Tuesday. November 26, 1957 Pooe 2 The Dailv Nebrcskon i . i - 'J Editorial Comment A New Approach Campus Green Americans have had a tendency to underrate Thanksgiving in the past few years. It's question of the holiday's having devel oped into an annual bacchanal far many Ameri cans. The "new tradition" of Thanksgiving lends itself comfortably to the style of living Ameri cans have become accustomed to. Now on Thanksgiving morn the head of the bouse gets up about nine in time to have a big breakfast and then greet the neighbors with a glass. Following the reception, papa goes to ..the locker again and refills his glass, helps mamma stuff the bird and watches the tele vision until it's time for the feast. Now in general there is no objection to the idea that Thanksgiving is a time to relax, a time to get away from the routine of the office, a time to enjoy oneself to the fullest. What Americans have shied away from is the notion of the real meaning of the feast day. Originally, as we well remember. Thanksgiving was a time when the people of the land offered thanks to God for the good crop, for the safe keeping, for the power to withstand the Indians - through the summer months. But since the American people have become so self sufficient and have just ab?ut perfected the means to the "good life" the true nature of the feast is forgatten in the revelry of the day. This complacent society strikes the opposite view from that society which valued the mean ing of a sufficient meal. We have a definite urge to criticize our shortcomings rather than to thank God for the more than bountiful bless ings heaped on us. It is indeed an unusual turn of events for Americans. Rather than list the advantages which Harm Americanus has, we would like to think ths average man would like to take the initiative to count for himself the blessings which he, individually, has been handed over the year. Maybe the real meaning of Thanksgiving lies in the thought that men so taken up with the chores of the everyday world will stop and reflect. It is not too much to admit that to Someone we owe thanks? Perhaps this Thanksgiving Day Americans will appreciate their position in a world of strife. Perhaps they will, as in the past, become satiated with the good things of life that there is no time to stop for a moment and reflect. Freedom to Inquire The Associated Press Managing Editors con vention brought to light some of the interesting problems which newsmen must face in the struggle to present the news objectively. The greatest of these, of course, is the ques tion of how much the newsman has a right to know from the government. There are significant parallels at the Uni versity which might merit some investigation by the .student body or the Board of Regents or the Uncameral. The Daily Nebraskan has been discriminated against in its gathering of the news, we believe. Perhaps the fault lies with the paper in that its staff has failed to establish what is commonly referred to as channels. However, it seems that closed sessions of various committees, ""no comment" answers to questions, preference by various persons to ; other newspapers and so forth have created r some of what a problem in this paper's gather ing of the news. We would like to break down the barriers of this discrimination. We would like to establish the best possible press relations with every department of the University. Therefore the newspaper has appointed beat reporters to the various sections of the Univer sity who should be accorded the respect of the persons with whom they are and will in the future deal. Some persons have gotten the impression that because we are a smaller newspaper, a student operated newspaper, that they don't owe us the respect which should be given to any real news vehicle. As can be expected this does not lead to a favorable opinion on the part of the paper toward those individuals or groups. Thfsse are just some comments which those who we involved might ponder and which are throwa out so that those who have complained that we have the news late might understand the perils of a student newspaper. Follow Up ' It is very possible that the suggestion of the Board of Regents to have a committee investi gate the recommendation of eleven professors in the Arts College to revamp the teacher cer tification requirements might become bogged down. " Extremely important in this case is the idea that whatever comes must come quickly. We have become aware that when the TJni "versity wants to get things done it gets them -done in a hurry. Thus the Board of Regents and the administrative officers of the University developed a fine budget last year for there was a pressing need for the budget to be drawn tip quickly and efficiently and with some degree of eloquence so that it could be offered to the Unicameral's budget committee as soon as possible. On the other hand we have witnessed the slowness .of the University to act on other very important matters. Witness the length of time it is taking to dispose of a charge against the freedom of the individual professor levelled by C. Clyde Mitch ell. This case has been a real issue for so long it is starting to decay. People become sick of hearing of the thing anymore. Witness the slowness with which the joint student-administration parking board appointed last spring has accomplished anything. Nearly everyone will agree that the parking lots are in as bad shape as they have been since Don Peiper was around. So for the sake of keeping peace in the house, let's see to it that the committee gets appointed quickly, that they are told just what they can and cannot do, and that they go ahead and get something done. from the editor- First Things First. . . by Jack Pollock It's always amazed me how a 110 pound girl, with honest fear, hesitates to operate a 25 pound lawn mower especially a power mower but yet can climb into a ton and one-half machine and operate it full blast with no qualms at alL The discouraging thing, men, is that figures show that only about 10 per cent of the drivers in fatal accidents last year were women. (Keep in mind, however, that men drivers average more kilometers per car.) This despite the fact that the human body becomes increasingly vulnerable when an acci dent takes place regardless of sex. The other day I was fingering through "Acci dent Facts" of 1957, published by the National Safety Council looking for cartoons and trying to find statistics to back the adage, "Make the last driak for the road a cup of coffee . . . Didn't find many humorous cartoons, though eome were colorful, but did scrape up these facts: Only 10 per cent of the fatalities in 19D6 occurred on Tuesday. (That's the lowest Satur day was the highest with 22 per cent so take advantage of it today.) Nebraska had 314 motor vehicle deaths in 1955. Students accounted for seven per cent of the nation's fatality toll. Of 40,000 fatal accidents, 30,400 occurred in rural areas and only 9.600 occurred in urban areas. Fifty-five per cent of the fatalities occurred at night. Speed violations were factors in 38 per cent of the fatal accidents. A drinking driver was involved in about 30 per cent of all fatal accidents in 1956. These statistics continued for 96 pages, ex plaining injury trends by parts of the body, accident severity and speed factors. Other facts include a study by two University of Nebraska professors in which they clocked cars by radar and found that drivers in the 16-25 age group have the least regard for speed laws. Drivers 25 and under held only 17.5 per cent of the licenses among the drivers checked, but they were responsible for 36 per cent of the speed law violations. The survey also showed that 50 per cent of the total violators were under 30 years of age. In general, the information summed up means that it's the stopping distance that counts, not necessarily speed on your speedometer (stopping distance at 20 miles per hour is 43 feet, at 40 miles an hour 126 feet, 251 feet at 60 miles an hour and 328 feet for 70 miles an hour.) So I offer this hint for a happy holiday, in crease your insurance or decrease the accel erator. The Thanksgiving goose you cook may be your own. And happy Thanksgiving. THE MAN He asked of himself What will I be The man was lost He could not see Who could he see To help him along Who could be choose Out of the throng "1 know from experience Do as I planned'' How cculd he tell Did he really understand "Seek and ye find' "He will help you" The man wasnt sure If only be knew Who is his enemy Why must he search What does be seek Why not the church He asked of himself What will I be The man was lost The man is me J J.A.R, The Coal Bin by jim cole The day 'fore vacation. And all through the school not a creature was stirring. Not even a student. Oh yes they were, for it was the University of Nebraska, and no one hops out early. And in one department anybody who wants to take an extra long recess will have to pay the price for missing two classes for every one missed. I know that since this is an in stitution for learning, classes, they say, are supposed to be attended. (Well, some of us aren't so sure, and in a few weeks that problem will be taken up in this space.) However, it seems the teachers ought to be especially considerate in the prevacation period. For some persons may want to miss a class or two for the follow ing reasons: 1) They may live in California or New Jersey and have to leave earlier than Wednesday if they ex pect to have longer than a day or two with their families. 2) They may count on riding home with other students who, be cause of no classes, might go soon er. Then the passengers will be obliged to go when the chauffeur is ready. 3 They may have a class on Tuesday afternoon, say, but none that morning or on Monday after noon. Therefore it would be more convenient for them to leave Mon day afternoon instead of waiting a whole day for one class, es pecially if they live very far away. As one prof told his kids last year, he'd be reasonable about it if anyone had to miss his class to get started early for any reason like slow ox cart transportation. Then there are those who will be down with double pneumonia. Also, we all, I'm sure, like the good old fashioned spirit of skip ping a few before we go home. It's just a bit of added fun, if for no good reason. At any rate the official vacation Is just about here, and every stu dent should not forget to pack the issues of the day before leaving. A lot of problems need to be solved, and as college students we oucht to form an opinion on them. For example, some issues of this school : Proposal of the Arts college professors and rebuttal of the Teachers people. Organization of the tribunal. And some issues of the state and nation: Nebraska's tax problem. Missiles, satellites, and US de fense policies. Not that these should be topic for discussion over Thursday's din ner. Rather that some thought should be given tbem over the week so that suggestions for their solutions can be given the proper authority to expedite wise action. But the most important part of this month's time out will be to count your blessings. For that's what this season is all about. The festival, as everyone knows, was originally a harvest thanks giving, proclaimed by Governor Bradford of Plymouth Colony in 1621. Following the Atlantic land ing, the summer produced a scanty harvest. Yet amid the crop failure the Pilgrims rejoiced together aft er they had "gathered the fruit of our labor.'" While -sickness lurked, and death assailed. And foes beset n every band. . . And scholars point out that days of thanks stem from ancient times. Nevertheless everyone knows the -old story of New England and likes to think about it each year. At least everyone ought to. Well, the problems of our fathers weren't as complex as ours, but 1 doubt in another three and a half centuries that the problems of our sons will be as "simple as ours either. At least if they're homesteading up on the moon then. Some of the intelligentsia will ask what blessings there are to count, but we that arent so fancy will be thankful that we have raw materials to build a life with, if nothing "else". We will be thank . fuL after all the sarcastic talk, that we live in a pretty fine coun try and state and attend s good university. And we will ask for strength to solve our problems, and be grate ful that we can solve them. With that let's all go home to eat a lot of turkey and cranberries and pumpkin pie, get a lot of eleep in, catch up on a lot of studying, do a lot of thinking, date a lot of girls, and come back with re freshed souls and replenished brains. I'm aE for it. The Plehian Clod rex menuey Daily Nebraskan FirTT-KIX TEAKS OLD Us MMktomto rear. . , . ,-,,,.,,. .,.., aMm a wouni claw uMtat mi U att offMr to Iatercolletiate Prat gmtukki. vta Epreentstive: Nation.! Advertisint Service, .......... ruu Incorporated Hmwuii tanur .. & n i.rn,,iiu fcewi IMUtur ........... fear ianm Published at: Room 20, Student L cion awm tMtim . wrti . rfclr. i"Ent "m Editor. Xrule trunk LiSJOOOln, epral Mht w fcditur ... b"U Hin , ... Cwr Uaitmn - Bob Ireland chwif. 16EB 4b K immw trunk- Gear- Mover. rn Hxar-n. f;mt Him mml t. -.uit-kaa' Tmaaa Bnorti Writer . . IMI Kmu(ll, Hon Khaluwtn . utun ud nu. m on ! m ritmnln. Emmy LlmiKi, Herb mimum, w femltn- St SrtILrVu.o tae MnWtawttw at tlx 4.mmmm Hportr. . ... Jo -. Ih iiK-n.n. Carl Hth- ataoom tlrun a an apimM of tiMnt avium. way, Kar-n Karvnr. Itnlmrta Knaup, Maratr Kihij,. oar- rqMlMtlana anaor IH turindinUoa a tar Munoatmninn ry Layphlmr. Jullmnr MRhrUw. Siiamw Kbtat, a Otadnat fuiittoatKm uall tm fm trxim adltortal Hiwrtnl rbumuwm, Vi Tntntau, Hon villi, u liaaannlilli aa the part f (He nuaeommntee a Taylor. ant o anr axanOnr at nr lanolty at Me HwmW. ai'WKlasa TF ZjtZS "UV, " -l- Wanaira? .Vrry artrtMd. tehruarr . IB66. . , . " V almtpua fatal am IZ.M par annul in sr ar Clrtiulatloa ttanaier - Jutm fturrw Mr. Hunter wants me to explain myself so he can decide whether or not 1 am a raving idiot or a genius. Alright, Mr. Hunter, I'll play your silly little game; I'm a genius. ; ir is When anyone writes a column, he puts his head n the block. If someone goes at it with the axe, the author has little to complain about. He should realize among OTHER things that the man with the axe is after the idea expressed and not the man personally. Steve, if you are going to take criticism personally you had better get out of the game for your own sake. i fr 1 have decided to shelve Charley and Joe. You would be surprised how much of a nuisance it is to have those two always arguing it cut. For Joe represented the way I felt or have felt and Charley represented what I knew to be right. Right or wrong I am put ting all this aside for one life and one opinion. As I said before it was such a nuisance. r ir is I offer what I have to say for your consideration and not your pleasure or entertainment. I feel a responsibility to present what I think to be significant and worthy of your consideration. Most of what I write is a summation of my own thoughts on the matter, so I claim no infalibility or solu tions. I would not advise anyone to take what I say as being final or significant. The more 1 try to unravel this chaos we call life the more 1 find to unravel. Life will not be long enough I am afraid, but the road to hell is paved with unbought stuffed dogtL There is hope that someday some thing might come of this searching about for truth. We shall see. One other word here: I shall, in the future, confine my bickering to the Letterrip Column. Bickering isn't important enough to take up ed itorial space with. Tag time is around again. Tag a name on something and you can deal with it more effectively. Lets see: existentalist, spineless, .cru sader, demagogue, pedagogue, as thetic, genius, or codfish. Have your pick. They are all I have it! A Schultzian fullback, (second string) Drivel! Did 1 hear someone say drivel? Now there is a thought worthy of consideration. Rip, tear, destroy, growl like a lion), jackal. I must he at practice at two. Tear, rip, jackal, growl (like a lion) exterminate. Happy Turkey Time! Thmush These Doors george moyer Oh, the gnash cf teeth! Oh, the screams of pain! O. ths roar of verbial cannons and the snap of breaking pencil points! Man the battlements, shore up the defens?s and keep your powder dry. Brer low hi-s returned to the editorial page of the Daily Nebraskan. He returns on a matter which I regard as having impartance. However, it is impassible ts ascer tain whether he returns to vin dicate himself on the diminu tive redh?Eded one or to clear up the muddle surrounding tht Student Tribunal. A couple of weeks ago, I de clared mildly in these, columns that something ought to be done about getting the Trbunal in oper ation. In this piece, I inferred that I cared very little about who re moved what type from where for what reason. The only thing that bothered me was lack of progress since this happened. Make no mistake, I don't con done such proceedings as surpress ing knowledge from the student body by either foul means or hon est mistakes Apparently the mat ter was one cf the latter cat?g3ry. I myself incline toward the latter. This isnt on the issue at hand however, and I hope that no one will lose sight of this. The thing that worries Breslow. Shugrue and myself is when the Tribunal will become a realtiy. Breslow says now. I say let's speed it up, of course eliminating as many weak nesses as possible. Shugrue says th charter committee is doing all right. Dave Keene says, "dum de dum dam," and off key at that, Schulta and company had their black mourning flag out the other day after the Kosmet Klub show. Apparently they felt that they had been, in some manner, slighted. It makes me very sad to thing that such fine boys were wronged. Aa a matter of fact, I was consider ing hanging out a flag of my own out of sympathy, but Zeke persuaded me that this came un der the heading of a secondary boycott, illegal in Nebraska. ANYTHING THAT FALLS ON THE FL0O2 15 LE6ALLY MINE! rt- 2t On Compos By the Author of "Rally Round the Flop, Boys! "and, "Barefoot Boy vdtii Cheek.") HOW TO STUDY The maker? of Marlboro Cigarettes Lave boupbt this pane so I can bring a message of importance to American undergraduate? each week. There is no more important message I can bring you than this: College can be beauti-Jy-jLW.i lousejt .up with studying. That" was my mistake. At first, owed by college, I studied so much that I turned into a dreary, blinking creature, ub,ieet to dry mouth and night sweats. TLii dismal condition prevailed until 1 learned the real mean ing of college. And what is that? IH tell you what: in prepare you to face the realities of the world. And what do you need to face the realities of the world? I'D tell you what: poise. And how do you get poise? I'll tell you how: not by sticking your nose in a book, you may be sure! Relax! live! Enjoy! - - . That's how you get poir. ff course you have to study, but l.e poised about it. Don't be like some drones who spend every single night buried in a book. They are not learning poise; what's more, they are playing hob with their posture. The truly poised student knows better than to make the whole semester hideous with studying. He knows that the night before an exam is plenty of time to study. Yes, I've beard people condemn cramming. But who are these people? They are the electric light and power interests, that's who! They want you to sit up late and itudy even night so you will use more electricity and enrich their bulging coffers. Don't be taken in by their insidious propaganda! Cramming is clearly the only sensible way to study. But beware! Even cramming can be overdone. When you cram, be sure you are good and relaxed. Before you start, eat a hearty dinner. Then get a date and go out and eat another hearty dinner. Then go park some place mid hjrht up a Marlboro. Enjoy the jieaceful pleasure it afford. Don't go home till you're properly relaxed. O. rs J" J - ' think Once at home, stay relaxed. Do not, however, fall asleep. This is too relaxed. To insure wakefulness, chooe a chair that is not too comfortable. For example, t&k a chair with nails pointing up through the (seat. Place tieveral packs of Marlboroe within espy reach. Good, mild tobacco helps you relax, and that's what Marlboro is good, mild tobacco. But Marlboro is more than just good, mild tobacco; it is also cigarette paper to keep the good, mild tobacco from spilling all over the place. And a filter. And a flip-top box. And a red tone to lift the cigarettes easily It is, in short, a lot to lik. Now you've got the uncomfortable chair and the Marlboros. Now you need light. Use the lit end of your Marlboro. Do not enrich the light and power interests. Read your textbook in a slow, relaxed manner. Do not underline; it reduces the resale value of the book. Always keep j'our books in prime resale condition. Ycti never know when you'll need getaway money. As you read you will no doubt come across many things you don't understand. But don't panic. Relax. Play some Fats Domino. Remove a callus. Go out and catch some night crawlers. Relax! live! Enjoy! Remember any number of people ha ve bachelor's degrees, but precious few have poise ! It doesn't take any cramming to learn that the finest filter cigarette on the market today if Marlboro, trlume makert take pleasure in bringing you this column regularly. - i