The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 22, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Poge 2
The Dailv Nebraskan
hridov, November 21, )'Jjf
Editorial Comment
Round Three: Step Toward Solution
Round One in the battle between the colleges
was given to the College of Arts and Sciences
for their effort to call attention both to the need
for better teachers and the inadequacies in the
system now in use in the state for certifying
The Teachers College rebuttal comes in Hound
Let's take a look at the answer which tVe pro
fessional educators offer.
One of the first things which the statement
ays is, "The statements made by the profes
sors make it obvious that the motive behind the
proposal is not to emphasize science as they first
Implied, but to destroy the balanced progr am of
teacher preparation which has been developed
over the years.
The Teachers College statement continues,
"The Medical College determines who shall be
recommended at doctors, the Dental College de
termines who shall be recommended as dentists
... On the same basis the Teachers College
should make recommendations to the State Com
missioner of Education of those students quali
fied as teachers and who fulfill the requirements
for certification by the State Department of Edu
cation." This argument seems ill advised. After all,
dentists aren't expected to be familiar with his
tory or English. Therefore it appears there is
no need for those who would be dentists to have
the recommendation of the English or history de
partments. Now the real question boils down to this:
Should the persons who have passed the require
ments of the Teachers College be recommended
as teachers just on that merit? Additionally,
should these persons not have the approval of
the department in which they have specialized
Indicating that tbey are sufficiently familiar with
the material to be able to "put it across?"
There is no question that professional educa
tion courses have merits in the present day
school setup.
The question is, rather, should these profes
sional courses be the only qualifying factor in
regard to who shall or shall not become teach
ers. Proceeding, we can see more clearly the ideas
which the Arts College people have presented.
It appears that the supervisors of courses are
often not members of the staff of the Arts Col
lege departments. This means that the Arts
personnel might very well be out of contact with
the work and the progress of an individual who
is majoring in that department because of the
student's affiliation with the Teachers College.
Now it could conceivably happen that an in
dividual who has matriculated in the Arts Col
lege win "waste'' twenty hours dabbling in va
rious courses. However, we have noted that un
der present conditions and present require
ments for graduation this sort of activity is
highly unlikely.
In other words, for a "complete education'' in
the Arts College no time can be spent in a
teachers program.
Moreover, as a junior girl in the College of
Arts and Sciences testified Thursday, "I wanted
to dual-matriculate. The Teachers College per
sonnel with whom I spoke said this was a poor
idea. I would like the opportunity to teach, but
I find that the requirements of the Teachers Col
lege in establishing "sequence courses" makes it
Exchange of Views
almost impossible for me to carry the load. I,
of course, want to remain in the College- of Arts
and Sciences for I believe I will receive valu
able courses there. I will get vital courses
This might add some wood to the fire which
seems to be pretty hot right now among some
Arts College professors namely the eleven who
made the original proposal.
They can notice from this statement that
students who are trying to get as sound an edu
cation as possible are discouraged from enter
ing the teachers college curriculum, either in
fact or by friendly persuasion.
Now in all fairness to both sides of this strug
gle, let's continue to examine the Teachers Col
lege statement: "Statements to the effect that
there is no emphasis on subject matter training
in the so-called fundamental subjects and that
the educational leaders have no basic training
are not only biased but inaccurate."
Throughout the study of the statement we
must remember that if a person is matriculated
in a teacher training program he loses 2 hours
of study in some other possibly basic field.
The Daily Nebraskan, neither a body of pro
fessional educators nor professors, believes that
a definite juncture between the Arts People and
the Teachers people can be reached if these
things are kept in mind:
1) It seems more people who are well pre
pared in their fields of specialization would be
willing to teach if the requirements of the
Teachers College allowed them to fit comfort
ably the courses which the College offers into al
ready heavy loads.
2) The need for teachers who have had more
than a "basic" amount of study in their re
spective fields is quite evident in today's ad
vanced culture.
3) The Arts college "eleven" feel that recom
mendation by the department of specialization is
essential to guarantee the highest quality of
41 The Teachers College people believe that
knowing how to present the material in a way
which will be inspiring to the pupils in high
school or grade schools is as important as know
ing personally what the field of specialty is.
5) The squabble which is going on between
the two departments should be resolved quick
ly for a rapid meeting of the minds will insure
Nebraska a better quality of teachers.
6) Perhaps certification tests should be es
tablished, similar to "credit tests" by which
students can earn credit in a course without
taking that course, so that students enrolled
in the Arts College can become teachers if they
can teach.
Now it h up to the Arts College personnel,
who have made the first move, to make very
specific rtremmeirdations. The burdea of proof
in this case, it seems, rests upon the shoulders
of the eleven men. If they can come up with a
reasonable solution to the problem they have
posed, a resohition of an old problem might be
in sight.
We need better teachers. The way to obtain
them is not to let the standards down in either
the methods or the material. Rather, to develop
some ladder by which both Arts and Teachers
personnel faculty and student alike can climb
to the high plane of education demanded by the
modern world.
Citizen Blasts Complacent Souls
The following opinions were
given to the Daily Nebraskan
by Dean of Faculties A. C.
Breckenridge, who comment
ed that the material was
cupped from the Wall Street
The Vacant Laughter
The Russian achievement
in launching their Satellite
far from detracting from the
ability of American scientists
and intellectuals, would ap
pear to be rather their tri
umph. The Russian success
has proved what American
intellectuals and many think
ing laymen have been vainly
saying for some time that
no nation can maintain world
leadership in a climate of
In this country the pro
fessor is an object of contempt
and derision paid less than
a brick layer or a copy writ
er for deodorants, given no
respect in or out of his class
room or laboratory, the ob
ject of countless jokes by high
paid, low browed comedians,
affronted by political com
mentators and "enlightened"
men on the streets as "egg
heads," "starry-eyed dream
ers," "brain trusters," in
sulted by storekeepers and
pigmy-minded politicians be
cause their concepts are wid
er than wards and precincts.
Meanwhile, all reverence
(and commensurate remun
eration) is paid to the titter
ings and cavortings of the
baseball player and the half
c:td movie actress. Any
troglodyte can open his
mouth and expound on any
subject from Communism to
space travel and be certain
of a respsctful audience. Let
an intellectual speak, how
ever, and the halls, (and edi
torial columns) resound with
the jeers and snickers of the
wise-acre and smart alec.
Now they are left with
their vacant laughter.
Let us hope that now the
much caricatured "absent
minded professor" will come
into his own in America. We
have produced some of the
world's greatest thinkers, and
many more have been attract
ed to our shores (many have
also left in disgust at our im
mature anti-intellectualismi.
Those that remain should
be given the prestige status
to which their stature entitles
them. They may not entertain
us, but they may, if we heed
them, provide us with some
thing slightly more impor
tant survival.
Mrs. Dorsey M. Roth
Fort Wayne, Ind.
Daily Nebraskan
FIFTY-SIX TEAKS OLD ta. ananrnr ,tmi.
Member- AaanriataH rVillarinta frmmm Brtwed a axond elaai matter at n pan affioe
MCHlDer: ASSOC la lea UOIleglate Ireai Uaaaia, rnra.k, under ae ut tl tawi .
Intercollegiate Press munutuAL sTarr
Representative: National Advertisinc Service, tentorial 'editor '.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'..'.'..'.'.' ".wick mmw
Incorporated ..V
mulshed t: tom 2o. student (into. K.r::::::::::::::::::::::::
Lincoln, Nebraska rdrtor Bob Ireland ehmf,
Iterate Prank. Georre Mom, nary Rodent. Ernie Htnra
14tb it R Sparta Writers .ken tuand, Del Kaamuataa, Han Ma
Keen, Harold Friedman. Bub Wire.
Tm la Nabraakaa atrMMnad Monday, Taaada. Staff Witter Bonnie SntterfleM. fat
tVadaaaday and trtdar darinc tr rbnel year, execpt f'Mnnlcaa, Emmy Llmne. Herb ProMaev, VVyno Smitfc
ana varanoaa and aa re and aae hwae a aerrer, Marraret Wertmaa.
ah darlnt ar"V. "d-. at tmm latralt Reporter, Sharon abratam. Jo a(ee.
r """IZam? JLl'Zl " ""r Mary apklnt. Judy Griffin. Garl Hstha-
Mrtlnenan. aadi? L nrE5ZIH tnTJlJIIjUL K" K,rr"' Knanp. Mamie Knaop.
2Z TaMaaaaTlhan e tJ? tTZTZZ Wlmrm . Lauphelmer,
aa (a part at aat neraea, atatde the Ualvmlt?. Tar "111
an win m at the Nenraakaa etaff at peraanally T Bwlnea Mamwm . . Jrrry KHIenthi
aemllite tnr waat I bey ay. ar do or eaaae ta a aeslotant Buauieai Managers . .Von Neff , Stan Kalman
artnted. PHiraan a. I rat. ruib Kmldt
naamripuaa rate, aa, 9M par lmia at M aae Clreatattoa Maaafer ....... Jena r.orrie
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