The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1957, Image 1

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Homecoming Queen Finalists
Homecoming Queen finalists I
-ere announred at Friday's foot-
ball rally held In front of the
Vol. 32 No. 21
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Austrian Literature
Nearly 509 books of no le works
ttf contemporary and recent Aus
trian literature have been pre
sented to the University depart
ment of German and Germantic
Literature by the Austrian gov
ernment. Dr. William Pfeiler, de
NU Theater
To Present
First Pfay
University Theater's first pro
duction of the year, "What Every
Woman Knows," will be presented
at Howell Memorial Theater at 8
p.m. Wednesday through Saturday
this week, according to Dallis Wil
liams, director.
A comedy by J. M. Barrie, the
play reveals the secret role that
women have in most prosperous
marriages, but of which their un
knowing spouses are usually un
aware. This production is the first of
five plays and operas planned this
season by University Theater-
"What Every Woman - Knows"
tells the story of a husband who
discovers during a fatuation with
e beautiful countess that the de
mure and modest wife is really the
whole spark and spirit of his success.
Sputnik Views:
Bern Exclaims Satellite
A University dean said Sunday
that in his opinion the launching
of the first satellite by the Rus
sians doesn't show a failure in
American science and technology
to keep pace.
Dean Walter Militzer of the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences believes
that the "furor over the satellite
is the result of our overestimat
ing the Russians and underesti
mating ourselves.
"All we know is that the satellite
Is in outer space. Why don't we
give our scientists a chance. Per
haps, they are working on many
things which eventually may be
worth more to us than the satel
lite." Speaking on the University's
weekly radio program, "Your Uni
versity Speaks," the physical sci
entist also regretted that the pub
lic considers the launching as a
part of a race.
"If we had concentrated all our
time and scientific resources on
the satellite and the Russians had
done the same which they might
well have done then perhaps
they have won a race. But I don't
think we have done this."
He felt that we could have looked
at the launching more calmly
s r t
f o
Union. They are (left to right); i
Judy Douthlt, Nadlne Calvin,
partmental chairman, shown ex
amining the collection called the
gift of great value to the depart
ment's library. The University
was one of a select few to re
ceive the gift, he gaid (U. of N.
IFC Action
The dean of student affairs
Friday announced that the office
has "reviewed and concurs with
the action taken by the Inter
fraternity Council'' concerning a
hazing violation by Theta Chi
Dean of Student Affairs J. P.
Colbert said "no further action
Is contemplated" against the in
dividuals or fraternity Involved.
The IFC fined the fraternity
$350, lifted the fraternity's social
privileges for the current school
year and lifted the fraternity's
initiation privileges for this se
mester for leavng a partially un
clad pledge in the entrance hall
of a sorority house with his
hands and feet tied and wrapped
in a mattress cover.
A recording of ten Hebrew songs,
sung by Leon Lishner, a baritone
and associate professor of music
at the University, was released
this month by Columbia Record
-M H..I i S
Courtey Lincoln Star
and in a proper scientific perspec
tive if the satellite had not been
attached to the international arms
Dean Militzer continued:
"We have been referring to the
launching as the greatest triumph
Netu-ukaa Photo
Karen Krueger, Judy Chapman,
and Barbara Lantz.
Lincoln, Nebraska
Migration to Missouri Universi
ty this weekend will not be count
ed as an out-of-town overnight for
women students, according to
Karen Dryden, AWS vice president.
Anyone leaving before Friday
must have a special permission
slip from their housemother. Also
women students should check the
Dean of Women's office to see if
their parents have given them per
mission for 'migration.
Students leaving elsewhere this
weekend will be charged with an
out-of-town overnight, Miss Dry
den said.
Every woman student who goes
to migration must be back by 11
p.m. Sunday. There is no permis
sion for a Monday return.
A downtown rally will com
mence Migration prepara
tions Wednesday night at 6:45
p.m., according to Bill McQuistin,
Yell King.
The rally will start at Carillon
Tower and will proceed to 16th
Street from 16th to R street, R
street to 15th, 15th to O street,
0 street to 13th. At that corner
the rally parade will stop and the
cheerleaders will lead the students
in cheers and songs. The rally
parade will then proceed to 13th
and R street and then from. R
street back to the Union.
For the rally McQuistin said
there is a possibility that Bob
Reynolds, former All-American
halfback, will be the guest
Migration to Missouri Universi
ty at Columbia, Missouri, has not
been officially endorsed by the
University, according to Helen
Gourlay, Student Council presi
dent, because the University can
not be responsible for any acci
dents or events. Miss Gourlay
said that Student Council has en
dorsed Missouri as the site of of
ficial student migration this week
end. There are still 550 tickets left
fo- the Missouri-Nebraska migra
tion game at Columbia, A. J. Lew-
of man. It is a great achievement
and I don't want to talk it down.
But we have had many great
achievements in science and in the
triumph of human mind over mat
ter which, to me, are just as im
portant as the satellite, including
the invention of the microscope or
the first aerial voyage of man."
As another example, he listed the
discovery of America by Colum
bus. "In his days Columbus was op
posed in his ideas that the earth
Was round. The beUef that the earth
was flat was actually a national
law. Here Columbus was with an
idea which many people opposed
and thought was foolish; yet he
embarked upon his idea that the
earth was round and made it
Dean Militzer pointed out that
the theory of the satellite has been
known for 300 years, when Sir
Isaac Newton developed the theory
of gravity.
"If we had taken all the avail
able resources and placed them In
the hands of the members of the
University physics department,
they, too, could have launched the
satellite just as well as the Rus
sians." "
111 uultPbTOuMvl
eveaiedl At
Five candidates for Homecoming
Queen were revealed at Friday
night's pep rally held in front of
the Union. The five girls are:
Nadine Calvin, a junior in the
College of Agriculture majoring in
Home Economics. She is a mem
ber of Phi Upsilon Omicron, Alpha
Lambda Delta, Home Ec Club and
Council, Newman Club. She is AWS
Board Secretary, a member of Tas
sels and is Scholarship Chairman
of Love Memorial Hall.
Judy Chapman, a junior in
Teacher's College, Tassels Notifi
cation Chairman, Secretary of Stu
dent Council, member of Builders
Board, and Rush Chairman of
Alpha Phi.
Judy Douthit, a junior in Teach
er's College, a member of Union
Board, Young Republicans, Tas
sels and Social Chairman of Delta
Delta Delta.
Karen Krueger, a junior in
Teacher's College, WAA Secretary,
past member of Coed Counselors
Board, a cheerleader and rush
chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Barbara Lantz, a junior in
Teacher's College, a member Of
ri Mi
For Weeke
andowski, athletic department
business manager said.
At last year's migration to Col
orado University at Boulder 6000
students participated. In 1955 mi
gration was at Missouri.
In the past few years, the Ti
gers and the Huskers have run
neck and neck in their long ri
valry, splitting their wins and loss
es almost evenly. Since the rival
ry which commenced in 1892, Mis
souri has won 19 and Nebraska
has tallied 26 victories with three
Regents Approve
Public Health Aid
Even the Nebraska swine popu
lation may have "runny noses"
from the spreading Asian flu.
To check the possibility, Univer
sity researchers are undertaking
a project to determine if Asian
flu virus has the capacity to es
tablish itself in swine.
A $5,060 grant from the U.S.
Public Health Service will finance
the work. The funds were accepted
Saturday morning by the Board
of Regents.
Dr. George Young, chairman of
the animal husbandry department,
said that Asian flu would not have
a serious or widespread effect if
it did penetrate swine. Studies
show, he said, that flu viruses
cause only a small part of res
piratory illnesses among swine.
However, he explained, the most
important consideration is the po
tential threat to man if he Asian
flu virus should enter swine, lay
dormant, and then break out some
10 to 30 years later.
In 1955, after extensive studies,
Dr. Young and Prof. Norman Un
derdahl reported that 10 per cent
of some 1,600 midwestern swine
from 1949 through 1953 carried a
strain of the virus which caused
the 1919 flu epidemic.
He said, "This evidence of per
sistence of an influenza virus
Poultry Professor
To Address Group
Dr. John L. Adams, chairman
of the Poultry Husbandry Depart
ment at the Ag College will pre
sent a talk at the 23rd annual Ne
braska Poultry Improvement As
sociation convention Wednesday
and Thursday in Lincoln.
Title of Dr. Adams talk will be
"Nebraska Egg Basket or Corn
Crib." He also will be on a panel
Dr. Adams joined the Nebraska
staff this summer. Before that he
was a professor of poultry hus
bandry at the University of Wis
consin. The event is open to all inter
ested persons and especially to
poultry producers.
KK Workers
There will be a meeting of
all Kostnet Klub workers in
room 306 of the Union at 7:30
p.m. next Tuesday according to
Dave Herzog. Information re
garding ticketi and advertising
will be given, Herzog said.
Tassels, Coed Counselors, Cante
bury Club, University Theater,
Student Council, and Scholarship
Chairman of Alpha Xi Delta.
The candidates were presented
by Jan Shrader, president of Tas
sels. The election of Homecoming
Queen was held in the Union im
mediately after the pep rally at
which an estimated thousand stu
dents voted. The Queen's identity
will not be revealed until the half
of the Kansas-Nebraska game,
Nov. 2.
At the rally, Bill McQuistin, Veil
King, commended students for -the
spirit and attendance. Dick Prusia,
Husker co-captain of the Syracuse
game called it the largest turnout
he had seen at a rally in his four
years at the University.
A committee consisting of Jan
Schrader, Donna Sauvell and Mar
ilyn Waechter, Tassels officers;
Bill McQuistin, Yell King; Gordon
Warner, president of Corn Cobs;
Bill Hawkins, president of the N
CKSb; and Dr. Donald Clifton, pro
fessor of History selected the five
A candidate for Homecoming
Monday, October 21, 1957
The bronze Victory Bell has
been the trophy of the Missouri
Nebraska football classic. The bell
now is in possession of Nebraska
after last year's 15-14 Homecom
ing game victory at Nebraska.
The bell is presented at the half
time of every Missouri-Nebraska
game to the school that won the
year before.
j At the end of the game rbe
team will take the bell home with
I them.
I The inscription on the base of
! the bell reads, "Tigers, Huskers,
I who win or lose gloriously."
among swine for perhaps as long
as 35 years warrants consideration.
"An understanding of how the
virus penetrates the animals and
how these penetrations might be
prevented in the future could serve
as an aid in eventual control of
epidemic infections," he said.
Other grants accepted by the
Board included:
$28,758 for undergraduate psychi
atric training at the College of
Medicine from U.S. Public Health
$1,000 for the investigation of the
effect on growth, fattening and re
production of poultry, directed by
Dr. John Adams of the department
of poultry, husbandry, from the
Nebraska Turkey Federation
through the University Foundation.
$2,500 for the study of dehydrated
alfalfa as a protein supplement for
fattening beef cattle, directed by
Dr. J. Matsushima of the depart
ment of animal husbandry, from
the "American Dehydrators Asso
ciation through the University
$4,000 for study of availability
of phosphorus compounds on the
Nebraska Fertilizer Market, direct
ed by Dr. Robert Olson of the
department of agronomy, from the
Nebraska Fertilizer Institute
through the University Foundation.
$2,500 for urea, anhydrous am
monia and nitrogen solution for
fertilizing grain crops in Nebraska,
directed by Dr. H. F. Rhoades of
the department of agronomy, from
the Allied Chemical and Dye Cor
poration through the University
Float Contest
All organizations, with the ex
ception of sororities, may enter
floats in the Homecoming Parade,
Nov. 2, according to Billie Prest,
parade chairman.
No entry fee is required and ex
penses must be limited to $25,
Prest also announced. A letter,
stating the title and description
of the theme of the float, must
be sent to Prest, 616 No. 16th,
no later than Monday.
The floats will be judged on
welcoming grads, labeling, appeal,
originality, resourcefulness, effort
and effect.
The three divisions of competi
tion are Wn, women and honor
aries. The parade will be led by
the University band. Classes will
be dismissed Saturday morninf.
Queen "must be a junior with a
5.5 cumulative average.
"She must be a junior Tassels,
active o? pledge, or a substitution
for the junior Tassel member sub
mitted by the organization she represents.
Homecoming Dance
Tickets On Sale
Tickets for the 1957 Homecoming
Dance Nov. 2, which will feature
Duke Ellington's orchestra, went
on sale today in the Union.
Price of the tickets is $3 per
couple. They are being sold by
members of Tassels and Corn
Cobs, co-sponsors of the annual
The dance will climax Homecom
ing activities which will feature a
football game with the University
of Kansas, crowning of the 1957
Homecoming Queen and house dis
plays. Duke Ellington was called "one
of the great traditions of Ameri-
Stag Prize
The All-university Stag was held
Thursday night in the Union Ball
room. Door-prizes were given cour
tesy of Golds of Nebraska. The
following were the prizes and
Botany 500 suit ($65) Neal Hoag
ameyer Michael-Stem topcoat ($65)
Dean Prazak
McGregor Surburban Coat ($39.95)
Russ Swanson
McGregor Corduroy Suit ($35)
John Fehrs
Pair of Bostonian Shoes (S22.95)
Darren Althouse
McGregor Sweater $7.95') Don
McGregor Ivy Leagi'e Shirts
$5.95 eachl Dsn Cross and
George Welch
McGregor Weekender Sport Shirt
($5.00) Sam Panimura
Van Heusen vantage White Dress
Shirt Don Souchk
Other prizes were given but the
names of the winners were not
available at this time.
Gary Briggs sold the mist
NU Women's
Halls Organize
Upperclass students of the Resi
dence Halls for Women have or
ganized for the first time.
After one week of campaigning,
the following girls were elected to
head the organization: president,
Myrna Soule; vice-president, Pat
Erickson; secretary -treasurer, Dix
ie Lee Peterson; social chairman,
Joyce Clark.
Except for the counselors living
in the freshman halls, the majori
ty of upperclassmen are living in
Love Hall. Plans are now being
made for dorm parties, hour
dances and other social activities
during the year.
Foreign Service
Exams Scheduled
University students interested in
opportunities in the Department of
State as foreign service officers
have until Thursday to make appli
cations for necessacy examinations,
G. F. Bogardus announced.
Bogardus said the examination
would be given in Omaha on De
cember 9. Application blanks and
other information may be obtained
in the Placement Office, College of
Business Administration, Room 210,
Social Science Building, or in the
Placement Office, Ellen Smith Hall.
A number of the successful For
eign Service Officer candidates
KK Tryouts
The schedule is as follows:
For Wednesday evening, Sigma
Chi, 7:00-7:15; Delta Tau Delta,
7:25-7:40;. Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
7:50-8:05; Sigma Nu, 8:15-8:30;
Sigma Phi Epsilon, 8:40-8:55;
Kappa Sigma, 9:05-9:20: Phi
Kappa PsI, 9:40-9:55; Gustaf
son I, 10:05-10:80;
For Thursday, Beta Sigma Psi,
7:00-7:15; Alpha Tau Omega,
7:25-7:40; Beta Theta Pi, 7:50
.8:05; Theta Xi, 8:15-8:30; Phi
Delta Theta, 8:40-8:55; Delta Sig
ma Chi, 9:05-9:20; Delta Upsilon,
- Each house is asked to turn In
eight copies of their script to
Bob Smidt, Assistant Director of
Kosmet'Klub at Farm House fra
ternity. The Kosmet Klub's annual Fall
Revue will be held Nov. 22 in
the Pershing Auditorium.
"The five finalists shall be se
lected on the bafis of school spirit,
campus loyalt, leadership, serv
ice to the University, poise, and
character," according to the Tas
sels constitution.
(Last years queen was Jan
can Jazz," in a recent article in
Lock magazine.
His orchestra was featured at
last year's Newport Jazz Festival,
and Look's article said of the per
formances, Ellington "emerged
last year in a dazzling display of
the old fire and verve that had
made him great."
This year, Ellington has ap
peared at universities in Colorado
and Minnesota, and made night
club appearances at the Blue Not
in Chicago, Birdland in New York,
and Hotel Flamingo in Las Vegas.
Jan Davidson was last year'a
Homecoming Queen.
Display winners in the men'a
large house division were Delta
Tau Delta, first; Phi Gamma Del
ta, second; and Alpha Tau Omega,
third. Prize winners in the smaller
house division were Delta Sigma
Phi, first; Acacia, second; and
Theta Chi, third.
Alpha Chi Omega copped honon
in the women's display division,
with Delta. Delta Delta, second,
and Sigma Kappa, third.
To Present
NU Concert
Delia Omicron, Mu Phi Epsilon,
and Si?ma Alpha Iota, musical
sororities at the University, will
ccmbine to present a concert
Thursday at the Union at 7:30 p.m.
The pjblic is invited to attend
the program. There is no admis
sion charge.
The concert will consist of
baroque music, a style which ex
tended from 1600 to 1750, the year
of Bach's death. Combined chorus
and instrumental groups will be in
cluded. The program follows: Choral
numbers "Come Shepard
Swaims," by John Wilbye, and
"With Drooping Wings Ye Cupids
Come," by Purcell, directed by
Lois Watson with Cynthia Hansen
as accompanist; "Prepare the
Hymn, Prepare the Song," by Han
del, and "0 Jesus so Sweet," by
Bach, directed by Beverly Pick
ering with Elaine Peterson as ac-
companist; and "Stabat Mater,"
J by Pergolese, with soloists Norma
Bossard, Carolyn Boesinger, Myr
na Mills, and Cynthia Barber, di
rected by Lois Ripa with Elaine
Unterseher as accompanist.
Instrumental numbers "Quar
tetina," by Scarlatti, with Mer
wenna Ellison, Carol Ashbury, and
Miss Bossard, violins, Elizabeth
Blunn, cello, and Pat Erickson,
piano; "Courante for Woodwinds,"
by Lully, with Gretchen Blum,
flute, Gwen Chab, clarinet, Joy
Schmidet, oboe, and Miss Mills,
bassoon: and "Sonata," with Miss
Blum, flute. Rogene Wunderlich,
flute, Miss Blunn, cello, and Terry
Smith, piano.
will assume duties at one of the
275 American Embassies, Lega
tions, and Consulates around tha
world. These officers may expect
to their jobs to include administra
tive work, political, economic, com
merical and labor reporting, consu
lar duties, and assisting and pro
tecting Americans and United
States property abroad.
Other new officers will be as
signed to the Department's head
quarters in Washington, where they
will engage in research or other
substantive work, or in the ad
ministrative tasks which are essen
tial to the day-to-day conduct of
our foreign affairs.
Those successful in the one-day
written examination, which tests
the candidate's facility in English
expression, general ability and
background, as well as his profi
ciency in a modern foreign lang
uage, will be given an oral examin
ation by panels which will meet in
regional centers throughout the
United States.
Candidates who pass the oral test
will be given a physical examina
tion and a security investigation.
After completing these the candi
date will be nominated by the Pres
ident as a Foreign Service officer
of Class 8, Vice Consul and Sec
retary in the Diplomatic Service,
said Bogardus.
Candidates who wish to take the
examination must be between the
age of 20 and 31 as of Oct. 28,
1957. They must be American citi
zens of at least nine years stand
ing. Citizenship of a candidate
spouse must be obtained prior to
the date of the officer' appointment.