Wednesdoy, October 16, 1957 Have You Met Our College Represen tives ? f -v ' v ' i v" X . jMgMt V X" 'X xv :; X- .... J :: -! A St Xr ..f x - 4 I ft f uiJfiVi 1 inW . afj,,, ,.in tint 4.x ? K ii f 1 j '-''-x - .ft 'r . f 1 r . V .V r t t i t , ' CI, " r-W?Xti!XSJ-. -: -x:-fc : xxx :jxwx i x. , i 'xixtff'ifxH fL'-' If you haven't, gather round . . . we want you to know Wayne Sass, University of Nebraska Sigma Nu Jim Stanek, University of Nebraska Sigma Phi Epsilon tf' - ' -f ; - .I, f rr i'ou'll find Jim and Wayne in our Men's Department on Thursdaj's (be tween classes) and Saturday's. They're ready to help you find the good looking clothes you like. The fellows are wearing sport coats, jackets, slacks and shoes taken from our big selection of fine men's wear. Come in today, meet jour friends at Miller's. 1 Here Jim is wearing a suede toggle fingertip jacket made by California All wool knit collar and cuffs in Brown and White, good looking striped lining. Cocoa Brown. $49.50 50 j Wayne wears a California made zipper front suede jacket with all wool knit collar, cuffs, and waist band. Lined for warmth. Sand, Cocoa or Camel. 39.50 50 MES'S FVRSISHINGS, SPORTSWEAR SHOES, FIRST FLOOR m V if - I VI