Mondoy, October R 1957 Doctor Reveals Developments In Diabetes Recent developments in the study of diabetes are centered around a simplified treatment nf the disease, according to Dr. Ste- fan 17., I ajuns. associate protessor of Interna Medicine at the Uni- '"a"J aucmgan. Dr. Fajans, while visiting at the University College of Medicine in Omaha, said that early diagnosis ill aid in retarding the onset and severity of the disease as well as lessen the treatment necessary. I Dr. Fajans added that the "pre- j dication of those predisposed" can ! be heightened by well-established clinical routine. Those persons who are overweight or who have an-, cestors who were known t- have! fliaDetes are most likely get the disease. Routine checkups can id this susceptible group. "Three and one-half to four per cent of the American population have diabetes but, only about two percent of them know tljey have it," remarked Dr. Fajans. The control of diabetes lies in early detection and adherence to medical instruction concerning diet and medication by those afflicted. Tondl, Kyes 4-H Banquet Heads Rose , Tondl and Marvin Kyes have been named co-chairmen of the University 4-H club annual awards banquet planned for No vember. The club began this year's ac tivities with a watermelon feed. Future plans include the banquet next month and an orphans' Christ mas party in December. Joan Norris. is president of the club. CKher officers include: Ger ald Rainforth. vice president; Bev er!y Shepardson, secretary; Bob Volk. treasurer; Mary Seberger, publicity chairman: Paul Yeutter, program chairman: Gerald Dart, membership chairman: Mary Vr ba. song leader; and'Venna Lou Scheer. chaplin. Assistant State 4-H Club Leaders Elaine Skucius and Louie Rud man are club sponsors. , I v 6. Governor Receives Joe HU1 and Sletr SrkHlU of Mtturi, l'irity Thea ter honorary', precrut a ccawa'f pati to Ooiersar irtw A edrr wi ia tke coventor's ofru-e. Applications Due All sUtdents who expect to re ceive bachelors or advaucwS de graes or teaching tertJicttw at the t 'i'jyt ' oi the first eroester should apply for krxe by Nov. 1, 1907, if Vny hsve nut yet done so. Students rasy make application at the Stiii'jr Checking OfJice, 103 Administration HaJJ, between the byors t 'M a.m. to 12 noon and I p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Uoacvy through Nebraskan Want Ads CHRiSTIANO'S PIZZARIA 8 varieties of PIZZA 3 Sixes J2-D0. LSO. 75c Dialog Boom Service , SP.M. How-2 Stores ro I "" Opm errty Uy rep TurUaf Store i pu.-j24 f f . ". ;i ... V i' , --'1 : & I , " ' I, 5 . It r. V"" I I Stegoromasfadon The University Museum has recently added the skeleton of a 700,000 yearold stegoromasta don to (heir famed elephant Hall collection. Extensive improvement and rearrange ment of displays made it pos sible for the Museum to add Social Institute Meeting Scheduled Between 100 and 125 county and state .public welfare workers are expected to attend the 14th an nual Nebraska Social Work Insti tute at the University Thursday and Friday. i Principal speaker will be Dr. Robert Foster, directo? of mar riage counseling service and train ing program. The Menninger Foun dation. He will deliver the opening address. 'Ster.gihenng Family Life through Public Welfare Serv ices," at 9:30 a.m. at the Union. Six sections will be conducted during the two days. They are: Services in the Public Assistance Program, led byJ3r. Garnet Lar son, associate professor. Univer sity's Graduate School of Social Work. Placement and Care of the Aged, led by Mrs. Eliiabetb Breck inridge, supervisor of Services for 1 Ticket year the I'aiversitv Vbcuwr ntU pre at, ' W kual Every Womaa Ksovs." "(HidMt" -riie Tea House of tii Aagukt Mooa." -The Lark" aad a opera, "Tfet Old Mai4 and lb Tak-f." Aquoquetts ; for the swimming club on Oct. 24 from 7 to 9 p.m. There will be two practice ses sions on Oct.. 17'uj and 22 from 7 It) 9 p.m. j Aquaquettes members will give j help to any interested girl during ; these sessions. j V a SATURDAY-OCTOBER 19 ONE PIE.FORMANCT I U TM. TICKETS: ti i. KM. MM, AIDITOEIIM BOX OmCE OPEN DAO.T A.M. to SJI P.M. STUDENT DIC0UNT: St-eest ditcoiint to I", ei X. stndrnU. Pick op your diseeuit coupon at the Student I'nlan. the skeleton, only the second one of its kind in the world. The skull and tusks are made of plas ter of paris because the original pieces were crushed fo an earth quake that occurred soon after the animal died, according to Dr. C. Bertrand Schult, Museum director. Aging. Illinois Public Aid Commis son. ! Meeting the Needs of Children in I Institutions, led by Charles GareU. chief of recreational therapy and group work section. Nebraska Psychiatric Institute. I Value of Statistics in Public Wel-j fare Administraton and Public Re lations, led by Dr. Joseph Meisels. director of Graduate School of j Social Work, University of Kan-j sas. The Future of American Indian in Nebraska, led by Luciie Hatn ner, area social worker for U.S. Department of the Interior. The Team Approach to the Care of Mentally 111. led by members of the Norfolk State Hospital. Dr. Walter Klopfer, chief clinical psy chologist, and Louis E. Moody, so cial services director. Dr. B. N. Greenberg, president of the University's Board of Re gents, will discuss at the Friday! luncheon his trip to Russia. NU Graduate To Supervise GOP Office I Marvin broraer, a graduate o: .the University has been named i esecuiive secretary of the Nebras ka Republican Orgapizauoo with headquarters in Lincoln. Srromer. who served as president of the National C olle giate Young Republi cans while at the University, will direct the operation of the Republican h e adquarters office. A native of Hastings, Stronaer was president of Innocents Society, co-chairman of the University's mock political conventions, and a member of Kosmet Club, Corn Cobs, and University Theater. Stromer was very active in dra matics and Masquers, receiving the Purple Masque award for his excellence wiih the University Players. fovea WORLD of FUN! ' ( Unelvbfe lew Cost w ureir 43-6S w js w $99 aw ttmwvi (Mr SOS u md mm K HJH a. lEHad 3 S a Cmtag 1 KA7-2557 SUvmrr F IV? i J W 4 H3K oak &r om mm. wr m The Dai'v Nebroskan Primitive Crevture: Prehistoric fossil Elephant Given NU Residence By GEORGE MOVER Staff Writer It takes time, know-how, and muscle to put stegomastodon back together again. In fact, the staff of the Univer sity Museum worked on-and-off about ,19 months to restc the 700,000-year-old "fossil" elephant, which is the newest addition to the famed Elephant Hall. The only other such skeleton on display in the nation is at the National Museum at Washington, DC. The Ice-Age Nebraskan meas ures 29 feet long from the tip of its tusks to the tip of its tail and stands nine feet, four inches tall. The bones of the stegomastodon were discovered in 1939 in a fossil quarry on the Dan Bowman ranch, east of Broadwater. Dr. C. Ber trand. SchulU, Museum director, explained that the mounting of the elephant was delayed because of the lack of space and funds. However, during the last two years extensive renovation has been done in the Museum's famed Elephant Hall with funds conated by H. C Wear of Brandon. Colo., through the University Founda tion. The renovation included rear Miller Writes Critical Study On 'Whitman' Dr. James Miller Jr., professor of English and chairman of the department, is the author of the book.'A Critical Guide to Leaves of Grass." This book is t a crit i c a 1 study of Whit man's poetry, revealing the form and structure o f "Leaves of Grass" and presenting the s i gnificance of Whitman's thought a n p o e tic ar Counrcv Lincoln Sur ; Miller tistry. The thesis of the book is that Whitman's masterpiece, the work of a lifetime, constitutes an epic of deliberate design and involves the spiritual consciousness, the achievements and the aspirations of America. Dr. Miller is also the author of the book. The Fictional Technique of Scott Fitzgerald, '"Four Cosmic Poets," and other articles previ ously published on Conrad, Haw thorne, Melville, Poe and J. D. Salinger. 0 h J ' Li 'tr J: After Graduation. Begin lour Career In An Executiva Position I If yen1 re a college senior, yew can prepare naJ tar Wi lJrtSlft executiw future by applying for an officer's caraais3icn in the Vcsa Amy Corps. In addition to an officer's pay and prestige, you vill have a position cf viUl responsibility. . .varking side by side, with nal officers in such challenging staff and admiiiistrative assignaents ass Pertencel 4 idadnistration Iatlligenc Ccntptrolle Pahlie Inf anatico "ClTil Affairs and Military GevernBent Infonaatica and Education "Legal and LeglalatiT AM vith this challenge, cobs these personal rewards! In rsftlnmi. ttirT mltarat and social life 0 0 "Zoa ojo it to jreeraelf and fotar teaatrr Cs lsoestiaU Uli ehftUencC sad rewarding lcutiv opportunity. Tat full icf ormtloo. fill ia aad mil tUs eaupoa Uitj I JUNI0K3 The Vmb's krwy Carps Gl aeleet a limited Kssber of euXlflJ wsn vbo $E" empleted their junior year for 4 weolcs traiaiC, i et&ner 1958. There are m eonRitaoots. Ton will roeeivo a eriontaUni. U tho Any and any anplleatioa foe a cacndnloo after er4uati if ys vast to boeecio aa effieor ia tho Daitoi Statu ry. 21 interest hock the eseloeod epoe. rangement of the other skeletons, making space on the west side of the Hall for the stegomastodon. The mounting of the fossil was done by Henry Reider, chief prep arator, and his assistants. In as sembling the skeleton, Mr. Reider worked closely -with Dr. Schultz and Lloyd Tanner, associate crua tor of vertebrate paleontology, and other members of the scientific staff of the museum and Depart- ment of Geology so that the restor I ation might be as accurate as I possible. : The long, painstaking steps in volved In the year-long process of restoring the fossil elephant are shown pictorially on this page. Robert Davis Named To New Regional Post The Rev. Robert Davis, student pastor for Baptists and Disciples of Christ at the University for the past three years, has been named western regional executive of the Department of Campus Christian Life of the board of education of the American Baptist convention. His new appointment is effec tive Jan. 1, 1958. Rev. Davis will supervise American Baptist cam pus work on college and university campuses from the Mississippi River to the West Coast. He came to Lincoln in August, 1954, from Fredonia, N.Y., where he served as Protestant chaplain at the State Universtiy of New York's Teachers College. In Lincoln, Rev. Davis has been active in community affairs. He as speaker at the Pinewood Bowl Easter Sunrise services in 1955 and again 1957. This past summer, he was visiting professor of philos ophy at Nebraska Wesleyan Uni versity. He has done further study to ward a doctorate degree, here at the University, which he plans to receive at the close of the pres ent semester. KNUS Schedule Monday 4 Sign on 09 Spins and Needles 55 RMS Radio News 00 Spins and Needle 30 KXl'S Radio News 45 Eventide 55 Perspeclire N Campus Record Room 55 KXVS Radio News 09 Campus Record Room 55 KM S Radio News 00 Campus R cord Room 45 KNUS Radio News M Sign Off i r r A fj 1 I - A Ybtmg The chance fear exciting foreign assigrueiits A 0 day paid wcation every year Tbe satisfaction cf serving year country In a really OOOOOOO0 NU Home Economics Day Preparations Completed Program plans have been com- j pleted for the sixth annual Home Economics Day for Homemakers, Wednesday, on the Ag College campus. The program will begin at 9j a.m. with a coffee hour in the College Activities building, Agnes Arthaud, state Home Extension leader, announced. All Nebraska homemakers are invited to take part in the day's activities, which will feature talks, a panel discussion, musical enter tainment and a business meeting. Mrs. Kathleen Foote, state sen ator from Ax tell, will speak on '.'Mrs. Homemaker U.S.A." during the afternoon program. A panel discussion on life in Tur key will feature. Dr. Marvel Bak er, Dr. Thomas Goodding and Mrs. Albin Anderson, all. mem bers of the University group in Turkey until this fall when they returned to Lincoln. Florence Atwood, former state Home Extension leader, will mod erate the panel. Dr. Josef Brozek, professor of public health at the University of Minnesota, will talk on "The Fat You Cart and Carry." Dr. Bro zek, a native of Bohemia, also will entertain with Slavic folk songs, Miss Arthaud said. Special music numbers will be presented by University students under the direction of William Bush, instructor in music. Dr. Florence McKinney, chair man of the Home Economics de Grad Award Directory Publication Announced The Advancement and Place ment Institute announced Friday the publication of their first an nual world-wide graduate award directory. The new Directory was prepared as an aid for Ameri can teachers, administrators, sci entists and social ' scientists who wish to subsidize the continuation of their education to obtain their master's or doctorate degrees or to do post-doctorate or independ ent research. The award guide includes infor mation about the field of study, the duration of the awards, the amount of stipends, the number available, where the awards are tenable, the specific conditions and to whom and when to apply. Over 350 universities and foun dations in 45 states and 30 foreign countries have cooperated by sub mitting information about their awards which range in amount from $150 to $10,000. ' The Directory covers very wide geographical range from re search in the Arctic to study in Ceylon. It includes new types of educational programs, such as educational internships and stu OOq Women at isrportast way : -t 3 tr ' I i " j J mm ftm AftJVTANT afNBtU CT - P,wfiit ot w lurmy 25, . C ATTHa A6SN4 PUate tend mt further informeUm est my tantr a officer in the Womm' Army Cwpk. V Page 3 partment, will welcome the group to the campus, and Dean of. the College W. V. Lambert will speak briefly to the women. Mrs. Jrhn Biegert will preside over the morning program, and Mrs. Rex Rucksdashel over the afternoon session. Skits and a business meeting of the Home Economics Association of Organized Agriculture will com plete the day's activities. Annual Stag To Feature Bowmen Club The Prairie Bowmen Club, one of the outstandng archery clubs in the midwest, will be featured at the second annual Stag, accord ing to Bob Krumme, Stag Chair man. Members of the Prairie Bowmen Club have thrilled audiences in the Lincoln area for several years with the bow and arrow. "This is an excellent act," said Krumme, "and will certainly add to the enjoyment of the evening." Tickets are selling well, he said, but can still be bought from any IFC member or at the Union ticket booths. This Stag is for all student, fac ulty and administration males. It's primary purpose is to help stu dents and faculty become better acquainted in an informal atmos phere. dent deanships, as well as assist antships, graduate scholarships and fellowships. The Director includes awards in the Arts, Business, Education, Child Development, English, Health and Physical Education, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, the Languages, Library Service, Mathematics, Psychology, Recre ation, the field of Special Educa tion, Speech, Social Casework and Group work. Vocational Edu cation as well as all the various fields of Teacher Education and the sciences. Copies may be examined at Graduate Schools, University Placement or Dean's offices. Public and College Libraries, or may be ordered from the in stitute at Box 99E, Greenpoint Sta tion. Brooklyn 72, New York for $2.00 per copy. HAIR CUT lo GOOD WORK Bill's Barber Shop Opm rata I:M P.M. 317 No. 12th o 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 1 f e 1 s s k f b T 3 r- B-P-7 n D. )e id en he irl