The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1957, Image 1

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Page 4
Vol. 32 No. 31
Lincoln, Nebraska
Friday, November 8, 1957
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AUF Solicitations
Nearly $700 was collected dur
ing the AH University Fund
mass solicitation ' of independent
students throughout Lincoln
Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
Ron Green Is shown making his
Dr. Howe Named
To Extension Post
Dr. Crosby Howe, former em
ployee of the California's depart
ment of agriculture, was named
assistant extension animal pathol
ogist Saturday morning by the
Board of Regents.
He will serve as liaison man be
tween the College of Agriculture
and Nebraska County agents and
veterinarians in the field.
Dr. Oliver Grace, who formerly
held the position, has been named
associate professor of animal
hygiene and associate animal hy
gienist. Dr. Grace will teach un-
n -J tm4 'IU V. .
search in disease of livestock. 1
Comhusker To Feature
Lincoln Resident Section
Independent Lincoln residents
will be pictured individually in a
special section in the 1958 CORN
HUSKER, Bobbie Holt, associate
editor, announced today.
"This section will be treated as
one of the seven minor divisions
in the book and will be intro
duced by a special division pic
ture," Miss Holt said.
"The Lincoln Residents Section
will be composed of individual pic
tures arranged in panel pages.
Such a section has been added as
a part of the CORNHUSKER's
drive to have 100 per cent student
representation in the 1958 year
book," she explained.
Individual pictures are being
taken at Edholm-Blomgren Studi-!1"
os, 318 South 12th St., as in the
past several years. The charge is
$2.50 for a sitting. Four poses are
taken from which the students can
make their choice.
Independent Lincoln residents
should call the CORNHUSKER of
fice, 2-7631, extension 4288 or 4228,
to make an appointment for the
week of Nov. 20-27, Miss Holt
Panel pages of underclassmen
NU Studenfs
Rank High
In Contest
Two University students placed
second and third in the senior
division contests of the "Let's Sew
with Wool" contest sponsored by
the National Wool Bureau.
The contest open to girls be
tween the ages of 16 and 22 sewed
their all-wool garments for com
petition in eight districts through
out the state.
Patsy Kaufman's entry, an aqua
afternoon dress, placed second at
Cozad while Venna Lou Scheer
ranked third in the contest in
Omaha. Her coat and dress en
semble also won first in its cos
tume division.
Miss Kaufman's activities in
clude Home Ec Club, 4-H club,
Newman club, Tassels, Phi Up
silon Omicron and the Ag Union
Board of Managers.
Miss Scheer's activities include
Home Ec Club and she is ma
joring in vocational education.
Cosmo Club
The Cosmopolitan Club is plan
ning its first party for Saturday at
8 p.m. in room 316 of the Union,
according to Marina Wischewsky,
social chairman.
The entertainment will consist
of dancing, games and refresh
ments. All American and foreign
students are invited to attend, Miss
Wischnewsky said.
contribution to AUF team cap
tains Barbara Bible (left) and
Nancy Spilker (right). Funds
collected during the AUF drive,
which continues through Nov. 19,
will be divided among World
Coed Counselors
Honor Eighteen
Eighteen girls received Out
standing Coed Counselor awards at
the annual Coed Counselor Friend
ship Dessert held Thursday in the
Union Ballroom, according to Jo
Bauman, president.
The theme for the dessert was
"Halls of Ivy." with Ivy League
patterns in the decorations
The dessert marks the end of
kill. 1UIJIIU. J- VUUlti3dUl Ul IV
gram and is also to honor the girls
have been deleted from this year's '
book, according to Miss Holt. This!
change grew out of recommenda- j
tions of last year's staff and was i
approved by Pub Board, she ex
plained. "The CORNHUSKER was one of
the few large school yearbooks
that pictured all classes on panel
pages. Increased enrollment has
caused the number of pages de
voted to this class coverage to
rise every year and the book was
becoming too large," she said.
Underclassmen will be pictured
on the pages devoted to their
respective organized houses and
Ule WIln nems section,
' Seni wlU P'dured both in
iL - : , r . n ..
! the Class Section and in the or-
ganized houses sections as in the
past, Miss Holt said. I
Unique Program:
Ford Home
Copy Editor
Henry Ford, the famed tycoon
who put America on wheels, used
to be considered a pretty shrewd
operator by the people in the auto
motive industry. However, there
was one time that Old Henry got
taken, and because he did, the
University has become unique
among the colleges and universi
ties of the nation.
Back in 1915 a Minneapolis trac
tor manufacturer hired a chief en
gineer whose last name coinci
dentally happened to be Ford. Also
coincindentally, the name of the
manufacturers product was re
named "The Ford Tractor" soon
after the young engineer settled
into the company office routine.
Because of the name, W. F. Cro
zer, a farmer near Osceola, pur
chased one of the tractors. It did
hot take Crozer long to find that
the name had nothing to do with
the value of the product. In the
eyes of Crozer, the Ford Tractor
was a collosal flop.
Other people were having their
troubles with the Ford Tractor too
and the company soon went out
of business. But Crozer became
convinced that the Nebraska farm
er should be protected from farm
tractor frauds of this kind. Conse
quently, after being elected to the
state legislature, Crozer introduced
a bill providing for the establish
ment of the tractor testing station
at the Universiy College of Agri
culture. The bill, of course,
passed, thus establishing the only
tractor testing station in the na
tion at a college or university.
Since 1920, the University t ting
station has run 632 ind idual
tests, according to Lester L irsen,
yww pfPm'HJt) asfsmtf ?yav.j)
University Service, the National
Association for Mental Health,
the American Heart Association,
the National Multiple Sclerosis
Society and LARC School.
who have been
Big Sisters.
the outstanding
A style show was presented as
the program. Freshmen women
women's house acted as models
and their escorts.
Jan Davidson acted as commen
tator for the style show.
Special entertainment was fur-
nished by Carol Asbury, soloist;
Sally Wengert, dance routine, and
a romantic duet bv I.ucv Wehster
and Rod Walker.
Jo Bauman acted as toastmis
tress and Marilyn Waechter pre
sented the awards.
Girls receiving Outstanding Co-
ed Counselor awards were Char-
lene Anthony, Diane Geas, R a e
Marie Pasmanick, Ethel Oeltjen,
Eileen Hansen, Elizabeth Bang-
hart, Sandra Herbig, and Diane
Polly Doering, Sherry Hannel,
Deanne Diedricks, Barbara Bible,
Suzanne Worley, Lois Mueller,
Sandra Reimer, Pat Arnold, Sher
ry Armstrong and Alma Heuer
mann. Special recognition was given to
Sharon Smith, Karen Peterson,
Myrna Grunwald, Ida Mae Ryan,
Alberta Doby, Cynthia Hansen and
Laro1 Yenc.
Wynn Smithberger, JoAnn Eller-
meier, Patricia Dorn, Joyce Ma
son, Eileen Santin, Jane Curfman,
Venna Lou Scheer and Carole
Gove Tractor
professor of Agricultural Engineer
ing in charge of tractor testing.
Recently the station completed
testing on the largest wheel type
tractor ever worked at the Univer
siy oval. Sporting a four wheel
drive, the monster developed 80
drawbar horsepower and will be"
used for wheat farming.
The objects of the tests are
enumerated in the Nebraska Trac
tor Law. They are:
1. To encourage manufacturing
of improved tractors.
2. To r e g u 1 a t e manufacturing
claims (advertising).
3. To maintain a stock of repair
parts in the state at all times.
4. To test tractors at an impartial
test lab.
- - K
Wagner Tested
The University tractor testing
station at the College of Agri
culture is unique In the United
Slates. The station puts tractor
through exhausting tests to de-
Heated Argyrraeiits Greet
Fyrad-ISestrictiiig Motoomi
Copy Editor
A motion recommending to the
treasurer of the Student Activites
fund that "no funds derived from
the student body shall be used for
the social benefit of! the (campus)
organization members" caused
heated debate in the Student Coun
cil meeting Wednesday.
The motion was introduced last
week by Connie Hurst, chairman
of the Student Activities commit
tee. Earlier, Caire Harper, treasurer
of the student activities fund, had
asked that the Student Council
clarify their position on the use of
funds by campus organizations for
social purposes.
Among the organizations that
would be affected by the motion
NU Student
Dale Coates, senior in the Col
lege of Engineering, was one of
three Nebraskans awarded Car
negie Hero Medals last week for
saving the lives of two boys swept
away in Blue
River flood
waters, July 2,
Dale and his
brother were
attracted by
the cries of 1
the two boys "
and a farmer
i wno nad tried
i l ,save em-
Dale and his
brother dived
in and managed to save the floun-1 dents. Keene pointed out that law
dering trio. j students with the presently re
Dale was awarded the bronze quired 6.5 are usually engaged in
medal for saving the boy. ' working on the Law Review or
All three medal winners heard I
j 0f their awards for the first time j
f late Friday when inf armed by the I
Dale's reaction when told of the
award was, "Well, how about
Publicity Director
Chosen By Exec
Gary Frenzel, junior in Engi
neering, was selected as public
ity director for the Engineering
Executive Board at its meeting
In addition to his newly ap
pointed position, Frenzel is Cor
responding Secretary of the Stu
dent Council, layout editor of the
Blue Print Magazine, member of
AIEE, secretary of Alpha Tau
Omega fraternity and holder of
the Omaiia Steel Works Scholar
ship. His job as publicity director will
be to publicize the work of the
Engineering Executive Board. This
includes the coordination of engi
neering college societies and ac
tivities, the selection of E-Week
co-chairmen, and the selection of
Miss E-Week.
Testing Program Its Start
5. To make test results available
to the public.
6. To show the comparative per
formance of tractors.
7. To show the comparative per-
formance of the four main i with tall tale fins yet, thank heav
fueLs, gasoline, distillate, diesel ! ens."
and L.P. gas.
It is interesting to note that the
rfumber of tests per year by the
lab have almost doubled since
farmers have been seeking to cut
higher operating costs through the
use of diesel and L.P. gas, accord
ing to Larsen.
"The trend in tractors today is
a lot like motor car," Larsen said.
"They are making them bigger,
more powerful, and more compli-
termlne horsepower, fuel con
sumption and operating effi
ciency. The white building In the
right background Is the tent lab
where tractors are dismantled
TiT ...... i---J- - i Mi H
would be: Student Council, Tas
sals, Corn Cobs, Coed Counselors
and AWS, according to these or
ganizations' student council repre
sentatives. In explaining the motion, Miss
Hurst said, "Cobs and Tassals
Inadequacies May Force
Repeat On Charter Vote
The charter of the Student Tri
bunal, approved in a campus ref
erendum last spring, may have to
be resubmitted to the student
body, according to Dave Kenne,
chairman of the Student Council
tribunal committee.
"The charter needs revision in
some places. Several sections we
feel are severely inadequate and
need revision." Keene said.
In event of revisions, the char
ter would have to return to the
student body for approval of the
changes, according to Keene.
"Also, the charter printed in the
Daily Nebraskan recently was er
roneous," Keene said, "There were
several typographical errors and
one complete section was left out."
Among the questions raised 'by
the present charter, according to
Keene, is the method of selecting
the nine judges. "No provision has
been made for grad students.
Since they make up a large part
of the University, we feel they
ought to be represented," Keene
said. i stitution currently provides that
Another objection raised to the the outgoing president and vice
charter is that the grade point i president select two candidates for
average is too high for law stu-
Expert On Indian Affairs
To Address Convocation
TV Srinati Chandrasekhar. au-iby many. He was in the United
thority on India, will speak at a
general convocation and at an in
terdepartmental seminar at the
University Thursday.
He will address a general con
vocation in Love Library Audito
rium at 11 a.m. on "India; Ten
Years of Freedom (1947-57)" and
will conduct a seminar in the So
cial Science 101 from 2 p.m. to 4
p.m. on "Population Problems and
Economic Planning in India."
The general public, faculty and
students are invited to attend the
meetings, according to J. O.
Hertzler, Department of Sociology.
Dr. Chandrasekhar, professor
and an authority on global popu
lation problems is in the United
States this fall as a visiting pro
fessor of sociology at the Univer
sity of Missouri at Columbia.
He speaks excellent English and
is considered a dynamic speaker
cated. You can get two and one
half times more work for the same
fuel from the new tractors as you
could 20 years ago. Why, some
tractors even have two-tone paint
jobs but we haven't run into any
"You know," said Mr. Larsen,
switching back to the subject of
the station's origin, "A few years
after the original Ford Tractor
Company went out of business, Old
Henry decided he'd manufacture
farm tractors. But he couldn't use
his own name on them because
the copyright still belonged to that
old firm. Henry had to call his
tractor the Fordson and believe
me he was absolutely livid."
after each test. The tractor
shown being tested is the - Wag
ner, largest wheel tractor ever
tested at the University track.
have money making functions like
the Homecoming Dance. This
money should be put back into
benefits for the students such as
Dance next year."
Herb Friedman, law school rep
resentative said, "When a person
the moot court team and wouldn't
have the time to be on the tri
bunal. "We are also studying whether
it may be too high for all stu
dents. There may be some under
graduate who the faculty and
Council feel is very well qualified
to become a judge, yet his aver
age might be too low, Keene said.
"We have to be sure this is
the best possible charter we can
produce before we submit it to
the Faculty Senate for approval,"
Keene said, "Otherwise the facul
ty will start asking questions about
it and might end up not passing
In other Council business, John
Kinnier, chairman of the judiciary
committee moved that the consti
tution of Coed Counselors be re
jected. The motion carried unan
imously. Kinnier cited the method of se -
lecting the president and vice-pres-
ident as the principle objection to
' the present constitution. The con
the offfice of president. The names
are submitted to the organization's
members, and the winner become
the president while the loser is
named to the vice-presidency.
; States two years ago and spoke
at Columbia University, Cooper
Union, New York City, Pennsyl
vania University, Brown Univer
sity, M.I.T., Michigan and Wayne
Universities, Hampton Institute,
Chicago and Roosevelt Universi
ties, Lake Forest College, Wiscon
sin and Missouri Universities, Ful
ton College, Akron University,
Oberlin College and the Univer
sity of California at Berkeley.
A graduate of the Madras, Co
lumbia and New York Universi
ties, he is on leave from his posi
tion as director of Indian Institute
of Population Studies, Madras and
Professor of Economics in the
Madras University Christian Col
lege. Madras.
He has taught in Indian, British
and American Colleges including
the University of Pennsylvania.
"ls DeBrees lnc'ue
... j ' i 5 . .-.1 . k ;
aemograpny ana ne nas siuuieu
population problems in his extens
ive travels in the orient.
After study, research, and lec
turing at U.S. universities he be
came Professor of Economics at
the Annamalai University in 1947.
Subsequently he directed demo
graphic research for UNESCO,
Paris and was that ciganization's
delegate to the Cheltenham Con
ference in 1948 and to the Inter
national Population Conference in
Geneva in 1949.
Dr. Chandrasekhar was pres
ident of the All-India Population
Conference, in Stockholm in 1951,
delegate to the International
Planned Parenthood Conference in
Bombay in 1952, International Pop
ulation and Resources Conference
in Stockholm in 1953, the United
Nations World Population Confer
ence in Rome in 1954 and Inter
national Population and Planned
Parenthood Conference in Tokyo in j
He has lectured at the Univer
sity of Oslo in 1953 under the aus
pices of the Norwegian-I n d i a n
Foundation and lectured all over
Canada under the auspices of the
Canadian Institute of International
Affairs in 1954. He was Nuffield
Foundation Fellow in Demography
in the London school of economics,
London University for two years,
4-H Banquet
Tickets On Sale
Dr. Joel Moss, associate pro
fessor of Home Economics in
Family Relations, will be the fea
tured speaker at the University
4-H Club's yearly Awards Ban
quet, Wednesday at 6 p.m. In
Parlors XYZ according to Rose
Tond and Marvin Keyes co-chairmen
for the event.
Tickets are on sale ' now from
house captains or from Bob Volk,
junior in Agriculture and treasurer
of the organization.
buys a Kosmet Klub ticket or a
Homecoming Dance ticket, the
money no longer belongs to him.
He gets something for it. The or
ganization ought to be able to
spend it as they see fit."
Senior holdover member, Dave
Keene pointed out that "it is the
students who give them the priv
ilege of earning this money." The
question then is, according to
Keene, "Should they use this
(money) for their own group or
should they return it to the stu
dents who gave them the priv
ilege of earning it?"
Gary Frenzel, engineering col
lege representative, said that,
"Harper has ok'ed these banquets
in the past and if we reworked
the resolution giving him the au
thority ,to approve them it would
I be satisfactory to everyone."
"A motion such as this would
only be another in a long line of
passing the buck, John Kinnier,
chairman of the Council Judici
ary committee, said of Frenzel's
Miss Hurst closed debate on the
motion with a plea for students
and members of affected organi
zations to express their opinions to
Council members on the subject.
"We are representing the stu
dents here, but if they don't tell
us what they want, we can't act
as a majority of them wish." she
The motion will be voted on
next week. It was tabled last week
1 for two weeks by Frenzel, "to
gjve tne Council time to discuss it
anc think about it."
A contest to name the "Girt
Most Likely To Stop a Colorado
Buffalo," is being sponsored by
Corn Cobs, according to Stan Wid
man, rally co-chairman.
Nominations from the organized
houses must be made to Widman,
2-3120 or Bill McQuistan, 2-2414,
by Wednesday.
Winners who will be announced
at the rally which will leave the
Carillon Tower at 6:45 p.m., Nov.
16, will be judged on personality,
poise, originality and audience ap
plause. Prizes will be given to the first
and second place winners, Widman
Speakers for the rally will be
co-captains for the Colorado game
Saturday afternoon and possibly
a Nebraska alum, Elsworth Du
Teau, Lincoln businessman,' ac
cording to Widman,
NU Debaters
To Compete
In Tourney
Eight beginning debaters from
the University will compete in a
tournament to be held Saturday at
Kansas Staet College in Manhat
tan, Don Olson, director of debate,
The students will compete in
four rounds of debate on the state
ment "Resolved lfoat the require
ment of membership in a union as
a condition of employment should
be illegal," Olson said.
Debaters who will attend tha
meet are Sue Goldhammer, Judy
Lang, Laurie Keenan, Phyllis El
liott, Gary Larson, Don Epp, Don
Binder and Renny Ashelman.
Union Movie
To Feature
Known Stars
"The Treasure of Sierra Madre"
and Tom and Jerry in "T e n n i
Chumps" will be the feature mov
ies in the Union ballroom Sunday
night at 7:30, according to Kather
ine Doyle, film committee mem
ber. "The Treasure of Sierra Madre,"
which stars Humphrey Bogart and
Walter Huston, is a stark and hit
ting account of the fate whic1- three
American derelicts bring upon
themselves through their distrust
of each other.
The gold prospecting trip upon
which they embark presents a bril
liant study of the violent and dam
aging effect of greed upon human
The cartoon starts at 7:35 p.m.
and the main feature begins at 7:42
p.m. Admission is free to Univer
sity Students and faculty wiO
identification. Miss Dojle said'