The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1957, Image 1

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Vol. 32, No. 10
Lincoln, Nebraska
Tuesday, October 1, 1957
University Radio
Plans Innovation
Plans are being made to expand
the audience of radio KNUS.
"Up to now the radio audience
has been confined chiefly to those
who live in the dorms but has
subscribed to Program Service be
ginning Oct., 15. This will expand
its audience from a present total
of about 3000 to a total of about 5,
600," Pete Laughlin, a staff mem
ber, said.
Program Service is offered to
subscribers who want background
music or popular music. Most of
4:00 Spins and Needles.
4:55 KNUS Radio News.
6:00 Spins and Needles.
5:30 Five Star Deadlines.
C:00 Eventide.
6:55 KNUS Radio News.
7:00 Sports Picture.
7:15 Campus Record Room.
7:55 KNUS Radio News.
8:00 Campus Record Room.
8:55 KNUS Radio News. v
9:00 Campus Record News.
9:45 Final Report of the Day,
10:00 Sign off.
University To Host Adult
Education Conference
The fourth annual Adult Educa
tion Conference at the University
Is expected to draw between 75
and 100 Nebraska educators, li
brarians, ministers and lay citi
zens interested in adult education.
Robert Blakely, vice president
Of the Fund for Adult Education,
will be the principal speaker. He
will speak on "Discussion in a
Union To Have
Movies Soon
Cinemascope may soon be seen
In the Union on Sunday nights.
Due to increasing attendance at
the Sunday night movies plans are
being made to install a cinema
scope screen by next semester or
at least by next fall.
According to Bob Handy, direc
tor of activities, extra chairs were
needed to seat the Sunday night
audience. Handy considered this
due partly to a better program of
movies and more effective pub
licity. Major events held at the Union
this fall included the Chancellors's
reception, the Chancellor's faculty
party, and the Frosh Hop. Between
800 and 900 students attended the
Chancellor's reception September
13, showing a drop of about 600
from last year. There was a turn
out of 1000 students at the Frosh
Hop September 14, and some 1100
faculty members were present for
the Chancellor's faculty party held
in the Union September 16.
Kandy said some 100 new work
ers have signed up for Union com
mittees and he expects to have
about 300 new workers after AWS
Activities Mart.
Recreational Area
Opened F6r Men
From 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. on Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday
each week, Recreational areas in
the basement of the Coliseum will
be open to male staff members.
Permits for towel, locker, and
lock service may be obtained in
Room 102, Men's Physical Educa
tion Building.
A life guard will be on duty at
the swimming pool.
There will be a Kosmet Klub
Workers meeting Tuesday night at
7:30 p.m. in the Union, according
to Jerry Brownfield, vice pres
ident. People Gone By:
Pad -Reveals
Did you know that in 1935 the
governor of Nebraska was H. L.
Cochran? Also In that year Nebras
ka's Chancellor was E. A. Bur
nett, the dean of Women was
A. H. Heppner and the dean of
men was T. J, Thoippson.
Another fact wnich was true In
1935, was the fact that there were
82 fraternities on campus com
pared to 24 on campus today.
Fraternities represented then
but not now are Alpha Sigma Phi,
Chi Phi, Delta Sigma Delta, Del
ta Sigma Lambda, Delta Theta
Phi, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Al
pha Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi
Kappa Alpha and Xi Psi Phi.
Out of 19 sororities represented
on campus in 1935, there are 15 re
maining today. Sororities that are
today non-existent are Alpha Del
ta Theta, Delta Zeta, Phi Mu and
Phi Omega Pi.
its customers are local stores, how
ever. Most fraternities and sorori
ties also subscribe.
Two other factors will enlarge
the radio audience. The Agricul
ture College has built new dormi
tories for married students and
have wired them to receive KNUS.
The second factor, is that the pro
grams have been scheduled for two
hours later than in the past.
"We should be able to get more
listeners this year than we did in
the past. We begin broadcasting
when most of the classes are out.
More kids can hear us now,
Laughlin said:
A new feature wliich will be em
phasized on the station is the "New
Sound." Disc jockeys will limit the
amount of talking which they do
on the programs, and singing com
mercials and singing weather will
be used.
"As far as I know we're the only
station west of Omaha which has
the "New Sound," Pete Laughlin
The "New Sound" is not only an
innovation on this campus, but no
other college station in the nation
has used it before.
The station breaks will feature
campus celebrities such as Miss
Free Society at 9:30 a.m., and
"Television in the Service of In
dividuality, at the noon luncheon.
At 10:45 a.m. a demonstration
using materials furnished will be
conducted by Emory Austin, di
rector of adult education in pub
lic schools, Hollis Chalquist, di
rector of guidance in public
schools, Robert Malone, leader of
Great Book discussion groups,
John Sheldon, supervisor of adult
education in public schools and
Courtesy Sundny Journal and Star
Olga Stepanek, supervisor of Uni
versity's correspondence instruc
tion and evening classes.
Jack McBride, director of the
University's education television,
will "iscuss educational television
in Nebraska in the afternoon. A
discussion will follow with the fol
lowing participants: John Dalton,
director of extension division at
Chadron State Teachers College,
Donald Emery, dean . of Univer
sity of Omaha's College of Adult
Education, Don Knutzen, superin
tendent of schools, Jack Gilbert,
station manager of KHOL-TV and
James Olson, chairman of the Uni
versity's department of history. -
Glenn Lundstrom, superintend
ent of schools, will preside at the
afternoon session and Emery at
the morniing session.
Chancellor Clifford Hardin wiU-f
preside at the noon luncheon. Reg
istration begins at .8:30 a.m.
Sponsors of the annual program
are the Universities of Omaha and
German Club
The German Club will have a
social meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thurs
day in the third iloor parlors of
the Union. All German students
are invited to attend.
' . ,
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Many Changes On Campus
Innocents, men's senior honor
ary, was founded in 1905 but In
1936 their selection of new Inno
cents changed.
All junior and senior men were
allowed to vote for five juniors.
Men chosen to take positions in
the society were selected from 25
men who received the greatest
numbers of votes out of the. junior
class. - : .
Mortar 'Board, ' women's senior
honorary, also was founded in 1905
with the Black,Masque c h a p t e r
and in 1918 Mortar Board was
founded nationally.
Their selection of MB's was
based on scholarship, personality
and activities. Thirty girls were
chosen from the junior class' by
a vote of all senior women. Mor
tar Boards then chose the girls
(five-to 20 girh) each year to be
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Lincoln Community Concert
A non-profit organisation to be
known as the Lincoln Community
Concert Association has recently
been formed by Lincoln citizens.
The purpose of this organization
will be to bring the world's finest
musicians and musical ensem
bles to Lincoln for a price much
lower than one would ordinarily
Three University of Nebraska
students who are going to assist
in handling the ticket sales on
AUF To Begin Fall
Drive November 5
The All University Fund drive
will be held from November 5
through November 19, according
to Art Weaver, AUF president.
Dates for the drive were errone
ously printed in the Daily Ne-
University instructors will give
instruction to city officials in a
safety engineering program.
The instructions for departmen
tal heads, and city employes are
part of a city effort to reduce
compensation insurance losses.
City Co-ordinator James Mallon
informed the City Council that
Lincoln has had no safety pro
gram for 15 years. The program
will include instructions for de
partmental heads and city em
ployes to be given by University
. The sixweek courses, including
some two mornings each week,
will handle about 25 employes
each session.
Curtis Elliott, professor insur
ance, told the Council in a letter
that "the program will more than
pay its cost in the future in lower
insurance rates." '
Mallon, City Atty. Jack Pace
and other city officials are now
investigating proposals for a re
vised workmen's compensation in
surance plan in Lincoln.
PR Smoker Postponed
The annual smoker of Co P-2
of the National Society of Pershing
Rifles has been postponed because
of difficulty in securing the film,
The Highest Ideals".
The smoker will be held 'in the
Military and Naval Sciences build
ing Thursday "at 7:30p.m. In ad
dition to the movie, there will be
free cigars and cigarettes and free
MB's. This had to be by a unani
mous vote.
Howard Hall, the first cc-oper-fitive
house for junior and senior
women, was established in 1932
in honor of Alice Frost Howard,
the first, woman graduate of the
Wilson Hall for. freshmen and
sophomores was established a
year later in honor of Mrs. Emma
Parks Wilson, first dean of wom
en for the University. ,'
Women's residences in those
days included Conkling Hall, In
ternational House, Love Memorial
Hall, Terrace Hall, Howard Hall,
Rosa Bouton Hall, Rundle Hall,
Wilson Hall, Loomis, Bagley, and
Amikita Halls, Towne Club and
Hesperians. ,
Men had Dorms B and C,
Brown Palace, Cornhusker Co-op
and Pioneer Co-op.
campus for the concerts are,
from left to right: Morgan
Holmes, assistant 1 chairman of
the University division, Marilyn
Heck, chairman of the, Univer
sity division, and Sally 'Downs,
one of the 60 student salesmen
who will canvass the campus.
Students will be able to obtain
tickets from these salesmen for
$4. A more detailed story con
cerning the five performances
this season will be carried in
tomorrow's Nebraskan.
braskan last week. The AUF fall
drive will support one internation
al charity, three national charities
and. one local charity.
The five charities are World
University Service, the Am
erican Heart Association, ' the
National Association for Mental
Health, the N a t-i e n a 1 Multiple
Sclerosis Society and the Lancaster
Association for Retarded Children.
Charities to receive funds are
chosen on the basis of a student
poll taken each spring. The agen
cies are investigated and approved
by the Better Business Bureau and
the National Community Chest of
fice. World University Service, which
will receive 25 per " cent of the
amount collected, helps needy uni
versity students throughout the
world. For the past three years
AUF has been- the largest single
contributor to WUS among mid
western universities.
Mental Health, Heart and Multi
ple Sclerosis will each receive 20
per cent of the donations while
LARC School will receive 10 per
cent. The remaining five per cent
will be used for emergency aid
and AUF expenses.
AUF begins its drive in the fall
with a mass solicitation of students
in which approximately 300 stu
dents volunteer workers partici
pate. The drive continues with the
AUF Auction in December and the
solicitation of faculty members in
the spring.
Daily Nebraskan File
Depicts Past News
The Daily Nebraskan has been
publishing the news around cam
pus for almost sixty years. Have
you ever wondered what has hap
pened in the past on any certain
day? Let us glance back to see
what has previously happened on
the first day of October.
Twenty years ago football . en
thusiasm ran high on campus and
nearly every article in the Rag
pertained to the forthcoming game
between Nebraska and Minnesota.
The front page contained an edi
torial which declared that over 500
students had "lousy" seats, for the
game while any bum in the streets
of Minneapolis could get a seat on
the 50-yard line.
The cry seemed to be 'Biff Bier
man!" in that 1937 paper. Bierman,
the Gopher coach, had Iris name in
monstrous headlines as well as be-
Kosmet Klub
Complete drafts of fraternity
Kosmet Klub skits must be
turned in at the Phi Delta Theta
House before 5:30 p.m. Tuesday
in order to be eligible to partici
pate. Final drafts, will be due
Oct. 15,' Keith Smith, skit chair
man, said.
Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate meeting will
include reports of the Committee
on Student Loans, a Committee on
Committees election and electim
of secretary of the senate. .
The meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday, at 4 p.m. in the Love
Memorial Library.
T Ass
Miss Helen Snyder, Assistant
Dean of Women, has been pro
moted to associate dean in the
Division of Student Affairs. She
replaces Miss Marjorie Johnston
who will
now devote
full time to the
s c h olar
ship program.
When Miss
Snyder joined
the University
staff in "1949
she was direc
tor of counsel
ing and activi
ties at t h e courtesy Lincoln Journal
Women's Res- Colbert
idence Halls. She was appointed
assistant Dean of Women in 1950.
The change was recommended
by Dean J. P. Colbert of the Di
vision of Student Affairs.
"The scholarship program has
been growing by leaps and bounds.
We need someone to be in charge
of it full time, and Miss Johnston
has been devoting full time to it."
Colbert said.
Corporations and private individ
uals have been building the schol
arship fund up to the point where
it is no longer a side issue on the
campus. It has taken on such pro
portions that where a committee
once could handle the scholarships
in a meeting or two it now takes
the full time of a staff and there
must be somebody in charge of
it, Dean Colbert said.
Such corporations as General
Electric, DuPont, and General
Motors have ' made it a practice
to provide funds for scholarships.
New blood is needed in industry
more than it has ever been needed
in the past.
In his state of the University
speech last Thursday, Chancellor
Hardin stressed the fact that now
more than ever the business and
professional worlds are demanding
trained young people.
Corporations have set up special
scholarships to Provide the
trained young people. Most of the
corporations require these people
to work for them after they have
completed their university train
ing. Red Cross
The Red Cross mass meet
ing which was scheduled for
Tuesday has been postponed un
til October 22, according to Kay
Krueger, president.
The meeting was changed In
order to permit freshman work
ers who sign up at the AWS Ac
tivity Mart to attend the meet
ing. Ag Union Activities
Workers To Meet
The annual Mass Meeting for Ag
Union activities workers will be
held Oct. 8 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in
the TV Lounge of the College ac
tivities Building.
The meeting will include a buffet
supper, an orientation period and
Chris Johannsen and publicity
committee memebers are in charge
of arrangements for the event.
tween every story. The following
Sunday after the game, a special
purple edition was published which
lauded Nebraska's 14-9 victory
over Minnesota.
The 1942 Nebraskan, fifteen
years ago, was filled with news of
the war. The lead story explained
how the Homecoming displays
were going to be made of scrap
metal and rubber instead of the
traditional elaborate materials.
Each house was to be allowed only
five dollars to spend on their dis
play. The 1947 paper declared that the
University had gwown to 10,000
students. Main stories were about
the dedication of the new Love Li
brary by Chancellor R. G. Gustav
son the following Sunday and Dr
Kurt von Schuschnigg, former
chancellor of Austria, who was to
come to the University to speak on
"The Problems of Europe." Other
interesting stories ten years ago
were on the University Liquor
Policy which, evidently, had been
violated by some students.
Five years ago sororities and
fraternities were donating the
money alloted for Homecoming to
the polio fund. Students were upset
at the raise in the price of the
Student Directory from 50 to 65
cents. Incidentally it h now $1.75.
News of the Korean War was
boxed on the front page during
October 1 has been an interest
ing day through the years. It will
probably continue to be interesting
as long as the Daily Nebraskan
continues to keep the student body
informed. . , . , ,
Many businesses have taken up
the habit of providing scholarships
for worthy students because it aids
in their public relations. Many of
the smaller universities in the na
tion have been kept alive by gifts
from corporations in the form of
Boeing in Wichita has a unique
setup. They provide scholarships
for the University of Wichita.
The Board of Regents changed
Miss Johnston's title from asso
ciate dean for women to associate
dean, and Mr. Frank Hallgren's
from associate dean for men to
associate deaa.
Mr. Hallgren will continue car
ing for the general welfare of men
The regents also appointed John
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Social Hour
To Highlight
YR Meeting
The University Young Republi
can Club will begin their activities
Thursday evening with their first
meeting and social hour of the
semester at 7:30 p.m. in room
315 of the Union.
This meeting will be the first of
the club's bi-weekly meetings.
A brief outline on the clubs pro
posed activities for the coming
year will be given by Bob Krohn,
president of the organization. The
meeting will be Tollowed by an in
formal social hour and refresh
ments will be served.
New members may sign up at
this meeting, according to Krohn.
Membership dues for the club, in
cluding national dues, amount to
one dollar. Krohn pointed out that
members need not be of voting
age, and that all full-time Uni
versity students are eligible for
membership. He further adds that
this is the ideal time, while in an
intellectual environment for citi
zens to obtain some political ex
perience. New members will be encour
aged to sign up for committee
preferences at this meeting. YR
committees include: membership,
programs, first voters, publicity,
and education.
Krohn said, "As Young Repub
licans we believe America is a
great nation for among other
things its citizens look to the fu
ture and young people are assum
ing an ever increasing role in the
determination of today's policies."
"As a step to further inform
the citizen as a voter the club will
form a first voters committee. This
can be exremely beneficial to the
nation by having an informed pub
lic and by getting more people to
take an active part in their gov
ernment." Staples Elected
GSD President
Robert Staples, assistant pro
fessor of entomology at the Ag
College, was elected president of
the Nebraska chapter of Gamma
Sigma Delta.
Other officers elected were John
Matsushima, associate professor
of animal husbandry, vice presi
den; Mogens Plum, associate pro
fessor of dairy husbandry, treasur
er; and C. O. Gardner, associate
professor of agronomy, secretary.
Gamman Sigma Delta is an agri
cultural honorary for seniors,
graduate students, alumni and fac
ulty members. It emphasizes high
scholarship among students.
NU Radio Society
To Meet Tuesday
The University Amateur P.adio
Society will meet at 7 p.m. Tues
day in the club room at the Mili
tary and Naval Science Building.
Richard Strayer, president, re
quests all members be present as
there will be an election of offi
cers. An activity planning session is
scheduled for the meeting and
each memebr will be invited to
present his ideas and suggestions.
: V S
''i' ' '''''
Latenser and Sons, Omaha Archi
tects, to prepare plans for extend
ing the steam lines at the College
of Medicine to supply the adjoining
Children's Rehabilitation area now
under construction and for extend
ing and paving a drive through
the college of Medicine campus.
The University Board of Regents
Tuesday approved the following
resignations of faculty members:
Dorthy A. Miller, assistant field
work instructor, School of Social
Work, effective June 1, 1957. Ray
mond D. Vlasin, research asociats
in agricultural economics, effec
tive Aug. 2, 1957. John W. Carson,
instructor in history, effective Aug.
31, 1957. (Appointment was for one
year only.) Richard V- Connin, re
search associate in entomology,
effective Sept. 6, 1957, (has been
transferred. by USDA to Bozeman,
Mont., to . do research on grass
hopper research project.) Janet F.
Schmidt, Public Service librarian,
effective Oct. 29, 1957. (plans to
accept high school librarianship in
The following new appointments
were approved Tuesday by the
Juris Silenieks, instructor in ro
mance languages, from Sept. 1 to
June 7, 1958. (Has been graduate
assistant for past two years.)
Mrs. Jean B. Vance, part-time in
structor in geography, for one se
mester from Sept. 1. Robert J.
Stalcup, part-time instructor in
agricultural economics, from Sept.
15, 1957, to Jan. 31, 1958. (Also is
employed as part-time instructor
in Teachers College.) Wayne L.
Howe, research associate in ento
mology, from Sept. 6, in place of
Richard V. Connin (He will do re
search on legume insects. Robert
S. Hinds, part-time instructor in
business organization and manage
ment, for one semester from
Sept. 1.
Alvin E. Kleitsch, instructor in
oral surgery, from Oct. 1. (He re
ceived his Doctor of Dental Sur
gery degree from the University
in 1953. He has had a private
practice in Lincoln since then.)
Herbert D. Ball, assistant instruc
tor in mechanical engineering,
from Sept. 1 to June 30, 1958.
Beunice Doty, instructor in high
school correspondence courses,
from Oct. 1. (Had been commer
cial arts teacher at Wahoo High
School from 1943-53; at Wymore
High School from 1941-43; and at
Stamford High School, 1940-41. She
earned her A.B. degree at Peru
State Teachers College.) Margaret
B. Eitel, instructor in high school
correspondence courses, from Oct.
1. Laverne J. Thelen, science coun
selor and teaching associate in
chemistry, co-appointment with
College of Arts and Sciences, from
Sept. 5, to Aug. 31, 1958. Robert
L. Anderson, assistant in field
work instruction. School of Social
Work, from Sept. 1 to June, 1958.
Dorothy E. Mundt, assistant in
field work instruction, School of
Social Work, from Sept. 1 to' June,
1958. Mrs. Jean M. Troutman, as
sistant librarian, Social Studies
Division, with rank of instructor,
from Sept. 16.
David E. Williams, part-time in
structor in physiology and phar
macology, from Sept. 1 to June
30, 1958.
Frank D. Sorenson, part-time in
structor in University High School,
irom epi. i. was etn graae
teacher in Tecumseh Public
Schools from 1954-57. He will teach
high school biology.) Thomas L.
Weekes, part-time instructor in
University High School, from Sept.
1. (Was instructor in York High
School last year.)
The Regents approved the fol
lowing adjustments:
Russel E. Weiss, assistant in
agronomy, from full time to half
time Sept. 16 to Jan. 31, 1958, and
to three-fourths from Feb. 1 to
June 30, 1958. (Change will allow
him to spend more time working
toward his Master of Science de
gree.) William B. Scott from as
sistant librarian in College of Law
to Public Service librarian, with
rank of instructor, from Oct. 1.
Frank M. Hallgren, from asso
ciate dean (for men) to associate
dean from Oct. 1, Marjorie John
ston, from Kssociate dean (for
women) to associate dean, from
Oct. L Helen A. Snyder, from as
sistant dean to associate dean,
from Oct. L (She has served as
assistant dean since 1950. She is
now in charge of the general wel
fare of all women students on the