The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1957, Image 1
See Cole Bin Page 2 See Johnny Logan Page 4 Vol 32 No. 23 Lincoln, Nebraska Wednesday, October 23, 1957 v KK Tiyouf Practice Members of Alpha Taa Omeka fraternity are shswa practicing for the Sonnet Kmh tryentfc, whui arc being beld thn The A TO skit k entity '"The KK Curtain Acts Any argatdaet bmwe vhk 4 aires to enier a enrtaia att i the animal Kbsim Klub FaO iM-vne which wis be bell Xw. 21 te the Pershing Auduirlara fihmiUI ccntact Dwaia Cisney at the Tbeta Sj biinse by Saturday. Trynuts will be arraneel jt a later Aaie, Cisney said. This year tthe number f nrtain acts bas bees reduced Srcns Snur to three in rdr to provide for a better hiw and to insure snore compe titive spirit, Cigney addnd. r . v : vi; r"i W Scfan lacy Mrs. David Ebie., wlie of the lamnus bifi game ihuuter and auide David Eize, dinpuryf a liatiilHit She :arried on a safari to Airlna. Mrs. Elw., vho ihns trirvcind iextnHivil)jr lUrouClmut the iwnrtd, sneuk j.m. ThurHduy in ruum SIS uf the ln- West To Host ' KNUS Program A new program will muke its debut on ERUB tonight at B.3D pjm. when .John West boats "That's Xiitertaimneut.'" West, an ATO sophomore, from Chicago will present aiews and wiews on the lentertainnient world and niUHic from Broadway and aniition picture productiDns m tins 20 -minute program. Cliuirmun uf fee Union Film .Comniittne, Wert is unuidered a near enptirt on buppetungs an fee entertumment business. Tlie fn-Rt progruni will be a tri bute to Dea-ge iGerahwin. Ag JoumalisiTj CJubTtTFoTm ' There will be a aneetmg "held WednesCXv ut 7 p.m. tof all Btu- .tient"iJi-tf-estd in Ag and Some Ec Jounjulism according to 12uiV , -ciB Hay Ag Home Ec JuunuJisni V club putihery chuirnian. ly ' .1. n W iWlfl nt -he. X xiie nii""'s "- nf M. A. AleKander, proies t 1 I 1 l,.,nltif tit ArTT ROr U! BlUnlUJ Iluiiu"J College. At tills time coming actr-ities will lie piamied imfl fee A? Hume 'jU- .luunmUsm cluu ajH iw '02- cifaiiyarj"'uawtt 1 ' ' v - Gaslight at the OK k Pdcty. They are Iron left to rignt: Steve Voeprr. Sart Banmaa, jne Robertfioa, Duaiie Hall Xaeatetd), Kea PMerooa, Daa 'What Every Woman Knows" To Open By CAST SODGEKS Copy TMMr Tue University Tbesier '3 iipen its first perfarmanoe of fee sea stm tonigtit an Bowell Memurial "Theater at B J3.m. ! The play, "'What Every Woman Enows" promises to be oae ,nf the I J Theater's best. iiiD iur the Talks and Topics (Program. Mrs. lBiae ttiinic wlil he "Wy Lady iGoes On A Saiari' and will .cover iher Kpfinues .on hnr liuHlumcT trip around the world lin !Bi4. The trip Included visits to 22 countries. AUF Donation: Two National Charities Receive Large Proportion By lUnda Watt AIT Assistant This 3s the seound Article In the series, ""Where Tiiur Money Cih;,"" concerning cuntrlbutiuns eultmited by the AO Daivunuty Fund. The artlfih wlD explain M(!b .of the charities that AIT will donate to this jwar, and tlie ui'iim purpooes the Charity serves. Forty per cent itff tlie money iiallecteC ifluriug the All Univeraity Fund itirive will be given to two ' 411. natiunal (CburitieK, fee American j Multiple Sclerosis (chapters sup Eeart AssociHtion, and the JSatiun-, port (outpatient dltiuicE throufthuut al Multiple Scleroais Society. Twen ty pjr (cent will be given ftc eaiib uf these (organizations. The American Heart Association attacks beart .disease through Jour major programs: Research,, iPro ieflmuiial Education, PuuLc Edu cation, amd Cummuiuty Servioe. Emphasis is placed on renearcb in order to try to aliscover the cnusec and curi uf beart fliBeaHe. Heart and icirnulBtory (diueuses are the leading ciuiBe mf tleuth in tlie United States. They mauae ba HtKiaer ui Wavne GmatferMia. The KK tSavm it to fee beU Knv. 21 la the Pershing Ao&-torium. NU Theater Season Dallas waiEms wjH direct She talented student actors in this lirsf production. The jiay is a icomedy i by X M. Earrie vhK.1i relates the sTPt ro that women bave an the maet prosperous Baarriages, bat .of wbich tiwir spouses aire lUBUBUy1 unaware. The plot is ..of a bus - band vhs disoovers claring a fata- ation vith a beautiful countess that bis .demure und modest -wife is really the spark ;and spirit f "bis success. "This wi3 be a very interesting play and the people "ho bave been icafit re capuhle t idoing a good job,"" Dr. TKIIains said. ,. first f X M. Earrie s be produced at the University Theater in at least 34 3'ears, is a warm .drama an which ""a anan . The memDers oi tne cast an iius praduction are all bighly capable actors and this combination .of cabt 1 .Wo'W .ri1 V,!'V1 UlUt .birc tlC abOU .fe.s- one. Roy Willey., a graduate student in speech, will! bandle the lead part, that f John Shand. Willey has perfornied an the BoweD The ater productions "Harvey" .and "Dark .of the Moon.1" Tlie female lead will be ployed by Mrs. Phj'Hk Blanker a gradu-: ate student in spsech, who last year gave a memorable perfurm aiK as Cordeha in "Xing lLear..'"! .flue Hill wiH play the part af Aliuk "V'iley and Dabid bis .oldeet son will be played by Bill (Enuse. jobn Hall -will play the part of James "Wiley. j The CountfcH role as iteing played by Bonna Teuo and that tof hex niece, Sjbill, as being dune by Betty Lester.. j .Others an the .cant include: Doug las York, who plays Mr. Tenabies.; Diana Peters, who plays the part of Graxie., the omaid of tthe Counlr ess, and 2eff Bernstein will .play (the part of Thomas, fee gurdner Dr. Dallas Williams, i&ireutur .uf tiie University Theater, coonrnieiitr ed that be fundamentally has a fn .cast. "'They bave talent aud trainiiiE," tie aid. uf nil fee deaths, more than liiHS.IHHi in the United States ieacb year..! The Heart AsBuciHtion rebes n tii'ely 'On voluntary (contributions tf funds and activity to (carry Jw warti its work in all (corners af fee United States. Multiple Sclerosis iis a icrippling fliaease .Of young adults 5or wlucb feere is no cuie as yet. Jt bas been termed the '"roost serious iha:uBe vS young adulis," striking nminly between fee sges (Of 3D and Che nation for .diagnoais and $0- levitinn (iff .-symptoms. Funds .-are used fur renearcb into the icauasE and rilii!fs iof fee diaeaae, s well as fur icbnics nd patient aid. P.eaeartth projeots totaling more lhan baff s bimdred bave been financed by the JKational Miiltple ! Sclerosis Society.. Money given ito Heart and Mul tiple Sclerosis will go to fee 35e 'bruska fliviBions (iff feese aint.iomil lihnrities tto lie iUBfl for ireBeanih and cui-e within fee suite. yirvey eir By CAROLE FK.AVK . Cory Edlur There are apprmri-mEtely ITS to 209 case cf Go in the University organized bouses and dorms which were contacted Tocscay ra a sur vey conducted by tie Daily Ketones-, kBIL Of tbese eases there are 17 sta- wSeni SB Student Eenlxri; others frame borne because cf the Da. Same students contacted are ! living as residents "in the bouses j and others are isolated in private rooms. Besides ft lDiffviersity projser, tEnivesity Higi Scbonl m-faicb is sit uated on the liouota Campus closed Tiikesdny mom hecause of 36 reported Ba cases .in the school of 2S5 pi5Ds. University Hip as scheduisd to reopen M-anony. UKunaniy tae school would bsv been closed Thursday and Fri&ny fee Teach ers Convention. Bouses were asked report the mmibers t esse f la, m'he&er or mat these students bad been giv en shots, sod if 1beT members Bf their residence bad flu shots. SeSeck Quadrangle reported t least 50 cases txiir? oat -of UOUU "This as a dfficlt show. The dialect Sootcb is ifl;Tfic&HM the (characters are siibtie and 3t i k bard Sar Americans to catch the f-avor ff the SDOttisn people, ac- cording to TOliEins. The action cff the play as set in ' Sootiand aronnd the torn cf the e- jtury., and is told an She typical Earrie mbimsical lafihion. Barris bimseUJ was a peasant whs wrote as tie pleased. This play is one eff bis best. Dr. Charles Lown is in charge of the technical end cff the play.. Be comes 4 the Caj versity from a 1 variety f experience at the Cai-ij Jvejsiry f Creargia, Drake Univer-i! and Black Hills Teadhers CdUege (in Snutb Dakota. This is bis first ivear at the University and "'What (Every W;oman Enows" is bis first , , . ipiay on this campus. I Dr. ILown noiiefl ftiat the " armth is bard t catch in santt imtereRting prob- kms." KNUS Rccfio To BcffslcErsf From Howell The (Opening oT the Eowel Me- morial Tbeater's ia-37-iSB season to- night will be bandied an a mear- I muu B,UI Ma (CV: proiefiEional manner by the theater ssaaBJF .department and fee .staS a 3CSUS, i plf &u t a campus radao station. Ti speeches wJl ;be fallowed !by First angbters will -be interview j Jf J" Qd i a- a l feen ihieak iup., be stated. J?7l Z&J T H Widm8B MaQuistan, dent .operated EVUS by Al Ander-Ka ene lttrced ;BentE son. This will be taadcaat mne- tif!1.s ,h. kir srifl te w ..,lltl baB bour belare curtain time and again aiJter fee first act ff "TS'bHt ir. mtn irnc n Every Woman Knows." In addi-1 v-elaome, but students .are re tiun to Hieing broadcast for fee (gueBiifl its 'leave .arganization regular audienoefi, at will !be beard names Srona fee benjas, MoQuis an speakers in fee theater and an. (tan said. its lounge. The presentation 'Of the Honorary j ' Pxia4lucer Awurfl .carried live ipver fee station att aonroKi-1 mate.'y B.lh f..m. Immediately after;) atage, tfhe Honorary Producer and .tiititiiir.uiaheci guests will be inter viewed. The 2DSUS broadcaat af fee pro- ductian (opening night (Ceremonies can be beard in many parts of fee icampus, -on fee staticms (dosed (cir-(Euh-t :BHl) Ikilocycle. Tbe winner ttf ' 1H57 Honorary Producer (Campaign wiD be aiamed End trophies will be preaented !by Governor Victor Anderson. r"' "' M- Each bouae bas araminated a af lf pliiuf Bfl" 4v .candidate, and candidates feelf1"1 m- Cmha5 two bouses selling fee ma tickets j " A Th in propurtion to membership will be presented with fee trophies and their pictures will be printed in each itheater program. i Emerson Scot1,, and March ill, torn ett to (Cify Mffyur Marlni Bennett,, to fee.;, wtiJi mry tcuuncii, aim iv a aiumutr mi campus leaderE. ASMS Meeting - ! Jtolm CUssan will M stuns s fee' "Prdblenis .df a Mechanical Engi-i tieer When He Beoomes a Couatilt-j aut,,'' art a pint nneetmg off tlie 3Be- 'nruslka Section and tlie JSebj-akafi Student SeBtion mf fee American Society df Mechaiiit:iil Engineers.1 Tlie meeting will be beld (Del. 30 at 7;:1 pjn. in Room 21 aff Eichurds Haiti, Larry Tor.k, imem-,; ber .of fee puhkaty icommitttie aa-:) auuitoed. Report1 Shows 11 7 5 Cases f IFBua stffldent. Seventy-Eve sinflenls have bad vaccine shots. Four of the students with Ha are in Stu dent Health, "la the last few days the flu rate bas dwibled," Alfred Calvert, resident advisor, com mented. Also be reported same the boys bare bad Severs as high as 10 degrees, Besidenoe HsE for Women re parted 11 cases out f jlmmat 596 girl with tw in student Health, Mrs. Hanson, director of the HaLs, said that the gels arc being taken care of m their rooms by baase mathers and counselors. 2 any cf the girls beoffitne ertremely sick or retain a bigs fever, they are sent i Student Fraternities contacted reparted a total s f7 cases. Acacia, Delta Sig ma Ra, Beta Sigma Psi, PM Del ta Theta, and Delta "Cpsilasii re ported as anembers sick with the SkL Other bouses reported from one to eight cases. KK Revision FarXhtr rrriskats in tike Ks Bet fcta FaB Reroe skit tryuut schttdale bave beea made due to Asiaa Qa sxoiess atvordinc to Boh Smittt, afisistaat chairmaa. Smidt stated that the FaU He me jadges wiid give cunsadera ti to booses whose iAat cast bad beea bit by the disease. The tertsei ncbeene is as fDws: Wednesday: FM Delta Tbeta, -:15 yjn..; Delta Taa Dtfta, "33S---.ii pm.; Sipaa Aba E S&oa, ja.; Sigma V S1:3B Jijai.; Costavsoa L :4B S:SS ja.; and Delta FttialaB, :llVB;28 pan. Thnrsdsy: Beta Sigma Pfi, Alpha Taa CMnega 7-'2&-:4 aa; Beta Theta PS 7:.6-S:0 an..; Theta 3S, :1S :UB ran..; Sigma Qfl. &:,.: Jm.; Sigma Phi EpriloB, :fii :26 ijl; Jtni Phi Kawa P, fcti fan. Migration Rally Set Downtown The pre-migratian rally far the trip to Missouri University will start from the Caraliin Tower act :S5 p.m. tonight, according to Stan Kidman,, rally (cbairman. A second rally win be beld ia front .of fee Missouri Student Un ion, at 12:45 pjn. Saturday for those migrating. The Wednesday rally will start ;up Tine Street is liith, procede .dox aach t 33, .down X is lath, and from lath u.s O then to 13sh .aafl Q where fee students wiH stop far more yelk and songs, The group will then move from 13th to SL and from B. to the Un ion v'iiei Bobby Bynolds, Sarm- imeracan u.aiiverEiry m s,e-. and running vr ,of spirit."" I House signs lureiiur iteaoD sunnort . . . Jl( GUI i I KJUI , . - J rlfQ f Sdlf ? To Commence Tickets are available far fee lBi)7-yfi Auftuban Screen Tours from fee Bureau s Audi-1! VJtofMiivM fee ibbW .cf fee mUBetOT-:i room HBO,, Morrill H&H. Season ticket rates aire:: Matinees 'j - Aflujts K2.SH, students ftL.aB, dhil- ; .liui (w luuc siuimuwue m:: itwt. .ft, "P.uer.t Puo., USA"' by Fran Wil liam HaU;; Jan. aft, "Itancfi and Eange"" by Albert Wol; Feb, S, All lectures will be in Dsn Me morial library Auditorium at i pjn. and 31 pn. High Schoolers To Take Reqents Mare than ."S.01IB Ibign school stu-; (fieuts will take tthe University He- gents teat m Km.. &. , Three bundred Eegent scholar- j iliips wiE be available to the top i soorers, along with ffl additi-.ma3 educatiunal grants iranginj in ' value i'-om Uti to pL Sororities stated fttey bad cc2y seven cases od hL ISoet cf tbe girls did sot bave tbe hi vaccine sbats. Alpha S3 Delta, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Kappa Al pha Theta, reported a cases. Pi Beta Pba and Gamma Phi ! avoid aa epidemic if tbe ciy bas Beta each reports three casesjone, Farnning said, with inane eff these baring tbe fiaj Maadsy at ftui tme fiere wer shots. Sigma Delta Taa reported jj cases aad bow Caere are 157 me case m Student Health, and j 55 reported, an campus, aa ia- Sigma Kappa reported their bonse matber bad contacted the Ha. The bealth center reports 17 cas es which, "fjKxai a fliwiral stand point cannot be cuagaosad as As ian fLo," acootrdirig to Dr. Samuel Fnejsnmg. Treatment off Tntitial phases isf a da epidemic in student emu Toarters is xmder st.-pemsian of aa ajreacy estabiisjied ana c entad student liaison graop, with visits by tbe public bealth nurse, Fnrmrrng said. Dr. Faemung saresses feat per sons oontaciig the 1b should iai- mediately report this to their healthcare that liraoala is ia Sat aa epidsia. cbsirmaa so feey may be liken care L Students will temperatures shouid stay in bed for 24 hours aft er the fever breaks. After contact ing the En, persons ihoiuid be care ful and take care tbemsfclveE so they wan"U get reaocurreaces cf fee Ea t! trtber Fieaning fytf'd after efW-ts, Junior IFC Campus Pledge Dance The annual pledge Sneak Dance, sponsored by fee Junior taserfra ttentity Council is scheduled for Nov. fth in fee Uaian Ballroom, at 2Kb. Plans for fee anae were pre sented to fee 3FC at fee last tneet- ing by a committee including Gary j Anderson, Sigma On; Saelaon Co ben, Zeta Beta T.aa; Gil XTnes, Sigma Kb and Hera Prabascs, Sug xns Alpha EpsHum. The dance, mbicb was (Brtginaied last, will be Ifaeld Sur piefiges (only; no actwes will be athie ttt attend.. The ballroom its to be decorated in a ingbl'Clui) style sad refreshments will be served. Hem cfitaers atnected for this year's cauncUl ice Gary Anderson, Sigma Cbi, presjident; Chuck Ev ens, Phi Delta Theta, vice presi dent;; Tom Piester, Delta Tau Delta, .secrt-tary; Gfl XTnes, Sigma JCb treasurer, and Xe KnoiUs, Phi Kappa Psi, social cbairman. Ail pledges .are urged So attend fee idanoe itd jget their iiates as M. B. Mums The Murlr Boards will nnoe agaia etiU anums Sor Biimecom Sng. The anums, Oarge, vbite "wn pom" with a ""V m tlie cenier and red ribbon, are mow Hoi sale until November nd tor flAHl eatch. The sunmc itl be deJiuened the annrning uf Bumeumuing to amy mrgattiand tHinoe, am-uitUng to &ev t-xi-Jk vi Mortar toarfl- Ticket Sale Started Today For Banquet Tickets are now on sale fur fee .annual Ellen Eiebards Banquet which will be beld Thursday at C:3I pan, in the Union, according to Kargat Fr auke .and Sola Ober mire, publicity (chairman. Pbj'llis Haimen. tet Swioer and .Judy Seiier atre an ii8J-ge .cf juill ing tickets. Tiiey jilso .can be itibtained Jrum bouse represeutatrves. an tlie Home Ed Building ion Ag Union. 'Jackets :Rre tl.SU each. Marilyn Jensen iis ajenej:al (Cbair man its the (event, wiuex corn- founder Hme Ecoiiarttics. ' V5V Has The Missou Victory Bell Been Stolen? Fuennmg seid list XU k expa rieaoeisg aa increase ia (be onat ber of fla cases aad wbetber Ibert .wiS be farther increase resnsiaa to be sees. It doesn't seem tfcst we cwJ crease cc a per cers, ynm,irmt sajd. So reports are back as yet aa the cumber of fim En cases at XU and n sixxs are available. A sbipoiiextt is sappesed S be ready arsuad the first cf Xwember. Ia tthe event severe cases art eijuist.ered beyond tbe capacity of the IS-bed student bealth cemer. 'e!iierEeary wards aald be set m jj, jjg vtTs and bor's dormitories. Aocording lo Dr. George Under wood, curysotEity bealA director, there wEl be T positive pracf before Wednesday but iaiicstini4 ; ic Aa Asisa Qa epidemic could Id J U t SB per cent aff 225 to 25$( cf Lincola-s estimated 125301 W?" alsraoa ia just Sour weeks, be saud. EoweTer, tbe perceaaae hit could be much tagber, says State ; HeaKh Drctor Dr. E. A. Ssgers, ' if it strikes in a clasey knit frooa jsuch as a college. Schedules sooa Sit possible, acenrdang ts Pn- basco. Tbe Tuffy Epsteia coinib wi3 provide fee music. Ticket prices will be unnoanced sbarfiy, be said, amd fee tickets wiH g m sals Octciber 211th. Plans aire also being (Chsnussei to bave each sorority oosninate a candidate far a ajaeea, wba will be presented at tbe dance. Hidovay Dance Slated The Huaker Eidewey Danoe wiU be fee main feature if fee migration week-end for fee ""stay-st-humes" at fee Umrersity. The (danoe will be beld in fet Union biuiroom from 9 .jn t midnight (on Saturday. Music for fee dance wiE be by fee "Collegians" Band. Eefresb xaents wjB be served. During fee dance feere will be several acts. Sandy Cherniss wUS be fee mis trees f .ceremonies, and fee enter taiitment will indlnde Mike Brem er,, wh plaj'S tbe guitar and sings; Xule Farmer, a singer from Crejgh itan University; Dick Solan, a piano plaj-er; and Elicia Salaxar, a Spanish .flanoer, Tirkets far fee fianne will gs (OB sale Thursday and Friday from 10 ia. ts aieon and from 3 pm, t S pjXL ia fee Union lobby. Admission is SO cents a persoo. .and ticket will also 'be sotd at fee .duar. "Tbis dance as ecpected to be :grat sacoeas,''' actsordmg 4 Sully Dwns, (tibairmaa f fee daaaa committae. Migration Fine bun tired raa tuthuid ivr the Migrating ftm brtwwes 3fiioitrl43iaBka aKsiuMing tv'lwanflvwsU. tb tatic dartment bnsins an.aMa r. The price f she tickets Ss C 5 Mr awrova and Che mralu&Vo eaw are btcated a tbe V-tt yard Sine is she Xk&MBi Stafi sua ad Cutaubia,