The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1957, Image 1

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Page 3
Vol. 32 No. 11
Li ncoln, Nebraska
Wednesday, October 2, 1957
t i
Pub Board
File Today
All applications for student rep
resentatives on the Faculty sub
committee of Student Publications
must be in by Thursday, accord
ing to John Kinnier, Student Coun
cil vice-president. Only five appli
cations have been received so far,
Kinnier said.
Applicants should sign up for
tn interview at the time they pick
up their applications, Kinner said.
Interviews by the Student Council
Nomination Committee will be held
Upperclass students are eligible
for membership on Pub Board if
they have a 5.7 or better accumu
lative average and are not paid
staff members, columnists, or sec
tion heads of the Cornhusker or
Daily Nebraskan.
Present student representatives
on the Pub Board are Pat Coover,
senior, and Biff Keyes, junior.
Applications may be obtained in
Room 305 of the Union.
KNUS Schedule
4:00 Spins and Needles.
4.55 KNUS Radio News.
5:00 Spins and Needles.
5:30 Five Star Deadline.
6:00 Eventide.
6:55 KNUS Radio New.
7:00 Sports Picture.
7:15 Campus Record Room.
7:55 KNUS Radio News.
8:00 Campus Record Room.
8:55 KNUS Radio News.
,9:00 Campus Record News.
9:45 Final Report of the Day.
10:00 Sign Off.
Thanksgiving Release
On Student Directories
The machinery started to roll
In force Tuesday to get the Stu
dent Directories out to University
Sally Flannigan. the University
Builders Association's chairman
of the Student Directory, said that
tht tentative release date will be
the week before Thanksgiving.
Miss Flannigan pointed out that
work will progress more rapidly
when the freshman girls begin
to work after Activities Mart.
The cost of the book will be 85
cents and will include the names,
addresses and telephone numbers
of all students, faculty members
and graduate students of the Uni
versity. The Directory will also
include the business hours of the
library, the presidents and phone
numbers of all of the organiza
tions, a list of the pastors, a list
of the residences and the Univer
sity Extension Numbers.
High Temp
To Reach 86
If University students felt as
if they would get a heat rash Tues
day, they will probably be melting
by this after
noon when the
high tempera
ture reaches
86. Tuesday's
biph was 79.
Little or no
wind will blow
fresh breezes
through the air
to cool things
off. Does any
one remember
a year ago
when the temperature dipped to a
near freezing 36?
Temperatures this week will av
erage 3 to 8 degrees above normal.
Normal high is around 73 with
normal low around 41.
Prohibit Frosh Parking:
iovia Proposes Solution To Parking
The Traffic Committee and Traf
fic Appeals Board at Iowa State
University has drawn up a recom
mendation proposing that 1958
freshmen be prohibited from bring
ing cars to school.
The plan, which has been sub
mitted to Iowa State president,
James Hilton, will be taken up
by the Administrative Board and
eventually with the Board of Re
gents. Iowa professor of civil engineer
ing, Ladis Csanyi, stated that plac
' ing restrictions cn student automo
biles is becoming a common prac
tice in colleges throughout the
"The situation Is not unique. Ev
eryone is trying to find a solu
tion without being too harsh,"
Csanyi said.
A similar proposal involving par
tial parking prohibition of fresh
men cars was brojght up at a
Student Council meeting at Nebras-
ka by Dave Keene, last Year s
president of the Parking Board of
"- , , . . x
:unntwnu t V'; fe
A plan to improve the physical
fitness of Nebraska youth may be
organized at the Governor's Con
ference on Youth Fitness, which
will be held Thursday in the Love
Library Auditorium.
Representatives from any inter
ested organizations may attend
the conference, which begins in
Lincoln' at 8:30 a.m.
J. Gordon Roberts, member
of 'the advisory committee to
the President's Council on Yout'j
Fitness, stated that a kick-off din
ner will be held for some 150 per
sons at 6 p.m. Wednesday at Boys
Town. i
Dr. Shane MacCarthy, executive
director of the President's council,
will address both those at the kick
off dinner and the conference.
Presiding over the conference
will be Joyce Ayres, Lincoln busi
nessman. Miss Flarmigan's assistants are
the following: Anita Hall and
Gretchen Saeger in charge of fac
ulty, Margaret Gardner in charge
of the student lists and Nancy
Beal in charge of miscellaneous
The cover of this year's Stu
dent Directory will have the same
design as the Builder's Calendar,
only with different colors.
Named At Ag
John Skinner is the new Exten
sion poultry husbandman at the
Ag College.
He replaced Elvin Schultz, as
sistant Extension poultry husband
man, on Oct. 1.
Schultz resigned to become the
animal and poultry specialist at
Crete Mills.
Skinner is a native of Herman
and received his bachelor of sci
ence degree from the University.
He obtained his master's degree
from Texas A and M College Sta
tion. He was employed by the Poultry
Research Center at College Sta
tion from 1954 to the present.
Before that he worked 4 years at
the Norfolk Hatchery in Norfolk.
YR Meeting
The University Young Repub
licans will hold a meeting and
social hour Thursday evening
at 7:30 p.m. In room 315 of the
The meeting, the first, of the
year, will be for organization
pnrpoftes, according to Bob
Krohn, Young GOP president.
New members may join at this
meeting and sign preference
cards for committees.
This meeting will be the first
of the club's bi-weekly meet
ings. Refreshments will be served.
At that time- Keene stated that
the newly formed University Park
ing Committee was studying the
freshmen prohibition plan as part
of its research on the campus park
ing problem. No further word has
been released on the committee's
progress, however.
The Iowa State Daily stated In
its Thursday issue that ''figures
available from recent research
show that at least 60 per cent of
the Iowa State students bring cars
with them. With 6,000 cars belong
ing to students only, plus what the
staff brings, we don't have space."
the paper stated.
Iowa State has 1600 legal spac
es for parking on campus and
3,000 registered cars according to
Professor Csanyi. '
A parking investigation of Ames's
fourth ward which houses most of
the University students is present
ly underway. The paper reported
that driveways, tirenydrants, and
j public tnoroughfares are b e in g
Enrollment at the University to
tals 8,164 students, a drop of 261
students from a year ago, accord
ing to Floyd Hoover, registrar.
Chancellor Clifford Hardin said
that two factors are reflecting in
the decline: first, a tightening of
scholastic standards at the Univer
sity and second, the 33 per cent
tuition increased passed last April
by the legislature which became ef
fective this fall.
"The 1957 enrollment," Chancel
lor Hardin said, "is somewhat less
than pre-registration estimates but
it is understandable in view of our
tighter scholastic policy and the tu
ition increase."
Looking back into past Daily Ne
braskans, an April 24, 1957 editor
ial speculated on the tuition raise
and its effect on enrollment which
was Dassed the day before. "And
here are the results which, we be
lieve, will follow this action: 1)
Fewer out of state students will
be coming to the University be
cause of the tuition increase (2)
Facilities for a big increase in en-
rollment will not be necessary
as before (3) Possibly more money
will be available for the fewer
teachers needed to handle the
"boom" enrollment (4) The Uni
versity, which might have gained
reputation as a fine institution of
higher education a top-notch
school, will suffer from cuts in in
come in the bulk quarters and fin
ally (5) the students who might
have felt they could come to the
University; who might have
dreamed of higher educatian and
Preliminary enrollment break
down as of October 1, 1957:
Colleges 1957 1958
Students at large 50 36
Junior Division 224 218
Agriculture 965 1005
Dentistry 125 122
Pharmacy 82 122
Arts 4 Sciences 1264 1217
Engineering ... 1568 1749
Business Administration 1037 1091
Teachers 1316 1338
Teachers Adv. Prof 208 205
Law 142 185
Graduates 716 694
College of Medicine 467 443
Grand Total 8,164 8,425
By Class:
Freshmen 2042 2237
Sophomores 1435 1613
Juniors 1573 1579
Seniors 1349 1309
Undeclared '..107 36
Dentistry,' Law, Gradu-
ates. Teachers, Adv.,
Prof., Medics 1658 1649
Farmers Earn
Less Money
Than Year Ago
The average Nebraska farmer
last year earned $9,419 and had
$2,776 left to spend after meeting
production expenses, according to
the United States Department of
In the latest report on farm in
come Nebraska's 100,000 farmers
took in $887 million from the sale
of farm products, which was ex
ceeded by only nine other states.
These income figures are below
those of 1955 when farmers took
in $10,254 and had $3,4 remaining
for spending purposes.
KK Fall Revue
Brief skit outlines from organ
izations who wish to try out for
the Kosmet Klub Fall Revue
must be turned In to the Phi
Delt House not later than 9
p.m. Thursday, according to
Morgan Holmes, president.
Holmes stated that each house
should include in the outline the
theme of the skit, songs, and
other general information.
blocked by University students'
"Results of th survey, directed
by Csanyi, will be released dur
ing October and will -then be sub
ject to city council action," the
paper stated.
Apparently most of the Iowa
State students have no place to
park except on city streets as the
average garage rate is three dol
lars per month.
The Ames Bus Company is at
tempting to relieve some of Uni
versity parking burden by instigat
ing a new schedule which went
into effect Tuesday.
"Student wives who are issued
parking permits for "work purposes
also add to the traffic and park
ing problem," the paper reported.
Professor Csanyi stated that
short course sessions at the Uni
versity sometimes cause as many
as 2500 additional cars to be on the
Ames campus at the same time
which adds considerably to the ex-
' isting problem
a chance to compete with the
wealthy and the learned will be
cut off from this opportunity."
In Jan. of 1957 the enrollment
jumped seven per cent from the
past year. 8,180 students were en
rolled compared with 7,639 stu
dents the year before or an increase
of 541 students. Sept., 1957 the Uni
versity had 8,387 regular students
registered or an increase of 535
students over the same period of
Sept., 1956.
That was the fourth successive
year that the enrollment had shown
a substantial gain in regular stu
dents. That increase does not in
clude 2,050 students who are en
rolled in the University's evening
and off campus courses.
The enrollment record of 10,153
students was set immediately aft
er World War II, a sight which
th University wquld like to see
again in the near future.
Chancellor Hardin was quoted
in Sept. 1956, "The interest in
furthering their education will add
to the so-called flood tide of stu
dents which is expected to sky
rocket the University's enrollment
in the '60's."
Sept., 1955 saw 6,531 students en
rolled at Nebraska compared with
5,836 at the same time the year
What do all these facts add up
to? A future increase of students
at the University? So far we have
seen one semester of decreased en
rollment. The Chancellor explained that
170 students were dropped from the
University's rolls for scholastic
reasons at the close of the last se
mester than were dropped the pre
vious year. This, he said, amount
ed to a cut in enrollment and re
sulted from the establishment of
a higher minimum grade require
ment. The old minimum level was
a weighted grade average of a
three. The new' minimum is 3.5
or a grade of about 67 on the
scale of 100. '
In addition, Chancellor Hardin
said, the University this year
tightened up on acceptance of stu
dents transferring from other in
stitutions. Only those in good schol
astic standing were allowed to en
roll. This resulted in keeping out
at least 150 who :n other years
would have been allowed to enter
on a probationary status.
"We have three reasons for be
lieving that the tuition increase
has affected the University's en
rollment," he said.
"First, the number of entering
freshmen appears to be fewer than
a year ago but the scholastic qual
ity of the new class is appreciably
higher. This may indicate that the
tuition increase discouraged stu
dents uncertain of their ability to
do college work."
He said that the University's
New Lab
University dignitaries had much
praise for Nebraska's agricultural
development at the dedication of
the new office and laboratory at
the North Platte Agricultural Ex
periment Station Monday.
Dean of the University Agricul
ture College, W. V. Lambert,
speaking to an audience at the
annual Fall Livestock Feeders
Day at the station, stated that the
station had contributed much dur
ing its 53 years toward improve
ment of agriculture in Nebraska.
Lambert stated that research
becomes more complex with each
additional scientific discovery.
The president of the University
Board of Regents, Dr. B. N. Green
berg, said the building represents
a vote of confidence in the future
because it was built with funds
from the Legislature-approved 10-
year building fund for the Univer
sity and the National Guard.
Chancellor Clifford Hardin dedi
cated the new addition to the ex
pertinent station. Hardin said that
much hard work had gone into
the research which had been ac
complished at North Platte.
Hardin said the dedication had
long since been accomplished by
determined men realizing the im
portance cf research in the field
of agriculture and more specific
ally crop development.
Carl Deitemeyer, one of the
day's principal speakers, cited
Nebraska as a once "sleeping
giant" which is now on the march.
"Our farmers and ranchers are
working more than ' two million
acres of irrigated land and the
end is nowhere in sight," he com
mented. "The number of irrigated
acres in the state has increased
by more than 85 per cent during
the last five years."
YMCA Meeting
There will be a YMCA meet
ing in the Student Union torn ar
row at 4:00 p.m., according to
George Mover, president.
At the last meeting Jim Rim m
was elected vice-president of the
English 3 course, reserved for en-1
tering freshmen who qualify as
superior students, is a good barom
eter for measuring the scholastic
quality of the incoming class.
This year 34 per cent of the
entering Freshmen qualified for
English 3 compared with 20 per
cent last year, and 21 per cent
in 1955. Meanwhile, only 17 per
cent of this year's freshman class
was found deficient and in need
of remedial English as compared
with 21 per cent last year, and
29 per cent in 1955.
"Second," Chancellor Hardin
continued, "the statistical pattern
set by returning students is slight
ly different from what it has been
in other years.
"Preliminary study of this year's
pattern indicates that a slightly
smaller percentage of each class
returned than usually comes back.
If the returning student pattern
had followed the customary trend,
the University would have about
200 more students than are now
"Third, the University's enroll
ment experience this fall deviates
from the ' general experience of
schools whose tuition charges re
mained unchanged. Virtually all of
the schools who did not raise tui
Sixteen girls, seven from the
women's residence halls and eight
from other independent women's
houses, comprise the list of candi
dates selected for the annual hel
lo girl contest, according to Doro
thy Glade, chairman.
The candidates are:
Town Club:
Sandy Foell
Diane Baum
Terrace Hall:
Carol Pohlman
Jean Feater
Womens Residence Halls, Love
Ericka Starck
Union Film
"Battleground" starring Van
Johnson and John Hodiak is the
Sunday night movie at the Union,
according to John West, chairman.
The movie is about the fighting
story of the "Screaming Eagles"
of the 101st Airborne Division who
made foxhole history during the
crucial Battle of Bastogne in 1944.
The movie will be shown at 7:30
p.m. with admission for students
and faculty with identification
cards free.
"Mutiny on the Bunny" starring
Bugs Bunny will be the feature
cartoon of the evening starting at
7:35 p.m. The feature film, "Bat
tleground" will begin at 7:42 p.m.
and will end at 9:40 p.m.
NU Civil Engineers
Schedule Meeting
The Student Chapter of the
American Society of Civil Engi
neers has scheduled their first
meeting for Wednesday, Oct. 2,
in Room 301 Stout Hall. All inter
ested students are invited to at
tend the 7 p.m. meeting. A film
on oil drilling will be shown. Re
freshments will be served.
This meeting will be of special
interest to freshmen, so plan now
to attend.
Pig-Skin Party
The Kansas State-Nebraska game
will be charted play by play at
the Saturday Pig Skin Party in the
Faculty Lounge in the Union at
1:30 p.m. The charter will be Tom
Free refreshments . will be
The Pig Skin Party is sponsored
by the General Entertainment
Committee under the direction of
Barb Meston.
Com off rfs
For Hello G
Back In '49:
Sukms Created Issue
Faculty salaries were creating
an issue in 1949. It was reported
in the Feb. 17 issue of the Daily
Nebraskan that a New York execu
tive shamed the University for low
incomes of professors. Mr. Eugene
Rob, assistant general manager of
Hearst newspaper, spoke before
300 people at an alufnni banquet,
to help celebrate the 80th anni
versary of the University.
"The least that most universities
have been able to do is, to set up
a state-suppoi ted retirement plan
for their faculty members.". Robb
"I was shocked when I inquired
about this in New York before I
tion have had enrollment gains."
The Chancellor said preliminary
figures show enrollment in the
Graduate college is slightly higher
than a year ago. This, he said, is
a further indication of the strength
of the institution's scholastic pro
gram: In an interview James Pittenger,
assistant to the Chancellor, ex
pressed his views on the decrease
with the following:
"One of the factors of the de
crease in enrollment may be from
students not maintaining the nec
essary University average and oth
ers not yet University students
afraid to attempt the challenge of
a college education because of the
grade average.
Asked if the decrease will effect
the expansion program of the Uni
versity, Pittenger replied, "no, the
program will not be affected since
the building levy is a separate fund
supported by the taxpayers of Ne
braska." Could Nebraska increase their
enrollment in the future? was
another question asked of the as
sistant. "A good University has to
have good students thus the exist
ing University body will have to
encourage high school students
and other interested persons to at
Mary Bergshneider
Womens Residence Halls, Raymond
Terry Smith
Women's Residence Halls, Piper
Caroline Boesiger
Jeanne Woodside
Love Hall (College of Agriculture) :
Jane Favener
Margo Franke
Betty Hall (College of Agriculture):
Roberta Switzer
Elda Broomfield
Judging for the five final candi
dates -will be held next Thursday
Oct. 10, in the Union. The judges.
each representing a major activity
on campus, are: Miss Frances Da
vis, BABW sponsor; Dick Shugrue,
Daily Nebraskan; Dick Hagemeier
Innocents: Sue Hinkle. Mortar
Board; Blain McClary, RAM Cowv
cil; and John Kinner, Co-op Coun
cil. The five finalists will be chosen
on the basis of poise, personality,
appearance, grades and activities,
Penny Carnival
Penny Carnival active and
pledge booth chairmen will have
a meeting on Thursday at 7:30
p.m. In the Union. All costumes
must be checked out by Thurs
day. Carnival tickets may be pur
chased at both Ag. and City
Unions, either today or Thurs
day. They will also be sold at
the Men' and Women's Dorms
on Thursday.
Thursday evening, the Coed
Counselors will sell tickets at the
Fraternity houses. Tickets may
also be purchased at the door
Friday night.
Students must bring I.D. cards
to vote on booths.
Main Speaker
Mrs. Cavstt, 5th and 6th grade
teacher at Bancroft School, will
be the main speaker at the Phi
Lambda Theta meeting Thursday
October 3, at 4:45 p.m.
Also, Jan Shuman, President, will
report on the National Pi Lambda
Theta Council.
The Council was held in New
York nty during August.
Delta Phi Delta
Delta Phi Delta, national honor
ary art society, has elected new
They are Dick Moses, president;
Marvin Spomer, vice president;
Irene Nielson, secretary; Mike
Smith, treasurer, and Owen Kautz
man, historian.
left." he continued. "The study
that I was shown covered 119 in
stitutions and all except 11 of the
119 have approved retirement
plans for their teachers. Nebraska
had no plan.
"After a lifetime of faithful
service training young people, the
banishment of teachers to an old
age at the pauper 'level smacks
of something pretty alien to Amer
ica." "In 1949 the total United States
debt in farm mortgages amounted
to 12 per cent of our national in
come. In other words, the less we
owe and the more we own, the
less we are willing to invest in our
tend Nebraska and not other col
Is the spirit of the University
affected in any way by the en
rollment? "Spirited schools are al
ways vital to the development of
an outstanding institution. Spirit
takes in many factors such as
football, basketball, track, glee
clubs, drama and other activities
carried on by the student body.
All of these things affect students
and the whole. University by the
influence of importance students
make through these activities."
How can we encourage students
who rate high scholastically and
others who are athletically inclined
to attend Nebraska was another
question asked of Pittenger. "En
couragement of students to con
tinue their education is a main
factor in getting students to a
school of higher education. Schol
arships help the financial sta'.us
of a student who can't afford col
lege. The Foundation is working
on the problem of out-state stu
dent scholarships.
Instructors at Nebraska do have
an effect on the student body but
not until after a long period of
time. Thus this can not be a factor
in the sudden decrease of students
this semester.
The 1957 Hello Girl will be named
Oct. 19 at the Hello Girl Dance
in the Union Ballroom.
The Residence Halls for Women
were allowed eight candidates thii
year because of the closing of Wil
son and Howard Halls, according to
MiiS Glade.
Miss Glade also added that any
one interested in working on decor
ations for the dance should come
to the Activities Art room in the
Union basement. The theme for
this year's dance will be Hello in
Telephones. Lyle Hansen, former
president of RAM Council will be
master of ceremonies at the dance.
Exam Deadline
The application deadline for the
Foreign Service Examination is
Oct. 28, according to Norman Hill,
professor of International Rela
tions. The applications have to be re.
ceived at the State Department by
that date.
Applications can be picked up at
Mr. Hill's office in the Social
Science building.
The examination is set for De
cember 9 and can be taken in
The test consists of a written,
oral and physical examination. An
English, General Background, Gen
eral Culture and language test
comprise the examination.
NU Graduate
Jerome Warner, graduate of the
University, was recently named
agriculture chairman of the Young
Republican National Federation.
The new chairman, son of the
late Lieut. Gov. Charles Warner,
has been active in 4-H, FFA fuA
other organizations. '
He is director of the Lancaster
County Extension Board, director
of the Salt-Wahoo Watershed Asso
ciation and overseer of Waverly
Grange No. 369.
He spentMast weekend in Wash
ington conferring with leaders of ,
the Young Republicans.
Honorary Smoker
Delta Sigma Pi, professional and
honorary business fraternjty, will
hold a smoker in Parlors A and
B of the Union, Wednesday at 7
p.m. according to Don Martin, pub
licity chairman of the fraternity.
"Students interested in business
are urged to attend the smoker
which will help them to become
acquainted with, the members and
activities of Delta Sigma Pi," be
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