The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1957, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Poge 4
The Daily Nebraskon
Wednesday, October 2, 1957
- -
' r r . yr-t
ft .J . J..-,.. , . .
Top Ballet Stars
Lupe Serrano and Erik Bruhn
will be seen In the Lincoln Com
munity Concert Association's per
formance by the "American
Ballet Theater." Lupe Serrano
ban brilliant technique, fiery
The Outside World:
Judge Replaced
Federal District Judge Roy W. Harper disclosed he has been
assigned temporarily to Little Rock. Ark. presumably , to replace
Judge Ronald Davies. Davies handed down the ruling for integra
tion of Central High School and will retain jurisdiction in the case.
When asked whether he knew the reason for his assignment to
Little Rock, Judge Harper said:
I have no information. Judge Davies has a docket Oi his own
and he's the only one in his district. I would assume he's got to get
back (to North Dakota) to hold his court."
Budget Increase
The U. S. government announced yesterday that federal spend
ing will rise to 72 billion dollars this year, which is 200 million dollars
above President Eisenhower's January budget estimate.
This trend is forseen despite the extensive congressional economy
Government income will be 734 billion dollars, an amount 100
million less than was anticipated. This will result in a reduction in the
surplus of 300 million dollars to V billion dollars balance.
The changes will hamper all hopes for any substantial tax relief
next year, as was hoped earlier.
As for the fiscal year 1959, the administration is now aiming for a
reduction of two billion dollars, to a total of 70 billions.
Beck's Home
Bouncy, irrepressible Dave Beck, retiring Teamsters Union presi
dent, isn't quite ready to abandon the palatial home his union has
provided him rent and tax free at Seattle,' Wash.
Beck is leaving the union's top post following his involvement
in scandals developed before the Senate Rackets Investigating Com
mittee, headed by Sen. McClellan (D-Ark).
One of the things the Senate investigators have charged to Beck
is that he used Teamsters union funds to build his Seattle home,
then sold it to the union for $167,000 and still occupies it.
Japan Wins Seat
Despite a strenuous Soviet campaign to win the seat for Czecho
slovakia, Japan has been elected to the U.N. Security Council.
With the backing of the VS., Japan received 55 votes to 25 for
Japanese Ambassador Koto Matsudaira called the vote "a clear
expression of the confidence and expectation "of the member nations
coward Japan.
Haitians Told To Shoot
The ruling military junta told the people of Haiti to shoot any
of the men the provisional government has listed as enemies of
that state. This order, including women terrorists as well as men,
was made to avert a possible political rebellion.
Little Rock
The regular Army troops at Little Rock's Central High School
were replaced by Federalized Arkansas National Guardsmen last
Tuesday. For the first time since integration began at the school last
Wednesday, the six Negro girls and three boys walked into the
school without a military escort.
Governor Faubu. still considering the possibility of calling a
special legislative session to deal with integration, said he expected
to decide this week or next."
Atomic Agency
The jiew International Atomic Energy Agency opened its first
general conference with predictions being made that the agency
would advance world peace and lift the level of human welfare.
The Soviet Union is seeking tne approval of Red China as a mem
ber, and is also trying to block the election of U.S. Rep. W. Sterling
Cole as the agency's director general. The Soviet government news
paper Izvestia said the United States was seeking to control the
agency for purposes of 'atomic colonialism."
Tax Evasion
An Omaha executive was fined, yesterday in U.S. District Court,
H0.000 on two counts of evading payment of $37,215 in taxes. John A.
Swanson, president of Standard Blue Print Company at Omaha, pleaded
bo contest to the charges.
A practiot for all men interested
fat Orchesis win be held by Noel
Schoenrock today at 5:00 p.m. in
Grant Memorial Physical Educa
tion Building.
Fraternity. Sorority & Organise
ioa Lritorhoada . . Lvtton ...
Kvws Bulletin ... Booklet
... Program
313 Hortk 12tK Pk. 2-2357
Opei EswHirg.
Scturlffy end Sunday
21 Lanes Automatic
Tin Setter
923 Ko. 4$tSFhont 6-1911
temperament, and beauty and
has a special interpretation of
classical and contemporary
roles. Erik Bruhn is one of the
first-rank male dancers of classi
cal roles.
for dress
far play
for everjr dayl
JS.S5 ti $11.35
juiii.iiii in . .i .i.
A r T ' S . aacil, av ixwi aarrla 1
7' jy i " j
? ri a rvr:
7" fh mld mi
j S-JL- - -j
Concert Tickets Now On Sale
The University students will
have an opportunity to purchase
tickets for the Lincoln Community
Concert Association productions at
a special reduced rate for a lim
ited time.
The tickets are available to Urn-.
versity students for $4 per ticket,
the price is $7.50 for all others.
The tickets at this special price
will only be available between Oct.
2 and Oct. 12.
The University sales are under
the direction of Marilyn Heck,
senior in Arts and Sciences, who
heads a committee of 60 workers
with a representative in each
The Lincoln Community Concert
Association is a non-profit organ
ization formed by civic-minded cit
izens of Lincoln. It will bring
some of the world's finest musi
cians and musical ensembles to
the city.
Five attractions will be present
ed the first year of the community
concerts. All performances will be
held in the Pershing Municipal Au
ditorium. The first attraction will be "La
Traviata" by Verdi, on Oct. 22.
La Traviata will be presented in
English by the NBC Opera Com
pany. This NBC opera has been
seen by more people than any oth
er opera in history. Its television
version has been seen by millions
of viewers.
Under the guidance of producer
Samuel Chozinoff, musical direc
tor pt?r Herman Adler. and a
talented group of
young Ameri -
can singers, the opera na
become a reality for the first time
in the United States with an Eng
lish translation.
Last year the company visitied
47 cities giving 54 performances
r.t 'Th Mimnerf of Fiearo" and
'MrfmA RnttM-flv" receiving
acclaim everywhere. The tour of
last season led to an expanded tour
of 55 cities for the 1957 season
two operas of last season.
Starring in this production will
be Elaine Malbin and Igor Gorin,
with Kirk Oreste. Phillip Maoro,
Maria Di Gerlando, John Alexan
der, Frank Poretta and Cecil'.
Ward. The musical conductor will
be Herbert Grossman.
On Nov. 13, the American Bal
let Theater, the concert associa
tion's second production, will be
given. It will be presented by the
American Ballet Theater, the
world's most tra relied company
which has performed in four con
tinents; Euro, Asia, North and
Passion Play
Tickets Now
Students can still purchase tick
ets to the Black Hills Passion
Play at a 50 cent reduction.
The play ends its Lincoln run
with Wednesday afternoon and
evening performances.
A total 'of 2.834 persons attended
the two Monday performances of
the play, according to Don Jewell,
Pershing Municipal Auditorium
With Sunday's estimated attend
ance of 5,216, this brings the total
thus far to 8,050.
Square Dancers
The University Square Dancers
will sponsor a dance aat the Col
lege Activities Building on Ag
Campus, Friday, October 4.
Dancing will begin at 8 p.m.
Admission will be 3ac per person.
Membership for the year will be
for sale at this time also.
Election of officers for the com
ing semester will be held et the
dance according to Don Herwaej-,
Corriat frash
ip ciaanart
K yaar aiaa mm n te9d. ta tk
rik aiaa claanar f eloatf mHO. 9 ifw-Pal.
Splendid! fomp
Ttvnp 4own fSt f-
ittl MlitiM maMlalM I.Mlll aMMMM.
nmsm. it ywm mrm mm rwiiy Hrtisfwa, f
C O D.i. Ptipox4 Krw1iirf in U S A
Sn check f fnener
4m ' $1.75
M. B U BitwcH Cta. Euftalt TL . T,
with "La Traviata ' added to wen. vl ..
27TO.44S '
ftf I r . j
"HM&t-f -1. ,-.."; j.V, 4 i
I j tl L..,..,, .n,MlMi,ni .,,,,,, ...j I
. j Nw M tmm cart for ywr pipa !
- wi.iii. in 1 1 j whw ywf'r catrrewiMlW by all yaur I
St i "" ". "Piafol".
1 r t & h ic ha vf a
f ... , J I ' unfoi awi. dim hi your fck.
I J . Jf " wyh'f voa a ;
f ' I "buMmmi" awaal
I dm.
.' ! r" iHm pick far
. 1 "-" tmmp. Na aara avraatf
South America. Since its debut
in 1940, the company has per
formed in 29 foreign countries and
has appeared in every one of the
48 states.
This internationally-famous com-
noru ic YtvaA&A hv wrtrW acclaimed
. . ' . thp
American Ballet Theater. Sympho
ny, an organization which has
made many popular recordings.
Among the stars of the Ameri
can Ballet Theater are: Nora
Kaye, John Krize, Erik Bruhn.
Scott Douglas, Lupe Serrano, and
Ruth Ann Koesun. Supporting
these great stars will be Michael
Lland, Christine Mayer, Fernand
Nault, Enrique Martinez, Vernon
Wendorf, Joan Foman, Leo Dug
gan and Leslie Franzos.
During its engagement here,
American Ballet Theater will pre
sent ballets selected from a rep
etoire that critics everywhere
have praised as the most varied,
complete and vital of any of the
major companies.
American Ballet Theater will
contain one of the classiial works
of the Russian Ballet such as
"Swan Lake," "Giselle", or "Prin
Witnessed Army Game:
Visiting Huskers Comment
On West Point Grid Spirit
Much has been said about th?
Army spirit which prevailed at
, West Point last Saturday, t h
scene of the University's mast re
cent football game.
Jack McBride. director of KUON
Television, stated Thursday that
he witnessed a lunch at the mili
tary school which saw 700 fresh-
men "plebes" march into the mess
; hall, stand at attention, and chant
Beat jeorasxa in eiwiess viiw
uses. "It's unfair to compare the stu-
j . i a. . r ii- . Ti , . .... . v. . V. A :
According to McBride and othsr are
Huskers who attended the game ' Plac ' have to kt off stam
last Saturday it's a standing rule j "e added.
at the Point to relax Plebe re-j "The spirit out there gets you
strictions at the occasion of an j after awhile it penetrates," the
Armv victory. i student stated.
"Life is pure hell for a plebe."
one Husker commented after spend
ing the weekend on the West
Point campus.
The hazing is tremendous and
everywhere a freshman goes he
must run, the Husker football fan
went on to say.
In regard to the chanting dem
onstration which occurred dur jig
the Saturday noon meal, another
West Point "jsitor surmised that
"the plebes had apparently been
ordered" to cheer.
"There is a tremendous amount
: - i II-
I yimvi , ii : & ,j
Shirt Finishi"9 A
17 (7 16ll,N 2-5722 : Jl
j Sv-Jixrsssr D!DBEET(4CVENEVK
6Q'7 -fj SVIV Xs-'N.
LmperiaL jf I I
u. ' . . J V I v V-f 'New Show! CoHor, I
2.7!o.44 ; classic... A' " I y ( ' I B .k R'b K P 11
ft""" j iui r i! : M'" I over that's starting a R l
:W ?!!& In (-AO, ! f on in men's fashion. V'J; ;
42?A : WyW 13 Xl$r ! Charcoal Lcmbswoo! JkV
y. t. : v A i f - jwi with Red band trim; " fw I
f ' J 1 Ivy Wash Pants, Type VK j
! t ! Uilorei tmartneM. fh ....... I j.l-. ; - - -... VJ . f 1 '
mw. tu i .Km Imperial boycow C j ,4 I 4
MywryiKin,ff i : 4 "J Sweeter, $12.95 M i
1 k bM row tylr and tft 1 ffi''S:Jl i -v , t ' S
lined for II.weth ti I t - t f i 1 '
tWott-Imprrial ft vf '& ..m.,.i.:t hV ' ft , ' , V'
j Supreme 1W ranwl hiiir 1 I 'tfV "M . H- ti ft , wJj ll " ' ' '
j"5 V .11. i3m .H V , ;
r- w, v m . r.i urn ov i cmu bj i j
i T 1 L,l;lli,;fa!jO 1 I
cess Aurora" from "The Sleeping
Princes." It is likely also to
feature a work by a foreign chore
ographer, for example; "Winters
Eve", "Pillar of Fire".
Every important American chor
eographer is represented in the
company's repetoire works by at
least one ballet: Agnes deMille,
Jerome Robbins, William Dollar,
Michael Kidd and Herbert Ross.
A contemporary ballet will be se
lected from: "Fall River Legend",
"Fancy Free", "Rodeo", "The
Combat", "Theme and Varia
tions", "Interplay", "Billy the
Kid" and many others.
Three other programs will be
presented in the spring and will
be chosen from such as: "Obern
kirchen Children's Choir", one of
the outstanding children's choirs
in the world today from Germany;
"Varel et Billy", famous men's
singing group from Paris, France;
"Vienna Boys Choir", the original
Vienna choir that swept the na
tion several years ago, "Paul
Whiteman's Orchestra", "all new
with a guest soloist and other out
standing artists presenting an all
Gershwin program.
of school spirit at West Point. The
whole place is steeped in tradi
tion," the Husker fan stated.
"Army has a tremendous foot
ball team," the fan went on to say,
and "we felt no disgrace in los
ing." . "They have one of the most un
derrated football teams in the coun-
j try he reported
A Nebraska ROTC student who
flew out for last Saturday's con
test with the Black Knights of
the Hudson, commented that all
i 24O0 West
Point cadets "live n
common interest."
. . T- . -. M . 1 '
During the pre-game rally held at
West Point, one avid Army fan
while addressing a large group of
cadets, told of a visiting football
team who was quartered above
the Mess HalL the student said.
Apparently the Plebe chanting
went on from Thursday until the
opening kickoff and the visitors lost
the game to the cadets by a rather j
large score.
The losing coach was heard to
say after the game that he would;
never bring his team back if it
had to stay in the mess hall again.
Girls Want
Not Career
Girls at Skidmore College in
Saratoga Springs, New York, like
most of those in colleges
throughout the country want to get !
married as soon after graduation ;
as possible, and expect to work for
a few years either before or im
mediately after marriage.
Few of them plan long term ca
reers. And many are indignant
when told that current statistics
show that they will probably face j
a stretch of 25 years at paid jobs,
whether they get married and have
children or not.
In spite of this general inclina-'
tion toward romance and domesti
city, there are half-a-dozen job op
portunities for every graduate.
A Buffalo, N.Y., student, who is
engaged to an Air Force lieutenant
stationed !h Germany said, "we're
getting married right after grad-1
uation and we'll be living in Ger
many for a while, at least." '
"I want to work I'd feel useless '
if I didn't. But I want to have
children, too, and when the first
baby comes I want to stay at
home. I want to raise my own
kids." j
Fot I1 lfortio TOitirt yvn 1
vrrtaNS iMiutaTioN
Someday Service
Dry Cleaning
a:- i
u is I v x 1 tj I ill I V.J c
Want Ads
Fashion As I See It
Cool mornings and warm
afternoons make it difficult
to plan what to wear for
classes. Rain or shine, hot or
cold you will always be ready
for any kind of weather in
this corduroy coat from
This all purpose coat with
a matching hat has a slightly
detailed back with a saucy
bow adding the finished
touch. The tapered sleeves
and flared back make it pos
sible for you to wear it with
anything in your wardrobe.
The rayon-taffeta lining in
red and white or blue and
white checked lends to the
smartest of the outfit. The
coat is treated with Cavenette
to resist non-oily spots and to
shed the rain.
Cheery colors of red, char
coal, or natural help boost
that blue mood on those
dreary ra'ny days. Sizes
range from 8-18 and the price
is only 14.95.
GOLD'S second floor coats
and suits is the home of these
fabulous coats. Be sure you
have your corduroy raincoat
so you can beat the weather!
T ' ; Makepeaem
i-lP' V