The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 13, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, September 13, 1957
Daily Nebraskan Cook & Belmont
Member: Associated Collegiate PreM
Intercollegiate Press
Representative: National Advertising Service,
Published at: Room 20, Student Union
Lincoln, Nebraska .
Htb & R
TlM Dully Nebrankaa M Buoltuheo' Monday. Tvnday,
fVaanaaday and trlilay durlns lh arhool , except
aurtni varatlona and uun rerlnda, and on tuana la
published during August, by tudrnta of lb Dnlyrnlty
erf Mobruka nndrr the authorlraOuo et the Oummltle
as Mtudrnl Affalra aa aa epreanln of ttudrnt eiilnhm,
Publlratlona undr lha JurUdlfllon of the Mibeommltlra
aa ttudnt tultllcatliittt shall be free from adltorlal
aeaeonhlp on tha part tff the Nubeommlttee or oa the
part of any member of the faculty of the I nlvenlty, of
mm tha part of any person outside tho University. Tba
OBemhera af the Nebraskan staff an personally re
aponslhla for what they say, er do or cause to be
(Tinted. February I, IftoS.
nubarrlptloa rates are I! .SO per semester or It far
tha araaVmle year.
Entered as aeeond elasa matter at the pool offlea fts
Lincoln, Nebraska, antler tba net of Ausust , ISIS.
Spirit's Willing
Hold on a minute.
Thii isn't a "Yes, there Is i Santa Claus,
This is more along the lines of, "Yes, there's
something left of the old time Cornhusker."
We can't say with any certainty what it was
like to be around the campus 60 years ago. We
wouldn't have any business
comparing the thens with
the nows. But it could be
kind of interesting to blast
the present spirit of the Uni- t ,'
varaitv and aa what we hit. ,
Students will throng to the
utadium soon to watch the
Cornhuskers in action.'
They'll see Bill Jennings'
quad play their best for
dear old Nebraska U. courtesy Lincoln star
Jennings is the kind of guy Jennings
we like around here. He's unpretentious, he's
a hard worker and he's trying his best to make
Nebraska look good to the critical eyes of the
Students could take his example (and the
example of a hundred other quiet, hard-working
people around this University.)
They need not raise a loud voice every time
high official or a teacher steps out of line.
It would be far better to work hard and attempt
to create the correct atmosphere of an educa
tional institution.
And then . . .
And then if that doesn't work out they could
raise a stink and let the million and a half
people in Nebraska know what's going on and
what they would like to do about it.
In past years the Daily Nebraskan has been
a newspaper which spoke out with the voice of
an uncontented duck. But it spoke when the
need to speak arose. It hasn't dug up trouble
except when it needed to be planted in the minds
of the students around the campus and in the
eyes of the people of the Beef State.
So what?
So this year there will be an attempt on the
part of the Daily Nebraskan to make the spirit
of the University take on a fresh face. Get things
out in the open, we say. Let the students know
Wha's going on.
And if anyone gets in our way, hit them.
Why? Because it's the duty of the newspaper
to be a coach of public opinion. Not to tell
the people how to think but rather what to
think. Not to get in and quarterback the affairs
of the University but to stand on the sidelines
and yell for our side.
There's a lack of big problems on the campus
this year. That's good. But if they should spring
up we'll tackle them with the fervor of a
mountain lion.
We won't condone student apathy to anything.
We'll whack out at any obstacle to the creation
of a wholesome University atmosphere.
Some sage once said," There's no hope for
the satisfied man."
How true. But there's plenty to be dissatisfied
with in the city, in the state and all over the
world without making our own petty fights.
So you know where the University paper stands.
We're counting on the University to stand
behind us.
f?'' aaTn
We mourned their passing.
Two Innocents of last year, Bob Cook and
Ben Belmont, lost their lives in tragic motor
vehicle accidents this sum
Both men had their whole
life ahead of them.
They had worked and
played hard at the Univer-
aitv ihfv hnrl fnitrrht fnr
y yyJt ' - o"" -
t " I what they thought was right
and had gained one of the
high honors of the University
membership in the Inno-
Courteiy Lincoln Journalen's Society.
Cook When such men are killed
we stop to consider our own lives and the great
things which may lie ahead of us. We realize
how important it is to gain some sort of mark
while we are young, for we,
in the tradition of our Ju-
daeo-Christian way of life,:
look towards judgment.
It is depressing when we
consider the futures these
men might have had and the
fact that they were snatched
from life in an instant. But
they had made some mark in
their short lives. We shall!
remember them for that.
And yet. . , .
We mourn their passing.
asl & Amml
' Courtesy Lincoln Journal
The Grind
Around the University of Nebraska campus a
big shot can be one of two things.
Principally it is a person who believes that
the sun rises and stays up over his head
through the long day's journey into oblivion.
It can be the capacity of a freshman at a
social hour off campus.
It should be more than either of these two,
When autumn rolls around and the Mueller
Tower starts chiming in earnest the assembled
fellows of the University make a concerted
effort to instill knowledge in the minds and
hearts of the students entrusted them.
is it
Teaching is a chore sometimes.
Too, it can be a wonderful and satisfying
The new freshman will embark on the trip
across accumulated learning and return home
with a few drops of wisdom in his mind, in
structors are hoping.
This wish can become a reality. Yet it takes
more than a fascinating lecture and a fine set
of visual aids in any one semester.
The Daily Nebraskan recognizes the lure of
the social whirl on this young (mentally) and
fine campus. It advises that students avoid any
distraction from the books other than those
which go to make the life a full and enriching
Certainly there are thousands of students who
have roamed or roared out of the doors of
their respective high schools and demanded
freedom from education. Let them go.
To you who have decided that college will be
enobling, let no one tell you different, we say.
H .it is
This is written for freshmen, of course. Moth
er Experience will vouch for the fact that by
the time one year of college is completed most
students have found the way they want to go.
They will become fatter or thinner through the
summer months. They will grow' tall or slouch
over. But their minds won't be dented by advice
of their peers if they can help it.
So we look to the freshmen and whisper
gently into their ears the words which are
roared at them at other times and in other
Make the most of your education, stay docile,
grow up.
There's a real big shot and the openings for
the position are just about without bounds. He
(or she) is a person who recognizes what this
college business is all about.
Religious Editor
Presbyterial Congregational Fellowship
333 North 14th Street
Rev. .Rex H. Knowles, Pastor
Rev. Verlyn L. Barker, Associate Pastor
Sunday, September 15, 11:00 A.M. Morning
Worship. 5:30 P.M. Fellowship, Program and
Monday, September 167:00 A.M. Bible Study
Tuesday, September 17, 8:00 P.M. Study of
the life of Christ
Wednesday, September 18, 7:00 P.M. Ves
pers. 7:30 P.M., Choir Rehearsal
Wesley Foundation
1417 R Street
Rev. Darrell Patton, Pastor
The Religious Week
Sunday, September 15, 10:45 A.M. Special
Opening Worship
Wednesday, September 18, 7:00 P.M. Choir
Friday, September 20 Gamma Delta (Nation
al Lutheran Student Organization) outing.
Catholic Chapel and Student Fellowship
1602 Q Street
Rt. Rev. Msgr. George Schuster, Chaplain
The Rev. Robert Sheehy
The Newman Club, Catholic student organize-
tion, offers the Catholic student a religious, edu
cational, and social program that is thoroughly
Catholic. The program includes five Sunday
Masses, two daily Masses, First Friday Adora
tion Hours, Daily Rosary and Communion, Con
fessions before all Masses, and annual retreat.
Sunday, September 15. 5:00 P.M. Cost Sup- Also included are pre-marital instruction classes,
per. 6:00 P.M. Forum, "Questions, Who?,
What?, Why?, Where?"
Daily Coffee Hours, 10-11 AM., 3-4 P.M.
J Ag Campus Interdenominational Fellowship
I 3357 Holdrege Street
Rev. Robert Gordon, Pastor
The Ag Fellowship is an interdenominational
house supported by the Wesley Foundation and
serving the students of the Ag Campus.
' Sunday, September 15, 5:00 P.M. Fellowship
and Forum.
Baptist-Christian Student Fellowship
1237 R Street
Rev. Robert E. Davis, Pastor
The Baptist-Christian Fellowship is located in
the Cotner School of Religion building, 1237 R
Street. The highlight of the month will be a
retreat to Camp Merrill, Fullerton. President
Paul T. Losh, Ph.D. of Central Baptist Theo
logical Seminary, Kansas City, will be the
Sunday, September 15, 5:00 P.M. Supper and
Wednesday, September 19, 7:00 P.M. Vespers
Lutheran Student House
535 North 16th Street
Rev. Alvin M. Peterson, Pastor
Sunday, September 15, 10:30 A.M. Coffee.
11:00 A.M. Worship. 5:00 P.M. Lutheran Stu
dent Association, Cost Supper and Program
Wednesday, September 18, 7:00 P.M. Vespers
Daily Coffee and Coke Hour, 3:30-4:30 P.M.
University Lutheran Chapel (Missouri Synod)
15th and Q Streets
Rev. Alvin J. Norden, Pastor
convert classes and instruction, and classes in
University Episcopal Chapel
346 North 13th Street
The Rev. Gilbert M. Armstrong, Chaplain.
Sunday, September 15, 9:00 A.M. Holy Com
munion. 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer. 6:30 P.M.
Canterbury Club
Tuesday, September 17, 10:00 A.M. Holy Com
munion. 7:30 P.M. Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, September 19, 10:00 A.M. Holy
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Rabbi Harold I. Stern, Counselor
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation offers reli
gious guidance for the Jewish students on
campus. The Fundation meets monthly at either
the Sigma Alpha Mu, Zeta Beta Tau, or Sigma
Delta Tau Houses. Through the courtesy of the
Cotner College, 1237 R Street, vespers are held
there every Thursday afternoon. The Founda
tion holds no other regular worship services but
encourages all Jewish students to go to the
Synagogue of their choice.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
Studett Union
IVCF is a student organization which is inter
denominational in character, which seeks to
investigate the claims of Jesus Christ and to
consider his challenge to today's college and
university students. Any student, regardless of
race or religion, is invited to attend. The group
meets on Thursday evening at 'he Student
Union. Also included are discussion groups,
recreation and retreats.
The Galley Slave
dick shugruc
"OK, buddy, you've had It."
This mug in a trenchcoat
looked at me through his high mus
tache and didn't bat an eye. He
was holding a gun pointed right
In my direction. A scar slashed
across his face was grimy and
clotted with monkey grease.
I paused.
I started to sweat.
Then I turned to another station
and flicked on the air conditioning.
That was the estent of my sum
mer. How about yours, kiddies?
Did you work for a living, learn
'fore leaving or yearn for loving?
Whatever, we can rest assured
that the winter months are fast
approaching and the time to buckle
down to the must collectors Is upon
I myself am planning to do well
this semester. My older brother
(the doctor-to-be) kept prodding my
chubby abdomen all summer and
flipping his plates in an effort to
make me take up scholastic en
deavors in earnest.
"It's possible," he said, "for you
to do well." It's Just possible for
Beria to run for president."
Thinking Beria was a Republi
can from Ong I beamed. Learning
that Beria was exiled by the Reds
for being a too-too-Commle I
Have you all gotten your books?
You know, those things with pages
and scribbling? Fine. (Whether
you say yes or no.)
Im sorry to admit that I had a
big deal brewing to get some books
from a frat brother of mine. His
wife decided they needed some
books for their living room now
and consequeutly I was left with
the terrible reality that books
might be necessary to get out of
Then there's tuition. Thanks to
my thoughts in zoology that ecdy
sis was what a strip teaser does
and in ROTC that guns are dirty
weapons rather than "a man's
best friend" I was (what-you-soy)
"sweating" getting a renewal of
my scholarship. Then, too, the 43
solons at 15th and K made sure
we would get stuck for the bill of
education (we'll get to that later
in the semester) so that they could
get the happy folks In the West
happier. So I (and you and the
8,900 students who aren't reading
this) got stuck, as 1 say.
But it has started off to a fine
note. We'll all have a joyous time
this year, the educators have prom
ised. Some prof will be nice enough
to make a disparaging remark
about the Middle West and then
the paper" will have a comment
topic for the semester.
There's no budget, though. We
won't have our daily ration of budget-bull
in the rag. 8
The creative spirit must, then,
dwell upon us.
Create an issue!
Like: What happened to the May
funds for graders?
Like: were a couple of young
men thrown out of school on a
liquor violation which ccurred in
the summer?
Like: Who pays the fines of the
Lincoln Policemen who park their
cars on 10th Street each evening in
a fifteen minute zone for eight
hours (If a ticket is ever given). . .
It'll be a good year, I promise!
The Coal Bin
by jim cole
OK, Frosh, Here's Advice
Well, the months of mental lax
ity are at an end, and the time
has come to tune in the brain. Uni
versity has begun, and so has the
press. And the Nebraskan is see
ing a new columnist this semes
ter. His name is "jim cole", and
he shall write under the title of
"the cole bin". I picked that title
for two reasons: (1) it makes a
nice pun, and (2) it provides an
official receptacle for the deposit
of anything old and worthless.
Anyway, I hope a few words worth
reading can be nutcracked in, be
tween the tongs of all "chefs
d'oeuvre" on this page.
First, a hearty welcome to all
freshmen. I hope you find college
to be fruitful and perhaps even
enjoyable. I believe that I have
profited, so far, anyway. . .Next,
greetings to the old "sailors" who
have found the voyage here worth
the higher enlistment fee. Inciden
tally, I see that Steve Schultz is
aboard I thought he was going to
stay in Iowa; hmmm...
Now, I have some advice for
freshmen. So all of that class perk
up the ears, open the brain, and
come alert, please. However, I
won't go into any school regula
tions and procedures, because that
stuff has been shoved at you
enough, I believe. And besides, I
don't consider regimentation the
only thing of importance around
here. What I want, though, is to
discuss "attitudes", if you can
stomach that topic once more:
O- V-
The chief concern of the begin
ning freshman seems to be crea
ting "impressions". The genteel
high school graduate tries to show
off in order to gain somewhat of a
"worthy" reputation. He becomes
unnatural and, as intelligent peo
ple like to say, "affected." That
is, he puts on "airs" in front of
his classmates and teachers for
acknowledgment's sake. Only the
trouble is that freshmen do not
recognize or admit, anyway just
what they're doing.
The first-year student also
comes with a handy selection of
cliches, fancy words, and solutions
to world problems, in hope that he
wiU acquire a title of "scholar".
But all talking that comes forth
out of this collection is gibberish,
and void, of meaning, because it
lacks thought or idea not stifled
by common opinion of Americana.
Well, that's what they teach over
in Andrews. But let me warn any
one who wants to listen, not to
try "profound" expatiation over
there, because our English teach
ers don't like it. What must be
remembered is your "station" in
life that of a college freshman
(yes, I was one too, once).
You are not capable, yet, of run
ning the world (no, neither am I),
so don't try. Do not load anyone
down with any "philosophy" you
think you might have about
"ideals", "truths", "traditions".
High school students talk in this
"highfalutinness" without saying '
much. What happens is that the
mind injects the brain with a pe
tunia garden. So, of course, "flow
erism" takes the place of thought,
and any pus that the brain ejects
has a sweet aroma but no idea.
y jj. 9
Modesty should be the "style"
to follow. Humble yourself before
upperclassmen and teachers, if you
want to gain any inkling of "re
spect". Open your eyes to your
lack of knowledge and experience,
and get interested in learning, if
you can. After all, that's why
you're supposed to be here. Instead
of trying to teach, be taught. I
mean to regard the opinion of your
campus "elders" as not all but
folly, and benefit from observa
tion. Be slow to mouth your griev
ances, and omit bumptiousness.
(Leave that to the columnists')
t s
Now that I've blasted you, I
want to encourage you. I'm a vet
eran of the first-year struggle, so
I'm sympathetic toward your
"anxieties." The newness of col
lege must be overcome (with the
clock's help, of course), but every
novist at this institution has ex
perienced it. That is, don't be
frightened at becoming an "attend
ance unit" in Avery auditorium of
230 seats.
No one b'ites. And don't be
startled at hearing yourself called
"mister" or "miss". Students are
treated as men and women (well,
part of time). Subsequently they
are expected to act that way.
n n tf.
Then, as I have seen it, the first
thing for a freshman to do is to
acquire a character of unaffected
simplicity. And this is done by be
ing "you" and acting "you." And
next, is to keep your confidence.
I mean at your first "flunks" not
to dash for the employment agen
cy. Chopping rock wouldn't really
appeal to you.
In other words, don't let a few
mistakes scare you off. If a form
B693857202F-38 is received, though,
telling that you're about to become
a memory here, it's time for the
counseling service, perhaps...
The Khoadcsidc
I'll begin this year by skipping
all the usual tear-stained cliches
and nostalgic reminices about the
"beginning of another school year"
and dive immediately into a few
thoughts at hand.
It would seem to me that we, as
past Keepers of the Bastion, should
pity rather than welcome the New
Student to the campus. Let's look
at this brave new world which this
individual Is about to become a
They come with various reasons
to the University. Release from
parental authority for the adol
escent; a sorority affiliation to the
socially ambitious; a door to in
tellectual knowledge for the PBX
hopeful; an invitation to associate
with people of ideas these are
but a few of the hopes secured
within the wide-eyed Freshmen.
But no matter why they came
the point is they're here. But pity
the poor souls
Many boys were wined (beered)
and dined during the summer and
have now accepted a pledge pin.
Many believe they have accepted
the keys to a Las Vegas hotel, to
Stlllman's gym, to the Innocent's
Sanctum, to the Harvard Club.
Then comes the first Monday .
Dave Khoades
evening and a speech from the
leading activity man emphasizing:
"For the prestige you want and
we need, get on a committee."
The class will then be screened to
select the most promising to fill
a vacancy when a Brother moves
up through the Jungle. And then,
welcome to the Society of the
Subtle Sells. The poor souls. ..
Although we must pity the poor
New Student, we must do all we
can to help him adjust to this
brave new world. To do that,
here's a few facts he should know:
that the Kosmet Klub show is renl
ly o.i May 1st . . . that religion is
something to talk about but nol
walk about... that the Devil's Dis
ciples is a very innocent group..
that my most recent book, People
Who Are Walking Absurdities, will
be published in December., thai
the definition of an activity jock
is one who pats you on the back to
find a soft spot to break it...
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