Paae 4 The Daily Nebroskao Tuesday, November 5, 1957 II oe Topples Huskers Once Again; Missed Kick Spells H ear f breaker By DEL RASMUSSEX Prussia's kick-off was taken by Jayhawk scooped up the ball and ; had played with all they had but Staff Writer Jayhawk Homer Floyd on the 13 headed down the side line with ! their luck had ran out in the last An estimated 35,000 fans nl ran back to the 41. The Kan-, the Huskers steaming in close! two minutes and they we watched a disappointing Home- j sas team then proceeded to smash pursuit but Stinnett had figured ; charged with another loss for the. coming game last Saturday as the , mrougn to we earassa 42 wnere it out and headed him out of (campaign. Scarlet of Nebraska bowed to the ' -Mise L, playing one oi lus bounds on the 30 of Kansas. From ! Next Saturday the Huskers will Kansas Jayhawks 14-12 in another game decided, against the Husk ers, by extra points. The toe was the destructive weapon in the tilt and the Corn-! Nebraska repeated the Xaviaux to huskers could not maneuver the i Thomas aerial which was good to ball skillfully enough to gather the j the 27 of Kansas. Stinnett finally reeded extra points to overcome a ; sneaked for the first down to the fired-up Jayhawk eleven. j l the Huskers the final Last Saturday's game, as mast ! u,f y . . .r v'e lu' un dc: games oi me season, ieu on nere Mraucn simpjy ran out tne j travel to Ames, Iowa to pit their a Kansas fumble to thwart the clock to give the Homecoming j strength against the bottom riding Kansas bid. game a sad ending. The players j Cyclones of Iowa State. On the next play of the contest Courtney Quips by DEL RASMUSSEX of the Husker's games, started off the third down of the next series ; Jayhawks Solid Pick Second Hoop Title with a quick touchdown by the f P1 plunged for the Spirits" evident at KU game ... Saturday's tilt may have been frustrating to the 30.000 fans who rT Nn cn. ,. ! dismantel the goal posts at the North end of the stadium. Kansas kicked off to the Scarlet zi,, sniashed to the one ! AfteT tte Jayhowks hand nudged the Comhuskers in the fray, and Xaviaux snared the ball on ; Browa pnnllnee(i I a5ut 15 loyal Kansans tumbled out of the stands to partake of the the S yard line and ran the skin f or , pr.ious 6 inches. ! pa5;s M ouvenirs- Hesv"y kdea with spirit ... or spirits, which back to the 25 before being halted, j , j ever the case, the rooters latched or. to the posts and started tugging From there the Huskers were . Ti.en on ' n.e3rt p'ay from cea" ith all the power their wobbling bodies would offer. Findinir out the stymied by the massive forward rl ? !Tps t0 . P05" werf constructed of steel seem to make no difference to the wall the Jayhawks presented. The!, an.d d;'! orer we massrre j fans and just as they were rooting the poles out of the ground they average weight of the Kansas team ' f0'ai3 waJ staining toho.d hi:n were accosted by the local police. Begging and pleading seemed to was second onlv to the Syracuse : ?ut v e xs- ?e llghtedimake no difference to the men in blue and they would not relent to forward line that the Huskers have j 13 V Mn' for e counter j the age-old tradition. Brandishing clubs the police finally had to re- encouatered this season. The Husk-: nd f ve Huskers the 3ead for , move the men bodily. As they were helping them off the field one ers were halted before gaining a e flrst ume m th ba J &srn' 1 Pdiceniaa happened to tap a rooter in the vicinity of his overcoat first down and had to punt on the ; P8'5 conversion was blocked ; pocket and was rewarded with the sound of smashed glass. Broken fourth down. Stinnett booted the by TlCyi nd the Huskers led 12-7 j botily, but not in spirits, the man and his companion who failed to re ball to the Kansas seven and it ' Eine minuts Sone a th lleve stadium of the goal posts, were taken to the police station wira quarter. 1 ana ooosea. At this stage, with less than four ' Aftr b halted takes held . . . minutes gone in the contest, Willy on downs the Comhuskers took , Tfte smad plastic disk has stromed over the campus and caught Strauch smoothly guided the Jay- over again but before they could overnight. As I walked along the sidewalk I noticed a representa-ham-ks 76 vards down the field for T0-& Stinnett pass wss Can ovn ,ev7 fraternity I passed, with the exception of one, playing the first counter of the afternoon. ; intercepted and ran back to the;"15 of Sam- The ab Kansas oua-terhark 49 Sr& e of Kansas. The Jay- 'atches were held last Saturday and two champs were named. threw none of his ejected oasses. oa-ks, again under the sterling , " ,""7 -ay mere named as University, instead be called play after plav performance of Wally Strauch, ; rnsay gaaje and now unofficially represent the; cp the middle of the unsuspecting : to the 26 yard line of the if members of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Sarlet team. From the thrSTyard Huskers to pose a threat. It was Sg" ZTit lT"6 to catch on to the game c v 'a fourth and one to eo for the Math-; '"J? oonct these two for lessons. far himself io T carry the ba and mentored men. The Hawks' T'1 t! that was by was throwing H , Bac,eat whkJl p.-obably team with Bower at for iot nimseu to carry tne oa ana around that fast become -nast" dhin th f.Ko'i it c;, nA-i Jua --.eas irom mtuca . y-rrc . rn.i v.n. , maae tneir one vara Dut an ,t , . " ' . - " - KU For The Kansas Javhawks are solid i The presence of Chamberlain Returning squad members in- p re-season favorites to repeat as and Loneski give the Jayhawks ter-. elude Hayden Abbott, 6-3, Larry Big Eight basketball champions in rific offensive and rebounding f"""' w ?tanPlaf5e: . C i . .u -,v , , Bob Merten, 6-3, Don Richards, 19a7-s8. Almough Kansas -has lost i strength. Billings looked very good 6.1 and Jim Holwerda 6-0. nine lettermen by the graduation j against Nebraska last season and Tf w-jiA..., -pt ',h .. could be one of the key men injtunity to play Kansas in the Harp's plan. A very good ball Christmas Tournament in Kansas handler and playmaker, the be- City- thev cou3d dr0P Jay spectacled guard should give Kan- ,wkst mu ,eas!er :an if fte saT. very capable court general. hfve to. walt. tot Play m The only other club in the Big the get warined up It route, the return of All American Eight seemingly capable of de throning the Jawhawks is Tex Winter's Kansas State Eve. will take an assist from heaven to slow them up. UVdnrulST? lows Stat Cola- The return of Bob Boozer and rad ,nd Jack Paar give the Wildcats the best one-two scoring and rebound ing punch in the conference. Parr, 6-9, averaged 20.6 points per game in 23 contests, while Boozer, 6-7, cut the cords for 19.6 points a contest in last year's com petition. Both men were All Con ference selections. Roy DeWitz, the number three scorer last season as a forward. This Saturday's Nebraska-Iowa State game will be televised over a 16-s t a t i o n network in five states. Fans in the Lincoln area will be able to view the telecast oa Channel 3, KMTV in Omaha. The Huskers will be seeking will probably move to guard to their second victory of the cam- fill the facancy created by the; j winning only against Kan- cnr Lmroi sur Witt, 6-3, p'.aved guard in 19S5- sas Sta eaeT year Chambertaia T pace KU, j 5g rrT::: Wilt Chamberlain gives coach Dick Sophomore Wally Frank, 6-8. will red-sauted ptayer laying a on him. Wally then converted put the visiting crew ahead 7-0 with 10 minutes gone in the first n J ia penaltv set them back with that were playr-.g the obsolete game. I guess that is probably why to fourth to end the 2 w o? --fall champs and my guess to A d chapter. 54:116 llJe eaT- to work. ward to give the Wildcats some With fourth down and six to go Dob OIsai ges reote Husker stalwart Don Olson was the only man of either team last fabulous backboard strer.rrh Amor-g the absentees this season terman Don Mafusak is scheduled starters ilaurice Kir.g, Gene to move into Ae other guard spot : Elstun and John Parker. Kir.g is to eop.ete the Kansas S t a te receivag ,Wrf.Jf atlri,V. Strauch called on Homer Floyd "TT" IL.. " " y ! receiving a trcout wi A snsE UP- off the two clubs changed punts - been bothering the home ; ho "2 l4 S Bcton Celt, quintet. ' P Bocer are sure nd the quarter ended wid, Brede 83 ftfaoc h ine i -omu,g to the University. He was the outat man foTST ! fa addition to Chambe-'an the " t! roa3s nd Peterson throwte Strauch for cashes. tiered m the pig-; freshffiaa last ' snH lt J?ffZ? ! . . Psa the stint berths 10 yard loss on . fourth down sto the 19 to nve:aI vSe vrsit? befoVe he graduiuel ' VT v- l' 1 Frak' MatUS2k a3d hawks kept rowing and caught V p- I PN r i m l fourth in scorcg last season and ny Ballard. 6-0, Glen Long. 6-4 first down on the six yard line of 111101 UO Uf UlB WGGK SlfltPff 0xt'? J":o of the big- Bob Graham, 6-4, and Carroll Ste- ge r stars and the Huskers taking over on their own 42 yard marker. The second quarter proved to be a more lucrative period in touchdown fashion for the Scarlet nd they pushed across the Nebraska but here the defense held for three downs anyway. On the fourth down Strauch faded back to pass and his aerial found ' For Intramural Football Heads ; season. ! Sophomore in Big Eight play this phens, 6-2. SALES RENTALS SERVICE BLOOM TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 311 X. 13th 2-5558 A3 Donaghue, 6-4, Letcavits in the endzone far the ww-f .1' L . - t." lle fonra-td slots, while Boo line for their first TO of the after noon. , 1 jaotsaj teams as the intramural I ners of the Sigma Phi Essilon-' u--v-, -j t v' a j v Vl The Huskers touchdow. was set ' SB P by a Xayiau, punt to the Kan- j Strauch kick for toe point.aftOT. c-amnSs ?pS 'ae,. kindred, 6-2, saw consid- sas 20 and a Zentic tackle which touchdown was good to put the ' mph.?. meet to detenroe the fraternity erabe action last s e a s o n and caused the opposing runner to bob- ijVhawks in front 14-12. a lead 51 r0and pJet3 . -a?- ',ibouX perform capably, bie the ball and a red shirt to fall vch &es nfver relinquished. .,iast vefik s 20 tes:ES zgled Friday a games the fratemi-; othg,. reruming lettermen are m the loose pigskin on fee Kaausi The game was far from over for 10 games to determine teams' pXy the resident Jaia cieland, 6-3, Mame Jxson, - " tne Husfcers, nowerer. The first two downs from scrim-' came rolling back. far from over for 30 Ea to determine teams';7 c"n3?,ons p-J J resiaeat , cieland, 6-3, Mame Jdtxsan, rerer, and they for the second round. One second " Ejf!1T B plays Gary Thompson, 6-5. Oui t. Naviaux com- round game was played Fnday chYtrpionsf "tC S ; s-- members of last year's B defeated Burr T) ijji . .'.. v ... , iresnniaa squao are iOD Hictman. mage proved futile to the Huskers pleted a pass to Max Martz which ss b but on the third down Stinnett took; was deflected by a Kansas de- for e Burr Ha2 Chamnionshin. lLlLTl Hoffman, 6-3, zrd Phil the haj on the snap and lateralled fender but a beautiful diving This narrowed the remair.iig num- t leXt XioioS Pffl to avlaux running to his left.' catch by Martz set the ball on her of teams e'rble fcr rt- all- Ijtr f crfa:'a,?a . 5 0,1 Kansas 30. The Huskers finally university o 1 y ' 3 rSdSw "gate end pitched a perfect strike to made it down to the 13 yard mark- nine. i r,L - yafdtrr- " M ginC ' dtnrD e seoor rcrund wibf SyedtS ...r. : S.f anCC th e ames were played. Canfield met fields. w uu -liuu.ig wuciiuo!! out me jay- Gas n for the SeSeck Quad cham- lhawk forward wall proved too p)0nsAip Md ta the otber two The next play netted one yard the Scarlet. After Navi- garoes Sigma Phi Epsilon played n a quarterback sneak by Stin- au had ran to the seven, Zaruba Combusker Co-op and Phi Kappa nett and the ensuing play gained haa" plunged to the four and Navi- ps; p:2yed Alpha Gamma Rho. ..,,.s iui uie wrnmng crew. , w Jur , Today, one -,Tl as Newman Club battles the Der-ts CHICKEN DELIGHT PHONE 5-2178 FREE DELIVERY WE NOW SERYE 1 35 1.35 85c 85c 95c Kk FM IMtckt Open Seven Days A Week IIS Se, 25tb St Kaviaux lugged on the next play th first an3 goal- the Jayhawks and plunged to the 6 inch line spayed a memorable, even if and Stinnett moved it the rest of , disappointing, goal line stand, the way behind a wall of Nebraska j The Huskers gained a total of linemen on the fourth down. m yard on the next three tries Prussia's kick was blocked by,,md the fonrth down found them Letcavits of Kansas to put the 00 Kansas two- This 8 the home team one point behind the stene for the play &at a Ne" KU men whh five minutes gone,braska a 8123 talkL1B about, in the second period. Jenajng decided to gamble and capitalize. 1101 , off the side of hn foot and ti.e i ! bail game was over for Nebraska. The Huskers were rolling beauti-: For a moment no one realized, f ul.y inspired by a tremendous what had haroened excent for twn pass paiy from Stinnett to Naviaux men-a Kansas boy and Stinnett for the Independent championship. Wednesday, the Selleck cham- G RAVES PRINTERS PrrunuJiaed Crodajitiom Anrummmnenta Your Kbit. Dctm. Coilvg taairtihi Zmb6 Cold Sal On htama Additional put Cozra ft .20 GRAVES PRINTING CO. Ill lierfli 124 IV S-ZSST on the Kansas 17 yard line. Stin nett took the ball on the snap and rolled out to his right and fired to Naviaux who was turning into the flat. Larry stmred the ball over his shoulder going at top speed and tumbled to the ground n the seventeen after being hit. On the next play, however, a mix up caused Stinnett to fumble the ball on the Kansas 13 yard Tine and blue-shirted Taylor pounced on the error to stifle the Husker drive. With only a few minutes left, Kansas' Strauch ran out the clock to end the half. The third period started by giv ing the Huskers a break which realized a touchdown. who knew the ball was live. The ROMANO'S PIZZA DRIVE-IN ZZSXe, Iftth St Phone 2-SM1 Free Delivery 21 Variety Pino Pies 75c $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 Want Ads Trr Sum: nm "t Siniris. Ijouh). twin tmi. Bhowtx. Furfcln. CMnttomen. Call Iw"htnc Tor th HHKrimmitms itmnkar. 'L,lFn. Llntlall Hoi Actum trim tlw ttorntutakm. o ' sses mm 1h Ma ; . . .... vv-"" 1 ! r'""'' A j v c)it ill i , . t i1; 'v- f iff, . yy- Ever meet a fanatic? He's got just one thing uppermost in his mind. If he's looking for a job he's thinking only of pay or only of security. Reasonable men, bow ever, weigh these and many other factors hen they're evaluating career possibilities. Such factors as opportunity, challenging work, train ing, professional associates things fanatics never bother to consider. The BeH Telephone Companies have a book let for reasonable men. It's called "ChaDenga and Opportunity." It's not the sort of thing that 13 make a fanatic's eyes light up, but it ought to interest a thoughtful young man whatever his college background who it weighing career possibilities. Get it from your Placement Officer or send the coupon. AFTER SHAVE LOTIOfJ Refreshing antiseptic action heals razor nicb, helps keep your skin In lop conditio. t , , Q pte m SKULTON HittHt. College Employment Superior American Telephone and Teltgrapb Company 195 Broadway, New York 7. N. Y. Please scud me your free booklet, "Challenge and Opportunity1 Same- Addren- City College Zone- State. , Course.. BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM hf CI n r- 1 14 b AJ S3 So. Wirtl. Aw.