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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1957)
-J a ' Friday, October 11, 1 957 5 M ' 'Howdy Neighbor' Making final preparations for the "Howdy Neighbor Party" to be held Saturday night in the Un ion ballroom are Connie Bausrh, Bob Sepahpur, Nasser Erf an; Honorary Producer Candidates Named . Names of candidates for Uni versity Theatre's Honorary Pro ducer campaign were released yesterday by Joe Hill, student head of the contest. According to Hill, "The number of houses entered in the campaign has been gratifying, and we hope that the competition will be of benefit to both the houses and to the theatre." Candidates art as follows: Gam ma Phi Beta, Nancy Belschner; Delta Delta Delta, Carolyn Wil liams; Kappa Delta, Barbara Mill nitz; Pi Beta Phi, Sally Wergert; Alpha Omicron Pi, Zella Long; Kappa Alpha Theta, Jacquelyn Miller; Alpha Chi Omega, Marty Haerer; Alpha Xi Delta, Myrna Mills; Zeta Tau Alpha, Anna Meyer; Chi Omega, Judy DeVil biss; Sigma Delta Tau, Sondra Sherman; Delta Gamma, Eleanor Kessler; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Mary Margaret Lewis; Alpha Phi, Terry Ross. Towne Club, Mary Stastny; Sig ma Chi, Jack Ely; Sigma Nu, Pete Laughlin; Sigma Alpha Mu, Harold Friedman; Delta Sigma Phi, Bill Duffey; Phi Delta Theta, Morgan Holmes; Zeta Beta Tau, Steve Cohen; Theta Xi, Bob Hans; Phi Kappa Psi, Bill Ashley; Hitch CHICKEN PHONE 5-2178 FREE DELIVERY anfcS Open Seven 115 So. TURNPIKE BALLROOM By Popular Demand . . . A TWILIGHT DANCE 7:0011:00 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 RALPH MAflTfERIE And His Fabulous Orchestra Call 5-9812 for Reservations THE BOVTXfcAT classic ?f. - fin a by For tayW wiaa ca-cda, the camel blir boycoit ii I major elective. It lake top honor for tailored gnurtawaa. An Imperial boycott ii your very belt bay, for Hbw more atyic and tow sort place with am ranee. Milium nti Hoed for all-weather comfort. Imperial Supreme 100 tamel hair m Natural or Nary, with ocean pearl buttons. Armme) gj" Second Floor 7)X WMI mm J C if 3 1 Ml . Nebraskan Photo John West, Film Committee Chair man; Charlene Anthony, Hospital- ity Committee Chairman; and Sidney Jackson, President of Cos mopolitan Club. cock House, Gary Miller; Kappa Sigma, Ken McCallop; Bessey House, Dale Knotek; Alpha Tau Omega, Steve Leeper; Sigma Al pha Epsilon, Jim Roman; Theta Chi, Frank Gillen; Delta Tau Del ta, Dave Pennington, Acacia, Bart Bredenkamp. The Honorary Producer cam paign is decided on the basis of the number of tickets sold in pro portion to the membership of the house. Last year's winners were Phyllis Chard, Alpha Xi Delta, and Larry Carstenson, Theta Xi. Details of the presentation, which will be in conjunction with University Theatre's first produc tion, will be released next week, according to Steve Schultz, Mas quer's publicity director. The date of the presentation will be Oct. 23, the opening night of "What Every Woman Knows." Nebraskan Want Ads Lovely room with kitchen, TV, shower For 2 gentlemen. Ph. 3-0966 after 3:00 p.m. Fresh cigara for Plnnlngs CLIFFS Lin dell Hotel, kcross from the CornhuiKer. DELIGHT WE NOW SERVE Chfekea Delight .1.35 . 85c Dinner Chicken Delight Snack Shrimp Delight Dlaner Shrimp Delight Bnark Fish Delight Dinner .1.35 85c ... 95c Days A Week 25th St. m Aim ' I i, i imurtMitaM .', T ,. . -U v. . aU..- i8--,.. . ,..i!gkJ...LU Ag Union To Feature Fall Dance Movies, campus organizational displays and a dance will be fea tured at the Ag Union's Fall Roundup, Friday at 8 p.m., in the College Activities Building. The event, which is open to the public, will begin with a reception line composed of University ad ministration personnel, Ag College faculty members, the Union Board of Managers and Ag Innocents and Mortar Boards. Short films in color and sound will be shown in the TV Lounge. Troy Fuchser is in charge of the showings. Movies to be shown in clude: "Begone Dull Care", "Bron co Busters", "Pheasant Fever" and "Grand Canyon". Ag organizations will have dis plays set up in the Gym.- The dance will begin at 9 p.m. in the gym. Bill Albers' Orchestra will provide the music. Intermission en tertainment will be a trio consist ing of Shirley Chab, Sharon Hoska and Sandra Sobolick. Roger Wehrbein and Nola Ober mire are in charge of refreshments for the evening. Committee chair men for the open house are Bill Spilker, Ag Union Board chairman; Gary 3riggs, dance; Don Schick, entertainment; Marilyn Jensen, hospiltality; Chris Johannsen, pub licity, and Keith Claubius, student faculty. Planning committee members In clude: Miss Jensen, Mrs. Kathryn Peters, Ag Union Activities Direc tor, LaVonne Rogers and JoAnne Fahrenbruch. PERSONAL Are you dead after Exam week? Bring your corpse to the Sigma Nu "Monster Relly" Saturday night at aundown. If we can't rejuvlnate your aplrlt we guarantee a decent burial. A aplrlted combo will offer music for the undead. JOHN WAYNE JANET LEIGH U.S.AIR FORCE HYCfUPPfJI MARK NANS conrkd TKCHNtCOLOtV Different Tastes By now, I'm sure all educa tion majors will know what I'm talking about when I mention the term "individual differences". (If you don't you better look it up because it's bound to be on a test). Any way, that's the topic of the day. (Individual differences, not tests) You See King's Drive-in's have provided for these in dividual differences by offer ing different foods to satisfy different tastes. Some people for instance, would rather have a creamed orange and french fried onion rings (not together, perhaps) instead of a rootbeer float and french fried potatoes. And they can get these foods at any time at Kings. Try all the different foods now at Kings! H7il?ClilVB5 jiniiiiMiwI iaiiiiiiiBintfuni iif; f MVMM MNtRET u ; 7 . ' 1 Urv r : ! - '-1 lHfirM - -rr V!'-' Il JI II vtltj 'S v,v menthol fresh rich tobacco taste most modern filter The Daily Nebraskan On The Social Side: 1 Hate By NANCY DELONG Society Editor The crowning of "Miss Daisy Mae" Friday will climax the Sig ma Alpha Epsilon "I Hate Wom en Week." The eleven candidates and their respective sororities are: Judy Berry, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Barb Carrie, Gamma Phi Beta; Julie Dowell, Pi Beta Phi; Sandra Elles, Alpha Phi; Mar ilyn Hill, Pi Beta Phi; Sandra Elles, Alpha Phi; Marilyn Hill, Pi Beta Phi; Sally Leacock, Alpha Omicron Pi, CeCe McClain, Kappa Alpha Theta; Carol Matcha, Chi Omega; Linda Rohwedder, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Beth Schumach er, Alpha Xi Delta; and Sandy Wells Delta Gamma. Several beards were grown at the SAE house during the . week. Three other ' fratarnity parties Fashion As I See It Slacks are a campus favor ite this year, especially when worn with a crew neck sweat er or a perky white blouse. Vic Gene slim line slacks are the ones for you. This smart pair of corduroy slacks has a back zipper for a per fect fit. Two small pockets lead the way to hip line flat tery. Your waist line will have a slim look when you add the matching corduroy belt. Ankle length pants with a zipper cuff make this outfit ideal for any co-ed. The solid tones of red, coco, aqua, and black mix well for various color combinations While you are In Gold's second floor sports wear take a look at the new Bobby James blouses. You will find the one shown here and many other new styles for fall. y ' T jN rj Makeptae ..... 5.95 Women and three teas for housemothers will also be held this week-end: Friday Alpha Chi Omega Beta Sigma Psi, Hour Dance, 4:00. Alpha Omicron Pi Actcia, assistance with campus. Kappa Alpha Theta Delta Upsilon, Exchange Dessert, 6:30. Terrace Hall Brown Palace, Hour Dance, 7:00. Towne Club Alpha Gamma Sigma, Hour Dance, 7:00. Towne Club Alpha Gamma Sigma, Hour Dance, 7:00. Fall Roud-up, Ag Union, 8:00. Palladian Literary Society Pro gram, Temporary J, 8:00. Pharmacy Department Picnic 5.30. Saturday Alpha Omicron Pi Beta Sig ma Psi, Game function, 12:30. Alpha Phi Phi Gamma Delta, Take vacation fun I 0 back fo LOOK FOR THIS United States Rubber OCtWUkt CCHTtR. Him VORK I Ok ).., A new idea in smoking . . .. "Smoking was never like this before! Salem refreshes your taste just as a glorious Spring morning refreshes you. To rich tobacco taste, Salem adds a surprise softness that gives smoking new ease and comfort. Yes, through Salem's pure-white, modern filter flows the freshest tas'e in cigarettes. Smoke refreshed ... smoke Salem! . Take a Puff. . . It's Springtime WeeL Game Function, 12:30. Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Sigma, Jam session, 2:00. Alpha Omicron Pi Beta Sig ma Psi, Hour Dance, 1:30. Fedde Hall Burr Hall (B), Hour Dance, 7:00. Foreign Student Mixer, Union. Sigma Nu 'Monster Rally" house party, 9:00. Beta Sigira Psi Dinner-dance, Lincoln Hotel. Sigma Phi Epsilon "L'il Abner" house party. Sigma Phi Epsilon "Hobo" house party. Towne Club Slumber Party. Sunday Alpha Phi Tea, 3:00. Chi Omega Tea, 2:30. Sigma Delta Tau Tea, 2:30. Alpha Omicron Pi Sigma Al pha Epsilon picnic, 2:00. school BLUE LABl Paqe 3 Square Dancers Elect Clark Head John Clark has been elected president for this semester of th All-University Square Danceri. Other officers include Richard Miller, vice president and social chairman; Janice Montgomery and Mary Seberger, secretary treasurer and publicity chairman. Phil Cole is the advisor. The next dance will be held Oct. 18, at 8 p.m. in the Ag Campus Gym. Rodeo Club Students interested in rodeos are invited to attend the Rodeo Club meeting, Wednesday, in the Ag Union Lounge. Members who have been admit ted to the club must pay their dues by the meeting. i' 1 " '"any J THE EXPLOSIVE STORY OF YOUNG i - - i, 3 j -7 4 CINemaScoPIt 2a CMwVsl ftr TODAYS MOST EXCITING YOUm STARS! JOANNE WOODWARD SKEF.EE NORTH TONY RANDALL JEFFREY HUNTER 4J I MiTOHELL Sfc PATRICIA OWENS BARBARA RUSH PAT HUE CrUd by & J. Atjnolcls Tobtcoo Compuf mar aaV 4 mw tf B aaii I IV r ': f.-'.f . 'r