The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1957, Image 1

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    Discussion Of Russian Trip
Planned By Mrs. Roosevelt
c.canar Kooseveit will
speak at an all-University convo
cation at 9 a.m. Wednesday in the
Union Ballroom, according to
Brent Chamberlain, Union Publi
city chairman.
pious mj opcas 01 ner recent
trip to Russia where she spoke
Conteo Sodw Journal ud Sar
Mr. Roosevelt
With Nikita Khrushchev
and of
the world situation.
Classes will not be officially dis
missed for the convocation.
Mrs. Roosevelt will also be guest
. V..,,.- - - -1 J J . f
mam b a vimcvt iuxr a k o
Ag Banquet
To Honor j
Filley, Keim
Two former Ag College faculty
members will be honored by the
Nebraska Hall of Agricultural
Achievement at a banquet Friday
t 6:30 p.m. in the Union.
Dr. Clyde Filley, chairman of
the Agricultural Economics de-pa.-tnsera
for 35 years, and F. D.
Keim, former chairman of t h e
Agrorwr.y department, will be
Former IX. Governor Charles
Wsmer, also will be recogr.ized.
Ke.m a.-vi Warner will be recog
tized in memorlam. j
The ever, ss open to all Liter-
es-.ed persjr. Ou Lieiers. presi-1
dett of the orgarizatior.. said. Res
er.atior.s for the dinner should be
made with A. W. Epp. associate
professor of agricultural econom- j
ks, by Tueaday.
Studf-at Direciories win be mi
! (be Vnioa from J U 11
a.m. and from Z to 4 p.m. todav
thrMgk Thorsday. arrarding to
Salfy Flanagan, cfaainnaa f tbe
Builders' Student Directory Com
mittee. Tbe directory contain facul
ty, student, arganized hooset and
darmitorr lwt. pastors and re
liguNic bousrt, building abbre
viations, s t ad e a t organiza
tion nanw-s and library boars.
Miks Flanagan noted that only
1500 directories are available
for sale.
Audubon Tour
Of Puerto Rico
Set For Friday
The eoond of four Audubon
Screen Tours will be held Fri
day at Love Library auditorium
at 4 p.m. and p.m.
The program consists of a color
motion picture tour of the natx-al
history of Puerto Rico.
Wikiliie captured n the film ia
cluae tropical fish, colorful w
scts, and rare Puerto Rican par
rots. The public is icvited.
Nebraska Author:
Red Cloud Establishes Memorial For
Special Writer j
A famous University graduate is
being remembered by the town
which served as the tting for
some of ber best-known novels and
siwrt stories.
A group of Red Cloud residents
Cather Home
This was the Cather family
borne in Bed Cloud from 1884
. wj v i 4 2. .r , f r" ; L.-
v"i in - I
w 1 i t
... "' "
in uni iiiiimiiiin'"'!" '-ii'ii'!"' rinftrii iWnMin "rm- hi nu mn r iw iiirriiKiiiiiiifriiniim laiitniiir-nn iTi-ifiiifiii"iiiiiii inn- r Tmwiiwm wmmirrii rfrm iwnmiiiw
p.m. tonight in Parlors X, Y and
A panel discussion at 8 p.m. to
night will be held in the Union
Ballroom, and anyone may attend.
iThe Dane members and their ton-
ics are Mrs,
Roosevelt, "United
' Nations
Meets the Challenge;" session of the General Assembly,
members: Dr. Knute!She continued in that post until
Broady, "American Attitudes"; i 1952.
Dr. B. N. Greenberg, "Stature of Throughout her service with the
Sonet Union" and junior Dick ; VS, Mrs. Roosevelt served as the
Shugrue, "The Student Role." jUS Representative on the Tbird
Also Wednesday there will be a Committee of the General Assem
press convention from 5 p.m. to , bly the Committee on Social, Ha
5:45 p.m. Only one representative manitarian and Cultural Ques
from each newspaper will be al-,tkns. She also was the United
lowed to attend. ! States Member and Chairman of
When Mrs. Roosevelt resigned , the Commission on Human Rights
her post as delegate to the United during April and May of 1946.
Nations General Assembly in 1932.1 She was the U.S. Member of the
she decided to devote herself to Commission on Human Rights
gaining understanding for the UN; from its inception until 1951 she
in the United States. At that time, served as Chairman of the Corn
she became a volunteer for the mission.
American Assn. for the United Mrs. Roosevelt was bom in New
Nations, a nonpartisan organiza-j York City, Oct. 11, 1884, the daugn-
uon which seeks to build an in-
formed citizenry for the UN in the
United States
R,TvVe'l fferS- 3
great deal of her time to expansion
and field work for the Assn. The
great majority of Americans be-
lieve in the UN effort to achieve a
peacful world and Mrs. Roose-
velt feels that we cannot afford
to let this confidence become im-
Instead she wants the UN to
. .
- --o
ire aod more support and
from America's thinking
gain nxH
, oi i.uiu A.nn ita uiuuLu.K
people in these critical times. ,
Mrs. Roosevelt has been a mem-
ber of the AAUN's Executive Com-
mittee for several vears and now
is Chairman of its Board of Gov
ernors. As
f u tj,-j -t
w(uu.uau vi wo.u v.
Governors. Mrs. Roosevelt sends
out a newsletter informing AAUN
Coonw Similar Journal Star
Dies Here
Rooert Devoe, nowd Lincoln at
torney and former member of the
Board of Regents, died Saturday
at tbe age of 75.
He served as a member of tbe
j Board of Regents from 1937 to
! 1955, a period of 18 years and was
president of the board three times.
S Mr. Devoe graduated from the
' University in 1909 and was a roern
! ber of Theta Kappa Nu and a
I member of the Innocents Society,
j Ee was also a past president of
, the state bar association and a
past chairman of the Republican
State Central Committee.
In an editorial Mondav. the Lin
coin Journal commented that, "In
tbe death of Robert Devoe, the
state kwt a public servant and
the University lost a frierd.
Though bis civic interests were
many, be will long be remem-
bered for his devotion to bis alma
"His influence reached beyond ;
the state when he served as fed-
eral food administrator during;
World War I. He leaves behind :
. -y
him a worthy memorial in his Members leaving at 4 will see only ism, State University of Iowa, lo
public works." j the program production. . wa City, Iowa.
and persons across the nation in-:
terested in the works of W 1 1 1 a
Cather have established a memo-;
rial museum in her honor. ,
The Willa Cather Pioneer Me-!
morial at Red Cloud, non-profit
organiiation incorporated
in March, 1955, is dedicated to the i
1,tA 4n thm
to 1904. Miss Catber described
tbe bouse, ar parts f It, ia
members of the latest achieve
ments and techniques used by olh
er chapters throughout the nation
Mrs. Roosevelt was officially as
sociated witb the UN since she
went" to London as US Delegate
I to the first part of the first regular
ter of Elliott
and Anna (Hall)
Roosevelt. She married Franks ;the honor are Miss A Reba
Delano Roosevelt on March 17, j jrjnne. Alisg Navy, Nadine Calvin,
Und Miss Air Force, Anne Rey!
For many years she has beeninoids
active in educational, sociological ! wMc . .
and political affairs. She was fi- ReWs' m
nance chairman of the Women's Teachers colkge and social chair-
D;Vjon of the Xew york Demo . mmet Chi Omega was a finalist
i ghe worked m-th the Democrat
v,w,,i - r. L
Aaiionai campaign tximmiuee iai
m as a member of the Advisory
Committee in charge of women's'
'f O"
rommittee in rharpe
activities. In the early part of the
war she was an assistant Director
nf the O-'fire of Ci-i'.ian Defend i
she is the author of nimeroiis
books and papers. She writes a
dailv column and conducts a oues-
unn sna answer uase in aicli s
Magazine once a mod'-h.
Two NU Honoraries
Teaching Certificate
Two University honorary fra:er-1
nities. Phi Alpha The la (history)
and Pi S:gma Alpha political sci-
ence) have issued a joint reso'u-1
j tion supporting the proposal made
. by 11 University professors calling
1 lor cnar.ges in stale leacners ccr-
j The resolution stated that "arter
: detailed discussion" the two
groups '"have agreed to support
' the educational changes recom-
j mended by tbe eleven University
I professors."
It recommended "that favorable ;
action be taken by the appropriate ;
J authorities tjon the six proposi-
Hons set forth by tbe eleven Uni-
veri;.y p.ojrwjr rgaijjB
demic standards and teacher cer
tification." "The members of both societies
believe that the changes recom-:
mended by the professors are
sound in general principle and;
that thev are well calculated to
improve 'the quality of secondary
teaching in compliance with the "
statement on education made ly
the President of the United
States." the resolution continued,
The sir nmnritiiians were issued
by professors Cromwell Basoco, in educational public relations, one Recognize tsachir.g done by
. Chasson, G-liland, Jorgensen, Mil- offers specialized work in sports undergraduate and graduate as
. kr, Olvm. Pheiler, Raysor, Sell- publicity and one provides experi-; sist2nts in the subject-matter de-
ers. and Carter. ence in magazine writing and ky- partmer-ts as meeting the requL-e-
Chanceor Hardir.'s proposal out. , mens for practice teaching.
that faculty representat ves be Approximately $9,000 is available "5 Grant credit toward prof es-
named to a committee to study the fa graduate appointments during ; s,oniI e' requirements for
! ...... .-n-ir,'inn r. ., ..j. . - . i iri-sjrfricp teaching under 2Tnroved
F-",u"5 1 6-' -"s "'-"- "
, teachers v as approvea on -ov.
25 by toe Board of Regent.
Home Economics
d I The assistants will be closely as
UO TO I Q KG TOUT sociated with classroom teaching
The Home Ec Club will take a
tour of Television Station KOLN-
XV Taursoay, accoramg to ratsy
Kaufman, publicity chairman
Cars will leave the Home Ec
Building on Ag Campus at 3:30
p.m. and 4 p.m., Kiss Kaufman
Home Ec Club members leaving
at 3.JV p.m. 'iJ te taiien on a
tour and see the production of a
TV program, Ifiss Kaufman said.
fulfillment of these aims: j
L To perpetuate an interest
throughout the world in tbe work
oT Wiila Cather. j
2. To identL'y and restore to ;
their original condition places
made famous by the writings of
" "
Willa Cather.
"Song of the Lark" and several
of ber sb'rt stories.
Vol. 32 No. 42
SUff Writer
It's Saturday night.
The music fills the air.
And hundreds of couples will
file onto the dance floor as the
45th annual Military Ball begins.
And at 9:30 Saturday evening
the Queen of the 1957 Military Ball
will be revealed and crowned by
Gov. Victor Anderson.
riniiet in r,; f
in 1956.
Miss CaMn U " junior in the
College of Agriculture, a member
of Alpha Lambda Delta- Newman
aub and Tassels. She was a final-
ist or 1957 Homecoming Queen.
A junior in Teachers College.
Miss Kinne, is a member of Chi
Omega, Coed Counselors, Associ-
ated Women Students. Sigma Al-
pha Iota and University singers.!
T-.n.:. .u.
rujuiuK ujc wiuna.iuu uuccu
will begin ber reign over the ball
E. R. Allison, graduate student
in poliucal science, secretary of
Pi Sigma Alpha and spokesman
for the two honoraries stated Man-'
day that he persona. .y felt the J have completed the courses in ed
metbod used by the eleven pro-; ucation as required by law and
l:a w iijc uku il uja
was a good poetical move.
'In order to secure the changes
proposed a great deal of public '
support will have to be rallied," ;
Allison commented.
The six proposition recommend-
ed by the 11 professors include:
"1 Transfer the certifying aa-1
m m
The State University of Iowa is
offering four internships and 20 to
25 appointments to graduate stj-
dents in the School of Journalism. :
xhe interns will receive $120 per '
month, plus remission of fees. Two'
of the intemshins offer experience
tae acaoemic year, a qaar- j
ter-time assistant will receive a
isti3end of $540 or $430. The erant r
wis also cover
i charges.
tuition and lei ,
'ith su practical working
laboratories as those devoted to
- B. r..r-J
teievision, advertising, etc,
!jr w!ormaton concerning the
internships write James Jordan,
"sector oi university Keiaaoas,
State University of Iowa, Iowa
City, Iowa.
par information on the assmt-
tships write prof. Leshe Moei-
, Director, School of Journal-
VJilla Cather
3. To provide for WiHa Cather j
, living memorial in the form of
anj literary scholarships,
To bondln. j
gurance pmu.
. an coJ
... ,; th lif, t-
and work of Willa Cather,
cather. Per-
iilmprnii r.
Hundreds of Willa
sonal things and numerous ar-
tides associated with pioneer life
which Miss Cather described in i
ber books are on display in her!
home on Red Clouds main street, i
Expansion of the museum it ud- ,
way, ui VUfa Vi. lt 111 litoiCB
of 100,000 or more who collect $75 '
will be granted membership chart-
They must hold regular meetings
at which they discuss the works
of Willa Cather. In addition, they
must raise $2,500, $2,000 of which
goes to the museum in Eed Cloud.
The remaining $500 stays in tbe
local unit's treasury. Two of these
cosieties are in the process of be
ing organized one in Pittsburgh
and one in Portland, Ore.
Individual membership m
the ;
Red Cloud organization costs $75. j at tbe various hospitals in Lincoln. Weddings planned for Christmas
Royalties from Mrs. Benett's j Students who are interested in holidays will increase the enroll
latest book, "Early Stories of Willa , the course should contact Kay ment of married students at the
Cather," go to the museum fund. Kxueger, Red Cross president, j University for second semester.
V IfflMI
i and will lead the grand march.
Emerging in its 45th year, the
ball will have the color and ex-
citement of a Hollywood premiere,
Miss Kinne
the noma and circumstance of a
rovaj coronation.
i iae oau is io dc we oiaciai
opening of the University's social
thority from Teachers College to
the Office of Regisa-atkra and Rec-
ords. which would recommend for
certification those students who
;jo nave utrca aprvcu uy uie .
pertinent subject-matter depart
ments of the various colleges.
"2 1 Abolish the system of dual
matriculation in the University of
Nebraska. This cumbersome pro-
cedure has discouraged students !
from selecting teaching as a ca-;
reer. and would be
it tne aDCive recommencaEon were
"31 Ask that the Nebraska State
Legislature lower the number of
professional education courses re.
Lhe NorCenS Aiauf. In'
this new era we are entering, the
various fields are becoming so
complex that more and more time
is required for their mastery. (The
Teachers Colleg e new requires 20
hours of professional courses, since
the course in practice teachir.g !
changed from three to five
hours of cred.t).
. . - r' j
:?" uwn .c.j.
faclJtje vt inadequate lor prac
"6 As an 'emergency measure,
encourage the certifying authority
to make it possible for people qual-
in hf with.
ified in subject matter, but witb-:
out tbe requisite number of hours
in professional education, to teach
under temporary permits.
Dean of Teachers College, Frank
Henzlick, and Chancellor Hardin
couid reacaed
for com-
Gallery Lecture
Schedule Chanqed
, ,
Two changes have been made
in the schedule of events for the
University Art Galleries.
The gallery lecture by John An
ton, professor of philosophy, on
"Modem Art and Modern Mind,"
set originally for Dec. 3, has been
cb?need to Jan. 7.
Poetry readinr by Dr. James i
Miller and Karl Shapiro, profes- i
ort of EnKluin. scheduled ongi-
naUy lor uec. ib, nas oeen i
changed to Jan 14,
University Students Divulge
Varecf Opinons On Marriage
Staff Reporter
Karnage 8110 suljes auu 1 nuT" (
cording to some University stu-
otherf iVt ercat
Others say it's a
There are 910 married students j
at the University which express
two to
Nurse's Aid Course
A nurse's aid course for Uni
versity students is going to be of
fered by tbe Lancaster Red Cross j
Unit. j
The course will consist of ap- j
proximately 10 hours of training, j
given in two hour sessions. Stu- j
dents completing the course will t
he Qualified to act as nurse's aides ,
! season and will be televised from
9:30 to 10:30 on KOLN-TV.
j The event will be held for the
first time at the Pershing Munici -
Miss Reynolds
! Pal Auditorium and will provide
! ample room for spectators interest-
e - """-
""""p iur uk aurunS
skirts and dark, glimmering tux-
edoes, the auditorium will be
draped with red, white and blue
bunting, with a red carpet extend-
ing down the center of the floor.
Ringing the ballroom will be
small tables, each with its own
! lamp and floral decoration.
Greeting the dignitaries, guests,
and students, at the main entrance
i. i
will be another trapping of the The five featured acts are
Hollywood premiere two search- "Dance of India," "Common
lights which will sweep the sky wealth Calyyso Singers, "Philip
as a salute. pine Bamboo Dance," "Coedi
The pomp and circumstance will Trio," and a Latvian dance group.
University To Host
Science Institute
In an effori to strengthen sci-
' ence and mathematics teaching in
: Nebraska high schools, the Uni-
1 1
in-t.ic juu iiu. au
penses to attend the eight-week
program from June 1 to Aug. l.
Funds for the institute will be .
provided from a $25,600 grant by
tbe National S:ience Foundation.
Dean Walter Militzer of tae Col-:
( ' S-ecial courses
will be offered to those teachers
who have only beginning prepara
tion in chemistry, physics, biology
i and mathematics.
Dr. Militzer said teachers will
1 also be able to take advanced sci
: ence courses offered in the regu
' lar summer session program.
Tbe Arts and Sciences Dean
said the institute was planned be-
; cause "many of Nebraska's weu-
! frai3ed tabers have left
; tbe f niuch of the in-1
: v- --i - ,
schools, has been carried on by.
teachers inadequately trained
subject matter."
"We hope that this institute will
be a partial answer to improving
present science teaching Nebraska
high schools," Dr. Militzer said.
Institute courses will i n c 1 u de:
physics, chemistry and biology
laboratory workshops and the his
tory of science.
Summer sessions couises avail
able to institute participants will
include: second year general
1 chemistry, advanced college alge
bra, advanced Euclidean geome
try, modem physics, animal life
of the Great Plains and other ad-
vanced courses in all scientific
Dr. Militzer said that the iristi-
tue is a logical sequence to the
Science Teaching Improvement
j program now in operation in e-
orasta. inis program, liiiaiucu uy
! tbe American Association for the
Tbe senior class has 210 married
members which is 23 per cent of
"I,c iUC "vc'
ages 16 per cent, sophomores. 11
per cent, and freshman, nine per
Majority of these students are
veterans. Becoming re-acquainted
witb studying and school routine
was their biggest problem.
Other students believe college
marriage is a good idea if you
can work out a satisfactory finan
cial arrangement and still have
free time for each other.
Part-time employment has
helped some couples overcome the
financial burden. Both husband and
wife hold part-time jobs but don't
allow work to interfere with stud-
Tuesday, December 3, 1 957
R n
i come from the crowning of tht
queen in a modern-day coronation
j ceremony.
1 An added feature this year will
Miss Calvin
be the individual introductions of
senior R0TC students and their
nrmy nun, oa p.aaacu a pc-
cial program under the theme of
"We Serve Around the World,"
which will be presented during
intermission. Students dressed in
native costumes from countries
over the world where the armed
; forces serve will portray signifi-
cant aspects of life in these foreign
Advancement of Science, sends out
two science counselors to w o r k
j with high school science and math-
' A teacher must have at least
: J of college work in one
o sciences taugnt in oraer
to be eligible for selection as a
participant in the institute.
Tne selection committee which
will screen applicants includes:
Dr. Milton Beckmarm, mathemat
ics education; Dr. Robert Chas-
I Dr. Carl Georgi, bac
teriology; Dr. William L e a t i tt,
mathematics; Dr. Harold Manter,
zoology; Dr. James Rutledge, sci
ence education; Dr. E. Roger
Washburn, chemistry; Dr. Harry
Weaver, botany; Dr. Harold Wise,
j science education; Dean Militzer,
chemistry, and Dr. Walter Wright,
Tryouts will be held Tuesday
afternoon and evening (3 p.m. to
5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.) and
Wednesday afternoon from 3
p.m. to 5 p.m. for University
Theatre's next set of student
directed Laboratory Theatre
The plays in the series are
"Gigi," a French comedy which
was a hit on Broadway some
yea's ago; ''Waiting for Godot,"
the most controversial play to
show in New York, for many
years and "Murder in the Ca
thedral," T. S. Eliot's poetic
drama on the eath of Thomas
A. Becket.
Directors for the plays wI3 be
Stephaney Sherdenian, Bona T
bo and Steve Schultz.
AH three directors have eia
ptiasised that no previous the
atrical experience is necessary
and that the Laboratory d thea
tre productions are among the
best ways to introduce oaeweSi
to University Jtheatre.
Bridge Lessons
To Resume Today
Union bridge lessons will resume
at 4 p.m. today in room 315, ac
cording to Suzi Douglas, activities
committee member.
Lessons will also be held on Doc.
10 and 17.
The lessons are for anyone In
terested in learning tbe fine point
of the game. Tbe instruction will
also prepare players for tbe In-t'a-Campus
Tournament to be beid
Dec. 14, in which all organized
bouses may compete.
A weekly American Contract
Bridge Tournament is held each
Friday, in Parlor A of the Uakw
7 P-m.