The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 29, 1957, Image 1

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Skirts In Sports
Page 4
The Plebian Clod
Page 2
Vol. 32 No. 26
Lincoln, Nebraska
Tuesday, October 29, 1957
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New AGR House
The Alpha Gamma Rho fratern
ity'! new house at 1430 Idylwlld will
be dedicated at the Ag College at
1:30 p.m. Sunday. Walton Roberts,
a charter member of Kappa Chap
ter, will be master of ceremonies.
Sleeter Bull of Urbana, 111., fra
ternity grand secretary, will be a
pedal dedication speaker. The
Ag Prof
NU Post
Dr. Thomas Dowe, associate pro
fessor of animal husbandry at the
Ag College since 1948, will resign
Dec. 1 to become director of the
Experiment Stateion at the Univer
sity of Vermont, Burlington.
Along with his teaching duties at
the Ag College, Dr. Dowe has
done research in beef cattle nutri
tion and management. He is the
author of numerous publications in
the animal husbandry field.
Dr. Dowe has served in an ad -
visory capacity at both the North
Platte and Northeast Experi.
ment Stations. He is past member
of the research committee of the
Nebraska Stock Growers Associa
tion at Alliance. He is the Univer
sity representative on the North
Central Regional technical com
mittee on ruminant nutrition.
In his recent research he has
been working under two grants: lnoma are we onIy lwo Ioca"
tonnn fmm aihi rhmi options where courses are televised
Dye Co. studying use ef non-pro
tein in ruminant nutrition; $1,000
from California. Spray Chemical
Co. examining the effect of ortho
cide treated seed corn on ruminant
Before tie came to Nebraska, he
did research and was a teaching as-
sistant in animal husbandry at Kan-!
sas State College, Manhattan, and
was assistant animal husbandman
at South Dakota State College,
A native of Texas, Dr. Dowe
received his bachelor's degree at
Texas A & M College, and his
master's and doctor's degrees
from Kansas State College.
He served in the army during . is very much further ahead in vo
World War II as an armored unit i cabulary than the child of the same
He is a member of the 'Ameri
can Society of Animal Production,
American Society of Range Man
agement, American Association
for the Advancement of Science,
Gamma Sigma Delta, and Sigma
Exile Literature Published:
NU Professor Collected German Works
Shortly after the rise of Adolph
Hitler to power, Dr. William Pfei
ler noted that many of the writ
ers whose works he knew were
leaving Germany.
The University professor 6f Ger
manic Languages watched them
take up their literary activities
in Moscow, London, New York,
California, Paris, and New Zea
land. At that time, he mused that
"some day, the writings of these
men will be of much interest."
Quietly he set about collecting
the various words of these Ger
mans in exile, continuing through
the war years which brought great
difficulties in communications.
This past month, the University
Press has published a monograph,
the first of several of his intended
studies dealing with the German
literature that originated in exile
since 1933.
Entitled "German Literature in
Exile," the monograph shows that
the literature to these men be
came a tool or calling to fight for
human values. The authors wanted
to combat the Nazi regime and
fascism in general through their
"The literature deals with the
burning problems of today's soci
ety. It asks the question, 'How
could such monstrous things hap-
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Rev. Rex Knowles and Chancellor
Clifford Hardin will also partici
pate. The house is a U-shaped de
sign of brick, connected by an out
side bridge balcony. It features an
Inner court which will be land
scaped. There are 33 rooms, each
with outside windows. Each of the
bedrooms on the upper floor accom
til! 1 iL-f;1:'"!
Californian Praises
TV Physics Class
A California educator Thursday
acclaimed the Physics classes tele
vised daily by the University edu
cational television station, KUON
TV, and the Extension Division.
Dr. J. Chester Swanson of the
University of California said that
the instruction in physics which
is received by 11 eastern Nebras
ka nigh scnoois is possibly un
equalled in the world.
And the amazing fact, he pointed
out, is that some of these schools
did not offer any classes in the sub
ject last year.
The professor of school admin
istration is visiting the University
to examine the in-school program
which is being televised for 26 Ne-
! braska- high schools involving 700
! students. It is being financed by an
$115,050 grant from the Fund for
the Advancement of Education.
Dr. Swanson, who earned his doc
torate degree in physics, comment
ed that the film which is used to
instruct the physics course was fi
nanced by the Ford Foundation on
practically a blank check basis.
He said that Nebraska and Okla-
to small high schools.
After visiting v a ri o u s high
schools in the state which are par
ticipating in the program, Dr.
Swanson said that tie found that
the courses also taught the stu
dents the art of concentration.
He praised Esther Montgomery,
Lincoln English teacher, for her
worK on tne senior English pro
gram. "How else could these stu
dents in smaller high schools have
the advantages of one of the finest
English teachers in Nebraska?"
Calling television a "tremendous
educational tool," he said the ef
fect of commercial stations also
has been very great on the young
ster. The kindergarten child today
age ten years ago."
The future expansion of the edu-
cational television technique for
the smaller high schools should
have a discernible effect in the
Nebraska child coming from small
towns, he believed.
"Scientific talents nay be un-
Dr. Pfeiler pointed out that this
literature foretold the coming and
development of World War II.
Even more important, he explain
it revealed the start of the con
flict between communism and de
mocracy. Many German writers working
in Moscow and Mexico became
sympathetic with communism.
Their work, Dr. Pfeiler admits,
has a vigor and aggressiveness
often lauking in that of men of
more democratic-liberal leanings.
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
modate two or three men. The
television room, living room,
dining room, kitchen, sleeping
quarters for the chapter officers,
and an apartment for the house
mother are connected by a down
stairs central hall. The basement
provides storage and a chapter
room space.
covered that in the past were nev
er found because of the inability of
the smaller schools to offer courses
in physics, chemistry and mathe
matics." The courses televised by KUON
TV now include three in mathe
matics, and one each in senior Eng
lish, beginning high school Span
ish, art, and physics.
"Normally only a favorite few
would be getting the instruction
that is now available to these 26
high schools," Dr. Swanson said.
Those schools participating in the
physics course include: Beaver
Crossing, Gretna, Holmesville, Lou
isville, Springfield, Thayer, Luther
Academy at Wahoo, Walton, Gresh
arn, Douglas and Raymond.
Dick Arneson
Slated Guest
On Program
Dick Arneson, president of IFC.
will be the featured guest on Tues
day nights YMCA program Stu
dent Forum.
The program will be heard on
KNUS from 9-9:30 p.m.
Arneson will be questioned on
the topic, "Is the Greek system
really suffering?"
Panel members Tom Smith,
Dick Moses, and Bobbie Jo Kelly
will do the questioning. Phyl Bon
ner will act as moderator.
Again anyone wishing to attend
the Forum should be at the KNUS
studios in the basement of the
Temple Building before 9 o'clock.
Last week the program made its
debut. Jack Pollock, editor of the
Daily Nebraskan, was the first
Orchesis, the modern dance or
ganization, will hold t r y o u t s
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Grant
Anyone who did not attend the
practice sessions is still eligible
to try out, according to Karen
Parsons, president.
This vigor, he believes results
partly from the encouragement
which the communists gave to writ
ers and artists at a time when
they were receiving little atten
tion elsewhere.
The study also deals with the
question, whether any writing deal
ing with the "problems of the
day" deserves consideration as se
rious literature.
In his writings, Dr. Pfeiler said:
"The German exiled writers
have done their share in perpet
uating German culture; and they
have contributed to whatever it was
worth to bring freedom back to
the german people. While they
were on the side of those who
conducted the struggle against
Hitler and the Third Reich, they
never considered the folks at home
their enemies but centered on them
their deepest concern.
". . . One might say that the
terrifying events of the exile years,
the change of circumstances in
their lives, had not weakened the
exiles in their inner strength nor
their belief in the creative forces
of nature and mankind."
Becauie of Dr. Pfeiler's efforts
at collecting these various works,
the University's Love Memorial
Library today has one of the
world's good collections of what
Dr." Pfeiler i calls German litera
ture in "-
Campus rg
Reveal Dosia
Preparations are underway by
the 36 men's and women's organi
zations who are constructing dis
plays for the 1957 Homecoming
contest this weekend, according to
Glenn Andersen, Innocents Society
Homecoming chairman.
These displays portraying death
and destruction to the Kansas Jay
hawks will be operating from 7
p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday. Houses
are requested to operate their dis
plays Saturday morning for the
benefit of the alumni, Andersen
Decorations ar divided into
three groups thjis year. Men's
houses will be faivided into two
groups, Men's Epvision I and II
and women's houses will be a
An evaluation 'team will visit
each display Friday afternoon to
estimate the value of the material
in the displays. Members of the
team are Paul Hyland, Landy
Clark Lumber Co.; Jim Blackman,
professor of mechanical engineer
ing, and Jerold McCracken, Lin
coln businessman.
Judges for the Homecoming dis
plays are Col. C. J. Frankforter,
past Innocents adviser; Jan Ar
ter and Walt Decker, Lincoln busi
nessmen; Mrs. T. H. Leonard, Al
pha Gamma Sigma housemother,
and Mrs. Norman Walt, gift shop
Trophies for first, second and
third places in each division will
be awarded at the Homecoming
dance Saturday night, Andersen
Traveling trophies for the grand
championship in the men's over
all division and the women's di
vision will also be awarded Sat
urday. Organized bouses and their
themes for the displays are:
(Men's Division I includes 12
Selleck Quadrangle, "We'll Kick
Them Out of This World," Phi
Delta Theta, "NU Satellite Runs
Circles Around KU," Delta Tau
Delta, "Whip the Jayhawks," Sig-
Dance Tickets
Now On Sale
For HC Dance
Tickets are now on sale for the
annual Homecoming dance to be
held Saturday evening from 8 to 11
p.m. in the Coliseum.
Tickets may be obtained in the
Union ticket booth from Tas
sel and Corn Cob members at
ing to Georgiann Humphrey, Tas
sels Treasurer.
Duke Ellington and his orchestra
will provide the music for the
The Duke has been called "one
of the great traditions of American
Jazz," in a recent articie in Look
Magazine and his orchestra was
featured in last year's Newport
Jazz Festival.
This year the Duke has appeared
at universities and night clubs
across the nation.
To Sponsor
UN Seminar
A United Nations Seminar, spon
sored by the national YW-YMCA,
will be held in New York City
Nov. 29 through Dec. 1, according
to Jan Lichtenberger, district
YWCA representative.
The program will include an
orientation on the particular topic
which will be chosen as the theme
of the seminar. Miss Lichtenberg
r commented that last year the
Middle East situation was dis
cussed at the time of the crisis.
Also included in the trip will
be visits to the General Assembly,
a tour of the UN, talks by various
UN delegates a seminar banquet
and a luncheon. Free time for
sightseeing, shopping, and attend
ing theaters and concerts will be
provided, and the seminar closes
in time for students to attend New
York churches.
The minimum cost for the sem
inar is $89, which includes trans
portation, rooms at the George
Washington or Diplomat Hotels
and meals. Expenses over this
amount will depend on the indi
vidual. American and international stu
dents from this area and ether
parts of the United States are in
vited to attend the seminar, said
Miss Lichtenberger. A bus will
leave the University on Nov. 26, at
8 p.m. and will return on Dec. 3, at
2 a.m.
Application blanks may be ac
quired from Bette Wilson, YWCA
director, at the YWCA office in
Rosa Bouton Hall.
y 1 u
ma Chi, "Misery Loves Com
pany." Sigma Phi Epsilon, "Huskers
Hurtle Hawks Into Outer Space,"
Kappa Sigma, "Get 'em in the
Afterburner," Phi Kappa Psi, "Cut
Off the Jayhawks," Sigma Nu,
"Husker Victory Time," Beta
Theta Pi, "They Shot for the
Alpha Tau Omega, "Hey, Jay
hawks," Theta Xi, "Sat-il-L i g h t
'Em Up;" and Sigma Alpha Epsi
lon, "Wring that Jyhawk's Neck."
Men's Division II includes nine
houses. They are Sigma Alpha Mu,
"Kansas the Dustbowl;" Corn
husker Co-op, "Kick the Jayhawks
Back to Kansas;" Beta Sigma
Psi, "Husker Jets Get the Jay
hawks;" Delta Sigma Phi, "Aban
don Hope All Ye Who Enter
Here;" Pi Kappa Phi, "Sad Start
Happy Ending."
Acacia, "Let's Make the Hawks
Squawk;" Theta Chi, "Inject De
jection;" Tau Kappa Epsilon,.
"Stop the Jayhawks," and Zeta
Beta Tau, "Blast the Jayhawks."
Women's houses include 14 entrants.
Microfilm Records
News In Library
A student can walk into the
University's library and pick up
a week's issue of the world's
largest newspaper in a container
no larger than a match box.
The explanation is microfilm, a
commodity unknown 24 years ago
in libraries, but now common in
many, including Don L. Love Me
morial Library at the University.
Within the last ten years the
University Library has added reg
ularly to its microfilm collection
until at present it has approxi
mately 25 miles of such film.
Recently it made two noteworthy
additions. One is acquisition of the
complete London Times file ex
tending back to the first edition
in 1785. The other is acquisition
of the New York Times back to
its first edition on Sept. 18, 1851.
Microfilm comes in strips and
looks like any other type of film.
For microfilming newspapers or
books the pages are simply laid
out and photographed, thereby con
siderably reducing them from their
original size.
The size of the average news
papp is two feet by one foot. On
YWCA Begins
Button Sales
The University YWCA is begin
ning what it hopes will become
"a tradition on this campus"
the selling of Homecoming but
tons. Sales are scheduled to begin
no later than Wednesday, accord
ing to Terry Mitchem, chairman
of the project.
"We'd like to see the Homecom
ing buttons become a tradition on
this campus," said Terry. "In oth
er schools such as the University
of Iowa, for instance, twenty-five
thousand people wear them every
year. Maybe, in a small way, this
will boost our Nebraska spirit."
In addition to contacting t h e
business clubs of Lincoln, the
YWCA will be selling these buttons
at a booth in the Union this Friday
night and also at the Coliseum
on the day of the Homecoming
game. The price is 15 cents.
"Fifteen cents is such a small
price to help boost the Nebraska
spirit," said Terry. "We hope just
everyone buys one."
For more information about the
purchase of Homecoming buttons,
for yourself or for your organiza
tion, contact either Terry Mitchem
or the YWCA office, phone 2-2079.
NU To Burn
Kansas Hawk
At Pep Rally
An imaginery Jay Hawk will be
burned in effigy at the Home
coming pep rally Friday. The rally
will start from the Carillon tower
at 6:45 p.m.
Stan Widman, co-chairman of
the rally said, "This rally we have
been waiting for all year. We want
everyone to attend."
Speakers at the rally will be the
co-captains and James Pittenger,
assistant to the chancellor.
The route will be: up 14th Street
from the tower to R Street, from
14th and R to 16th and R, from
16th and R to 16th and Vine, from
16th and Vine over to 17th and
Vine, from 17th and Vine to the
vacant lot.
Alpha Chi Omega, "Course It's
a Cine h," Alpha Omicron Pi,
"Puddy Tat Jayhawks Down;" Al
pha Phi, "Kan 'Em," Alpha Xi
Delta, "Hit the Hawks," Chi Ome
ga, "NU Makes Rock Chalk from
the KU Jayhawk."
Delta Delta Delta, "Spit the
Jayhawks;" Delta Gamma, "It's
not Magie It's Team Work;"
Gamma Phi Beta, "Let's Stir Up
the , Jayhawks;" Kappa Alpha
Theta, "Octipi the Jayhawks,"
Kappa Delta, "Swamp the Jay
hawks." Kappa Kappa Gamma, "How
Are You Fixed for Teams," Phi
Beta Phi, "Here's Cheers to Jay
hawk Tears;" Sigma Delta Tau,
"Bye, Bird," and Sigma Kappa,
"Snow the Jayhawks."
Display viewing route will be
gin with cars entering on 17th and
R street, traveling west on R to
14th street, Andersen said.
Then cars will travel north on
14th to S street, from S street
travel east on S to 16th. Then
north on 16th street to Vine and
will exit going west on Vine to
microfilm the page turns out to
be smaller than a book of safety
Such size reductions make it pos
sible to store an entire month's
editions of the New York Times
in three boxes measuring only four
inches by four inches.
Newspapers from an entire year
which have been microfilmed take
up less than one cubic foot of
space in a filing cabinet drawer.
The same volume of newspapers
in their original paper editions
would make a stack ten feet high.
To read the miniature micro
film reproductions, the University
Libary acquired a new microfilm
reader which looks very much like
a television set. The images from
the film are magnified on the
screen and can easily be read.
.1 ' t !
a ;""""' " ,
'Times' On Microfilm
Joy Barnett has no trouble at
all in holding the 10 issues of the
"New York Times" contained in
the small box in her hand. Be
side her in small containers are
Annual Ag Roofers Day
Preparations Underway
University faculty members and
swine producers will present talks
at the 22nd annual Rooters Day
Friday on the Ag College campus.
A demonstration of a meat-type
hog carcass will open the. annual
event at 9 a.m. in the Meats
Laboratory, according to William
Loeffel, chairman of the Depart
ment of Animal Husbandry.
Eugene Rupnow, instructor in
meats at the Ag College, will point
out the characterise of a meat
type hog carcass at the demon
stration. Another highlight of the Root
ers Day program will be a discus
sion of the "outlook for Hogs" by
Dr. Philip Henderson, extension
Two out-of-state speakers on the
program will include Dr. Ralph
Durham, Extension "animal hus
bandman at Iowa State College at
Ames, who will discuss "Our Ex
perience With the Boar Testing
Program," and A. H. Myers, Jr.,
Trimble, Mo., who will outline how
to produce hogs on a commercial
Dr. E. R. Roe, assistant profes
sor of animal husbandry, will give
reports of three studies at 10 a.m..
ll irQemnies
No parking will be along this
route after 1 p.m. Friday, Ander
sen said. Cars left there will be
towed away at the owner's ex
pense. Areas where there will be
no parking will be posted by the
police department.
Nearly 4,500
Game Tickets
Still Unsold
About 4,500 tickets are still avail
able for Saturday's Homecoming
football game with Kansas, ac
cording to a report from the Coli
seum ticket office.
The tickets may be obtained at
the coliseum office all week, and
will go on sale at the stadium noon
Ticket office officials said that
there were still about 3,000 re
served and 1,500 general admission
bleacher tickets still unsold late
The reserved tickets are for
seats in the main stadium and cost
$3.50 each. Bleacher tickets are $2.
Ticket sales for the Homecoming
game were reported progressing
"at about the same rate as sales
for last year's Homecoming game
with Missouri."
Capacity at the University sta
dium, including 8,000 bleacher
seats, is 39,000. Last year's Home
coming game was not a sell-out,
business officials said
Sigma Alpha lota
Wins Top Honor
The University chapter of Sigma
Alpha Iota, professional music so
rority, has been selected the most
outstanding chapter out of the 107
national chapters for its 1956-57
Tht award was based on the
chapter's program at LARC school,
the fall contemporary American
Music Recital, Easter Vesper Serv
ice, and general contributions to
ward better music and musician
ship. Courtesy Lincoln Star
stacked a half year's editions of
the Times on microfilm. The
larger pile Is a half year's edi
tion of the Times In their original
paper editions.
in the College Activities BuiWing.
He will discuss grain sorghums
for growing-finishing swine, starter
rations for baby pigs, and iodinated
protein levels for pig starter ra
tions. Using lactose for baby pigs will
be discussed by M. Danielson, a
graduate student in animal hus
bandry. A comparison of early and
sow-raised baby pigs as well as
feed additives for growing-finishing
swine will be reported by Dr.
Donald Hudman, assistant profes
sor of animal husbandry.
Dr. Lavon Sumption, assistant
professor of animal husbandry,
will discuss "Breeding Studies with
'Disease-free' Pigs." An evalua
tion of new swine vermifuges will
be presented by Dr. George Kelly,
assistant professor of parasitology.
Members of the Block and Bridie
Club at the Ag Ccllegs will serve
a barbeque at noon in the Meats
Laboratory. ,
W. V. Lambert, Dean of the
Ag College, will welcome th
group to the afternoon program
starting at 1.15 p.m. in the Col
lege Activities Building.
The annual event is sponsored
by the University and Livestock
Breeders and Feeders Association.