The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Poae 2
The Daily Nebraskan
Monday. October 21 1VS7
Editorial Comment
A Step Toward Student
Vote on Committees Taken
Word has filtered into the Daily Nebraskan
office that some faculty membsrs are getting
a little tired of hearing about "students right
to vote" on faculty committees and "respon
sibility" and all that sort of stuff.
Perhaps anything so important as assum
ing a semblance of adult responsibility has
to be hammered into the heads of the stu
dents ad nauseam. Perhaps it's important
enough to the student body (or some seg
ments of it) to mention day after day that
there is a feeling that the students are ready
to tackle adult problems and the responsibilities
which go along with them.
So it was with a great deal of appreciation
that the Nebraskan discovered that the Student
Affairs Committee is recommending that stu
dents be given the right to vote on faculty com
mittees. There are, of course, numerous arguments
against the student vote on committees which
are part of the faculty senate. One of these
is that students have no more "right" to vote
on such bodies than they have to run the Uni
versity. We, as students, have not demanded
the vote.
But w have accepted with some humility the
approval of the student affairs committee and
hope that the committee on committees and
the faculty senate at large will approve the
No matter how odious comparisons may be,
it is recognized by this of.'ice that student mem
bership on faculty committees has grown in
number and prestige in colleges all over the
One faculty member mentioned that at a par
ticular college the students were on a committee
which helped select the president of the Uni
versity. Other committees have had more student
members than faculty members.
We are not campaigning for such machinery
at this University but are merely pointing to the
trend and asking that the voting power by given
the student members of such committees as
Student Publications. As we understand it the
student affairs office has requested the stu
dent vote for three committees.
It would be a fair trial, we believe, for the
Faculty Senate to give student votes to these
three bodies. We are pretty much convinced
that the student body can handle the responsi
bilities given it by the faculty.
Now all that is left is to convince the sceptics
on the senate that they are dealing with young
men and women of responsibility and not high
school sophomores.
And the only way to make that statement
any more than just a statement is through the
mature actions of the students at large.
A big order, but not an impossible one.
And Next Year's Election
It's not too early to start thinking about
pext year, Tassels.
We dont know what the figures on the voting
Friday night were for homecoming queen, but
we warrant you weren't as pleased as you
might have been had the election been con
ducted in a more reasonable manner.
As last minute suggestions we felt it would
be wise to extend the hours for the election
to that it would be more of an all-day affair.
We felt that the excuse for the brief elec
tion to avoid politicking was quite flimsy.
We heard girls marching up and down the
lines Friday night saying vote for so-and-so,
she's .... such-and-such sorority.
We overheard students saying as they moved
up the line to the voting table, "who are the
All in all we believe the election was held
in a very shoddy manner and you would have
had a much more representative group of stu
dents voting had you extended the hours and
released the names, activities and pictures of
the candidates to the Daily Nebraskan for Fri
day release.
This election was, we believe, just another
example of hew special interest groups are
holding the strings of a very important elec
tion on this campus.
We hope the student council will take steps
next year to outline more precise regulations
for conducting all-university elections.
Or is that too much to ask?
Associate Dean Frank Hallgren outlined the
Situation pretty well Saturday.
He said that too often students complain about
the University saying what a terrible place it
is. These people, the dean added, do nothing
about the situation but gripe. Then pretty soon
the University will be just that.
But he commended the spirit of two men who
had heard enough about University "lack of
spirit" and did something about it.
These two men saw to it that banners, shout
ing and football spirit was at a high Saturday
afternoon for the Syracuse game.
The local press commented that spirit seemed
so much better. The Sunday Journal and Star
quoted cheerleaders as saying that there was
a great deal more noise from the students this
Saturday than in the past.
And it was all due to two men who believed
that griping will get you nowhere and action
can get you somewhere.
' The spirit launched by the two proves, we be-
fxom the editor
Spirit's Awake
lieve, that spirit can be great even if the Hu-
kers aren't winning. It proves tbftt a winning
team isn't the only earmark of a fine Uni
versity. Grantland Rice's statement that how
you play the game is what counts became ob
vious here Saturday.
This newspaper can hang its head in shame
for not participating more fully in the cam
paign. One of ihe men who were responsible
for the spirit campaign approached the Ne
braskan and asked us to print the cheers in
order to make them available to our readers.
We didn't.
But we saw that the efforts of two individuals
could change the picture of Nebraska spirit.
And we say that we wouldn't dare refuse to
boost the Cornhuskers in the future for now we
have some true idea that the students want to
get out and cheer their schoolmates on the
football field, despite anything the press of the
state might claim.
And so, belatedly, we congratulate Dick Gus
tafson and Maury Niebaum.
First Things First...
by Jack Pollock
The five Homecoming candidates though un-
doubtedly honored over their selection as final
ists have been cheated.
They've been cheated of publicity. Cheated by
time of the voting on a weekend night for a
small amount of suspense.
There's little news value about the candidates
after the voting takes place. Some Big Eight
'schools release even the name of the Home
coming Queen in advance to be assured of
state-wide and campus publicity.
The Daily Nebraskan your University's stu
dent publication finds no pride in printing the
photo and names of the candidates after all
other state papers.
By withholding the names until pep rally time,
only those attending the rally are informed of
the Queen candidates. It's certainly not com
mendable for students waiting in line to ask,
"Who's up for Queen?" as happened in years
past and again this season. Only by glimpsing
at the ballot do the studets know for whom
they're voting and then only by name, no
Identification, no picture, no previous publicity.
The state of Nebraska thanks to the efforts
of a University staff member received national
recognition tlus week.
For the Cornhuskers tradition now known as
Band Day, Sports Illustrated magazine this week
devoted a double-page colored-spread to the
pageantry of color and harmony that originated
at the University 19 years ago. The impressive
half-time ceremony is now carried out by uni
versities and colleges from coast to coast.
Saturday, the members of Mortar Boards
and Innocents, on behalf of the student body,
honored those responsible for making Band Day
the success it is today.
A scroll read during the ceremonies said,
"Band directors, throughout the state, high
school participants, the University band and the
University band staff members have en
thusiastically contributed to make Band Day
a colorful tradition for the entire state to en
joy." "But," the scroll continued, "the most in
strumental in promoting Band Day, and the
spirit with which it is associated is the director
of the University Band, Donald Lentz."
It was in 1938 that Director Lentz invited 10
high school bands to participate in a program
instituted for community bands by John Selleck.
From its inception then, it has grown to the
spectacle last Saturday with 70 bands, 3,500
musicians and 300 twirlers, plusits growth from
coast to coast.
It was Lentz who each year devoted end
less hours perfecting Band Day. It was for his
devotion and the cooperation of his supporters
that the honor was bestowed Saturday by the
University students.
Broached about the success of Band Day,
Lentz shrugged off his contribution. But it is to
him that Cornhuskers owe thanks for placing
Nebraska into a favorable limelight, as well as
Lentz's project and the University.'
Daily Nebraskan
I'll TV -SEX YEARS OLD "r1 at ni mnnlwT of tlw faiilK mf h rm-lt. ar
aa the part ot au prrxto oull- Uir iinlrnll. TUm
mm . . - .. . . rmhn at thfi NmnMkan staff are r?rnnmHy rm-
Ketnber: Associated Collegiate Pma mhh ,, ww ti , m u n
Intercollegiate Pre Pirintouratea' mi S2.SO per mn u tm
E.prewi.U'ive: National Advertising Service, 'L, . u k, .,
Incorporated Uaeata. NaDiaakm, anon Uw mn at a.agat 4, iwm.
Published U Eoom 20, Student Cnion euitokhu. dt
Lincoln, Neorasu miwim rditw iick Kim.
I lib Sc. & Mmn&glnr fcdltar Hon Warhniooki
Hnoru bdltor Bob Martel
ITrnM 7nM iM nnd one taw a Oonr Motct. Gary Rodr., fcmle Hliua
IKiiU'imn) riarrnc Itaraat, by tnXTta of Hta l'rtr Bt HINESS STAFF
mi Wrtmam nnW tha althifirattB f the mrH"
mn bn.rttn, afrstrt aa a rnmiM af twtm mMka. Bn(n. Manor 4rrjr Slliln
,ftM.nn.,o. tror tha wn-rfftKT! af tha Wtmnimmia a.MMtaat Bnatneaa MamfCN . Tom Teff, man Hwlnan.
mm Mn-l-nt PnnMrattotM a"" " from editorial Knt "rtlrft
aaaaanatp mm tin part mt Um abeaawntnc ar aa taa CtrmlaMoa Manacer John nrrt
'Neiv i Prairie Sch ooner Full
Of Provoking, Rich Works
Just about everyone likes a good
controversy. And University Eng
lish Professor Karl Shapiro is evi
dently one of the leaders of the
masses who is more than willing
to step into any battle with the
vigor of a man who knows what
he's talking about.
Shapiro, who came to the Uni
versity with a well-established
reputation as a poet to take over
the job of editing the Prairie
Schooner, plunged himself into
controversy last year when he
charged that the Midwest is th?
hotbed of uncultural activity. He
commented in Washington that
Nebraska was "a cultural desert."
And now he has made a new
charge . a charge in action more
than word which should have
mighty repercussions in the liter
ary world.
The unassuming Pulitzer Prize
winner has charged the Prairie
'J. I ::;. ;l
1 If i I A m
tht masterpieces of its fathers and
stores them in the cellar, where
some day they will be exhumed
. by other judges. In San Francisco
they are building the crates. There
are plenty of new works ready
and they are coming from every-
where: the novels of Bellow, Salin
ger, Ellison, the poetry of Roethke
are already .older examples of this
second phase of 20th-century lit
erature; and all the San Francisco
groups all ovar the country are
emerging from their literacy un
dergrounds enormously talkative,
pale as gangsters, but free from
the restraints of modern literary
propriety and the Tradition "
This, then, is something of the
spirit and the outlook of the re
vamped Schooner. It is now a S00
horsepower vehicle of thought
scooting its reader from the heart
of Middle Western poetry (like the
works of Bernice Slote included
in this number) to the San Fran
cisco juggling with tradition.
Circulation of the Schooner has
increased, Shapiro noted.
"But with the improvements has
come a biger bill. It's strange,
but in the publishing business, the
greater the circulation, the larger
the cost to publish. We should be
coming to the leveling off point,
though," he added.
' .rtrwa. ; .. T
af -?..-
Coii'ffsv ;up?l: .1'Hjrnid anfi str
Karl Shapiro
Schooner with a new spirit; he's
given the quarterly a new face,
new body and filled it with goods
for the mind.
All this contrary to the notion
that a quarterly is supposed to look
rather dull, hasidie rather clumsily
and s;t around the parlors of the
University houses as a showpiece
to visitors who tour the campus.
The new Schooner is bright.
Shapiro claims that it's for the
whole University now. rather than
for the English Department alone.
He has taken a pencil sketch of
a girl done by the late Constantin
Brancusi and put it in as the front
p i e c e of the magazine. ''We bor
rowed the picture from the Art
Department," he said. ''And it
looks like we'll be borrow ir.g more
from them for fut-.ire issues of the
He has borrowed the writing tal
ent of the Art Department, too.
Art chairman Peter Worth is au
thor of an article entitled ''Source
of Excellence" in the current issue
of the magazine.
But most significantly Shapiro
has jumped into a controversy
which began rafting on the West
Coast last May and very dearly
split literary America down the
In fact, from the newspaper
clippings he gave us to look over
"moral" America has taken defi
nite stands in the battle of the
Beat Generation for the freedom
to think and attt as it wishes.
"The books of the "Beat Genera
tion" of the "Gang," as they're
sometimes known, were seized by
the Treasury Department uoon
arrival in San Francisco," the pet
told us. "But they had to be re
leased." Well, the San Francisco police
grabbed all the printings of one
of the books called "Howl" (and
it's something to howl about, mind
you) by Allen Ginsberg and copies
of a literary magazine called
"The Miscellaneous Man" because
they wure "obscene and unfit for
children to read."
It's a juicy battle that's been
raging in Sun Francisco over the
right of the books with the dirty
words in them to be circulated.
Literary critics such as William
Hogan of the San Francisco Chroni
cle and even the Chronicle in its
sacred editorial passages have got
ten into the war stating "I would
like to see it distributed tfree if
necessary) fHogan) and "Here is
a new and startling doctrine and
one which, if followed to the letter
would clear many of the world's
classics from local bookstores, not
excepting the Bible, wherein in
many a chapter and verse not rec
ommended for perusual by tiny
tots." (The Chronicle.)
Editorially, the Schooner takes
the same s'and. Shapiro writes in
this issue. "Each age takes down
Order Form
The Prairie Schooner
1125 R Street
Lincoln 8, Nebr.
Payment enclosed
Bill me later
S3 ppr year
Shapiro, whose office, cluttered
with magazines from other great
Universities, looks out on the new
grass planted to the south of An
drews Hall, said, "I wish we could
sell the magazine out there. The
Greeks should have it; anyone who
is interested in just about any
phase of culture can pic' up the
Schooner now and find something
in it for him."
It's strange that at the home of
the famous quarterly it is little
"This could be because of ths
price. A buck is a lot of money for
a magazine," Shapiro quipped. But
the yearly subscription price is just
three dollars for four issues, a
savings of one dollar."
The editor said that the maga
zine can be purchased downtown
at the large department stores, or
at the Prairie Schooner business
office at 1125 R Street in the Ad
ministration Annex.
Summing up, the Schooner has
changed. Any way you look at it
it seems better. It has some of
that freshness of Midwestern cul
ture spiced with metropolitan
works. Well worth Oie time and
money for the enjoyment derived.
Dick Shugrue
no substitutes!!!
To the Editor:
Sustained reading of the Daily
Nebraskan (a weakness to which
I admit) prompts me to offer crit
icism, acrid perhaps, but sincere.
1 refer primarily, but not exclu
sively to your editorial and fea
ture page.
I do not know what the paper's
prlkty may be if it has one, bit
am forced to assume that it is to
foster ignorance, illusion, and
puerility. My reasoning is as fol
lows: In the first place your repro
torial vision seents absorbed with
such puerile phenomena among
mature (?) students as "Queen"
election, fraternity squabbles, foot
ball rallys (sic) student spirit
drives, Hello Girls, coed-kissing
under the pillars, etc. Are these
the burning interests among Ne
braskan students? In fairness I
would concede it appear (sic) so.
But isn't it particularly mor so
of freshman students, a"nd if so.
why not retitle the newspaper more
realistically? I would suggest
"The Daily Freshman's Sop," or
something similar, il apologize to
the freshmen who are exceptions
to the rule.)
In the second place the deplor
able absence of stimulating polit
ical, cultural, or intellectual items
in the Daily Nebraskan is evi
dence rhat you are unconsciously
festering ignorance. There " are,
after all, still a few issues of sig
nificance in the world around us.
Would it be impractical for the
Daily Nebraskan to take a lead
in opening the doors to this out
side world?
Finally, the Daily Nebraskan
fosters the illusion that the stu
dents are still in the comfortable
womb of High School. The tenor
of much of your copy is that of
a sophisticated high school col
umn. It appears ttiat the Daily
Nebraskan is influenced to some
extent by the Greek world (in the
false sense of the word, unfor
tunately) and hence fleets the
synthetic values of fraternities
and sororities. I cannot conceive
that a significant portion of B.O(K)
students are interested in the
shabby, superficial Issues and
events msntjoned above.
While 1 thus criticize the Daily
Nebraskan approach. I will 'make
one weighty concession. You are
dealing with difficult material
namely puerile institutions and
people. Obviously such horrendous
institutions as housemoth
ers, "i.ours" and Prohibition to
"minors" do not safeguard and
shelter the fragile morals of our
coed girls and boys. Rather, they
thwart embryonic tendencies to
ward true moral integrity and ma
turity. Is it any wonder, then, that
the issue of coed-kissing under
the pillars should become a pulse
quickening image to some students
under these conditions? You are
therefore. I grant, partly a vic
tim of circumswinoes, but a rath
er willing victim, 1 would say.
Is your intellect really so cap
tivated by the philistine topics you
This may well be unjust criti
cism, yet I will attempt to list
a few concrete considerations
which at least one reader would
like to se promoted in me Daily
1. De-emphasis of football it is,
after all, stultifying in its present
2. Abolition of housemothers
let the girls and boys have a peek
at unchaperoned and unsheltered
3. Promotion of interest in stu
dent "townhall meetings."
4. Promotion of cultural films.
5. Inversion of sequence in Mr.
Pollock's (sic) column "First
The Little Giant Cafe
233 No. nth
Giant Hamburger 25c
Meals & Short Orders
Things First" which are invar
iably football) to "Last Things
In conclusion and isolated com
mendation, let us see more
thought-provoking articles of (he
caliber of "A Few Words of a
Kind" by E. E. Hines in the Daily
Nebraskan of October 14.
Bill Smith
Ed 's Note: Mr. Smith, apparent
ly, sees no distinction between
the personal views f the col
umnists in this newspaper and
the policies of the paper. He
would alse, it seems, have this
be loss a campus newspaper and
more a general newspaper. He
would, it appears, encourage the
Daily Nebraskan not only t tell
its columnists how te write but
what ' to write about.
To the EditOT,
The action of the Administra
tion in referring the case of the
Theta Chi "hazing" to the IFC
ought to be condemned.
The IFC acted as sternly as
could be expected. But by the very
nature of the organization, it could
take action only against the fra
ternity as a whole and nothing
could be done to the individuals
who were actually responsible for
the action.
The violence done was more than
a fraternity joke. It was a crime
punishable in the law courts. Yet
the six or seven men responsible
have been punished only by a mild
fine levied by the fraternity itself.
Simply because they are members
of a Greek house, they are not
blamed personally, though suspen
sion or probation would certainly
seem justified.
I believe that students should bs
given the power to judge their
peers. But I lso believe that in
dividuals should be held responsi
ble for their own actions, not al
lowed to hide within their group.
Sara Jones
Ts the Editor:
I simply cannot understand why
the University administration has
not placed me on conduct proba
tion. Not only have I failed to return
a book checked out eight days ago
from Love Library, but I have re
ceived two notices that it is over
due. The fine, I would imagine,
amounts to about SS cents.
Other students, notably those on
the Rag or Student Council, Big,
Big, real Big wheels), ar meth
odically placed on probation for
such infractions.
Why am I, but a dorm student
with no activities, and certainly
carrying a grudge against do one,
discriminated against in such a
'Producer' Awards
Spectacle Planned
University Theiter
Winners of University Theater's
1957 Honorary Producer campaign
will be named Wednesday night at
the opening of "What Every Wom
an Knows," according to Harry
Stiver, faculty member in charge
of the presentations.
According to Stiver, everything
possible is being done to make the
presentation of the trophies and
gifts one of the most significant
ceremonies conducted on campus.
"We want the houses to realize
that we appreciate their help in
selling tickets and that the good
job they did will be noticed," be
The winners of the competition
are from the organized houses on
campus which sold the greatest
number of University Theafer sea
son tickets in proportion to their
The trophies will be presented
by Governor Victor Anderson, ac
cording to Joe Hill, student or
ganizer of tlie campaign. Names
of the winners will be announced
by Kay Nielson, Miss Nebraska.
Master of ceremonies 1ar the pres
entation will be Charles Weather
ford, president of Masquers, the
drama honorary sponsoring the
the event.
According to HilL invitation
have been extended to Mayor
Martin Bennett of Lincoln, to the
city council, and to a number of
campus leaders. "We are also
hoping for television and news
paper coverage in order to pub
licize what we think will be tht
biggest opening night in the the
atre's history," he said.
Follow the
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money to waste on find
ing a good place to eat.
Kings Drive-in's have
solved this problem, how
ever, by offering quick
service, tasty meals and
atmosphere at minimum
Follow the college
crowd to King's now!
mum rv
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