Read The Slave Page 2 Tax Editorial Page 2 i i r d) n m Vol. 32 No. 38 Buff Head To Remain Nebraskan The University will retain the traditional Colorado-Nebraska vic tory symbol the Buffalo head by "default." Bill Spilker. presi dent of Innocents Society declared this week. The Colorado Heart and Dagger Club, which the Colorado student body designated to accept and pre sent the trophy during halftime ceremonies each year "failed to at tend this year's contest," Spilker aid. Since Colorado's organization delegated to accept the buffalo head lacked the initiative, time and spirit to accept the Head, we didn't feel compelled to "re lease" the head to other Colorado students. Some Colorado students in at tendance had requested that they be allowed to return the head to Colorado. Colorado was to have received the head during halftime cere monies last week by virtue of their 16-0 victory over Nebraska last year. The Heart and Dagger Society procured the Buffalo head in 1951. However, because of Colorado's limited success against the Husk r grid team, the Innocents pos sessed the coveted prize most of the time. Spilker added. It appears Nebraska will continue to possess the head now by "default". Few Tickets Available For Concert i Very lew tickets are left for the annual fall concert of the Lni- j versity Symphony Orchestra, Nov. U in the Ur.ion Ballroom, accord-' ing to Bob Handy, Union activities director. Only about f jty tickets are . available in the Union main of- fice. Emanuel Wi&hnow, conductor of ' f . . . IV -f I S . I Bogla S 4. Lewis Hiatt, Donald Iburg. Dale the Symphony, called Aboa Bjjin Koehn. Gerald Korinek. Lawrence o will be the guest performer, Kjyl. Robert Marks. Conde Norie one of the outstaatLng yf-nger ga a!xl Car0;e Tnplett piamsis of our time. He is very Beta Gamma Sigma, national versatile and is equally adept in businesi admiiustration both so work and conducting. fnrterajty announced the foUowing Bogin will play Brandentorg i,ew members: Morgan Holmes, Concerto Number 5 and Concerto Louise Klirna. Charles Crull. Law jji r minor. reace Liffstreu. William Shields Bogin s previous engagements and Charles Whitney, iacluded appearances in two Town i Scholarship and fellowship wm- HaH recitals in New York City ners are: a well as recitals throughout the United States, Europe and North Africa. He has appeared at soloist with the New York Philharmonic under the direction of Msnteux and Mix- j ropoulos, the Philadelphia Orches-! tra, under Ormandy, the Robin ! Hood Dell Orchestra of Philadel-j phia directed by Hitropoulous and ; the Chicago Symphony conducted by Sternberg. Westerbeck Wins KNUS Symbol Award Larry Westerbeck junior in En Cineering and a member of Sigma Ku won first place in the KNUS Symbol Contest, according to Don Russell, KNUS member. His entry of a black and white drawing of a microphone wi t b KNUS in its dial positio. and 880 woven in the design won him $10 first prize and a trophy for his fraternity. Second place winnter is De lores Clouse, Agriculture student, whose drawing was of a tri-ln with broadcast radiation indicated and the symbol of KNUS and 880 de ign. Third place winner was John Reiter, sophomore in Engineering. His drawing "was the most clever of the entries but it was too com plex to use," Russell said His drawing was of a tuning i furk with sr.trd naves comipg out 1 at least two journalistic activities nnmic policy of the nation is elas nl Wher dvtaili including thejand v,h'i have aUxa a averse tic enough to batxlie the prooJem KNUS and jmbuls. Jin scholarship. , tl today. l.iW I " V 7 ;-' Forgotten Head Mary Panic k. pk-ked Girl Most Likely to Stop a Colorado Buffalo, (left) and BDI Spilker, president of Innocents Society, admire the Buffalo Head ia the Innocents trophy room. The Students At Bizad Thirty-three University Business; Administration students were' j honored for high scholarship Tues- i . Banquet held in the Union ball- room. State Senator Terry Carpenter- : of Seottsbluff was guest speaker. ' JoAnn Sander, senior in Bus Ad, 1 Iwas awarded the Phi Chi Theta i t Kev ffivpn 9nnnsl!v tn fH irit-1 lg th high scholarship and, (highest standing in the college in' leadership and activities. Ten sophomores were awarded ! William Gold Keys, given annuallv jby Nathan Gold. Lincoln mer chant, in memory of his father (to the ten students with the high j est freshman scholastic averages in Bus Ad college. The ten new Gold Key holders ' are: James Geist. Dorothy Glade, The J. Kenneth Cozier Schol arships in Busmess Administra tion of $180 to Richard Kucera, senior in Bus Ad., and Eugene Sorenson, senior in Bus Ad. The Lincoln Association of Fire and Casualty Agents' St hoi- ! arship of S2j0 to Wayne Hahn, j senior in Bus Ad. ' The Maytag Scholarship in Business Administration of $200 to Morgan Holmes, senior in Bus Ad. The John E. Miller Graduate j Fellowship in Business Admin ' istration of $1KKI to Alan Kas ! dan. The Nebraska Society of Cer i tified Public Accountants Schol arship of $100 to Clark Carpen ter, senior in Bus Ad. The Peat, Marwick. Mitchell and Co. Scholarship of $250 to Jerry Jackson, senior in Bus Ad. The W. G. Langworthy Schol arship of $250 to Natalie John son, junior in Bus Ad. IAk', UsMA WOmen S HOnOrary T i l i. IO WriTe UireCTOry Theta Sigma Phi, National Worn- en's Professional journalism fra- ternity, will publish an alumni di rectory for the Journalism School , this year, according to "The J- School Beat", official publication, The booklet will contain the names, addresses, and jobs of journalism graduates. Members are senior and junior women who have been active in ! ! 1 j K f t head, usually transferred to the inner of the previous ear's Itame in the Nebraska-Colorado rivalry, was left behind by the Buffs this year. Colorado won last year at Roulder, 16-0. Honored Banquet The F. Frederick Warner Scholarship of $125 to Marlyu Carlson, senior in Bus. Ad. The Edward Weils Memorial Scholarship of S175 to Lawrence K.:hl. sophomore in Bus. Ad. The Ayres, Swanson. and As sociates Scholarship of S2"o to Connie Hurst, senior in Bus. Ad. The Champline Refining Com pany Scholarship of S.Vjo to Bernard Kellv, senior in Bjs. Ad. ( jnn Sunday Journal and Star Carpenter Carpenter Castigates Assessors Li a speeth delivered before the Biz Ad banquet Tuesday night in the Union, State Senator Terry Carpenter of Seottsbluff said, that "we realize as we grow older tiow little we know, but it is amazing to st 3 bow many pe'ple think they know more." In regard to the tax problem in the state and the committee be ; beads which is dealing with this problem Carpenter said, "County assessors almost without question are completely incompetent and should be removed from office if tbe7 COQtinue to accept the word of the taxpayer without necessary investigation. This is not a stand- point of theory." he said. "As head of the committee I am going to bring about what I think is rignt re?, rdless of my opinion as a ci.izen." He recommended to the men present that they enter politics. "The greatest experience lor any- one would be election to the Ne- braska state legislature, because ot its non-partisan stature. He questioned whether the eco- Lincoln, Nebraska Ann Haimes Five finalists have been chosen for the title of Activities Queen by the AUF Exec Board. The five girls are: Rychie Van Ornain, a member of Delta Delta Delta, Red Cross Board, Student Union, Coed Coun-i selors and Alpha Lambda Delta.! Mary Vrba, a member of Love ! Hall, Ag Union, Coed Counselors,' University Square Dance Club.' AWS Board. Newman Club and 4 H Club. Grt'tchen Saeger, a member of, Gamma Phi Beta, AUF Assistant, Builders, Red Cross, Pan Hell Representative and Alpha Lambda Delta. Karen Schuester, a member of Chi Omega, .Coed Counselors Board. Builders. AUF Assistant.: Z , . YWCA Cabinet and New Student Week chairman. Sue Schnabble. a member of j Kappa Kappa Gamma, Cornhusk- j er section head. AUF Assistant, i and Builders Assistant. The finalists were selected from of regents, it certainly will be con the sophomore class on the basis : sldered." And chairman of t h e of campus activities, scholarship board. Dr. B. N. Greenberg. said and personality. The selecting : the regents "certainly" will con Board included John Glynn, AUF j sider the proposal if it is brought Treasurer, Jan 5ehrader, AUF ! before the board. Board member in charge of spe-; Dean Henslick. Head of teachers cial events, Bev Buck, AUF vice-; coj;ege, had no comment vesterdav president and the Reverend Rex.on the pr0posal. but said that he , Knowles, ALF tacuity acivisor. ! The winner of the Activities Queen title will be selected at an ; interview w oe nexi iecemoer j. j The Queen win be presented at the. i annual AUF Auction, December 12 The board which will pick Episcopalians Purchase Lot mm mm ?eba!d whiCb.lJ p:ck t-'e ExnQf1S!On a,v', tot expansion I The Episcopalian Church has : purchased the lot at 334 No. 13th ' on which the Acacia Fraternity is located for $37,750. The plans to expand its present cam- ! pjs facilities on the lot. The lot was sold as part of the estate of the late Delia West of Nebraska City, according to a deed filed Tuesday with the Coun ty Register of Deeds and was purchosed by the Episcopalian Bishop and Trustees of the Dio- cese of Nebraska. ' The possibility of a new $1j0. 000 student chapel and activities center on tne s:t ot tne present ciiapel and tne fraternity house is bing discussed, according o the j Rev. Gilbert, pastor of the Uni- j versity Episcopal Chapel located o.reci,y nortn ot ine iratermty at U-W No. 13th. I Although retails of the n"-nnn?jvt j new chapel have not been worked ;out. he said, the chapel will prob- Thursday night at Pershing Audi I ably seat about 250 to 30 per- torium !sons The lease on the lot held ..- vear., curtaiu acts are jby the fraternity expires next outstafldiiig. Dewa;n CUnev cur. jJune. the Rev. Mr. Armstrong uaj act chairniaJlf sa5d. ' ! said. Students Lack Certification Knowledge Students in Teachers College claimed lack of knowledge oa the subject of the Dronosed chanee in certification of teachers. , l57 Prince Kosmet and Nebraska ! Of some thirty student- contact- i Sweetheart, both of whom will be ' ed by the Daily Nebraskan three : !te? b-v th Pa,d attendance ! offered comment on the proposal. ,rJ : Marian Elder, a senior in teach-1 v Candidates for Nebraska Sweet er college, stated. "All teachers : art ,a,re: Shrader. P Beta 'should have the required cours-;phj:. Margot Franke Love Me-; , es because teaching is more than , mortal Had; Cynthia Barber, Kap just knowing the subject matter. ! Pa A-pha Theta; Nan CarUon. Kap- Miss Elder added, "one must al I so know how to work with stu- dents individually. Undergrauates j don't appreciate the value of meth I ods courses until they have had j actual teaching experience." A sophomore in teachers college commented that teaching should . remam a proiession. society snouw . ; put teachers on better economic ' level so more students in science would want to be teachers, she said. This student also stated that teaching standards could be raised if more were interested in teach ing. Teaching is an important pro fession and desenes a higher stat us than it now has, she claimed. A senior in Teachers College indicated that all the m e thod courses should be combined into one course. This student believes that student teaching is the only valuable course. KK Rehearsals Skit rehearsals for the Kosmet Klub FaU Revue will be held Wednesday and Thursday nights in Pershing Auditorium accord ing to Keith Smith, director. Smith said that times would be announced later. xec native Commiti-ee Queen December 3 will include Bill Spilker, President of Inno cents; Karen Dryden. president ot Mortar Boards; Helen Gourlay, president of the Student Council; Jack Pollock, editor of the Daily Nebraskan and a faculty member to be announced. I Proposal Of 11 Faculty Members May Be Discussed By NU Regents The eleven University faculty members wh released a state- ment on Monday calling for changes m the present teachers certification are drafting anew nlan tn rvnmnipnH fn Phati'pllnr r;J;. ".7.7 fiaiuui ana uie ooara oi negems. The pJan may be proposed this : saturday at the regular meeting of the Board of Resents. Dean of Facu;ties A. c. Breck. enridge said something is pre. sented to tne chanceUor and : mav have ater in the week ' Dean Henslick and other facultv members of the teachers college presently reviewing the pro- and wlll make a report to ChanceUor Clifford Hardin. Norman Cromwell, spokesman . tor me group masuig tne proposal j said, "We plan to send a copy of i the proposal to all concerned with - m a day or so. More discussion is needed in regard to the mech chanisms that will be used in bring ihe change about." Cromwell said that the proposal ' was intended to create an interest . on tne part ot the instructors ! in having a voice in the certifica ; lion of teachers. " -"." Hinm man n . ..... . . ciiv.jr wjgiii or sent irom tne suo ject matter departments on cer- Ticket Sales For Kosmef Ticket sales for tlie T9:"7 Kernel Kli;b Fall Revue scheduled for Pershing Auditorium. Friday at S p.m. are -gome very well." ac- cording to Harlan Nodae, bai- ness manager. Final plans for the Revue are unoerway. Keith Smith, director. stated Tuesday. "The perform ances at rehearsals were very en couraging," Smith said. Smith stated that rehearsals would also be held Wednesdav and , t ratermties represented m tne Revue and their skit titles include: Sigma Chi," Alababoo and The Asian Flu:" Phi Kappa Psi. "In side Russia Confidential H u s ii Hush Shh UnexpiL-gated;" Sigma Phi Epsilon, "Highland Fling;" Phi Delta Theta. "Three Paupers Of Paris," and Alpha Tau Ome;a, "Gunfight at OK Rice Paddy." Also featured at this year's Re- vue will be presentation of tlie Alpha Xi Delta, and Ruthie Gil- bert. Alpha Chi Omega. Prince Kosmet candidates are: Art Weaver, Phi Delta Theta; Rip Van Winkle, Sigma Chi; John Glynn, Beta Theta Pi; Bruce Rus- ,seil. Kauoa Siema: Al Kitzelman pni Kappa Psi, and Bill McQuis- ani Theta Xi Revue Curtain acts include Nor man Riggins, Theta Xi baritone; "The Four Discords," Farm House quartet, and the Delta Upsilon quartet. Tne theme of this year's Fall Married Student Mixer Set Sunday The Ag Union will hold a Married Student Mixer Sunday from 3 to 4 p.m. in the College Activities Build ing. All Ag College married students and their children are invited to attend the event, according to Marilyn Jensen, chairman of Ag Union Hospitality committe. A nursery for the children will be provided. A traveling invitation is being circulated in all married student housing developments and to all KNUS. married studenis in Ag College to Called "For The Pleasure of Lw determine the number expected t" tening", the program will leature attend, jons and .stories. , Candidates for the finalists posi tion and the organizations backing them were: Kathy Roach, AWS: Sally Downs, Builders; Mary Met calf. Tassels: Mary Vrba, Ag Un ion: Karen Schuster. Coed Conn-' selors; Liz Smith, YMCA; Rychie Van Ornain, Student Union; Doro-i tification." he added. Universitv graduates are pres- enl;v reC0mmended bv the Board of Regents to the State Depart- menl of Education for certification uPn wmpieuon or requirements set up the Teachers College. William Dobler, Editorial editor of the Lincoln Star, in an editorial 1 Tuesday morning said: "This statement of objectives ' more 01 lnose suojects. men mat will not accomplish a great deal Pevion wouJd be Qualified. Period, in itself. It is definite, however, '"We believe that most knowl that a review of certification meth-; edgeable citizens who care about ods and procedures is timely at , 'hat is going on in their schools the moment . . . Certainly there 'iU agree. There should be a is merit in the suggestion that j change. Teaching should get back knowledge of subject matter given j 'a fundamentals. And the first step a greater emphasis than is now ' should be to restore control of the case. A great deal of profes- teaching standards to educators sional training in the methods of , "h respect scholarship and who teaching is now required for cer- know the subject matter they tification in Nebraska and there is j teach." no certncation for students not matriculated in the Teachers Col- lege at the University." .n. .... subject are charged with a na- tional responsibility to examine ; current programs in the light of ' what has been accomplished through them. If the educational . administrators and those in the Teachers College slam the door in the face of constructive criti cism, they will be doing a tre mendous injustice to the cause of the entire free world." In another editorial, that of the Tuesday Omaha World-Herald, the following comment was made: "Eleven University of Neoraska faculty members have proposed a 'Goina Well' K!ub Show Revue is "Foreign Frolics." Jerry Brcwnfield is Master of Ceremonie-. Tickets ior rhe Rpvmp mav obtained from any Kosmet Klub worker or from the Pershing torium box office. Audi- Cobs Schedule Sign Contest For Pep Rally A sign contest between organ ized houses will be held in con junction with the pep rally for the Oklahoma game Thursday night. No names should ap Dear on the signs. Trophies will be awarded to first place in the men's and women's division. Last year's winners were Theta Xi m the men's division and Chi Oir.ega in the women's division. The rally will begin at b 45 p.m. at Mueller Tower and continue to the Union. Speaking at die railv will be Elsworth DuTeau. Lincoln busi- Bev Ellis, junior in business ad ncssman and past secretary ol mini-itration, has been selected as the Alumni Association, along with, the new Red Cross college unit the co-captains of Saturday's ganw. ' treasurer, a c- ' cording to San. Late Date Night Friday night has been desig nated as Mortar Board Late Date Night. f'oed hours will be extended until 1:30 a.m. provided the coed contributes one cent for each minute she stays out past 12:30 a.m. The extension of hours was approved by Ihe AWS and funds will be used by the Mortar Board to help finance the an nual spring International Stu dent Tours of Nebraska. Institute Postponed The Municipal Finance Officers' Institute, which was scheduled to be held at the University Wednes day and Thursday, has been post poned because of the snowstorm until sometime in late April. The conference is sponsored an nually by the Nebraska League of Municipalities, and the Universi ty's department of political sci ence and Extension Division. Special Program j Bill McOuistan, junior in Agri- j culture, will sponsor a special pro gram Thursday at 5.15 p.m. over! Wednesday, November 20, 1957 Ferial 0 n thy Glade, BABW; Gretchen Sae ger, Red Cross; Kay Margaret, WAA; Wynn Sniithburger, Daily Nebraskan; Sue Schnabel, Corn husker and Jolaine Loseke, Home Ec Club. Last year's Activities Queen was Nancy Copeland. simpie, practical plan for supply ing more and better trained teach ers. "T h e University departments that teach basic subjects would de cide who would get teaching cer tificates. If the Departments of physics, mathematics, history or English should say a man or wom an is qualified to teach one or Colorado Ski Jaunt Stil! Open Fourty-four University students have signed up for the Union ski trip to Aspen, Colorado, over the holidays, according to Bob Handy, Union activities director. .Anyone who would like to go but has not found time to sizn uo may do so this week. Handy said, "Ve could handle ten more pretty easily," Handy said, ; One instructor has been chosen for the trip and another one will be chosen this week. Carol Graves is the instructor chosen. She has had three years of experience as a ski instructor previously. Kansas University will also be taking their annual ski trip to As pen at the same time so the juncet will be a combined one with the Kansans. The party will leave Lincoln at 1:14 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29 and will arrive in Glenwood Springs, Colorado at 2 p.m. the same day. Skiing will be on Thursday, Fri day and Saturday and the party will return to Lincoln Sunday, Feb. 2. Classes start Monday, Feb. 3 so the party will be back in plenty of time for eight o'clocks. Revue Tickets Tickets for the 1957 Kosmet Klub Fall Revue which will be held Friday at 8 p.m. at Persh inv Auditorium may be obtained from any Kosmet Klub worker or from the Pershing box office. NU Red Cross Selects New Unit Treasurer d r a Whalen, publicity chair man of the Red Cross college unit. Miss Ellis is also on AUF and the board of the YWCA. and was in charge of the Hungarian Pro- Journal and Star Miss Ellis ; ject. j Other new Red Cross Board members are Janet Crist, Handi ! crafts and Production committee . chairman; Joan Stansbury, chair- man of Adult Activities; Malou Parrott, Vets' Hospital chairman; Nancy Morris, chairman of LARC school, and Rychie Van Ornam, chairman of the Leadership com mittee. Window Painting Contest Cancelled The window painting contest for all organized houses, tenta tively scheduled for Saturday has been cancelled due to an extended severe weather fore cast, according to Robert Durrie and Warner Rhoads of the Lin coln Promotion Council. A record of all plans made for Ihe contest is being kept in the event that such a contest can be conducted at a later time.