The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1957, Page Page 4, Image 8

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    Monday, October 14 )9t7
Pane A
The Daily Nebraskan
gam? PiUi'sbyroh
Mm sleeps, 3
pa rules
Weekened Huskers
Suffer Third Loss
Sports Staff Writer
The valiant Huskers, pitting
their injured team against a band !
of giant men from the east. Sat-
play was an incomplete pass. On
j the next play from scrimmage
Jerry Brown trvd a quick kick
which the Panthers had antiei-
pated. Dick Carr of the Pitt line
...rknJ ....... U l..An kMiit-
urday accepted their third loss of . . . .. . u. ,.
7T 3 u v j , ,v ; Nebraska line and blocked the
the season at the hands of the,
Pitburgh Panthers 34-0 ! bounding ball and easiW scamp-
The game centered not around remaining
the offensive aspect of the Steel , d of
City club, but the defense these "ck l f the swf -
i t .u - j . i.. the afternoon for the Pitt club
; seconds gone in' the ball game.
against an undermanned Cornhusk-
J m:.L - 1 : . . . ........
er squaa. mui a unc wm vw
aged 220 pounds from end to end,
the Panthers crushed every Husk
er bid to hit pay dirt. The conse
quences were shown in the final
With a few plays left in the half '
the Pittsburgh team capitalized on
another Husker bobble to bring
their point total to 21. Jerry
Brown, Husker fullback who drew j
praise from the Panther team,
was hit hard and fumbled the ball
rr 1 t r
I ' , jVVw ' K, 'r i
I V: Blocked Vvf; - rr4 i
. ...... . -, i til-ifftfffMrl-JaRffl trwit 1
, mtffHi Hit WliTHHW WHMlTTi
Missouri Upsets SMU, ISC Downs
Jayhawks In Big Eight Loop Tilts
nkbbas rnrr ' on the Nebraska
Vint Bwwu TUI ...
r Raihlac
ftT Fenflltie
Yanti Raahtnc
Fasira Attempted
Patxes Campleted ....
Tarda Panta-
Fmsr Inlmeoted Br
rvnttnf Averaffa
Fvata Had Blarkrd ...
No m her Paul Keronw
Tarda Fnl Rrtaraa .
rsmblra (TMal)
FamhlM Laat
amber PenaHtes ....
Panaltr Yards
It 4
a ! Quarterback
33 yard line.
Lenfcart spear
headed the drive that took the
Pitt team down to the Nebraska
roune-y vi S-: ida.v Journal and Star
Comhusker Jerry Brown attempted a quick kick early in last
Saturday's game with the Pittsburgh Panthers hut the kick was
blocked and turned into another Steel City touchdown.
1C i V a I U line. w iiv.. ... .
! Inhrt flinnwi short nass to end J,flr(ls 111 tw0 running at-
... .-n tjnmt nrvi Dick Ha.ev had Dassed
I I rin. uoo wno was wcu currm ; - - - - -.
2 i by Huskers but emerged with the 10 ena Jlm ",los Ior B!,uu'7 '
t i aerial anvway. ' -vards. scored on one of the
. t . . , , . . tn i n.ost outstanding plays of the
iLwA-C "f -rS'eame- On the 19 yard line Scisly
I the field in the third quarter and ; hM
o. "s 'a coupiea wun lai-i . . , ,..r .,,, of
statistics column where the Husk-
.(Pittsburgh used their second and w dLs , b (he
. i third strings accounted for the re-, . itoi a.;KitvH ftn th;.
ers racked up only four first downs suit of the scoring in that period p,ay aj the gimt panther Une
as compared to 2-8 for the Panther ; whkh was nothing. x , gTased every wouki-be Husker
squad. i Towards the end of that period. tHceT fr0! -m front of Scisly as
Time and time again one of the however, the Pittsburgh fans,, all , handily rolled over the goal
many massive linemen from the j 40.000 of them, started crying forjline for a,t panther marker
Pitt team would come crashing ; more points to raise their footbal! ' .w eam
through the weary Nebraska line . ratings. Head Coach John Michel
to throw the Husker backfield for I sen answered their bids by send-
loss. If the opposing linemen
weren't throwing a Husker for a
loss they were contenting them
selves with blocking punts, scor
ing touchdowns or battering the
Nebraska team unmercifully.
ing in the first unit for the re
mainder of the game to hit pay
dirt twice more for the crowd.
The first of these came when
Jim Hergenreter signaled a fair
catch late in the third quarter and
Next week the Cornhuskers will
return home to Memorial Stadium
after four games away from Lin
coln. The Scarlet will play hosts
to the Syracuse Orangemen next
week in Lincoln.
With less than three minutes : then fumbled the catch. The ball
gone in the game the Pittsburgh bounded from his arms and Panth
teara had marched 71 yards in i er Ernie Westwcod dropped him
eight plays to score after the open-: self on the pigskin on the Nebras
ing kickoff. j ka 27 yard lire.
Joe Scisly. 180 pound halfback. Fred Riddle, Panther fullback,
skirted end for 20 yards to set the j accepted the lugging chores here
ball on the Nebraska two-j-ard ; and. on five consecutive carries,
line. Then be plunged across to j toted the ball for 19 yards. On
pay dirt on the next play to put the one foot line of the Huskers he
the Panthers in front to remain on ; again took charge and crashed
top for the duration of the game, j through the line to add to the Steel
Next it was Nebraska's turn to City's scoring,
drive with the balL which they j The other Pittsburgh tally came
promptly did two yards on a line i on a 51-yard scoring march in the
plunge by' Jerry Biown. The c'xti fourth quarter. After Scisly had
Skirts In Sports
Staff Writer
Navy Middies
Win Over
Elliott's Bears
Coach Pete Elliott's California
Golden Bears suffered their fourth
consecutive cWeat at the hands
of Navy by the score of 21-6 Sat
urday before more than 47.000
California scored first in the
second period as halfback Joe
part plunged over from the one
after tackle Curtis Iaukea had re
covered a fumble on the 16.
On three different occasions
-y rambled down to within 15
., rds of the California goal line,
but each time the Golden Bear
line rose up and squelched Navy's
played Wednesday between
Alpha Phis and the Kappas.
,was laughing at us. Several of us!
the have even developed small inferi-
iority complexes from the experi-i
ence. Anyone conung over to,
j learning how to hold the racquet
Mtn rest oi tne class is playing, .u , ,.,u
mm. t- t r .l , . lne ganiei leu quite oaa;v, oe-1 j .
The final game of the girls' soc-Cause w knew the "audience" Bm the Wlddle power proved to
ter-baseball tournament will be; was lauehine 1 at us. Several of ..; ' 100 mucn for -auIorn s
Navy pushed across one touch
down in the third quarter and
ni.kcd na two more in the final
Last week the semi-final con- ee Anyone conung over to. . . ... ... i.-,
tests were very close, with the ' watcn shou d at least e honorable j conte!t
Alpha Phis barely defeating the' enough to keep a straight face. It; CalifOTTUa-. offeniive punch was
Alpha Xi Deltas, 12-11 and the . VOU:d mea' a practically at a standstill as
Kappas downing the Alpha Chis.j There was one man over there; they were held to only 79 yards
11-10. 1 who kept running after the tennis on the ground in the first 55 min-
The tennis quarter-finals were ' balls and rolling them back to us. j utes of play. And of those 79
rained out and only one game '; At first I thought maybe the P. E. i yards, 51 were picked up by Gabe
was played. Kappas Ginny Falk ' department was paying him. . .'Arrillaga on a run in the opening
and Billie Prest won over Donna but the teacher didn't look too en- minute of the game.
Sawve'J and Jean Johnson. Tri Unused about his good work. Our
Delts. If the rest of the quarter- i little group, however, was quite
finals can be played the first of: happy to let him chase our balls,
this week, the semi-finals are ex-'and had even thought of asking
pec ted to start Thursday. him to come back regularly. Sud-
la archery, the six top scorers den'y 8 wiw ba!1 ne the
were chosen last Thursday. They(other side of the coliseum, barely
are Jane Harvey, Kappa Delta, missing our friend and (unknown
337; Sandra Davisson. Kappa Del- to the teacher as of now splir.t
ta, 318; Judy Lindgren, Gamma ; ered a ol glass in the window.
Phi Beta, 291; Pat Arbuthnot, Tri0ur friend left. . . quite shaken
Delt, 254: Marcia Ray, Alpha Phi,uP- I dubt if he will ever venture
288 and Marilyn Mead, A 0 Pi, 244. i aid again; he probably
i tnougnt we rtion t appreciate his
I assistance. Poor man.
Dec. 2 iMon.) South Dakota State
in Lincoln
S (Thurs University of Wy
oming in Lincoln
7 Sat.) University of Mich
igan in Ann Arbor
9 Mon.) Notre Dame at
Notre Dame
14 iSat Purdue University
in Lincoln
16 (Mon.) Denver University
iu Lincoln
19 iThurs
21 (Sat.) Marquette Univer
sity at Malwaukee, Wis.
26-27-27 (Thurs.-Fri.-Sat.) Big
, Seven Pre-Season Tourna
ment at Kansas City, Mo.
Jan. S (Mon.) University of Mis
souri at Columbia
11 i Sat.) Kansas State at
13 (Mon.) University of Okla
homa in Lincoln
18 (Sat.) Iowa State in Lin-'
Feb. 1 (Sat.) Iowa State at Ames
8 (Sat) University of Kan
sas at Lawrence
10 (Mon.) University of Okla
homa at Norman
12 (Wed.) University of Mis
souri in Lincoln
17 Mon.) University of Colo
rado in Lincoln
22 (Sat.) University of Kan
sas in Lincoln
Mar. 3 (Mon.) Kansas State In
I i Sat.) University of Colo
rado at Boulder
Home games start at S p. m.
Sports Staff Writer
The teams around the Big Eight
fared quite well against out-of-
conference foes last weekend as
they won four, lost one
one. Last weekend's games fea
tured a couple of upsets, the big
gest one being Missouri's 7-6 vic
tory over previously undefeated
Southern Methodist.
Missouri's touchdown was set up
hy a Southern Methodist bobble
deep in their own territory which
was covered by an alert Tiger line
man. A couple of plays later a
ten yard pass from quarterback
Phil Snowden to George Cramer,
who made a squatting catch on
the goal line, accounted for the
touchdown. Big Charlie Rash, Tiger
! guard, booted the extra pom'
j which proved to be the winning
j margin.
The rest of the game was played
almost entirely in Missouri terri-
tory. Time and again SMU drove
.deep into scoring territory only
' to be battered back by the battling
i Tiger line. In the dying minutes
of the final quarter the stubborn
i Tiger forward wall stopped the
i Methodists one inch from a touch
down as SMU could make only 2
feet 11 inches In three cracks at
' the line.
I-State Upsets KU
In the only conference game of i
the week alert Iowa State turned j
: three Kansas mistakes into touch- j
; downs and knocked off the listless
Jayhawks, 21-6. j
; The Cyclones, playing only pow- i
erfoorball from tne suigie wing, i
tory in the second quarter as they
scored twice. A Kansas fumble
on their own nine set up the first
Cylcone tally. Fullback Ron Pohl
crashed over from less than a
yard out to score the six-pointer.
A pass interception on the Kansas
his career,
r.Mr '.rwwt on s 16-vard slash greatest game
r coricnn thn hooted his scored the touchdown with a
VII ..IV nil . ..... : .1 ...v..
thiid extra point of the day. j yard plunge.
Scares OU ! saiwieters interception ui
as they Lonehorn aerial on the 41 set up
Texas surprised many
and tied'held mighty Oklahoma at bay for Oklahoma's final touchdown.With
Dodd crashed over from the one
yard line with the game-clinching
touchdown and then booted the ex
tra point.
Halfback Bob Stransky, the na
tion's leading ground gainer paved
the way to a Colorado victory over
Arizona as he tallied three first-
After Arizona scored the first
touchdown Colorado drew even,
putting together an 88-yard scor
ing drive featuring a 37-yard pass
from Quarterback Boyd Dowler to
End Ken Baker. Stransky's end
run from the five capped the
Y.. . : scored sufficient points for a
25 set up the second Iowa State j TlM,day October 5th
three quarters before going down
to defeat, 21-7.
The Longhorns, having ore' of
their poorest seasons in many
years, smelled a possible upset in
the air as they refused to lay
back and allow Oklahoma to domi
nate the whole game. Texas
d i c k e d off four of Oklahoma's
passes and the mighty kicking and , half touchdowns.
passing of back Walter Fondren
kept the Sooners in the hole much
of the time.
Texas scored first to shock the
Sooner backers, cashing in on a
pass interception by Halfback
Mickey Smith on the Oklahoma 18.
I Fondren pitched to Monte Lee drive.
from the Sooner five for the score, : The Buffs added two more u
then added the conversion. the second period on long drive
Oklahoma rallied to tie the game , which were climaxed by Stransky's
early in the second period with 1 scoring runs of seven and eight
a 66-yard drive. All-American pros- yards.
pect Clendon Thomas capped the) The Bufrs scored their last two
drive with a three yard burst to ' tallies in the last half. Sophomore
score the touchdown. i Fullback George Adams scored
In the waning moments of the one on a 26-yard interception
third period the Sooners took the I return and a pass from Halfback
lead for" good as they marched j Howard Cook to Halfback J i m
80 yards for another touchdown. Comer accounted for the final
! Jakie Sandefer, who played the i touchdown.
Intramural Football
Monday. Octolwr 14th
'!( Fields XE Manatt vs Selleck
XW Hitchcock vs. MacLtMui
SE Gus I vs. Andrews
SW Bessey vs. Avery
Ag Fields East AGR vs. Farm House
Sooth Seaton II vs. Benton
West Boucher vs. Seaton I
bince rresnman girls win soon
be able to participate in activities,
a special soccer-baseball tourna-;
ment will open for them Tuesday.
Oct. 22.
Anyone passing through the coli
seum on a cold, rainy day last
week probably got a few chuckles
out of watching the girls' tennis
classes in action. Some of us more
unfortunate athletes who are just
The Little Giant Cafe
23 J No. 11th
Giant Hamburger 25c
Meals & Short Order
Even though the weather
has ben rather dismal lately,
there still are places (3 to be
exact) that will give you that
extra lift. I'm swaking (of
course) of the three Kings
Drive-ins in this fine town of
The striking interior, pert
waitresses, and that wonder
ful aroma of delicious food all
work together to cheer you up
on a rainy day.
Brighten your day the
King's way!
touchdown. A few minutes later
j Fullback Terry Ingram scored
i from the one.
Lyle Carlson who hasn't missed
, a conversion attempt thia year
' booted both of the extra points.
: . The Jayhawks attempted to
make a contest out of it as they
scored early in the second half
j to make the score 14-6. They;
! moved 54 yards for the touchdown, '
j most of them via the passing of i
j Quarterback Wally Strauch. Hoin-i
1 er Floyd scored the touchdown on j
a short plunge.
Iowa State added an insurance
touchdown in the fourth period
i after grabbing another Jayhawk
I fumble, this one on the Hawker's
I 33. A few plays later hard running
j Dwight Nichols, sophomore tail-
City Fields VE
Ac Fields East
Presby House vs. Wesley Rous
Newman Club vs. Alfa Cow Alfa
Phi Epailon Kappa ya. Chemist
Dents vs. Navy ROTC
Burr A vs. Burr C
West Burr D vs. Burr B
Wednesday, October 16th
City Fields XE Beta Theta Pi vs. Sigma Chi
XW Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Sigma Jj
SE Alpha Tau Omega vs. Delta Tan Deha
SW Delta Upsilon vs. Phi Kappa. Psi
Ag Fields East Theta Xi vs. Phi Delta Theta
West SAE vs. Kappa Sigma
TWday. October 17th
City Field XE Beta Sigma Psi vs. Pioneer Coop.
XW Pi Kappa Phi vs. Delta Sigma Phi
SE Brown Palace vs. Cornhusker Coop.
SW Tau Kappa Epsilon vs. Zeta Beta Tau
Ag Field East Delta Sigma Pi vs. Alpha Gamma Sigma
West Farm House vs. Ag Men
South Acacia vs. Sigma Alpha Mu
' " 4
v . -ft
, i 1
m m
i-7 f ' '" l
Yuwf A. Volar Joined General Electric'!
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ment in after receiving fan B. S.
in h. K. from Roberts College, Istanbul,
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t al if orti la I usti tu te of Tech nolsgy (1954).
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Square crew neck sweater in
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In a big company, a young man
can get to tackle big jobs"
"The thing that has impressed me most in my two
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the nation's top-priority defense job. Because of
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The research being done by Dr. Yusuf A. Yoler is
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and the security of the nation as well. At present, the
company is participating as a prime contractor on
three of the four long-range ballistic missiles pro-.
gramed by the U. S. government. Yoler, who Is play
ing an important role in thia work, directed the design
and development of the world's largest hypersonic
shock tunnel a device which will "test-fly" missile
nose cones at speeds over 15,000 mph.
Progress in research and development aa well as
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young minds meet the challenge of self -development
At General Electric there are more than 29,000 col
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