The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 22, 1957, Image 1
Husker Stars Page 4 TMI JV1 lf Vol. 32 No. 22 Lincoln, Nebraska Tuesday, October 22, 1957 Brighter? Downslips Page 2 the -j Fofz Commends Music Program "The University can be justly proud of the concerts, recitals, and music activities carried on under the direction of the department of Music," David Foltz, chairman of he Music De partment said. "These events are a part of the regular edu cational pro gram, but are open at all times to the public," he continued. The student body is of a Courtesy Lincoln Star Foltz high quality and thus the programs should be enjoyable and gratify ing, he said. Some of the events scheduled are: Oct. 21-25 Music Sorority Week. Oct. 24 Sorority concert, 7:30 p.m., Union ballroom. Oct. 31 Faculty recital, 7:30 p.m., Union Ballroom. Nov. 5 Catherine Grozier, or ganist, at Westminster Presbyteri an Church. Nov. 6 Senior Recital, 4 p.m. Social Science Auditorium. Nov. 13 Departmental recital, 4 p.m., Social Science Auditorium. Nov. 14 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Nov. 21 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Concert, 7:30 p.m., Union Ball room. Nov. 21-23 Nebraska Music Edu cators Clinic in Lincoln. Nov. 22 Music Department Al umni Association, Union Ballroom. NU Theater To Present Initial Play The first University Theater pro duction of the year, "What Every Woman Knows," will open 8:15 p.m. Wednesday at Howell Memo rial Theater. Members of the cast ' include John Shand. Mrs. Phyllis Blanke, Joe Hill, Bill Gnuse, John Hall, Bonna Tebo, Betty Lester, Doug lass York, Diana Peters and Zeff Bernstein. Production manager is Gerry Miller and the play Is under the auspices of director Dr. Dallas Williams. The Honorary Producer will be announced by Kay Neilson, Miss Nebraska, and the trophies will be presented by Gov. Victor Ander son. The Droducer'will be selected from the organized house which has sold the most theater tickets. Joe Hill, student organizer of the ticket selling campaign, announced that invitations have been sent to Mayor Bennett Martin, the city council and a number of city and campus leaders. KK Workers There will be a meeting of all Kosmet Klub workers in room 306 of the t'nion at 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday-according. to Dave Herzog. Information re garding ticket and advertising will be given, Herzog said. YM-W Clubs Plan Campus Panel Shows The City Campus YWCA and City Campus VMCA are sponsoring a program similar to the national televised program,' "Face the Na tion." According to Biff Keyes, co chairman of the committee, the Tuesday at 9 p.m.. A panel of four members will qjestion a guest who represents some phase of campus life. On the first program, this Tues day, Jack Pollock,, editor of the Daily Nebraskae will face a panel consisting of Barb Sharp, Presi dent of the city VWA, Stan Hargle road, President of the Ag YMCA, Phyllis Bonner, City YWCA, and Jim Roman, Vice-President of City YMCA. Bob Martel, a mem ber of the City YMCA and a KNUS official will moderate the first pro gram. Ensuing prog-am will be cen tered around such campus prob lems as "Is the fraternity system really suffering;" "Independent Re sponsibility's" "Standard at the University;" and "Activities vs. Studies," according to Phyl Bon ner, YW co-chairman. Any interested people can -come to the KNUS studio on Tuesday evening. There will be a question and answer period in which the au dience may participate. All programs will be taped for use at later times. Any group may use these tapes. If interested con tact Pylli Bonner at 2-7938. Nov. 24 University Orchestra Concert, 7:30 p.m., Union Ball room. Scholarship Concert, 7:30 p.m., Vn ion Ballroom. Nov. 20 Senior Recital, 4 p.m., Social Science Auditorium. Music Staff Adds Three The Music Department has add' ed three new faculty members with a broad background of ex periences in the music world. Jack Crossman, assistant pro fessor of piano, comes to the Uni versity from the faculty of Occi dental College in Los Angeles. He has accompanied such well known concert artists as John Charles Thomas," Dorothy Waren skjold, Frances Bible and Igor Gorin. Joseph Owens, instructor in brass instruments, comes to the faculty after serving as first chair trombone for nine years in the Louisville Symphony Orchestra one of the country's best orchestras, known for its work in contempo rary music. He has also served as supervisor of instrumental mu sic in Scottsborg, Ind. Audun Ravnan, assistant pro fessor of piano, made his profes sional debut in his native country of Norway in 1946. He returned to Norway last spring as piano soloist with the Bergen Symphony. In 1947 he received a three-year scholarship from the Institute of International Education, where he graduated with highest distinc tion. He has been guest soloist with major symphony orchestras in the East and the Midwest. Naturalist River Film Narrator The Audubon Screen Tours, au thentic portrayals of wildlife, will be presented again this year under the sponsorship of the University Extension Division aftd State Mu seum and the National Audubon Society. The first program was held Monday, and featured Natural ist Allan D. Cruickshank who nar rated the film, 'River of the Crying Bird." This film dealt with the wildlife wonders along the Wakulla River in Florida. Performances for each of the pro grams will be at 4 p.m. and again at 8 p.m., in the Love Memorial Library at the University. Season tickets on five lecture-film pro grams may be purchased at the University Extension Division or State Museum. , The Screen Tour series consists of color motion pictures of wild life and wilderness scenery from many parts of the world, presented in person by men and women whose talents as naturalists, photog raphers and lecturers are recog nized the world over. Here are the other programs planned during the year: "Puerto Rico, U.S.A.," by ran William Hall of Northfield, Minn., Friday, Dec. 6. "Ranch and Range," by Albert Wool of San Jose, Calif., Friday, Jan. 10. "Rocky Mountain Rambles," by Emerson Scott of Caro, Mich., Monday, Feb. 3. "Forgotten Country," by Bert Harwell of Berkeley, Calif., Mon day, March 10. The .purpose of the screen tours is to promote wildlife protection and conservation education. Ap proximately 200 cities in the na tion participated in the program. NU Administrators In New Quarters Departments of the University administration will begin moving into the new administration build ing this week. The first department which will move into the building at 14th and R is the tabulating departmeift. The other departments will move in as space Is created, an administra tion official indicated. The building will officially open around January first. Present administration functions are being handled in Ellen Smith Hall and the old Administration building. Builder's Meeting Builders will hold a mass meet ing Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Room 315 at the Union. All freshmen or upperclass men who are interested in Builders are urged to attend, according to Nat alie Johnson, publicity chairman. 'fr 1 'J nit-timnriW-a,"rf V-fax-- "lrfflwrn4 1 fcwr-tiiiiyiiiiiil hello Cir Jane Savcner, the University's for the title, were Caroline Boc ,"Helio Girl", was selected Satnr- siger, Marge Franke, Roberta day night as the most typical inde- Switzer, and Jenane Whitwer. pendent woman student. Miss Savener is a member of the Student Council, Ag Exec Board, AUF Representative. Her attendants, the four finalists This Week Qn Cmnpus The unofficial Student Migration, football in Columbia, Mo. Saturday (Nebraska vs. Missouri); Music Sorority Week Monday Friday; and Combined Sorority Concert Thursday ! highlight the week's activity. Monday-Friday Monday-Sunday Monday, Wednesday, F.l-hy Tuesday 8 p.m. Wednesday Wednesday-Saturday 8 p.m. Thursday 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Friday Friday 8 p.m. Saturday 2 p.m. KK Tryouts The revised schedule for the Kosmet Club, according to Bob Smidt, Assistant Director of the Fall show is as follows: For Wednesday Sigma Chi, 7:00-7:15; Delia Sigma Phi, 7:25 7:40; Sigma Alpha Epsllon, 7:50 8:05; Sigma N'u, 8:15-8:30; Kap pa Sigma, 8:40-8:55; Gustafson I, 9:05-9:20; Delta L'psilon, 9:30 9:45 For Thursday evening, Beta Sigma Psi, 7:00-7:15; Alpha Tau Omega, 7:25-7:40; Beta Theta Pi, 7:50-8:05; Theta Xi, 8:15-8:30; Phi Delta Theta, 8:40-8:55; Sig ma Phi Epsilon, 9:05-9:20; Phi Kappa Psi, 9:30-9:45. Tryouts will be in the respec tive houses at the times sched uled. Each house is asked to turn in eight copies of their script tp Bob Smidt, Assistant Director of the Fall Show at Farm House Fraternity. The Kosmet Club's Annual Fall Revue will he held Nov. 22 In the Pershing Auditorium; Conservation Air, Bus Tour Scheduled Forty-one Ag College students will take an air tour followed by a bus tour over the southern Salt Watershed Tuesday and Satarday as part of a class assignment. Dr. James Drew, assistant professor of agronomy, says the trips are designed as teaching aids for a course in soil conservation. , The students will be aloft for one hour Tuesday touring five farms in Lancaster county. They will tour the same farms by bus Saturday to compare the results of soil conservation prac tices on the farms. Planes for the air trip will be furnished by the Nebraska Depart ment of Aeronatnics with Millard Bennett, chief of the aviation-safety division in charge. The combined tours will be spon sored by the Department of Aero nautics, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Soil Conservation Service, the Department of Agron omy and the Nebraska Air Educa tion Division of the University with Dr. Frank Sorenson as coordinator representing the Air Age. Faculty Dance Club The first meeting this year of the Faculty Square Dance Club will be held Friday night at 8 p.m. in the Selleck Quadrangle basement. Instruction will be given to beginners. ft" . 'V . V The "Hello Girl" dance was sponsored by the Barb Activities Board for Women. , To the Editor; Music Sorority Week All Nebraska Art Show Art Gallery Lecture, Dr. A. L. Rowse, Love Library Lecture, Rep. Walter Judd, Love Library Sorority Chili Supper "What Every Woman Knows," Theatre Production Sorority Concert Union Ballroom " District Teachers Convention Faculty Square Dance Club, Selleck Quad Basement Football (Nebraska vs. Missouri) in Columbia American Creativeness Praised By Historian An English historian Monday evening saw a parallel between the great creative Elizabethan age and the present America, which he predicts will too be known for its creativeness. Delivering the first in a series of three Humanities Lectures at the University, Dr. Alfred Leslie Rowse said America's emergence from the great test of the 20th Century has given it a tremendous lift. The character of America's peo ple 50 years ago also resembled that of the Elizabethan age: "young, pulsating, rustic, back ward." He listed modern American poetry as an example of the coun try's rising prominence in creative ness around the world. Called one of the most distin guished writers now living on the history of the Tudor period, Dr. Rowse stressed that the founding of Jamestown 350 years ago was not so much the beginning of America but more the culmination of Elizabethan efforts to establish an English-speaking colony in the New World. In his initial lecture, Dr. Rowse, who is a Fellow of the Royal So ciety of Literature, described "The Elizabethan Age." Wednesday, his lecture will be "The Personality of Elizabeth I," and Friday, "Sir Walter Raleigh and America." The two letcures will begin at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday in Love Library Auditorium. Regents Plan Participation In Ed Meeting The State Normal Board and the Regents of the University will meet together Nov. 15 to discuss a proposed broad study of higher education in Nebraska. The study proposal has come from the state normal board and is said to have been endorsed by Gov. Victor Anderson. It would cover the four state teachers colleges, church schools, junior colleges and the University. It would assess what the future holds in the way of enrollments, needs and future demands. A legislative appropriation prob ably would be require Fly D Or. Foe By ERNIE HINES Copy Editor The University has escaped wide spread flu infections "so far" but the danger isn't over yet, ac cording to Dr. Samuel Fuenning, director of the Student Health Cen ter and University Health Services. Dr. Fuenning said that Nebras ka has been "extremely fortunate in comparison with surrounding universities" in the number of flu cases reported. The Student Health Center direc tor also stated Monday afternoon NU Education Council Plans Area Section The University may organize a regional section of the Joint Coun cil on Economic Education, accord ing to Dr Richard Bourne, asso ciate professor of business organi zation. Dr. Edward Allen, associate di rector of the Council, met Mon day with Chancellor C. M. Hardin and University ecconomics profes sors to discuss the possibilities of setting up such a regional group. Possibilities also were discussed about what could be done at the University to improve the teach ing of beginning economics cours es in an attempt to interest more students in economics. Also discussed were ways by which the University could better prepare future teachers in the in structing of economics in grade and high schools. Purpose of the Joint Council on Economic Education, a non-partisan organization with headquar ters in New York City, is to create an economic awareness on the part of all students primary, secondary and college. The council sets up workshops and gathers economic material from business, labor and agricul ture, in an attempt to help teachers across the U.S. be more competent instructors of economics. Dr. Allen, who taught at Colum bia University and was dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Maine University before joining the Council, works primarily with University professors of education and economics. f t - ' ' if 11 , i CourK'sy Sunday Journal and Star DR. ROWSE Campus Charity: 'II Where Your By LINDA WALT AUF Assistant This Is the first article In the series, "Where Your Money Goes," concerning contributions collected by the All-University Fund. The articles will explain each of the charities that AUF will donate to thU year, and the various purposes the charity serves. Twenty-five per cent of the mon ey collected during this year's Ail University Fund drive will be giv en to the World . University Serv ice. AUF's twelfth annual drive will be held Nov. 5 through Nov. 19. WUS aids students and faculty members in under-developed and war torn countries through a pro gram of mutual assistance. For the past three years, AUF has been the largest single contributor to WUS among midwestern Universi ties. Funds contributed by student and faculty members will be used for medical aid, educational supplies, emergency food and clothing, schol arships, maintenance of rest cen ters, aid to refugee students, co operative housing, dorms and stu dent centers, TB sanitariums, and will also help train students for parttime jobs iV U H' J ! 1 I ''1 1 w i A tMtMM,muHI- W''ri m anger Llemmaoims, BitiflBiq that "at present, all flu cases appear to be of the general flu variety. None of flu victims pres ently being treated shows the typi cal symptoms of Asian flu." But he warned that there is still a "possibility of wide spread out break of both Asian and general varieties of flu" on the Lincoln campus. The University doctor stressed that both varieties of flu spread easily and that the students have been widely subjected to flu virus es by students who have had the infection. "If students who have flu sump toms, especially those who run a fever, will report their illnesses im mediately, they will help to mini mize any further outbreak," Dr. Fuenning said. With the cooperation of the cam pus dorms, fraternities and soror ities, the Student Health Center has instructed individuals in each organization on the care that should be given flu victims. When a person gets flu he should report it to his health chairman, house mother or organization head in order to insure proper treat ment and to prevent more than minimum spread of the infection, Dr. Fuenning said. "Some students with fevers' have not been taking it seriously and have continued to attend classes and take part in activities. These people," Dr. Fuenning emphasized, have not been fair either to themselves or others." The Student Health Center re ported that 17 of their 25 beds! four beds were added in the past week were filled Monday with students who had "more serious cases of flu." Dr. Fuenning estimated that be tween 30 to 50 students are being treated for flu in the houses and dorms on campus. All of these stu dents are being checked daily by their health chairmen and a practical nurse from the Student Health Center. ' These cases are of less serious nature than those being cared for at the health center. Dr. Fuenning said there was a possibility that some of these stu dents might infect others, but that "it would be impossible to take care of the large number of flu cases in any other manner." The Student Health Center ha3 added two nurses to its staff since early October to help handle the illnesses. These additions pushed to 10 the number of nurses working at the health center. In addition to the nurses, there are two full time and five part time doctors caring for flu victims. "In spite of these additions, the staff has been pushed to do over time work," Dr. Fuenning said. The Student Health Center direc tor said that the campus "so far has seemingly escaped Asian flu of any proportions." He said that a few cases two weeks ago showed "symptoms highly suspicious of the Asian flu variety. He said, however, that the health center had not received lab Berqer, Young, Miller Named Blueprint Heads Heading rtie Publication Board for the 1957-58 Blueprint magazine will be Roger Berger, general manager; Bob Young, editor; and Lee Miller, business manager, ac- ffoney Goes1 In past years, WUS has aided student refugees in France) Ger many and Hungary; provided medi cal care for students in Greece, Burma and Indonesia; sent books and equipment to university cen ers in Pakistan, Japan and Korea; and established scholarships and loan funds in India and Africa. WUS, based on the belief that only through partnership can a real fellowship among students be created, is co-ordinated by an inter national secretariat in Geneva. The activities of WUS are directed to ward helping the student in his own country to become a leader of his nation tomorrow. Besides contributing to WUS, AUF ' will give to three national charities: the American Heart Assn., the National Assn. for Men-' tal Health, and the National Multi pie Sclerosis Society, and one local charity the Lancaster Assn. for Retarded Children. These five charities were chosen on the basis of a student poll taken last spring. The charities are inves tigated and approved by the Better Business Bureau and the National Community Chest office. , .Solicitations of new faculty mem bers is now underway," according to Nan Carlson, faculty solicitations chairman. Faculty members may send their donations to the AUF of fice, room 306 in the Student Union. Warms confirmation that the cases were Asian flu. This information, he stat ed, would not be available until at. least Wednesday. Blood tests and throat scrapings were taken from the students in volved and submitted to the State Department of Health for analysis. Periodic blood tests are still being taken of other students, Dr. Fuen ning said. On a national scale, the death toll from flu and its complications was listed at 200, and health of ficials Monday were reported step ping up their campaign to incou late the public against the infec tion. Ticket Sales To Begin For Banquet Tickets are now on sale for the annual Ellen Richards Banquet, Thursday, according to Margot Franke and Nola Cbermire, pub licity chairman. The event, which commemorates the birthday of the founder of Home Economics, will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Union, Franke said. All Home Ec majors are urged to attend and other interested in Home Ec are invited. Phvllis Hansen. Bert Switzer and Judy Seiler are in charge of selling tickets. They also can be obtained from house representatives, in the Home Ed Building on Ag Cam pus and in the Ag Union. Tickets are $1.50 each. Dr. Marvel Baker, who has just returned from Turkey, will be the guest speaker. The Home Ec Club will initiate new members and out standing workers will be recog nized. Marilyn Jensen is general chair man of the event. Faculty advisors are Miss Shirley Keso and Miss Exter Meacham. Committee chair men are Joyce Evans, program; Sharon Sterner, favors; Ruth Roubal and Lorajane Baskin, dec oration; Barb Lundin and Jolaine Loeske, food, and Judy Otradosky and Jane Savener, hostess. This in charge of contacting teachers and alums include Mary Fritts and Vivian Long. Migration All women students desiring to go to migration at Missouri must obtain permission from Ihcir housemothers. The house mothers must know where the girl is to stay while in Missouri. Special permission must be ob tained In order to leave before Friday and all women must be back by 11:00 Sunday night. Friday and Saturday will be considered a free overnight only for those going to migration, ac cording to Jacquie Miller of the AWS board. cording to Robert York, promotion manager of Blueprint. Editorial staff will consist of: Jerry Sinor, assistant editor, Gary Frenzel, layout editor, Ray Traudt, assistant; Jim Williams, copy editor, Keither Schafer, Mai Seagren and Jack Nielson, as sistants; Jay Schnoor, feature edi tor, Owen Elmer, assistant: Diane Baum, news editor, Larry York, as sistant. Carrol Novickt will be article editor. Dennis Johnston will serve as photo director with Tandy Al len as assistant. Art director will be Jeff Valid- borg. His assistants will be David Peterson, Larry Scbeierman, and Karlis Dzenis. The business staff will consist of Stanley Hargleroad, advertising manager, and Gary Kilday, as sistant. Dwight Boesiger will be cir culation manager with James Has tert and Gary Taylor as assistants. Rog Koehn is treasurer. Promo tion manager is Robert York, as sistant is Jim James. George Por ter is office manager. The general staff will be com posed of Micher Rediger and Bob Breckenridge. The sales drive for the maga zine .will begin on Oct. 23, accord ing to Bob Young, editor. Sales men from all engineering societies may pick up sales books at the Blueprint office, Room 105, Stout Hall, from 7:30 until noon on the 23rd. Salesmen will have copies of the October issue of the Blueprint which will contain articles by engi neering students, conversion tables, the joke page, "Sledge Jr.", and the first "Non-Tech" pinup. Students wishing to sell the mag azine should contact their engineer ing society sales chairman or call Bob York at 6-6392.