The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 26, 1957, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Tuesdoy, November 26. 1957
On The Soda! Side:
Pfe-Holidav EvenH IhU
f - w . r W a M
The Doify Nebroskon
By HTW SMmiRFitr.rii
Social Editor
Aa engagement and four pin
ftici! re announced on the Uni
versity campus Monday night in
prelude to vacation time.
Another Monday night social
highlight was the 21st annual sifter-daughter
Thanksgiving banquet
t the Delta Cpsilon fraternity.
Delta Delta Delta, meanwhile,
observed its annua Founders Day
celebration with more than 40
lumni taking pari in the cere
mony. A highlight of the meeting
.iuxiie-ugni ceremony in
bonor of the Tri Delt founders.
The Kappa Chapter of Delta
IelU Delta was founded at Ne
braska in 1894 and has annuE
observed Founders Day sine then,
ttonna Sawvell is chapter presi
dent and Mrs. Robert Diers of
Lincoln is alumni president.
Among weekend social events
as the Delta Sigma Phi Apache'
BalL Prizes were awarded to Don
Sorenson and Jane Conger for the
best costumes.
Evelyn Casson from Council
Bluffs. la., to Richard Wild, a
Theta Xi freshman in Engineering
irum ijncoin.
Joyce Evans, an Alpha Xi junior
in Home Economics from Arapa
hoe, to Jack Xorris, an Alpha
Gammo Rho senior in Agriculture
from Weepine Water.
Sally Barnes, an Alpha Xi Del
ta sophomore in Teachers from
Grand Island, to Jim Jaeger, a
Kappa Sigma sophomore in Busi
ness Administration from Grand
Virginia Turchea, a Residence
Halls of Women sophomore in
Teachers College from Sioux
Falls, S.D., to Marshall Becker.
Sigma Alpha Mn senior in law
from Omaha. !
Outside World
Changes Sex
Frank Uttle, a 40-year old scientist who heads a naval electronics
research team, told a press conference in Scotland that his sex is
changing but he will still keep his job and live with his wife "as a
Little told reporter that, ir jrrT.r Vanr : i.;-. i
tod phsyeological systems he has felt "terribly unhappy" as a man
lor the past few years.
Mrs. Little told newsmen that she uelieved "we can keep our
come a happy one for all of us."
Scientists Warns
Into th n Americai1 scientist told a Senate committee inquiring
4 v j , piuerdm inai itussia wiu leave us far behind"
est tf mrat 01 BUClear 'eapQns ' we otinue at our pres-
w 3T" Edwar(TeIler. expert on nuclear weapons, was the open
ing witness in the Senate inquiry Monday.
Police To Reorganize
nfcS ?itJ Cmri hM giVn UnC0ln Pohee Apartment per
braon to reorganize its staff organization to couteract high person
nel turnover and other problems. pwon-
I- VJiTf f unrted Dirrtor of Public Welfare and Safe
davs nd Police Chief Joe Carroll to report within 30
das on the progress being made on the reorganization.
Carpenter Criticizes
.SliterfSfn"t7" TKTy CarPem'er SeotUMuff opened a tfcree-dav'
session of tu hearings Monday in Grand Island bv blasting state!
ments issued by Hall County Assessor Charles Tillman J
.l7fv V X atements made by Tillman that he pre
sumed the tax hearings would be closed sessions
ronT5 he objerted to Tinman's presump
tion that the meetings were being held to give a "secret quiz "
4 1
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t t 1 1
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Pooe 3
Former Editor Russian Language
Of Nshmtlenn Cicssss StiI1 Pen
I .
GVen Granf
j Bruce Brugmann, former Uni
jversiry student, has been awarded
the 1S57 Gilbert Hitchcock Scholar
ship for study at the Graduate
School of Journalism of Columbia
tmversitv, ac-
I cording to Ed
aru Darren.
dean of the
scholar ship
was estab-
i h sbed in 1934
by Mrs. Gil
bert Hitchcock
of Washington,
D.C., as a me-
Instruction in Russian languagt
is available to any student want
ing to take the course, according
to a survey taken by the Lincoln
Evenirg Journal.
The university has offered tha
course for 10 or 12 years but the
present semester is the first dur
ing which the course has not been
j A lack of interested students
this semester caused it to bt
i dropped. However Valentine Su-
pruTiowicz. who teaches the course
: stid the university will again offer
the course next fall.
Landmark, Barracks To Fall
& T1 j
A 1 nivrrsitr landmark nl
four temporary ctrortures will
be razed this summer under
authorization granted by (be
Board of Regents Saturday. The
buildings are : EDei Smith Hall
'top). Regents Bookstore OMttom
left). Student Health infirmary
(bottom light). Temporary C lo
cated north of toe Architectural
hall and bousing the phsyiolwry
department which will move to
Cmnmy Ltncota Star
Lymaa HalL and Temporary A
ov the mall now housing the Uni
versity couBseling errice, which
win move into toe new admini
stratioa building.
Pi Lambda Thefa Chapter
Initiates 55 New Members
Livestock Judging
Trip Scheduled
YWCA Positions
Filingf for VWCA executive of
ficer wfll open Dec. t and elose
Dec. , according to Sally Flan
Bigas, publicity chairman. Can
didates for president, vice pres
ident, secretary, treasurer. Stu
dent Council representative and
district representative will be
elected by special interview.
Election are ccbeduled for Jan.
Colin Jackson
A farmer visiting lecturer of
piitiUtCU fill v cj aitj , ,
i. , ... ... . r maic had broken. Th vorV
c-onn jaceson, void b mwiuig u: WM v, . , , : .
main couldn't possibly be fixed
that day, they never worked on
Sunday for &Dy possible reason.
ana n uiey were lucky it might
be possible to have it fixed by
Monday night.
T h re e days without water
eeeired like an endless time.
The Pi Phis even considered
leaving for Thanksgiving vaca
tion a few days early due to the
water crisn.
But thanks to the Sigma Delta
Tau and Gamm Phis, the 2irk
were able to use their water
and plumbing facilities.
So, if anj'one rums into a girl
with her tooth brush, towel and
wash cloth, wandering around
campus will immediately rea-
iuk iiie ie just a poor Pi Phi in
search of cool, clear water.
! Water!
j Sorority
Staff Writer
Water, water everywhere, but
not a drop in the Pi Phi house!
The Pi phis had an unusual
excuse for -wt taking their Sat
urday night baths this weekend
for not an ounce of water could
be found in the whole house.
Srturday morning the girls
S'A akened to the sound of work
men j) the street, onlv to find
J,: At. .
-luring nigni, their wa-
m.-. -r: a. .....
Pi Lambda Theta. honar.rv, c. 1 JT 'TT?.
,. ... - "t' jiiuurun, Jvaua-, iaiu tiu compel miin teams irom
teaching fratemitv. initiated 55 !;n.. ir. t-.. u...... . .
- --(-.- wr--.w. 11; uikvv el t v , . uj-u vcjsjljcs a.i int annual On-
new members at its meeting last ; Elaae Untemeher. Phyllis Wi'l- cago International Livest-ock Ex-
-j. -uamson. Marv L.OU Wilson, iVKitmn atiiTrlsiiT rv;
j ui itioeiw. nrniin. uean oj reacD
ers College, spoke on the recent
controversy over teachers certifi
The following are the new ini
tiates: Patricia Allis, Sherry Arm
strong, Mary Janet Bergquist
Carolyn Boesier. Darothv
monal to her late husband, form
er United States Senator from Ne
braska and founder and
of the Omaha Wsrld-HfraW
The scholarshin is awarrW
year to a resident of Nebraska
or a graduate of a Nebraska col-
Brugmann, 22, was born at Hull,
Iowa. He was graduated from the
University of Nebraska in 1957
with a B. A. degree.
He majored in EngLsh and
During successive semesters at
the University. Bruemann
on the staff of The Nebraskan as
reporter, exchange editor, rrmv Al
itor, sports editor, editorial page
editor and editor.
During bis tenure as editor and :
editorial page editor, The Nebras-j
kan received two All-A
Honor Eatings from the Associated
collegiate Press.
In his senior year at Nebraska,
be also served as a reporter on
the staff of the Lincoln Star.
You'll Say
Vhy Don't Tkey
Mcke More Delight
ful Comedies Like
Tiss Them
For Me!"..
jp w
. wow
Want Ads
T Quia.
room Tto teds.
13 i fs.r n . I Team members include Arthur
DO CJrd KjX KeqentS A"a:bru.t, narrel Eoerspacher,
. ! Larry Engler, Alan McTlure, Den-i
Okays Farm Sale 'f Sedlai Paul Yeuttr.
Saturdav arrarpved the s1p nf s 1 l .
, , i -r. - t I I , - j.u.itu, n-iii accompany tne group.
Carl 240-acre Dawson C.ounrr farm f- i . . . 6 y
SJan Carlson. Judy Chapman, Sber-' the price of ttlS.000 "to Robert' Afa3fer Nebraska has
ry Oendenny, Judy Combs, Nan- Geiger, present tenant on the;!, i f8 v Dteft 't1
cy opeland. farm. r " UCJQ a!XWi a
Mary DeMars. Barbara Erich.: The farm is part of the Frances ! ' 1
son, Saraiean Flanagan. Sandna cv,dm .x..-.u i ... . i
ie construe- I
j Dr. Robert Sakai will speak to
; the Cosmopolitan Club at their
j meeting Wednesday. He will dis
icuss the effect of sost-war rio.
toeu, rrances Gourlay, S n s a n to the University for the construc
Gritemacher. Myrna Grunwald, I of an art gallery.
Sarah Hancock, Sara Hubka Myr-J Mr. Geiger offered a bid of 450
na -Hunger, Joanne IvandH, Elean per acre far 80 acres ffld 93 75
or Jensen, Frances Jensen, Gwen acre for &e remainin m
KltmSt- w acres.
rSnt?8 Ug6, E1e: The fara k fcwwn as e "Fan
Krante, Mariene Kuhlman. Son- me plaee -
dra Lee. Jan Lichtenberger, Shar i
on McDonald, Jan McReynolds.
;joj-ce Magidson. Bonita Mallette.
i Joyce Mason, Jacqueline Miller,
Ann Minnick, Barbara Nesmith.
j Jan Noel, Carolyn Novotny, Bev
erly Owens, Jeanette Prince, Jean
; Rademacher, Judy Ramey, Susan
Rhodes, Paula Roehrk asses, Mil-
dred Ross, Yvonne Ross, Joy
School Service
liartiitoiistwd 191 eerrtae tiw M
ourl ValJfy to the Weit Coam
SK SUM BMK. LtetMtB . jfefer.
BOO Air ROTC cadets here that un
less the defense command of
E-irope is revamped in the next
three years, and unless the con
tinental defense command of the
United States is revamped in the ;
next five years, the safety of these :
defenses will be in great danger.
Jackson, who is at present a
commentator for the EEC and a
lecturer at Oxford University, re-1
cen'Jy toured the Middle East of
vhich he made this comment:
"People confuse Arab nationalism, !
vrhicb Russia has been exploiting, I
with Communism.' I
Reports of the spread of Com
munism in that area have been
exaggerated, be said. ;
PrnHp facine NATO in estab-:
lithing an intermediate missile de
fense in Europe within three years
would be:
France would object to giving
the U.S. control of missiles in
their country and Norway would
object to missile stations in Ger
many. Congret undoubtedly would
object to the U.S. sharing missile
secrets with Europe.
At'rot From Sigma Haute
tlZ tor 3 mo. fit for 6 mo.
Contort Bill Gromlick
' 1 Mi. twin
hm&x $, )
VkH N .J" 41,'' 1
DOLORES ziHUfT061"' L.- I
mm i
i UMlkvii i
f I ' I V j! ROGERS end MART
f ;N I A 5 ? ti.m:s
' A I I W J "Bitched, Bothered
J 3 I f d Bewildered"
I I jl "The Ldr I A Trump"
velopments in the Far East.
Business planned includes the
revision of the constitution and the
election of a new vice-president
Design Investigation
Construction of
Roods-Bridges Se wen
Storm Drains Jfydrcuk
Structures Suildincs
Wtrter Worb "
Jee the Represent of we of ih
Engineering Recruitment Service
On this Campus January 8
Our Wt bur is on file in your Placement Office
Ewer meet a fanatic?
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ing, professional associates -things fanatics
never bother to consider.
The Bell Telephone Companies have a book
let for reasonable men. It's called "Challenge
and Opportunity." It's not the sort of thing
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