The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1957, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    me Daily NebrasKon
Monday, November 6, 19;) 7
new Worn
Broken AH
Page 4
Buffs Blank Cornhuskers, 27-0;
Scarlet Falls To Loop Celler
I flipped an aerial to Boyd Dowler
: for the TO with 10 seconds left in
; the half.
The third period saw fhe ending
of the Colorado scoring. After ex-
The University of Nebraska Corn- ers but the home team could not
buskers, in order to stave off a . make any yardage against the
cellar finish in the Big Eight Con- stout Buffalo line and had to kick
ference, met the Colorado Buffa-: to the Colorado 24. This proved to
loes Saturday in hopes to raise 1 be the beginning of another six-
their loop record but the Buffs, : pointer for the Dal Ward club as j changing punts a few times the
led by the nation's top rusher. ; the first string hustled the ball to ' own 43 yard line where they began
Bob Stransky, had different ideas the Husker 35 before relenting to j Bisons ended with the ball on their
and stopped the Huskers, 27-0. ; the second unit of the neighboring their final pay dirt drive. The big
Jerry Wheeler kicked off for the state. i push was capped by Herbst skirt
Scarlet into the arms of Bob Stran-; The second string was just as ! of right end for the TD for 10
hard to compete against, if not yards. The PAT was good at Colo-
harder, for the Huskers, however.
Led by smoothy quarterback How
ard Cook, the Buffalo squad liter
ally ran over tne bcariet detense
and drove to the seven where Cook
gathered in the ball and skirted
right end for another tally. Cook's
kick was good to give the visitors
a 14-0 lead.
With three and one-half minutes
remaining in the half Tolly punted
to Stransky on the 11. A clipping
penalty set the Bisons back in the the Husker offense but Brown was
an off-tackle plav that pushed Bob shadow of their own goal posts to stopped on the 35 of Colorado to
into scoring territory to account the one. The Buffs didn't stop at end the threat and the game.
for the TD. getting the ball into midfield and Next week the Scarlet will host
lodorfa kick split the uprights . pushed to the Husker 20. The 99- the Oklahoma Sooners in Memorial
to put the Buffs in front. 7-0. i yd. push was capped oi the en- Stadium to end the 1957 grid sea
Colorado kicked off to the Husk-1 suing play when Howard Cook son.
sky on the Buff's 6 yard line. Bob
ran the ball back to the 35 before
being brought down. For the first :
three downs, the Husker line held
and Dowler punted to Nebraska's '
24. The Huskers could do nothing
either, however, and Tolly booted
to the Colorado 5 but Stransky
stepped the ball back up their
24 yard line.
At this point the Colorado scor
ing machine set into action and
promptly marched 74 yards for
the tally. The drive was capped by
rado led 27-0 to cease their
scoring for the afternoon.
i The Husker offense could not
get rolling and only penetrated
into the Buff territory four times
but each time the bid was stopped
before it could be turned into a
scoring threat.
In the final minute the Huskers
broke through the Colorado de
fense and almost sprung Jerry
Brown who was instrumental in
I 1 v 'u
p. A
' I . f I '
" I1!.!11-1 11,11 ""I'll 4 ,J"MWBWMaM'a",
iL touchdowhtI
11' ipV . , I
i s UN' - 1
ft U&r. fit :5;:J
1 " ' - " i A i '- inn hi I '
- - " . - I TOUCHDOWX! f
' . " .'- .. 11-'
Notre Dame's Dick Lynch Scores History Making Touchdown
Fighting Irsh Upsets Sooners 7-0;
K-State Upends Missouri, 23-27
Staff Sports Writer
earlier in the game, but this time sand fans by unleashing a tre- was instrumental in keeping tha
Notre Dame refused to be stopped mendous ground game good for Tigers in the eame with his bril-
Two major upsets highlighted short of victory. For three plays 410 yards to upset Missouri, 23-21. v t , r,rr,vi Hia kirWnff
ocilu. uaj a iijtuaii in iij tiic ouwici iuieiiiLii nciu, uui vii HaitbaCK oenu lirofise, wno ooot-
K-State 20. Two plays later
Big Eight as mighty Oklahoma fell the last down Halfback Dick Lynch ed a last-minute field goal to de- Quarterback Phil Snowdeii scored
7-0 to the "Fighting Irish" of Notre took a quick pitchout and circled eat ebraska last year, supplied from the 15 and 'Guard Charlie
uaine ami iciar uc.iin8 rwaiis ma u ugm. cuu iui mc liuoi tne wmning margin as he kicked Rash converted.
state upset Missouri zi-n. inree yaras. c.iki womt sucKies a 13-vard field goal in the third
Coach Terry Brennan's Irish converted. period.
woiufl not De denied Saturday as The Sooners tried desperately to A
tney naneo UKianomas recora- aVert defeat ai they moved the
breaking winnina streak a: 47 hall to the Irish Sfi-varH line. How-
cr :t ti Ti-. mfn f ''Ail .tut h P' n;l u i -' f ...
B-.... ... cici, oji nie loi p.av 01 me gamtr Kjnil bulled over from tne one to
cuiuH-cici. uwiiuiiaicu i ii c a oesperanon pass was intercepted cr. the ir..intpr n,
Missouri scored the other touch
downs on drives of 52 vards and
Tiger fumbie deep in Missouri ho yards and Rash converted each
territory set up the first touchdown time.
for Kansas State. Quarterback Les
tistics as rtiey racked up 17 first
, downs and 248 yards while limiting
' the Sooners to 9 first downs and
145 vards.
Notre Dame's attack was paced
by 210-pound fullback Nick Pietro
sante, who accounted for more
than one third of their yrdage.
j Time after time Pietrosaiiic-'s bull- ,
hke smashes into the SVioner line
picked up the necessary yardage ;
; to keep Notre Dame's drives mov-
, ing.
Notre Dame's winning touch-
' down came in the final period as
, the Irish drove 0 yards to pay
dirt. Pietrosame's line smashes !
moved the Irish to a first down
on the Sooner four yard line. The ! Oklabomans tried
j valiently to halt the drive as they
i had done on two other occasions
by rhe Irish in the end zone.
Meanwhile over in Columbia
Kansas State shocked twenty thou-
Zaenik converted to give the Wild
cats a 7-0 lead.
Missouri's Hank Kuhlman, wio
) mr nuiifnt rpprpsentnlir
For im la j,,r inorre
nrd$. rnnmtt m frUmt ttiidfnll
Dallas D. Fowler
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NowDJhe one cigarette In 'tune with' 'America's taste
C nurtcsy Sunday Jnuro) and sr
Colorado's Boyd Dowler Scores Third Buff TD
Sooner Hoop Squad Rated Sixth;
Smithless Mizzou Cellar Bound
has all you want!
more season last years was both
hot and cold. He averaged 5.9
points a game.
Husker Frosh
Down Colgate
Horse, won
try meet
of Nebraska fresh
by Joe American
a postal crosis coun
with Colgate Uni-
"V ' t-
"Ai 1' v
versjty. 24 to 31. Coacl.
Sevigne announced.
American Horse's time for
the 2-miles was 9:50.4. Gary Lar
son, Nebraska runner for Lincoln
Northeast was second in 10:20.5
Epanchin of Colgate finished third
in 30:23.
By BOB MARTEL other Sooner have been gft as counted into the Conference p.e-
Sports Editor starters. dictions. The Cowboys should have
Our faith in Jerry Bush and the Junior Bob Stoermer, 6-8. ia the another fine season and be ranked
Comhusker basketball squad has leading candidate for the center high nationally,
led us to predict that they will position if coach Doyle Parr nek
finish ahead of bo Oklahoma and decides to move King to one of
Missouri this season. the forward slots. Stoermer had a
Although the Sooners have Joe 6' wr8e la5t season-
Kine and Don SrtiwaD returaine. Bin Ashcraft. fc-6 returnee. is al-
we are nevertheless installing so in the running for the starting
them in sixth position in the Con-15061 .aS1Snment-
ference ' -rartack ss counting neavuy on
., , sophomore Dennis Price, 6-3. who
s,D"au "rxaTB once scored 43 points m a State
iviug, w 2 icinci, uau grat cnampionsnip game. Price may be me;).
season in &b-7 averaging 6 points starter at guard.
cnl 11 re ;
u tame. ouau, w-w. hi uia &lujiu- r.u- cnH.. i i
Gene Hudson. 6-3: Dick Anderson,
fi-4; Max Claiborne, 6-0; Larry
Ivan. 6-3: Joe Jones. C-2: Art Keil .'
Outside of King aad SchwaJl, no 5-o: Bruce Medley, 6-1 and
Monte Simpson, 6-4.
Outstanding Soph
In addition to Price, other out
standing sophomores are Bill
Hammond, 6-6; Jack Marsh, 6-7; '
.Floyd Sharkey, 6-5; Jack Haskms,
;6-2; Ray Lewis, 6-3 and Roger
j Potts, 6-4.
j Should Scbwall give Oklahoma a '
I steady game and some of the
' tail sophomores pan out Oklahoma
! could be real tough, at least tough
er than last season,
i Missouri
The loss of Lionel "Night Train"
: Smith will be sorely felt by the
! Missouri cage squad this season.
.Smith led the Tigers last season
j with a 21 point per game average.
Center Chuck Duren, 6-7. will sit
out the first semester and will be
replaced by Al Abram, 6-5, who
averaged 5.6 while playing both
center and forward last season.
Roger Egeftioff, 6-3, will prob
ably team at the forward position
with sophomore Cliff TaDey, 6-6.
Egelboff averaged 6.8 last season
while Talley is a former Illinois
Sonny Siebert, 6-3, will bold down
one of the guard slots for the
Tigers while the other position is
up for grabs. Siebert had s very
fine rookie season last year aver
aging 33.4 points per gan-e. .
Other squad member are Glen
non ForristalL 6-0; Mike Kirskey, i
5-10; Paul Stehr, 5-31, Joh'ni
Stephens, 6-6; Tom Field, 5-31 and
Jerry Kirksey. S-H. F-W and Kirk-
hey are sophomores,
Oklrhcinia State, which ifcentiy
joined the Big Eight, will not be
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