The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Fridav. October 11, 1 957
v V
Editorial Comment
Some Notes..,.
Looks like the last of the C. Clyde Mitchell
affair is just around the corner. The liaison
committee of the Faculty SenMe has been re
quested by the Senate to submit a report at the
next Senate meeting (that's Nov. 12) on its study
of tne case.
During the last days of last semester the
Faculty Senate heard the report of the special
committee appointed to handle Dr. Mitchell's
request for an investigation.
Subsequently the Senate asked the liaison
committee to study the findings and make rec
ommendations. We noted a couple of weeks ago that the
Mitchell case has become a classic around the
colleges of the country. We hope that the find
ings of the liaison committee will be classically
just and the recommendations equally as fair.
This newspaper will be ready to print the
entire group of findings of the liaison committee
so that the student body will know the hand of
justice reaches as far as the law will allow it.
But if nothing else, we will be glad to have
the records straight and just as happy to see
the books closed on the case.
Kansas State College at Manhattan is looking
toward the day when it will be Kansas State
The student council there is discussing con
ducting a poll of the faculty and students to
find out what the popular sentiment is concern
ing the name change.
In good old college news style the K-State
Collegian stopped its article on the name
change right there. We read nothing as to why
the name change was proposed, who proposed
it or what action would have to be taken to
make the switch.
We suppose, though, that the students at
Kansas State are sick and tired of being looked
on as inferior to their playmates over at KU.
Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, who
appeared at the University of Nebraska last May
will appear at Kansas University Nov. 7.
Still plugging for changes in the economic aid
to foreign nations ole Black Jack told the
Economic Club in Chicago that the gap between
developed and -under-developed countries is
growing greater instead of smaller.
The able Democrat suggests a program of in
vestment for the underdeveloped areas of the
world. This would be, he believes, "seed cap
ital" to private investment, both from this coun
try and from Europe.
He's always taken a firm stand against the
U.S.' giveaway program.
The Vermont University Cynic is hailing a
social revolution.
"What we refer to is the new stand being
taken by the Administration in regards to women
students. Raincoats over Bermuda Shorts and
9:30 curfews for freshmen women are a thing
of the past." The paper goes on to say that this
change in policy is a wonderful and shining hour
in the history of the University.
So it's pretty obvious that NU was way out
Yet we'd still like someone to take the offi
cials in Ellen Smith Hall aside and clue them
in that there seem to be a number of house
mothers in fraternities who didn't quite catch
the ruling on hours for girls to visit the houses.
One house mother put it this way, "I'd rather
see the girls here in the house visiting or study
ing than out in the country someplace."
Or maybe this housemother just heard the
dean wrong about when young ladies could not
be in the men's houses. Perhaps little posters
for the bulletin boards wouldn't be too far out
of the question.
Your Nebraska . . . A New Look
The Daily Nebraskan is beginning today a
series of activities which the State of Nebraska
offers its citizens and visitors in the way of
amusement. We hope that through the coopera
tion of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, The
Nebraska Division of Resources with the able
help of John C. Kelley and the Nebraska Game
Commission under the direction of Mel Steen
those unfamiliar with the state can benefit from
its beauty and bountiful sporting opportunities.
Saturday the goose hunting season opens in
the state. Duck hunting began last Saturday.
Sandhills areas are having a good number of
hunters swarm to the kill, but experienced duck
chasers report that in southwest portions of the
state ducks and geese are quite abundant.
One stated, "I went to a farm pond near Dav
enport last Sunday and saw more geese than
ducks. Too bad it wasn't a week later."
He said that a great amount of equipment
wasn't necessary as he just crouched in the
bushes there and got his bag limit.
On the other end of recreation, the Lincoln
Community Concerts people remind us that the
deadline for obtaining memberships is bearing
down fast.
Apparently the Symphony Orchestra ticket
campaign is still going strong. No deadline has
reached this office on that campaign.
The Religious Week
Religious Editor
Methodist Student House
1417 R St.
Friday, Oct. 11
7:3ft pja. Wesley Weds
Sunday, Oct. 13
S p.m. Supper and forum, "The Nigeria Story",
Joseph Bifarin, speaker.
7:30 p.m., Kappa Phi "Rose Sunday services,
St. Paul chapel.
Tuesday, Oct. 15
7;30 p.m., Kappa Phi-Sigma Theta Epsilon
r joint program.
Wednesday, Oct. 18
7 a.m., Cabinet
7 p.m., Bible Study.
Baptist-Christian Student Fellowship
1237 R St.
Friday, Oct. 11
7:30 p.m., Open house at the home of the Uni
versity Pastor, 1204 So. 26th St.
Sunday, Oct. 13'
i p.m., Supper, worship, and forum and film
on AUF.
Wednesday ,Oct. 16
7 a.m., Cabinet meeting
7 p.m., Evening Vespers.
Newman Club
1603 Q St.
Sunday, Oct. 13
Masses 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 a.m.
Weekday Masses 6:45 and 7:14 p.m.
Saturday Masses 7:15 and 8 a.m.
Confession 7:30 p.m. Saturday and before all
Religious Classes
7 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
11 a.m., Tuesday and Thursday.
7 p.m., Tuesday (Ag Activities Bldg.)
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
Student Union
Saturday, Oct. 12
6:30 p.m., Hayrack ride, meet at Union.
Thursday, Oct. 17
7:30 p.m., Fellowship.
Ag Interdenominational House
3357 Holdrege
Sunday, Oct. 13
5 p.m., Supper, worship, and skating party.
Congregational-Presbyterian Fellowship
333 North 14th St.
Sunday, Oct. 13
9:30 a.m., Morning worship.
11 a.m.. Morning worship.
5:30 p.m., Supper and forum, "Our Summer
Relived: From Agape, Italy, to Greenwich,"
Clare Grasmick and Bill Wax, speakers
Monday, Oct. 14 .
7 a.m., Breakfast and Bible study.
3 p.m., Study of Contemporary Theology.
Wednesday, Oct. 16
7 a.m., Cabinet meeting.
7 p.m., Vespers.
7:30 p.m, Choir rehearsal
Thursday, Oct 17
8 a.m., Basic Christian Beliefs.
7:15 p.m., Sigma Eta Chi
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
JTIfereth Israel Synagogue
. agorj and Sheridan . .
Friday, Oct. 11
9:30 a.m., Memorial services for the dead.
8:00 p.m., Regular evening services.
Thursday, Oct. 17
6:30 p.m., Festival of the Rejoicing of the Law.
South Street Temple
20th and South
Friday, Oct. 11
Friday evening services.
Lutheran Student House
535 No. 16th St.
Saturday, Oct. 12
All Day Retreat.
Sunday, Oct. 13
9:45 a.m., Bible Study (535 No. 16th and 1200
No. 37th)
10:30 a.m., Coffee and Rolls.
11 a.m., Morning Worship.
5:30 p.m., L.S.A. Cost Supper.
6:15 p.m., L.S.A. program, "Problems of Mi
norities" continued.
Wednesday, Oct. 16
7 p.m., Vespers.
7:30 p.m., Choir rehearsal.
9 p.m., L.S.A. cabinet.
Thursday, Oct. 17
6:45 p.m., Church chouncil.
7:30 p.m., Membership Class.
Coffee hour, 3:30-4:30 p.m. daily.
University Episcopal Chapel
346 No. 13th St.
Sunday, Oct. 13
9 a.m., Holy Communion.
11 a.m., Morning prayer and sermon.
6 p.m., Canterbury Club.
7:45 p.m., Evening Prayer.
Tuesday, Oct. 15
10 a.m., Holy Communion
Wednesday, Oct. 16
7 a.m., Holy Communion.
7 p.m., Choir rehearsal.
Thursday, Oct. 17
10 a.m., Holy Communion.
University Lutheran Chapel (Missouri Synod)
15th and Q
Sunday, Oct. 13
10:45 a.m., Worship.
4 p.m., Gamma Delta Pledge orientation.
5:30 p.m., Gamma Delta supper, "My Expe
riences in Pakistan," Bob Rathjen, speaker.
Tuesday, Oct. 15
7 p.m., Christian Doctrine Study.
Wednesday, Oct. 16
7 p.m., Choir rehearsal
Thursday, Oct. 10
3:30-5:30 p.m., Coffee hours.
Friday, Oct. 18
6:30 p.m., Married Couples pot luck supper.
Daily Nebraskan
H'lliT V.RTY VVAD ftl n out of any member of th faculty of the CnlTrlty, ar
Wll-BIA. ItilIV3 me pt ol any person outside the Lnlverslty. The
Member: Associated Collegiate Pres. "VlT. ' '..""ee rSL
Intercollegiate Press mmud. February a, im.
Subscription rate arc 12. M Bar semester or 14 tot
Representative: National Advertising Service, the aeanemio yew.
w--.tA Entered u second elan natter at the port offlea ki
incorporated Uneoia, Nebraeka, under the act at auftut 4. UU.
Published at: Room 20, Student Union editorial staff
Lincoln; Nebraska
14th & R Mansginr Editor Roa Warholoskl
Tha aU (tebraskan 1. published Monday. Tuesday, 5'' 'b ireland Wti"t?.
Wo-.dar.nd Friday durin, cho. year, except Copj f dttnr Km.. '
during vacation and exam periods, and one issue
published durlnr A must, by student of tne University BUSINESS STAFF
mt Nebraska under the authorisation of the Committee ,.. Irm a.ilrntln
" J.T'?"m..'"'X ?1 Assistant s&CZ Man.l.r. V.Tom .'. . K.'"
mm Student Publication, shall he free from editorial J33!
.hi .. t the Hubcommittea or on toa CUwulatloa MMUtfat aratai ii aia mm ill rivrrai
Through These Doors
Just between us
Why the army department has
its drills at noon no one quite
knows. I don't think that the
ROTC department is trying to be
mean or take it out on the cadets
by means of a noon drill. And I
must assume the following are
not reasons that the ROTC de
partment has its labs at noon:
1) I believe that surely the
ROTC brass does not delight in
disrupting the fraternity, co-op
and dormitory meal schedules.
They realize, surely, what a big
jog it makes for the houses when
their meal schedules are dis
rupted. Then too the ROTC depart
ment must know that a noon
drill causes hashing problems in
the dorms and organized houses
and that it also prevents the hash
ers in ROTC from fulfilling their
hashing jobs, and earning needed
2) Also I must give the ROTC
credit for realizing that it is un
fair for students who have 11 and
1 o'clock classes to give up their
noon meal for the ROTC depart
ment. Dieticians agree that a regular
schedule of meals is necessary
for maintaining good health.
3) In addition to the health rea
sons, also the break at noon has
certain psychological effects. It
gives the students the opportunity
to take a breather between classes.
The ROTC department must re
alize all these faults in having
its drill at noon. What then, is its
reason for it? Surely the officers
do not have it at noon so that
they will not have to be around
from 5-6 p.m. This time would
be much better for all the stu
dents, but of course the officers
now spend that time at home, or
wherever officers spend their
time. . , . ". .. :
We would not like to believe that
it has it's drill at noon to see
how far it can push the ROTC
students, and how far they can
force them to go. Perhaps, this
would not sound unreasonable to
some, but actually the ROTC has
ample opportunity to take out its
by bob ireland
T ran across an old cure for
Asian Flu the other day as I was
peering through the family ar
chives in the wine cellar.
This bit of voodoo mysticism
was contained in a secret epistle
from one Dr. Cranston Bullfrog to
the last George Crawlingtoad. The
text was in ancient Egyptian hieor
glyphics so I had some trouble
translating it.
It seems that Bullfrog was ex
perimenting in his subterranean
laboratory and by accident dis
covered a cure for the Asian flu.
At that time the disease was rather
limited in' influence. Such things
as the plague were ravaging the
land so Bull'rog didn't bother to"
reveal his serum to the world.
However, now that Asian flu is
in style I thought it my Hippo
cratic duty to divulge its mystic
ingredients to the world.
Here my friends is the secret
as quoted from the Bullfrog
Crawlingtoad correspondence: ". . .
and so I feel that I must at this
occasion tell you, friend Crawl
ingtoad, of a most interesting ex
periment I made last evening in
volving the isolated Asian flu vi
rus. Interesting enough this min
ute organism responds violently to
a mixture of fermented mashed
juniper berries, aniseed, fennel,
and turpentine .diffused slightly
with a French wine called ver
mouth. "As I watched the little bug
swimming groggily in the beaker
full of this weird potion I acci
dentally spilled an olive into con
tainer striking the bacteria on the
head and killing him. However,
after repeated experiments I must
conclude that this formula of fer
mented juniper berries, a dash
of vermouth, and an olive is only
a temporary antidote the process
must be repeated for several
I don't know what the signifi
cance of Bullfrog's work is be
cause I can't find any juniper ber
ries but I thought I'd pass it on to
you for humanity's sake.
VJant Ads
Doc llodgers
orneriness on the students in var
ious other channels, namely its
assignments, rifle-cleaning details,
marching, and two-hour periods of
standing review, not even men
tioning just having to wear the
ROTC uniform all day, which, in
itself, is severe enough.
In fact the only advantage in
having it - at noon, is that then
they won't have to have it in the
morning or afternoon
Thus, the inconvencinces the
drill time causes many residence
halls and houses, and the disrup
tion it causes in the normal per
son's meal schedule outweighs any
There is a saying that the army
travels on its stomach; this one
A couple of days ago, a friend
of mine peered up at me with
watery eyes through the cigarette
haze that hung over our coffee
cups, and began to lament, rather
incoherently, about the toughened
University social policy.
I must admit that it has been
toughened. The Office of Student
Affairs has even gone at far at
warning some campus housemoth
ers that their jobs might be placed
in jeopardy if all their house's
function! were not registered af
fairs. However, there may be just a
bit of justification for the clamp
down. If a function is registered,
it will be a well-behaved one for
no house wants to risk the terrors
of an unexpected visit from the
Dean under embarrassing circum
stances. Then too, since registered
functions have nothing to hide,
they normally will be held in the
house because they are less ex
pensive that way. This eliminates
the dangers of roaring around Lin
coln surrounded by a two ton
deadly weapon sporting nearly
200 horsepower.
There is a third factor that
might contribute. Last year, dur
ing the great Mickey Mouse on
the IFC, a resolution was passed
by that body to the effect that
the fraternities had no' confidence
in either the administration or its
policy. This statement has never
been rescinded. Therefore, if the
fraternities have no confidence In
the administration, how can the
administration have any confi
dence in the fraternities? T h i
Letterip . . .
To the Editor:
Well, they're off again.
Those Cornhuskers are flying
right now (I suppose) to Pitts
burgh with the burden on their
shoulders that the pickerpack has
said they'll lose to the Panthers.
It doesn't seem to matter too
much whether that bunch wins or
loses. They'll play hard and try
to do the job.
As I write this it's hard to say
how many were at the sendoff
rally this morning. But I would
think that it would be a fine idea
for the students of the University
to crowd the airport when the--team
returns and let the people
around Lincoln know that what
we practice we preach.
So whether the outfit wins or
loses we can cheer the football
players for playing hard for old
I suppose that would be some
sort of a test, wouldn't it?
Tom Ryberg
To the Editor:
Just how does any student feel
that they have a right to vote on
any student committee? On what
basis does he claim such a right?
Is it on the basis of natural rights,
philosophical arguments or re
ligious rights?
It appears that the indignent
ones are under the delusion that
their status here at Nebraska U.
is the same as their adult status
in the U.S. All Adult citizens have
the right to vote for representa
tives. This is based on Locke's
concept of a contract existing be
tween individuals in the society.
I ask you just where does this
contract exist between you and
anyone else at the Uni? What
makes you think that the faculty
is your government?
The fact that the faculty al
lowed you to vote previously has,
like wine, gone to your head.
What was once and still is a privi
lege, you now seem to assume
is a right.
I would like to know another
thing. On what basis do you as
sume that any student has the ne
cessary training or background to
be voting on Uni policy?
Is the students's point of view
the most important thing to be
considered in making Uni policy?
I hardly thihlc so. The' fact' that
the faculty allows some students
to sit on their committees is more
than adequate demonstration of
their desire to run the Uni as best
as they know how.
Student opinion should be heard
and made known to the Uni facul
ty. The fact that students even
sit on faculty committees is ade
quate. Yenem
might be a point my watery eyed
friend and others along 16th Street
could ponder.
The recently released figures on
enrollment point up a rather lu
dicrous parade. Last spring, an
ticipating' an enrollment deluge
that would make the flood appear
at a mere summer thundershow
er, the Chancellor went before th
Legislature for the necessary
funds to cope with' the Impending
problem. The general tactics of
the administration were reminis
cent of the battle the foreman of
a county bridge gang carriet on
with the county commissioners ev
ery year.
The foreman always goes to the
commissioners with a request of
about a fourth more than he really
needs. Thit is because he know 3
that the commissioners will cut a
fourth off of any budget he sub
mits, unless of course he submits
too big a budget. If he does that
the commissioners are liable to
give him less than be got before.
So the chancellor, looking prop
erly needy, got his commissioners
to grant him three fifths of what
he said he needed. Then he got
tuition raised to provide another
boost, and so came out with about
three quarters of what he had
asked for. The administration then
settled back to await the expected
influx to these temples of learn
ing. But there was no influx.
Perhaps the administration, by
trying to prepare for an increase,
has killed it off. This too might
be something for someone to think
The other day, at a student
council meeting I was privileged
to attend, a young man had the
audacity to suggest that this Uni
versity was created for the stu
dents. Because of possible penal
ties that might fall upon this gen
tleman should I mention his name
in connection with such heretical
statements, he will remain anony
mous. Besides that, I don't know
what his name is. Then too, he
might have a book that is over
due at the library.
This contention was advanced
as an argument in favor of the
two week exam period. It seems
that the University calendar for
this semester has an eight day
allotment for the final exams. The
reason advanced by the Univer
sity for this change it that in
structors would have more time
to check papers and compile
grades if the final dayi of the
traditional two weeks were allot
ted for this instead of testing.
The instructors giving exams at -the
end of the eight days should
have a considerable advantage
over those whose tests ara sched
uled earlier. Toward the end of
the eight days, students will be
so weary they will be able to
write only a little in their blue
books before falling asleep. This
will greatly reduce the time their
instructors will have to tpand
grading these papers.
New Penney's
. . . match your
letter and exact
school colors!
Style that's new an tomorrow,
yet backed with years of Penney
experience in shoe craftsman
ship! That's the new Towncraft
brushed leather chukka boots.
Wear 'em with outside panels in
plain chino or with your school
colors 'n letter. Come with red
rubber soles. Yes, they're San
itized, too.
Sizes 6'2 to 12 . . ,