lutrsuav. iNOvemDCr I V, On The Soda! Side: Three Engagements Told By WTXX SMITHBERGER Social Editor Announcements of three engage ments and five pinnings were made on the campus Monday eve ning. Engagements E 1 g i n e Rhineshart, a Kappa Kappa Gamma senior in Teachers from Beatrice, to Jerry Rotzin. a Delta Tau Delta in Business Ad ministration from Beatrice. Sally Hancock, a Kappa Alpha Theta junior in Teachers from Tl...v.k T3w VuKon ... Al pha Tau Omega alumnus from Lexington. Sally Dwinell, a Nebraska Wes leyan alumnus from Lincoln, to Gary LaVoie, a Delta Sigma Phi enior in Teacher from Camp Vll. Pinninps "at Brown, a Gamma Phi Beta 3 A Banquet To Feature Carpenter Senator Terry Carpenter, rcpre entative to the Nebraska Legisla ture from the 42nd District, will address the 33rd annual University Business Administration Banquet ct the Union ballroom. Tuesday at f p.m., according to Jim Whittak r. publicity chairman. Infcluded on the program will be he announcement of Collece of business Administration scholar ships. Ten outstanding freshmen of '956-57 will receive Gold Keys, freshman scholastic award, .fill Chi Theta, professional fra- cfrnity tor women m Dtismess nu Vninistration, will also present its Leadership and Scholastic Award. New members of Beta Gamma Sigma, national honorary scholar ship and professional fraternity in commerce and business adminis tration, will be announced. Tickets are being sold at a booth In Social Science building and also tnav be obtained through members r v,. cr,r.:i Phi rh Them Al- ni llitr kwuw-t ' ' ha Kappa Psi and Delta Sigma Pi. Coffee Hour There will be a Union Coffee Hour in the main lounge of the union on Saturday after the Oklahoma-Nebraska football game, ac cording t o Charlene Anthony, chairman of the Union Hospitality Committer. Phalanx The pledging ceremony for Pha lanx, professional military frater nity, will be held Wednesday at 7; 30 p.m. in Room 313 of the Union. SANTA SAYS- CHOOSE YOUR Christmas gifts AT KAUFMAN'S LINCOLN'S LEADING CREDIT JEWELERS WHERE THERE IS 1 315 NEVER INT KV C FINANCE OR CD CARRYING CHARGE au CD Diamonds Jewelry Wotches Gifts Nationally Advertised Quality Merchandise SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR STUDENTS Your Credit- Is Welcome At Ask for Rich or Joa pp L Soles Representative Wanted $tuHrnU, male and fe male, part lime, commis sion bans. Item hoten for student appeal. Write, friving full information, to I. V BORER. 1439 PRESIDENT STREET, RrOOKEYTS 13, NET iORK. lave a WORLD of f ON! TV Travel with SlTA 7 Unbeievobl low Cof i4 - -S- $585 uneni ' lii UmZ. $991 I . . rt(. ST! I4 .lta..ilt to . Willi Vt . . . ImI , !! I V J fnior in Arts and Science from Plattsmouth, to Bill Boshing, an Alpha Tau Omega senior in En gineering from Mitchell. Sharon Airy, a Civ Onifga junior in Teachers from Grand Island, to Larry Naviaux, Delta Tau Delta junior in Teachers from Lexington. Judy Williams, a Chi Omega freshman in Teachers from Wa hoo. to Ross Lance, a Delta Tau Delta sophomore in Engineering from Grant. Barbara Hyland. an Alpha Phi sophomore in Teachers from Oma ha, to Larry Hagan, a Phi Delta Theta sophomore in Bussiness Ad ministration from Omaha. Alice Jennings, tn Alpha Chi Omega junior in Teachers from Davenport, to Dan Fisher, a Wes leyan Theta Chi alumnus from Lincoln. Nil Professor Receives Air Group Award Charles Elmlinger, assistant pro fessor of elementary education at the University, has been named recipient of the University Aviation Assn. award. The award, founded in honor ol W. A. Wheatley of United Air Lines, is presented annually to the person in college or university education making the greatest con tribution to air age education. Elmiiner will receive a plaque at the banquet of the National Aeronautic Assn. convention in Omaha Friday. Since 1953, he has been coordi nator of the Air Age Education Division at the University. He is responsible for elementary school curriculum workshops and the Air Age Education Instruction al Materials Center, and also co ordinates the annual Air Age Edu cation clinics held at the Univer sity. Pep Rally Slated The pep rally for the Okla- i homa game will be held Thur- ' day night instead of Friday be- I cause of Kosmet Klub show Friday, according Is Bill Mr- 1 (tujiten, yell king. The guest speaker will be Mrs. DuTeau. A rally sign contest is sched , nled and no fraternity names should be appear on the banners. I The rally will take start at 6:45 p.m. at Mueller Tower and take the regular route to the Union. Trophies will be awarded to first place in the men's and : women's division. WMT It tffTlLt WtTH LiMiri Witard WHAT 14 AN AMGFY tlCHT-YU(OU V, HCH0 MILDHCTM UTt II Kiled ChOd WHAT'S A MASTY, COTTOM-PICfl! IUOI C BlVie KELLY Evil Wmeuil Yf LIGHT UP A i t WILLIAM lpG Rvue Curtain Acts iReVealed By KK Group Curtain acts for the 19.i7 Kosmet Klub Fall Rsvue have been an nounced by Dewain Cisney, cur tain act chairman. The Delta Upsilon quartet; ,-The Four Discord s." representing Farm House; and Norman Rig gins, Theta Xi baritone, will com prise the curtain act entertainment for the Fall Revue which will be staged this Friday at 8 p.m. in Tribute Paid To Dr. Martin Friday Eve Dr. O. R. Martin, Lincoln pub lic accountant and former Uni versity professor, was honored Friday evening at a testimonial dinner held in conjunction with the 1957 Accounting Institute at the University. Members of the Institute paid tribute to educator for his contri bution as a pioneer in the field of accounting. Dean Earl Fullbrook of tlie Col lege ot Business Administration said Dr. Martin '"exerted great influence on the development of the teaching and practice of ac counting in Nebraska." Dr. Martin joined the University staff in 1921 and served until 1948. Tribute was also paid to Dr. Martin by Elmer Beamer, vice president of the American Ac counting Association and chair man of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Beamer told the 15(1 accountants attending the Institute that while the profession of public account ing is the youngest of the profes sions, it is maturing rapidly. "The accounting profession to day is at about the point in its educational development where the legal profession was in 1915 and the medical profession in 1920. "Training for the public ac counting profession should eventu ally be based primarily on formal education. And continued educa tion through experience should come after admission to the pro- j fession." he said, j The institute, which ended Sat i urday noon, was sponsored by the j Nebraska Society of Certified Public Accountants in coopera ! tion with the University' College . of Business Administration and Extension Division. Theta Nu 1 Theta Nu. the pre-medical fra- ternity. will meet Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. in Bessey Hall, according to Vice-President Norman Gesch. All members .should be present : and on time. A tour of Lincoln General Hospital will follow the i meeting. WHAT t& A GLASi CUM ji tu coore Cryital PiUol root TI tWMI TT WHAT A A OfWIONM If HSCHftUa OaXLTH COLL Ewt't Visum WMAT'I A WIGLAfcltD IGYfTIAH TOi idwo om,c Stripped Crypt IHDDII coil U i I I ant The Dailv Nlebro.kon Pershing Auditorium. Dress rehearsals to the Revue will begin tonight in the auditori um, according to Keith Smith, director of this year's show. Fraternities representee' in the Fall Revue are: Sigma Chi, "Alababoo and The Asian Flu." Phi Kappa Psi, "'Inside Russia Confidential Hush Hush Shh Un expurgated." Phi Delta Theta. ' Three Paup ers of Paris." Alpha Tau Omega, ' Gunfight at OK Rice Paddy." Sigma Phi Epsilon, ''Highland Fling." Also featured at the Revue will be the presentation of the 1957 Nebraska Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet. Candidates for Prince Kosmet are Bruce Russell, Kappa Sigma; John Glynn. Beta Theta Pi; Art Weaver, Phi Delta Theta: Rip Van Winkle, Sigma Chi; Bill Mc Quistan. Theta Xi; and Al Kitzel man. Phi Kappa Psi. Nebraska Sweethear' candidates are Jan Shrader, Pi Beta Phi; Nan Carlson, Kappa Kappa Gam ma; Cynthia Barber. Kappa Alpha Theta; Margot Franke. Love Me morial Hall; Ruthie Gilbert, Al pha Chi Omega; and Joyce Ev ans. Alpha Xi Delta. The paid attendance will elect the Kosmet Klub royalty. Intermission entertainment will be provided by Jimmy Phillips and his orchestra. Jerry Brownfield will be master of ceremonies. Tickets for the Fall Revue may be obtained from Kosmet Klub workers or from the Pershing Au ditorium box office. Late Date Night Set For Coeds University coeds have a chance ! to obtain an added hour of night ' life Friday and contribute to a , worthy cause at the same time. ! The evening has been designated j i Mortar Board Late Date Night. j Coed hours will be extended until !l:30 a.m. Saturday with the stip I ulation that coeds pay one cent for ; each minute they stay out after i 12:30 a m. The extension of hours has been : approved by the AWS. Funds re- ceived from University coeds for j the extra date minutes will be used by the Mortar Board to help i finance the annual spring Inter national Student Tours of Nebras ka. Late Date Night is being held in conjunction with Kosmet Klub Fall Review, according to Karen D.j den. Mortar Board president. IT'S ONLY MONEY but shoot your loot on anyjj brand but Luckies, and its so much lost cost! You st, a Lucky w all fine tobacco. Superbly light tobacco to give you a light smoke . . . wonderfully ;y good-tasting tobacco that's toasld to taste even better. Matter of fact, a Lucky tastes like a million j bucks and all you're paying is Pack Jack! So make;;! your next buys wise . . . make 'em packs of Luckies! You'll say a light smoke's the right smoke for you. rfl MmiiiaaaaSkMMSfMaf fi- fcni ' Al tfK riat fflWMMIMMI nmiSmmw3n I'MHUiri' - wtnmtmWSmWmSSt LUCltY A USTRIllE CIGARETTES SMOKE -LIGHT UP A LUCKY Fndud ej JZ&eccJwy- Xcev our middU name Hartiy Exhibits if. ! t Courts Sundy Journal and Slar NU Exhibit To Feature j Scenic Art Examples of tlie work of the American artist, Marsden Hart ley, who devoted his professional life to mountain subjects will be on i , exhibition for four weeks at the ; University Art Galleries in Mor rill Hall. The exhibition opened with a lecture by Norman Geske, director of the galleries on the exhibition theme, "Painter and the Moun tain." He explained the meaning and the importance of the moun- i tain theme. i One of the University Are Gal- 1 leries' best-known paintings, "Mt. Katahdin. Autumn. No. 1," is the i j work of Hartley. The exhibit will ' include this painting and several : 1 other versions of Hartley's favorite . subject, some of them on loan from j private collections and on display ; here for the first time. ' KK Meetings There will be a meeting of all Kosmet Klub actives at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Room 306 and a meeting of (he workers at 7:15 p.m., according to Jerry Brown-, field, vice president. Final plans for the Fall Revue: ticket sales: and other items of extreme importance will be dis cussed, Brownfield stated. Job openinp for college man. (jr etH-ntia! Call El Gzrhmiak (A TO) at 3-6731 ltf-twern 3:M & 7:00 Tus. eve nine; for appointment. STUCK FOR DOUGH? START STICKLINGIj MAKE $25 We'll pay $25 for every Stickler p we print and for hundreds mon jjj that never get utted! So atar Stickling they're mo easy yoi jjj can think of dozen in seconds Stickle are eimple riddles wit: jjj two-word rhyming annwers. BotI jjj words must have the same num jjj ber of syllables. (Don't do draw jjj ings.) Send 'em all with you. jjj name, address, college and clas. jj: to Happy.Joe-Lucky, Box 67A;jj; Mount Vernon, N. Y. Paintings In Morrill cW V This Week Highlights of the week will ! Dinner. Tuesday; Alpha Lambda Delta Initiation, Thursday; Kosmet Klub Fall Revue. Friday; Football (Oklahoma vs Nebraska), Satur day; and Orchestra Concert, Sunday. Tuesday, 6 p.m. Business Administration Banquet, Union Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. Faculty Newcomers Meeting Museum Tuesday, 8:30 p.m. Poetry Reading, Dr. Robert Knoll, Morria Hall Thursday, 4 p.m. Talks & Topics Series, Union Thursday, 4:15 p.m. Physics Colloquium, Brace Laboratory Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Alpha Lambda Delta Initiation Friday, 3-5 p.m. Humanities Exhibit, Love Library Friday, 8 p.m. Faculty Square Dance Club, Ag Activttiei Building Friday, 8 p.m. Kosmet Klub Fall Revue Saturday Second Scholastic Reports Saturday, 2 p.m. Football Oklahoma University in Lincoln l Parents Day) Saturday, 4 p.m. Parents' Day. Coffee Hour, Union Saturday. 9 p.m. "Touchdown Trot" Dance, Union Sunday Family Day, College of Medicine Sunday, ":30 p.m. Orchestra Concert, Union AO I Party fare for the Holidays mm Our new collection of formals and cocktail dresses has arrived . . . beautiful colors, bright or subtle, elegant rustling fabrics create the newest parly silhouettes. Eouffant or sophisticated silhouettes meant to glamorize youi social calendar. 7to IS. . and up. Car ppt Shop second jloor 29.95 A 1 m$m iii IS 1 WrWfnhi Vii vf I LjS Jf! t I'll' A t Hl- . J jjj Poge I On Campus be: CCRC International Frindhip Warner's Merry Widow Underlining all party siihouetieg . . . Wcn ner's Merry Widow designed to mold your figure into on slender line of elegance . f i A the famous corselette in white or Beige embroidered nylon. $15 Foundalion$-lhird floor So Mich, I l) mbj mhm. Chiugo . HA7-Z547 JA.T.C :::;:::;;::;;:::;;;;iffninm