The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 3

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Poge 2
TLe Poily Nebroskan
Mondav, October 1 4 1 957
A' t
V J.;
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V t
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Editorial Comment
Nebraskan Open Letter to The
Council Judiciary Committee
Bear AS d Yam:
pealdng ti Constitutions.
light wr jrou art going through tht on
ttttutiona tt tha variout eamput orgtnitatiena
a4 accepting or rejecting them. Wt art lad
to lim that you look vary thoroughly into
each article and taction and paragraph of a
particular conatitution and girt it a fair and
Judicious decision at to whether it can handle
fci a democratic manner the duties which it
Maytt eat time hai come far yea yearselvet
er far mtmbert af the ftadeat Ceancil at large
a atak at yer awa eeaetKutloa aad aee If,
paraac, yea art eat (brewing reeae at dealaeae
af gtaae beaaee.
Parhapa, in accord with Article XI of the
Coanell Constitution, we might make aome tug
geetiona at to where work is needed and, as tht
voice of tht students at this University, demand
either an interpretation of the constitution as it
stands or the necessary changes post haste.
first of all let's take a look at Article IV,
taction 1, paragraph A which defines how many
members shall sit on the council. We under
stand that a representative of tht Engineering
College has asked that tht college be given an
additional representative in accord with the
stipulation in this part of the constitution which
ays, "Any change in the college representation
hall be on the basis of one representative for
every MO students . . ." Will engineers of the
school be given the additional representation
Next let's take a look at part -four of that
same section which defines that the second
high person in the elections will serve in case
a member of the council loses his job on the
Doesn't this imply that s man tor woman)
who has not received even a plurality of the
votes might become a member of the council
eontrary to the wishes of the majority of the
students in a particular college? Is any correct
ive step being taken on this count?
One of the abjections which the chairman af
your committee has with the ror-stitution is
"We feel this la not sufficiently democratic for
a student organization."
Now this newspaper realizes that the demo
cratic way ia not always the fastest or most
efficient way in which a government can be
conducted but we add that tie democratic way
seems to be pretty well accepted as tht way
of lift in tht good old U.S.A.
We art led to understand that there was
some discussion on the committee that the
method of electing the Cob officers and the
method of electing the holdover members of
the oouncii are not analagous. This seems pretty
But is the method of selecting the holdover
members of the council any more democratic
just because It ia not analagous with the Cob
officers selection method?
We think not. And hare labour reasoning.
, Section C of this same Article IV atates that
Five eeniors . . . hU be nominated and elected
by the outgoing Student Council, at the first
meeting after the spring election, from tht
junior members of that body to serve during
their senior year.
W understand thst the five senior members
re reported to represent the entire University
and not any particular college or organization.
It appears, .further, that those seniors are
elected by Lame Ducks since the warding af
the eectsea eats the outgoing members de the
We wonder just how much trouble it would
entail to let the students pick the people who
will represent them in the council as senior
After all, if they are to represent the school
in tata, then we set no reason why the school
la tc4e should not have a voice in their selection.
That is, if the council wants "a sufficiently
democratic" process.
We hsve been, wt might di, confronted wiih
the argument that the senior holdover members
leave some on the council who will know the
procedure and the problems of the council. But
we see no more reason why these seniors should
be selected by the outgoing council members
than why the representatives to our national
congress should be elected by the Unicameral
We have listed some grievances which all
seem to arise as a result of Article IV of the
Now it seems that Article VII defines as one
of the duties of the Judiciary Committee the
interpretation of the Student Council Constitu
tion. We hope that there will be an interpreta
tion or move for amendment on the grounds
that there seems to be sufficient evidence to
warrant one or the other.
We trust that this letter will be read, In ac
cordance with Article XI af tht constitution
ef the council, at this Wednesday's meeting.
Further, the Daily Nebraskan trusts that tht
council will, in good faith, begin the proper
machinery to investigate its own constitution
and to avoid the challenge in the future that
people who live in glass houses should throw
no stones.
from the editor
First Things First. . .
by Jack Pollock
The Big Eight's mighty Oklahoma takes a
aecond place berth this week.
Sportswriters, including the International
Newa Service's panel of experts, this week voted
Michigan State tht nation's top tesm, despite
Oklahoma's record of 4$ consecutive victories.
Oklahoma had to rally in the last half to beat
Texas (21-7) after trailing 7-0 at the end of the
first two quarters.
Pertinent quota of the week: A cartoon show
ing a wife tugging at tht coat of her irate
husband yelling at a hot dog salesman blocking
view at a football game, ". . . Watch your
manners and your English, Figncwton! ... He
might well be a professor supplementing his
alary! . .
Reports the Norfolk Daily Newt on football
nd the University spirit, "Assuming there is
something lacking at the school of which the
football slump is a symptom, loyal alumni will
be asking what it is that is missing. Is it
aolely the want of a winning team that is
responsible for the dumpy feeling on the
campus? x
"The answer probably is that that is an
important reason for the absence of enthusiasm.
But why the slump?
"Nebraska has had some good coaches," The
Daily Newt explains, "but they haven't been
able to turn out teams such as we used to
aee on llemorial field.
"One of tht reasons for the poor showing
one might guess is that tht high school stars in
Nebraska choose other schools to attend," the
Newa aays. "In diagnosing the trouble it would
bt well to determine that this is so. Is it be
cause we can't pay the price? Or that there is
more glory in plsying for some more successful
"A good many are guessing the trouble is
financial. It started about the time colleges
began frankly to hold out the money lure to
entice good players. Nebraska has been raising
her bid in the last year or two, but it is
suspected that other schools are lipping scholar
ship offers too.
'"Is it too much of a professional air that
is spoiling college football? Are the boys playing
for. what they can get out of it instead of for
the fun of it? Some observers say so."
If they are right, a school with limited re
sources like Nebraska will always be handi
capped, the News points out.
Says the News "But perhaps all the trouble is
that we are putting too much stress on football.
Alumni and students alike are letting their
attitude toward the school rest on whether or
not we have a winning team.
"There are many activities at the University
that arc more important than football. If we
showtd the tame interest in building up an out
standing faculty that we do in developing
winning football team, Nebraska could do more
for its young people than the greatest of football
teams could do."
Leave it the the Irish ...
An Irish bartender is believed the first to
come up with a Sputnik cocktail.
The recipe calls for "three beeps of gin snd
one beep of vermouth."
Says the inventor, "Three . Sputnik cocktails
will send anyone into outer space."
Daily Nebraskan
Fltl Y -SEC TEARS OLD wt at in au-ailur f itf fatalty af tht I alrrmtj . at
mm tha part M hi earaaa aaMtac ik tammiiy. I'M
tf atkbar: Associated Oelltglatt Frees m-mn .1 ta. .wn an eaii t
wuuikM fw what m ar at aa at aaaaa la aa
lalareonagtata Press Mnn s, ism.
, kt.- a ., , . , takatrtaHea rmtd an tt.M pm watnatar at i ta
atajweeinUtsvei National Advertising Service, u auia tar.
laeorMrated afctms a - iaM aattt iaa aat i i
- ,, . . . ' . UaMin. Nakratha, aaaet- tka of eafast 4, lilt.
PaWisatd at: Roan 20, Student Lnioa sditobiai. rr
Liaeoln, Nebraska '''' Ja-a paiiork
.... HHorial trfttar Dick Skuim
Mil a Manafirif Mltor Kea Marliolniki
fHa RttwutaM t akUahag Moitta?. Tmf. ' aok 51.
SVaaaM art irttajf nn tka Mkaoi rar. aaa nk InlanS (chief).
ara-f vatattoat ant axaaa ranod. aat aaa Hxaa M (amta tnak, Ocarfa Mojer, nan Rd!-n, Erala Mat
acyMwt tartef tiM, b atrtMila af tka laWenlty .. ,.,.,., T . . .
a Ncbraaka andrr taa aathrrlatia af tka Commlttm !M"
aa HtnaMi Sffatn aa aa aipraulaa af tnim opialsa. RnlnM Manatrr . dmt Hrlkatia
FaMfattona andrr tha 4urlHrtlMi at Ik Suhrammlttea ltant HualnrM Manafrra ..Tom N-ff, Rlan Kariman,
aa 8tBmt Fuhllfattoai ahail hr frrr mm -itlrnrlaJ Rob smidl
taaaattala aa tka fawt af tka aabaamnuttaa at aa Ua Circuiatioa Maaaan , Joha lVorrla
in fi
I 50 WUCH J .
The Galley Slave
dick shugruo
For ardent fans of quit shows
here it the question of the week:
Whst'a the most' pressing prob
lem around the Big Eight todsy?
Football (Sooner and all thsti?
Academic Freedom?
, Getting dates?
Sorry. Indications from scribes
around this circuit ltad me to be
lieve the biggest wave in other
wise tranquil teas it trying to get
parking places away from fac
ulty members.
Witness the violent activity by
tha Kansas State College newspa
per which ttates, "A survey of the
Puzzled Thinker
To tlie Editor:
On the general subject of school
spirit and particularly in response
to the editorial "Aftermath" of 7
Oct. 37 I would like to present
view which apparently has not
been taken into consideration. It
concerns the definition of "spirit"
nd disturbs me somewhat since
I suspect I have a deficiency
here. I can't seem to muster up
any. Apparently I am inhibited
from grasping your concept of
spirit by some mental block, for
whenever I hear the word, I can't
'seem to progress beyond such
fixed ideas ss "intellect," "mind,"
"soul", etc. And when I hear the
escape the association of the "spir
it of learning'' inspired by the
You can see my dilemma. When
you list your conclusions of what
the public thinks about spirit in
relation to football you bewilder
my thought processes Just as if
you had attempted to explain foot
ball in terms of school spirit ss
I conceive It.
For example, your first conclu
sion is that "football and spirit
aren't necessarily equated by
everyone." I didn't know they were
equated by anyone and am ob
viously and utterly unable to com
prehend why you bemoan this con
clusion if, as I infer, you do.
Your second conclusion is that
the football team has been a rally
ing point for the state of Nebraska
nd since the team is weak, hence
the support is too. I am sure of
my ground on this point and wish
to assure you that I am still sup
porting the University' with my
taxes, tuition and intensive en
deavor to learn, just as strongly
as ever. Do not lose heart on this
point because I will stick with you
regardless of the success or fail
ure, or even existence of the team.
Rather than belabor the point
further, I will simply confess to
the accusation that I really "just
don't give a hoot about the football
team", as you put it, and am tlso
devoid of any "school spirit" as
you interpret it. On tlie other hand
I am trying to learn what the in
structors and research opportuni
ties at the University have to
teach me, and am overflowing
with this spirit of the school.
I wonder if I am alone in this
"misconception" or if the fact that
only three cheerleaders and a .
photographer attended the Corn
husker "sendoff" w-ith your fnorts
editor doesn't indicate tha! per
haps you sre alone in your con
ception? Bill Smith
Ed. Note. If Mr. Smith were aa
avid fan of the local press
sports pages, he would rea
lize that "football and spirit"
are equated by quite a few
thousand people in the stale
of Nebraska. Kather be twists
the words of the Daily Nebras
kan for the very point we
made Is the same conclusion
at which he arrives that be
ing, that everyone doesn't be
lieve that football and spirit
either do or even should be as
much as seen on the same
piece of paper or heard wilhin
the same conversation.
Blasts Jaywalkers
To the Editor:
Why do they do it?
Why do these students, our fu
ture lawyers, teachers and engi
neers walk against the 'red light
of the traffic signals?
I can condone a lone pedestrian
darting across the street against
the light after checking for traffic
but it seems as though they are
never alone. They cross the street
in droves paying no heed to the
cars trying to get through. And
they never seem to hurry or worry,
always at a leisurely pace.
- Perhaps these students share the
feeling of the French cab drivers
that no damned mechanical gadget
changing from red to green so
many times a -minute is going to
tell them what to do. Or perhaps
they just harbor suicidal tenden
cies. Whatever it is, I am sure it is
hot color blindness. Because if they
did this deed in the uptown traffic
they would soon become a bumper
decoration or a grease spot on the
pavement for all posterity to see.
J. P. Schenck
The Limelight
Dave Rhoadcs
And the intrigues continue. . .
Before the fall term, Bruce
Brugmann joshed over to the Beta
house and offered me information
which would make the intrigues
of Ellen Smith read like Rebecca
of Sunnybrook Frm. Neverthe
less, being person who simply
doesn't mingle with the Inner Fel
lowships of the Crib (commonly
known as the I.F.C.) and other
innocent groups, I declined.
Behind many student's noncha
lant appearance, I understand,
runs thoughts concerning recnt
rumors and other campus subter
fuge. Many times, when I'm seated
at the control desk in Love Li
brary, casual conversation will
A Few
Of a Kind
hi nes
Mr. Typical College Student is
an alley-cat tossed into an empty
tiger's cage.
And sadly enough. . most of us
misplaced refugees try to verbally
play the tiger's role. We strut
about our enclosed domain roar
ing and ranting and panting .ani
mated bundles of "sound and fury
signifying nothing."
Though we play the part of tiger
nd live in his cage, we don't
have his fangs and we can't digest
his food.
I'm thinking of Mr. Joe College
who recites long lists of just mem
orized chemical formulas or hi
torical information studied for to
morrow examination;
Of Mr. Joe College who was tops
In his high school class and now
plays fiddle-faddle with his slide
rule each day in order to be Mr.
Word'y-Wise in Tinker Toy Class
103 . the first 8 o'clock he has
ever had to take in his three yeart
of college;
Of nearly ) per cent of the
present Univers-iiy population who
think they will be made into whole
and int?l!i!".-i;t creatures after sit
ting thro.y'n l:'ii to 150 credit
hows worth of classes.
Most of ns would have been
m -h bi tter off in a trades school,
( i- Oule Carnegie "Be Better Fel
low Classes", or YM-YWCA
"Clean Fun Clubs."
Our tiger's fangs... our unde
veloped minds. . aren't big enough
to bite into information otiier than
that dished out in the classroom
lecture or gobbled eagerly up from
the subject text.
Our fangs aren't even big enough
to tell an instructor when he it
all wet. We worry about the grade
and, tiius, carefully note his own
ideas on any subject even when
Sod Himself would have to search
for another earthly creature who
agreed with the instructor. . .to
make certain that we can get a
good grade on next week's 150
question "objective" examination.
We don't think. We play "yes
A person, of course, can't al
ways disagree with bis instructor.
In the first place, those duty
creatures (not meant to be an
U-inclusivt term) art usually
right. In the second place, Emily
Post and the rest of the world
have agreed that it's not the, prop
er sort of thing Ho do.
So we often go on playing alley
cat, compiling our lists of "my
instructor thinks this" notes, and
roaring to high heaven and lowly
hades outside of class about that
dumb egghead, who dishes out
drivel and superstition discarded
by most human in the early
Stone Age.
Actually, our lives at alley-cats
are much more comfortable than
those of tigers. There aren't as
many armed hunters seeking us
out, and it doesn't require nearly
as much food (in this case, know
ledge) as it would if we were ti1
gera (thinkers, not repeaters).
Wanf Ads
drift into these inner sanctums.
And in those rare moments when
I'm not clipping blue cards with
aqua clips, or punching date-due
cards, or counting paper clips, I
will sit and ponder the whys and
the wherefors of a particular sit
uation. For instance, the question has
been raised to me: how much ef
fort went into planning the Pub
Hoard nominations and organizing
support for certain candidates?
One wonders why the final exam
week is again on the eight day
schedule when the students voted
4' t to 1 for the two week schedule?
One begins to question why the
men's pep organization selects
not elects its officers.
One asks why Spring Day was
omitted from the University cal
endar? And on the conversation goes. . .
My answer to these questions is
that the Student Council is now
seeking their answers. For the
most part, the Council has initi
ated action on all of these issues.
It is now up to those group who
hsve been contacted by the Coun
cil to realize some action of their
Certainly it is my hope that the
remaining Pub Board members
are selected on the basis of who
will best serve the purposes of
thtt Board and not the interests
of any student group. It is hoped
the Division of Student Affairs will
continue its work on student vot
ing on faculty committees, Spring
Day, final exam week and the
Tribunal. The Corn Cobs should
take seriously the recent rejection
of their constitution by the Council.
Certainly the only action agreeable
to trie Council will be the voting
of all Cob members to continue
to let its officers select their suc
cessors. And the thoughts run on. . .
H4 '-MF'-, .
faculty lot was made every hour
on the hour for two days of two
weeks by the campus police, the
survey showed that many parking
places in the faculty lot (that's
the area behind their new Student
Union. I think) re consistently
"Tills ia a current problem nd
should be dealt with Immediately."
Editorial writer Roger Myers
goes on to say that 'he hopes tlie
K-8tate traffic board will do some
thing about this situation.
Around here with the number of
faculty who re skootlng around
in Volkswagens perhaps there
should be legislation to cut the size
of faculty parking areas. It's ob
clous there won't be many faculty
people driving bulky Cadillacs. And
it's further obvious that the foreign
cars would fit very snugly Into
the corridors of Andrews. There's
As long as I'm on the exchange-ideas-and-fUl-space-j
a g here's
bit of information from the
North Carolina Tar Heel (which
is a pretty decent newspaper.)
Coumnist Gail Goodwin says,
"The writer of
(his column
woi.ld like to
icknowledge all
the gentlemen
who so enthusi
a s t i c a 1 1 y
responded to
S aturdays
item concern
ing the conceit
ed coed. I hear ' " t
that Saturday
night the girls'
dormitories were filled with boys
asking if there were any coeds who
didn't have dates and nobly offer,
ing to take such leftovers as may
be had out wining, dining and da no
"Here T must admit that one
facet nf the enigmatic personality
f a coed whs left out in the hunte
of writing Saturday's column:
pride. If she had been marooned
on an Island for six months with
out seeing a man, she would Mill
die a thousand deaths before ac
cepting a Saturday night dale lit
7 p.m. Saturday night. Puzzling?
Yes, but true.
Are you in vogue? Flunking out
of school and all that stuff. If so,
kick yourself hard and settle
down. That's the advice which
comes to us from the TCC at The
University of Whidmore.
Now it seems that members of
the venerable organization are sure
that students who are in school
aren't here for anything more than
the social whirl. So they (TCC
members) try to get people on the
stick and settle down to the work
of college.
It would be interesting to see a
group of Students at our Univer
sity band together to start prod
ding people (even forcibly) into
studying. Or they might encourage
some laggards to drop out of college.
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