, former plant ecol- fraternity, will hold initiation cere monies Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Room 306 of Keim Hall. Ag College students who will be initiated include: Calvin Qualset, Kenneth Eeng, Don Silhacek, Ken neth Evans, Charles Horejsi, Don ald Von Steen, Warren Clary, Dale Behmer, Raymond DeBower, Otto Thieman, Paul Penas, Bill Spilker, Leland Wittier and Don Schick. ogist at the University, will be M made an associate member at the initiation. Weaver was selected for o associate membership for his con' I tributions to agriculture. He is known widely for his work with native grasses. Willfred Schutz, former chancel lor of the Nebraska chapter, will receive a certificate for his con' tribution to Alpha Zeta. Have a Million-Dollar Page 4 i .t 5 i - i I .1 ' wins a -vi 7 A-'! V Union Decorators Union committee members trim one of the huge trees at the annual Union Decorating Party tost year. This year's party will be held tonight In the Union at 6:30 p.m. Refresh ments and dancing will be held in the Ballroom at the conclu sion of the party. Union Xmas Decorating Party Set For Tonight The Union will hold its annual Christmas decorating party to night at 6:30 p.m., according to Bob Handy, Union Activities Di rector. Each Union committee will be In charge of decorating a room of the Union. A party for the decor ators will be held in the Ballroom after the decorating is completed. There will be dancing, and hot chocolate and cookies will be served, according to Handy. Anyone who wants to come and help out is welcome, he said. Included in the decorations will be two 20 foot tall trees, one in the Main Lounge and one in the Ballroom. The trees will be trim med with candles, wreaths, Christ mas ropes and tinsel. The Ballroom will also have two trees on the stage which will have blue backdrop painted to re semble a hymn book. Committee assignments include: Arts and Exhibits, Main Hall; Dance and Talks and Topics, Main Lounge; Film, Round-Up-Room ; General Entertainment, Parlors ABC; Public Relations, Parlors XYZ; Recreation, Outside decor ations and Front Hall; Personnel and Music, Ballroom. The Hospitality Committee will act as over-all chairman for the party. YW Position Interviews Slated Today Interviews for women students who wish information regarding professional positions in YWCA are scheduled Wednesday after noon from 2 to 5 p.m. at Rosa Bouton Hall. Carol Dean, executive director of Lincoln YWCA, and Betty Wil son, executive director of the Uni versity YWCA, will take charge of the interviews. The National YWCA needs 1,000 new professional staff members in order to meet the demands of ex pansion within the next three years. Health and Physical Education Directors are the organizations biggest need. The YWCA also has openings for Young Adult Direc tors, for Teen-Age Directors and some Executive Directors. GOLLY HOW YOU'LL LOVE . . . "APRIL LOVE" IT'S THE KIND-O-MOVE THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO GOOD JUST LIKE LITTLE OLD "TAMMY" DID! GET YOUR SHARE OF HAPPINESS TODAY1 f T" ) $. DELUXE J You'll Agi With th Tcan oar...Pat la 111 most! Shirley ia the Heart-Throb of Tery Hed Blood American Youth . . . Wotta Lirin' Doll! A Campus-to-Career Case History 1f!f M il lliliiifei ;;::v:;r:S:':I.':p::2f: .-.t.'xi "I looked at all the angles" Howard R. Winter, B.B.A., Texas A. & M., '51, is now a Commercial Manager with Southwestern Bell Tele phone Company in Houston, Texas, lie's in charge of 30,000 telephone accounts and a staff of 36 people. Howard's interest in a telephone career dates from his first interview with a telephone company representa tive. 'I looked at all the angles," he says. "We discussed pay and chances for advancement, which looked excel lent because of the rapid growth of the Bell System. We talked about many different kinds of work, and about what would be expected of me." After receiving his degree in busi ness administration, Howard joined Southwestern Bell's Commercial De partment. "It was natural for me," he says. "I have a business background, 1 like to sell and make contacts. "My training gave me a really solid foundation in the business. Two years in the Army interrupted it, by the way, but the two years were credited to my telephone company records and count toward all benefits. After I'd returned and finished my training, I was made a business office supervisor. And since February, 1956, I've been a Com mercial Manager in Houston. Each assignment I've had has been a real challenge and has presented a tre mendous opportunity to contribute to and advance in the business." Be sure to investigate the career opportunities for you in the 17 Bell Telephone Companies serving all 48 states. On your campus the local company represents the others. For more information about these career opportunities, read the Bell Telephone booklet on file in your Place ment Office, or write for "Challenge and Opportunity'" to: College Employment Supervisor, American Telephone and Telegraph Co., 193 Broadway, New York 7, New York. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES ' ' iA i toys ....... draped in this CHRISTMAS I Now. . . tha figura you'T a 1 w a y wonted . . guar anteed at Silhou ette! Spot deducing, slenderizing and su pervised programs lor weight gaining arranged for your convenience. Free private figure anal ysis and trial treat ment ... no obliga tion, ever. Pre-Christmos SPECIAL! First 25 Who Enroll Today Only month For a Course In dividually Designed for YOU! 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Do you choose your brand of cigarettes because of the package, rather than what's inside? 4. Do you agree that "The hand that rocks the cradle it the hand that rules the world"? 5. Do you look upon the sports car craze as kid stuff?. 6. Do you consider puns the lowest form of humor? 7. Do you disagree with this statement "The best tobacco makes the best smoke"? 8. Do you think TV will ever replace bundling as an indoor sport? .. YIS NO WIN $25 CASH I Dream up your own questions for future "Personality Power" quizzes. We'll pay $25 for each question used in this college ad cam paign. Send questions with name, address, f college and class to : e Camel Quiz, Box 1935. Zr& Grand Central Station, New York 17, N.Y. m Tf jTir B. I. Btriwlae Tobacco Conipenr. WllubM-SsliB. M. O. If you answered "No" to all questions, you obvi ously smoke Camels a real cigarette. Only 6 or 7 "No" answers mean you better get onto Camels fast. Fewer than 6 "No's" and it really doesn't matter what you smoke. Anything's good enough ! But if you want to enjoy smoking as never be fore, switch to Camels. You'll find nothing else tastes so rich, smokes so good and mild. Could be that's why more people today smoke Camels than any other cigarette. Love that Camel! Have a real cigarette - have a Roseweli's Predicts -This years Military Ball promises to be different and Best Ever. For Corsages Designed with that Extra Special Air of Care Drop in or call and choose from our complete selection. Priced reasonably and delivered promptly. , , . It's well to order early. It ROSEWELLS our College Florist 133 So. 13th Ph. 2-5508