The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1957, Image 1

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Vol. 32 No. 12
Pub Board
Preliminary interviews for stu
dent members of the Publications
Board will be conducted by the
Nominating Committee of the Stu
dent Council Saturday, according
w jonn Kinnier, chairman.
At the weekly meeting of the
council Wednesday, Kinnier
stressed that all students who ap
plied for the position must be pres
ent at tneir interview.
Kinnier also urged each Council
member to think upon and check
into the qualifications for Pub
Board members. He stated that 15
students have filed for the Pub
Also at the Wednesday meeting
Dave Keene, chairman of the tri
bunal committee, announced that
Fran Gourlay is secretary of the
He then explained that the Stu
dent Tribunal Charter voted upon
by the student body last spring was
merely a general framework, and
the Tribunal Committee will be
setting up the actual charter this
Tom Neff, chairman of he Cal
endar Committee, reported that his
committee will have its first meet
ing on Oct. 17. Neff also reported
that as chairman of the Book Pool
Committee he had written to other
schools asking for information
about their book pools.
Light Showers
To Spell Indian
Summer End
Indian summer may be on its
way out.
Yesterday's strong,
Winds are ex
pected to bring
the first rain
fall of October
today. Show
ers will be
light in the
west, while
othc sections
will get only
Today's high J
is forecasted
at 84, with part
ly cloudy skies. "Yesterday the
temperature reached 78 with a low
of 50.
NU Senior Offers Partial
Solution To Parking Ills
A partial solution to the campus
parking problem by the utilization
of "R" Street for parking space
fca oeen offered by Eugene Wright,
senior in Architectural College.
George Bine! Print
Collection Shown
The Arts and Exhibits Commit
teee of the Union is featuring the
George Binet Print Collection of
French lithographs.
The prints fall into four classi
fications: original lithographs,
sketches by artists, lithographic
interpretations of existing works,
nd mechanical reproductions.
Some of the artists whose works
ere included in the collection are
Henri Matisse, Pable Duir Picas
so, Victor Hujo, Vincent Van
Gogh, Edouard Manet, and
Clones Rouault. '
The pictures will be on display
in the Main Lounge of the Union
for about two weeks.
University lidded Afeiv Lots This Year
Chief Copy Editor
Ed. Note: Tbls is the last la
fries of articles concerning
I be parking situatioa at the Uni
versity. More will follow on spe
cific problems, measures of cor
rection, and plans which will
rome in the future.
There's space for most students
to park cars even if they have to
walk a few blocks is the conclu
sion that must be made after re
viewing the statistics and talking
with University officials.
The University's downtown
campus currently has 2876 park
ing stalls available for students
living more than eight blocks from
the college area according to fig
ures released by the Campus Po
lice. Statistics also show that some
2899 students had paid for park
ing stickers which entitled them to
use this available space as of
New Lots
New this year are lots in the
vicinity of 17th and Vine streets
which accommodate approximate
ly 2W cars according to Sgt. John
Furrow, chief of the campus po
lice. However, almost all of the avail
able parkine area behind the Stu
dent Union will be lost sometime
In Wwemb-r. ?'-3rd:n? J 5 m
Pittenger, special assistant to the
I ' " " ..iiM.ii.,m gsaM'
iiiniii.iiiiiii4 WMMniMrMHMi hm mm im6w,,.MmsmiLM
Penny Carnival
Last minute preparations are
underway for tonight's Penny
Carnival as Town Club girls (left
ROTC Tutor
First Lt. Wayne Handshy, form
er University football player, and
Capt. Leslie Fosterman, have been
assigned to the University of Ne
braka's Air ROTC staff, Col. C.
E. Duncan, commandant, announc
ed today.
Lieutenant Handshy has been
stationed i n
Germany for
the past three
years- He re
ceived his
Bachelor o f
Science degree
in business ad-
business ad- -- ,
iiiitri- ft
mi from thef i ft
19o3. and was
a member of Courtw UnnlB 8Ur
the University Hanasny
football team in 1950 and 1951. He
is a member of the "N" Club.
He is married to the former
Charece Sweeney of Lincoln.
Captain Fosterman has recently
returned to this country from a
three-year assingment in Japan.
He received his Bachelor of Arts
degree in physics in 1952 in Whit
man College, Walla Walla, Wash.
During World .War IL . he served
in the South Pacific area.
He is married and has two chil
According to his plan R Street
from 10th to 1 6th would be a one
way street going east, accomodat
ing campus traffic only. The pres
ent parallel parking would be
changed to diagonal parking, thus
allowing five cars to park where
ony two cars park now.
Wright estimates that more than
200 additional cars could be parked
The present flow of traffic could
be diverted to "Q" Street.
When questioned about a more
inclusive solution, Wright remained
optimistic. He feels that if a prac
tical attitude is adopted toward
the situation, a suitable solution
will be found.
Wright warned against sacrificing
beauty in order to obtain a func
tional solution. He cited the park
ing lot that is under construction
west of Teacher's College's new
annex as an example of beauty
being sacrificed lor a functional
Oiancellor and member of a spe
cial University parking commit
tee. "We have been conscious of the
fact that we would lose the space,"
Pittenger said, "and we have tried
to provide additional space" to
compensate for the loss. Pittenger
added that the Union loss was
more than equaled by the newly
constructed lots between 16th and
17th and North Side and Vine.
Both Furrow and Pittenger em
phasized that the lots near 17th
and Vine although available for
fraternities and other students and
having a capacity of over 200 cars
are never more than half-filled.
It required over $4500 to con
struct the new lots, Pittenger
"Things are going to get more
and more crucial in the central
area" of the campus, Pittenger
stressed. He also mentioned the
difficulty in acquiring parking
space of a central locale which
would satisfy all of the people in
volved. Development
The chancellor's assistant an
nounced four specific evidences of
the University's parking develop
ment. 1. The provision of new lots
which are oreisently in use.
2. The mitual effort which Is
being made by the Student Coun
?! j V ;.
w wis v ,-
to right) Rochelle Hergenrader,
Donna Bryan, Sandi Newlon and
Sandy Haack work on their entry,
Junior and sophomore wom
en who are Ag-at-large or
Barb-at-large and who are in
terested in becoming members
of Tassels will be interviewed at
Howell Memorial Theatre Mon
day at 5 p.m.
Car Accident
Causes Death
Of Student
One Uniyersity student, Allen
Heng, was killed and three others
were injured when a deer huntin
were injured when a deer hunting
trip ended in a highway accident
Maxfield Osborn was taken to , Knows," the theaier's initial pro
an Alliance hospital unconscious, j duction of the year.
Jim Hurley and Jarry Jouee were The Honorary Producer contest
apparently less seriously injured. an annual feaure of Univer-
According to state trooper Paul : sity Theater's seson ticket cam
Manley the car in which the four ; paign. Each organized house on
students were riding went off t-'ie campus is invited to enter and
road on a Highway 2 curve four-1 each nominates i candidate. The
tenths of a mile west of Whitman.
Heng was tnrown trom the car.
The party planned to hunt deer!
at Crawford. 1
Square Dancers
University Square Dancers will
hold a dance at the College Ac
tivities Building, Ag Campus, Fri
day at 8 p.m.
Admission will be 35 cents per
Memberships will be open and
1o.inn nt n(risn tk. .
ing semester will be held.-ac.'or air force) vho will graduate
cording to President Don Her-fin June, 1900, r Jan., 1!, are
man. eligible to take the examination.
I It is a prerequisite to making
Pub Board
Publications Board Interviews
will be held in Parlor A of the
I'nioo beginning at 1 p.m. Satur
day. Applicants must come at the
times previously scheduled.
University G ets Title
To 160 Acre Plot
The University has finally the signature o president Andrew
gained title to the 160 acre plot ! Johnson, has fiolly arrived at the
of land on the east edge of the ' Lancaster Couny Courthouse. The
Ag Campus. The land, under Uni-j patent conveys title of the prop
versity cultivation for more than i erty to Brown miversity of Rhode
78 years, had never been recorded I Island and its igent William Mc-
in the Lancaster County Register
of Deeds Office.
A copy of an old land patent,
dated Nov. 9, 1806 and bearing
cil Parking Board of Appeals and
the University.
I. The special committee on
parking which was established
last spring by Chancellor Har
din. Members of this committee
are Dean J. P. Colbert, Carl
Donaldson, John Davidson, a Stu
dent Council representative, Pit
tenger and Furrow.
4. The close co-operation be
tween the Student Council and
the campus police in the issuance
of the 1957-58 parking stickers.
Possible Fee Raise
When asked if there would be
a possible raise in the parking
sticker fees, Pittenger replied that
it would be "one control measure
that should be considered along
with the other possibilities."
Pittenger stated that the special
parking com mi tee, of which he
is a member, will take surveys
of the parking situation in their
efforts to provide a plan for the
Sgt. Furrow stated that the
campus police issue very few tick
eU to fraternity and sorority mem
bers. He also mentioned the il
legality of parking between the
sidewalk and the curb.
"We have been extremely
pleased with the cooperation we
have received from the city po
lice in helping us with the parking
problem on campus," Pittenger
Lincoln, Nebraska
"Ring a Town ClubGirl." Penny
Carnival will be held in the
Union Ballroom at 7:30 p.m.
Producer Nominees
Due YIednesday
Nominations for U n i v e r s i t y house selling most theater season
Theater's Honorary Producer cam- tickeU , proportion to mem
paign are due Wednesday, accord- -ship is winner and its candidate
mg to Dr. Dallas Williams, director is named Honorary Producer, re
of University Theater. ceives , trophy and hig pic.
At the same time Masquer's, ture in every University Theater
the dramatics honorary society, is program.
making plans tor the presentation Accordmg t0 Joe ml head of
n"4rS' 'the student ticket sales- "We'
place, Oct. 23. j looking forward to a better Pro-
Steve Schultz, publicity director j ducer campaign this year than we
for the organization, said that if have ever had before, even thoush
present plans work wt the pre'
I sentatlon shou3d be of the out-
j standing events of first semester.
ju will be a feaWre of the first
i night of "What Every Woman
Military Sets
Air Force officrs qualifying ex-
aminations will be given October
12 and 13. according to Colonel
according to
I Carter Duncan, Professor of Air
Science. ;
i A'! TtClTr atllffente l)rm!I TiCrr
plications for tie air force ROTC
advance course. j
The tests wil be given in the
Drill Hall of th Military & Naval
Science Buildiix, are sched
uled to start at8 a.m. both morn
ings. The test will last approxi
mately five hous, with breaks giv
en for lunch.
McClintic sol the land to a
man named toses Culver after
McClintic horndeadtd it. None of
the parties invved had ever filed
a title.
The proclamtion signed by
Johnson and ' M. Granger, re
corder of the Oneral Land Office
it was awarderin connection with
an act of Confess of lf2 to do
nate public lads for "colleges
and universitii for the benefit
of the agncultral and mechani
cal arts."
This dfS"'1 mean;, wever'
that the lands-as sold for Urn -
versity use. Ti benefits obtained
were originallyo accrue to Brown
University thrch the sale of the
. ,. ,
rr'. V? h.eVer T1
that the land light one day
or that the wdmg of the la
would be literily put into prac
tice, accordingo Courthouse offi
cials. Lincoln city ffictals bad asked
University autlrities to clear the
mie oi tne lan in connection witn
the proposed ludenmg of 4th .
Street along tl east edge of the
Red Cnss Board
Membes Selected
Nancy Mori and Malou Par
rot have beeiselected new Red
Cross Board embers, according
to Kay Kruegt president.
Nancy wil! jt as chairman of
the LARC Scbl committee with
Dee Dillman her assistant. Ma
lou is in char; of Vets' Hospital.
Nancy is a mior in Arts and
Science, a me er of Builders and
Gamma Phi eta. Malou is a
sophomore in eacher collece, a
member of iKseis and Kap;a
everateera Klouses
Penny Carnival will be held to
night in the Union Ballroom at 7:30
p.m. The carnival, an annual
event, is sponsored by Coed Coun
selors. The chairman of the carni
val this year is Sandy Kully.
A winner will be selectad from
the 17 partcipating houses and
they will be awarded a traveling
trophy for the coming year.
Tickets will be on sale at the
door for 35 cents, and students
must vote for their choice of booth
at the time indicated on their
tickets, Miss Kully said.
Judges will be Helen Snyder,
dean of women, Nancy Norman,
music department, and Miss Jean
Stange, home economics depart-
the contest ha been tradition
for many years. For "one thing, the
j added publicity should make the
'honor worth more than ever to
thp win
we have a more popular season
than we have had since Howell The
ater opened; tickets should be eas
ier to sell than ever before."
Each organization has named a
campaign manager to support its
candidate. The orznizatons andiJ0 television fraternity at the
their campaign managers are as I University of Nebraska, has ini
follows: Alpha Chi Omega, Marty j ated four new members into ac
Haerer; Alpha Omicron Pi, Ze'.la' tive membership. They are: Phyllis
Long; Alpha Xi Delta, Myrna ! Bonner, Dixie Helms, Bod Mattel,
Mills: Bessif Hons Millar-
Chi Omega, Gretchen Paul; Delta
Delta Delta, Carolyn Williams;
Delta Gamma, Eleanor Kessler:
Delta Sigma Phi, Bill Duffey; Del -
Tan floTfa n i .
ta Tau Delta, Dave Pennington
Gamma Phi Beta, Nancy Belsch-
i T' Hitchcock House, Gary Miller;
I uo jujw:iy
I .ujiier; jvappa ueua, caroara Aiiu -
jnitz; Alpha Tau Omega, Steve
ILeeper; Kappa Kappa Gamma,
I KaPPa Sigma, Ken McCallop; j
PW Delta Theta, Chuck Richards; I
ap-!phi Kappa Psi, A! Kitzelman; Pi,
Beta Ftu, SaJiy Wengert; Sigma
Chi, Jack Ely; Sigma Delta
Tay, Sandra Sherman; Sigma Nu,
Pte Langhlin; Zela Bata Tau,
5tv rVihon- 71 Ts,, Slntia
n- rfo,,. 4-h0 vi nk uL!Tounding Midwestern states who
mm .i . iu..a svi is-jij nana, i
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Herb Trol ,
basco; Theta Chi, Bart Sigerson.
, ,
,ri a niuy rrvnuicrt
were Larry Carstenson. represent-;
u.B .to m a.w, M.jmo -ui
Alpha Xi Delta.
Year Books
Somr 100 students paid for
yearbook and faili-d to rome
to get them, according to Sbarl
Hall, busing editor.
Thy will be available every
afternoon at the C'ornhufker
office for only one more week.
To Ag Staff
j Keith Zoellner has been appoint
ed to the Ag College staff as as
sistant Extension animal husband
man. j Zoellner, a graduate of South
Dakota State College at Brookings,
! rpp!uprl hie hnrhf1rir if arienno An.
gree in animal husbandry and his
; master of gdencc degrec m anj.
; maj breeding,
j ., , ' .,
! in "V
a member of the livestock judging
team, B1k and BMe Club
be-ifjhow cjrcujt showi gnd m
w u .
beef cattle. He also was a gradu
ate research assistant in his field
After finishing undergraduate i creased 231 students from last
wsrk in J953, Zoellner joined the year. The administration attrib
army for 2 years as specialist third : utes this fact to tuition increase
class in the Army Veterinary Corps and a tightening of entrance re
at Dallas Texas.
. .
Heckman To bneak !
At Radio-TV Lcb
Mr. Casscy Heckman of radio
station KLIN will address fhe all
Radio-Television laboratories at 3
p.m. Monday on the subject of
local announcing and sales work.
Mr. Heckman graduated from
Butler Unniversity in Indiana with
a Bachelor of Science degree in
radio and television. He served as
m announcer with WAJC-FM in
Indhnapolis. and went to WTT Y
in Springfield, Ohio and W JIM TV
in Lansins;, Michigan as an an-no'incer-salcsman.
He began at
KLIN as an annmivcer and is cur
rently wording tlipre as announc-er-salesmati.
ment. Student voting will be from
7:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. The win
ning booth will be announced at
9:30 p.m.
This year Penny Carnival is us
ing a new floor plan which allows
17 booths to enter instead of the
usual 14. There is a $10 evaluation
on each booth and a $20 evaluation
on costumes.
The purpose of Penny Carnival
is to better acquaint the freshmen
women of each house through
working together on their booth
entry. Each house designs, builds,
and operates their own booth.
Each booth is built around an
original theme with a game for
spectators to play and prizes
ewarded to the lucky players.
The organized houses, themes,
and pledge and active chairman
Alpha Chi Omega, "Alpha Chi
Honey-Comb"; Kay Turner, Cindy
Alpha Omicron Pi, "Win A
Heavenly Prize with the AOPI's";
Ellen Rourbaugh, Sarah Chris
tenso.i. Alpha Phi, "Alfalfa Phi"; Sue
McGrath, Gail Christenson.
Alpha Xi Delta, "Alpha Zoo";
Georgie Stover, Shirley Gibb.
Chi Omega, "Pirates Past
Time"; Ginny Marx, Marty Han
son. Delta Delta Delta, "Pitch a Ball
to a Delta Doll", Mary Metcalf,
Glenda Kline.
Delta Gamma, "D. G. ump";
Carol Morrhead, Sandy Lichten
berger, arid Eleanor Kessler.
Initiates 4
Alpha Epsilon Rho, national rad-
ana Jim UOlCweil.
Also these nine new pledges were !
announced: Bill Cooper, Johnj
Williams, Ron Green. Bob P y 1 e. !
1 Dick Janowski, Chuck Smith, and
TTrt-ll " - '
j Members of the honorary organ
ization are chosen on the basis of;
-iu muiu hjrj
j ijcvuiuii, aau recognition 01 me
j individuals performance and tal -
ents in the field.
Morrill Exhibit To Feature
Recent Works Of Eleven
vc j.UJiB a; uut jrom ur-
. . . ,
f re relvlnf mP"'n
tlon 'lU "ch "hibit two of their
recent works in a show opening
Sunday (Oct. 6) at 2 p.m. at the
university of Nebraska Art Galler-:
let Inrn Hal i
les. Morrill Hall.
The show was assembled upon! Marv Chenoweth, of Colorado
an invitational basis by Norman i Springs, Colo
Geseke, director of the Galleries. John TaHeur, a member of the
None of the paintings has been j University of Kansas faculty and
exhibited before in Lincoln. a 1952 Fullbright Scholar;
The artists are: this works are owned by Museum
Ted Kuahara, instructor at Iowa ' of Modern Art and Metropolitan
: State Teachers College, Cedar Falls
received the Springfield, 111., Art
Association purchase award.
Patrick Dinon, of St. Paul, Minn.
Ken Goehring, of Colorado
Springs, Colo.; received the Colo
rado purchase award at Canon
City, Colo., annual show.
Owen Brainard, former !nstruc- The Agronomy Club will go to
tor at Drake University, D E S j Kansas State College Saturday for
Moines, and now a member of the annual Kansas-Nebriska
faculty. I Agronomy Club Exchange.
Paul Olsen, a native of West i Approximately 10 club represen
Branch, la., who is now an instruc-1 tatives and their advisor. Dr. John
tor at Minneapolis School of Art;
received the Minneapolis Institute
of Art purchase award.
Robert Bailey, of Kansas City,
Mo., who was a 1950 Fullbright
Scholar and received the 1955 Mid
American purchase prize.
nrollment Opinions Vary
University enrollment has de-
quirements. A poll taken of Ur.i-
versity students indicates a sim-
As Neil Rucksdashel, a senior
in business administration, said:
"Because of increased tuition, it
is almost as cheap for studenta gineering, said: "People complain
to attend Colorado University," jso much about the administration
Ann Holloway, a sophomore in that others go where they can
arts and sciences, expressed the ' have fun." Creg Ecklund stated:
same view: "Students have to j "The administration hasn't prog
work before they can get enough -t nsed in their views of social
money pay the tuition, especially drinking." Another student said
out - of - state students."
One student expressed it like on their moral views."
this: "For the price of the tuition. I Other views ranged from a "lack
not enough is offered the student." j of pride in their school" to "no
On the issue of entrance re- j tradition" to "students are going
quirements, Ruthie Gilbert, a jun- to better schools" to "studtnts are
ior in t-a'-h-r's college, summed : poing to smaller schools because
it up by Kiyl-z. "I reslly bf':tv they are afraid of the University'
that the more strict entrance re- j moral refutation."
Friday, October A, T 957
Gamma Phi Beta, "Put Out That
Gamma Phi-er"; Jo Wyrens, Susit
Kappa Alpha Theta, "Theta
Wonderland"; Kathy McCrady,
Susie Moulton.
Kappa Delta, "K.D.'s Humpty
Dumpty Land", Dee Dillman, Caro
lyn Whitney.
Ag Campus
Tiger Cat
There was a new staff member
in the Department of Information
on Kg Campus this week. It's a
George, a 3 month old gray ti
ger striped cat, wandered into th
ment's office
looking for a
home. Depart
ment staff
members took
pity on George
and gave him
something to
eat and a
place to sleep.
During h i s
stay m tne
Depart- George
ment, George did nothing but sleep.
He picked a file box on one of
the Department secretary's desk
for his bed.
When dinner time came around
and George looked hungry, one of
the secretaries gave him part of
her lunch. The Dairy Department
also furnished some milk for
George to drink.
It has been rumored that George
spent time in several classes on
Ag Campus. Students reported that
George was seen in Zoology and
Agronomy classes. One student
reported that George crawled up
on a chair and fell asleep during
a lecture,
While visiting the Department,
Georze didn't seem to have a wor.
! ry. He now is assured of a good
' - L t.l t t.i .
nome Decause fnu Holman, assis
tant Experiment Station Editor.
took a hking to him and has de-
tiucu u matse mm a pan 01 nis
i Holman reports that George is
I bousebroken.
Paul SrrHh, instructor at Iowa
State Teachers College, Cedar
Falls, la.; received the first award
oil at Des Moines Art Center show,
John Basher, a member of the
aCu:ty at Eethany College, Linda-
Museum, both in New York.
William Bartsch, won first sward
at Minnesota State Fair in 19.56.
NU Agronomists
To Tour K-Sfate
Godding, will make the trip.
The group will tour the Agron
omy Department facilities and tha
Agronomy Farm at Manhattan,
The group also will attend th
Kansas-Nebraska football game.
quirements has cut down the en
rollment." Several students, however, held
an entirely different view. They
felt that the administration and
faculty was at fault. "The studenta
are not treated like adults," waa
the opinion of Priscilla Prieb, a
junior In teacher's college.
uikk miaoipn, a senior in en-
i simply: "The faculty is too strict
I I J 'i
t ;