The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Wednesday. October 30, 1957
Poqe Z
The Daily Nebraskan
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Editorial Comment
This Mitchell Case
The Liason Committee, which was instructed
by the University Senate to present recommen
dations on the case of C. Clyde Mitchell and the
abridgement of academic freedom, has prepared
a report which will be presented to the Senate
next Tuesday.
In part the report says, "The Liason Com
mittee, in search for a guide for possible action,
has examined the documents relating to
the powers and responsibilities of the Commit
tee on Academic Privilege as well as those of
the Liason Committee."
The report goes on to list the general powers
of the Liason Committee which includes "to rep
resent the faculties generally upon any matter
involving the general interest of the faculties of
the University and to convene for consideration
of such matters upon call of the chairman or
upon request in writing of three memlers of
the committee."
The next paragyph presents, what in our
opinion, is the crux of the report. It states:
The Liaison Committee finds that the Senate
Committee on Academic Privilege, which alone
has had the benefit of hearing the evidence
presented by both sides in this controversy,
made no recommendation for specific action. We
must assume that its failure to do so did not
stem from a lack of courage but from a con
viction that the publication of its findings would
co.istitute action enough. The Liaison Commit
tee concurs in the decision of the Committee on
Acadamic Privilege to make no recommenda
tions for action against any University official.
It feels that to make suoh recommendations
would not be consistent with the functions which
the Laision Committee is designated to perform
and that it would seriously impair the commit
tee's ability to perform the liaison function in
the future."
4 a
There is a minority report, too, which two
members of the committee signed.
It states that two recommendations will be
made in the Senate, 1, that the Liaison Com
mittee be instructed by the Senate that it has
the responsibility and power to make recom
mendations for action to the Senate in any situ
ation where it deems recommendations advis
able. It's other recommendation is that . . .
"The Liaison Committee should be instructed
by the Senate to prepare a report of the alterna
fcves under discussion. This report shall be for
mulated in such a way as to permit the Senate
to express effectively the sense of the faculty
on these questions."
Now when this report is presented in the Uni
versity Senate, it obviously can be accepted or
Since the failure to make recommendations
by the committee seems to stem from a lack of
complete understanding that the committee has
the power to recommend censure of an indi
vidual, the Senate might clear up this matter
and ask that specific recommendations for cen-
sure be made.
It seems to this newspaper that the failure
to make recommendations does not stem from
any fear to do so.
Rather it might be presumed that the com
mittee has turned the whole matter over to
the University Senate which we believe Is the
rightful place for such censures to be made
and that body can make the recommendations
which it deems advisable.
ft r
Here are some considerations, however, which
diffferent schools of thought might have on this
1) At the very outset of the committee's
meetings, the full power of the committee should
have been explained to that body so that no
misunderstandings of duties could creep into the
2) At the present time it would do little good
for any official of the Ur.'vrsity to make public
apologies to any individuals. This would again
bring the Mitchell Case into a limelight which
would serve no useful purpose for the Univer
sity. The mistakes have been made. We don't
we cannot condone them. But, on the other
hand, the Committee realizes that new steps
are being taken by the administration to select
deans and departmental chairmen. The rational
solution of the Mitchell case and the results
which should be desired by all in the Univer
sityis that the situation which had been would
no longer be; that the problems of the past,
having been brought to light, are being solved.
This apparently is what is happening in the
University community and it is desirable.
The report of the Committee on Academic
Privilege pointed out that Dr. Mitchell's aca
demic freedom had been abridged on three
The report of the Liaison Committee does
not "whitewash" the facts as presented by the
"Privilege Body. Instead It recognizes that the
situatian is being corrected.
One question still remains.
What will the University Senate do about
the report? Will the members of the Senate get
up in arms about the report? Will they believe
that there is a whitewash? Will they believe that
the machinery of the committee was bogged
down by red tape?
We are curious as to whether there will be
much dissention in the Faculty Senate meeting
next Tuesday.
Those who have barked loudest about the
"whitewash" of the Mitchell Case will have an
open forum in which to express their opinions.
They will be given a chance to make motions
recommending further investigations, further
We are hoping that those who have dissented
will speak up.
Here, after all, is a brilliant opportunity for
the University faculty members to demonstrate
to the student body whether the apathy they
charge the students with is not a product of the
faculty's own actions.
But either way, the Mitchell Case has been
thrown into the lap of the Senate and each and
every member can now voica his views on the
Mitchell case.
The Mitchell Case is finally coming home to
roost and rest, we hope. We trust that the fac
ulty members in the Senate will use their good
judgment and decide on the Liaison Committee s
report in accord with the convictions of their
from the editor
First Things First, . .
Heres that word spirit again . . .
Ia addition to panicking the Mizzou Tigers
on field, Husker supporters outshone efforts
in more ways than one of their conference
hosts at Columbia last weekend.
Although only a handful of Husker rooters
showed up for a pre-game rally, Cornhusker
spirit exuded all over the Stadium.
Mizoou's mammoth letter "N"" at the north
end of the stadium received some face lifting
Friday evening from ambitious Coumhuskers,
who transformed the large chunks of white
rocks to an "J?", forcing a special work detail
by MU students to change the monogram to its
original form.
At the game, Mizzou's cheers were sparked
by a slightly questionable character who re
ceived little support from his audience. Despite
lack of numbers, the 600 Nebraska boosters out
vocalized their Missouri rivals.
Missouri showed two spurts of support for
the efforts of their squadmembers. Once when
Mizzou was marching dowa the field for their
winning goal in the waning minutes. The other
was when four Nebraska students paraded
around the field carrying a sign, "Run Down
the Tigers." The first time their efforts went
unheeded except for cheers from the Nebraska
section. The second time around, after the
Huskers were ahead, the Mizzou students pelted
the sign bearers with apple cores.
Said one Missouri student of the Mizzou
student body, "Best spirit I've seen here in four
Cm this point University of Nebraska stu
dents can pat themselves on the back. Even
when Nebraska was at low ebb, student spirit
by Jack Pollock
was above that shown by Missouri student
Saturday both in enthusiasm and good taste.
The Pros and cons of sitting before that
mystery of bottled light casting figures upon a
screen have been hotly debated. In addition to
the (grade) students' delight (i.e., the "Hawk"
and "Cheyenne"), TV has proved itself in at
least one field education.
The University TV station in Temple build
ing, KUON-TV, with a vast array of profes
sional equipment boasts of one of the top-notch
and one of the best-equipped stations in the
f Midwest. Next week the station broadens its
educational scope to include evening programs.
Some 700 students La 22 Nebraska fiigh
schools ar receiving part of their instruction
this year through the University station. Last
year's offering of one algebra course has been
expanded to seven courses this fall, including
three in mathematics, one in senior English,
one in beginning high school Spanish, one in art
and one in physics.
The potential of this TV education is in its
swaddling clothes but the attire is being swiftly
updated and outmoded, thanks to many Uni
versity sponsored stations such such as KUON
TV. Iowa State students last week spread word
. their campus humor magazine (The Green
Gander) was on the stands with the poetic cry,
"The Goose is Loose."
Campus politicos take note: Talk of a third
party in Washington does not concern Mike
Daily Nebraskan
FIFTY-SIX TEARS OLD academic jfear.
. Kan-rea a serosa1 daw matte a ta post afftaa
Member: Associated Collegiate Press umu, Kearasiia. ama tha act t abcsmX ua
Intercollegiate Pres editorial staff
Representative: National Advertising Service, S"i.T;;;rZ::Z.
Incorporated Manwlni fcdltor ...Boa Usrholoskl
t ,. , , Sports fcdltor .......... .Bob Mmrtei
rBDUsbed at: Room 20, Stndent Union urunt nw Editor Geor inrr
Linnnln Nebraska Kd""r Bob Ireland rhiri,
KUKWiu, ncoruu carela Frank, Georra Mow, Csrr Bodrers. Erals Hlnea
14th & R Reporter Sharoa A brum, Jo Area, 4 mm
. twn. irimb. ..hii.h-4 .. Aadersoa. Mary Apklnr. Bobby Batterfleld, Jeaai
ISLISS? JJZ .1 iTZLJt Karrer. Roberta Kaaop, Manila Koop, Carol Umfboaa-
mm staarnt Affair as aa expressloa of indent opinio. I? "T""' Mehrta-. Jan N Her, Herb
PaMlrarlona andrr tha lartadlctloa ml the Sabeontmlttea rrabasca, ftuanne Rdrhstadt. Joanne Bhnklns, yn ,
mm stndent Pu Mirations dull be free from editorial Smlthberwer, sueleal Thompson, Arlene Tarns, Mar-
asaaershlp so the part of the Subcommittee or rm to faret Wertmaa.
part at an? member at tar farair? af tne I nrrenltf. ar Rrmvra aTinr
aa toe part at any prrsoe outolde the InlTemlty. Taa BISl-ifcsa sTArr
asnnben of the Nebraikaa staff an neronall re- Baslnss Manacer J?rr Sellrntm
apeaaiMe for a-aat they iu. ar So ar cause la ba Assistant Business Manacers. . .Tom VttU Stan kalnan
printed. Feoruarr 8. lM. Bob 8mld
SabaerlpUoa rates ar I2.M per aeaawter ar S4 tat Clrealatioa Msaafar , , jimiiii im iftaa, Mania
Through These Doors
gcorge moyer
About two weeks ago, an ar
ticle appeared on one of the fea
ture pages of that oracle of con
servative opinion in Nebraska, the
World Herald, in which the virtues
of the state were enumerated in a
style designed to pluck the heart
strings of the average reader.
The state was presented in pan
orama from the tall corn area of
eastern and southern Huskerland
tb the vast, cattle dotted Dismal
River country and the beautiful
Pine Ridge area in he west.
To this point, the article was
a very good one. Then it switched
to the University and immediately
changed character.
It changed character because
the writer began to ask Nebraska
students what they thought of their
sate and why here was no pride
in it or its institutions. In brief,
it asked where the spirit was at
the University.
The student reply to the World
Herald query was: "We've got it
but we just don't show it." Fol
lowing on the heals of this sterling
comment was a column in the
Daily Nebraskan by Ernie Hines
which poked sarcastic fun at the
people at the University who
exhibit their spirit in tangible
demonstrations. Coming behind
this column was a letter by Bill
Smith in which he. inferred that
pep rallys and other such "tangi
ble demonstrations" were "purile"
and "high school."
Mr. Smith at the same time
begged for a reduction of empha
sis on football which I think
laudable. The import attached
to the efforts of eleven men gy
rating on a Saturday afternoon
has gone completely out of the
bounds of common sense. After
all, when it can cause the World
Herald to fill whole pages with
copy purporting to investigate the
football situation at the University
as if it were a colossal missile
scandal, things have gotten a little
out of hand.
However, I cannot stomach the
silent spirit part of either Mr.
Smith's argument or Mr. Hines'.
The football team struggling out
there every Saturday is the mani
festation of the pride Nebraskans
' have in their state. As such it
ought to be supported by the stu
dents and people of the state.
Perhaps it is "purile" and "high
schoolish" to go out to the airport
to welcome the team home from
a loser. But when 35 men get off
an airplane after spending a long
afternoon struggling to be an ade
quate symbol of the pride a people
have in their state and are greet
ed by 20,000 odd square feet of
bare concrete, it does not tend
to make them feel as though their
job was worthwhile at! all. It does
tend to make them think that the
state has no pride in them or in
itself, silent or otherwise.
With this parting shot, let peace
reign on the editorial page of the
Daily Nebraskan. Let Jim Cole sup
with Rex Menuey and the latter
' be unafraid; let Steve Schultz re
turn the NU victory bell from the
Cornhusker office or Dick Shug
rue's office or the Tri Delt house
or wherever it is now or ever
has been; let Ernie Hines find
relief from ticket sellers as well
as his spiritual sore throat; let
Dave Rhoades return to his li
brary in peace and let Moyer shut
his trap for the grand arrival of
the King Homecomicus is upon us
and unity is desired in the halls
of Ivy.
This week we have a number
of requests from people who would
like free advertising in the Daily
Nebraskan. First and foremost is
Burt Weichenthal, Cobs publicity
chairman for Homecoming, but he
is already appearing on the front
page. Second is Georgeann Hum
phrey who pleads, "Buy your
H o m e c o ming Dance Tickets
please!!" (As in "turn off the
bubble machine please.") Then
there is Biff Keyes who wants to
be declared officially "in" on
something. Finally there are the
Delts who are looking for more
scrap lumber for their homecom
ing display, and the AOPi's who
would like the Phi Psi's to come
back and finish what they started
on Tuesday last or get the whole
furshlugener thing off their lawn.
I ah V.'. i V, ajeiJ I C'AOJ IN C4A?cEK0U)N. I'A
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Mil' 1 .
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Chcrlene Anthony,
Alpha Chi Omega on
cur College Board,
gives her black and
white stripe jersey a
quickie check up be
fore her halloween
date .appears. Note
the fashion news:
blousson overblouse.
Dateline Jersey, $29.95
The Limelight
Dave Rlioades
Monday's fine editorial com
menting on the work of the Stu
dent Tribunal Committee raised
an interesting question in my mind
concerning the judicial power of
the Tribunal.
What power,
if any, will
this Tribunal
have over
other campus
organizati o n s
such as AWS
and the IFC?
Will the Stu
dent Tribunal
hear all cases
of infractions
of the Univer-
I ' 11
sity rules and policies? Will it act
as an appeal board when action
is not taken in campus organisa
tions? These questions become impor
tant when one reviews the action
taken not too long ago against
Theta Chi fraternity. Why did the
IFC act with such quick and harsh
results? Did the IFC desire to pun
ish this house because it violated
the IFC's rules concerning "hat
ing"? It seems to me that this
Council took this action because
(1.) the incident occurred with a
sorority, and (2.) the story was
on the front page of the "Star" the
morning after it had happened.
Had this incident involved a fra
ternity instead of the Tri-D e 1 1
house, nothing would have come
of it. The IFC was literally forced
into action.
The reason for the conclusion
that nothing would have come of
this "hating" incident had it oc
curred in another circumstance
arises out of another "event"
which also happened about this
same time. This incident, involv
ing a fraternity, pornographia
films, and, of course, beer at tht
cave, is certainly no secret to ths
IFC. Yet this incident, far worst
morally than the Theta Chi prank,
has not and will not see action
by the IFC not because it is dif
ficult to prove but because no ont
wants to ruin himself or his fra
ternity by making an issue of this.
Can we expect the IFC in tha
future to rule fairly (if at all)
concerning such events? I think
not, and the above incident proves
Therefore, it is hoped that tha (
Student Council Tribunal Commit- O
tee will take serious note of tha
suggestion to include judicial
power over all campus organiza
tions (realizing, of course, that
this Tribunal will have the power
to act on more than those cases
referred to it by the Division of
Student Affairs or the Senate.)
And since I cannot see the IFC
giving up their judicial power (and
frankly, I think they should settle
their own difficulties) perhaps it
would be wise to include in the
Tribunal Constitution some sort of
an appeal power enabling them lo
have jurisdiction over cases not
handled by a particular organiza
tion. If, for instance, the IFC failed
to take action and thereby be rath
er discriminating with their judi
cial power, this group could have
jurisdiction. However, I'm sura
that if the IFC realized that their
failure to act might promote the
Tribunal into action, perhaps the O
IFC would be more willing to take
quick but quiet action. With tha
fear of having some incident ex
posed to the whole University, the
IFC perhaps would resolve many
difficulties that now go unattended.
(By (A A utkor of "RaUy Round tht Flag. Bet! "and,
"Barefoot Boy with Cheek.")
Though this column is intended to be a source of inno-.
cent merriment for all sexes and not to concern itself with
weighty matters, I have asked my sponsors, the makera
of Marlboro, whether I might not, from time to time,
use this space for a short lesson in science. "Makers," I
said to them, "might I not, from time to time, use this
6pace for a short lesson in science?"
They agreed with many a kindly smile, the makers of
Marlboro, for they are the most agreeable of men. Their
benevolence is due in no small measure to the cigarettes
they smoke, for Marlboro is a cigarette to soothe the most
savage of breasts. I refer not only to the flavor w hich, aa
everyone knows, is a delight to the palate., but also to
the Marlboro container. Here is no fiendishly contrived
device to fray the fingernails and rasp the nerves; here,
instead, is a flip-top box that opens like a charm, and
inside you find a handy red tape to lift out the cigarettes
with ease and dispatch. Add to all this the best filter ever
made, and you can see that you get a lot to like.
Let us begin our series of science lessons with chemis
try. It is fitting that chemistry should be the first, for it
is the oldest of sciences, having been discovered by Ben
jamin Franklin in 468 B.C. w hen an apple fell on his head
while he was shooting the breere with Pythagoras one
day outside the Acropoiis. (The reason they were outsifo
the Acropolis and not inside w as that Pythagoras had been
thrown out for drawing right triangles ali over the walls.)
I 5 I
They had several meetings outside the Acrr.nnlis. but
finally Franklin said, "Look, Pythagoras, this is nothing
against you, see, but I'm no youngster anymore and if
I keep laying around on this wet grass with you, I'm
liable to get the break bone fever. I'm going inside."
Pythagoras, friendless now, moped around Athens for
awhile, then drifted off to Monaco where he married a
girl named Harriet Sigafoos and went into the chuck-a-luck
business. (He would certainly be forgotten today had
not Shakespeare written "You Know Me, AL")
But I digress. We were beginning a discussion of chemis
try, and the best way to begin is with fundamentals.
Chemicals are divided into elements. There are four: air,
earth, fire, and w ater. Any number of delightful combina
tions can be made from these elements, such as firewater,
dacron, and chef's salad.
Chemicals can be further divided into the classes of
explosive and non-explosive. A wise chemist always
touches a match to his chemicals before he begins aa
A variety of vessels of different sizes and shapes ar
used in a chemistry lab. There are tubes, vials, beakers,
flasks, pipet tes, and retorts. A retort is also a snappy come
back, such as "Oh, yeah?" and "So's your Uncle Oscar."
I have now told you the most important aspects of
chemistry, but there are many more far too many to
cover in the space remaining here. However, I am sure
there is a fine chemistry lab on your very own campus.
Why don't you go up some afternoon and poke around?
Make a fun day out of it. Bring ukeleles. Wear humorous
haw. Toast frankfurters on the Bunsen burners. Be gay.
Be merry. Be loose . . . For chemistry is your friend !
C mi HhuiBu. mat
The maken of Marlboro, who bring you thi column regu
larly, are tobacconist!, not ecientiitts. But here's an equa
tion we do know: Marlboro plua you equal pleasure.