The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1957, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Wednesday, November 20," 1957
The Doily Nlebraskan
Pace 3
Jerry Brown
Jerry Brown Featured Singer
At Touchdown Trot Saturday
The annual football dance, the
"Touchdown Trot," is scheduled
for this Saturday, in the Union
Ballroom, from 9 to 12 p.m.
The dance features Jimmy Phil
lip's Band, and the entertainment
will include a vocal by Jerry
Speaker Post
For Jennings
Coach Bill Jennings will be guest
apeaker at the Sigma Delta Chi
Initiation banquet, Friday accord
ing to "The J-School Beat," offi
cial publication.
Professional members of the na- i
tional journalism fraternity and
the eight initiates will be guests
t the banquet, according to Mack
Lundstrom of Holdrege, presi
dent. "Hie new initiates include Jerry
Petsche, Bob Mattel, Lyman Cass,
L liaiy Brown, Dick Shugrue. Dick
ftamage, Walt Patterson and Walt
.' pfans are being completed to
fit and publish the Interfraterni
. 'aiV Jfr1 rush booklet which will
Teome'oifwsecond-semester, Lund-
.pJt&ti&tit The group is also mak
j4&;2 plans "to publish a publicity
aUqdbook; - This handbook will be
old to University houses and will
" ffcelp the houses organize, handle
and obtain the publicity they might
- tie'ed throughout the school year,
Sigma Delta Chi members as
. feted during the high school press
convention held at the University
' Kor. I and 9.
Story Below
Brown, one of Nebraska s football
players plus several other acts.
Lye Hansen will be the master
of ceremonies and members of th
Union Dance Committee will act
as hostess and hosts at the dance.
Refreshments will also be
Tickets may be obtained for 50
cents from the booth in the main
hall of the Union, Saturday night
at 7:30 p.m.
The "Touchdown Trot" is an an
nual affair, the purpose being tojns.
honor the ending of the football
Rag Business Staff
All Daily Nebraskan business
workers will meet in Room SO
of the Union Thursday at 4 p.m.. '
according to Jerry Selletln, bus
iness manager. '
All those who signed up for
this position must attend the
meeting, Selletln stressed.
Dr. Schach
Dr. Paul Schach, recently re
turned from a year in Germany,
will speak to the combined meet
ing of Delta Phi Alpha German
Honorary, and the German Club
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in thfeUnion
Faculty Lounge. j
No Sunday Movie r "
There will be no Sunday 'Movie
until December 8, when the movie
will be M-G-M's drama, ' "The
"Blackboard Jungle," according to
John West, chairman of the Union
Film Committee.
Do You Have
University Look?
" 100
Only .
Outside World
Missiles To Allies
Secretary of Defense McElroy laid Tuesday that after hia confer
ence with President Eisenhower he is confident that the United States
can provide Intermediate missiles to European countries "earlier than
After the Eisenhower-McElroy conference, held at the Augusta
National Golf Club, it was announced by White House officials that the
President would make the third in a aeries of major addresses on
national security in Cleveland Tuesday night.
This announcement stated that Ike's next security speech will
deal with "the value of international cooperation in our nation's
Stockpile In Europe
Secretary of State Dulles stated Tuesday that the United States
is contemplating building up an atomic sockpile in Earope to comple
ment a network of intermediate range missile bases.
Before a news conference, Dulles revealed that the IRBMs would
not be available in operational amounts until the end of next year.
Dulles also stated that the United States has nuclear warheads in
Canada along with missile bases to back up early warning radar
Unanimous Election
The Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation has unanimously re-elected
its president for the past 12 years, Charles Mashall of Avoca.
Also returned to office unanimously was Mrs. Dale Stubblefield
of Shelton, chairman 'of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Women.
Both will serve for a three-year term.
Request Studied
Governor Victor Anderson stated Tuesday that he is studying a
request for a special session of the Legislature on tax reform but
will not make an "Immediate" decision.
The special session proposal was
penter of Scottsbluff, chairman of a
According to Carpenter's report
tounding matters" which can be corrected only by constitutional amend
ment though the legislature.
Chair For Commissioner
Former Lancaster County Commissioner Chris Kuhner after several
weeks of controvesy took his chair home from the Courthouse after a
group of citizens purchased it as surplus from the County for $133.20.
Vienna Offers
Summer Study
An opportunity for summer study
combined with outdoor vacation
life at a mountain lake, is being
offered by the University of Vien-
summer school will be con
ducted from July 13th to Aug.
23rd at its St. Wolfgang Campus
at Strobl near Salzburg, Austria.
A few scholarships for tuition
and maintenance are available to
well-qualified students who could
not go without such aid. Appli
cant must have completed two
years of college by June, 1958
and must not be over 40 years of
The seminar is designed for stu
dents particularly Interested in an
intensive study of the German lan
guage. Other course offered are
survey and special courses in Aus
trian art and European music.
Lectures and classroom instruction
are given in English.
Inclusive price for the full six
week program including tuition,
maintenance, conducted tours, ex
cursions, field trips and attendance
at the Salzburg Festival is $210.
Applications for scholarships
must be filed at tne Institute of
International Education, 1 East
67th Street, Nev- York 21, New
York, by April 15th, 1958.
See Penney9 s
Big Selection Now!
(Stocks ore complete)
or without pleats
wool flannels
and plain color .
. .
Free Expert Alterations
Bob Brown, Dale Smith or
Dick Heubner at Penney's
submitted by Senator Terry Car
tax law violation atudy committee.
his committee has uncovered "as
Se be rger Awarded
HE Scholarship
Mary Seberger, junior in Ag
riculture, has been awarded a $135
scholarship from the State Council
of Home Extension clubs.
Miss Seberger is majoring in
Home Economics Extension at the
Ag College and plans to become
a county home agent.
The Council gives the scholar
ship annually to encourage more
girls to major in Extension work
since home agents are not avail
able now for about half the coun
ties in Nebraska, according to
Mrs. Erwin Burling, president of
the State Council.
Pi Lambda Theta
Fifty-five junior and senior girls
will be initiated into Pi Lambda
Theta on Thursday, at S:30 p.m.
n the Student Union.
Following the initiation there
will be a banquet in parlors X,
Y and Z. Dean Henzlik, Dean of
Teachers College, will be the
Pi Lambda Theta is a Teachers
College honorary. Women in
Teachers College are selected for
membership on the basis of schol
arship and teaching potentiality.
,5 ' f ' "v - ,
' - i '
. W 1j . -f
r ' , " 't ':
, i r e .:..
, ;' " ' '
' I ' '
-' i v ' ' i ' VTV A, 1
A lot of man ...a lot of cigarette fig fe J wfw
"He gets a lot to like" filter, flavor, flip-top box "The works. L W
A filter that means business. An easy draw that's all ufQ jjn ZZZ
flavor. And the flip-top box that ends crushed cigarettes. "
'Big Sisters':
Dessert Climaxes 40 Years Of Activity
Special Writer
Staff Writer
Forty years of "big sister" ac
tivity on campus was climaxed
with this year s Coed Counselor
v. : vs.. .
v f h h- vhi iPonsol'ed additional events such 1
yet now many Dig and utue, Chinese Convocation for the ;
""I'M . h" 'rallS-reading of Chinese poetry, a !
pired tttrough the years in the or-jcham book reew yand ;
? , v ,
Coed Counselors has always
been primarily a service organic
ration. Each year it gives scholar-:
hins. aids new women students
during new student week, sponsors '
a fellowship dessert and stages !
the Penny Carnival.
The two traditional events spon
sored by Coed Counselors, Penny
Carnival and the Friendship Des
sert, originated more than 20
years ago.
The first Penny Carnival was
held in the spring of 1933 with
board members in charge of the
booths. B a loon 1 and homemade
candy were sold. A few cents was
charged at each booth. Organized
houses were first invited to parti
cipate in 1935; Alpha Chi Omega
won the prize for the best.
An estimated 1,700 attended this
year's Penny Carnival and Alpha
Xi Delta's booth was judged the
best of the 17 participating.
The first Friendship Dessert
which was held in 1936 wis actual-j
ly a Friendship Dinner according '
to the records. All women stu
dents were invited and most hous-
Young GOPs
A meeting of the Young Re
publicans will be held Wednes
day evening at 7:30 p.m. in
room 313 in the Student Union,
The topic for discussion will
be "A Partisan Legislature,"
according to Monroe Usher.
KNUS Program
To Feature Play
"That's Entertainment" radio
I program, will feature the entire
first act of "The Most Happy
Fella." Wednesday at 8:30 p.m.
over KNUS, according to John
West, commentator.
The musical comedy by Frank
Loesser is based on Sidney How
ard's book, "They Knew What
They Wanted. Robert Weede. Jo
Sullivan, Susan Johnson and Shory
Long will be featured in musical
and dramatic selections on the 25
minute show.
Graduation Announcement!
Your Nan. Dgre. Col)?
BoutUul Embotftad Gold Sal
Ob Doien S3. 50
Additional pr Doisn 11.20
Ill North 12lk IV t-2957
es did not serve meals that night.
The dinner changed in recent
years to a dessert and style show,
shows the signs of the times. The
price of the 1936 dinner was 35
cents compared with 30 cents for
u,e 1957 dessert,
In the past Coed Counselors have I
1 during the war, a women's ROTC
, ... f .
Each year, the "big sisters"
gives two $100 scholarships, one
t0 deserving Coed Counselor and
tne otner 10 8 woman toreign stu-
All the counselors are on hand
each year during New Student
Week as student leaders to help
with registration and operate in
formation booths.
Coed Counselors, the only cam
pus activity to come into exist
ence at the request of the Admin
istration, was formed in 1927 when
Amanda Heonner. Dean of Wom
an 4Via Cn i rf AdlMCArV
Board to serve as "big sister" to
new women students. The Board
Safe Pistol &
Rifle Shooting
1036 T" St.
10:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M.
I Dtin mitiiwi, , ,
was then part of the Girls Club
Harriett Ramey was the first
president and Evangeline Pelton
was secretary. Miss Pelton died
during the flu epidemic of World
i War I.
Seven years later the Board had
matured sufficiently to become an
independent organization. The
name was changed to big sister
The present general structure
was first adopted in 1931 end in
1938 the name. Coed Counselor
was given to the group. Heading
the big sisters is an executive
board, with representatives from
all classes.
Led by president Jo Bauman
and vice-president Marilyn Waech
eter, they never forget that (heir
primary goal is to be a "big sis
ter" away from home.
QMS? ;