The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1957, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Tuesdoy, October 8, 1957
The Daily Nebraskan
Poae 3
Nov. 15 Deadline For Nominations
tight NU Coeds; Two Mums Chosen Countesses
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Coartry SumUy Journal nd Sur
Courtesy Sunday Journal acd Sux
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Coonesr Suwtay Jour&al and Sur
Eight University students are
amr.g 14 royal countesses of Use
1357 Ai-Sar Ben Court of Quivera.
They are Helen Hot ' Holly"
Hawke, Beverly Buck, Patricia
Ann Higgin. Sara Henrietta Hubka,
Karen Kathleen Basks. Ana Clare
Kiffin. Ana Klosleraiaa and Mar
lene Kuhlman.
Miss Trudy Ana Scriven and
Miss Mary Kathenne James, 1957
graduate of the University. ill
also be countesses.
The countesses will be present
to honor the new King and Queea
Com? SokUt Joaru and Star
of Ai-Sar -Ben at the annual coro-1
nation ball. The ball will be held
, at the Ak-Sar-Bea Colliseuia ia j
Omaha Oct !8 and 19.
j Miss Ha ke is the daughter of i
j Mr. and Mrs. Kent Hawke of Lin
cola. She is a member of Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority and Phi
Sig;:na Iota and Alpha Lambda
Delta honoraries and will gradu
ate front the University ia Febru-
j ary. Her mother is a Conner prin-
i cess of Ak-Sar-Bea.
I Miss Back, a senior at the Uni
versity, is a daughter of Mr. and
j Mrs. Glena B jck of Lincoln. She
Harriet Feese Crowned
Annuo 'She Delta Theta'
Harriet Feese. Kaa Alpia
Theta Junior from Tecum sea was
crowned "She Delta Theta" at the
Phi Delta Theta 2nd Annual House
Party Satoday.
Harriet was presented a dozen
roses and 2n engraved traveling
trophy by "Ace" Mxavec. x-al
The fun party featured a mock
Initiation at -hich ail the girls re
ceived replicas f tie Phi Ielt
badge. Music for the Jrundred and
eAnty-five g-jests was provided by
the Mel Wilson Quintet.
Harriet was escorted, by her pin
to ate. George Peterson.
Activities of an "un-Sxial" na
ture would best describe the ac
tions of the meaken of Sigma
Alpha Epsion this week.
Housemother, cooks, and instruc
tors, will be the only women privi
leged to comirumcate with the
jg Alph's who are observing
"Kate Women Week" during this
entire week.
If you can make them talk to
you girls, you will find them locked
in the pillory in front of their
bouse for half n hour before
l.'nch and dinner as punishment.
The gui'ty ones will also bear signs
s&ymg "l spoke to a women."
The week will 'be climaxed by the
fraternity's Annual Little A oner
House Party, Saturday.
Eamona Burgett, teaching in
Yt-i, Jrrm Beverly. Kentucky to
pon Ellison, . senior in Easiness
Administration frora Waco.
Jean Cutler, Sigma Delta Tau
fro a Orriaha to Lany Schwartz.
Sigma Alpha Mu senior ia Medical
School from Omaha.
Pinning $
Jjdy Dotithit. Delta Dflia Delta
Junior ia Teachers fr.ox Curtis
to Lynn Van Winkle, Sigma Chi
senior in Teachers from Bellevue.
Car la Simodjmes frcra Wahoo to
K. R. Kraft, Delta Upsilon j'uniar in
Engineering from Wahoo.
Leona Wallin, Sigma Kappa from
Tildea to Joha Kavan Theta Chi
senior ia Engineering from Red
Oak Iowa.
Edythe M.orrow, Kappa Alpha
Theta sophomore in Teachers frorm
Freraont to Dick Rudolph. Sigma
Xu senior in Business Adxmistra
tioa from Fremont.
Cathy Seakck. Chi Omega jun
ior in Xurses Training in Omaha
from Council Bluffs. Iowa to Jack
McCorrrick, Phi Gamma Delta
from Omaha.
Anna Meyer, Zeta Tau Alpha jun
ior in Teachers from Lincoln to
Len Tassone. Theta Xi junior in
Arts and Sciences from Youngs
tan, Obis. v
KNUS Schedule
10 M
Sign on
Spins and Xeedles
KXUS Radio Xews
Spins and Xeedles
KXUS Radio Xews
Sports Picture
Campus Record Room
KXUS Radio Xews
Campus Record Room
KXUS Radio Xews
Campus Record Room
KXUS Radio Xews
Sign off
CtvMr Sonday Journal and 9tar
is a member of Kappa Alpha The
ta sorority, Thela Sigma Phi, Kap
pa Tau, Alpha, Gamma Alpha
Chi and Alpha Lambda Delta.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Higgins of Schuyler, Miss Patricia
Ann Higgins is a junior at the
University acd a member of Delta
Gamma. Before enrolling at the
University Saa fall, she attended
Mills College in Oakland, Cali
fornia. Miss Sue Henrietta Hubka. the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Hubka of Beatrice, is a senior at
the University. She is a member of
Delta Gamma.
Miss Karea Kethleen Banks is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Banks of Burwell. She is a senior
at the University and a cnember
of Alpha Xi Delta sorority.
Miss KifEn, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Monte Kiffia of Lexington,
NU Education
Council Will
Review TV
i Members cf the Council far
Better Education will hear an ex
planation of the University's pro
gram of sending television into the :
school classroom at their fall meet-,
' ing in Lincoln oa Oct. 14.
' Dr. K. O. Broady, Dr. G. B.
CbiJds and Jack M: Bride. Univer
sity staff members, m-ill speak.
A telecast of aa English class '
and a visit to KUOX-TV are sched-
I uled.
I Richard Brown, executive secre
j tary of the State School Boards As
sociation and Charles Marshall,
president of the Nebraska Farnr
Bureau will interview State Sena
Otto, and Willard Waldo.
AH organized bouses are advised
to buy their cornhuskers before
Nov. 15th. After November 15th
the Cornhuskers will no longer
count towards the nomination of
beauty queens or eligible bache
lors. The house may nominate one
candidate for every 25 Cornhusk
ers purchased and a board of
judges will screen the candidates
down to twelve.
The Cornhusker sales will closs
around Jan. 1st.
Court rsr Sunday Jama ud Star
attended college at Loretta Heights
in Denver during her first year.
She is nor- a Delta Gamma at
the University. i
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry j
Klostennan of David City, Miss
Klcstermaa is a senior at the
University. She is a member of
Chi Omega.
A senior at the University, Miss
Marlene Kuhlman is the daughter !
of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kuhlman'
of Hooper. She is a member of i
Delta Gamma sorority. i
Miss Scrivea, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Scrivea of
Scottsbluff, is a member of Delta j
Gamma; and Miss James, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Vantine James of
Nebraska City, is a member of
Delta Delta Delta and was May i
Queea in 1357.
1KC-57 CrBBBskers taat have
ot beea claimed may be picked
p any afteraora this week ia
the yearbook office, accordiag to
Shari HalL basiaess editor.
A Campus-to-Career Case History
'I y-irw-;yNfW'gi,iw''ai num.. n i - u i in in i uni iiiiiu.ii him
.-.'A .
) hi? "J
M Lit
nail ii iiiiiiin- r i.
Bill Tyer discusses features of a training prof ram for operators uith Miss Edith Sanders.
"There's always something different"
"In my job, there's always something
different coming along a new problem,
a new challenge. When 1 got out of col
lege I wanted to make sure I didn't settle
down to a job of boredom. There's never
been a chance of that at Bell."
That's Charles V. (Bill) Tyer talking.
Bill graduated from Texas Christian Uni
versity in 1953 with a B.S. in Commerce.
He went right to work with Southwestern
Bell in Fort Worth.
How did he make his choice? Here's
what he says: From hat I'd seen it was
an interesting business with tremendous
room for expansion. And a big feature
with me was the opportunity lo choose
my location. I wanted to work in die
Fort Worth area.
"I came in under the Staff Assistant
Program for college graduates. I spent
several weeks in each of the company's
five departments. Then I went back for
six months of intensive training in our
Traffic Department.
"After training, I was promoted. One
of my first jobs was setting up and super
vising a customer service improvement
"In January, 1956, I was again pro
moted. My present job is assistant to the
District Traffic Superintendent My re
sponsibilities include instruction of PBX
operators, employee and public relations,
and scheduling operators to handle calls
to and from 1S5.000 telephones.
"No there's no chance for boredom I"
Bill Tyer is typical of the many young men who are
finding their careers in the Bell System. Other inter
esting careers exist in the Bell Telephone Companies,
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Western Electric and
Sandia Corporation. Your placement officer has more
information about these companies.
Feelin blue? Need money, too?
Wlf? Students, we've got news for you!
til IT irir rrt,l,ll.N,nil.ll.lrr, ,.-1 ,,S
Dance Lesson
To Feature '
'Jitterbug' !
The Jitterbug will be the feature f
of the free dance lesson tonight;
from 7-8 p.m. aa the Union ball-
room, according to Sally Downs, (
dance chairman. i
This will be the second of the;
free dance iessoa series super
vised by instructors from the Fred
Astaire Dance Studio.
These lessons are for those who
wish to learn the jitterbug and
thsse who would like to improve,
according to Miss Downs.
A3 students are invited to at
tend. NU Meds
The XU Meds organization will
boM itr first meeting of the
school year at 7 ?t p.m.. Wednes
day in Bessey Hall Auditorium.
Fall Roundup
Slated At Ag
College Union
'Fall PuOraiKtup wall be the
theme of the Ag Union annual
open house Friday from t 13 12
p.m.. ia the College Activities
The Eoundup. which is open to
the public, will feature shKt mov
ies, campus .organizational Als-plaj-s
asd a dance.
Guest members of the adroinis-,
tration, faculty and the Union
Board will be ia the receiving line.
Ag College members of the Mortar
Board and Innocents also will be
included in the reception line.
Committee chairmen for the
open bouse are Bill Spilker. Ag
Union Board chairman: Gary
Brings, dance; Don Schick, enter
tainment; Marilyn Jensen, hospital
ity; Chris Johannsen. publicity and
Keith Glaubius, student faculty.
Radio Society Sets
Tuesday Meeting
AH those interested in attending
a meeting of the Amateur Radio
j Society meeting should be in room '
! U of the Military and Naval Sci-1
jence building Tuesday at 7 p.m.
J The Society is sponsoring a rad
lio.eode and theory course to aid
those wishing; lo obtain either their
! novice or general class amateur
j radio operator's license.
The club invites anyone interested
in learning this bobby to attend
'the meeting.
Now that school is in full
swing (uaderstatemect), no
rie seems to have much more
than 5 minutes to call their
ipra. But 5 is 5
minutes, and if you teel that
5 minutes cf your time is
litre to be saved, may I make,
a susrestion on a wsy to
save that 5.
Don't waste time waiting
for order?, or menu's or wait
when ordering a cut) of cof
fee. Use the handy phew
system at Kings Drive-in now.
You 11 find it's Coffee time in
no time at Kings.
what is aiSTT tD&CT?
Bill McCormack
sua Mta
Tor a r
pi i jHiimi .i .u. a i
i L
, i xrA P
Sand ycurs in end
Robert Goidmon
Arkansas Slate Teachers Cofl.
MOST POPULAR GAME that ever vent to col
legethat's Sticklers' Just write a simple riddle
and a two-word rhyming answer. For example:
What's a big cat shot full of holes? (Answer
peppered leopard.) Both words must have the
same number of syllables bleak freak, fluent
truant, vinery finery. Send Sticklers, with your
name, address, college and class to Happy-Joe-Lucky,
Box 67A, ML Vernon, N. Y. Don't do
drawings! Well pay $25 for every Stickler we
use in our ads and for hundreds that never see
prinL While you're Stickling, light op a light
smoke light up a Lucky. YouH say it's the
best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked!
Product rf iCjfs4aJeeoy3a(teisemrmiJduam