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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1957)
ATO Morgan Holmes, president Kosmet Klub, awarded the first place trophy to Alpha Tau Omega skitmaster, Wayne Robertson as the new Nebraska Sweetheart, Ruthie Gilbert and Prince Kosmet, Bmce Russell looked on. Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Phi Epsilon tied for second place in the Kosmet Klub Fall Revue. The Farm House quartet, The Four Discords, took first place honors in the Curtain Act division. Miss Gilbert, 1957 Nebraska Sweetheart, is a Junior in Teach ers College a nd a member of Alpha Chi Omega. She was se lected from the finalists who in- eluded Jan Shrader, Pi Beta Phi, Margot Franke, Love Memorial Hall, Cynthia Barber, Kappa Al- pha Theta, Nan Carlson, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Joyce Evans, Alpha Xi Delta. Russell, a junior in Arts and Science and a member of Kappa Sigma, was selected from finalists who included Art Weaver, Phi Delta Theta, Rip Van Winkle, Sigma Chi, John Glynn, Beta Theta Pi, Al Kitzleman, Phi Kappa Psi and Bill McQuistan, Theta Xi. The honor-copping Alpha Tau Omega skit, directed by Wayne nwnuun, was enuuea " me uun- fight at OK Rice Paddy." The skit; presented a Japanese Western as it would appear on Nippon tele vision. The bandits gathered to gether to plan to rob the OK Rice Paddy and ask instructions from their leader who remained silent. The left the stage to accomplish the robbery and a commercial takes place. Featured in the commercial were Tokyo Rose, singing the Koolie song, who were the mythi- I'll' Winning ATO Memben f the winning Alpha. Tan Omega Kosmet Klub skit Implore their leader "Chang" to lead them against the "Lone Oldest Grad Dies Thursday In Lincoln Alanson Taylor, who was the old est living graduate of the Univer sity, died Thursday. Taylor, graduated from the Uni versity, where he majored in agriculture, in 18S3, with a class of 13 members. H e was also a graduate of Hills Dale Col-le- in Michi ( X. gan. T a y 1 o farmed on O Taylor Street for a number of years and also taught rural school here. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p m. Monday at Wadlows. The Rev. Ellis Butler will officiate and bunal will be in Wyuka. Turkeys 'Going To Pieces' On NU Agriculture Campus Turkeys are goir.g to pieces at Wiepers ad Donald Wight of the the Ag College's poultry depart- poultry department at the Ag Col mit. lege. Whole turkeys are being cut up ed divided into meal-sized lots of whit ar.d dark meat. The rneat is then packaged and quick frozen. "Turkey by the Piece" project is being conducted by Howard AUF Drive Collections Hit $5000 Approximately tS.OOO has been coliected in the arjiual All Uni versity Furd drive so far, accord tig to AUF solicitations chairmen Thursday night. tidependent solicitations have brought in $T87. This tops last year's total of Incomplete returns from sorori-j ties and fraternities show the soror- ities leadixg $1,325 to $500. With the contributions of new , faculty members, the faculty solic- jtatioa total is now $716. MMOST O the faculty members were contact ed last spring. "The response to the 1937 drive has been very good," according to Art Weaver, president. "Money is still coming in, so we won't know the f.nal totals for awhile,' Weaver albert, E&Msseil .Sweep ofical sponsors of tht program fbrty-foot cigarette, and two Kool ie dancers. The bandits return to the hideout after the Lone Koolie has demolished their ranks. After requesting their leader to avenge them, the bandits die. One tardy member of the band who had been on a date appears; and, as he comes on stage, the leader col lapses and a lament to the fallen leader ensues. A gong-man, who underestimated his strength, ended the show. The skit of Phi Delta Theta, "Three Paupers in Paris," direct ed by Charlie Richards, centered around three beggars who had been caught begging without a li cense and who were to be guil lotined when the police apprehend ! ed them. They decided to spend their last evening getting the most out of their time in a Paris cafe. A can-can, a ballet and a farewell song took place before the police finally captured them and lead them away. Sigma Phi Epsilon's "Highland Fling", directed by Bob Tideswell and Chuck Thompson, tied for second place with the Phi Delts. A curling contest and a highland fling between two rival Scottish clans, the Camdens and the Mac Cleans, highlighted the Sig Ep skit Other skits included in the show were Phi Kappa Psi, skitmaster Steve Schultz, "Inside 'Russia, Con fidential Hush Hush, Shhh Unex purgated; and Sigma Chi, Ron Walker skitmaster, "Alibaboo and Asian Flu." Jerry Brownfield, vice-president of Kosmet Klub, acted as Master of Ceremonies and presented par ticipation cups to all the skits par ticipating in the Fall Revue. "-iWetl Revue Skit Koolie." The ATOs copped first place honors in a field of five skits. Farm House won the cur tain act. Aa estimated 3000 peo Love Library From Variety By LOUS ENGEL Special Writer Books don't magically appear in any library, but the manner in which they make their appear ances ia Love Library is an inter esting process. In the first place, from SO to 100 books a day are ordered by the library business department to keep the library up to date and best able to serve the University public. These books are ordered, how ever, only after careful joint se lections by the teaching faculty and the library staff. Every fac ulty department from Business Ad ministration to Physical Education select current books and research publications for their respective departments. , Also, the library staff does its best to anticipate the future needs of both students and teachers. Packaged turkey meat is not available on the market, the re searchers said. They are trying to find out if housewives would like it in packaged form. They divide each turkey to pro vide two packages containing a back, wing tips, neck, thigh bones, drumstick and boneless breast. Two other packages contain a boneless thigh, boneless breast fil lets, and wing sections. This makes excellent soup stock, the poultry men said. The project is designed as a means of helping homemakers serve turkey without cooking the entire bird at once. In addition, whole turkeys usually are too large for the average family to use in one or two meals. Packaged turkey should help homemakers make more efficient use of turkey throughout the year not just at holiday time, the poultrymen concluded. Med Interviews v . -ti w . . cine Admissions Committee will interview students interested in gaining admission to that college Dec. 4, according to Eugene Powell, premedical advisor. Studerts should immediately ar range for their appointments by signing the schedule posted on tie bulletin board at 306 Bessey Hall, (Powell said. The music of Jimmy Phillips and his orchestra provided enter tainment during the intermission and during the short period be tween the presentation of Prince Kosmet and Nebraska Sweetheart and presentation of the winning skits while the "the judges were lost in the auditorium", as report ed by Morgan Holmes at the microphone. The other curtain acts which participated in the entertainment in between skit presentations in cluded, Norman Riggins, singing songs from the Roger's and Ham merstein production South Pacific and the Delta Upsilon Quartet, which sang a Negro spiritual and 'There Ain't Nothing Like a Dame." The procedure of the Kosmet Ktub Fall Revue was changed somewhat this year, reported Morgan Holmes. Five skits, in stead of the usual six took part in the competition, and only two, instead of the usual three, awards were made. As there was a tie between the two of the skits for second place, two trophies will oe awarded to those skits. Spectators at the Fall Revue estimated the crowd attending the Kosmet Klub show at between 2,500 and 3,000. The show was termed by Holmes and Brownfield "one of the best that it has been been the privilege of Kosmet Klub to present. The Revue was given for the first time in the new Pershing Memorial Auditorium. Balloting for the Prince Kosmet and Nebraska Sweetheart took place before the show and during the intermission. Ballot counters reported that approximately one thousand ballots were cast ple were in attendance al the Annual Fall Revne held Friday night in the Pershing Auditorium. Gets Books Of Sources There are thousands of book ti tles to choose from, and the li brary business department has at least one dealer in every major country in the world in which books may be directly purchased. The library also acquires many of its books by exchanging faculty publications with other Universi ties and academic institutions. The University has approximate ly fifteen series of publications a year that are sent to other col leges. These colleges in return send their publications to Nebras ka. These amount to several thou sand publications a year. On top of all these books, the library also subscribes to over 6,000 magazine periodicals. All the professional members of the library staff help in the se lecting of the books but only four or five members work on the ac tual business operation. 'Nebraskan' Is Presented Safety Award A certificate of appreciation was presented to the Daily Nebraskan for their contribution to safety by the Advertising Council and the The certificate read: "A certifi cate of appreciation for advertising support is hereby presented to the Daily Nebraskan in grateful appre ciation for help given the 1956 Stop Accidents Campaign ... a cam paign designed in the public inter est to save lives and thereby make America a safer place in which to live." Campus Professors To Meet Dec. 3 The Nebraska Chapter of the American Association of Univer sity Professors will meet Dec. 3, at 6:15 p.m. in the Union. The Chapter's Special Commit tee on Senate Committees will make its report. Over the past ten years the University has been repeatedly commended for its or ganization. The report will be an appraisal of the present commit tee system. Reservations for the dinner should be made with Professor Robert Knoll, 223 Andrews Hall or Ext. 3150 or 3288, before Wednes day, price of the dinner if $1.50 psr p ate. ; V' i! -Xwwc-jC. J t t f '"". ... 1 . .-.v :-s . , j , 1 t , , ; ' CC3lX I , f i . - , - 2aT 1 I 11 1 I ..'.I. - s' NEBRASKA SWEETHEART the Vol. 32 No. 40 gents Favor CoimBnittec Study To The Board of Regents Saturday approved a proposal by Chancel lor Clifford Hardin that faculty representatives be named to a committee to study the petitions which have been presented regard ing certification of teachers. Regent Frank Foote gave the only dissenting vote. Foote also proposed an amendment to the motion to include the approval of the six-point proposal of the 11 pro fessors of Arts and Science Col lege. The amendment failed to re ceive a second. Norman Cromwell, the spokesman for the group of Arts and Sciences professors, said that he "wishes the new committee well and hopes that it will begin to operate immediately." Cromwell said he did not be- KeWnCrTecessary for the group to be represented on the committee to work with the chancellor. He said he was certain that there would be others who are intereeted in the problem and who could study the matter objectively. Dean Walter Militzer of the Col lege of Arts and Sciences and Dean Frank Henzlik of Teachers NU Regents Okay Leaves For 2 Profs Two University professors, Dr. Norman Cromweil of chemistry and Dr. Ernest Feder of agricul tural economics, received Saturday leaves of absence for the coming year to accept grants. The Board of Regents approved a leave for Dr. Cromwell to ac cept his Guggenheim fellowship, effective Feb. I. The awarding of the grant was announced last April. Dr. Feder was announced Satur day as recipient of a Fullbright grant to lecture at the University of Chile, Santiago, for nine months beginning March 1. Under the grant. Dr. Feder will teach a general course in agricul tural economics and a seminar in the Graduate School of Economics. In addition, he will assist the de partment of economics with its training program and the Uni versity's Institute of Economics with its research program. The grant is one of 400 for lec turing and research abroad for the 1958-59 academic year. Dr. Cromwell will spend the firs; four months of his leave at Cali fornia Institute of Technology studying new spectroscopic tech niques. In June he plans to begin studies in London at University College and Chester Eeatty Re search Institute, Royal Cancer Hospital. Pi Tau Sigma Initiates 14 New Members Fourteen Engineering students were initiated into Pi Tau Sigma, National Mechanical Engineering Fraternity. Tuesday night. The pledges were selected from the junior and senior class on the basis of sound engineering ability, scholarship, and personality. The initiates were- Gary Cad wallader, Russell Sleeves, George Harding, John Kern, William King, Robert Smidt, Arthur Witte, Larry Schumacher, Thomas'"1 T vid Hawke, Bob Peters, Marion Groteluschen, Roger Berger, and Edwin Fisher. . . . RUTHIE GILBERT Lincoln, College both commented that they were in favor of appointment of the committee to study the profes sors' petitions. 11 Request The request of tlie 11 members of the staff of the College of Arts and Sciences read in part: "We believe that the following specific steps taken at this time would enable the University of Nebraska to render more effective service to the people of the state in this national educational emer gency: "1) Transfer the certifying au thority from Teachers College to the Office of Registration and Records, which would recom mend for certification those stu dents who have completed the courses in education as required by law and who have been ap proved by the pertinent subject matter departments of the vari ous colleges. "Z Abolish the system of dual matriculation in the University of Nebraska. This cumbersome procedure has discouraged stu dents from selecting teaching as a career, and would be unneces sary if the above recommenda tion were adopted. "3) Ask that the Nebraska State Legislature lower the number of professional education courses re quired for certification from 18 to 15 hours the number specified by the North Central Association. In this new era we are entering, the various fields are becoming so complex that more and more time is required for their mastery. (The Teachers College now requires 20 hours of professional courses, since the course in practice teaching was changed from three to five hours of credit). "4) Recognize teaching done by Smith Hall Removal Approved The Board of Regents author ized Saturday the removal of El len Smith Hall, site for many years of women's campus activ ities, ana tour temporary oarrats-; type buildings erected during the post-war enrollment peak. Ellen Smith Hall, which was ac quired by the University in 1920, will be removed from the north west corner of 14th and R streets sometime early this spring. Busi ness Manager Carl Donaldson said. The Board also agreed to per mit the Alumni Association to re move woodwork, hardware, and colored glass from the building to equip a memorial room in the Student Union Building. Ellen Smith Hall now houses the Division of Student Affairs, which is expected to move into the new Administration buiiding during the latter part of January. The four temporary buildings ... . j i are expected to be removed from the Lincoln campus by late sum mer. Nursing Class The largest nursing class to date j began the one-year training pro- gram m practical nursing at the University S Colege of Medicine in Omaha. C The group, taught by Mrs. uer-; Surgery in 1927; his Bachelor of trude Scott, Clinical Instructor, j Sciences in 1929; and his Master will be eligible to take national j0f Science in 1944, all at the Uni examinations to qualify them as versity of Nebraska. Licensed Practical Nurses upon ; He had a private practice in completion of the course. dentistry from 1929 to 1936. KK Homws I mm ii in i I" Hi"" In. i. in mi in mil i nfrwj PRINCE KOSMET Nebraska ertificatioBi undergraduate and graduate as sistants in the subject-matter de partments as meeting the require ments for practice teaching. "5 Grant credit toward profes sional education requirements for in-service teaching under approved supervision whenever university facilities are inadequate for prac tice teaching. '6) As an emergency measure, encourage the certifying author ity to make it possible for people qualified in subject matter, but without the requisite number of hours in professional education, to teach under temporary per mits. "We believe that the adoption of these measures will help re lieve the teacher shortage, im prove the caliber of instruction, and enable us in Nebraska to help meet the challenge of this age." This proposal was submitted by Professors M. A. Basoco, B. G. Carter, R. B. Chasson, N. H. j Cromwell, W. N. Gilliland, Theo dore Jorgensen, Jr., J. E. Miller, Jr., J. C. Olson, W. K. Pfeiler, R. M. Raysor, and J. L. Sellers. Completely Proper Chancellor Hardin commented that is i "cnmnlpfplv nroner that members of the faculty interest ! improving and speeding the prep themselves in this problem and aration of teachers cannot and certainly those who have ex- shou!d not ,be solved by repre pressed their views about it had . sentatives of any one discipline to every right to do so. There may:the exclusion of all others, be some question as to the wis-! rec0Td makes clfar' 1 dom of the method they chose J think- l e need abandon especially since the faculty as 3ithe belief that cooperation be whole has helped to provide other j tween the various disciplines of procedures for the orderly pres-!this University is impossible even entation of petitions which require1 in the h&ht f differences of opin the attention of the Board. Even' 10n as to methods. so however, the petitioners had j every right to proceed as they; did, and they violated no Univer-j sity policy or rule in their manner j of presentation," the Chancellor; added. In a separate communication the Faculty of the College of Business Administration also suggested changes in the rules followed in registering students who choose to matriculate in a college other than teachers but who have some ex pectation of entering the teaching field. Chancellor Hardin In commenting on the general problem to which the two peti- t10ns were addressed, Chancellor , Dr. Ireland Named New Dentistry Dean Dr. Ralph Ireland, professor and ; Dr. Ireland is author of the text chairman of the department of book, "Dentistry for Children, pedodontics, will become dean of and co-author of the book, "Manual the University College of Dentistry ' of Children's Dentistry." He also next July. j has authored numerous articles ap- His appointment to succeed Dr-jpea1? in professional journals. Bert Hooper, who has served asj In 1946, he was a lecturer and dean since 1939, was announced consultant on clinical practice for Saturday by the Board of Regents, j children for the U.S. Public Health Dean Hooper will reach the age : Service on projects at Woonsocket, of 65 next year, the mandatory RI., andRichmond, Ind. rptirement a?p for ITnivprsitv ar!-! n. i i : j l D ministrators. j The newly appointed dean joined j Societies of Dentistry for Chil the College's staff in 1936 as anjdren; treasurer of American Acad instructor. In 1938, he was pro-;emy of Pedodontics; secretary mo ted to assistant professor; two : treasurer of American Board of years later, chairman of children's ! Pedodontics. dentist-TV denartrrent: and in 1942.1 tj .i.. ;, . -..v.. r.t professor and chairman of pedo- . . . ,,;snri n. Tr. land received his Doctor of Dentai ' BRUCE RUSSELL Monday, November 25, 1957 Setup Hardin said: "The need for a greater output of qualified teachers is not new. The launching of an earth satellite and the official discussions of tht implications of the event have fo cused a great deal of popular at tention on the need, but this problem did not originate with either the Russian satellite or the discussion of it. "Here at the University of Ne braska and at many other institu tions, efforts have been made and are being made to encourage, im prove, and speed the training of teachers, especially those in the subject matter areas of science, English, mathematics, and lan guages. Through the co-operative efforts of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Teachers we are 1 making real progress in improv ing the preparation in English re ceived by teachers-trainees. Wt have also made some progress in the area of science. Educators Responsible "Preparing the teacher is some thing in which every responsible educator is and should be inter ested, regardless of his own dis cipline or the college with which he happens to be associated. "In my opinion the record points up the fact that the problem of It is my sincere Aeuer mat our problem is one primarily of relations between people rather than rules. It will be solved through the thoughtful exchanges of competent and qualified peo ple who sit together in good faith and spirit to attack with patience a difficult problem which is not only of mutual In terest to them but also highly important to the people who attend and support this Univer sity and to those who serve in the elementary and secondary levels of education. "As I have said, some progress has been made. More is needed and, I think, can be made. ne ii xi vtu as uitjciu m the Nebraskaa can Dentai Association; Nebraska jsute j. jjncola District Tlental Soraetvr American College of Dentists. Dr. Ireland is certified by the American Board of Pedodontics. He is married and the father of one son, Robert Ireland, who ia a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences.