The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    The Dcilv Nebroskort
Monday, November 18. 1957
Page 2
Editorial Comment
Forward Step
Toward better representation.
As the Student Council begins to seek a more
tfp-to-date method of determining the number
of representatives each college shall have, they
Uiay be Uking step in the right direction.
At least, they have taken the first step. The
Council, at their meeting last Wednesday, re
ferred a case concerning representation in the
Engineering College to the Judiciary Committee.
I Refering this action to the council sub-committee
was in itself a commendable move, however,
ii is now up to the committee to make a proper
investigation and come up with a feasible an
swer. Unless this is done, the first step was
taken for naught.
The classical example of lack of representa
tionthat of the Engineering College shows a
need for a new interpretation of the Council's
charter. The problem, brought up at the Council
meeting, reveals that although the college has
1500 students, it is only represented by two mem
bers on the Council.
According to the standards set forth in the
Council constitution, the college should have
three representatives if any change is to be
made. At the last printing of the Council con
stitution in 1954, the method for selection of the
members stated that "representation shall be
on he basis of one representative for every 500
students or a major portion thereof." Also at
this time the numbers of representatives author
ized to the various colleges on this ba.sis was
listed and this listing has been used for all
elections since then.
The manner in which the Constitution s;a;es
the number of representatives shall be de
termined does not, we believe, need alteration.
The methed of representation is just. What is
needed is an interpretation of the constitution, a
study ot the enrollments of the various colleges
and a subsequent action by the Council which
would set up an adjusted number of representa
tives for the election this spring.
The Judiciary Committee should take time to
make a full study of this situation. As an old
saying of Confjcious goes: "Don't seek for
haste: if you have an eye to temporary ad
vantages, the big things will not get done "
Meanwhile, we will be patient.
American Seicneiiiff
A "crash" program in scientific study might
well unbalance the educational program of the
United States, according to educators attend
ing a meeting of the American Association of
Land Grant Colleges and State Universities.
Does this mean that we should not emphasize
Science, or does it mean that in emphasizing
science we must not neglect other branches of
We still need philosophers to philosophize, doc
tors to doctor and preachers to preach.
Other fields should not be neglected, but at the
same time science needs to be emphasized.
If our scientists don't start soiencing. we might
have to do our philosophizing, doctoring and
preaching to the Russians who d: that snencing.
As Americans sit back, inactive, over their
cups of coffee, Russia moves on ahead. Soon e
Americans, as we do our relaxing, will be read
ing Russian-written books of outer space and in
tricacies of the atom.
The present situation leaves much to be de
sired. How can we be satisfied with our own
meager scientific advancements, while a Russian
dog is getting dizzy floating around in the great
beyond? Shouldn't the dog have b"en a native
Freshmen Restricted
Another in the series of editorials from
American newspapers is reprinted today. This
editorial appeared in the Daily Tar Heel, the
publication of the University of North Carolina.
This editorial shows, we believe, thai the
parking problem of the University, though by
no means is a slight one, has far to go to
become as dire as the parking problem on
many campuses throughout the nation.
In the spring of 1956, the student government
asserted admirable responsibility in its proposal
to prohibit freshman cars on campus and limit
sophomore cars only to those who maintained a
"C" average.
At that time, Uninversity trustees were ex
tremely upset about the congested traffic situa
ion on campus and threatened to take action un
less student government demonstrated some re
sponsibility. The student body president and his presi
dentially appointed Traffic Advisory Commis
sion championed the cause and acted rapidly in
promulgating a proposal to alleviate traffic con
gestion. The commission's plan outlined two
basic points:
1) That a automobile registration fee of S2..V)
would be levied and that proceeds from this
fee would be ultimately used to build additional
parking facilities.
2 1 That freshmen would be denied auto mainte
nance privileges and that sophomores without
"C" averages would also be prohibited from
keeping cars on campus.
But it was also specifically stipulated that such
prohibition was to be only temporary. And that
auto maintenance privileges would be reinstated
is soon as additional parking facilities could be
It now appears that temporary has come to
mean permanent.
Student government and student body presi
dent should immediately champion the cause for
reinstatement of au'o privileges for freshmen
and all sophomores.
A promise is a promise, and immediate action
should be taken to construct more facilities so
that all students may have equal privileges snd
Sludent government is only as good as its word
and the responsibility it demonstrate?.
Temporary restrictions on cars should not re
main permanent.
(rotn the editor
First Things First...
by Jack Pollock
Comment of the week (made by a !oca; rati,-)
announcer Saturday evening on his 11 'p.m.
newscast after four hours of steady snowfall):
'Possible snow showers . . . forecast for the
Fellow students with financial, football, and
female woes, take heart. Humorist Max Shui
man blames matriarchy as the cause for lack
of interest of American youth in truly legiti
mate causes.
At a convention attended by five members of
the University student publications represent
atives some 10 days ago, Shulman remark-!
it's time to reverse the matriarchy.
Said the humor columnist. "Women are
naturally conservative. They are nesters. the
stand-patters. When America wai run by res'
less men, this country was the light of the
world. But today the covered wagon is a s'a
tion wagon and the frontier is a picture win
dowlooking out on somebody eise's picture
This is what be offered "to start reversing"
this matriarchy, "Take that girl you've been
going steady with since you were 13 years old
and punch her in the nose. This will settle
the issue between you and she once and for
all and leave no confusion as to who's boss."
"In my opinion women would appreciate the
end o! their matriarchy which has occurred
largely by default. Men come home at night
too tired to make decisions, so the wife willy
nilly has to. She would be delighted to have
this responsibility taken olf her hands. So (fo
anead and take it from her.''
Men, it's no wonder we lost tne Cr:ra-io
"Changing Times'' magazine has i owiurted
a survey on the "Socrates at one side o a
table and a freshman at the other'' philosophy
on size ot the ideal college classroom.
The magazine said studies show that .ti7.
of a ciass bv itself doesn't ha'e much influ
ence on acadpmic achievement. More import
ant, according to'the report, are 1 the qual
ity of the faculty, i2i the aims of the institu
tion and i3i the motivations of the student.
Will the youngster get more nut of a large
class, the magazine asked.
Will the youngster get more out of a large
ciass in which someone like Mark Van Do.-en
is the teacher, the "Times'' asked, or out of
s small group in which he receives greater
persnnal attention from a less-experienced
instructor. Concluded the Times "It depends
on the youth himself and what he s after. The
ideal school will probably, give him both if
the serious shortage of college teachers doesn't
wipe out the small ciass altogether."
Daily Nchraskan
, - , FIFTY -SIX TEARS OLD in aravmi .
Member: Associated Collegiate Preea umrmm. miwu. man u i tm . !
fotereoHer late Pre
Representative: National Advertising Servlee, .uhi tditor "ft
. . , Mam,'ii Miiur K" l r.B.'n.fci
Incorporate a N(!W, tylSiur tmr
Pablisbed at: Room 20, Student Union mJm sTuma'.'.'.7.V.. t.r" h,.'i.t.
Mth M, K Writrn Hra knrt, OH Ktrnimn, m aa
"w " m hrm. Hurold frlrdman. lr..
Nra.kaa h fMbll.hrt Mond. TaMMlar. Itmff HrHrn lhl lliiM.rfll-M. Pal
aaa aa rtda darwt rlM taml r. Manntian. .mm l.lmiwi. Hrb Proh-. Wn mlta-
i-ti. and M rn.d., aa mm Kuu ht-tft, MaraarH Hni.
Miia ui( aaraat. ttudutt "w t Ktimrtrn har..a hhm. " ''
ad Ikohrxks ukl tha aaarBlnMi of m Ixnmll'fi jnn Anrferwin. Mar Unking, 4ny l.rlfrta. f.arl Halha
m anvtoit " a aa aaiiwaalna of tnal wlaKm. , Harm Karrrr. Rnbrrta Hnann, Mamt Kaaap.
pajMlranam adf tlw aftdlrttmi at tha niitwamnritiw yranilr Hmip, ( arol inthmix-r. .arr Maiblmr.
aa tadH taMtmnm. ahall l trr. from adltnrlal tjrnnt, Jiillrnnr Mrlirlni. Hiiannr RHrhXal.
.anrhlp aa part o$ Ihr uhrimmifl 4,mnnm lml.ln.. nrll Thi.min. Arlrar Turn",
art M aa arnnhar ol Iftr ai-ait at ia I nlrfaii. m H1 Nr , i ,11
aa Wa pari pi aai prmoa aotaidr IH ;Bivr.n. rae Mnan "'-'I""'"
avrnttibla 'or wHal ln a. ar do at rauaa la w (,nh nm'M
arftd. PrHraar . IS. .... rii.nB Uinni ., rrla
Sakwrtauoa ralrn an 1M 9- M ! llrnilatioa Maaar
liiiVi'ililpiG-PcVj; V
by bob Ireland
I A0c AS OKE .. J
The following is a one act play
The Jack lei Are t'emmg. I'm
All Shook ap, or
The Trials and Tribulations of
A Student Jackie Extermina
tor, or
Jackie and Hide.
The characters in this bit of
drama are:
Jonathan Edwards, bey Crusad
er. Karl nnd Jasper, common folk.
The scene is in front of the
Union early one morning. Stu
dents troop to and fro on their
way to classes and to the crib. A
solitary figure. Jonathan Edwards,
boy crusader, stands upon a soap-
Into The Limelight
Dave Ulioades
Dave Keene, rharman of the
Sudent Council committee present
ly engaged in organizing the Stu
dent Tribunal, closed his report to
the Council by requesting that all
Council members discuss thorough
ly with the students they repre
sent the Tribunal and the consid
erations being made by the com
mittee. Mr. Keene pointed to the general
apathy of students towards this
project when he commented that
the faculty "was more interested
in seeing the establishment of the
Student Tribunal than were the
Dave said Wednesday tha' the
Office of Student Affairs must both
counsel students and pass judg
ment on student misconduct, this
making that office both the prose
ctor and the judge in the situa
tion. Several good points were brought
up in Student Council Wednesday
concerning the p r e s e n t charter.
The question was raised, fir in
stance, about the 6 5 cumulative
grade average as a qualification
for student membership. It was
suggested that instead of the same
average requirement for student
judges, a sliding scale average be
used within the individual college.
This would acknowledge the fact
that students in some colleges have
a stiffer course of study than other
students. This scale would probab
ly be a certain grade point above
the average for that college. This
seems to be the fairest recom
mendation thus far proposed on
this question of qualification.
Selection of student judges also
came under consideration As it
s'ates in the present charger, "a
committee of the Student Council
shall nominate at least two candi
dates for every student position."
I hope that this doesn't rule out
the possibility of interested stu
dents applying to the Council for
consideration by the committee.
Capable students interested in be
ing judges otherwise might be
overlooked by the committee.
ROTC Neeflrri?
To ROTC or not to ROTC. that
b the question.
With the advent of new and
Vthal devices such as rockets,
ICBM's and Sputnikers. is ROTC
Military proficiency acquired is
not sufficient to compensate for
tie time, and effort expended un
der the current program. The sit
uation might be alleviated if the
ROTC efforts were d;ver'd 'o
Civil training
Why learn how to clean rifles,
or even shoot them, if future wars
are to be fought from behind some
Pentagon dek in Washington by
pushing buttons of assorted niign
and color.
onllli iuv II
Honor Si-m
Why not have a honor system
at the University. Aren't we old
enough to be trusted in the area
of getting our own education. Any
one who has a personal rode of
ethics would not tiiink o! cheating
on a test
Think of the development of
personality this would aflord. Any
system that would bring the stu
dents toward the attainment of
high code of personal dignity would
be an asset to the institution. YA
uration is not limited to book
knowledge alone.
After all, wnal can we learn in
eollege but he learning process
An Honorable One
Onrc-A-WVek Club
The Student Council, it seems to
me, u a Once-A-Week club. Do
it's members forget that they be
long to the organization not only
for the two hours on Wednesday
afternoon, but also the entire week.
The same issues are considered
for weeks and weeks. If they would
get serious for a few minutes they
might get something done. What
ttiey do do is aimed at getting
compliments in The Nebraskan.
And each member seems to set
for himself, rather than for the
entire student body or even for
his respective college.
The Council is what former Pres
ident Truman would have called
a "do-nothing" Council. But why
say anything more condemning the
Council, its record speaks for it
self. Kay OoldUwt
As Dave Keene pointed out last
Wednesday in Council meeting, stu
dent suggestions are vitally need
ed to insure the quick adoption
Student Tribunal.
Another major conside-ation in
volved Anicle ...
II under "Pow
ers." If the Tri
b.inal can only
hear cases "re
ferred to it by
the Division of
Student Affairs
or agencies of
live Faculty
senate." then
certainly the
power and
thus, the effec- Rhoades
tiveness. it will have will be great
ly limited.
What about complaints against
stiidents or organizations involving
infractions which now go unattend
ed because the Office of Student
Affairs either doesn't know of the
infraction or doesn't wish to rule
in the infraction? As it stands now,
the StiKtent Tribunal is only an
advisor to the Division of Stud?nt
Affairs since it now can only heat
cases referred to it by this office
and can only recommend decisions
to that office.
There is the possibility that the
disciplinary power of thes'bunal
will conflict with that power of
other campus organizations. As
this column has already advocated,
perhaps it would b? possible to pro
vide an appeal power to the Tri
bunal, thereby forcing to some ex
tent certain campus organizations
into action. This would result in a
fairer justice than is now admin
istered by certain organizations
now ruling in disciplinary cases.
Because the committee now
working on the Tribunal knows
most of these suggestions, they
are offered mainly to provide stu
dents with a view of some of the
problems involved in the commit
tee and Student Council proceed
ings. Students should be discussing
their views of the Tribunal, its
set-up and powers, with their Stu
dent Council representative.
Just Between Us
doc rodaers
Story hour with I nrle Hoc.
Once upon a time there were
three toadies. There wa the papa
toal:e. the mama toadie and the
little baby toadie. One fine fall
day the whole toadie family went
out for a hop around the pond.
The baby toadie was the last one
io leave the house. They were out
for some time and wtien they
finally came back it was many
hours later. The papa toadie was
the first one in and he looked
all around and then croaked, "who
drank my bottle of beer." The
mama toadie looked around and
then, she too croaked, "who drank
my bottle of beer."
And the baby toadie belched.
And so goes the tale of the three
toadies The moral of the story
being Little toadies like beer.
And then there's the one about
the two lovers out on a date. The
conversation went thus:
"I love you "
"I love you."
I; was two porcupines necking.
i For readers interested enly In
funny things, stop reading here.)
Tnere have been, recently, many
articles in the nation's papers on
the increasing importance of edu
cation. Eisenhower and othpr gov-e-riment
leaders have expounded
on the subject.
Has there been too much em
phasis on education and in par
ticular, improved scienre curricu
lum and scientific research? I
think not.
There are two points I would
like to bring up to support this.
The first is the recent display
o! .scientific knowledge by Rus.sia
and the obvious emphasis which
they are putting on the furthering
of scientific research and the cul
tivation o! scientific minds. The
reactions in the United States and
the rest of the tree world show
their concern over thus.
The second point is thut while
Ru.-:sia U encouraging iu students
in the study of the science fields,
America is making it tougher for
the science student to even get an
college education. Science students
have a very full work load, be
cause f this often times they are
suspended or forced to quit or
change to a lesser institution of
The problem in general is that
we need many students to go int
science, to become tomorrow's
chemists, mathematicians, physi
cists, engineers and physiologists.
While University groups carry on
the necessary social functions, in
cluding contests on beverage con
sumption and two a m. stupors,
the Russian 'peasant' scientists
are conteracting our social whirl
by launching their second research
satellite, which is about six times
heavier and almost twice as high
as their first one and with curly
at the controls.
Maybe our socialized complacen
cy has us all convinced that the
goal of communism will be altered
from world domination to peace
ful ro-existance. This, of course,
is not so.
And with all the gala activities,
we must not forget something that
is vital to all of us freedom and
democracy in view of the many
sobering Russian threats.
Want Ads
ur I'.en' : ! "F" Binglr riotltilt i n
b'i Kliowrr PirUini inntlrmrn Call
"One ef the funniest
. aa
in years.
I MM Mtlf
mthim; Mrsir.4i.
12(18 "O" Si. Lim-oln
November 22, 1957 8:00 P.M.
(,! TirkH From Kosmrt Klub Workers
box delivering a speech. Two lone
Uudents, Earl and Jasper, com
mon folk, are seen nearby engaged
in didactic dialogue.
Jonathan Edwards, boy cru
sader: Fight! Scrap! Bite! Rage!
Growl! Eurp! Down with . .
F.arl: I'm sick of all these
schlemiels around here. It's un
constitutional. Jasper: Pray tell, O hasty one.
Let us examine your statement.
Karl: I hate schlemiels (he
takes a schlemiel from his brief
case and throws it at Jonathan
Edwards, boy crusader.).
Jasp: Wait!
Jon. Edw.: Pummel! Scruff!
Scratch! Corruption! Unite!
Earl: What good are these
schlemiels (pulls another out of
his pocket and hurls it at a pass
ing student hitting her on the
head. She continues toward the
crib, impassive.)
Jasp.: Suppose, Earl, you were
situated atop Mueller Tower
alone isolated cold sick
feverish racked with pain
strapped to a time bomb set to
explode in 15 seconds six buffalo
charging upon you from the left
and eight Sputniks hurling at you
from outer space. What would
you do!?
Earl: Gosh, I never thought of
that! (Earl assumes the role of
a great thinker and pulls out an
other schlemiel this time from
his overcoat.
Jon. Edw.: (By this time Jon.
Edw's. lefi leg has broken through
the top of the soap box I. Out
rageous! Horrible! Terrible!
Trecherous! Tyrannical! Turbu
lent !
Jasp.: Or what if you were in
the middle of an Engineering test
and your sliderule broke down
with six and one half seconds re
maining in the exam an exam
which will determine your future
in that college.
Ear.: (Who is gently petting his
schlemiel he had taken from his
overcoat. I suppose I'd do what
my brain told me to do. That
seems like the natural way.
Jon. Edw.: (Who is weeping pro
fusely! Fie on them! A rage on
them! Eternal damnation on
them! Bombs on them! Rue on
Jasp.: And now do you see?
Ear.: Yes.
Jon. Edw.: Do something.
Jasp.: Well.
Ear.: Goody
Jon. Edw.: Exterminate'
Jasp.: But.
Ear.: There.
Jon. Edw.: Debauchery!
Jasp.: Your bid.
Kar.: Two hearts.
Jon. Edw.: Double!
Jasp.: Redouble.
Ear.: Four clubs.
Jon. Edw.: You don't core!
and YOL
evpst addition to the
University Mimcum's Hall
of Nebraska Wildlife is the
Heron in
the Gre;it Blue
it natural sur-
This if the eighth habitat
group to be complete ri.
When the Hull is finished, a
total of 16 displays will be
Funds were made avail
able for the development of
this. Hall through contribu
tions received by the Uni
versity of Nebraska Foun
dation. The Foundation is proud nf
the part il plays in holpinn
our alumni and friends help
the University.
' A.VJir OlR
U of N
106 Lovp . Lihrarv